Pedagogical psychology. Stolyarenko L.D.


Psychology and pedagogy

Approved by the Ministry of Education

Russian Federation as a teaching aid

For university students

Moscow 2004

Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for Psychology of Russian Universities

UDC (075.8) LBC 88ya73+74.00ya73 С81


Dr. Sociology sciences, prof. V.M. Kukushin

(Head of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Organization

work with the personnel of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation);

Dr. Psychol. sciences, prof. A.I. Pankin;

Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Dr. Ped. sciences, prof. IV. Gorlinsky;

Department of Psychology and Pedagogy in the activities of internal affairs bodies

Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

(early Department Dr. legal sciences, prof. Yu.V. Naumkin)

Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili

Stolyarenko A.M. С81 Psychology and Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2004. - 423 p. ISBN 5-238-00259-9

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the "State educational requirements (federal component) for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of higher education graduates" for the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" and a set of didactic units for the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy".

For university students of all specialties, as well as for those wishing to master the basics of psychology and pedagogy.

BBC 88ya73+74.00ya73

ISBN 5-238-00259-9 About A.M. Stolyarenko, 2001

© UNITY-DANA PUBLISHING 2001 Reproduction of the entire book or any part of it is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.


Russian society is now going through a difficult period of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The hopes of its citizens and the efforts of the state are directed to the comprehensive improvement of life in accordance with the ideas of a society that meets the level of achievements of human civilization and embodies, to a greater extent than before, the ideals of goodness, justice, freedom, protection from lawlessness and evil, providing people with equal opportunities for self-realization and a decent life. This process is complex, contradictory, multi-conditioned. It cannot be carried out by directive or at the request of someone "from above". Whatever the pessimists say, it depends on all the citizens of Russia. It is impossible to realize the ideals in the life of each person without his personal participation. And society is always the same as its citizens and their activity. Life in a society can become better if its citizens become better - more educated, smarter, more cultured, more humane, more democratic, more decent, fairer, more professional, more capable both in personal qualities and in behavior.

All this is especially significant for the younger generation of Russians. The future of Russia and life in it belongs to him, and it will be more prosperous if the generation itself becomes more perfect. It is rightly said that mankind would be marking time if children were not superior to their parents. But such perfection does not come by itself. The educational system in the country, which is an accelerator of social progress, is called upon to help young people become more perfect, achieve more.


The modern concept of higher education in Russia is based on the fact that an educated person should be well versed in life, people, and their relationships. Everyone wants to be strong, skillful, respected, successful in life. To do this, he needs to take care of himself, evaluate himself correctly, make full use of opportunities for self-development, skillfully direct his behavior in order to keep his fate in his own hands. This is possible if he has the appropriate scientific knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, and is not guided by philistine ideas.

Psychology and pedagogy are life sciences. These are applied sciences. Their knowledge is not a ballast for memory that can be thrown away after passing a test or exam. They should enter the system of worldview, practical thinking of an educated person, his internal attitudes and habits, be used as a tool in solving the problems of life and professional activity. It is in this heuristic vein that they are revealed in study guide.

The most incomprehensible thing in this world is that it is nevertheless understandable.

A. Einstein
Section 1.

Psychology and pedagogy:


Chapter 1

Psychology and pedagogy

in life, activity, science

and education

1.1. Academic discipline

"Psychology and Pedagogy", its goals, objectives, functions, concept of study


and pedagogy in higher

The humanitarian intellectual tradition is historically characteristic of Russian education. Today it is built on the basis of the achievements of world civilization and education, the interests of the citizens of Russia and the need to create social conditions in it that meet the ideals of humanism, true democracy, freedom, respect and protection of the rights of citizens. Educated person should be well versed in the life of a society built on such principles, make decisions and perform deeds that meet its written and unwritten laws. The curricula of educational institutions therefore include a number of new compulsory for all academic disciplines, which include "Psychology and pedagogy". It is impossible to build life, work, relationships with people in a civilized, modern way, educate your children, develop and improve yourself, achieve success, help others and society, without possessing a minimum of scientifically reliable information on psychology and pedagogy, but guided only by

1, Psychology and pedagogy in life, activity, science and education

worldly, philistine, largely erroneous ideas.

"State educational requirements (federalcomponent) to the mandatory minimum content and the level undertraining of graduates of higher education in the cycle "General humanitiesnye and socio-economic disciplines» provide that graduate must get an idea about the nature of the human psyche, know the basic mental functions and their physiological mechanisms, the ratio of natural and social factors in the formation of the psyche; to know in what forms a person masters reality, to understand the role of consciousness and self-awareness in behavior, activity, personality formation; understand the meaning of will, emotions, needs and motives; be able to give a psychological description of a person, interpret their own mental states, master the simplest methods of mental self-regulation; understand the patterns of interpersonal relationships in everyday life and organized team; know the forms and methods of psychological activity; possess elementary skills in analyzing educational situations, defining and solving pedagogical problems both in the family and in the work collective. The proposed textbook meets the need for students to master this minimum content and level of training in psychology and pedagogy.

.. Target study of academic discipline

Targets and goals studying psychology"Psychology and pedagogy" in higher education
and pedagogy in an educational institution: increase in

development of young professionals in matters of scientific psychology and pedagogy, psychological and pedagogical issues of their self-realization and self-affirmation in life and professional activity. Main goals:

  • familiarization of students with the basics of psychological and pedagogical sciences, their capabilities in successfully solving life problems and professional activities that arise before every person and human communities;

  • achievement of scientific understanding by students of the foundations of psychological and pedagogical realities, their manifestations and influences in the life and activities of people;


Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

  • revealing the role and possibilities of psychology and pedagogy in self-realization 1 and self-affirmation 2 of a person;

  • familiarization of students with the psychological and pedagogical foundations of life and activity in the conditions of modern Russian society, promoting the development of elements of state thinking and an active citizenship in them;

  • psychological and pedagogical preparation of students for the upcoming professional activities;

  • assistance to the humanitarian development of students, their psychological and pedagogical thinking, observation, culture of their attitude towards people, communication and behavior;

  • familiarization with the possibilities of using the recommendations of psychology and pedagogy in improving students' personal education, upbringing, in mastering curricula, improving professional skills, mastering psychological and pedagogical techniques;
1 It is important for every person who was born, to whom life is given,
make full use of its potential. This is first of all
is associated with the opportunities to become a person who meets the world level of dos
typification of human civilization, who has mastered universal morality
values, intellect, education, culture, abilities,
professional skill, as well as the benefits that can provide
modern society. It depends primarily on the person himself, on his
work on oneself, the desire to achieve a lot in life, purposefulness,
perseverance, from smart, skillful, morally clean and lawful use
opportunities, rights and freedoms provided by life and society
baud. All this is implied when talking about self-realization person.

2 Self-affirmation - the most important product of self-realization. Man is his
lela, advantages and disadvantages embodied in the products of life and activity
sti. A person is not what he thinks about himself, but what his mind, hands, will have created,
his moral, hard work. A person expresses himself and asserts himself in words.
in that long train-trace that he leaves in life. He is self-affirmation
in the opinion of people about him and his deeds, in the position among them in which he
turns out as a result. Self-affirmation is also objectively justified
his respect for himself as a worthy person who has not soiled himself
nothing, a man with a clear conscience, who has nothing to be ashamed of. Samout
saying in one's self-consciousness is connected with the understanding that the precious and
the unique time of life has not been wasted and is not being wasted, the possibilities
conditions, prevailing circumstances, their rights and freedoms are not “carried away
rum" into the irretrievable past, but are used and used in full, and if
there is something missed, then you need to reproach yourself, and not others.

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, activity, science and education -| -\

Formation of a personal attitude to use the provisions and recommendations of scientific psychology and pedagogy in one's life and work, as well as an interest in continuing to work to improve one's psychological and pedagogical preparedness.

It is based on the following fundamental
The concept of studying the underlying provisions. "
academic discipline. ,-.

1. On psychology and pedagogy, write


and pedagogy "we are mountains of books, knowledge of these on Uk is extensive,

they can be presented in multivolume

encyclopedias and study in programs that require more than one hundred hours of study. The main task of the textbook intended for students of higher educational institutions is to select a minimum of content that meets the State educational requirements, fits into the limited volume of the manual, but retains scientific character, sufficient completeness, integrity, logic, consistency and practicality. Unlike most published textbooks and textbooks on the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy", in which 70 percent or more of the content is devoted to psychology, in this manual these sciences are presented on an equal footing. The point here is not scientific ambitions, but the fact that universities have not yet properly assessed the significance of the data and recommendations of pedagogy for the life and work of an adult, and even more so, a highly educated person 1 .

2. Psychology and pedagogy are related but independent sciences. In the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" they are presented in the combined academic discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy", which indicates the need for their interconnected study. This option has a right to exist. The logic of any academic discipline does not have to be identical to the logic of science; in essence, not sciences should be studied, but scientific knowledge about the corresponding side of reality, combined with generalization

1 This is also confirmed by a survey of students' opinions about the usefulness of studying 12 disciplines of the humanities cycle. Psychology ranks third and Pedagogy ranks eleventh (Sheregi F.E., Kharcheva V.G., Serikov V.V. Sociology of Education: Applied Aspect. - M., 1997. - S. 107-108).

12 ChapterI. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

rich practical experience and subordinated to the tasks of preparing students in their future life and professional activities. Psychology and pedagogy have many interrelated theoretical positions, and even more so - areas of practical application, which makes it possible to study them in a single academic discipline. At the same time, two extremes should be avoided: study in two independent sections (section 1 - psychology, section 2 - pedagogy) or turn it into a mixed study of “psychological and pedagogical knowledge”.

Science requires a differentiated approach, practice - an integrated one. The position of an academic discipline as a general educational discipline, the ideological significance of the scientific, psychological and pedagogical knowledge included in it, do not allow their confusion (perhaps appropriate in some practical courses). At the same time, the need to overcome scholasticism, remoteness from life and an understanding of practicality requires not diluting them, but drawing closer together. These contradictions can be resolved by studying the most important theoretical and applied problems as common, but with the observance of a separate consideration of the specifics of their psychological and pedagogical understanding.

The described approach is implemented in the textbook, but it allows you to vary the plans for studying the academic discipline. If in some educational institution For some reason, preference will be given to a consistent study of psychology and pedagogy in two sections, then it is easily feasible by separating the corresponding paragraphs into them in the chapters of the manual.

  1. "Psychology and Pedagogy" is studied in the system of higher education, is included in the curricula for training specialists in the most various areas professional activity. That's why general provisions psychological and pedagogical sciences, it is reasonable to combine with the study of their professional applications, with the needs of skillful communication and cooperation, mainly with adults. However, it is a mistake to reduce their professionalization to teaching in secondary school, as is often done.

  2. Psychology and pedagogy are sciences that are turned to practice, immersed in the thick of the problems of human life and society, looking for answers to their most pressing problems, but in the minds of many people they seem to be purely theoretical, consisting of hard-to-remember definitions. In that
1 Psychology and pedagogy in life, activity, science and education -y h

it is not the people who are to blame, but the teaching, the content and style of many teaching aids.

The study of psychology and pedagogy, even its most fundamental provisions, will fulfill its functions if it is built not on abstractions for memorization, but as a deep and figurative understanding of psychological and pedagogical realities, as conclusions from life experience, as lessons for today's practice and the future. More practical teaching is needed in terms of content, forms and methods.

5. The study of the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy" is not a simple transfer of a certain amount of knowledge to students, but also a personal act designed to promote general and professional advances in their personality. This is achieved by implementing in it the complex psychological and pedagogical functions.

Educational and ideological the function is to significantly expand the knowledge of students about a person, without understanding of which the world remains unknown, and the life of society seems to be a big buzzing mess. Everyday knowledge and judgments about a person, his fate, opportunities, which for various reasons are acquired in the experience of life by each person and which for the most part can be attributed to delusions, are replaced by scientifically reliable, systematized knowledge, turn into views on life, into beliefs, reliable reliance on life path.

Educational and mobilizing the function is expressed in the powerful contribution that psychology and pedagogy make to the humanization of the person who studies them. People who are aware of their issues in a different, deeper and more detailed way, begin to perceive other people, contacts with them, build relationships and behave in a more civilized way. There is probably no such person who, studying psychology and pedagogy, would not try on their situation for himself. A more reliable assessment of oneself, one's strengths and weaknesses begins, an understanding of missed opportunities and motivation for self-improvement, for more civilized behavior, for following the recommendations of these sciences. Understanding the possibilities to be better, more successful in life, knowing the real possibilities of self-realization and self-affirmation equips with optimism, turns from a beautiful slogan into an attractive and achievable reality, and most importantly, one that depends on oneself.

Vital-practical function is to enrich students with knowledge and attitudes to use many specific

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the "State educational requirements (federal component) for the mandatory minimum content and level of training of higher education graduates" for the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" and a set of didactic units for the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy".

For university students of all specialties, as well as for those wishing to master the basics of psychology and pedagogy.


Russian society is now going through a difficult period of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The hopes of its citizens and the efforts of the state are directed to the comprehensive improvement of life in accordance with the ideas of a society that meets the level of achievements of human civilization and embodies, to a greater extent than before, the ideals of goodness, justice, freedom, protection from lawlessness and evil, providing people with equal opportunities for self-realization and a decent life. This process is complex, contradictory, multi-conditioned. It cannot be carried out by directive or at the request of someone "from above". Whatever the pessimists say, it depends on all the citizens of Russia. It is impossible to realize the ideals in the life of each person without his personal participation. And society is always the same as its citizens and their activity. Life in a society can become better if its citizens become better - more educated, smarter, more cultured, more humane, more democratic, more decent, fairer, more professional, more capable both in personal qualities and in behavior.

All this is especially significant for the younger generation of Russians. The future of Russia and life in it belongs to him, and it will be more prosperous if the generation itself becomes more perfect. It is rightly said that mankind would be marking time if children were not superior to their parents. But such perfection does not come by itself. The educational system in the country, which is an accelerator of social progress, is called upon to help young people become more perfect, achieve more.

The book is a collection of biographical sketches and contains a wide variety of information about the life and scientific activity a number of outstanding psychologists - scientists whose contribution to the development of modern scientific knowledge is truly invaluable. The heroes of the book are the true "pioneers" of psychological science, who laid the foundation for late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, the basis for the formation of this still mysterious and extraordinarily attractive branch of knowledge for each of us.

It is intended for professional psychologists, students of psychological faculties and all those interested in psychology.

Fundamentals of psychology

The textbook provides an accessible presentation of the basic concepts and modern scientific information in the following areas: "Psychology of cognitive processes", "Psychology of consciousness", "Psychology of personality", "Modern psychological concepts", "Age psychology", "Social psychology", "Pedagogical psychology ".

Fundamentals of Psychology in Exam Questions and Answers

The textbook contains the main modern scientific information on the basic issues of psychology in accordance with the State Education Standard of the Russian Federation for the course "Psychology".

In the form of examination questions and answers, the educational material is presented concisely, accessible, which allows students to quickly and successfully master the necessary amount of knowledge to pass the exam in the disciplines "Psychology and Pedagogy", "General Psychology".

Pedagogical psychology

The textbook, in accordance with the state educational standard, deals with the main problems of pedagogical psychology: the psychological aspects of educational activities, pedagogical and educational activities, the psychological characteristics of students and teachers, the psychological characteristics of education in primary and secondary schools, vocational education, problems of education. It includes psychodiagnostic methods to identify the individual characteristics of students, teachers, motivation, professional inclinations.

It is intended for students, graduate students, students of the FPC, studying the discipline "Pedagogical psychology", as well as teachers of schools, technical schools, universities interested in the problems of pedagogical psychology.

Psychology of business communication and management

The training manual outlines the psychological foundations of business communication, interaction and management of people, taking into account their temperament, character, psycho-sociotype, position in communication.

The regularities of leadership and management, conditions and criteria for the effective activity of a manager are considered. The etiquette and ethics of business relations are analyzed.

Psychology and Pedagogy for Technical Universities

The textbook is written in accordance with the educational standard for the course "Psychology and Pedagogy" for technical universities.

It deals with the object and subject of psychology, the relationship between subjective and objective reality, the activity of the psyche, behavior and activity, the structure of subjective reality, personality and interpersonal relationships, will, general and individual in the human psyche. The fundamentals of engineering psychology are outlined.

2nd ed., revised. and additional - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2003 - 544 p.

The textbook, in accordance with the state educational standard, deals with the main problems of pedagogical psychology: the psychological aspects of educational activities, pedagogical and educational activities, the psychological characteristics of students and teachers, the psychological characteristics of education in primary and secondary schools, vocational education, and the problems of education. It includes psychodiagnostic methods to identify the individual characteristics of students, teachers, motivation, professional inclinations.

It is intended for students, graduate students, students of the FPC, studying the discipline `Pedagogical psychology`, as well as teachers of schools, technical schools, universities, interested in the problems of educational psychology.

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Chapter 1. Educational psychology as a science
1.1. Subject and tasks of educational psychology 3
1.2. Research Methods 7
1.3. The history of the formation of domestic educational psychology 16
Chapter 2. Psychology of educational activity 26
2.1. Education and educational systems 26
2.2. Theories of learning 29
2.3. The concept of development and learning L.S. Vygotsky 34
2.4. Levels and forms of learning 38
2.5. Strategies for the formation of new knowledge and abilities 41
The strategy of the formation of the psyche - the strategy of internalization 41
Exteriorization strategy 47
Problematization and reflection strategy 48
2.6. Learning process and concepts 49
Directions of modern education 53
2.7. Pedagogical design and pedagogical technologies 55
Principles of pedagogical design.: 58
Types of pedagogical creativity 59
Learning technologies, 59
Chapter 3. Psychology of educational activity 62
3.1. Structure of learning activities, 62
3.2. Learning objectives and learning activities 70
3.3. Psychological factors influencing the learning process
Chapter 4. Psychology of students (schoolchild, student) 93
4.1. The ratio of learning and development
4.2. Development of the cognitive sphere and intelligence 98
4.3. Personal development 107
Epigenetic theory of personality development by E. Erickson 113
Concepts of personality development according to Adler and E. Bern 118
Theory of intentionality (intentions) 119
Humanistic approach to personal development 122
4.4. Business development 124
4.5. Learnability and its criteria 125
4.6. Age and individual characteristics of younger students 127
4.7. Psychological neoplasms in primary school age. 140
4.8. A teenager as a subject of educational activity -
4.9. Senior student as a subject of educational activity 152
4.10. Student as a subject of educational activity 160
4.11. Motivation and learning motives 167
Methodology for diagnosing the degree of satisfaction of basic needs 168
T. Ehlers' methodology for diagnosing personality for motivation for success
T. Ehlers' methodology for diagnosing personality for motivation to avoid failures 173
Schubert's method for diagnosing the degree of readiness for risk. 175
4.12. Individual features of temperament, psycho-sociotype, character of students 177
Types of temperament and their psychological characteristic 177
Character accentuations 183
4.13. Self-concept and student self-esteem 187
4.14. Aggressiveness and aggressive behavior of young people
Scientific approaches to explaining the aggressiveness of crime 200
Annex to chapter 4. Psychodiagnostic methods
Characterological features of the personality of students 215
Chapter 5 „Psychology of the teacher
5.1. The structure of pedagogical activity
Methodological structure of pedagogical activity 230
Pedagogical act as an organizational and managerial activity 232
Self-awareness of the teacher and the structure of pedagogical activity 235
5.2. Teaching profession and pedagogical abilities.;
5.3. The orientation of the personality of the teacher and the types of teachers
5.4. Pedagogical social perception 255
Chapter 6
6.1. Philosophy of schooling 263
6.2. Developmental training 265
6.3. Psychology of learning in primary school 268
6.4. Individual work with students on the formation of educational motivation 274
6.5. Formation of initial logical methods of thinking 277
6.6. Psychological skills
6.7. Specific tricks cognitive activity 295
6.8. Ability to learn 298
6.9. Junior students. "Risk groups" 300
Left-handedness 303
Children with emotional disorders 306
6.10. Psychological service at school 308
6.11. Relationships of classmates 311
Appendix to Chapter 6. Psychological Methods 318
Sociometric study of the structure of relationships in a group 318
The study of the psychological climate of the team 327
School Intelligence Test (SIT) 329
Chapter 7. Psychology of education 349
7.1. Education and its laws 349
7.2. Moral development 358
7.1.1. general characteristics preventive behavior of minors 360
7.2.2. Violations of socialization 372
7.2.3. Grouping of characters and their shortcomings 376
7.2.4. Types of pedagogical and psychological correction of "difficult teenagers" 383
Chapter 8. Psychology of Vocational Education 399
8.1. Predicts, tasks, history of the development of the psychology of vocational education 399
8.2. Professional self-determination and classification of professions 406
8.3. Theories of professional development and choice of professional preferences 414
8.3.1. Psychodynamic direction 414
8.3.2. Scenario theory 418
8.3.3. The theory of professional development by D. Super 421
8.3.4. Typological theory of J. Holland 422
8.3.5. E. Ginzberg's theory of compromise with reality 425
8.4. Professional suitability” vocational guidance and vocational selection “, 429
8.5. Psychological aspects of the professional development of personality. -
8.6. Professional education didactically neglected students in secondary specialized educational and professional institutions
8.7. Industrial and vocational training: the formation of professional skills and abilities 451
8.8. Professional training and formation of professional thinking
8.9. Psychological and didactic foundations for the construction of training courses
8.10. Psychological features of the assimilation of knowledge and the problem of the formation of individual styles of educational and cognitive activity 472
8.11. Socio-psychological aspects of training and education
8.12. Pedagogical communication
Appendix to Chapter 9. Psychodiagnostic Methods 508
Career guidance and career choice 508
Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire (DDO)
Occupational Classification and Holland's Occupational Choice Questionnaire, 510
Test tasks for knowledge control