Licorice root from prostatitis: principle of action, recipes and reviews. The use of licorice in scientific and folk medicine

TASHKENT, Jan 12 - Sputnik. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade has developed a draft presidential decree "On measures for the production and industrial processing of licorice in the Republic of Uzbekistan", which is currently being discussed at the SPSI.

The document under discussion proposes to develop a program for the creation of plantations for the production of licorice (licorice) in Karakalpakstan for 2017-2021.

It is envisaged, in particular:

draw up a map of the natural commercial areas of licorice in order to determine the volume of the quota for the procurement of raw licorice;

identify free land areas on which it is possible to create industrial plantations for growing licorice (liquorice);

it was also proposed to exempt farms that create industrial plantations of licorice, as well as enterprises that process licorice root (licorice) and manufacture finished products from it for a period until January 1, 2022 from paying:

collection for harvesting planting material (seeds, cuttings) to create plantations;

land tax, income tax, corporate property tax, tax on improvement and development of social infrastructure, single tax payment for small businesses, as well as mandatory contributions to the Republican Road Fund and the off-budget Reconstruction Fund, overhaul and equipment general education schools, professional colleges, academic lyceums and medical institutions under the Ministry of Finance;

customs payments (except for customs clearance fees) for equipment, raw materials, materials and components imported for their own production needs, as well as Construction Materials, not produced in the country and imported as part of the implementation of projects according to the lists approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

One of the points of the document under discussion is the introduction of a four-year grace period for allocated by the JSCB "Asaka" and other commercial banks loans to business entities for the creation of industrial plantations and enterprises engaged in the industrial processing of licorice (licorice) within the framework of the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated September 16, 2016 "On the program of measures for the further development of the pharmaceutical industry of the republic for 2016-2020".

Last year, as already reported with reference to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers dated March 23, 2016 "On measures to further improve the use of flora objects in order to develop the processing industry of the republic", processing plants the pharmaceutical and food industries of Uzbekistan have expanded the raw material base for the processing of licorice root.

The document provided for the harvesting (collection) of licorice naked on the lands of agricultural land by physical and legal entities for processing organizations of the republic that produce root extract, carried out without obtaining a permit for special use.

According to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, over thirty enterprises and companies with various forms of ownership are engaged in harvesting and processing licorice root in various regions of Uzbekistan.

Traditionally, licorice root is most actively (due to climatic conditions) grown in the north-west of Uzbekistan - in Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region.

In Karakalpakstan, licorice is called "boyan". Since 2003, Karakalpakboyan JSC (Khojeyli) has been operating here. Its main activity is the preparation of licorice root and its pressing. In addition, the company is engaged in the cultural planting of this plant and the cultivation of licorice. AT last years in Karakalpakstan, with the support of commercial banks, five new production facilities were created with a total cost of $ 2.3 million and a capacity of 1.5 thousand tons of a medicinal product.

Over 70 percent of licorice grown and processed in the country is exported abroad. The licorice root is experiencing its renaissance in many countries of the world: it is consumed in huge quantities by the global food industry, pharmacological and cosmetic companies.

According to foreign experts, the main consumer of medicinal raw materials from Uzbekistan is China, where the demand for this product is growing steadily.

According to experts from the Regional Program for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia and the South Caucasus (SACCAC), Uzbekistan exported to China more than 2 million tons of the root of this plant in 2010, which is 47.74% of China's total imports of licorice.

In general, imports of licorice extract from Uzbekistan to China from 2007 to 2011 increased 65 times in value terms and 30 times in supplied volume.

In 2012, licorice worth $9.9 million was exported to China from Uzbekistan.

Licorice got its name - Glycyrrhiza - from the Greek words "glycis" - sweet and "riza" - root.

Once upon a time, one of the tribes moved from one place to another, the path was difficult, the food had ended long ago, and people were literally dying of hunger, but they were afraid to pluck unfamiliar plants. And then one little boy dug up a root of one of the growing herbs and began to eat it. Soon adults heard his cry - "Sweet root!". Adults also began to pull out the roots and taste them, admiring the taste. It was licorice.

Scientists tend to consider the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and Central Asia as the birthplace of licorice. Licorice was supposedly brought to China by merchants along the Great Silk Road. And from China, she came to Tibet, where they began to grow her. Later, licorice appeared in Europe and America.

Common licorice, smooth licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra - perennial herbaceous plant from the legume family. In the people it is called licorice or licorice root. Licorice has a thick, woody, many-headed rhizome with underground shoots and one root that penetrates deep into the soil.

At a break, this root has a light yellow color. A straight simple stem rises to a height of 50-100 cm, but can reach 2 meters.

The leaves are compound, pinnate, oval-heart-shaped, all covered with sticky dotted veins. White-violet, bluish-lilac or lilac small moth flowers are collected in loose brushes in the form of an ear. In one inflorescence there can be from 20 to 30 flowers.

Licorice blooms in July-August. Licorice is a wonderful nectar plant, so many insects circle over its inflorescences.

Fruits - smooth or hairy beans, squeezed from the sides, ripen in August-September.

On the territory of Russia, licorice grows in the European part, in the North Caucasus, in Dagestan ... You can meet it in steppe meadows, near rivers. Licorice is cultivated in many countries. Now it is mainly exported by France, Italy, Spain. Licorice is also grown in the USA. Once it was transported from Turkmenistan as a "Russian product". And now licorice is grown industrially in Uzbekistan.

The medicinal value of licorice has been known since ancient times. So, among the treasures in the tomb of Tutankhamen, archaeologists discovered a bunch of licorice roots. In ancient Greece, and later in Rome, licorice was used for heavy physical exertion and nervous strain. The ancient Greeks paid the Scythians for licorice in gold. Hippocrates and

Galen was called licorice root - "Scythian root". Licorice roots were included in the rations of the soldiers of the army of Alexander the Great - they were chewed to quench their thirst and increase stamina. In China, licorice has also been valued since antiquity and is valued in our time. They knew about it there about 2800 BC. and used to treat various diseases.

Licorice is written about in one of the first books that appeared in China after the invention of writing - "The Book of Herbs" - "Ben Cao". Judging by the written documents that have survived to this day, the first to become interested in licorice and collected extensive information about it about 3 thousand years BC was the Chinese prince Shen-nun.

It is worth recognizing that the prince studied not only licorice, but also tested the effect of medicinal herbs on people ... Those who tested licorice were lucky. Licorice was widely used in his medical practice by the great Arab physician Avicenna. He believed that licorice root juice improves potency.

Licorice roots are used for medicinal purposes. Dig up the root in the fall. Experts believe that this should be done in early November, before frost, or in early spring. The root should not be younger than 3-5 years. The dug roots are shaken off the ground and washed with cold water. Dry in the sun. When purified, they are yellow in color with a fibrous fracture, the taste is burning and cloyingly sweet.

Roots and rhizomes of licorice contain vitamin C, carotene, rutin, sucrose, glucose, starch, mucus, gums, saponin, flavonoids, glycosides, protein, fat, bitterness, tannin, glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetinic acids, coumarins, essential oil, yellow pigment, pectin substances, mineral salts and other. What makes licorice root sweet is the saponin contained in them - glycyrrhizin.

Preparations from licorice root have: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-febrile, expectorant, emollient, enveloping and antispasmodic properties.

We get acquainted with the taste of licorice since childhood. Many probably remember the viscous sweet syrup that mothers gave for coughing. Extract and juice are also prescribed for menopause, toxicosis, oncology, asthma, tuberculosis, eczema, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, mushroom and meat poisoning.

With any disease, licorice contributes to a speedy recovery. Licorice root improves immunity and rejuvenates the entire body. It both tones and calms the nervous system.


15 g of dry crushed licorice root pour 1 cup hot water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 7-8 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for about 1 hour.

Strain, take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day before meals.


1 st. pour a spoonful of chopped root with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, take as an expectorant, 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

If the licorice root is chewed, then the teeth become strong.

Preparations from licorice are contraindicated in hypertension, inflammatory liver diseases, cirrhosis of the liver and potassium deficiency in the blood.

Licorice roots are added to animal feed.

The food industry uses them to sweeten beer, soft drinks, kvass, candy fillings.

In the villages, it is added when urinating apples.

Licorice is also used in the manufacture of ink, ink, watercolors, dyeing wool and silk in yellow, brown and blue. And from the stems they make ropes and burlap.

In cosmetics, licorice root is used on an industrial scale, adding to day and night creams to rejuvenate the face and improve hair growth. At home, a decoction of licorice is used for wiping after evening washing. Well rejuvenates the skin compress from the decoction. Just do it 2-3 times a week.

For silkiness and hair growth

1 st. Pour a spoonful of licorice with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for half an hour, strain. Rub into the roots of the hair and moisten the hair abundantly. Put on a cellophane hat. Wash off after 40-50 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week for 1.5–2 months. In the future, rinse your hair with a decoction after each wash.

Jul 8, 2017 Olga

Licorice naked

Glycirrhiza glabra L.

plant description

Outwardly, licorice is very inconspicuous, although it sometimes reaches half a mountain of meters in height. But this is only in very hot areas and with sufficient humidity. Usually, licorice does not exceed 50-80 cm. It is a rhizome perennial of the legume family. The leaves of licorice are unpaired-pinnate, with 3-8 pairs of leaflets, more often having an oblong-ovate shape, sometimes they are elliptical and even lanceolate. In licorice bare leaf segments are smooth, the upper petal of the flower is "sail", the flowers are mostly blue-violet, sometimes with a whitish flag bottom, sharp-foamed at the top, the beans are straight or slightly curved

Habitats. Spreading

Licorice can be found a little north of Samara and Saratov, further to the East it is found north of Orenburg and, a little short of the Northern Urals, goes to Kazakhstan and Central Asia. To the west, licorice grows in the upper reaches of the Khopra, crosses the Don just north of the borders Voronezh region and sharply goes south to Izyum, and from there almost in a straight line to Odessa. Although by its nature licorice is a steppe plant, it settles mainly in river valleys. Large thickets of bare licorice can still be found in the North Caucasus.

Procurement and quality of raw materials

The rhizomes are dug up with a pitchfork or shovel, washed quickly in running water or, if the soil is sandy, shaken thoroughly, then cut into pieces 15-20 cm long and dried until they begin to break with a crack. The thickness of harvested rhizomes is not less than 5 mm. You can immediately peel the roots, but usually dry roots are peeled. The roots are dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. Ready roots are stored in a dry, dark place. Shelf life of raw materials - up to 10 years.

Chemical composition

Licorice owes them to the saponin glycyrrhizin contained in the root and rhizomes (it is up to 23% in the roots), free glycyrrhizic acid, and flavonoids. In addition, essential oil, ascorbic acid, bitterness, pigments, and gums were found in the roots. Licorice root is one of the few plant sources of steroid compounds.

The medicine

Licorice root is a very valuable raw material known since antiquity. Its sweet taste has been used to improve the taste of other medicines. But licorice itself has a multifaceted medicinal action. Licorice preparations are used in medicine as a mild laxative, expectorant, emollient and diuretic. In addition, licorice regulates water-salt metabolism, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Most often it is used as an expectorant, it is part of the breast elixir, which is sometimes called liquorice, of various fees. Licorice enhances the action of many drugs and accelerates their absorption from the intestines, so it is often used in herbal preparations with an effect that licorice itself does not seem to have.


Licorice is used in more than 20 industries and agriculture. Until recently, the foaming ability of licorice extract made it indispensable in the production of fire extinguishers, the same properties make it possible to use licorice in soap making, the food industry (for the production of kvass, beer and confectionery), for the production of paints, in the textile and leather industries, in the chemical industry and even in metallurgy. Wastes from the production of licorice extract are used as raw materials for the production of fertilizers, parchment, heat and sound insulating boards. Hay from licorice green mass is very nutritious, domestic animals willingly eat it. In the food industry, licorice has recently found a new use as a sugar substitute for diabetics. However, it consumes very little. In addition, licorice inhibits the development of mold fungi and additionally protects canned food from spoilage. Recipes for such canned food for home cooking have been developed.


Breeding licorice in the backyard is an extremely inconvenient plant for such conditions. If you still decide to breed licorice on the site, you will face considerable difficulties. First of all, with planting material. Licorice almost does not produce seeds; a commercial root can be obtained from seeds in 4-6 years. Licorice seeds have a very hard shell that protects the germ from adverse conditions. But the germination of this shell is very difficult. Before landing, it must be destroyed. For this, a procedure is used that, in the eyes of a normal person, is absolutely terrible. Seeds are poured with boiling water so that it covers them, and left to cool. After such treatment, licorice sprouts much more amicably. Licorice needs a sunny place, and for good growth of the underground part - loose and nutritious soil. It is better to sow licorice in a nursery or even in a box, or even better in a greenhouse, seedlings appear slowly, after 1-2 weeks, germination is extended, they need heat about 18-20°C. Bushes with 3-4 leaves can be planted in a permanent place. Do not forget that licorice can hardly tolerate even partial shade. In addition, seedlings are easily oppressed by weeds. This is not surprising, since licorice grows where there are few other plants.

Licorice naked - Glycyrrhiza glabra L.

Ural licorice - Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch

Legume family - Fabaceae

Other names:
- smooth licorice
- licorice
- licorice
- licorice root

Botanical characteristic. Perennial herbaceous plant 1-2 m high, with a powerful root system. Rhizome many-headed, thick, vertical; underdeveloped short, horizontally creeping, underground shoots (stolons) with buds and an unbranched main taproot up to 1 m long or more extend from it in all directions, extending from the vertical rhizome and reaching deep aquifers, thanks to which the plant takes root well in dry places. The leaves are compound, pinnate, alternate, with 5-7 pairs of leaflets, sticky on the underside. The flowers are light purple, located on long peduncles in spicate racemes. Leaflets oblong-ovate, entire, short-petiolate. The fruit is a bean 2-3 cm long, multi-seeded, sometimes with 2-3 seeds, straight, glabrous, brown in color. Ural licorice has a gray fluffy stem up to 1 m long; leaflets elliptical in shape, covered with glands on the underside. Flower brushes are denser, thicker. The flowers are purple. The fruit is a bean, fluffy, gray in color, bent, bumpy from seeds, covered with small glandular spines. When harvesting raw materials, bristly licorice comes across, which is outwardly similar to naked licorice and differs in the following features: the flowers are crowded into a head, the beans are planted with prickly spines, the roots are white and unsweetened when broken. Physiologically active substances do not contain. Their preparation is unacceptable.

Spreading. Central Asia, Dagestan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, especially along the river. Amu Darya, Azerbaijan, North Caucasus, southern Ukraine, Volga region. Ural licorice is more common in the Southern Urals, in Kyrgyzstan, Western and Eastern Siberia, and Kazakhstan. Chardzhou is the base of world importance for the export of licorice root.

Habitat. In the steppe regions, near rivers, on the sands.

Harvesting, primary processing and drying. Licorice is harvested from March to November, depending on the area of ​​harvesting. Commercial preparations are carried out mechanized - by a plantation plow with tractor traction. The root system is plowed to a depth of 50-70 cm, up to a maximum of 1 m. The above-ground part is mowed beforehand. 75% of healthy, light yellow roots and rhizomes are selected, 25% of rhizomes are left in the soil to ensure vegetative propagation and restoration of thickets. Re-harvesting of raw materials in the same area is possible in 6-8 years. It is recommended that after sampling the roots and rhizomes, harrowing and leveling the layers with a plow (to avoid drying out and spraying the soil, as well as drying of the rhizomes remaining at the surface), compacting the soil surface with a roller to preserve moisture in it and, if possible, watering. In areas inconvenient for mechanized harvesting, the roots are dug up manually.

The dug out roots and rhizomes are separated from above-ground stems and roots of other plants, shaken off the ground and put into long and narrow stacks (piles) for drying in the open air. Periodically, during the drying process, they are shoveled. Under adverse weather conditions, drying can be carried out under sheds or in dryers at a root heating temperature of not more than 50 ° C. Thus, an unpeeled root is obtained. For medical purposes, the most even and fairly thick pieces of fresh or slightly dried roots and rhizomes are cleaned of cork with knives manually or with special machines. Unpeeled licorice root before being transported to the procurement point is stacked in stacks 2 m wide and 3 m high, covered with tarpaulin, reeds, reeds or hay.

Security measures. It is necessary to alternate harvesting sites and renew them after 6-8 years, during which the thickets are fully restored.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by the requirements of GF X and GOST 22839-77 (for raw materials used for technical purposes, for the food industry and for export).

External signs. Pieces of roots and underground shoots of a cylindrical shape of various lengths with a thickness of 0.5 to 5 cm or more. There are pieces of roots, turning into strongly overgrown rhizomes up to 15 cm thick. The surface of unpeeled roots and shoots is slightly longitudinally wrinkled, covered with brown cork; fracture light yellow, fibrous. Under a magnifying glass, the structure of the roots and underground shoots is beamless and radiant. The transverse section shows numerous medullary rays. Radial cracks are often seen along the medullary rays. The shoots in the center have a small core, the roots do not have it. The smell is absent, the taste is sweet, cloying, slightly irritating.

cut raw materials. Pieces of various shapes for unrefined raw materials from 1 to 10 mm, for cleaned - from 3 to 6 mm.

Microscopy. In a microscopic examination of the transverse section, wide core rays expanding in the secondary cortex and the presence in the secondary cortex of a deformed bast, a group of bast fibers with strongly thickened walls, surrounded by a crystal-bearing sheath, are of diagnostic value. Vessels of wood of different diameters, surrounded by groups of sclerenchymal fibers with crystal-bearing lining.

On the longitudinal-radial section in the bark and wood, long, strongly thickened sclerenchymal fibers with a crystalline lining are visible; in wood, narrow vessels are mesh, medium ones have slit-like pores, wide ones have barrel-shaped short segments and rhombic bordered pores arranged in oblique rows (Fig.).

The powder contains fragments of thin-walled parenchyma, the cells of which contain a large number of starch grains, groups of sclerenchymal fibers of the bark and wood, usually with the remains of a crystal-bearing lining, as well as fragments of vessels. When wetted with 80% sulfuric acid, the powder turns orange-yellow (glycyrrhizin).

Numerical indicators. The content of extractives extracted with a 0.25% ammonia solution is not less than 25%, glycyrrhizic acid is not less than 6%. In addition, raw materials must meet the following requirements: for whole and cut raw materials, the moisture content is not more than 14%; for whole unrefined raw materials, total ash is not more than 8%; ash, insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid solution, not more than 2.5%; roots, flabby in a break, yellow-brown and remnants of stems no more than 4%; organic and mineral impurities not more than 1% each. For whole raw materials: roots poorly cleaned of cork, no more than 15% (poorly cleaned roots are considered to be roots with the remains of more than three sections of dark brown cork on one piece or with a diameter of the remains of the cork more than 10 mm); roots, darkened and brownish from the surface, but light yellow at the break, no more than 20%. For cut peeled raw materials: particles of roots, darkened from the surface, no more than 15%; particles poorly cleaned from cork, not more than 3%; particles larger than 6 mm no more than 10%; particles passing through a sieve with a hole size of 1 mm, not more than 2%. For powder: particles that do not pass through a sieve with a hole size of 0.125 mm, not more than 3%.

Chemical composition. The following were found in the underground organs: triterpene saponin - glycyrrhizin (up to 23%), which gives the roots a sweet taste, is the calcium and potassium salts of glycyrrhizic acid, the aglycone of which is glycyrrhetinic (glycyrrhetic) acid, and the carbohydrate part of glycyrrhizin is represented by two molecules of glucuronic acid attached to aglycone at C 3 ; 27 flavonoids; flavanone and chalcone derivatives (liquiritin, isoliquiritin, etc.); polysaccharides (starch, pectins). The rhizomes contain more glycyrrhizin than the roots. In addition, pterocarpans, coumestanes, stilbenes, neolignans, glycites, cyclitols, and heterocyclic compounds of the furan and pyran groups have been found.

In the aerial part of licorice there are saponins, tannins, flavonoids, essential oils. This opens up prospects for the use of licorice herb in medicine as a possible raw material for the creation of anti-inflammatory, protistocidal, antispasmodic and antiviral drugs.

Storage. In a dry place. In warehouses, whole roots are stored in bales, cut root - in plywood boxes, powder - in jars. Shelf life of raw materials is 10 years.

pharmacological properties. Licorice preparations have many-sided biological activity. A comprehensive study of the domestic licorice root was carried out by prof. I. A. Muravyov, K. Z. Zakirov, V. I. Litvinenko. In 1964, the anti-inflammatory effect of licorice preparations, close to the effect of cortisone, was proved in the laboratory of VILR. Subsequently, a number of new derivatives of glycyrrhizic acid were studied in experiments on rats. It turned out that these drugs have a high anti-inflammatory activity, which is not inferior to the antiphlogistic effect of glucocorticoids and butadione, and in some cases they even give a superior effect. Preparations of glycyrrhizic acid inhibit both the exudative and proliferative phases of the inflammatory process. The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory action of licorice is associated with the stimulating effect of glycyrrhizic acid on the adrenal cortex. It is this pharmacological property of the plant that is considered the most important. Licorice preparations promote the healing of experimental stomach ulcers.

To study the anti-allergic properties of licorice preparations, an experimental model of anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs sensitized with ragweed pollen was used. All studied licorice preparations - glycyrrhetinic acid, glycyrenate and "Glycyram" - prevented death and attenuated the severity of anaphylactic shock in animals. The most pronounced inhibitory effect on immediate allergic reactions was given by Glycyram, which was equal in activity to hydrocortisone. All preparations of licorice were more effective with multiple injections, which made it possible to associate the anti-allergic effect of licorice with the suppression of antibody-producing systems.

The antianaphylactic effect of 5% licorice root decoction was studied on 40 guinea pigs sensitized with horse serum. A decoction of licorice root was injected under the skin of 20 guinea pigs, on the 21st day - a resolving dose of horse serum. The introduction of a decoction of licorice root prevented the death of anaphylactic shock in 18 out of 20 experimental animals, while in the control group all 20 animals died.

Licorice root preparations regulate water-salt metabolism, acting like deoxycorticosterone. The discovery of this property has significantly increased interest in the plant throughout the world and has been repeatedly confirmed in the works of a number of foreign pharmacologists. The action on the hormonal system can also explain the properties of the adaptogen, also found in licorice root. A fraction was isolated from licorice, which showed high estrogenic activity.

Licorice root extract in experiments on rabbits with various models of atherosclerosis has lipid-lowering properties that exceed those of miskleron and polysponin. The mechanism of anti-sclerotic action is associated with the ability of glycyrrhizic acid, which belongs to triterpenic acids, to interact with cholesterol, forming an insoluble complex, and also to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis. An inhibitory effect of glycyrrham on the development of hyperlipidemia was also found.

Glycyrrhizin and foaming substances of licorice root - saponins - are associated with an increase in the secretory function of the epithelium of the respiratory tract, a change in the surface-active properties of the pulmonary surfactant and a stimulating effect on the function of the cilia of the epithelium. Under the influence of licorice preparations, sputum liquefies, it becomes easier to cough up. The sanitizing effect on the respiratory system is reinforced by the antiviral and antiprotozoal properties of licorice preparations.

Antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles is associated with the action of bioflavonoids. Licorice preparations inhibit the secretion of gastric juice in response to the introduction of histamine.

Flavonoid compounds, in addition to the antispasmodic effect, have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the permeability of the vascular wall. The most active anti-inflammatory drugs from this group of substances are Likviriton and flacarmin.

Preparations from licorice have an antiviral effect, with the highest antiviral activity inherent in grass saponins, and the sodium salt of glycyrrhetinic acid (glycyrrhenate isolated from licorice roots) is active against protozoa. Foaming properties of licorice root are used in aerosols, where licorice is a technological aid and at the same time has a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect.

Licorice herb containing a number of biologically active substances has also been studied pharmacologically. In experiments on decerebrate cats, intravenous administration of licorice herb extract has a stimulating effect on the work of the heart, an increase in the amplitude of respiratory movements. The herb extract also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in experiments on rats with "kaolin arthritis" when administered orally to animals.

Medicines. Roots. Powder. Complex licorice powder. Thick and dry extracts. Syrup. The cut root is part of the chest, laxative and diuretic fees. The drug "Glycyram" is an ammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid. Flavonoid preparation "Likviriton" (granules). Flacarbine.

Application. Licorice is mentioned in the recipes of Oriental medicine more often than any other plant: it has left even ginseng behind. Licorice root is widely used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs as an expectorant, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent. The advantage of licorice galenical preparations over individual substances is the combination of glycyrrhizic acid, which acts anti-inflammatory, liquiritoside, which has antispasmodic properties, licuraside, which gives anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects, and saponins, which thin the bronchial secretions. This explains the popularity of licorice used in medicinal preparations for acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis and other diseases. For example, from licorice root, anise fruits and pine buds, taken equally, a decoction is prepared, which is taken 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals for 7-10 days.

The drug from licorice roots "Glycyram" is effective in children with bronchial asthma, at a dose of 0.2-0.6 g / day. Under the influence of treatment on the 7th-10th day, most patients resolve bronchospasm, improve functional parameters of airway patency, and reduce eosinophilia. The course of treatment lasts 3-12 weeks. Glyciram allows you to reduce the dose of hormonal drugs in hormone-dependent patients or cancel them. Against the background of clinical improvement, an ACTH test indicates an increase in the activity of the adrenal cortex. There were no side effects when using licorice preparations.

Galenic forms of licorice root and the drug "Glycyram" are used for diseases associated with hypofunction of the adrenal glands, with Addison's disease, with systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus, chronic skin diseases, allergic diseases; in patients taking long-term steroids. With eczema, neurodermatitis and allergic dermatitis, local treatment is combined with oral administration of glycyram in tablets of 0.05 g 2-3 times a day. The best results were obtained in patients with eczema and allergic dermatitis. Licorice and preparations from it are important for practical medicine as an anti-allergic agent, since, unlike cortisone, they do not violate physiological protection.

Glycyrrhizic acid gives licorice roots a sweet taste. This allows it to be used in clinical nutrition sick diabetes. However, the corticosteroid-like action of glycyrrhizic acid appears to limit its use as a sugar substitute.

For the treatment of patients peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum use various preparations of licorice ("Liquiriton", "Flakarbin"), 20% decoction of licorice root 1/2 cup 3 times a day 40-50 minutes before meals for 3-4 weeks. Pain usually disappears on the 5-6th day, appetite improves, body weight increases. After the course of treatment, the acidity of the gastric contents and the content of pepsin decrease, in 50% of patients the niche symptom disappears. The highly active estrogen fraction found in licorice preparations may be involved in the mechanism of antiulcer action.

The antispasmodic effect of licorice preparations extends to other organs that have smooth muscles (urinary tract, bile ducts, intestines). Glycyrrhizic acid is used for food intoxication, drug and household poisoning, infectious diseases.

Licorice is included in many medicinal collections used for gastrointestinal, pulmonary diseases, and kidney pathology. For example, in case of renal pathology, a collection of licorice roots taken equally, birch leaves, knotweed grass, horsetail grass is used. This complex of phytopreparations provides anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, capillary strengthening and bacteriostatic action. It is recommended for functional kidney failure, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and in the interictal period for the prevention of exacerbation.

Licorice root extract thick (Extractum Glycyrrhizae spissum) is a thick mass of brown color with a peculiar smell and sugary-sweet taste. When shaken with water, it forms a colloidal, highly foaming solution. It is used as constituens (forming) in the manufacture of pills.

Dry licorice root extract (Extractum Glycyrrhizae siccum), dry licorice root extract. Brownish-yellow powder with a peculiar odor and a sugary-sweet taste. When shaken with water, it forms a colloidal, highly foaming solution. Contains at least 25% glycyrrhizic acid.

Licorice (licorice) root syrup (Sirupus Glycyrrhizae) is used in pediatrics. Obtained from the extract of licorice root thick (4 g), sugar syrup(86 g), alcohol (10 g). Yellow-brown liquid, peculiar smell and taste. Used to correct taste in medicines.

Elixir chest (Elixir pectoralis). Composition of the preparation: extract of licorice root 60 parts, anise oil 1 part, ethyl alcohol 49 parts, ammonia solution 10 parts, distilled water 180 parts. It is a brown liquid, sweetish in taste, with the smell of ammonia and anise oil. Used as an expectorant, 20-40 drops per dose. Children are prescribed as many drops as the age of the child.

For diseases gastrointestinal tract apply complex powder of licorice root. Ingredients: 20 parts of licorice root powder, 20 parts of senna leaf powder, 10 parts of dill fruit powder, 10 parts of purified sulfur and 40 parts of sugar. Powder of greenish-brown color with the smell of dill and an unpleasant bitter-salty taste. Used as a mild laxative for chronic constipation.

Glycyramum (Glycyrramum) - ammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid, obtained from licorice roots, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, due to a moderate stimulating effect on the adrenal cortex. Applied with bronchial asthma, eczema, allergic dermatitis alone or in combination with corticosteroids, in addition, used to prevent withdrawal syndrome when stopping treatment with corticosteroids. Produced in tablets of 0.05 g in packs of 50 pieces. Take pills inside 0.05-0.1 g 2-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 6 months.

Liquiriton (Liquiritonum) contains a sum of flavonoids from the roots of licorice or Ural licorice. It is used for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis as an antispasmodic, antisecretory, anti-inflammatory agent and promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane. Produced in tablets of 0.1 g, administered orally at 0.1-0.2 g 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. The drug is well tolerated by patients.

Flacarbine (Flacarbinum) - a combined preparation, 100 g of which contains 2 g of licuraside and quercetin, 10 g of pectin and sodium carboxymethylcellulose and 76 g of glucose. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, capillary-strengthening and mild laxative agent in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Produced in granules of greenish-yellow color, sweetish taste. Assign inside 1/2 teaspoon of granules 3 times a day before meals, washed down with warm water.

An infusion is prepared from dry licorice root at home: 10 g of the root is placed in an enameled bowl, poured with 200 ml of hot water, heated in a boiling water bath under a tight lid for 15-20 minutes, infused for 40 minutes, filtered, squeezed out the residue, brought to boiled water to initial volume (200 ml). Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 10 days.