What are the specialties in the institutes. Specialties of higher education

The end of school is marked for many graduates by the beginning of a new life stage - admission to the From Choice educational institution the future of the child largely depends, and therefore it must be done consciously. And the first thing you should pay attention to is not the reviews or the reputation of the university, but the compliance of the chosen direction of training with the profile of the institution.

The direction of training at the university - what is it?

Surprisingly, when determining the place of receipt higher education, it is important to focus on professional programs. The profile of the institution determines the presence of certain disciplines in accordance with the requirements. Before applying for admission to the selected university, you must first familiarize yourself with its educational program.

So, what does the direction of preparation mean? To implement the fundamental curricula The Russian Ministry of Education and Science approved the standards, so each level of higher education today has its own GEF. Accordingly, it is unacceptable to conduct undergraduate or specialist studies according to the standards of graduate or postgraduate studies. Thus, our country guarantees the functionality of the created system of professional personnel of various profiles and specializations that the National economy and the business sector.

The relationship of GEF and specialties

Each GEF provides for dozens of integrated areas of training, which, in turn, include several specialties. For example, 11.00.00 "Electronics, communication systems and radio engineering" is a basic enlarged area with specialties:

  • 11.03.01 "Radio engineering".
  • 11.03.02 Nanoelectronics.
  • 11.03.03 "Design of electronic means".
  • 03/11/04 "Communication and infocommunication systems".

Profiles of directions and specializations at universities

Next, we should name the division into profiles according to the direction of education, provided for by federal standards. At the same time, everyone has the right to create unique education profiles in the appropriate order and approve them at the Ministry.

For example, specialty profiles 01.03.04 "Applied Mathematics" can be offered at the university as follows:

  • Provision of mathematical and algorithmic systems and information technologies.
  • Mathematical technique in information technologies.
  • Applied informatics in chemistry.
  • Modeling and mathematical methods in economics.
  • Provision of artificial intelligent systems and programming.

How does a profile differ from directions and specialties?

As already mentioned, the choice of the direction of training and specialty must be approached responsibly. Despite the common blocks of fundamental disciplines included in the educational program of profiles of a particular specialization, each of them has unique subjects that take into account the specifics of the graduate's profession in the future. That is why, getting acquainted with the list of areas of study, applicants should know that all of them can include dozens of profiles. For clarity, as an example, consider the specialty "Construction", which suggests options for professions in the areas of construction that have nothing in common with each other:

  • "Construction of hydraulic structures".
  • "Construction of industrial buildings".
  • "Construction of hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations."
  • "Urban construction and economy".
  • Real Estate Expertise and Management.
  • "Laying of highways and construction of airfields".
  • "Ventilation and engineering systems".
  • "Construction and computer modeling".

How to choose the right future profession?

Thus, it is necessary to get acquainted with the educational program long before submitting documents to the university. After all, having received an idea about the professional block of disciplines of the curriculum, it is easy to guess what profession the graduate of the institution will become the owner of.

At this stage, it is important not to make a mistake with the direction of training and profile, respectively. Often illegible applicants are often confused by the fact that the specialties have almost identical names, despite the cardinal differences in the blocks of professional disciplines. As a result, students acquire knowledge that does not correspond to their initial aspirations and plans, which means that upon leaving the university they receive unequal opportunities for successful career growth.

Where can I find information about profiles and specialties in an educational institution?

A list of areas of study and specialties can be found on the official website of almost any university, but it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly find profiles and corresponding educational programs. The thing is that the statutory documents of institutions are required to publish data on quotas for budgetary and contract places in a particular specialty. The university may not detail the professional programs related to each direction. At the same time, most educational institutions with a transparent reputation do not hide the profiles of education and indicate them in the "Admission Committee" section.

This information may be contained in another section of the site. Often information about profiles is present in the description of the university itself, its structure. But if the list of areas of training and specialties of higher professional education is open and accessible to every visitor to the site, then information about profiles is often deliberately hidden from applicants. The reason for this may be the unpopularity and lack of demand for a certain educational program in comparison with a specialty that sounds more prestigious and attractive to applicants. Such an unscrupulous step is undoubtedly beneficial to the university.

The main differences between the specialty and the profile direction

By the way, in the context of the above, it is worth noting that most applicants do not see fundamental differences in the concepts of "direction" and the actual "specialty". In fact, these two terms do not have much in common. The main difference lies in the difference in training periods. In accordance with the knowledge in the areas, bachelors and masters receive four and two years, respectively. Here, rather, we are talking about a form of education that meets European standards and provides students with the widest range of opportunities for building a personal learning plan. Thus, by the time they graduate from undergraduate studies, students become holders of diplomas of higher education, which allows them to officially find a job.

But for those graduates who would like to continue their studies to improve their qualifications or change their professional direction, there is a master's program. Upon completion, a graduate can become the owner of two professions and two diplomas of higher education.

How not to make a mistake when applying for a particular specialty?

When choosing a specialization and profile, only attentiveness and caution will save the applicant from making a mistake. Unscrupulous educational institutions, in order to increase income, sometimes include profiles in the list of professional programs that do not correspond to their general specialization.

The most common and profitable from the point of view of the commercial system for the provision of educational services are the profiles "Design", "Economics", "Management", "Jurisprudence", and therefore, when entering a university for which these specialties are not core, one should not lose vigilance and be on your guard - it is likely that this educational organization sets itself the goal of improving its financial situation.

As a rule, universities that train technologists or biologists, builders and engineers do not enroll students in fundamentally different areas of study from the basic ones.

The main signs that the direction does not correspond to the profile of the university

Of course, there are exceptions to all rules, but in order not to fall for deception, it is advisable to conduct a serious analysis of the establishment before submitting documents. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • there are no budget places on the selected profile;
  • the number of contract places significantly prevails over other specializations;
  • a completely unique profile name that is not found in other universities (this can, of course, be a sign of a unique training program at a specialized university, but it can also have another goal - to replace ordinary content with an unusual name in order to stand out from the background).

For the most part, higher educational establishments have a balance of contract and free places for a particular specialty. Demanded universities have more state-funded places for students than paid ones. The predominance of contract places for programs over free ones is a reason for additional collection of information on the quality of educational services provided in this organization.

How important is the right choice of professional direction and specialty?

Having familiarized yourself with the list of specialties and areas of higher education, remember that the university is not only a place of study for students. Each university can be called a place of accumulation of knowledge, the development of a scientific school and the formation of new ideas about scientific and technological progress, culture and art. However, it is impossible to concentrate forces in all directions at the same time.

The activities of institutes, academies and universities, proven over decades, are based on their core profile. When deciding to enter a non-core educational institution, a potential student is at serious risk of receiving an insufficiently high level of education. The right choice of a professional program and specialty is a chance to make your dream come true and become what you have wanted since your school days.

The section contains a complete list of specialties of higher professional education, as well as detailed descriptions areas of training and curricula in Russian universities. In each of the selected subsections, you can choose from the list exactly the specialty with which you would like to familiarize yourself and read its detailed review.

Specialty rating
according to readers of the portal

All specialties of higher education

A new list of higher education specialties and thematic areas of training for bachelors, masters and specialists was approved on September 12, 2013 by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1061. Since 2014, all higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation have been assigning qualifications to graduates corresponding to the names and codes of enlarged groups and areas of training listed in this list . Until the end of studies for undergraduate, graduate and specialist students enrolled in full-time and correspondence departments universities until 2013, all universities, academies and institutes have the right to issue diplomas of higher education indicating the qualifications registered in the list adopted in 2009 (as amended by government and Ministry of Education and Science resolutions during 2009-2010) .

Universities and specialties are grouped by specialized areas - this will facilitate the selection of a profession and an educational organization in which it can be obtained. The list includes creative and technical, applied and academic, common and unusual specialties. A standard set of subjects that require marks for admission, additional exams and job prospects after graduation will help you navigate the variety of professions and make the right choice.

After a long preparation and passing the exam applicants face a dilemma - which universities in Moscow are better to choose in order to become a sought-after specialist? The capital provides every chance to get a profession in any profile, so it is sometimes extremely difficult to decide. The decisive factor may be the location of the educational institution or the cost of education. Today, applicants have the opportunity to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the selected institutions, having previously studied the rating of Moscow universities, their curricula and privileges on the website.

Varieties of higher educational institutions Russian Federation

A higher education institution is an institution that provides higher professional education, confirmed by a diploma, and carries out scientific activities. Moscow universities are divided into state and non-state (private). They may have branches in other cities and towns.

Each university has its own charter and is considered an autonomous entity. legal relations. The university must have a license confirming the right to conduct educational activities. Higher educational institutions undergo state attestation to obtain accreditation, which gives the right to issue state diplomas to graduates. Applicants to private universities in Moscow should definitely pay attention to accreditation and a license.

Conventionally, Moscow universities are usually divided into humanitarian and technical. Education in universities lasts 5-6 years. Today there are day (full-time), evening (full-time) and correspondence forms learning. The most relevant forms of education are distance and classroom.

At the moment, the following types of higher educational institutions operate in the Russian Federation:

Federal universities are the most promising and sought-after universities in the federal district, centers of education and science;

The university is an educational institution of various professional areas with a large set of curricula in various fields of knowledge, from technical to humanitarian;

Academy - graduates specialists in various areas of human activity (health, tourism, finance, economics, agriculture, art, education, construction, etc.);

Institute - trains specialists in a certain direction and type of activity.

Research can be done at any type of university, but universities often provide more opportunities to create serious research. The rating of Moscow universities allows you to find out how well a particular educational institution is equipped, whether it has the opportunity to conduct practical research, to conduct fundamental scientific activities. Those who want to learn languages ​​should first find out if the university or institute provides language practice and where it takes place. An important role is also played by the teaching staff, technical equipment, the availability of the necessary equipment, premises, and so on.

The most popular universities in Moscow

In the capital there is a huge number of diverse educational institutions. Over the years, there are more and more of them, new branches, studio schools, business schools, and representative offices are opening. Thousands of applicants from Moscow and other cities of the country are trying to enter a university in order to acquire a worthy profession.

The ranking of Moscow universities shows that Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State Technical University them. N.E. Bauman. The top leaders also included MGIMO and Ural Federal University.

The popularity of ranking universities is due to their rich history, highly qualified teaching staff, equipment modern equipment and other privileges. Studying in these universities is prestigious, honorable and promising. Graduates of cult educational institutions get the opportunity to occupy the best positions, conduct scientific activities in different countries. In addition, there are systems of benefits in state universities, a hostel is provided and a scholarship is paid. In private universities, these points are negotiated separately.

For many years, the rating of universities in Moscow has been headed by the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. It is worth noting that Moscow State University is the only university in the Russian Federation that is included in the world rankings of educational institutions. In 2014, the Expert RA agency, the first and only in the CIS, assigned Moscow State University a rating class "A", which indicates an "exceptionally high" level of graduate training.

MSU has 41 faculties, 15 research institutes, more than 300 departments and about 5 branches within the CIS. The university produces bachelors, specialists and masters. There are 4,000 teachers and professors and about 5,000 researchers working in research centers and faculties.

The university has: a scientific library, an educational and scientific center, a student theater, a research zoological museum, a herbarium, an alpine club, a creative club, an archive, a history museum, a land ownership museum, a botanical garden, a yacht club, editorial offices of university periodicals, a security team nature.

MSU alumni include government officials, influential politicians, Fields Prize winners and Nobel Prize. The most famous graduates are: Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov, Ilya Mikhailovich Frank, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, Lev Davidovich Landau, Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov, Petr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is a leading technical Russian state university that trains specialists in the field of mathematics, theoretical and applied physics and other disciplines. The university is located in the Moscow region in the city of Dolgoprudny, other branches are located in Moscow and Zhukovsky.

The educational activities of MIPT are aimed at training engineers and scientists in relevant areas of science. The university graduates specialists in the following areas: "Applied Mathematics and Physics", "System Analysis and Control", "Computer Security", "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Computer Science and Computer Engineering". In 2014, the Expert RA agency awarded the university with a B rating class, which means a “very high” level of graduate training.

Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman was founded in 1830. The status of the educational institution is national research university technique and technology. The main industry is mechanical engineering and instrument making.

MSTU prepares graduates in more than 70 specialties. There are Dmitrovsky and Kaluga branches. In 2014, the Expert RA agency rated the university with a “B” rating class, which indicates a “very high” level of graduate training. Many specialists, natives of the Moscow State Technical University, have connected their professional lives with the design and scientific activity, are employees of the largest enterprises of mechanical engineering and instrument making.

MGIMO or Moscow state institute International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is one of the most respected educational institutions in the country. At the moment, the institution trains specialists in 12 educational areas, including: applied economics and commerce, international economic relations, journalism, international relations, political science, international law, regional studies, public relations, public administration, international Business and business administration.

The university includes 6 institutes and 8 faculties. There is also a military department, which trains officers - military linguists. MGIMO currently trains 53 foreign languages, including Russian. For the number of languages ​​taught, MGIMO was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2014, the Expert RA agency assigned MGIMO a B rating class, which means a “very high” level of graduate education.

One of the leading universities in Russia with the status of the federal level is Russian University Friendship of Peoples (PFUR). Its main feature is multinationality. Students, interns and graduate students represent over 450 nationalities from over 145 countries. The principles of tolerance and friendliness are observed in university groups and dorm rooms.

Demanded educational institutions in Moscow and the region

The most successful and popular higher educational institutions in Moscow: Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow State University of Management of the Government of Moscow, Moscow State University of Communications, Academy of Social Management.

Famous universities in Moscow: First Moscow State medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, National Research Technological University "MISiS", Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology them. K.I. Scriabin, Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI).

A high level of education is offered by the academies: All-Russian State Tax Academy, Maimonides State Classical Academy, Russian Customs Academy, Russian Academy justice.

Moscow universities include institutes of various kinds. Those who want to acquire a creative profession should study the requirements and conditions of the following institutions:

Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin;

Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov;

Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke;

State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov;

Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin;

School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater;

Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after M. Litovchin;

Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky.

In Moscow, there are universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Security Service of Russia. Military universities are distinguished by a special charter and high requirements for candidates. Applicants undergo a rigorous selection and testing, the results of which are enrolled in the university. To become a student of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you must have a good physical shape, perseverance, discipline. Such universities include, for example, the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Recruitment to the academy is carried out by the territorial bodies of the FSB. Before submitting documents to a university related to the defense of the Fatherland, it is necessary to critically assess your capabilities and abilities. A candidate for the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation must be mentally and physically strong, ready to serve in different parts of the country after graduation, unquestioningly comply with the charter.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the existing higher educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region and choose the best option. Our website has an effective search system for a suitable educational institution. You can enter the district and district of the city you need, as well as set the desired location: regional district, locality, metro station.

Use a convenient search system that divides Moscow universities into main categories: new educational institutions, alphabetically, by rating, by reviews. Thanks to this division, you can quickly select or find an institution of interest. In addition, on our website you will find information about private universities, colleges, technical schools, schools, kindergartens. Here you will also find the latest news and articles about education, professions in demand, learn Interesting Facts about various institutions.