Playing chess with a computer. Play chess with computer

Do you want to have a good rest and switch your brains from endless work or study to something more pleasant? Evenings are made to play chess with a computer - it's hard to find a more interesting and more mind-boggling activity! The main thing is that, contrary to popular belief, playing chess with a computer is almost as cool as playing with a live opponent. Of course, it is impossible to break the rules in this case, and it will not be possible to move the opponent on the head with the queen in case of a loss - this is a minus ...

If you want to become the strongest in this intellectual sport, you will certainly need live opponents with non-standard logic and the ability to generate creative solutions. But you can’t enter the tournament with real champions unprepared: online chess will allow you to train as much as you need! And when you practice playing chess online, you can safely challenge even Kasparov himself to the tournament. There is no doubt: as in any sport, regular training will allow you to prevail in any situation!

A bit of history

Not without reason, we immediately began to compare the board game with a military strategy. It is difficult for us now to imagine that a knight, rook or bishop (which, by the way, does not look like a bishop at all) can have something to do with military operations. Where are the tanks, you ask? Where is aviation? Well, if we decided to get by with the infantry - let there be infantry ... But why then do the pawns rather look not like harsh infantrymen, but like girls in ball gowns?

It is not difficult to answer all these questions if we remember that the history of the game of chess originates in ancient India: scientists agree that the game appeared no later than the 6th century AD. Since at that time humanity was already a fairly civilized and organized society, the battles looked little like primitive fights. It was not the personal endurance and strength of warriors that came to the fore in the art of war, but the ability of their commander to build tactics and plan a battle strategy.

It was somewhat expensive even in those days to work out various tactical schemes on living people, and therefore the ancient rulers decided to come up with something that would allow them to simulate the course of the battle. And they came up with chess - not so much a game as a training ground for generals, a tool for planning and practicing possible tactics. On the board were exactly those troops that the then generals had at that time. Yes, and for the commanders themselves, there was a place: in the role of a king, who brings little use as an ordinary warrior, but without whom the battle is lost instantly.

Of course, there were no tanks in those days - that's why we still play with rooks (chariots), bishops (actually, elephants are elephants) and cavalry. Well, the infantry - where without it? Pawns have the shortest move, but there are always a lot of them, and it is they who start the battle. Well, do you still have doubts that a game of chess perfectly reflects the picture of hostilities?

Chess players of all countries, unite!

Of course, time cannot but affect traditional entertainment. And, although chess has not only existed for a long time, but has also been popular for many centuries, the rules of this game more or less settled down only in the 19th century. Finally, the game acquired the status of not only “ubiquitous”, but “international” with the creation of the FIDE organization. The history and purpose of this community is typical of any such association in the sports world. With the growing popularity of some kind of entertainment, the number of different interpretations of the rules increases, which make it almost impossible to hold more or less large-scale competitions.

To turn a board game into a real sport, it is necessary to create a unified system of rules, a mechanism for awarding sports titles and competition rules. It is these issues that FIDE has been solving since 1924 - that is, almost a century. Of course, no one prevents you from creating your own set of rules - but who will you play with? And after studying the generally accepted rules approved by FIDE, you can play chess with a computer, with a Chinese or with a world champion - and with everyone according to the same rules! In this regard, the game of chess is a universal language of communication, because wherever you go, you can always play a game or two with any local resident without worrying about the language barrier. You just don't need to talk: your moves will say everything for you!

Computer chess player

It so happened that not all of the mind sports are considered equally valuable for mental development. For some reason, an avid gambler will be more likely to be associated in society with some kind of asocial element, while a chess player is a well-deserved and respected person.

I single out this sport among all board games precisely for the fact that in it, as nowhere else, the importance of the manifestation of all aspects of human thinking is great. By reading books and studying the games played by other people, a novice chess player gains a theoretical knowledge base, which you can partially even try to transfer to practice: we all know such a concept as, for example, the “classic opening” - what is it if not an attempt to replace the work of one’s own imagination with reproduction from memory of accumulated combinations?

However, any really talented chess player will beat a beginner in no time, who will reproduce entire scenarios read from books. The fact is that all standard schemes have long been known to the whole world, and therefore are easily predictable. Reproducing even the most ingenious sequences of actions on the board, the player puts himself under attack, because the enemy knows all his steps several moves ahead.

A complex combination of simulated compositions and original finds - this is what true mastery lies in. It's no accident to beat a real champion - more than not an easy task for a computer that, by definition, is only capable of choosing the most successful options from hundreds of thousands of chess games that were once played into its memory.

However, this does not mean that there is no point in playing online if)