Equipment loan for new business. Loans for the purchase of equipment

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  • Loans for the purchase of equipment

    Maintaining competitiveness is unthinkable without modern means production. And as the physical and moral deterioration of the equipment, any manufacturer is forced to update it. Without this, business development is extremely difficult. However, investment opportunities for most enterprises are limited. In such situations, you can take either equipment on lease or a loan to purchase it from a bank. Our review is for those who chose the second option.

    Aging problem equipment for Russia remains relevant to this day, many businessmen admit that they use outdated equipment. According to a study by Opora Rossii (2012), 21% of managers described their equipment as “moderately obsolete”, and 7% admitted that their equipment was “obsolete, on which almost no one else in the world works”. About half (40%) of companies operate on equipment "not the most modern, but widely used in the world." But only a quarter of companies (26%) can boast of using “the most modern equipment of what exists in the world today.

    This trend is easy to explain: most enterprises have limited investment opportunities. However, if own funds there is not enough to buy new equipment, special bank loans will come to the rescue. You can take an “investment” loan, a “development loan” or just a universal non-purpose loan from the bank. But most banks now offer special loans for the purchase of equipment.

    Often you can get such a loan even without collateral; in such cases, the purchased equipment acts as collateral. Conditions vary, but distinguishing feature such loans are long terms (sometimes up to 10 years) of lending, high loan amounts. Such loans are considered secured (collateral can be either a pledge of corporate property or purchased equipment), which means that the rates on them will be lower. On average in the market, this is 10-15% per annum in rubles.

    Loans for the purchase of equipment: market offers

    The lowest interest rate- from 9.5% per annum in rubles - under the program "Equipment on credit" from the bank "Credit-Moscow". On it, you can get an amount of 400 thousand rubles for up to 3 years, the purchased equipment acts as a pledge. The borrowing company can get a loan to purchase equipment from the bank's partners (the list is on the bank's website) or choose a supplier company on their own. A loan can be obtained quite quickly: a preliminary decision is made in 1 working day, the term of issue is 7 working days. The bank also promises a flexible rate discount system, in particular, for customers who have recommended the bank to their partners. Requirements for the borrower company: the minimum period of existence of the borrower's business is 6 months. A loan can be issued in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Ryazan, Volgograd, Voronezh. There is a commission for granting a loan, its amount will depend on the amount, term of the loan and financial condition borrower.

    Get a loan to purchase equipment no commission can be in Sberbank. On the loan "Business asset" you can get an amount of 150 thousand rubles for up to 7 years at a rate of 11.54% per annum in rubles. The action "Loans without commissions" will last until February 1, 2014. The collateral for the loan "Business asset" is the purchased equipment. It is possible to include in the loan amount: the cost of additional components of the purchased equipment; the cost of installation and commissioning; the cost of insurance of the purchased equipment. The initial payment of the borrower should be from 20% for new equipment and from 40% for used equipment. However, the purchased equipment will have to be insured, this required condition Bank and not all enterprises will be able to use the loan, the product is designed for small businesses and is provided to individual entrepreneurs and small businesses with an annual revenue of no more than 400 million rubles.

    the most patient can be considered as NOMOS-Bank, the maximum term of the "Credit for the purchase of equipment" is 10 years. The rate will depend on the amount and term of the loan, the maximum is 18% per annum. And taking from 7 to 30 million rubles for up to 6 months, you will pay 13.5% per annum in rubles. Plus commission for granting a loan - 1% of the amount. Pledge - purchased equipment, you can provide additional security, in particular, the guarantee of the entrepreneurship support fund. Benefits this product— the fact that the bank can finance up to 100% of the cost of the equipment. This means that the borrower does not need to pay a down payment. It is also possible to defer payment of the principal debt up to 12 months. Requirements for the borrower: the period of doing business - at least 6 months; Russian resident.

    The most generous in our rating - NK Bank, under the loan "For the purchase of goods, raw materials for equipment" you can get up to 300 million rubles at a rate of 15% per annum for up to 1 year. There are no commissions for issuance and registration, penalties for late payment on the loan - 0.25% of the amount for each day of delay. Pledge can be both acquired property and currency values, incl. precious metals, foreign currency, guarantees, security deposit, pledge of 3 persons, land plots, property/monetary rights, corporate property, personal property, real estate, equipment, guarantee of small business lending assistance funds, special equipment, raw materials and materials, vehicles, securities. There is a possibility of early full or partial repayment. Requirements for the borrower: term of doing business - at least 12 months; breakeven activity.

    The most profitable bank loans secured by corporate property
    (equipment, transport, etc.)

    Data as of December 2013

    bank, credit Min. bid Sum Max. term
    1. Bank "Credit-Moscow", "Equipment on credit" 9,50% From 400 thousand rubles3 years
    2. Metcombank, "Credit for the purchase of equipment" 11,50% Up to 25 million rubles7 years
    3. Sberbank, "Business asset" 11,54% From 150 thousand rubles7 years
    4. Loko-bank, "For the purchase of vehicles, special equipment, equipment" 12,40% Up to 30 million rubles5 years
    5. Binbank, "Credit for equipment (annual turnover of 60-900 million rubles)" 12,40% Up to 10 million rubles5 years
    6. Bashinvestbank, "Credit for equipment" 12,40% From 100 thousand rubles5 years
    7. Krayinvestbank, "Special equipment for business" 13,00% Up to 100 million rubles5 years
    8. Bank "Zenith", "For equipment and transport" 13,00% Up to 75 million rubles5 years
    9. Bank "Uralsib", "Business equipment" 13,50% Up to 170 million rubles5 years
    10. NOMOS-Bank, "Credit for the purchase of equipment" 13,50% Up to 30 million rubles10 years
    11. Novosibirsk Municipal Bank, "For the purchase of equipment" 13,50% Up to 30 million rubles7 years

    Buying medical equipment on credit is one of the ways to finance new projects for your clinic.

    The main advantages of a loan for equipping a medical center

    No VAT

    The medical business is a particularly important segment of the economy, so the main sources of income for the clinic, including the diagnosis and treatment of patients, are free from value added tax. Medical equipment purchased by medical institutions is also sold without VAT, and this is absolutely logical. But with a standard leasing of this equipment, it becomes necessary to charge VAT on the entire amount of the leasing transaction due to the very nature of this financial instrument. That is, for every 100 rubles that the equipment itself costs, the clinic will have to pay 18 rubles of tax, excluding the payment of principal and interest to the leasing company. Since banks are exempt from VAT, you will not face the problem of charging VAT when buying medical equipment on credit.

    Instant ownership

    When choosing between leasing and a loan for medical equipment, one of the significant arguments is the right of ownership. When buying medical equipment on credit, you immediately get ownership of it, unlike leasing, in which the transfer of ownership occurs after the full term of the leasing transaction. But since in the case of leasing you get the right to use medical equipment, if you do not violate the terms of payment for the leasing agreement and do not intend to sell this equipment, then you will not notice any special advantages of ownership rights (credit) over use rights (leasing).

    Territorial proximity

    Because leasing companies that are willing to finance medical equipment, can be counted on one hand, the most important advantage of the bank is its proximity to your clinic. Firstly, it is simply more convenient to work with him, since you do not need to go to the other end of the city, or even fly to another to provide documents in person. Secondly, the bank is more willing to issue a loan to a clinic located in a neighboring house than a leasing company located thousands of kilometers away. Indeed, in the eyes of the leasing company, you are only a name and TIN, and the bank knows about your real work and maybe even its employees were treated by you. And, finally, the best solution would be to get a loan for medical equipment from a bank where you have opened a current account for a long time.


    A leasing transaction is always a complex solution, including the purchase, delivery and even insurance of the goods. In this regard, a loan for medical equipment is much more variable. You can choose the supplier, delivery terms, insurance and more. Moreover, you can use several different loans for one purpose. For example, part of the amount is received as a cash loan, part as a loan for business development and the rest directly for the purchase of medical equipment.

    A loan for business equipment can be issued for the purchase of vehicles, special-purpose equipment. Heads of LLCs and other organizations can also receive funds. Commercial real estate is more often used as collateral, but there are proposals when the bank is ready to consider other objects.

    Conditions for obtaining a loan for business equipment

    The service is offered for:

    • purchase of new or used equipment.
    • the possibility of a long period of debt repayment.
    • deferred payment of the principal debt for up to 12 months.

    A loan for equipment can be issued after studying the solvency and the ability to pay the debt within a certain time frame. In the situation of issuing a targeted loan, in most cases additional collateral is not required.

    A loan for the purchase of vehicles, equipment and real estate for business is issued after the provision of:

    • applications,
    • company registration certificates,
    • financial reporting,
    • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities,
    • copies of contracts with equipment sellers.

    The most profitable is to take a loan secured by your purchase. Banks draw up a credit line without the possibility of renewal. After using the credit funds, the account is closed. When guarantors are involved, their role can be played by the chief accountant, owner or manager. Those who have a positive credit history are more likely to receive funds.

    If you urgently need special equipment loan, but you don’t know where to get the missing amount, contact Riviera - the possession of special-purpose equipment (private or commercial use) will allow you to hand it over at a small percentage with payment up to 90% of the market value.

    We cooperate with individuals and legal entities, we take special equipment on a favorable pledge, cars, trucks, motorcycles, water transport.

    LLC "Riviera" offers financial assistance - a loan secured by special equipment on favorable terms. A minimum of documents will be required in order to formalize an agreement concluded between the two parties. All transfer activities vehicle, the financial payments due for him, the terms of cooperation, interest, payment period, etc. negotiated in the presence of a notary, accompanied by the preparation of all necessary documents.

    No pitfalls, hidden payments, unreasonably high interest rates. We work officially, fulfilling our obligations to ensure 100% safety of the vehicle in a guarded parking lot, up to the moment the borrower fully repays the debt to our company.

    If you have even a little doubt about the prospect of taking money on the security of special equipment, you can always contact our specialists for advice.

    Quick loan secured by special equipment from Autopawnshop Riviera

    1. Express application for a loan.
    2. The assessment of the presented vehicle is carried out as soon as possible, in 99% of cases not exceeding 35-40 minutes (assessment + drawing up a notarized contract).
    3. It is not possible to provide a service for the appraiser to visit the client, if he can get there on his own or bring special equipment on bail.
    4. We pay almost 90% of the market value of the vehicle (price comparison is carried out on specialized Internet resources).
    5. We guarantee legal support of the transaction at all stages.
    6. Transparent conditions of financial support with a really specified commission without hidden fees, excessive overpayments.

    After the conclusion of the contract, the vehicle is handed over to us. We will ensure the absolute safety of the vehicle by installing it in a parking lot with round-the-clock video surveillance and security.

    The ability to freely pick up your car from the guarded parking lot after the full repayment of the borrowed amount of money with the payment of interest.

    We invite cooperation of private clients, individuals, legal entities, as well as large companies, non-profit organizations. We issue money on the security of any special equipment.

    These are far from all the advantages of cooperation with LLC "Riviera"

    Cooperating with us is much more profitable than with banks and other microfinance organizations that offer money for loans. The bank often sets excessively high interest rates for using special equipment loan, which ultimately implies high amounts of debt repayment to a banking organization.

    In addition, do not forget that not a single bank will provide a loan without a certificate of income, an invited guarantor. What can not be said about the activities of our company, where to receive money you do not need to provide a certificate of income, the presence of guarantors. We work on trust and focus solely on the collateral value of movable property, which means cars and trucks, commercial vehicles, small boats, motorcycles. Pledge of special equipment allows you to get the maximum money on hand when contacting us!

    To open a new or expand an existing business, it is usually necessary to purchase special equipment. Such a purchase often requires enough big money, which a novice entrepreneur may simply not have. To solve the problem with cash, a businessman has the opportunity to take out a loan to buy equipment and spend these cash to purchase the equipment he needs.

    If you have to buy expensive equipment for your store, restaurant, workshop, etc., but you don’t have the necessary amount of money for this, you can take a loan from the bank to purchase equipment. Today, you can get a loan for business equipment in different banks, as well as microfinance organizations. To find out where this can be done today on the most favorable terms, use our online service.

    How to use our service?

    Our catalog contains many banking institutions in Moscow that provide credit funds for the promotion or opening of a business. Specify the criteria by which you want to search for a loan product that suits you in the columns of our search engine. You will need to provide the following information:

    • the amount of money you need;
    • the currency in which you want to receive a loan;
    • the number of documents that require the issuance of a loan for the purchase;
    • interest rate that suits you;
    • the time of consideration of the submitted application.

    After you have provided all the above data, our system will select all the offers that suit you and give you a list of loan products. It will include those offers that suit your requirements. Once you have chosen the loan product that suits you, you can start applying for it. Using online lending, you can expand your business, make it more successful, and take it to a new level.