Dominican women and their figures. Interesting facts about Dominican women

If you thought that I urge you to go to the Caribbean to soak up the white sand, swim in the azure water and win the heart of the local handsome man, then you are mistaken, I'm talking about something else. I'm talking about local women. And the point here is not at all about beauty, although if there were sex meters, then the indicators on them went off scale. Most have such appetizing forms that Kim Kardashian just frantically smokes on the sidelines. Dominicans are famous all over the world for their "ass". It's about how they carry themselves.

Here I am sitting in the central cafe in Santo Domingo (this is the capital of the country, in case you don’t know) - El Conde, sipping juice from the "chinola" - that's what they call passion fruit here - and nervously looking around, suddenly someone will notice, that I have peeled off the varnish from one nail. And she floats by - curly hair casually gathered in a bun, an outstanding ass and a smile in all 33 teeth ... It seems to me that they have more teeth, otherwise why do they show them so often? She is open to the world, she is not afraid of anything, it is noticeable that she is in harmony with herself. She steps as if she were not walking past the first church in the New World, but on the catwalk in front of a crowd of thousands of enthusiastic admirers. She clearly does not care about the dollar, the overdue deadline and how she looks. So why does a Dominican woman dressed in jeans and a T-shirt feel like a goddess, but I don’t? Why do I worry about manicures, and she has generally unkempt hands, but she does not worry about this?

It's all about confidence. Therefore, fiery sexual energy emanates from them, which is felt even by women at some physiological level. This confidence is read in everything: in her every step, gesture and movement. And you, willy-nilly, follow her with your eyes, like all the men sipping Santo Libre (rum and sprite) after a hearty traditional Dominican dinner La Bandera - rice, meat and beans.

Where does it come from

I think we have a lot to learn from the Dominicans. They love music. They constantly mumble something under their breath. But most of all they love to dance! Enticing rhythms of merengue and bachata are heard everywhere. In the capital, for example, every weekend they hold live music concerts on the ruins of the San Francisco monastery, the whole city gathers and dances non-stop. Everyone can dance here - from young to old! And men do not stand aside, but light it up so that it gets hot! Do not believe? Check out any local bar or colmado, a corner shop where you can buy everything you need, drink a bottle of Dominican beer and dance at the same time. Do not pass by, everyone here is ready to teach you how to dance bachata. When a person feels good, his soul sings! And dance is the best way to liberate yourself, to feel your body and the core inside yourself.


"I'm trying to build my new life without your love/ and I've come this far/ I almost forgot you," howls Zacarias Ferreira. I feel the taste of your kisses on my lips / I still feel your hands caressing my skin," Monchi and Alexandra pull. If you translate the lyrics of their songs into Russian, it becomes clear that they are all about unrequited love, and men for women. most ballads is this: she is proud and impregnable, and he wants to touch her and is ready for anything to keep them together.At least, I heard only one song - En El Muelle De Samblas, which was about a girl waiting for love, but this is a very beautiful real story, similar to "Juno and Avos", " Scarlet Sails and Hachiko at the same time. And the Mana band that performs it is from Mexico. The girl and the guy were supposed to get married. The day before the wedding, he went to sea and did not return. For 40 years, she came ashore in a wedding dress and waited for him. The locals fed her, tried to keep her occupied somehow - they gave her toys to make - and entertained her with conversation. She died a virgin in a wedding dress, without waiting for her lover.

The entire culture of the Dominican Republic is built on the adoration and praise of women. Let's get a little smarter and plunge into the history of the country. The first street in America is called Calle de Las Damas, which translates as "Ladies' Street". After Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Hispaniola, many men were sent there to build cities. After some time, the fuse ended, the men got bored and began to work worse, then they decided to bring them women. And women need somewhere to walk their outfits, so they had to build the first paved street. I remember this story, Dominicans, smiling, notice that in the presence of women, men began to behave noticeably better, because women are culture. We move the world! It is for us that cities are built and destroyed.

How about at home

Usually, jewelry made from larimar is brought from the Dominican Republic (why?! this is actually our turquoise), rum (and you can’t buy rum in Russia ?!), coconut oil, chocolate and coffee (well, there’s nothing to argue about - all this is really worth ramming into a suitcase ).

I have another suggestion - take the Lime doll. They are everywhere in the Dominican Republic - this is a national symbol. At first, she can scare, because the doll has no face, but that's the whole point. The fact is that in the current inhabitants of the country an explosive mixture of Spanish, African and Indian blood boils, seasoned in places with northern European and even Arab impurities. Therefore, when the artist Lilian Mera tried to create the image of an average Dominican, she was confused and could not understand what her skin color, what facial features, and portrayed her without a face at all, because a Dominican can be both white and dark-skinned, she can be anyone. And you, dear reader, can be anyone! Not in the sense that you can change the color of your skin, like Michael Jackson, but in the sense that you can be whatever you want. Today - romantic and tender, tomorrow - fatal and seductive, the day after tomorrow - sad and thoughtful. But the main thing is that you should always be confident in yourself and love yourself for who you are. Buy this doll and put it on your desktop. Let it serve as a reminder of this simple wisdom, gleaned from the sunny land of mangrove forests and delicious Piña Colada.

life hacks

  • Take a swimsuit with you in your hand luggage, a pool has recently opened at Punta Cana Airport. A photo in the water with an airplane in the background will be appreciated by all your friends on Instagram.
  • Upon arrival, the first thing to do is buy coconut oil - this is the best natural repellent, and no chemicals! After rain, there may be midges on the beach. And you will moisturize the skin, and avoid bites. By the way, there are no beaches in the capital, but Boca Chica is located 30 minutes from the city - a classic resort with palm trees and turquoise water.
  • If you want to win over a Dominican, talk to him about baseball, that's their national view sports in which every resident understands.

Where to stay in Santo Domingo

Hotel Hodelpa Nicolás de Ovando located on Las Damas Street in an old colonial mansion from 1502. Featuring a patio with a pool overlooking the cruise port, rooms feature wooden ceilings and four-poster beds.

Hotel Billini Santo Domingo - Another boutique hotel in the historic center is located on the Padre Billini street of the same name. A place of attraction for the bohemian hangouts of the city with an excellent bar and rooftop pool. Acqua di Parma cosmetics are in the rooms, and contemporary art is on the Renaissance walls.

Airplane ladder, huge, bright stars, humid air like in a sauna and two mulattos with cigars in their teeth, lazily kicking suitcases onto the conveyor

bienvenidos Dominican Republic!

At the airport, they almost force them to take pictures with local beauties. The photos are then placed on a special stand and on the way back you can pick it up for 10 bucks, or leave it to sweat forever under the Caribbean sun, which I did.

The small town of Punta Cana (the coast of the Atlantic Ocean) was chosen as the place of deployment, famous for the presence of the best beach in the Caribbean called "Bavaro"

The sand is made up of tiny coral particles. Cotton wool, not sand. No Crimean shells, bottle shards and gobies. Go, heel, don't be afraid. Even boring...

And somewhere there is office fuss ...

Unemployment allowance allows you to relax in the royal apartments of the five-star "Palladium":

The number is very modest (you know the crisis):

The gazebo beds on the beach, like the apogee of the Caribbean cabin:

But sleeping on the beach is unlikely to succeed. The army of attendants every minute unobtrusively inclines to drunkenness and gluttony ...

Tourists sunbathe topless here. Boobs from all corners of the Earth do not give rest to the ardent aborigines. Trying to attract the attention of visiting beauties, they sculpt advertising figures from improvised materials:

The most boring place in the hotel is the pool. Why is he here when the ocean is roaring 50 meters away?

An island in the Caribbean tropics is not a deserted Egypt with a miserable string of coastal oases. If you accidentally leave a shovel in the ground here, it will grow out of it, something like this will sprout:

Coconut cocktail recipe. You ask the gardener to cut a coconut from the nearest palm tree, pour out the unripe milk, stomp with an empty coconut to the nearest bar and fill it with a drink of your choice. The cocktail is ready!

Used packaging and without content is quite exciting:

In the dense palm foliage of the hotel, 9 restaurants, 15 cafes, a bunch of bars and other stuffing points are buried. There is only one spa and fitness club for all this. Looks, bitch, still reproachfully, but does not beckon a nifiga ...

I'm in pink thongs on the blue coast...

This is probably the same lost caravel "Pinta" Columbus:

By the way, the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, was founded by Columbus himself and proudly bears the title of the first city in America built by Europeans.

After three days of hotel life, it's time to take a tour of the country. Don't forget to bring your souvenir bag...

The Dominican Republic is a typical banana republic, the main part of which is made up of immigrants from Africa.

Aborigines move mainly in American cars:

In general, there are many mechanized vehicles on the streets. And this is despite the rather expensive gasoline prices by American standards: $ 1 per liter.

Dominicans are considered zapadlov to ride a simple bike. So at least a moped. They drive here, as in all southern countries, very chaotically and without rules. The government is doing its best to fight lawlessness on the roads. For example, last year it made it mandatory for all motorcycle riders to wear a helmet. At the same time, the transported passenger is for some reason not required to wear a helmet.

Interestingly, industrial fishing is absolutely not developed in the republic. All seafood is imported. Instead of seafood, Dominicans breed cattle and actively consume it for food. 60% (!) of the population have never been to the coast of their own country.

Sun tan is not comme il faut here. The most difficult and unprestigious work here is done by emigrants from neighboring Haiti, the poorest country in America:

Domrepa is the second world exporter of cigars after Cuba. All cigars are rolled by hand. A mixture of three types of tobacco leaf is used: local, Cuban and Cameroonian:

The boys are looking for Cinderella:

You can take a break from humanity by taking a ride on a yacht to the uninhabited island of Saona, in the Caribbean.

Compared to the playful and lively Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea is a lazy, calm lake. Even with insanely beautiful colors:

Half a kilometer from the shore, people are put on a sandbank, they are given plastic glasses of champagne in their teeth and forced to smile into the camera. This is called "bathing with starfish":

Of course, there were no sea stars at all. Instead, they took pictures with plastic.

What did not deceive the expectation was the color of the sea, illuminated by the sun's rays. This is just a headstock:

The water near the island is very warm and viscous. Reluctance to get out:

The beach, overgrown with fluffy palm trees, is made for postcard views.

Going to a foreign country on vacation, you always want to get to know the local population, its traditions, maybe make new acquaintances. Women Dominican Republic as bright and incendiary as the country itself. What a simple tourist should know about local girls in order not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Top 9 facts about local women

  1. Lush forms are welcomed in this country, so on the street you can meet very “voluminous” ladies in very, very narrow clothes, bright flashy colors. Big buttocks or a huge chest here, rather a compliment to the figure, rather than something that should be embarrassed. Even in store mannequins, you can often find 5-6 breast sizes here.
  2. Most of the population of the Dominican Republic is mulatto, so thick curly hair is not uncommon here. Of course, most local hairdressers offer a hair straightening and laminating service. But elderly and family Dominican women can safely go to the store or to the market, dressed in curlers, designed to give curls a certain direction.
  3. Local women are very open and easy to get acquainted with foreigners, but such behavior should not be taken as "availability". It is believed that falling in love with a Dominican is quite simple, but then it is almost impossible to “get rid” of such love.
  4. By the way, girls in this country can get married from the age of 15. This is possible with the permission of the parents. That is why local girls celebrate their 15th birthday more pompously than coming of age, which comes at 18. Even there is a separate name for this holiday - Quinces.
  5. Children in this country are brought up completely and entirely by women, men are allowed only for harmless games with babies and “serious” conversations with growing guys. Children in the Dominican Republic are very fond of, perhaps this is due to the ban on abortion and frequent "early" marriages.
  6. It is completely normal to contact unknown woman"amor" or "mi vida". From Spanish, these expressions are translated as "love" and "my life." reverent attitude towards female gender And complete absence"subtext" under such an appeal, make the rest in the Dominican Republic truly comfortable.
  7. There are brothels in the Dominican Republic where you can easily find a girlfriend for one night. Interestingly, in each such institution there is a sign stating that the girls of this brothel do not provide their services on credit.
  8. Almost all local girls are quite attractive. In 2003, the young Dominican Amelia Vega Polanco received the honorary title of Miss Universe.
  9. The famous Hollywood actress of the past years was also born here, who was the first to act in the “big” mainland cinema from Latin Americans. Her name is Maria Montes, and she comes from the desert Barahona, surrounded by numerous cactus groves.

So, a traveler who wants to make acquaintance with a local beauty must have three essential properties: he must speak Spanish. English is also in use, but to get to know the majority of the local population, you still need Spanish or French. Also, the traveler must be charismatic - closed, unsmiling people will find it difficult to establish personal contact with the Dominican. The absence of a smile in this country is considered “bad” tone and something suspicious. Despite the fact that Dominicans are not obsessed with money, the guy will have to pay in all establishments. Miserly people are not liked anywhere.

When traveling in the Dominican Republic, you don't have to be afraid to get to know the locals. For the most part, they are kind, cheerful people with a rich inner world and pleasant manners.

1. Buses in the Dominican Republic are called "gua-gua". Dominicans are very friendly people, so a seat designed for one person fits 2-3, and we must also take into account that the Dominican Republic is a country of magnificent forms with XXXL size. Therefore, bewilderment in the eyes of a carcass weighing 100–120 kilograms, which did not fit in, is quite understandable.
Once a taxi driver with whom I was traveling uttered an unforgettable phrase about one mademoiselle: “Mommy, you were born in December and they gave you a double one!” - Dominicans love fat women, it's true. And in general, if you are female, do not be surprised by compliments on the street. They do not carry anything indecent.
2. Not that there are any problems with printing, but advertising (for lottery and food stalls or small auto repair shops) is usually depicted directly on the walls of the building using stencils (often without them), brushes and paint. Dominicans all "know how" to draw, and it turns out very cool.
Such a culture of drawing originated back in the distant 70s, when the first printing machines appeared in the country, and, of course, printing cost crazy money at that time.
People who draw advertisements here are called "Pintaletra" (from Spanish - "BukvoKras"). The most famous in this industry is Lolo Jackson, in fact, he is the father of this culture.
3. 3. In winter in the Dominican Republic, the month hangs upside down in the sky. And this is not a squirrel, as it might seem to tourists from Punta Cana. Guys, be careful with rum, it's still a pirate drink.
4. The Dominican Republic is chosen by people like Shakira, Julio Iglesias, and Vin Diesel even has a couple of favorite strip bars in Santo Domingo.
Diesel, by the way, is one of the most ardent fans of the country, so Dominican music often plays in his films, or the action takes place in the Dominican Republic. Although the Dominican Republic is mentioned in Fast and the Furious 4, in real life it was not filmed here.
But "Jurassic Park" - yes, "The Last Heroes" of Israel, America - yes.
In the Amber Museum in Puerto Plata, there is amber that was shown in Jurassic Park. Yes, its cost is only 120 thousand dollars, its age is about 30 million years, it is 3.5 inches long.
5. On the Samana Peninsula (North of the Dominican Republic), an oyster is cheaper than a lemon, that is, 5 Dominican pesos apiece.
6. From one to three, all shops are closed for lunch. But, given the impressiveness of the Dominican mentality, lunch time can easily stretch from 12 to 4 hours. I even saw a couple of distinguished closed restaurants.
The most honorable place to sit on a plastic chair during a siesta is next to a speed bump. Cars passing by are forced to stop, and there is a chance to get a good look at all the passengers. A kind of cinema.
7. Dominican women prefer tight clothes, regardless of the pomp of forms. In most cases, the bra remains visible due to the cutout on the back.
8. If a Dominican in curlers walks along the road, this is normal, they are very open and are not used to being shy, well, great, they are cute. Pedicure and manicure along the road, well, in the sense on the threshold of your own house, is also buzzing.
9. In the Dominican Republic, things like Colgate, Fairy, etc. have become household names. Therefore, toothpaste is not "pasta dental", but Colgate. Detergent - that's Fairy, floor cleaner - Mistolin

10. It is easy to get along with a Dominican woman, it is difficult to leave. You can’t drive out with a broom, by the way, with a shovel, too.
11. In the Dominican Republic, it is not considered shameful to drive a car with a sticky advertisement for grilled chicken or the face of your favorite deputy.
12. In the villages, the main type of advertising is a pickup truck with two-meter speakers in the back. For 500 Dominican pesos a day, he can notify the entire population that Pedro does not have a very big dick, or about some new disco.
13. In the Dominican Republic, early marriages are officially allowed, but only with the consent of the parents. The age of marriage starts at 15 for girls and 16 for boys. Therefore, the 15th anniversary (Quinces) of each girl is celebrated cooler than coming of age (18).
Pleased with the local attitude towards children in general. On the bus, the situation is normal if a complete stranger asks you to take your baby in your arms. There is nothing wrong with that, they really love children.
14. 5 Dominican minutes is 5 min + infinity (as in any other country in Latin America). The issue is adjustable. Not the first time, but...
15. In the Dominican Republic, people firmly believe in the lottery, no, really. We passed villages on the border with Haiti, where there are no grocery stores (presumably, people change chickens for vegetables and vice versa), but there are 3 cans (banca - from Spanish. Lottery). Such is the belief in happiness falling from the sky. The impact of a case with greenery on a polished bald spot. MMM has not penetrated here yet, what an omission. Mavrodi, just do it!
16. If a Dominican has seen a wheel being changed, then he is absolutely sure that he is already quite capable of sorting out the engine with his eyes closed. This does not mean that there are bad mechanics, by no means, you just need to know where you give your iron baby.
17. Often in the Dominican Republic, “all seasons” oil is poured into the car. The answer to your bewildered face is usually: "Yo bro, it's winter now." I would like to give the guy a scraper. Yes, the tires here may well be winter, pay attention when buying.
18. There are very religious people here. Every third car has a sticker “Jesus will save us”, “God is with me, who is on me?”, And, perhaps, the most enchanting - “Jesus taught me to drive, problems?”. In almost all stalls / shops there is a small sign in a frame "The Lord has blessed this business."
I remember when I walked past the church and heard how they sing and play the piano, I was very surprised. With a Russian mentality, I asked the Padre: “Why is everyone having so much fun?” To which he replied, “So the Lord God is fun.” This is the correct attitude towards religion.
19. A motorcycle is not a vehicle for two or three people. It comfortably accommodates up to 6 people.

20. The Dominican Republic is the only place in the world where larimar is mined, a type of blue pectolite that looks like turquoise.
21. Any Dominican who you don't ask will say that he is a descendant of the Taino Indians (taino). I wonder where the descendants of the slaves went then? And again, from my point of view, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
22. The first Latin American actress who began acting in Hollywood films is Maria Montes (Maria Africa Vidal de Santos Silas), a Dominican by birth. She was born, by the way, in the desert Barahona (in the South of the Dominican Republic) among cacti.
23. Red-eyed iguanas Ricordi (Cyclura ricordi) are found only in the Dominican Republic - there are only 2 thousand of them. Interestingly, in Barahona, the local population assures that the iguanas rip through the belly of the goat with their combs at speed. They must be some very reactive iguanas that no one has seen before.
And also here there is a great and terrible slit-tooth, in addition to the Dominican Republic, also found in Cuba. The gaptooth, also known as Solenodon Paradoxus, is interesting in that it does not have immunity from its own poisonous glands. That is, if in the struggle for territorial influence or a female, he is bitten by another flint tooth, then his days are numbered. The sand tooth has only 2 nipples, so it can feed only two, less often three cubs.
24. Many on the Dominican forums write that, they say, Dominicans often cheat or mess up a lot. This is wrong. In fact, the situation is as follows: the Dominican, without knowing it, firmly believes that he is able to perform this or that task, and in most cases this belief just overshadows the sober assessment in his mind. So it is, it is foolish to blame them for this.
25. Strange as it may seem to the islanders, most Dominicans cannot swim. If, for example, a Dominican family rents a holiday villa on the first line and there is a swimming pool, then they will never climb into the sea. Although, the ability to swim in this case has nothing to do with it. For Dominicans, the pool is probably a symbol of wealth.
26. The most common shoes among Europeans in resort areas are flip flops. Among the Dominicans are sneakers and construction winter boots.
27. In the Dominican Republic, even men wear T-shirts with rhinestones. Dominicans love shiny clothes. For the same reason, no one removes holographic stickers from caps. One of the attractions for a tourist is a walk with a metal detector along the beach. I saw people who got up from it well. After all, the islanders dress up in gold like Christmas trees.
28. Dominicans are friendly people, and if they are going to celebrate some kind of action, then a minibus is usually rented, or something like that. The most optimal cars in the country are pickup trucks, they can fit many relatives in the back.
29. One of the largest salt lakes in the world, the crocodile lake Lago Enriquillo, has about 400 individuals of the American crocodile, with a lake size of 370 square kilometers. That is, on average, one crocodile per square kilometer.
Yes, the level of "salinity" in it is 8 times higher than the "salinity" of the Caribbean Sea. I would check "how it pushes me out with the power of Archimedes", but the crocodiles...

30. There are no pensions in the Dominican Republic. Numerous relatives help the elderly.
The complete opposite of Russia, where the unfortunate pensioner is a symbol of resentment. Unhappy old age is not about the Dominican Republic for sure. I often see people who are 70-80 years old, and nothing: they dance, sing and smoke cigars, drinking rum.
31. Speed ​​bumps in the Dominican Republic do not fit any standard. Who knew how, and built. Many are not even marked, but you quickly get used to it, since the quality of roads here is an order of magnitude better than in Russia.
32. The concept of "rainy season" in the Dominican Republic, in principle, does not exist. In the Dominican Republic, an umbrella is mainly intended to protect from the sun, because it rains mostly at night, or an hour and a half during the day. It rains more from May to September, it's true. But comparing local rains with real Thai tropical downpours is silly. In general, such pleasant weather.
The climate in the Dominican Republic is tropical humid, quite comfortable.
33. The Dominican Republic does not smoke, although the country is the largest exporter of tobacco. By the way, Davidoff also switched to Dominican, not Cuban, tobacco. Dominican's favorite question is "why do you smoke?".
For reference: A pack of cigarettes in the Dominican Republic costs 2.5-3 dollars
34. Unlike the same Russia, it is customary to fly here by planes and helicopters, which is not prevented by any bureaucratic intrigues with filling out hundreds of pieces of paper before departure. In reality, it is often more profitable and, moreover, faster to use an air taxi. Tickets from Punta Cana to Las Terrenas, for example, cost $150. Of course, ticket prices may vary depending on the number of people.
35. Usually, when asked how you have so many brothers / sisters, the answer is “we didn’t have a TV in our family.” I remember I came to visit a friend, so he has relatives in the whole village. This, of course, applies more to the villages.
36. In the Dominican Republic, unfortunately, there is no culture of tea drinking. The only thing you can be satisfied with is Lipton tea. Therefore, it is better to bring tea with you or order from America, which we do with rapture. By the way, no matter how funny it may seem, immigrants who regularly travel to Russia bring mainly food from there: tea, bread, sausages, dried fish, caviar. By a strange coincidence, meat here can only be fried, boiled or stewed. The Dominican Republic is waiting for its barbecue mission, welcome!
37. It is almost impossible to see a drunk person here. There are enough peaceful crazy people (especially in the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo), drunk people - in the afternoon with fire. Dominicans drink a lot, but never get drunk, knowing when to stop. Interestingly, according to the law, “you can’t drink while driving.” In the literal sense, it means that you can drink “before the steering wheel”, but you can’t while driving. Nevertheless, accidents here are ten times less than in Russia. Do you know why? Driving style: Dominicans have no aggression.
38. When radars appeared on the roads in the Dominican Republic, they were followed by road signs "Beware of radars."
39. Dominican Republic is a retail country. Only in the capital there are hypermarkets intended for almost wholesale purchases. Although it seems illogical, the families are large ...
You can buy rope and nails by weight, and self-tapping screws - by the piece.
Bananas, lemons, avocados, mangoes and oranges are sold by the piece. You can also buy pads, diapers and cigarettes by the piece.

40. In some Dominican pharmacies in Santo Domingo, you can safely buy cigarettes, a hammer and nails at one in the morning. It is customary among Dominicans that if you make a store, then there should be everything that could interest the target audience within a radius of several blocks.
41. In the Dominican Republic, 110 V, but 90 percent of the devices brought from Russia work fine.
42. For unknown reasons, only 3 SIM cards can be issued for one passport. But, since in most cases, girls in communication salons do not bother much, rewriting Russian letters in Latin, the number of attempts is not limited. So, for example, my surname (Schreiber) consists of 15 characters in one of the Dominican variants.
43. The question “how is your Internet today? “- is considered indecent. Most people, because of laziness, or for some other reason, are not able to set themselves a normal Internet. And everything is not as difficult as it seems. But there is good news - optical fiber is already being pulled at full speed, and soon it will become available to everyone. There are fiber nodes in Punta Cana and Puerto Plata.
44. In the Dominican Republic, as in other countries of Central and Latin America, they put rice in salt so that it does not become damp. But, by the way, the humidity is not physically felt, except that the laundry dries more slowly. But for this, a cunning person has long invented washing machines with a spin cycle.
45. The poor part of the Dominican population prefers to build closer to the road for several reasons: they huddle close to the road so as not to occupy other people's lands, because they are mostly built on land that is not their own + building materials do not need to be carried far.
46. ​​In the Dominican Republic, landmarks such as “near an advertisement for Brugal” (local rum producer) are equivalent to the phrase “there are palm trees everywhere” or “there is a house with a palm roof”. As a result, they are considered extreme idiocy.
47. Duarte Peak (Pico Duarte, near Jarabacoa) - the highest point of the Antilles, 3087 meters above sea level. Our local Everest, if you like.
48. The Dominican Republic is the largest exporter of cocoa. However, they don't know how to make chocolate here. Yes, there are 3-4 varieties, but if they are of interest, then purely in the culinary sense. Here is a ready-made idea for a business in the Dominican Republic.
49. Dominicans drink coffee from plastic cups that hold only 20 milliliters. Such happiness costs 5 Dominican rubles, it is sold near bus stops, stalls and in parks. They are from real coffee, often from a home plantation.
Interestingly, even the most tasteless Dominican coffee Santo Domingo sells like hot cakes in Moscow. Fortunately, we have something to compare here.

50. In the Dominican Republic, it is difficult to find a hairdressing salon where a girl can get a perm. Do you know why? Dominicans have curly hair from birth, so here 99% of salons do hair straightening. Dominican women really like straight hair, it really suits them.
51. Green tomatoes. If you open a restaurant in the Dominican Republic, then hang a photo of a red tomato in the kitchen as the first item. For some reason, the locals are unaware that the tomatoes should be exactly red.
52. In clothing stores, female mannequins have breasts larger than the fifth size. Not smart, huh.
53. The standard Dominican theme is to call the phone and ask "Who are you?".
54. It’s useless to go to the Dominican Republic on vacation just with knowledge of English. Few places speak any language other than Spanish. Except in all-inclusive hotels. And so, the language is learned in 3 months, of course, if desired. Live communication, manuals, a notebook with a pencil in your pocket. It is better if you get the basics back in Russia.
55. Most Dominicans, instead of asking the interlocutor again, make a movement with their nose, as if they are about to sneeze. They themselves mock at themselves about this, they say, there is a resemblance to rabbits.
56. You can't just buy fireworks in the Dominican Republic. Only a specially trained person from a specially trained office can make your party or wedding brighter in night colors. Strange, it is not clear what they are afraid of. By and large, all houses and villas in the Dominican Republic are made of cement and cinder blocks, wood is rarely used. Maximum palm roof, and then not often. This is more for tourists entertainment, bungalows, everything. I have never seen firefighters at work, not once in 6 years.
57. The language in the Dominican Republic is similar to Spanish. I would say it's a Spanish dialect that has a lot of English words (America is nearby) + an exclusively Dominican pronunciation with swallowing half of the word.
58. Moving by bus in the Dominican Republic is usually associated with almost sub-zero temperatures in the cabin. Air conditioners here in public transport fry to the fullest. The Dominicans squeak from the cold, but they don't ask to turn it off. For them it's cold vehicle it's like a sign of prosperity. That is, they pricked, but continued to gnaw at the cactus.
59. If you study well at school, then you either do not pay for excursions at all, or they provide you with a significant discount.

60. What is nice, every stall has a messenger, that is, you don’t have to leave the house for food, cigarettes or something else. Home delivery is also available in many restaurants/cafes. It is really convenient for older people.
Another interesting phenomenon are areas in cities with evangelical inclinations, where neither alcohol nor cigarettes can be bought. In general, the Evangelicals are people shell-shocked to the waist on both sides. 5 seconds of conversation is enough to recognize this type of person. Example: Sunday, 7 am, the guy starts to read sermons at the crossroads under the window. A plate/mug (any other container that you don't mind)… The therapy from above helps perfectly.
61. By the way, there are no 24-hour establishments here. Only clubs and bars, but not everywhere, as the law prohibits the sale of alcohol after 2 am (depending on the region). Again, who pays, he rules the ball.
62. After especially heavy rains, which happen infrequently, flying ants crawl out of the ground. They fly in a bunch, and in the morning the wings thrown by them are lying all over the terrace.
63. In most Dominican brothels, stalls hang a sign “No Fio”, which means “I don’t lend”. There is also a more cheerful variation - "Hoy no fio, manana - si". “Today I don’t lend, tomorrow - yes.”
64. In the Dominican Republic, “amor” (from Spanish - amor “love”), “mi vida” (Spanish - mi vida “my life”) is considered an adequate appeal to any woman.
65. Dominicans, as I said, are a pious people. So one of the most common sayings is:
"Si Dios quiere", which means "If God wills it"
"Si Dios let" - "If God permits." To which it is necessary to answer that “yes, it will be allowed, come on, they say, at a pace!”
66. In the Dominican Republic, no one will be embarrassed if the deputy on the billboard is called "Juancito", by analogy with the Russian language, it would be "Vanyusha". I know a shrimp shop owner who has already run for office twice.
67. In the country, all drinks except coffee are served with ice, more precisely with big amount ice. Dominicans also love to just gnaw on ice.
68. Since one of the favorite sports is baseball, it is simply shameful to make a system for picking a mango from a bamboo stick and a bottle. Dominicans prefer to throw stones, hoping to bring down a delicious piece of fruit. In fact, they are pretty good at it. I once gave the kids a few bamboo devices, after which, within a radius of half a kilometer from their house, all the mango trees were miraculously empty. How the locust swooped in, I don’t know what happened.
By the way, after the championships, fans' favorite entertainment is to tie an old washer or TV to a car and go to the winning city, dragging along on a rope. Or, alternatively, a human-sized rag doll in the colors of the opposing team.
69. As you know, the weather in the Dominican Republic does not imply snow. One of the inventions was the palma-board - a natural likeness of a snowboard. You need to find a dried leaf of the royal palm, and, resting your foot on the sharp end, slide down the mountain (preferably without stumps and additional obstacles). I saw craftsmen who managed to ride about 15–20 meters.

70. Dominican sushi bars have such an innovation as chicken rolls, it is strange that not with beans, given that beans with rice is a national dish.
71. In the Dominican Republic, the word "tigre" (from Spanish - "tiger") does not mean that a person is formidable like a tiger, but that he is a gopnik. In relation to a tourist, it has a slightly different meaning - "you will not be tricked."
72. Since most Dominicans have never seen a real Christmas tree, and its image remains a distant secret for them, on the streets under New Year you can see just masterpieces. And in auto-decoration stores, the Christmas tree flavor is called "pine" (Spanish - "pinita"). Christmas trees here begin to decorate in October, by the way.
73. The word "honey" is always accompanied by the word "bee", as if someone had already invented donkey honey.
74. It is very rare to see watches on local residents. Basically, they watch the time on their mobile phones. But if they are, then it must be a heavy boiler, yes. By the way, the time difference between the Dominican Republic and Moscow is 8 hours.
75. Dominicans are very musical people, they sing everywhere. It is absolutely normal if a bank teller suddenly starts singing. And most importantly, they are not shy about it.
76. In restaurants, no one will look askance at you if you ask to “wrap up” what you haven’t eaten, or cook something else to take away. This is just a normal attitude to food and respect for the owners of the institution.
77. Abortions are officially banned here. If I'm not mistaken, just the Evangelicals helped.
78. One of the biggest misconceptions about the Dominican Republic is that there is nothing here. Actually it is not. Firstly, everything is here, and secondly, online shopping is well developed, since America is nearby, where goods are 3-4 times cheaper than in Russia.
79. In the Dominican Republic there are railways with a total length of about one and a half thousand kilometers. One problem - the width of the rails is different everywhere. Used purely for the transport of cane.
There is a metro. One branch to Santo Domingo. Dominicans, by the way, for unknown reasons, are afraid to ride it. Not all, of course, but there are shy ones.
80. The convenience of a Dominican passport is that a visa to America is given immediately for 10 years. By the way, the Dominican Republic recognizes the "Passport of a citizen of the world."

81. At gas stations, gasoline is measured not by gallons, but by the amount. "Give me a thousand pesos."
82. In the capital there is a separate caste of people - parking attendants. You peacefully park in a free place and then a nerd flies up in jet mode and reports that he is ready to protect your car (from whom ?!). He may not even be a parking attendant who watches this corner, but he is not able to miss such an opportunity to rip off money.
83. Often, craftsmen make simulators from cement. And, by the way, all pumped up walk - good genetics.
84. Several times I saw how, due to the lack of matches / lighters, Dominicans lit a cigarette by wetting a newspaper in a motorcycle gas tank and lighting it with a spark from a candle. Resourceful, yes.
85. If a guy wants to stand out from the crowd, he hangs the whole car with speakers. It doesn’t matter that they wheeze, and he doesn’t know about the soundproofing of the cabin, but it’s loud. The main thing is to be louder than the neighbor's.
86. Dominicans love to be photographed, and they are wildly photogenic. But still, it is not harmful to ask about the desire to remain in the photo.
87. Chickens in the Dominican Republic rest on trees, well, or they are thus saved from dogs.
88. For stirring sugar in coffee, straws are often given here instead of spoons.
89. Dominican restaurants. The check already has 16 percent taxes + 10 percent for the service. If you liked the food, you can leave another 10 percent. My companion in the collection has a check where they cheated 46, instead of 26 percent. A rare case of greed and rare, but as it is.

90. Policemen and soldiers do not participate in elections.
91. According to Dominican scouts, the remains of Christopher Columbus rest in the Columbus Lighthouse in Santo Domingo, and not anywhere else. No wonder, 70 million greenery was given to the construction of this eighth wonder of the world.
92. The Dominican flag is the only flag in the world that depicts the Bible, and one of the Popes called the Dominican Republic the most Catholic place on the planet. Actually, I don't remember which one.
93. In 2003, Miss Universe was a Dominican, Amelia Vega Polanco. And at the 1977 competition, held in Santo Domingo, Blanca Aurora Sardinas reached the semi-finals. In general, the country produces amazingly beautiful girls.
94. Houses (we are talking about villages) do not use glass, mainly wooden or metal shutters.
95. There is no central feed in the Dominican Republic hot water, local wash under cold. But, due to the fact that the water tanks are black, it is, as it were, far from cold.
96. There is oil here. The first deposits were discovered in the South of the Dominican Republic near the city of Azua (1981). Texas Americans got a 20-year suction right with a monthly limit, things like that. Dominican oil reserves would be quite enough to provide the country with its gasoline, but so far we are importing quietly from Venezuela. By the way, there is also the provision of electricity, because there is no smell of nuclear power plants here. Although solar panels and windmills are being introduced very actively, the state supports autonomous citizens who are not dependent on the electricity of the country.
The second deposit is in the province of Altagracia, seeps directly to the surface. It is not yet clear how rational it is to mine it there, everything is in the process of research.
97. Movies in cinemas often go on English language with Spanish subtitles.
98. Stray cats are absent as a species, there are many dogs. In the Dominican Republic, dogs are divided into two types. For example, there is "Pitt bull" and "Pitt Bull raza pura" (...pure race). In both cases, this is a cross between a bulldog and a rhinoceros; in the veterinary passport they will put the breed that the owner declares. In short, beware of fakes!
There is a rare animal: a mananka dog (from Spanish manana - tomorrow). On the head is a tranquilized dog who doesn't care much about traffic or anything. For example, he can fall asleep on the roadway or start reproducing new maniacs right at rush hour on a busy highway. In Las Terrenas, by the way, all yard terriers were sterilized so as not to breed.
There is a belief that if a Dominican has lost sight of something, or simply forgot to appear at the meeting place, then the bite of a mananka will be the unconditional reason for this.
99. The national Dominican dish "sancocho" is so rich meat soup. Probably the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life.
100. After Pearl Harbor, the Dominican Republic declared war on Germany and Japan (apparently threatening to set bicycle troops on them). If not for the Dominican Republic ... In short, Hitler had his sight.

101. Sea cows are found off the coast of the Dominican Republic.
102. If you are white, then for a Dominican you are an American. Even after explaining that you are Russian, 20 percent of the time you will remain an American from the state of Russia.
103. The main building material is concrete. In the Dominican Republic, beds are also made from it, and a mattress is placed on top so that you don’t think anything.
104. In the Dominican Republic, it is unrealistic to get poisoned by low-quality alcohol, even buying it at the border with Haiti. This issue is being taken seriously here.
105. National bird of the Dominican Republic - Cigua Palmera (it's strange that it's not a hummingbird, there are a lot of them), flower - West Indian Mahogany (Swietenia Mahagon)

The Dominican Republic is known as a country with a developed sex tourism. Although the country's authorities are trying to rectify the situation, but apparently the local mentality still wins. Enough big number tourists go to the Dominican Republic to find a mulatto beauty and combine a measured beach holiday with nightly entertainment.

It should be noted that not only men go, but also a fairly large number of women who want to find a temperamental male. It's no secret that Latin Americans (this applies to both girls and men) are much more temperamental than Europeans, many want to check if this is really the case.

If you are also not averse to finding a partner (girl / man) for a short period of time, then I will help you. Of course, the easiest and easiest option, at first glance, is to find a girl near the hotel, for example, in a nightclub, at a disco. But you should keep in mind that you will face a number of problems: you will not take the girl to the hotel, it is forbidden, which means you have to look for some kind of small hotel; if a girl invites you somewhere, it may not be safe; a limited number of girls, it is difficult to choose according to your taste; you are without transport; without knowledge of Spanish; the prices for girls in the resort areas of Punta Cana are not very small, etc.

If the question is not about money and you want to come off in full, then I suggest considering a 2-day sex tour to the city of Sosua, located on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic. Why exactly there? Because all sex tourism in the Dominican Republic is there. In the evenings, thousands of girls gather on one of the streets of the city, waiting for partners. All bars, discos are packed with them to capacity, girls come there from all over the country. And among all this disgrace, excuse me, diversity, you will definitely find the most desirable, and for ridiculous money. If you have enough fuse and strength, then you can find more than one.

The plan of a 2-day sex tour is as follows: we leave Punta Cana in the morning, in the afternoon already in Sosua, rest, swim, have dinner and hunt ... In the morning you sleep, if you wake up early, you can swim and after lunch on the way back to Punta Cana. If suddenly your appetite wakes up and you want to extend your sex tour, then it's not a question, if I'm not busy in the next days, we'll stay again.
Ready to experience sex tourism in the Dominican Republic?

The cost depends on the number of people, is indicated in US$ per person.

Nutrition girls

Sex tourism in the Dominican Republic is for adults only!