Smolensk State Medical University Department of Postgraduate Education. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Center for Complementary vocational education
Saratov State Medical University
Administration Kuligin Alexander Valerievich— director of the center, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor
Voiteshak Alexander Anatolievich— Deputy Director of the Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Solovieva Marina Vasilievna— document manager
Abdrakhova Zhanna Viktorovna- specialist
Kazymaeva Olga Olegovna- secretary

Contact Information Phone: (845-2) -66-97-12 E-mail: Please enable JavaScript in your browser

Faculty of Advanced Studies and professional retraining specialists, established in 1960, is one of the oldest faculties in Russia. Additional professional education includes the training of medical and pharmaceutical workers in advanced training and professional retraining cycles.

The educational process is conducted at the own clinical bases of the Medical University, at the clinical bases of medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Saratov Region, at the bases of medical institutions of other regions in the implementation of field training.

Thanks to joint work with regional health departments, specialists working in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Mordovia, Penza, Tambov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Ulyanovsk, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Orenburg and other regions of Russia improve their professional level.

Classes with students are held at 60 departments of the university in 57 specialties. The departments that are part of the structure of the faculty have a highly qualified teaching staff. More than 5,000 doctors are trained at the faculty annually.

In addition to traditional teaching methods (lectures, practical classes, seminars), modern methods are widely used at the faculty - role-playing games, problem-based business seminars, lectures - discussions, scientific and practical conferences, round tables. At the clinical departments, classes are held on the clinical analysis of patients, discussion of reviews on the history of the disease, educational training and information films and computer programs are shown. Many departments conduct the educational process using distance learning technologies. The faculty takes part in the implementation of continuing medical education programs.

The assessment of the quality of training of specialists is carried out according to the results of the final three-level exam, which includes a test control of knowledge, a test of mastering practical skills based on solving situational problems and a final interview.

The departments and the dean's office regularly conduct consumer surveys educational services— listeners in order to determine student satisfaction educational process. Sociological studies of employers' satisfaction with the level of specialists' training are being carried out. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, taking into account the opinions of consumers, promising directions for improving the activities of the faculty are developed.

In 2017, based on the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists was renamed into a center for additional professional education.

History of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Institute of Postgraduate and Additional Education, Faculty of Postgraduate and Additional Education of the Stavropol State Medical University (INDPO FDPO SSMU).

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the FDPO was reorganized from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical, Pediatric and Dental Faculties (order of the rector No. 127 of 04.10.1990) and since February 1991 exists as an independent unit (order of the rector No. 20 of 14.02.91).

For 11 years, since the founding of the department, its head was Ph.D., associate professor Rogov Vladimir Matveevich.

The first composition of the department:

Rogov Vladimir Matveevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department;

Kornienko Georgy Vasilyevich, PhD, assistant of the department;

Derbinyan Nina Alexandrovna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the department;

Latenkova Nadezhda Yurievna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department;

Korotkov Vyacheslav Erikovich, assistant of the department;

Tovkan Stanislav Vasilyevich, candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the department.

Since September 2003, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhkov Valery Vladimirovich.

The current composition of the department:

Ryzhkov Valery Vladimirovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department;

Gasparyan Susanna Artashesovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Ingushetia;

Minaev Alexander Borisovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department, Chief Physician of the Municipal Healthcare Institution "City Stavropol Clinical Emergency Hospital”;

Antashyan Galina Georgievna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department;

Khomenko Nina Evgenievna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant - head of the department interns;

Papikova Karine Alexandrovna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant - head of the department interns;

Dolgov Vladimir Nikolaevich, candidate of medical sciences, assistant - head of the department interns;

Ionova Rusudan Magometovna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant - head of the department interns;

Podina Natalya Viktorovna, candidate of medical sciences, assistant - head of the department interns;

Chernomazov Stanislav Vladimirovich, assistant - head of the department interns;

Bondarenko Andrey Ivanovich, candidate of medical sciences, senior laboratory assistant of the department, labor veteran;

All teachers are experienced clinicians and have the highest qualification category in obstetrics and gynecology.

Our employees who worked at the department from 2000 to 2008. :

Eliseeva Marina Yuvenalievna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Ingushetia, currently working in Moscow, in medical center"Altra-Vita"; working on his doctoral dissertation.

Often Elena Genrikhovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, currently Head of the Department of Health and Safety of the Ministry of Health of the Stavropol Territory;

Nezdominova Elena Igorevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Ingushetia, Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Stavropol Territory;

The main bases of the department are GBUZ "City Clinical Emergency Hospital of Stavropol". On this base, a modern obstetric building with 100 beds and a gynecological department for 70 beds, the Stavropol Regional Clinical Hospital, which includes a gynecological department for 60 beds, the Shpakovskaya Central District Hospital, the Clinical Polyclinic No. Stavropol.

Separate classes with cadets are held at the Stavropol Regional Clinical Perinatal Center, the Stavropol Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center, the Stavropol Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center, the Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, the Stavropol Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, GBUZ "Consultative and diagnostic polyclinic" in Stavropol, MHI "Maternity Hospital" in Kislovodsk, GBUZ "City Hospital" in Nevinnomyssk and the medical center "Visit".

The main scientific direction of the department is the protection of women's health, the prevention of reproductive losses. During the existence of the department, its employees and applicants defended 3 doctoral and 22 master's theses, received 5 patents for inventions, published 8 monographs, published more than 400 scientific works in the central and local press. The most significant publications are numerous monographs, guidelines, textbooks in which the staff of the department are the authors, or co-authors of the works:

"Prevention of morbidity and mortality of the female population", monograph - the authors of prof. Ryzhkov V.V., chief pediatrician of the MZSK Kuznetsova O.B., ass. Department of Pediatrics, FDPO StSMU Kulakova E.V., Stavropol, 1997;

"Anomalies of the sex and genital organs", monograph - the authors of prof. Derevyanko I.M., prof. Derevyanko T.I., prof. Ryzhkov V.V., Stavropol, 1997;

"Prevention of reproductive losses", monograph - authors prof. Manukhin I.B., prof. Ryzhkov V.V., Deputy Minister of the MZSK G.N. Fedosov, Stavropol, 1999;

"Obstetric bleeding" tutorial- authors prof. Ryzhkov V.V., associate professor Rogov V.M., Stavropol, 2001;

"Urogenital trichomoniasis in women and bacterial vaginosis", monograph - authors prof. Chebotarev V.V., Ph.D. Zemtsov M.A., Ph.D. Gonnova L.N., Ph.D. Nezdominova E.I., Stavropol, 2003;

"Endometriosis. Modern look on the problem”, monograph - the authors of Acad. Adamyan L.V., prof. Gasparyan S.A., Stavropol, 2004;

"Optimization of the combined treatment of patients with endometrial cancer", guidelines - author prof. Minaev A.B., Stavropol, 2005;

"Vaginal ectopia of the urethra and urogenital sinus in women", monograph - authors prof. Derevianko I.M., prof. Derevianko T. I., prof. Ryzhkov V.V., Ph.D. Eliseeva M.Yu., Stavropol 2005;

Every year, about 180 obstetrician-gynecologists from the Stavropol rayon, subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, territories and regions are trained at the department Russian Federation, near and far abroad. There are also traveling forms of training for doctors in the territories of the Stavropol Territory and the republics of the North Caucasus.

The department also trains interns and clinical residents, incl. - Foreigners.

A powerful human resources potential, numerous well-equipped bases and excellent technical support of the department make it possible to train doctors at a high level.

The department has a close relationship with the practical health care of the Stavropol Territory. Head of the department prof. Ryzhkov V.V. for 20 years he was the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the Stavropol Territory, assistant to Fedosova G.N. from 1988 to 2008 served as Deputy Minister of Health of the Stavropol Territory. Professor Minaev A.B. is the chief physician of the State Medical Institution "City Clinical Emergency Hospital of Stavropol"; Associate Professor Antashyan G.G. and assistants Ionova R.M., Khomenko N.E., Papikova K.A., Naumenko N.N., Ledeneva E.Yu., Dolgov V.N., Chernomazov S.V. - successfully combine work at the department and in practical healthcare.

Employees of the department advise and supervise the most difficult pregnant women, women in childbirth, puerperas and gynecological patients of the Stavropol Territory and adjacent territories, take part in the work of the commission for attestation of obstetrician-gynecologists, commissions for obstetrics and gynecological care.

New technologies are actively implemented in obstetrics and gynecology: perioperative prevention of purulent-septic complications in obstetrics, transition to family-oriented pregnancy and childbirth, family planning, unique surgeries for gender correction and transformation are carried out. Combined methods of treatment of patients with endometrial cancer and endometriosis are constantly being improved. New methods have been developed for the prevention of severe forms of hemolytic disease of the fetus of a newborn using enterosorbents. Endoscopic diagnostics and treatment of varicose veins of the small pelvis has been introduced.

Thanks to many years of joint work with the medical network, the main quality indicators of obstetrics and gynecological care have changed for the better: maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, the frequency of abortions and their complications have decreased, the quality of life of women who have had severe gynecological diseases has noticeably improved.

Employees of the department, having extensive practical and theoretical experience, are ready to transfer it to specialists studying at the department.

The name of the training cycles for specialists at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, INiDPO FDPO, StSMU.

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Sgmu postgraduate education

Postgraduate education structure MK sgmu. The level of secondary vocational education), competitions of drawings, crafts, photos of one hundred talents: creative competitions for children, parents, teachers - diplomas for employment of specialists. Postgraduate education of specialists occupies an important place. Education education. For almost a century of history of its development Samara State. info- postgraduate education Smolensk State medical Academy. Official website of gbou vpo sgma. The Center for Postgraduate Training and Improvement of Specialists was opened on 01. The Institute of Nursing Education as part of the University, the Institute of Nursing Education was established in 2006 on the initiative. Higher education in Austria without intermediaries.

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