Nose from the Gauf's tale. Encyclopedia of Fairytale Heroes: "Dwarf Nose"

» » Little Longnose. Fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff

Pages: 1

In one big city of my dear fatherland, Germany, once lived the shoemaker Friedrich with his wife Hannah. All day long he sat at the window and put patches on his shoes and boots. He undertook to sew new shoes, if someone ordered, but then he had to buy leather first. He could not stock up the goods in advance - there was no money. And Hannah sold fruits and vegetables from her small garden in the market. She was a neat woman, knew how to arrange goods beautifully, and she always had many customers.
Hannah and Friedrich had a son Jacob - slender, a handsome boy, quite tall for his twelve years. He usually sat next to his mother in the marketplace. When a cook or a cook bought a lot of vegetables from Hanna at once, Jacob helped them carry the purchase home and rarely returned empty-handed.
Hannah's customers loved the pretty boy and almost always gave him something: a flower, a cake, or a coin.
One day, Hannah, as always, was trading in the market. In front of her stood several baskets with cabbages, potatoes, roots and all kinds of greens. Immediately in a small basket were early pears, apples, apricots.
Jacob sat next to his mother and shouted loudly:
- Here, here, cooks, cooks! .. Here good cabbage, greens, pears, apples! Who needs? Mother will give cheap!
And suddenly a poorly dressed old woman with small red eyes, a sharp face wrinkled with age and a long, long nose that descended to the very chin came up to them. The old woman leaned on a crutch, and it was amazing that she could walk at all: she limped, slid and rolled over, as if she had wheels on her feet. It seemed that she was about to fall and stick her sharp nose into the ground.
Hannah looked at the old woman curiously. For nearly sixteen years she has been trading in the market, and she has never seen such a wonderful old woman. She even became a little creepy when the old woman stopped near her baskets.
Are you Hannah, the vegetable vendor? the old woman asked in a raspy voice, shaking her head all the time.
“Yes,” said the shoemaker's wife. - Would you like to buy something?
"We'll see, we'll see," the old woman muttered under her breath. - Let's see the greens, let's see the roots. Do you still have what I need
She leaned down and ran her long brown fingers through the basket of bunches of greens that Hannah had arranged so nicely and neatly. He takes a bunch, brings it to his nose and sniffs it from all sides, and after him - another, third.
Hannah's heart was breaking, it was so hard for her to watch the old woman handle the greens. But she could not say a word to her - after all, the buyer has the right to inspect the goods. Besides, she was becoming more and more afraid of this old woman.
Turning over all the greenery, the old woman straightened up and grumbled:
"Bad goods!... Bad greens!... There's nothing I need." Fifty years ago it was much better!.. Bad product! Bad product!
These words angered little Jacob.
“Hey, you shameless old woman! he shouted. “I smelled all the greens with my long nose, kneaded the roots with clumsy fingers, so that now no one will buy them, and you still swear that they are bad goods!” The ducal cook himself buys from us!
The old woman looked askance at the boy and said in a hoarse voice:
"You don't like my nose, my nose, my beautiful long nose?" And you will have the same, up to the chin.
She rolled up to another basket - with cabbage, took out of it several wonderful, white heads of cabbage and squeezed them so that they crackled plaintively. Then she somehow threw the heads of cabbage back into the basket and said again:
- Bad product! Bad cabbage!
"Don't shake your head like that!" Jacob shouted. “Your neck is no thicker than a stalk—just look, it will break off, and your head will fall into our basket.” Who will buy from us then?
“So you think my neck is too thin?” said the old woman, still smiling. - Well, you will be completely without a neck. Your head will stick right out of your shoulders - at least it won't fall off your body.
"Don't tell the boy such nonsense!" said Hannah at last, not a little angry. - If you want to buy something, then buy quickly. You have me disperse all buyers.
The old woman glared at Hannah.
“Okay, okay,” she muttered. - Let it be your way. I'll take these six cabbages from you. But only I have a crutch in my hands, and I can’t carry anything myself. Let your son carry the purchase home to me. I will reward him well for this.
Yakob really did not want to go, and he even began to cry - he was afraid of this terrible old woman. But his mother strictly ordered him to obey - it seemed to her a sin to force an old, weak woman to carry such a burden. Wiping his tears, Yakob put the cabbage in the basket and followed the old woman.
She did not walk very fast, and it was almost an hour before they reached some distant street on the outskirts of the city and stopped in front of a small dilapidated house.

Tale about the boy Jacob, the son of a shoemaker. While trading vegetables in the market with his mother, he insulted an ugly old woman who turned out to be a witch.
The old woman asked Jacob to carry the bags home. Then she fed him a magical soup, from which he had a dream that he had served the witch for seven years in the guise of a squirrel. When Jacob woke up, it turned out that indeed seven years had passed, and he had become an ugly dwarf with a big nose. His parents did not recognize him and drove him out of the house, he got a job as an assistant cook to the duke.
One day, Jacob bought a goose Mimi in the market, who turned out to be an enchanted girl ...

Dwarf Nose read

In a large German city once lived a shoemaker Friedrich with his wife Hannah. All day long he sat at the window and put patches on his shoes and shoes. He undertook to sew new shoes, if someone ordered, but then he had to buy leather first. He could not stock up the goods in advance - there was no money. And Hannah sold fruits and vegetables from her small garden in the market. She was a neat woman, knew how to arrange goods beautifully, and she always had many customers.

Hannah and Friedrich had a son, Jakob, a slender, handsome boy, quite tall for his twelve years. He usually sat next to his mother in the marketplace. When a cook or a cook bought a lot of vegetables from Hanna at once, Jacob helped them carry the purchase home and rarely returned empty-handed.

Hannah's customers loved the pretty boy and almost always gave him something: a flower, a cake, or a coin.

One day, Hannah, as always, was trading in the market. In front of her stood several baskets with cabbages, potatoes, roots and all kinds of greens. Immediately in a small basket were early pears, apples, apricots.

Jacob sat next to his mother and shouted loudly:

Here, here, cooks, cooks! .. Here are good cabbages, greens, pears, apples! Who needs? Mother will give cheap!

And suddenly a poorly dressed old woman with small red eyes, a sharp face wrinkled with age and a long, long nose that descended to the very chin came up to them. The old woman leaned on a crutch, and it was amazing that she could walk at all: she limped, slid and rolled over, as if she had wheels on her feet. It seemed that she was about to fall and stick her sharp nose into the ground.

Hannah looked at the old woman curiously. For nearly sixteen years she has been trading in the market, and she has never seen such a wonderful old woman. She even became a little creepy when the old woman stopped near her baskets.

Are you Hannah, the vegetable vendor? the old woman asked in a raspy voice, shaking her head all the time.

Yes, said the shoemaker's wife. - Would you like to buy something?

We'll see, we'll see," the old woman muttered under her breath. - Let's see the greens, let's see the roots. Do you still have what I need...

She leaned down and ran her long brown fingers through the basket of bunches of greens that Hannah had arranged so nicely and neatly. He takes a bunch, brings it to his nose and sniffs it from all sides, and after him - another, third.

Hannah's heart was breaking, it was so hard for her to watch the old woman handle the greens. But she could not say a word to her - after all, the buyer has the right to inspect the goods. Besides, she was becoming more and more afraid of this old woman.

Turning over all the greenery, the old woman straightened up and grumbled:

Bad goods!.. Bad greens!.. There is nothing of what I need. Fifty years ago it was much better!.. Bad product! Bad product!

These words angered little Jacob.

Hey you shameless old woman! he shouted. - You smelled all the greens with your long nose, kneaded the roots with clumsy fingers, so that now no one will buy them, and you still swear that they are bad goods! The ducal cook himself buys from us!

The old woman looked askance at the boy and said in a hoarse voice:

You don't like my nose, my nose, my beautiful long nose? And you will have the same, up to the chin.

She rolled up to another basket - with cabbage, took out several wonderful, white heads of cabbage from it and squeezed them so that they crackled plaintively. Then she somehow threw the heads of cabbage back into the basket and said again:

Bad product! Bad cabbage!

Don't shake your head like that! Jacob screamed. - Your neck is no thicker than a stalk - just look, it will break off, and your head will fall into our basket. Who will buy from us then?

So you think my neck is too thin? said the old woman, still smiling. - Well, you will be completely without a neck. Your head will stick right out of your shoulders - at least it won't fall off your body.

Don't tell the boy such nonsense! said Hannah at last, not a little angry. - If you want to buy something, then buy quickly. You have me disperse all buyers.

The old woman glared at Hannah.

Okay, okay, she muttered. - Let it be your way. I'll take these six cabbages from you. But only I have a crutch in my hands, and I can’t carry anything myself. Let your son carry the purchase home to me. I will reward him well for this.

Jacob really did not want to go, and he even began to cry - he was afraid of this terrible old woman. But his mother strictly ordered him to obey - it seemed to her a sin to force an old, weak woman to carry such a burden. Wiping his tears, Yakob put the cabbage in the basket and followed the old woman.

She did not walk very fast, and it was almost an hour before they reached some distant street on the outskirts of the city and stopped in front of a small dilapidated house.

The old woman took out a rusty hook from her pocket, deftly thrust it into the hole in the door, and suddenly the door swung open with a noise. Jacob entered and froze in place in surprise: the ceilings and walls in the house were marble, armchairs, chairs and tables were made of ebony, decorated with gold and precious stones and the floor was glass and so smooth that Jacob slipped and fell several times.

The old woman put a small silver whistle to her lips and somehow in a special way, resoundingly, whistled - so that the whistle crackled throughout the house. And immediately guinea pigs ran down the stairs - quite unusual guinea pigs that walked on two legs. Instead of shoes, they had nutshells, and these pigs were dressed just like people - they didn’t even forget to take their hats.

Where did you put my shoes, you scoundrels! shouted the old woman, and hit the pigs with a stick so that they jumped up with a squeal. - How long will I be here?

The pigs ran up the stairs at a run, fetched two leather-lined coconut shells, and deftly put them on the old woman's legs.

The old woman immediately stopped limping. She tossed her stick aside and slid quickly across the glass floor, dragging little Jacob behind her. It was even difficult for him to keep up with her, she moved so nimbly in her coconut shells.

Finally, the old woman stopped in some room, where there were a lot of all kinds of dishes. It must have been the kitchen, although the floors were carpeted and the sofas were covered with embroidered cushions, like in some palace.

Sit down, son, - the old woman said affectionately and seated Jacob on the sofa, pushing the table to the sofa so that Jacob could not leave his seat anywhere. - Get some rest - you must be tired. After all, human heads are not an easy note.

What are you talking about! Jacob screamed. - I really got tired of being tired, but I was not carrying heads, but cabbages. You bought them from my mother.

It is you who speaks incorrectly,” said the old woman, and laughed.

And, opening the basket, she pulled out a human head by the hair.

Jacob almost fell, he was so frightened. He immediately thought of his mother. After all, if anyone finds out about these heads, they will immediately inform her, and she will have a bad time.

You still need to be rewarded for being so obedient,” the old woman continued. - Be patient a little: I will cook you such a soup that you will remember it to death.

She blew her whistle again, and the guinea-pigs rushed into the kitchen, dressed like humans, in aprons, with ladles and kitchen knives in their belts. Squirrels came running after them - many squirrels, also on two legs; they were in wide trousers and green velvet caps. It was evident that they were cooks. They quickly climbed the walls and brought bowls and pans, eggs, butter, roots and flour to the stove. And bustling around the stove, rolling back and forth on her coconut shells, was the old woman herself - she obviously wanted to cook something good for Jacob. The fire under the stove flared up more and more, something hissed and smoked in the pans, a pleasant, tasty smell wafted around the room.

The old woman darted here and there, and now and then stuck her long nose into the pot of soup to see if the food was ready.

Finally, something gurgled and gurgled in the pot, steam poured out of it, and thick foam poured onto the fire.

Then the old woman took the pot off the stove, poured some soup out of it into a silver bowl, and placed the bowl in front of Jacob.

Eat, son, she said. - Eat this soup and you will be as beautiful as me. And you will become a good cook - you need to know some craft.

Jacob did not understand very well that it was the old woman muttering under her breath, and he did not listen to her - he was more busy with soup. His mother often cooked all sorts of delicious things for him, but he had never tasted anything better than this soup. It smelled so good of herbs and roots, it was both sweet and sour, and also very strong.

When Jacob had almost finished his soup, the pigs lit some kind of smoke with a pleasant smell on a small brazier, and clouds of bluish smoke floated all over the room. It became thicker and thicker, more and more densely enveloping the boy, so that Yakob finally felt dizzy. In vain did he tell himself that it was time for him to return to his mother, in vain did he try to get on his feet. As soon as he got up, he again fell on the sofa - so suddenly he wanted to sleep. In less than five minutes he actually fell asleep on the couch in the ugly old woman's kitchen.

And Jacob had a wonderful dream. He dreamed that the old woman took off his clothes and wrapped him in a squirrel skin. He learned to jump and jump like a squirrel and made friends with other squirrels and pigs. All of them were very good.

And Jacob, like them, began to serve the old woman. First he had to be a shoe shiner. He had to oil the coconut shells that the old woman wore on her feet, and rub them with a cloth so that they shone. At home, Jacob often had to clean his shoes and shoes, so things quickly went well for him.

About a year later, he was transferred to another, more difficult position. Together with several other squirrels, he caught dust particles from a sunbeam and sifted them through the finest sieve, and then they baked bread for the old woman. She didn’t have a single tooth left in her mouth, which is why she had to eat rolls from sunny dust particles, softer than which, as everyone knows, there is nothing in the world.

A year later, Jacob was instructed to get the old woman drinking water. Do you think she had a well dug in her yard or a bucket set up to collect rain water? No, the old woman did not even take plain water in her mouth. Jacob with squirrels collected dew from flowers in nutshells, and the old woman drank only her. And she drank a lot, so that the water carriers had work up to their throats.

Another year passed, and Jacob moved to serve in the rooms - to clean the floors. This also turned out to be not a very easy thing: after all, the floors were glass - you die on them, and you can see it. Jacob cleaned them with brushes and rubbed them with a cloth, which he wrapped around his legs.

In the fifth year, Jacob began to work in the kitchen. It was an honorable job, to which they were admitted with analysis, after a long test. Jacob went through all the positions, from a cook to a senior pastry master, and became such an experienced and skillful cook that he even surprised himself. Why didn't he learn how to cook! The most intricate dishes - a cake of two hundred varieties, soups from all herbs and roots that are in the world - he knew how to cook everything quickly and tasty.

So Jacob lived with the old woman for seven years. So one day she put her nutshells on her feet, took a crutch and a basket to go to the city, and ordered Jacob to pluck the chicken, stuff it with herbs and brown it well. Jacob immediately set to work. He turned the bird's head, scalded it all over with boiling water, deftly plucked its feathers. scraped off the skin. so that it became tender and shiny, and took out the insides. Then he needed herbs to stuff the chicken with them. He went to the pantry, where the old woman kept all kinds of greens, and began to select what he needed. And suddenly he saw in the wall of the pantry a small cabinet, which he had never noticed before. The cabinet door was ajar. Jacob peered into it with curiosity and saw that there were some small baskets there. He opened one of them and saw outlandish herbs, which he had never come across before. Their stems were greenish, and on each stem there was a bright red flower with a yellow rim.

Jacob raised one flower to his nose and suddenly smelled a familiar smell - the same as the soup that the old woman fed him when he came to her. The smell was so strong that Jacob sneezed loudly several times and woke up.

He looked around in surprise and saw that he was lying on the same sofa, in the old woman's kitchen.

“Well, it was a dream! Just like in reality! Jacob thought. “That’s what mother will laugh when I tell her all this!” And I will get from her because I fell asleep in a strange house, instead of returning to her market!”

He quickly jumped up from the sofa and wanted to run to his mother, but he felt that his whole body was like wood, and his neck was completely numb - he could barely move his head. Every now and then he touched the wall or the closet with his nose, and once, when he quickly turned around, he even hit the door painfully. Squirrels and pigs ran around Jacob and squeaked - apparently they did not want to let him go. Leaving the old woman's house, Yakob beckoned them to follow him - he was also sorry to part with them, but they quickly drove back to the rooms on their shells, and the boy still heard their plaintive squeak from a distance for a long time.

The old woman's house, as we already know, was far from the market, and Jacob made his way through narrow, winding alleys for a long time until he reached the market. The streets were crowded with a lot of people. Somewhere nearby, they probably showed a dwarf, because everyone around Jacob shouted:

Look, here's an ugly dwarf! And where did he just come from? Well, he has a long nose! And the head - right on the shoulders sticks out, without a neck! And hands, hands! .. Look - up to the very heels!

Jacob at another time would have run with pleasure to look at the dwarf, but today he had no time for that - he had to hurry to his mother.

Finally, Jacob reached the market. He was rather afraid that he would get from his mother. Hannah was still sitting in her seat, and she had a good deal of vegetables in her basket, which meant Jacob hadn't slept very long. Already from a distance, he noticed that his mother was saddened by something. She sat silently, her cheek resting on her hand, pale and sad.

Jacob stood for a long time, not daring to approach his mother. At last he plucked up courage and, creeping up behind her, put his hand on her shoulder and said:

Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you mad at me? Hannah turned around and, seeing Jacob, screamed in horror.

What do you want from me, scary dwarf? she screamed. - Go away, go away! I can't stand these jokes!

What are you, mother? Jacob said fearfully. You must be unwell. Why are you chasing me?

I'm telling you, go your way! Hannah yelled angrily. "You won't get anything from me for your jokes, you nasty freak!"

"She went crazy! thought poor Jacob. “How can I take her home now?”

Mommy, look at me well, - he said, almost crying. - I'm your son Jacob!

No, this is too much! Hannah shouted to her neighbors. “Look at that terrible dwarf!” He scares away all buyers and even laughs at my grief! He says - I'm your son, your Jacob, such a scoundrel!

The merchants, Hanna's neighbors, jumped to their feet at once and began to scold Jacob:

How dare you joke about her grief! Her son was stolen seven years ago. And what a boy was - just a picture! Get out now, or we'll gouge your eyes out!

Poor Jacob didn't know what to think. After all, this morning he came with his mother to the market and helped her lay out the vegetables, then he took the cabbage to the old woman's house, went to her, ate her soup, slept a little, and now he returned. And the traders talk about some seven years. And he, Jacob, is called a nasty dwarf. What happened to them?

With tears in his eyes Jacob wandered from the market. Since his mother does not want to recognize him, he will go to his father.

Let's see, Jacob thought. “Will my father also send me away?” I will stand at the door and speak to him."

He went to the shoemaker's shop, who, as always, sat there and worked, stood near the door and looked into the shop. Friedrich was so busy with work that at first he did not notice Jakob. But suddenly, by chance, he raised his head, dropped the awl and drape from his hands, and cried out:

What it is? What?

Good evening, master, - said Jacob and entered the shop. - How are you doing?

Bad, sir, bad! - answered the shoemaker, who also apparently did not recognize Jacob. - Work is not going well at all. I am already many years old, and I am alone - there is not enough money to hire an apprentice.

Don't you have a son who could help you? Jacob asked.

I had one son, his name was Jacob, - answered the shoemaker. He would be twenty years old now. He would be very supportive. After all, he was only twelve years old, and he was such a smart girl! And in the craft he already knew something, and the handsome man was hand-written. He would have already managed to lure customers, I would not have to put patches now - I would only sew new shoes. Yes, this is my destiny!

Where is your son now? Jacob asked timidly.

God only knows about that, ”the shoemaker answered with a heavy sigh. - It's been seven years since he was taken away from us at the market.

Seven years! Jacob repeated with horror.

Yes, sir, seven years. As I remember now, my wife came running from the market, howling and screaming: it's already evening, but the child has not returned. She looked for him all day, asking everyone if they had seen him, but she did not find him. I always said it would end like this. Our Jacob - what is true, is true - was a handsome child, his wife was proud of him and often sent him to bring vegetables or something else to kind people. It’s a sin to say - he was always well rewarded, but I often said:

“Look, Hannah! The city is big, it has a lot evil people. No matter what happens to our Jacob!” And so it happened! That day some woman came to the bazaar, an old, ugly woman, she was choosing, choosing goods and in the end she bought so much that she herself could not carry it. Hannah, good shower, ”and sent the boy with her ... So we never saw him again.

So it's been seven years since then?

There will be seven in the spring. We already announced him, and went around people, asking about the boy - after all, many knew him, everyone loved him, handsome, - but no matter how much we searched, we did not find him. And the woman who bought vegetables from Hannah has not been seen since. An ancient old woman - ninety years old in the world - told Hannah that it might be the evil sorceress Craterweiss, who comes to town once every fifty years to buy provisions.

Thus spoke Yakob's father, tapping his boot with a hammer and pulling out a long waxed dagger. Now Jacob finally understood what had happened to him. This means that he did not see this in a dream, but he really was a squirrel for seven years and served with an evil sorceress. His heart was literally breaking with frustration. Seven years of his life was stolen from him by an old woman, and what did he get for it? He learned how to clean coconut shells and rub glass floors, and learned how to cook all sorts of delicious dishes!

For a long time he stood on the threshold of the shop, not saying a word. Finally the shoemaker asked him:

Maybe you like something from me, sir? Would you take a pair of shoes, or at least, - here he suddenly burst out laughing, - a nose case?

What's wrong with my nose? Jacob said. - Why do I need a case for him?

As you wish, replied the cobbler, but if I had such a terrible nose, I would, dare I say, hide it in a case - a good case of pink husky. Look, I have just the right piece. True, your nose will need a lot of skin. But as you please, my sir. After all, you, right, often touch your nose behind the door.

Jacob couldn't say a word in surprise. He felt his nose - the nose was thick and long, a quarter to two, no less. Apparently, the evil old woman turned him into a freak. That's why the mother didn't recognize him.

Master, - he said, almost crying, - do you have a mirror here? I need to look in the mirror, I definitely need to.

To tell you the truth, sir, - answered the shoemaker, - you are not such a person as to be proud of. There is no need for you to look in the mirror every minute. Give up this habit - it doesn't suit you at all.

Give me, give me a mirror! Jacob pleaded. - I assure you, I really need it. I'm not really proud...

Yes, you absolutely! I don't have a mirror! the shoemaker got angry. - My wife had one tiny one, but I don’t know where she hurt him. If you really can't wait to look at yourself, there is the barber's shop Urbana opposite. He has a mirror twice the size of you. Look at it as much as you like. And then - I wish you good health.

And the shoemaker gently pushed Jacob out of the shop and slammed the door behind him. Jacob quickly crossed the street and entered the barber, whom he used to know well.

Good morning, Urban, he said. - I have a big request to you: please, let me look in your mirror.

Do me a favor. There it stands in the left pier! shouted Urban, and laughed out loud. - Admire, admire yourself, you are a real handsome man - thin, slender, a swan neck, hands like a queen, and a snub-nosed nose - there is no better in the world! Of course, you flaunt it a little, but anyway, look at yourself. Let them not say that out of envy I did not allow you to look at my mirror.

The visitors who came to Urban for a shave and haircut laughed deafeningly as they listened to his jokes. Jacob went to the mirror and involuntarily recoiled. Tears welled up in his eyes. Is it really him, this ugly dwarf! His eyes became small, like those of a pig, his huge nose hung below his chin, and his neck seemed to be completely gone. His head was sunk deep into his shoulders, and he could hardly turn it at all. And he was the same height as seven years ago - very small. Other boys have grown taller over the years, and Jacob has grown in width. His back and chest were wide, very wide, and he looked like a large, tightly stuffed bag. Thin short legs barely carried his heavy body. And the hands with hooked fingers were, on the contrary, long, like those of a grown man, and hung almost to the ground. Such was poor Jakob now.

“Yes,” he thought, sighing deeply, “no wonder you didn’t recognize your son, mother! He was not like that before, when you loved to brag about him to your neighbors!”

He remembered how the old woman had approached his mother that morning. Everything that he then laughed at - both the long nose and the ugly fingers - he received from the old woman for his ridicule. And she took his neck from him, as she promised ...

Well, have you seen enough of yourself, my handsome? asked Urban with a laugh, going up to the mirror and looking Jacob from head to toe. “Honestly, you won’t see such a funny dwarf in a dream. You know, baby, I want to offer you one thing. My barbershop gets a lot of people, but not as many as before. And all because my neighbor, the barber Shaum, got himself a giant somewhere who lures visitors to him. Well, becoming a giant, generally speaking, is not so tricky, but being as small as you is another matter. Come to my service, baby. And housing, and food, and clothes - you will receive everything from me, but the only work is to stand at the door of the barbershop and invite the people. Yes, perhaps, still whip up soapy foam and serve a towel. And I’ll tell you for sure, we will both remain in profit: I will have more visitors than Shaum and his giant, and everyone will give you another tea.

Jacob was very offended in his soul - how is it that they offer him to be a bait in a barber shop! - but what can you do, I had to endure this insult. He calmly replied that he was too busy to take on such a job, and left.

Although Jacob's body was mutilated, his head worked well, as before. He felt that in these seven years he had become quite an adult.

“It's not a problem that I became a freak,” he thought, walking down the street. - It's a shame that both father and mother drove me away like a dog. I'll try to talk to my mother again. Maybe she will recognize me after all.”

He again went to the market and, going up to Hannah, asked her to listen calmly to what he had to say to her. He reminded her of how the old woman had taken him away, listed everything that happened to him in childhood, and told her that he had lived for seven years with a sorceress who turned him first into a squirrel and then into a dwarf because he laughed at her.

Hanna didn't know what to think. Everything that the dwarf said about his childhood was correct, but that he had been a squirrel for seven years, she could not believe this.

It's impossible! - she exclaimed. Finally, Hannah decided to consult with her husband.

She gathered her baskets and invited Jacob to go with her to the shoemaker's shop. When they arrived, Hannah said to her husband:

This dwarf says he is our son Jacob. He told me that seven years ago he was stolen from us and bewitched by a sorceress...

Ah, that's how! the shoemaker interrupted her angrily. “So he told you all this?” Wait, stupid! I myself just told him about our Jacob, and he, you see, straight to you and let's fool you ... So you say you were bewitched? Well, now I'll break the spell for you.

The shoemaker grabbed the belt and, jumping up to Yakob, whipped him so that he ran out of the shop with a loud cry.

The whole day the poor dwarf wandered around the city without eating or drinking. No one took pity on him, and everyone just laughed at him. He had to spend the night on the church stairs, right on the hard, cold steps.

As soon as the sun rose, Jacob got up and again went to roam the streets.

And then Jacob remembered that while he was a squirrel and lived with an old woman, he managed to learn how to cook well. And he decided to become a cook for the duke.

And the duke, the ruler of that country, was a famous eater and gourmet. He most of all loved to eat well and ordered cooks for himself from all over the world.

Jacob waited a little, until it was quite light, and went to the ducal palace.

His heart was beating loudly as he approached the palace gates. The gatekeepers asked him what he needed and began to make fun of him, but Yakob did not lose his head and said that he wanted to see the head kitchen chief. He was led through some courtyards, and all the ducal servants who only saw him ran after him and laughed loudly.

Jacob soon formed a huge retinue. The grooms abandoned their combs, the boys raced to keep up with him, the floor polishers stopped knocking out the carpets. Everyone crowded around Jacob, and there was such noise and hubbub in the yard, as if enemies were approaching the city. Everywhere there were cries:

Dwarf! Dwarf! Have you seen a dwarf? Finally, the palace caretaker came out into the courtyard - a sleepy fat man with a huge whip in his hand.

Hey you dogs! What is this noise? he shouted in a thunderous voice, mercilessly beating his whip on the shoulders and backs of the grooms and servants. “Do you not know that the duke is still asleep?”

Lord, - the gatekeepers answered, - look who we have brought to you! A real dwarf! You've probably never seen anything like this before.

Seeing Yakob, the caretaker made a terrible grimace and pursed his lips as tightly as possible so as not to laugh - importance did not allow him to laugh in front of the grooms. He dispersed the gathering with his whip and, taking Jacob by the hand, led him into the palace and asked what he needed. Hearing that Jacob wanted to see the head of the kitchen, the caretaker exclaimed:

Not true, son! It's me you need, palace warden. You want to become a dwarf with the duke, don't you?

No, sir, Jacob replied. - I am a good cook and I know how to cook all sorts of rare dishes. Take me to the head of the kitchen, please. Maybe he will agree to test my art.

Your will, baby, - the caretaker answered, - you still seem to be a stupid guy. If you were a court dwarf, you could do nothing, eat, drink, have fun and walk around in beautiful clothes, and you want to go to the kitchen! But we'll see. You are hardly a skilled enough cook to prepare meals for the duke himself, and you are too good for a cook.

Having said this, the caretaker took Jacob to the head of the kitchen. The dwarf bowed low to him and said:

Dear sir, do you need a skilled cook?

The head of the kitchen looked Jacob up and down and laughed out loud.

Do you want to be a chef? he exclaimed. “Well, do you think our stoves are so low in our kitchen?” After all, you will not see anything on them, even if you rise on tiptoe. No, my little friend, the one who advised you to come to me as a cook played a bad joke on you.

And the head of the kitchen burst out laughing again, followed by the palace caretaker and all those who were in the room. Jacob, however, was not embarrassed.

Mister head of the kitchen! - he said. - You probably do not mind giving me one or two eggs, a little flour, wine and spices. Instruct me to prepare some dish and tell me to serve everything that is needed for this. I cook food in front of everyone, and you will say: “This is a real cook!”

For a long time he persuaded the head of the kitchen, gleaming with his small eyes and shaking his head convincingly. Finally the boss agreed.

Okay! - he said. Let's try it for fun! Let's all go to the kitchen, and you too, mister superintendent of the palace.

He took the palace superintendent by the arm and ordered Jacob to follow him. For a long time they walked through some large luxurious rooms and long ones. corridors and finally came to the kitchen. It was a tall, spacious room with a huge stove with twenty burners, under which a fire burned day and night. In the middle of the kitchen was a pool of water in which live fish were kept, and along the walls were marble and wooden cabinets full of precious utensils. Next to the kitchen, in ten huge pantries, all kinds of supplies and delicacies were stored. Chefs, cooks, dishwashers rushed back and forth through the kitchen, rattling pots, pans, spoons and knives. When the head of the kitchen appeared, everyone froze in place, and the kitchen became completely quiet; only the fire continued to crackle under the stove and the water still gurgled in the pool.

What did the duke order for the first breakfast today? - the head of the kitchen asked the head breakfast manager - an old fat cook in a high cap.

His lordship deigned to order Danish soup with red Hamburg dumplings, - the cook respectfully answered.

All right, - continued the head of the kitchen. “Did you hear, dwarf, what does the Duke want to eat?” Can you be trusted with such difficult dishes? There's no way you can cook Hamburg dumplings. This is the secret of our chefs.

There is nothing easier, - answered the dwarf (when he was a squirrel, he often had to cook these dishes for the old woman). - For soup, give me such and such herbs and spices, wild boar fat, eggs and roots. And for the dumplings,” he spoke more quietly so that no one but the head of the kitchen and the breakfast manager could hear him, “and for the dumplings, I need four kinds of meat, a little beer, goose fat, ginger and an herb called “stomach comfort.”

I swear on my honor, right! shouted the astonished cook. "Which wizard taught you how to cook?" You listed everything to the point. And about the weed "consolation of the stomach" I myself hear for the first time. Dumplings will probably come out even better with her. You are a miracle, not a chef!

I never would have thought this! said the head of the kitchen. But let's do a test. Give him supplies, utensils, and whatever else he needs, and let him prepare breakfast for the duke.

The cooks carried out his order, but when everything that was needed was put on the stove, and the dwarf wanted to start cooking, it turned out that he barely reached the top of the stove with the tip of his long nose. I had to move a chair to the stove, the dwarf climbed on it and began to cook.

Cooks, cooks, and dishwashers surrounded the dwarf in a dense ring and, wide-eyed in surprise, looked at how quickly and deftly he managed everything.

Having prepared the dishes for cooking, the dwarf ordered that both pots be put on the fire and not removed until he ordered. Then he began to count: "One, two, three, four ..." - and, having counted exactly to five hundred, he shouted: "Enough!"

The cooks moved the pans off the fire, and the dwarf invited the head of the kitchen to taste his cooking.

The chief cook ordered a golden spoon to be served, rinsed it in the pool and handed it over to the head of the kitchen. He solemnly approached the stove, removed the lids from the steaming pans and tasted the soup and dumplings. After swallowing a spoonful of soup, he closed his eyes in pleasure, clicked his tongue several times and said:

Excellent, excellent, I swear on my honor! Wouldn't you like to make sure, sir palace superintendent?

The caretaker of the palace took the spoon with a bow, tasted it, and almost jumped with pleasure.

I don’t want to offend you, dear breakfast manager,” he said, “you are an excellent, experienced cook, but you have never managed to cook such soup and such dumplings.

The cook also tasted both dishes, respectfully shook hands with the dwarf and said:

Baby, you Great master! Your "gastric comfort" herb gives soup and dumplings a special flavor.

At this time, the duke's servant appeared in the kitchen and demanded breakfast for his master. The food was immediately poured into silver plates and sent upstairs. The head of the kitchen, very pleased, took the dwarf to his room and wanted to ask him who he was and where he came from. But as soon as they sat down and began to talk, a messenger from the duke came for the chief and said that the duke was calling him. The head of the kitchen quickly put on his best dress and followed the messenger into the dining room.

The Duke sat there, reclining in his deep armchair. He ate everything on the plates clean and wiped his lips with a silk handkerchief. His face beamed, and he squinted sweetly in pleasure.

Listen, - he said, seeing the head of the kitchen, - I have always been very pleased with your cooking, but today the breakfast was especially tasty. Tell me the name of the cook who cooked it, and I will send him a few ducats as a reward.

Sir, an amazing story happened today, - said the head of the kitchen.

And he told the duke how in the morning a dwarf was brought to him, who certainly wants to become a palace cook. The Duke, after listening to his story, was very surprised. He ordered to call the dwarf and began to ask him who he was. Poor Yakob did not want to say that he had been a squirrel for seven years and served an old woman, but he did not like to lie either. So he only told the duke that he no longer had a father or mother, and that an old woman had taught him how to cook. The duke laughed for a long time at the strange appearance of the dwarf, and finally said to him:

So be it, stay with me. I will give you fifty ducats a year, one festive dress, and, moreover, two pairs of trousers. For this, you will cook breakfast for me every day, watch how dinner is cooked, and generally manage my table. And besides, I give nicknames to everyone who serves me. You will be called Dwarf Nose and will be promoted to assistant kitchen chief.

Dwarf Nose bowed to the ground to the duke and thanked him for his mercy. When the duke released him, Jakob returned joyfully to the kitchen. Now, at last, he could not worry about his fate and not think about what would happen to him tomorrow.

He decided to thank his master well, and not only the ruler of the country himself, but all his courtiers could not praise the little cook. Since the Dwarf Nose settled in the palace, the duke has become, one might say, a completely different person. Before, he had often thrown plates and glasses at the cooks if he did not like their cooking, and once he was so angry that he threw a poorly fried veal leg at the head of the kitchen. The leg hit the poor fellow in the forehead, and after that he lay in bed for three days. All the cooks trembled with fear as they prepared the food.

But with the advent of the Dwarf Nose, everything changed. The duke now ate not three times a day, as before, but five times and only praised the dwarf's skill. Everything seemed delicious to him, and he was getting fatter every day. He often invited the dwarf to his table with the head of the kitchen and forced them to taste the dishes they had prepared.

The inhabitants of the city could not be surprised at this wonderful dwarf.

Every day, a lot of people crowded at the doors of the palace kitchen - everyone asked and begged the chief cook to allow at least one eye to see how the dwarf was preparing food. And the city rich tried to get permission from the duke to send their cooks to the kitchen so that they could learn how to cook from the dwarf. This gave the dwarf a considerable income - for each student he was paid half a ducat a day - but he gave all the money to other cooks so that they would not envy him.

So Jacob lived in the palace for two years. He would, perhaps, even be pleased with his fate, if he did not think so often about his father and mother, who did not recognize him and drove him away. That was the only thing that upset him.

And then one day something like this happened to him.

Dwarf Nose was very good at buying supplies. He always went to the market himself and chose geese, ducks, herbs and vegetables for the ducal table. One morning he went to the market for geese and for a long time could not find enough fat birds. He walked through the bazaar several times, choosing the best goose. Now no one laughed at the dwarf. Everyone bowed low to him and respectfully gave way. Every merchant would be happy if he bought a goose from her.

Walking back and forth, Jacob suddenly noticed at the end of the bazaar, away from the other traders, a woman whom he had not seen before. She also sold geese, but she did not praise her product like the others, but sat in silence, not saying a word. Jacob went up to this woman and examined her geese. They were just the way he wanted. Jacob bought three birds with a cage - two ganders and one goose - put the cage on his shoulder and went back to the palace. And suddenly he noticed that two birds were cackling and flapping their wings, as befits good ganders, and the third - the goose - was sitting quietly and even seemed to sigh.

“That goose is sick,” Jacob thought. “As soon as I arrive at the palace, I will immediately order her to be slaughtered before she dies.”

And suddenly the bird, as if guessing his thoughts, said:

You don't cut me

I will close you.

If you break my neck

You will die before your time.

Jacob nearly dropped the cage.

Here are miracles! he shouted. - You, it turns out, know how to speak, madam goose! Don't be afraid, I won't kill such an amazing bird. I bet you didn't always wear goose feathers. After all, I was once a little squirrel.

Your truth, - answered the goose. - I was not born a bird. No one thought that Mimi, the daughter of the great Wetterbock, would end her life under the chef's knife on the kitchen table.

Don't worry dear Mimi! Jacob exclaimed. - If I were not an honest man and the chief cook of his lordship, if someone touches you with a knife! You will live in a beautiful cage in my room, and I will feed you and talk to you. And I'll tell the other cooks that I'm fattening the goose with special herbs for the duke himself. And it won't be a month before I figure out a way to set you free.

Mimi, with tears in her eyes, thanked the dwarf, and Jacob fulfilled everything he promised. He said in the kitchen that he would fatten the goose in a special way that no one knows, and put her cage in his room. Mimi received not goose food, but cookies, sweets and all sorts of goodies, and as soon as Jacob had a free minute, he immediately ran to chat with her.

Mimi told Jacob that she had been turned into a goose and brought to this city by an old sorceress, with whom her father, the famous wizard Wetterbock, had once quarreled. The dwarf also told Mimi his story, and Mimi said:

I understand something about witchcraft - my father taught me a little of his wisdom. My guess is that the old woman bewitched you with the magic herb that she put in the soup when you brought the cabbage home to her. If you find this weed and smell it, you might be like everyone else again.

This, of course, did not particularly console the dwarf: how could he find this herb? But he still had a little hope.

A few days later, a prince, his neighbor and friend, came to visit the duke. The duke immediately called the dwarf to him and said to him:

Now it's time to show if you serve me faithfully and know your art well. This prince, who came to visit me, likes to eat well and knows a lot about cooking. Look, prepare us such dishes that the prince will be surprised every day. And don’t even think about serving the same meal twice while the prince is visiting me. Then you will have no mercy. Take everything you need from my treasurer, at least give us baked gold, so as not to disgrace yourself before the prince.

Don't worry, Your Grace," Jacob replied, bowing low. - I'll be able to please your gourmet prince.

And Dwarf Nose ardently set to work. All day long he stood at the flaming stove and gave orders incessantly in his thin voice. A crowd of cooks and cooks rushed around the kitchen, catching his every word. Jacob spared neither himself nor others to please his master.

For two weeks the prince had been visiting the duke. They ate no less than five meals a day, and the duke was delighted. He saw that his guest liked the dwarf's cooking. On the fifteenth day, the duke called Jacob to the dining room, showed him to the prince and asked if the prince was pleased with the skill of his cook.

You are an excellent cook, - said the prince to the dwarf, - and you understand what it means to eat well. For all the time that I have been here, you have not served a single dish twice, and everything was very tasty. But tell me, why haven't you treated us to "Queen's Pie" yet? This is the most tasty pie in the world.

The dwarf's heart sank: he had never heard of such a cake. But he did not show that he was embarrassed, and answered:

Oh lord, I hoped that you would stay with us for a long time, and I wanted to treat you to the "queen's pie" at parting. After all, this is the king of all pies, as you yourself well know.

Ah, that's how! said the duke and laughed. - You have never treated me to the “queen's pie” either. You will probably bake it on the day of my death so that you can treat me one last time. But come up with another dish for this occasion! And the “queen's pie” to be on the table tomorrow! Do you hear?

Yes, monsieur duke, - Jacob answered and left, preoccupied and distressed.

That's when the day of his shame came! How does he know how this cake is baked?

He went to his room and began to weep bitterly. Mimi the Goose saw this from her cage and took pity on him.

What are you crying about, Jacob? she asked, and when Jacob told her about the Queen's Pie, she said, "Dry your tears and don't be upset." This cake was often served at our house, and I seem to remember how it should be baked. Take so much flour and add such and such seasoning, and the cake is ready. And if something is not enough in it - the trouble is small. The duke and prince won't notice anyway. They don't have that much taste.

Dwarf Nose jumped for joy and immediately began to bake a cake. First, he made a small pie and gave it to the head of the kitchen to try. He found it to be very tasty. Then Jacob baked a big pie and sent it straight from the oven to the table. And he himself put on his festive dress and went into the dining room to see how the duke and prince would like this new pie.

When he entered, the butler had just cut off a large piece of cake, served it on a silver spatula to the prince, and then another of the same kind to the duke. The duke bit off half a piece at once, chewed the cake, swallowed it, and leaned back in his chair with a satisfied look.

Ah, how delicious! he exclaimed. - No wonder this pie is called the king of all pies. But my dwarf is the king of all cooks. Isn't it true, prince?

The prince carefully bit off a tiny piece, chewed it well, rubbed it with his tongue and said, smiling indulgently and pushing the plate away:

Wicked meal! But only he is far from the “queen's pie”. I thought so!

The duke blushed with annoyance and frowned angrily:

Bad dwarf! he shouted. How dare you dishonor your master like that? You should have your head cut off for this kind of cooking!

Mister! Jacob screamed, falling to his knees. - I baked this cake properly. Everything you need is included in it.

You are lying, you rascal! shouted the duke, and kicked the dwarf away with his foot. - My guest would not needlessly say that something is missing in the pie. I'll order you to be ground and baked into a pie, you freak!

Have pity on me! cried the dwarf plaintively, grabbing the prince by the skirts of his dress. - Do not let me die because of a handful of flour and meat! Tell me, what is missing in this pie, why did you not like it so much?

This will help you a little, my dear Nose, - the prince answered with a laugh. - I already thought yesterday that you can't bake this pie the way my cook bakes it. It lacks one herb that no one knows about you. It's called "sneeze for health." Without this weed, Queen's Pie doesn't taste the same, and your master will never have to taste it the way I make it.

No, I'll try it, and very soon! cried the duke. “I swear on my ducal honor, either you will see such a cake on the table tomorrow, or the head of this scoundrel will stick out on the gates of my palace. Get out, dog! I give you twenty-four hours to save my life.

The poor dwarf, weeping bitterly, went to his room and complained to the goose about his grief. Now he can't escape death! After all, he had never heard of the herb called "sneeze for health."

If that's the point, Mimi said, then I can help you. My father taught me to recognize all herbs. If it had been two weeks ago, you might really have been in danger of death, but, fortunately, now the new moon, and at this time that grass is blooming. Are there any old chestnut trees near the palace?

Yes! Yes! cried the dwarf joyfully. “There are a few chestnut trees in the garden not far from here. But why do you need them?

This grass, Mimi answered, grows only under old chestnut trees. Let's not waste any time and go look for her now. Take me in your arms and carry me out of the palace.

The dwarf took Mimi in his arms, walked with her to the palace gates and wanted to go out. But the gatekeeper blocked his way.

No, my dear Nose, - he said, - I am strictly ordered not to let you out of the palace.

Can't I take a walk in the garden? asked the dwarf. - Kindly send someone to the caretaker and ask if I can walk in the garden and collect grass.

The porter sent to ask the caretaker, and the caretaker allowed: the garden was surrounded by a high wall, and it was impossible to escape from it.

Stepping out into the garden, the dwarf carefully placed Mimi on the ground, and she hobbled over to the chestnut trees that grew on the shore of the lake. Jacob, saddened, followed her.

If Mimi doesn't find that weed, he thought, I'll drown myself in the lake. It's still better than having your head cut off."

Mimi, meanwhile, visited under each chestnut tree, turned every blade of grass with her beak, but in vain - the herb “sneeze for health” was nowhere to be seen. The goose even cried out of grief. Evening was approaching, it was getting dark, and it became more and more difficult to distinguish the stalks of grasses. By chance, the dwarf looked at the other side of the lake and shouted joyfully:

Look, Mimi, you see - there's another big old chestnut on the other side! Let's go there and look, maybe my happiness grows under it.

The goose flapped its wings heavily and flew away, and the dwarf ran after her at full speed on his small legs. Having crossed the bridge, he approached the chestnut tree. The chestnut tree was thick and spreading; under it, in the semi-darkness, almost nothing was visible. And suddenly Mimi flapped her wings and even jumped for joy. She quickly stuck her beak into the grass, plucked a flower and said, carefully holding it out to Jacob:

Here is the herb “sneeze for health”. There is a lot of it growing here, so you will have enough for a long time.

The dwarf took the flower in his hand and looked at it thoughtfully. It gave off a strong pleasant smell, and for some reason Jacob remembered how he stood in the old woman's pantry, picking up herbs to stuff chicken with them, and found the same flower - with a greenish stalk and a bright red head, decorated with a yellow border.

And suddenly Jacob was trembling all over with excitement.

You know, Mimi, - he shouted, - this, it seems, is the same flower that turned me from a squirrel into a dwarf! I'll try and sniff it.

Wait a bit, - said Mimi. “Take a bunch of this herb with you and let’s go back to your room.” Gather up your money and everything you have gained while serving the duke, and then we will try the power of this wonderful herb.

Jacob obeyed Mimi, although his heart was beating loudly with impatience. He ran to his room at a run. Having tied a hundred ducats and several pairs of dresses in a knot, he put his long nose into the flowers and smelled them. And suddenly his joints cracked, his neck stretched out, his head immediately rose from his shoulders, his nose began to get smaller and smaller, and his legs got longer and longer, his back and chest leveled out, and he became the same as all people. Mimi looked at Jacob with great surprise.

How beautiful you are! she screamed. “You don’t look like an ugly dwarf at all now!”

Jacob was very happy. He wanted to immediately run to his parents and show himself to them, but he remembered his savior.

If it weren't for you, dear Mimi, I would have remained a dwarf for the rest of my life and, perhaps, would have died under the executioner's ax, - he said, gently stroking the goose on the back and on the wings. - I have to thank you. I will take you to your father, and he will disenchant you. He's smarter than all wizards.

Mimi burst into tears of joy, and Jacob took her in his arms and pressed her to his chest. He quietly left the palace - not a single person recognized him - and went with Mimi to the sea, to the island of Gotland, where her father, the wizard Wetterbock, lived.

They traveled for a long time and finally reached this island. Wetterbock immediately removed the spell from Mimi and gave Jacob a lot of money and gifts. Jacob immediately returned to his hometown. His father and mother greeted him with joy - after all, he became so handsome and brought so much money!

We must also tell about the Duke.

On the morning of the next day, the duke decided to carry out his threat and cut off the dwarf's head if he did not find the grass that the prince spoke of. But Jacob was nowhere to be found.

Then the prince said that the duke deliberately hid the dwarf so as not to lose his best cook, and called him a deceiver. The duke became terribly angry and declared war on the prince. After many battles and battles, they finally made peace, and the prince, in order to celebrate the peace, ordered his cook to bake a real “queen's pie”. This world between them was called “Pie World”.

That's the whole story about the Dwarf Nose.

In the nursery - Hans Christian Andersen

The story of how the godfather came up with a whole performance for the girl Anya. Books served as decorations, and various objects served as actors. Thanks to the skill of the godfather's storyteller and the girl's imagination, it turned out to be a real performance that brightened up the evening in anticipation of the parents ... ...

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Wilhelm Hauff

Little Longnose

Mister! How wrong are those who think that only in the time of Harun al-Rashid, the lord of Baghdad, were there fairies and magicians, and even argue that there is no truth in those stories about the tricks of spirits and their masters that one can hear in the market. Even in our days there are fairies, and not so long ago I myself witnessed an incident in which spirits took an obvious part, about which I will tell you.

In one big city of my dear fatherland, Germany, once lived the shoemaker Friedrich with his wife Hannah. All day long he sat at the window and put patches on his shoes and boots. He undertook to sew new shoes, if someone ordered, but then he had to buy leather first. He could not stock up the goods in advance - there was no money.

And Hannah sold fruits and vegetables from her small garden in the market. She was a neat woman, knew how to arrange goods beautifully, and she always had many customers.

Hannah and Friedrich had a son, Jakob, a slender, handsome boy, quite tall for his twelve years. He usually sat next to his mother in the marketplace. When a cook or a cook bought a lot of vegetables from Hanna at once, Jacob helped them carry the purchase home and rarely returned empty-handed.

Hannah's customers loved the pretty boy and almost always gave him something: a flower, a cake, or a coin.

One day, Hannah, as always, was trading in the market. In front of her stood several baskets with cabbages, potatoes, roots and all kinds of greens. Immediately in a small basket were early pears, apples, apricots.

Jacob sat next to his mother and shouted loudly:

Here, here, cooks, cooks! ... Here is a good cabbage, greens, pears, apples! Who needs? Mother will give cheap!

And suddenly a poorly dressed old woman with small red eyes, a sharp face wrinkled with age and a long, long nose that descended to the very chin came up to them. The old woman leaned on a crutch, and it was amazing that she could walk at all: she limped, slid and rolled over, as if she had wheels on her feet. It seemed that she was about to fall and stick her sharp nose into the ground.

Hannah looked at the old woman curiously. For nearly sixteen years she has been trading in the market, and she has never seen such a wonderful old woman. She even became a little creepy when the old woman stopped near her baskets.

Are you Hannah, the vegetable vendor? the old woman asked in a raspy voice, shaking her head all the time.

Yes, said the shoemaker's wife. - Would you like to buy something?

We'll see, we'll see," the old woman muttered under her breath. - Let's see the greens, let's see the roots. Do you still have what I need...

She leaned down and ran her long brown fingers through the basket of bunches of greens that Hannah had arranged so nicely and neatly. He takes a bunch, brings it to his nose and sniffs it from all sides, and after him - another, third.

Hannah's heart was breaking, it was so hard for her to watch the old woman handle the greens. But she could not say a word to her - after all, the buyer has the right to inspect the goods. Besides, she was becoming more and more afraid of this old woman.

Turning over all the greenery, the old woman straightened up and grumbled:

Bad product!… Bad greens!… Nothing I need. Fifty years ago it was much better! ... Bad product! Bad product!

These words angered little Jacob.

Hey you shameless old woman! he shouted. - You smelled all the greens with your long nose, kneaded the roots with clumsy fingers, so that now no one will buy them, and you still swear that they are bad goods! The ducal cook himself buys from us!

The old woman looked askance at the boy and said in a hoarse voice:

You don't like my nose, my nose, my beautiful long nose? And you will have the same, up to the chin.

She rolled up to another basket - with cabbage, took out several wonderful, white heads of cabbage from it and squeezed them so that they crackled plaintively. Then she somehow threw the heads of cabbage back into the basket and said again:

Bad product! Bad cabbage!

Don't shake your head like that! Jacob screamed. - Your neck is no thicker than a stalk - just look, it will break off, and your head will fall into our basket. Who will buy from us then?

So you think my neck is too thin? said the old woman, still smiling. - Well, you will be completely without a neck. Your head will stick right out of your shoulders - at least it won't fall off your body.

Don't tell the boy such nonsense! said Hannah at last, not a little angry. - If you want to buy something, then buy quickly. You have me disperse all buyers.

The old woman glared at Hannah.

Okay, okay, she muttered. - Let it be your way. I'll take these six cabbages from you. But only I have a crutch in my hands, and I can’t carry anything myself. Let your son carry the purchase home to me. I will reward him well for this.

Jacob really did not want to go, and he even began to cry - he was afraid of this terrible old woman. But his mother strictly ordered him to obey - it seemed to her a sin to force an old, weak woman to carry such a burden. Wiping his tears, Yakob put the cabbage in the basket and followed the old woman.

She did not walk very fast, and it was almost an hour before they reached some distant street on the outskirts of the city and stopped in front of a small dilapidated house.

The old woman took out a rusty hook from her pocket, deftly thrust it into the hole in the door, and suddenly the door swung open with a noise. Jacob entered and froze in place in surprise: the ceilings and walls in the house were marble, armchairs, chairs and tables were made of ebony, decorated with gold and precious stones, and the floor was glass and so smooth that Jacob slipped and fell several times.

The old woman put a small silver whistle to her lips and somehow in a special way, resoundingly, whistled - so that the whistle crackled throughout the house. And immediately guinea pigs ran down the stairs - quite unusual guinea pigs that walked on two legs. Instead of shoes, they had nutshells, and these pigs were dressed just like people - they didn’t even forget to take their hats.

Where did you put my shoes, you scoundrels! shouted the old woman, and hit the pigs with a stick so that they jumped up with a squeal. - How long will I be here? ...

The pigs ran up the stairs at a run, fetched two leather-lined coconut shells, and deftly put them on the old woman's legs.

The old woman immediately stopped limping. She tossed her stick aside and slid quickly across the glass floor, dragging little Jacob behind her. It was even difficult for him to keep up with her, she moved so nimbly in her coconut shells.

Finally, the old woman stopped in some room, where there were a lot of all kinds of dishes. It must have been the kitchen, although the floors were carpeted and the sofas were covered with embroidered cushions, like in some palace.

Sit down, son, - the old woman said affectionately and seated Jacob on the sofa, pushing the table to the sofa so that Jacob could not leave his seat anywhere. - Get some rest - you must be tired. After all, human heads are not an easy note.

What are you talking about! Jacob screamed. - I really got tired of being tired, but I was not carrying heads, but cabbages. You bought them from my mother.

It is you who speaks incorrectly,” said the old woman, and laughed.

And, opening the basket, she pulled out a human head by the hair.

Jacob almost fell, he was so frightened. He immediately thought of his mother. After all, if anyone finds out about these heads, they will immediately inform her, and she will have a bad time.

You still need to be rewarded for being so obedient,” the old woman continued. - Be patient a little: I will cook you such a soup that you will remember it to death.

She blew her whistle again, and the guinea-pigs rushed into the kitchen, dressed like humans, in aprons, with ladles and kitchen knives in their belts. Squirrels came running after them - many squirrels, also on two legs; they were in wide trousers and green velvet caps. It was evident that they were cooks. They quickly climbed the walls and brought bowls and pans, eggs, butter, roots and flour to the stove. And bustling around the stove, rolling back and forth on her coconut shells, was the old woman herself - she obviously wanted to cook something good for Jacob. The fire under the stove flared up more and more, something hissed and smoked in the pans, a pleasant, tasty smell wafted around the room. The old woman darted here and there, and now and then stuck her long nose into the pot of soup to see if the food was ready.

Many years ago, in a large city in my dear homeland, Germany, there once lived a shoemaker Friedrich with his wife Hannah. All day long he sat at the window and put patches on his shoes and boots. He undertook to sew new shoes, if someone ordered, but then he had to buy leather first. He could not stock up the goods in advance - there was no money. And Hannah sold fruits and vegetables from her small garden in the market. She was a neat woman, knew how to arrange goods beautifully, and she always had many customers.

Hannah and Friedrich had a son, Jakob, a slender, handsome boy, quite tall for his twelve years. He usually sat next to his mother in the marketplace. When a cook or a cook bought a lot of vegetables from Hanna at once, Jacob helped them carry the purchase home and rarely returned empty-handed.

Hannah's customers loved the pretty boy and almost always gave him something: a flower, a cake, or a coin.

One day, Hannah, as always, was trading in the market. In front of her stood several baskets with cabbages, potatoes, roots and all kinds of greens. Immediately in a small basket were early pears, apples, apricots.

Jacob sat next to his mother and shouted loudly:

- Here, here, cooks, cooks! .. Here are good cabbages, greens, pears, apples! Who needs? Mother will give cheap!

And suddenly a poorly dressed old woman with small red eyes, a sharp face wrinkled with age and a long, long nose that descended to the very chin came up to them. The old woman leaned on a crutch, and it was amazing that she could walk at all: she limped, slid and rolled over, as if she had wheels on her feet. It seemed that she was about to fall and stick her sharp nose into the ground.

Hannah looked at the old woman curiously. For nearly sixteen years she has been trading in the market, and she has never seen such a wonderful old woman. She even became a little creepy when the old woman stopped near her baskets.

Are you Hannah, the vegetable vendor? the old woman asked in a raspy voice, shaking her head all the time.

“Yes,” said the shoemaker's wife. - Would you like to buy something?

"We'll see, we'll see," the old woman muttered under her breath. - Let's see the greens, let's see the roots. Do you still have what I need...

She leaned down and ran her long brown fingers through the basket of bunches of greens that Hannah had arranged so nicely and neatly. He takes a bunch, brings it to his nose and sniffs it from all sides, and after him - another, third.

Hannah's heart was breaking, it was so hard for her to watch the old woman handle the greens. But she could not say a word to her - after all, the buyer has the right to inspect the goods. Besides, she was becoming more and more afraid of this old woman.

Turning over all the greenery, the old woman straightened up and grumbled:

"Bad goods!... Bad greens!... There's nothing I need." Fifty years ago it was much better!.. Bad product! Bad product!

These words angered little Jacob.

“Hey, you shameless old woman! he shouted. “I smelled all the greens with my long nose, kneaded the roots with clumsy fingers, so that now no one will buy them, and you still swear that they are bad goods!” The ducal cook himself buys from us!

The old woman looked askance at the boy and said in a hoarse voice:

"You don't like my nose, my nose, my beautiful long nose?" And you will have the same, up to the chin.

She rolled up to another basket - with cabbage, took out of it several wonderful, white heads of cabbage and squeezed them so that they crackled plaintively. Then she somehow threw the heads of cabbage back into the basket and said again:

- Bad product! Bad cabbage!

"Don't shake your head like that!" Jacob shouted. “Your neck is no thicker than a stalk—just look, it will break off, and your head will fall into our basket.” Who will buy from us then?

“So you think my neck is too thin?” said the old woman, still smiling. - Well, you will be completely without a neck. Your head will stick right out of your shoulders - at least it won't fall off your body.

"Don't tell the boy such nonsense!" said Hannah at last, not a little angry. - If you want to buy something, then buy quickly. You have me disperse all buyers.

The old woman glared at Hannah.

“Okay, okay,” she muttered. - Let it be your way. I'll take these six cabbages from you. But only I have a crutch in my hands, and I can’t carry anything myself. Let your son carry the purchase home to me. I will reward him well for this.

Yakob really did not want to go, and he even began to cry - he was afraid of this terrible old woman. But his mother strictly ordered him to obey - it seemed to her a sin to force an old, weak woman to carry such a burden. Wiping his tears, Yakob put the cabbage in the basket and followed the old woman.

She did not walk very fast, and it was almost an hour before they reached some distant street on the outskirts of the city and stopped in front of a small dilapidated house.

The old woman took out a rusty hook from her pocket, deftly thrust it into the hole in the door, and suddenly the door swung open with a noise. Jacob entered and froze in place in surprise: the ceilings and walls in the house were marble, armchairs, chairs and tables were made of ebony, decorated with gold and precious stones, and the floor was glass and so smooth that Jacob slipped and fell several times.

The old woman put a small silver whistle to her lips and somehow in a special way, resoundingly, whistled so that the whistle crackled throughout the house. And immediately guinea pigs ran down the stairs - quite unusual guinea pigs that walked on two legs. Instead of shoes, they had nutshells, and these pigs were dressed just like people - they didn’t even forget to take their hats.

“Where did you put my shoes, you scoundrels!” shouted the old woman, and hit the pigs with a stick so that they jumped up with a screech. “How long will I stay here?”

The pigs ran up the stairs at a run, fetched two leather-lined coconut shells, and deftly put them on the old woman's legs.

The old woman immediately stopped limping. She tossed her stick aside and slid quickly across the glass floor, dragging little Jacob behind her. It was even difficult for him to keep up with her, she moved so nimbly in her coconut shells.

Finally, the old woman stopped in some room, where there were a lot of all kinds of dishes. It must have been the kitchen, although the floors were carpeted and the sofas were covered with embroidered cushions, like in some palace.

“Sit down, son,” the old woman said affectionately and seated Yakob on the sofa, pulling the table up to the sofa so that Yakob could not leave his seat anywhere. Get some rest - you must be tired. After all, human heads are not an easy note.

- What are you talking about! Jacob shouted. “I was really tired of being tired, but I was not carrying heads, but cabbages. You bought them from my mother.

"You're talking wrong," said the old woman, and laughed.

And, opening the basket, she pulled out a human head by the hair.

Jacob almost fell, he was so frightened. He immediately thought of his mother. After all, if anyone finds out about these heads, they will immediately inform her, and she will have a bad time.

“You still need to be rewarded for being so obedient,” the old woman continued. - Be patient a little: I will cook you such a soup that you will remember it to death.

She blew her whistle again, and the guinea-pigs rushed into the kitchen, dressed like humans, in aprons, with ladles and kitchen knives in their belts. Squirrels came running after them - many squirrels, also on two legs; they were in wide trousers and green velvet caps. It was evident that they were cooks. They quickly climbed the walls and brought bowls and pans, eggs, butter, roots and flour to the stove. And bustling around the stove, rolling back and forth on her coconut shells, was the old woman herself - she obviously wanted to cook something good for Jacob. The fire under the stove flared up more and more, something hissed and smoked in the pans, a pleasant, tasty smell wafted around the room. The old woman darted here and there, and now and then stuck her long nose into the pot of soup to see if the food was ready.

Finally, something gurgled and gurgled in the pot, steam poured out of it, and thick foam poured onto the fire.

Then the old woman took the pot off the stove, poured some soup out of it into a silver bowl, and placed the bowl in front of Jacob.

“Eat, son,” she said. “Eat this soup and you will be as beautiful as me.” And you will become a good cook - you need to know some craft.

Jacob did not understand very well that it was the old woman mumbling to herself, and he did not listen to her - he was more busy with soup. His mother often cooked all sorts of delicious things for him, but he had never tasted anything better than this soup. It smelled so good of herbs and roots, it was both sweet and sour, and also very strong.

When Jacob had almost finished his soup, the pigs were on fire. a small brazier some smoke with a pleasant smell, and clouds of bluish smoke floated all over the room. It became thicker and thicker, more and more densely enveloping the boy, so that Yakob finally felt dizzy. In vain did he tell himself that it was time for him to return to his mother, in vain did he try to get on his feet. As soon as he got up, he again fell on the sofa - he suddenly wanted to sleep so much. In less than five minutes he actually fell asleep on the couch in the ugly old woman's kitchen.

And Jacob had a wonderful dream. He dreamed that the old woman took off his clothes and wrapped him in a squirrel skin. He learned to jump and jump like a squirrel and made friends with other squirrels and pigs. All of them were very good.

And Jacob, like them, began to serve the old woman. First he had to be a shoe shiner. He had to oil the coconut shells that the old woman wore on her feet, and rub them with a cloth so that they shone. At home, Jacob often had to clean his shoes and shoes, so things quickly went well for him.

About a year later, he was transferred to another, more difficult position. Together with several other squirrels, he caught dust particles from a sunbeam and sifted them through the finest sieve, and then they baked bread for the old woman. She didn’t have a single tooth left in her mouth, which is why she had to eat rolls from sunny dust particles, softer than which, as everyone knows, there is nothing in the world.

A year later, Jacob was instructed to get the old woman drinking water. Do you think she had a well dug in her yard or a bucket placed to collect rainwater in it? No, the old woman did not even take plain water in her mouth. Jacob with squirrels collected dew from flowers in nutshells, and the old woman drank only her. And she drank a lot, so that the water carriers had work up to their throats.

Another year passed, and Jacob went to serve in the rooms - to clean the floors. This also turned out to be not a very easy thing: after all, the floors were glass - you die on them, and you can see it. Jacob cleaned them with brushes and rubbed them with a cloth, which he wrapped around his legs.

In the fifth year, Jacob began to work in the kitchen. It was an honorable job, to which they were admitted with analysis, after a long test. Jacob went through all the positions, from a cook to a senior pastry master, and became such an experienced and skillful cook that he even surprised himself. Why didn't he learn how to cook! The most intricate dishes - a cake of two hundred varieties, soups from all herbs and roots that are in the world - he knew how to cook everything quickly and tasty.

So Jacob lived with the old woman for seven years. So one day she put her nutshells on her feet, took a crutch and a basket to go to the city, and ordered Jacob to pluck the chicken, stuff it with herbs and brown it well. Jacob immediately set to work. He turned the bird's head, scalded it all over with boiling water, deftly plucked its feathers. scraped off the skin. so that it became tender and shiny, and took out the insides. Then he needed herbs to stuff the chicken with them. He went to the pantry, where the old woman kept all kinds of greens, and began to select what he needed. And suddenly he saw in the wall of the pantry a small cabinet, which he had never noticed before. The cabinet door was ajar. Jacob peered into it with curiosity and saw that some small baskets were standing there. He opened one of them and saw outlandish herbs, which he had never come across before. Their stems were greenish, and on each stem there was a bright red flower with a yellow rim.

Jacob raised one flower to his nose and suddenly smelled a familiar smell - the same as the soup that the old woman fed him when he came to her. The smell was so strong that Jacob sneezed loudly several times and woke up.

He looked around in surprise and saw that he was lying on the same sofa, in the old woman's kitchen.

“Well, it was a dream! Just like in reality! Jacob thought. “That’s what mother will laugh when I tell her all this!” And I will get from her because I fell asleep in a strange house, instead of returning to her market!”

He quickly jumped up from the sofa and wanted to run to his mother, but he felt that his whole body was like wood, and his neck was completely numb - he could hardly move his head. Every now and then he touched the wall or the closet with his nose, and once, when he quickly turned around, he even hit the door painfully. The squirrels and pigs ran around Jacob and squeaked, apparently they did not want to let him go. Leaving the old woman's house, Yakob beckoned them to follow him - he, too, was sorry to part with them, but they quickly drove back to the rooms on their shells, and for a long time the boy heard their plaintive squeak from afar.

The old woman's house, as we already know, was far from the market, and Jacob made his way through narrow, winding alleys for a long time until he reached the market. The streets were crowded with a lot of people. Somewhere nearby, they probably showed a dwarf, because everyone around Jacob shouted:

“Look, that ugly dwarf!” And where did he just come from? Well, he has a long nose! And the head - right on the shoulders sticks out, without a neck! And hands, hands! .. Look - to the very heels!

Jacob at another time would have been happy to run off to look at the dwarf, but today he had no time for that - he had to hurry to his mother.

Finally, Jacob reached the market. He was rather afraid that he would get from his mother. Hannah was still sitting in her seat, and she had quite a few vegetables in her basket, which meant Jacob hadn't slept very long. Already from a distance, he noticed that his mother was saddened by something. She sat silently, her cheek resting on her hand, pale and sad.

Jacob stood for a long time, not daring to approach his mother. At last he plucked up courage and, creeping up behind her, put his hand on her shoulder and said:

- Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you mad at me? Hannah turned around and, seeing Jacob, screamed in horror.

“What do you want from me, scary dwarf?” she screamed. — Go away, go away! I can't stand these jokes!

- What are you, mother? Jacob said fearfully. “You must be unwell. Why are you chasing me?

"I'm telling you, go your way!" Hannah yelled angrily. “You won’t get anything from me for your jokes, you nasty freak!”

"She went crazy! thought poor Jacob. How can I take her home now?

“Mommy, take a good look at me,” he said, almost crying. “I am your son Jacob!”

- No, this is too much! Hannah shouted to her neighbors. “Look at that terrible dwarf! He scares away all buyers and even laughs at my grief! He says - I'm your son, your Jacob, such a scoundrel!

The merchants, Hanna's neighbors, jumped to their feet at once and began to scold Jacob:

How dare you joke about her grief! Her son was stolen seven years ago. And what a boy was - just a picture! Get out now, or we'll gouge your eyes out!

Poor Jacob didn't know what to think. After all, this morning he came with his mother to the market and helped her lay out the vegetables, then he took the cabbage to the old woman's house, went to her, ate her soup, slept a little, and now he returned. And the traders talk about some seven years. And he, Jacob, is called a nasty dwarf. What happened to them?

With tears in his eyes Jacob wandered from the market. Since his mother does not want to recognize him, he will go to his father.

Let's see, Jacob thought. “Will my father also send me away?” I will stand at the door and speak to him."

He went to the shoemaker's shop, who, as always, sat there and worked, stood near the door and looked into the shop. Friedrich was so busy with work that at first he did not notice Jakob. But suddenly, by chance, he raised his head, dropped the awl and drape from his hands, and cried out:

- What it is? What?

"Good evening, master," said Jacob, and entered the shop. - How are you doing?

"Bad, sir, bad!" answered the shoemaker, who apparently did not recognize Jacob either. “The work is not going well at all. I am already many years old, and I am alone - there is not enough money to hire an apprentice.

"Don't you have a son who could help you?" Jacob asked.

“I had one son, his name was Jacob,” answered the shoemaker. He would be twenty years old now. He would be very supportive. After all, he was only twelve years old, and he was such a smart girl! And in the craft he already knew something, and the handsome man was hand-written. He would have already managed to lure customers, I would not have to put patches now - I would only sew new shoes. Yes, this is my destiny!

“Where is your son now?” Jacob asked timidly.

“Only God knows about that,” the shoemaker answered with a heavy sigh. “It's been seven years since he was taken away from us at the market.

- Seven years! Jacob repeated with horror.

— Yes, my sir, seven years. As I remember now. wife came running from the market, howling. cries: it's already evening, but the child has not returned. She searched for him all day, asking everyone if they had seen him, but she did not find him. I always said it would end like this. Our Yakob - what is true, is true - was a handsome child, his wife was proud of him and often sent him to bring vegetables or other things to kind people. It’s a sin to say that he was always well rewarded, but I often said:

“Look, Hannah! The city is big, there are a lot of evil people in it. No matter what happens to our Jacob!” And so it happened! That day some woman came to the bazaar, an old, ugly woman, she was choosing, choosing goods and in the end she bought so much that she herself could not carry it. Hannah, good shower, ”and sent the boy with her ... So we never saw him again.

“So it’s been seven years since then?”

— It will be seven in the spring. We already announced him, and went around people, asking about the boy - after all, many knew him, everyone loved him, handsome, - but no matter how hard we searched, we never found him. And the woman who bought vegetables from Hannah has not been seen since. An ancient old woman - ninety years old in the world - told Hannah that it might be the evil sorceress Craterweiss, who comes to town once every fifty years to buy provisions.

Thus spoke Yakob's father, tapping his boot with a hammer and pulling out a long waxed dagger. Now Jacob finally understood what had happened to him. This means that he did not see this in a dream, but he really was a squirrel for seven years and served with an evil sorceress. His heart was literally breaking with frustration. Seven years of his life was stolen from him by an old woman, and what did he get for it? He learned how to clean coconut shells and rub glass floors, and learned how to cook all sorts of delicious dishes!

For a long time he stood on the threshold of the shop, not saying a word. Finally the shoemaker asked him:

“Perhaps you like something from me, sir?” Would you take a pair of shoes, or at least, - here he suddenly burst out laughing, - a nose case?

- What's wrong with my nose? Jacob said. Why do I need a case for it?

“As you wish,” replied the shoemaker, “but if I had such a terrible nose, I would, dare I say, hide it in a case - a good case of pink husky. Look, I have just the right piece. True, your nose will need a lot of skin. But as you please, my sir. After all, you, right, often touch your nose behind the door.

Jacob couldn't say a word in surprise. He felt his nose—the nose was thick and long, a quarter to two, no less. Apparently, the evil old woman turned him into a freak. That's why the mother didn't recognize him.

“Master,” he said almost in tears, “do you have a mirror here?” I need to look in the mirror, I definitely need to.

“To tell you the truth, sir,” answered the shoemaker, “you are not such a person as to be proud of. There is no need for you to look in the mirror every minute. Give up this habit - it doesn't suit you at all.

- Give me, give me a mirror! Jacob pleaded. “I assure you, I really need it. I'm not really proud...

- Yes, you absolutely! I don't have a mirror! the shoemaker got angry. - My wife had one tiny one, but I don’t know where she touched it. If you're so eager to see yourself, there's the barber's shop, Urban, across the street. He has a mirror twice the size of you. Look at it as much as you like. And then I wish you good health.

And the shoemaker gently pushed Jacob out of the shop and slammed the door behind him. Jacob quickly crossed the street and entered the barber, whom he used to know well.

“Good morning, Urban,” he said. - I have a big request to you: please, let me look in your mirror.

- Do me a favor. There it stands in the left pier! shouted Urban, and laughed out loud. - Admire, admire yourself, you are a real handsome man - thin, slender, a swan neck, hands like a queen, and a snub-nosed nose - there is no better in the world! Of course, you flaunt it a little, but anyway, look at yourself. Let them not say that out of envy I did not allow you to look at my mirror.

The visitors who came to Urban for a shave and haircut laughed deafeningly as they listened to his jokes. Jacob went to the mirror and involuntarily recoiled. Tears welled up in his eyes. Is it really him, this ugly dwarf! His eyes became small, like those of a pig, his huge nose hung below his chin, and his neck seemed to be completely gone. His head was sunk deep into his shoulders, and he could hardly turn it at all. And he was the same height as seven years ago - very small. Other boys have grown taller over the years, and Jacob has grown in width. His back and chest were wide, very wide, and he looked like a large, tightly stuffed bag. Thin short legs barely carried his heavy body. And the hands with hooked fingers were, on the contrary, long, like those of a grown man, and hung almost to the ground. Such was poor Jakob now.

“Yes,” he thought, sighing deeply, “no wonder you didn’t recognize your son, mother! He was not like that before, when you loved to brag about him to your neighbors!”

He remembered how the old woman had approached his mother that morning. Everything that he then laughed at - both the long nose and the ugly fingers - he received from the old woman for his ridicule. And she took his neck from him, as she promised ...

- Well, have you seen enough of yourself, my handsome? asked Urban with a laugh, going up to the mirror and looking Jacob from head to toe. “Honestly, you won’t see such a funny dwarf in a dream. You know, baby, I want to offer you one thing. My barbershop gets a lot of people, but not as many as before. And all because my neighbor, the barber Shaum, got himself a giant somewhere who lures visitors to him. Well, becoming a giant, generally speaking, is not so tricky, but being as small as you is another matter. Come to my service, baby. And housing, and food, and clothing - you will receive everything from me, and the only work is to stand at the door of the barbershop and invite the people. Yes, perhaps, still whip up soapy foam and serve a towel. And I’ll tell you for sure, we will both remain in profit: I will have more visitors than Shaum and his giant, and everyone will give you another tea.

Jacob was very offended in his soul - how he was offered to be a bait in a barber shop! - but what can you do, I had to endure this insult. He calmly replied that he was too busy to take on such a job, and left.

Although Jacob's body was mutilated, his head worked well, as before. He felt that in these seven years he had become quite an adult.

“It's not a problem that I've become a freak,” he thought as he walked down the street. “It's a shame that both my father and mother drove me away like a dog. I'll try to talk to my mother again. Maybe she will recognize me after all.”

He again went to the market and, going up to Hannah, asked her to listen calmly to what he had to say to her. He reminded her of how the old woman had taken him away, listed everything that happened to him in childhood, and told her that he had lived for seven years with a sorceress who turned him first into a squirrel and then into a dwarf because he laughed at her.

Hanna didn't know what to think. Everything that the dwarf said about his childhood was correct, but that he had been a squirrel for seven years, she could not believe this.

- It's impossible! - she exclaimed. Finally, Hannah decided to consult with her husband.

She gathered her baskets and invited Jacob to go with her to the shoemaker's shop. When they arrived, Hannah said to her husband:

“This dwarf says he is our son Jacob. He told me that seven years ago he was stolen from us and bewitched by a sorceress...

— Oh, that's how! the shoemaker interrupted her angrily. Did he tell you all this? Wait, stupid! I myself just told him about our Jacob, and he, you see, straight to you and let's fool you ... So you say you were bewitched? Well, now I'll break the spell for you.

The shoemaker grabbed the belt and, jumping up to Yakob, whipped him so that he ran out of the shop with a loud cry.

The whole day the poor dwarf wandered around the city without eating or drinking. No one took pity on him, and everyone just laughed at him. He had to spend the night on the church stairs, right on the hard, cold steps.

As soon as the sun rose, Jacob got up and again went to roam the streets.

And then Jacob remembered that while he was a squirrel and lived with an old woman, he managed to learn how to cook well. And he decided to become a cook for the duke.

And the duke, the ruler of that country, was a famous eater and gourmet. He most of all loved to eat well and ordered cooks for himself from all over the world.

Jacob waited a little, until it was quite light, and went to the ducal palace.

His heart was beating loudly as he approached the palace gates. The gatekeepers asked him what he needed and began to make fun of him, but Yakob did not lose his head and said that he wanted to see the head kitchen chief. He was led through some courtyards, and all the ducal servants who only saw him ran after him and laughed loudly.

Jacob soon formed a huge retinue. The grooms abandoned their combs, the boys raced to keep up with him, the floor polishers stopped knocking out the carpets. Everyone crowded around Jacob, and there was such noise and hubbub in the yard, as if enemies were approaching the city. Everywhere there were cries:

— Dwarf! Dwarf! Have you seen a dwarf? Finally, the palace caretaker came out into the courtyard - a sleepy fat man with a huge whip in his hand.

Hey you dogs! What is this noise? he shouted in a thunderous voice, mercilessly beating his whip on the shoulders and backs of the grooms and servants. “Do you not know that the duke is still asleep?”

“Sir,” answered the gatekeepers, “look who we have brought to you!” A real dwarf! You've probably never seen anything like this before.

Seeing Yakob, the caretaker made a terrible grimace and pursed his lips as tightly as possible so as not to laugh—importance did not allow him to laugh in front of the grooms. He dispersed the gathering with his whip and, taking Jacob by the hand, led him into the palace and asked what he needed. Hearing that Jacob wanted to see the head of the kitchen, the caretaker exclaimed:

"That's not true, son! It's me you need, palace warden. You want to become a dwarf with the duke, don't you?

“No, sir,” Jacob replied. — I am a good cook and I know how to cook all sorts of rare dishes. Take me to the head of the kitchen, please. Maybe he will agree to test my art.

- Your will, kid, - the caretaker answered, - you still seem to be a stupid guy. If you were a court dwarf, you could do nothing, eat, drink, have fun and walk around in beautiful clothes, and you want to go to the kitchen! But we'll see. You are hardly a skilled enough cook to prepare meals for the duke himself, and you are too good for a cook.

Having said this, the caretaker took Jacob to the head of the kitchen. The dwarf bowed low to him and said:

"Dear sir, do you need a skilled cook?"

The head of the kitchen looked Jacob up and down and laughed out loud.

- Do you want to be a chef? he exclaimed. “Well, do you think our stoves are so low in the kitchen?” After all, you will not see anything on them, even if you rise on tiptoe. No, my little friend, the one who advised you to come to me as a cook played a bad joke on you.

And the head of the kitchen burst out laughing again, followed by the palace superintendent and all those who were in the room. Jacob, however, was not embarrassed.

"Mr. Head of the Kitchen!" - he said. - You probably do not mind giving me one or two eggs, a little flour, wine and spices. Instruct me to prepare some dish and tell me to serve everything that is needed for this. I cook food in front of everyone, and you will say: “This is a real cook!”

For a long time he persuaded the head of the kitchen, gleaming with his small eyes and shaking his head convincingly. Finally the boss agreed.

- Okay! - he said. Let's try it for fun! Let's all go to the kitchen, and you too, mister superintendent of the palace.

He took the palace superintendent by the arm and ordered Jacob to follow him. For a long time they walked through some large luxurious rooms and long ones. corridors and finally came to the kitchen. It was a tall, spacious room with a huge stove with twenty burners, under which a fire burned day and night. In the middle of the kitchen was a pool of water in which live fish were kept, and along the walls were marble and wooden cabinets full of precious utensils. Next to the kitchen, in ten huge pantries, all kinds of supplies and delicacies were stored. Chefs, cooks, dishwashers rushed back and forth through the kitchen, rattling pots, pans, spoons and knives. When the head of the kitchen appeared, everyone froze in place, and the kitchen became completely quiet; only the fire continued to crackle under the stove and the water still gurgled in the pool.

“What did the lord duke order for the first breakfast today?” the head of the kitchen asked the head breakfast manager, a fat old cook in a tall hat.

“His lordship deigned to order Danish soup with red Hamburg dumplings,” the cook replied respectfully.

"Very well," continued the head of the kitchen. “Did you hear, dwarf, what does the Duke want to eat?” Can you be trusted with such difficult dishes? There's no way you can cook Hamburg dumplings. This is the secret of our chefs.

“There is nothing easier,” replied the dwarf (when he was a squirrel, he often had to cook these dishes for the old woman). - For soup, give me such and such herbs and spices, wild boar fat, eggs and roots. And for the dumplings,” he spoke more quietly so that no one but the head of the kitchen and the breakfast manager could hear him, “and for the dumplings, I need four kinds of meat, a little beer, goose fat, ginger and an herb called “stomach comfort.”

- I swear on my honor, right! shouted the astonished cook. “Which wizard taught you how to cook?” You listed everything to the point. And about the weed "consolation of the stomach" I myself hear for the first time. Dumplings will probably come out even better with her. You are a miracle, not a chef!

“I never would have thought of that! said the head of the kitchen. But let's do a test. Give him supplies, utensils, and whatever else he needs, and let him prepare breakfast for the duke.

The cooks carried out his order, but when everything that was needed was put on the stove, and the dwarf wanted to start cooking, it turned out that he barely reached the top of the stove with the tip of his long nose. I had to move a chair to the stove, the dwarf climbed on it and began to cook. Cooks, cooks, and dishwashers surrounded the dwarf in a dense ring and, wide-eyed in surprise, looked at how quickly and deftly he managed everything.

Having prepared the dishes for cooking, the dwarf ordered that both pots be put on the fire and not removed until he ordered. Then he began to count: "One, two, three, four ..." - and, having counted exactly to five hundred, he shouted: "Enough!"

The cooks moved the pans off the fire, and the dwarf invited the head of the kitchen to taste his cooking.

The chief cook ordered a golden spoon to be served, rinsed it in the pool and handed it over to the head of the kitchen. He solemnly approached the stove, removed the lids from the steaming pans and tasted the soup and dumplings. After swallowing a spoonful of soup, he closed his eyes in pleasure, clicked his tongue several times and said:

“Great, wonderful, I swear on my honor!” Wouldn't you like to make sure, sir palace superintendent?

The caretaker of the palace took the spoon with a bow, tasted it, and almost jumped with pleasure.

“I don’t want to offend you, dear breakfast manager,” he said, “you are an excellent, experienced cook, but you have never managed to cook such soup and such dumplings.

The cook also tasted both dishes, respectfully shook hands with the dwarf and said:

“Baby, you are a great master!” Your "gastric comfort" herb gives soup and dumplings a special flavor.

At this time, the duke's servant appeared in the kitchen and demanded breakfast for his master. The food was immediately poured into silver plates and sent upstairs. The head of the kitchen, very pleased, took the dwarf to his room and wanted to ask him who he was and where he came from. But as soon as they sat down and began to talk, a messenger from the duke came for the chief and said that the duke was calling him. The head of the kitchen quickly put on his best dress and followed the messenger into the dining room.

The Duke sat there, reclining in his deep armchair. He ate everything on the plates clean and wiped his lips with a silk handkerchief. His face beamed, and he squinted sweetly in pleasure.

“Listen,” he said, seeing the head of the kitchen, “I have always been very pleased with your cooking, but today the breakfast was especially tasty. Tell me the name of the cook who cooked it, and I will send him a few ducats as a reward.

“Sir, an amazing story happened today,” said the head of the kitchen.

And he told the duke how in the morning a dwarf was brought to him, who certainly wants to become a palace cook. The Duke, after listening to his story, was very surprised. He ordered to call the dwarf and began to ask him who he was. Poor Yakob did not want to say that he had been a squirrel for seven years and served an old woman, but he did not like to lie either. So he only told the duke that he no longer had a father or mother, and that an old woman had taught him how to cook. The duke laughed for a long time at the strange appearance of the dwarf, and finally said to him:

“So be it, stay with me. I will give you fifty ducats a year, one festive dress, and, moreover, two pairs of trousers. For this, you will cook breakfast for me every day, watch how dinner is cooked, and generally manage my table. And besides, I give nicknames to everyone who serves me. You will be called Dwarf Nose and will be promoted to assistant kitchen chief.

Dwarf Nose bowed to the ground to the duke and thanked him for his mercy. When the duke released him, Jakob returned joyfully to the kitchen. Now, at last, he could not worry about his fate and not think about what would happen to him tomorrow.

He decided to thank his master well, and not only the ruler of the country himself, but all his courtiers could not praise the little cook. Since the Dwarf Nose settled in the palace, the duke has become, one might say, a completely different person. Before, he had often thrown plates and glasses at the cooks if he did not like their cooking, and once he was so angry that he threw a poorly fried veal leg at the head of the kitchen. The leg hit the poor fellow in the forehead, and after that he lay in bed for three days. All the cooks trembled with fear as they prepared the food.

But with the advent of the Dwarf Nose, everything changed. The duke now ate not three times a day, as before, but five times and only praised the dwarf's skill. Everything seemed delicious to him, and he was getting fatter every day. He often invited the dwarf to his table with the head of the kitchen and forced them to taste the dishes they had prepared.

The inhabitants of the city could not be surprised at this wonderful dwarf.

Every day, a lot of people crowded at the doors of the palace kitchen - everyone asked and begged the chief cook to let him at least one eye see how the dwarf was preparing food. And the city rich tried to get permission from the duke to send their cooks to the kitchen so that they could learn how to cook from the dwarf. This gave the dwarf a considerable income - for each student he was paid half a dukat a day - but he gave all the money to other cooks so that they would not envy him.

So Jacob lived in the palace for two years. He would, perhaps, even be pleased with his fate, if he did not think so often about his father and mother, who did not recognize him and drove him away. That was the only thing that upset him.

And then one day something like this happened to him.

Dwarf Nose was very good at buying supplies. He always went to the market himself and chose geese, ducks, herbs and vegetables for the ducal table. One morning he went to the market for geese and for a long time could not find enough fat birds. He walked through the bazaar several times, choosing the best goose. Now no one laughed at the dwarf. Everyone bowed low to him and respectfully gave way. Every merchant would be happy if he bought a goose from her.

Walking back and forth, Jacob suddenly noticed at the end of the bazaar, away from the other traders, a woman whom he had not seen before. She also sold geese, but she did not praise her product like the others, but sat in silence, not saying a word. Jacob went up to this woman and examined her geese. They were just the way he wanted. Jacob bought three birds with a cage - two ganders and one goose - put the cage on his shoulder and went back to the palace. And suddenly he noticed that two birds were cackling and flapping their wings, as befits good ganders, and the third - a goose - was sitting quietly and even seemed to sigh.

“That goose is sick,” Jacob thought. “As soon as I arrive at the palace, I will immediately order her to be slaughtered before she dies.”

And suddenly the bird, as if guessing his thoughts, said:

- You don't cut me -

I will close you.

If you break my neck

You will die before your time.

Jacob nearly dropped the cage.

- These are miracles! he shouted. “It turns out you can talk, lady goose!” Don't be afraid, I won't kill such an amazing bird. I bet you didn't always wear goose feathers. After all, I was once a little squirrel.

“Your truth,” replied the goose. “I was not born a bird. No one thought that Mimi, the daughter of the great Wetterbock, would end her life under the chef's knife on the kitchen table.

"Don't worry, dear Mimi! Jacob exclaimed. “If I were not an honest man and the chief cook of his lordship, if someone touches you with a knife!” You will live in a beautiful cage in my room, and I will feed you and talk to you. And I'll tell the other cooks that I'm fattening the goose with special herbs for the duke himself. And it won't be a month before I figure out a way to set you free.

Mimi, with tears in her eyes, thanked the dwarf, and Jacob fulfilled everything he promised. He said in the kitchen that he would fatten the goose in a special way that no one knows, and put her cage in his room. Mimi received not goose food, but cookies, sweets and all sorts of goodies, and as soon as Jacob had a free minute, he immediately ran to chat with her.

Mimi told Jacob that she had been turned into a goose and brought to this city by an old sorceress, with whom her father, the famous wizard Wetterbock, had once quarreled. The dwarf also told Mimi his story, and Mimi said:

“I know a thing or two about witchcraft—my father taught me a little of his wisdom. My guess is that the old woman bewitched you with the magic herb that she put in the soup when you brought the cabbage home to her. If you find this weed and smell it, you might be like everyone else again.

This, of course, did not particularly console the dwarf: how could he find this herb? But he still had a little hope.

A few days later, a prince, his neighbor and friend, came to visit the duke. The duke immediately called the dwarf to him and said to him:

"Now it's time to show me how well you serve me and how well you know your art." This prince, who came to visit me, likes to eat well and knows a lot about cooking. Look, prepare us such dishes that the prince will be surprised every day. And don’t even think about serving the same meal twice while the prince is visiting me. Then you will have no mercy. Take everything you need from my treasurer, at least give us baked gold, so as not to disgrace yourself before the prince.

"Don't worry, Your Grace," Jacob replied, bowing low. “I’ll be able to please your gourmet prince.”

And Dwarf Nose ardently set to work. All day long he stood at the flaming stove and gave orders incessantly in his thin voice. A crowd of cooks and cooks rushed around the kitchen, catching his every word. Jacob spared neither himself nor others to please his master.

For two weeks the prince had been visiting the duke. They ate no less than five meals a day, and the duke was delighted. He saw that his guest liked the dwarf's cooking. On the fifteenth day, the duke called Jacob to the dining room, showed him to the prince and asked if the prince was pleased with the skill of his cook.

“You are an excellent cook,” the prince said to the dwarf, “and you understand what it means to eat well.” For all the time that I have been here, you have not served a single dish twice, and everything was very tasty. But tell me, why haven't you treated us to "Queen's Pie" yet? This is the most delicious pie in the world.

The dwarf's heart sank: he had never heard of such a cake. But he did not show that he was embarrassed, and answered:

“O lord, I hoped that you would stay with us for a long time, and I wanted to treat you to the “queen's pie” at parting. After all, this is the king of all pies, as you yourself well know.

— Oh, that's how! said the duke and laughed. “You never gave me the Queen’s Pie either.” You will probably bake it on the day of my death so that you can treat me one last time. But come up with another dish for this occasion! And the “queen's pie” to be on the table tomorrow! Do you hear?

“Yes, monsieur duke,” Jacob replied, and went away, preoccupied and distressed.

That's when the day of his shame came! How does he know how this cake is baked?

He went to his room and began to weep bitterly. Mimi the Goose saw this from her cage and took pity on him.

What are you crying about, Jacob? she asked, and when Jacob told her about the Queen's Pie, she said, "Dry your tears and don't be upset." This cake was often served at our house, and I seem to remember how it should be baked. Take so much flour and add such and such seasoning, and the cake is ready. And if something is missing in it - the trouble is small. The duke and prince won't notice anyway. They don't have that much taste.

Dwarf Nose jumped for joy and immediately began to bake a cake. First, he made a small pie and gave it to the head of the kitchen to try. He found it to be very tasty. Then Jacob baked a big pie and sent it straight from the oven to the table. And he himself put on his festive dress and went into the dining room to see how the duke and prince would like this new pie.

When he entered, the butler had just cut off a large piece of the pie, served it on a silver spatula to the prince, and then another of the same kind to the duke. The duke bit off half a piece at once, chewed the cake, swallowed it, and leaned back in his chair with a satisfied look.

- Oh, how delicious! he exclaimed. It's not for nothing that this pie is called the king of all pie. But my dwarf is the king of all cooks. Isn't it true, prince?

The prince carefully bit off a tiny piece, chewed it well, rubbed it with his tongue and said, smiling indulgently and pushing the plate away:

- Bad food! But only he is far from the “queen's pie”. I thought so!

The duke blushed with annoyance and frowned angrily:

"Bad dwarf!" he shouted. How dare you dishonor your master like that? You should have your head cut off for this kind of cooking!

— Mister! Jacob shouted, falling to his knees. — I baked this pie properly. Everything you need is included in it.

"You're lying, you bastard!" shouted the duke, and kicked the dwarf away with his foot. “My guest would not needlessly say that something is missing in the pie. I'll order you to be ground and baked into a pie, you freak!

- Have pity on me! cried the dwarf plaintively, grabbing the prince by the skirts of his dress. "Don't let me die over a handful of flour and meat!" Tell me, what is missing in this pie, why did you not like it so much?

“That won’t help you much, my dear Nose,” the prince answered with a laugh. “I already thought yesterday that you can’t bake this pie the way my cook bakes it.” It lacks one herb that no one knows about you. It's called "sneeze for health." Without this weed, Queen's Pie doesn't taste the same, and your master will never have to taste it the way I make it.

— No, I'll try it, and very soon! the duke shouted. “I swear on my ducal honor, either you will see such a cake on the table tomorrow, or the head of this scoundrel will stick out on the gates of my palace. Get out, dog! I give you twenty-four hours to save my life.

The poor dwarf, weeping bitterly, went to his room and complained to the goose about his grief. Now he can't escape death! After all, he had never heard of the herb called "sneeze for health."

"If that's the point," Mimi said, "then I can help you." My father taught me to recognize all herbs. If it had been two weeks ago, you might really have been in danger of death, but, fortunately, now the new moon, and at this time that grass is blooming. Are there any old chestnut trees near the palace?

- Yes! Yes! cried the dwarf joyfully. “There are a few chestnut trees in the garden not far from here. But why do you need them?

“This grass,” Mimi replied, “only grows under old chestnut trees. Let's not waste any time and go look for her now. Take me in your arms and carry me out of the palace.

The dwarf took Mimi in his arms, walked with her to the palace gates and wanted to go out. But the gatekeeper blocked his way.

“No, my dear Nose,” he said, “I am under strict orders not to let you out of the palace.

"Can't I take a walk in the garden?" asked the dwarf. “Please, send someone to the caretaker and ask if I can walk in the garden and collect grass.”

The porter sent to ask the caretaker, and the caretaker allowed: the garden was surrounded by a high wall, and it was impossible to escape from it.

Stepping out into the garden, the dwarf carefully placed Mimi on the ground, and she hobbled over to the chestnut trees that grew on the shore of the lake. Jacob, saddened, followed her.

If Mimi doesn't find that weed, he thought, I'll drown myself in the lake. It's still better than having your head cut off."

Mimi, meanwhile, visited under each chestnut tree, turned every blade of grass with her beak, but in vain - the herb “sneeze for health” was nowhere to be seen. The goose even cried out of grief. Evening was approaching, it was getting dark, and it became more and more difficult to distinguish the stalks of grasses. By chance, the dwarf looked at the other side of the lake and shouted joyfully:

“Look, Mimi, you see—there’s another big old chestnut on the other side!” Let's go there and look, maybe my happiness grows under it.

The goose flapped its wings heavily and flew away, and the dwarf ran after her at full speed on his small legs. Having crossed the bridge, he approached the chestnut tree. The chestnut tree was thick and spreading; under it, in the semi-darkness, almost nothing was visible. And suddenly Mimi flapped her wings and even jumped for joy. She quickly stuck her beak into the grass, plucked a flower and said, carefully holding it out to Jacob:

- Here is the herb "sneeze for health." There is a lot of it growing here, so you will have enough for a long time.

The dwarf took the flower in his hand and looked at it thoughtfully. It gave off a strong pleasant smell, and for some reason Jacob remembered how he had stood in the old woman's pantry, picking up herbs to stuff a chicken with, and found the same flower - with a greenish stalk and a bright red head, decorated with a yellow border.

And suddenly Jacob was trembling all over with excitement.

“You know, Mimi,” he shouted, “it seems to be the same flower that turned me from a squirrel into a dwarf!” I'll try and sniff it.

"Wait a little," said Mimi. “Take a bunch of this herb with you and let’s go back to your room.” Gather up your money and everything you have gained while serving the duke, and then we will try the power of this wonderful herb.

Jacob obeyed Mimi, although his heart was beating loudly with impatience. He ran to his room at a run. Having tied a hundred ducats and several pairs of dresses in a knot, he put his long nose into the flowers and smelled them. And suddenly his joints cracked, his neck stretched out, his head immediately rose from his shoulders, his nose began to get smaller and smaller, and his legs got longer and longer, his back and chest leveled out, and he became the same as all people. Mimi looked at Jacob with great surprise.

- How beautiful you are! she screamed. “You don’t look like an ugly dwarf at all now!”

Jacob was very happy. He wanted to immediately run to his parents and show himself to them, but he remembered his savior.

“If it weren’t for you, dear Mimi, I would have remained a dwarf all my life and, perhaps, would have died under the executioner’s ax,” he said, gently stroking the goose’s back and wings. - I have to thank you. I will take you to your father, and he will disenchant you. He's smarter than all wizards.

Mimi burst into tears of joy, and Jacob took her in his arms and pressed her to his chest. He quietly left the palace - not a single person recognized him - and went with Mimi to the sea, to the island of Gotland, where her father, the wizard Wetterbock, lived.

They traveled for a long time and finally reached this island. Wetterbock immediately removed the spell from Mimi and gave Jacob a lot of money and gifts. Jacob immediately returned to his hometown. His father and mother greeted him with joy - after all, he became so handsome and brought so much money!

We must also tell about the Duke.

On the morning of the next day, the duke decided to carry out his threat and cut off the dwarf's head if he did not find the grass that the prince spoke of. But Jacob was nowhere to be found.

Then the prince said that the duke deliberately hid the dwarf so as not to lose his best cook, and called him a deceiver. The duke became terribly angry and declared war on the prince. After many battles and battles, they finally made peace, and the prince, in order to celebrate the peace, ordered his cook to bake a real “queen's pie”. This world between them was called “Pie World”.

That's the whole story about the Dwarf Nose.