Gazebo between the garage and the bathhouse. Bathhouse projects with gazebos under one roof

The bath itself has a number of advantages. A bathhouse with a gazebo is an excellent place to relax, which will allow you to relax, be in the fresh air with protection from the weather in the form of a canopy. The advantages will also be convenience, comfort and compact location, as well as savings.

There are a large number of variations in the shapes and sizes of a bathhouse with a gazebo, so you can be creative and choose the appropriate design.

Advantages of a bathhouse with a gazebo

Let's consider the advantages of combining a bathhouse and a gazebo into one:

  • an undoubted advantage will be a significant expansion of the functional component - it can be used as a summer kitchen, you can also equip the gazebo with a barbecue;
  • a bathhouse and a gazebo, combined together, will free up additional free space, including due to the fact that there is no need to connect separate buildings with special paths;
  • cost savings - less building materials will be required, since the roof, foundation, communications, engineering systems, lighting of the buildings will be common;
  • strengthening the strength of the structure due to a structure with additional load-bearing structures;
  • general style - since the buildings will be a single whole, the issue of their combination is resolved by itself;
  • therapeutic effect - immediately after steaming you can sit in the fresh air, and this is a definite plus for health;
  • the time required for construction is reduced - it can be completed in one season

Types of baths with gazebos

A bathhouse with a gazebo can be built in different versions. The main ones are:

Open type. The gazebo is constructed in such a way that it and the bathhouse have the same floor and roof, while supporting structures are built for the gazebo, and railings and curbs can be installed.

From a cost point of view, open-type gazebos are the cheapest and do not require raw materials for walls and finishing. The design itself is quite lightweight. The disadvantage of this variation is that it does not provide protection from gusts of wind or slanting rain.

Closed - a single building, load-bearing walls are also built for the gazebo, glazing will be an important element. The type in question will become a comfortable place for relaxation even in cold seasons. The bathhouse with a closed gazebo has a monolithic appearance.

Semi-open or combined type. The variation is a compromise of the previous two. They build one or more load-bearing walls, for example, to protect from the wind. A fireplace can be built into the wall.

This type can also be implemented in this way: a closed gazebo is built together with a bathhouse, while the design of the walls of the gazebo allows, if necessary, to remove them - push them in or detach them, turning the closed gazebo into an open one. It is convenient to make this option in the form of a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue.

Also, gazebos can be arranged in several modifications in relation to the bathhouse itself.

So, for example, a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof has:

  • single-level roof and floor;
  • a common wall with a roof and floors at different levels;
  • two separate buildings nearby, united by a common passage.

The latter option seems to be a rather original and functional solution that eliminates the harmful effects of moisture on building materials.

An interesting option would be to add a hexagon-shaped gazebo to the main building of the bathhouse. This design can conveniently accommodate a bathroom, cooking stove, etc.

You can experiment with the shape of the building, for example, on the Internet there is a photo of a bathhouse with a barrel-shaped gazebo.

It is also possible to design a bathhouse with a gazebo as a two-story option - adding a second floor to the bathhouse. You can make a room for firewood and a barbecue. This variation can also be used as a country house or a full-fledged living space.

You can also use this building as an additional guest room. At the same time, we must not forget what the main purpose of the bathhouse is. Therefore, the main room should remain the steam room. The rest are an appendix to it.

Selection of building material

Typically, foam concrete is used as a construction material, since it is easy to work with due to its low weight, low cost and the ability to adjust the size of the block using a regular hacksaw.

A historically established tradition is a bathhouse made of timber. This building material is environmentally friendly, and also conducts heat poorly, which allows it to be preserved for a long time. The bonus will be a pleasant and healing smell.

A common building material is brick. Advantages: heat and frost resistance, long service life.

A bathhouse made of stone is considered a luxury, since this building material is very expensive. The advantages of a stone structure are low shrinkage, long-term use, strength and beauty of execution.

Relatively recently, for the construction of baths, they began to use wood concrete, which is made from cement and wood components (they can be, for example, sawdust). Wood-concrete buildings are characterized by stability, sound insulation, and low shrinkage. The downside will be not the best appearance, which, however, can be easily corrected with facade work.

It is better to lay the floor from hardwood or pine boards, as they are resistant to moisture. It is also important to decide on the roof. Can be built from metal, hips, glass, wood. The choice of material will affect the shape of the roof and the appearance of the entire structure.

Subtleties of building a bathhouse with a gazebo

Undoubtedly, a necessary stage is drawing up a project. Before starting work, decide on the dimensions - how many people, what size, what rooms. You can hire a specialist to draw up a project. You can carry out the project implementation work yourself or use the services of professionals.

Another option is to purchase a finished project from an architectural and construction company. The choice of option depends on your budget, desires and capabilities.

If you decide to build it yourself, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the sequence of work.

To begin, prepare the strapping and lay down the roofing material. The first few rows will be the most difficult, so approach their installation with special attention. When laying the log house, at the same time tie the dressing room. Then proceed to tying the gazebo and making the dressing room frame.

The next stages are roofing, laying floors, inserting windows and doors. The final steps will be exterior finishing, arranging furniture and adding decorative elements.

If you follow all the nuances during construction and approach the process responsibly, a bathhouse with a gazebo will be a good place to relax and have a good time.

A bathhouse is a structure that can be combined with other buildings on the site, for example, a gazebo, a house, a swimming pool. Combining buildings has its advantages:

  • financial costs for construction are reduced, since there is no need to equip separate foundations, piping and roof;
  • the building is decorated in the same style;
  • there is no need to build paths between the bathhouse and the gazebo;
  • in the summer you can relax in the gazebo between treatments in the steam room.

Combining a bathhouse with other buildings is economically beneficial

There are some features of the construction of a bathhouse combined with a gazebo:

  1. The bathhouse and the terrace are combined under one roof.
  2. The floor in the bathhouse and the gazebo are different. On the terrace it is better to arrange the floor from a special board. Tiles are suitable for bath rooms. In this case, it is recommended to raise the floor level in both parts of the building, but do not forget about the ventilation gaps.
  3. The walls of the terrace can be made of special frames that are mounted on an aluminum profile. Thanks to this, you can relax on such a terrace even in winter.

A gazebo, when combined with a bathhouse, can turn into a terrace

Video: projects of bathhouses combined with a gazebo

Brief overview of projects

There are several options for combining buildings:

  1. Covered passage. This solution is multifunctional, since the result is a full-fledged gazebo with a veranda. To build a bathhouse with a gazebo, a shallow reinforced strip foundation is required. This will preserve the integrity of the structure for a long time and prevent problems with the valley roof. It is recommended to pay special attention to the rafter system, since even a slight displacement can lead to leaks. This project is the most difficult, since the roof of the building will be multi-level. The ideal dimensions are: bathhouse - 4*5 m, transition - 1.5*2 m, round or hexagonal gazebo with a diameter of 2.5 m.

    You can always hide in the rain in the gazebo

  2. Bathhouse with gazebo without transition. This structure is characterized by the presence of a terrace. The bathhouse has a shower and a warm sanitary unit, as well as a steam room and a full-fledged relaxation room. It is possible to install a barbecue inside the gazebo. There is no separate passage between the gazebo and the bathhouse, which reduces the cost of building materials. To build a bathhouse, it is recommended to choose foam blocks. For interior decoration, you can use natural lining. The advantages of the foam block are obvious:
  3. Bathhouse with a gazebo under a gable roof. Such a gazebo is a continuation of the bathhouse, which means that the rafter system must be uniform and can be made to universal sizes. It is recommended to install supports under the roof of the gazebo. It is better to construct both buildings from wood. For a bathhouse, you can take a rounded log. In gazebos of this type you can place both a barbecue grill and a stone stove. Thanks to this, the functionality of the building expands, since it is possible to use it as a summer kitchen.

    The roof of the bathhouse and the gazebo must be joint

  4. Bathhouse with gazebo and barbecue. The bathhouse can be equipped not only with a gazebo. If desired, the gazebo can be divided into functional parts. One of them can contain a grill or barbecue, and the second can contain a table and chairs. Although such a project is expensive, it is quite practical and multifunctional.

    The gazebo can be divided into functional parts

  5. A gazebo with a bathhouse under one slope. The project is the simplest in terms of execution and financial costs. But at the same time, the gazebo can be quite spacious, so it can accommodate a barbecue, grill or brick oven.

    A bathhouse with a gazebo under one slope is the simplest option

If desired, any of the projects can be changed based on personal preferences.

Photo gallery: bathhouses with a gazebo - design ideas

The bathhouse has a small functional gazebo and a large glazed terrace. In a long covered passage you can place a table and chairs. On a small open terrace you can find a place for a barbecue. The barbecue is located separately from the covered gazebo. The large terrace is divided into several zones. The glazed gazebo can also be used in cold weather.

Projects of a house under one roof with a bathhouse

Combining a bathhouse with a house is an ideal solution if the size of the plot is so small that it is not possible to build two separate buildings. The project allows you to create a building with a common roof and a set of communications.

The bathhouse can be located in an extension or occupy a separate floor

Accommodation options

The bathhouse can be placed under a roof shared with the house as follows:

  • as a separate full-fledged room, if designed in advance;
  • as an extension - the most common option. The construction requires the construction of a strip foundation, as well as the construction of walls from the same type of material as the house itself.

When building a house combined with a bathhouse, it is necessary to provide and carefully consider the following communications:

  • ventilation system - high humidity in the bathhouse can destroy the structure of the house;
  • waterproofing, both for the bathhouse and for the external walls of the house;
  • combining a bathhouse with a sanitary unit, regardless of whether it has an autonomous or central sewerage system;
  • general electrical wiring.

It is recommended to choose a kitchen wall as an adjacent wall. This will make it possible to install a single stove. In addition, you can make a covered corridor that will serve as a transition. This will allow you to visit the bathhouse in winter without going outside. If there is sufficient space in the passage, you can equip a font or a swimming pool.

Before building a combined house with a bathhouse, you need to draw up a plan

There are three main degrees of combination of these buildings:

  • at the design stage, as a result of which the bathhouse is located on the first floor;
  • a full extension of the log house, after which the roof is extended and the bathhouse is completely covered;
  • the use of a joint wall, which greatly simplifies the process of joining buildings.

When combining a bathhouse and a house, it is important to determine where the exit will be. It is better to place it on the side of the house, since in winter it is not very convenient to go outside. But this can be easily fixed if you make a covered terrace with glazing, which will be much more expensive.

Attention must also be paid to the foundation. Its construction depends on the material used to build the house. It must be strong and autonomous, because high humidity from the bathhouse can damage the foundation of the house. During the construction of the foundation, it is very important to ensure a reliable sewerage outlet. To do this, you need to remove two pipes. One is for the home, the second is for the bathhouse. If the sewage system on the site is autonomous, then a separate cesspool must be installed for the bathhouse.

The size of the foundation depends on the size of the house itself. A wooden house, combined with a small bathhouse, can stand on a foundation about 50 cm deep and 30 cm wide. If bricks or blocks were used to build the house, then the foundation must be full-fledged, capable of withstanding a heavy load.

Video: project of a country house with a bathhouse

How to build a house combined with a bathhouse with your own hands

The process of building a bathhouse combined with a house consists of several stages:

  1. First of all, you need to determine the location of the bathhouse. Drive pegs around the perimeter and stretch construction twine between them. Determine the width of the foundation and stretch the second line of twine. After this, it is necessary to check the evenness of the diagonals and the accuracy of all angles. For this purpose, you can use a rangefinder and a laser level.

    A bathhouse needs a solid foundation

  2. Dig a trench according to the markings. The walls of the trench must be perfectly smooth. If necessary, temporary formwork can be installed.
  3. Dig a trench for communications. If the sewerage system is central, then it should be located near the nearest pipe connection. If the sewage system is autonomous, it is necessary to dig a trench to the drainage hole. Lay the pipe in this trench at a slight slope, then fill it with sand and soil.

    For water pipes you need to dig a separate trench

  4. The trench under the bathhouse foundation must be filled 2/3 with crushed stone and sand. Next, the sand must be moistened with water and compacted thoroughly.
  5. Install formwork from boards in both trenches. The foundation must protrude at least 20 cm above ground level. It is recommended to wrap the inner sides of the formwork with waterproofing film or roofing felt. Remember the need for a ventilation pipe.

    The formwork must protrude above the trench

  6. Place reinforcing bars on top of the bedding, tying them together. Plastic clamps can be used to connect the rods. The distance between the formwork walls and the reinforcing mesh must be at least 5 cm.

    The reinforcing mesh should deviate from the formwork by 5 cm

  7. Pour concrete. The poured concrete mixture must be leveled. After complete drying, cover the concrete with film, be sure to periodically moisten it. For waterproofing, you can use bitumen mastic or roofing felt.

    The foundation of a bathhouse combined with a house must be waterproofed

  8. After the foundation is completely dry, you can begin building the walls. Remember that a wooden bath will experience significant shrinkage, which can continue for several years. If the walls were built, for example, from brick, it is necessary to ensure that they are perfectly vertical, and also carefully follow the rules of masonry. If the bathhouse is made in the form of an extension, then it is very important to correctly join the walls and tie them down. To do this, holes are first drilled in the wall of the house into which the reinforcement is inserted. It is knocked down so that the free end is sufficient to hold the wall of the bathhouse.

    The choice of material for a bath should be approached responsibly

  9. After laying the walls, you can install double-glazed windows. Most often these are metal-plastic structures. Remember that the windows in the bathhouse should be equipped with vents with a minimum number of lintels.
  10. Now you can build the roof. This must be done so that it has a solid structure. A gable or hipped roof is ideal. The reliability of the structure largely depends on the correct calculation of the height. It is necessary to install two separate chimneys. You need to take care of the drainage system and snow holders in advance. Absolutely any roofing material can be used. If you approach the issue from a cost-effective perspective, it is better to choose metal tiles or galvanized profiles.

Photo gallery: houses with a bathhouse

A house that combines a bathhouse and a glazed terrace is beautiful and functional. Sometimes the bathhouse is located in the attic. The bathhouse is in an extension under a gable roof - the most common option. The bathhouse can be located both on the first and second floor. The bathhouse located in the extension has a separate exit to the terrace. Separate houses form a single ensemble, thanks to the passage connecting them and a common roof

Baths under one roof with a swimming pool

Having a bathhouse is already a luxury, and if it is also combined with a swimming pool, then you will always have guests. To arrange a bathhouse, you can choose one of two types of pool:

  1. Stationary. Installation requires digging a deep pit, laying sewer pipes and installing special equipment.
  2. Mobile. It can be assembled and disassembled. It can be plastic, frame, composite, inflatable. No additional sewer pipes are required for installation.

The bathhouse is often combined with a swimming pool

To build a bathhouse combined with a swimming pool, you can choose various building materials:

  1. Logs. This material can be considered traditional for a bathhouse. This structure is visually attractive, retains heat well, is environmentally friendly, and has healing properties. Also, the logs are absolutely not deformed. They can crack, but only vertically, which does not affect the thermal insulation in any way. However, a log bathhouse will shrink by 10–12 cm every year. This size must be taken into account during design.

    Logs are considered a traditional bathhouse material

  2. Beam. This material is the most popular due to the fact that a bathhouse can be erected in a short time for relatively little money. Timber is also a tree, therefore it has the same properties as a log. However, the material can crack horizontally, which reduces the service life of such a bath. Before construction, the timber must be thoroughly dried. Therefore, after purchasing, it is recommended to wait about a month before starting construction. This is done to minimize shrinkage of the bath. Wood must also be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent rot and excessive moisture absorption.

    The timber may crack

  3. Brick. A brick bathhouse with a swimming pool will last a very long time. However, such a building requires a solid foundation. Careful thermal insulation is also necessary, since brick can freeze under the influence of negative temperatures. Despite this, brick has an undoubted advantage. It is fireproof, the material is not afraid of attacks from mice and insects, and mold or mildew will never appear on the walls. However, such a bathhouse cannot be called a budget structure; the environmental friendliness will be much lower than that of a wooden bathhouse.

    Brick bathhouse requires insulation

  4. Foam block. The foam block structure is the most economical. The advantage is that you can build a bathhouse yourself, and you can do it quite quickly. It is not afraid of mice, harmful insects and mold, so you can safely not use antiseptics. Also, block construction does not have an increased level of fire hazard, which is a definite advantage for a bathhouse. Be prepared for the fact that such a bathhouse will not be entirely attractive in appearance.

    Foam block is a good thermal insulation material

The pool can be located in any of the rooms of the bathhouse. However, the most economical would be to build a bathhouse with a two-story pool. This will allow you to build a comfortable lounge, which is best located on the second floor. On the first floor you can arrange a steam room and install a swimming pool. In such a bath you can not only perform hygiene procedures, but also relax. With this arrangement, it is necessary to take care of high-quality waterproofing. This is necessary to ensure that the upper room remains dry in any case. If this rule is neglected, a problem of fungus will arise on interfloor ceilings, since they are necessarily made of wooden boards.

One of the main elements of a two-story bathhouse with a swimming pool is a staircase. It can be compact, screw or spacious classic. It is better to give preference to wooden options. It is recommended to place it only inside the building, since going outside in the winter after a steam room or swimming pool can lead to negative consequences.

A bathhouse combined with a swimming pool may contain:

  • shower;
  • fuel room;
  • a pantry where you can store tools.

It is recommended to place the shower as close to the pool as possible, since after being in chlorinated water it is necessary to wash it off the body. The relaxation room should be located in such a way that you can quickly get to the pool and sauna from it.

Video: project of a bathhouse with a swimming pool

Combining a bathhouse with other buildings on the site allows you to save a lot, but at the same time not deny yourself anything. But remember that the design of such buildings must be approached responsibly.

In the classical sense, a bathhouse is a separate building on the territory of a land plot, equipped with communication systems. In modern realities, most citizens are faced with such a problem as a lack of free space on the site, so they have to look for rational options and find solutions to combine several extensions into one. One of these original options was a bathhouse with a gazebo under a common roof.

Advantages of a combined extension

A bathhouse can become not only more attractive, but also more functional with the help of any complementary element, be it a terrace, balcony or gazebo. In general, the option of a gazebo with a bathhouse is the best combination option, since here you can have a good time with friends, relax in the fresh air, or organize barbecues at the bathhouse.

The combined extension will not only be functional, but also more rational, since it will take up less space on the land plot. Also, cost savings will affect the paths, because one garden path can be laid from the house to the building, and not to each building separately.

Other advantages of combining two buildings into one:

  • A single style that will make the building as interesting and attractive as possible.
  • Financial costs for the construction of the roof and walls are reduced, since they are common, have a solid foundation and increased strength of the building.
  • In the summer, the gazebo can be used as a summer kitchen; the use of communications is not necessary here.
  • You can set up a barbecue in the gazebo, which automatically increases the attractiveness and practicality of the building.
  • After leaving the bathhouse, you can sit down on a chair and enjoy the fresh air, the main thing is to choose the right place and arrange it away from prying eyes.

Types of gazebos and design nuances

In order for the gazebo to be not only attractive, but also reliable, it is necessary to follow some rules. The roof of the building is often made in the form of an envelope, the floor needs to be raised. It is best to make the flooring from natural wood - decking boards.

Types of gazebos depending on their design:

  • Open. In this case, the bathhouse and the gazebo have a common floor and roof, but the gazebo is enclosed only by curbs or railings that mark the boundaries of this part of the building. From an economic point of view, this option is profitable, since the construction of permanent walls or glazing is not required. The only drawback is that there is no protection from the wind, minimal effectiveness in protecting against rain and snow, because the wind will still blow them into the gazebo area.
  • Closed. This gazebo is a permanent building with full walls and large (panoramic) glazing. If there is a barbecue or fireplace, then even with a little insulation it will always be cozy and comfortable. A closed gazebo actually becomes a dressing room, an additional room for a bath, where you can actively relax. Modern projects provide options in which two walls of the gazebo are removable and can be removed in the summer.
  • A semi-open gazebo is a middle option between the previous proposals. Such a gazebo has only 1-2 main walls installed on the windy side.

Options for using a combined bathhouse with a gazebo

In general, the option of combining a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof has become popular due to the fact that such a building is variable and provides its owner with several options for using this building.

A sauna with a gazebo can be used as:

  • Bath house - it is best to build such a building when purchasing a plot of land, and then actively use it. This building does not require large financial investments, but provides its owner with almost complete housing with comfortable conditions. While the main house is being built, finishing it, laying the foundation, etc., you can calmly live and relax in this extension while waiting for the construction of a large private house.
  • Guest house. Guests are always good, because they give a good mood, create an atmosphere and a feeling of celebration. Relatives, friends or other guests can present not only a holiday, but also some embarrassment and discomfort. This building will help cope with it, completely eliminating the inconvenience. If you provide guest rooms here, then the owners and guests will live separately, without crowding each other.

Having their own home, each person feels much more convenient, comfortable and relaxed. Yes, it may be small, not very cozy and only temporary, but here you can wait out the stage of construction of the main house. This is another reason why a bathhouse in the style of a guest house is becoming an ideal type of construction, the full functional load of which is almost impossible to assess.

The presence of such a building on the site will make the autonomy of guests and owners of the site optimal, which is especially important in cases where there is a large age difference between the owners and guests. In this case, some want peace and quiet, while others, on the contrary, during this period of time like to relax and take a noisy walk, without creating discomfort for others. Building a separate guest house on the site is expensive, impractical and unjustified, since such a building will take up a lot of free space.

We also must not forget that this building is primarily a bathhouse and only then its residential continuation; the main center of the building is the steam room. In this regard, all other premises must adapt to it, be reliable and protected from temperature changes and excess moisture. It is necessary to protect living rooms from possible dampness and build a modern ventilation system.

The option of a guest house with a bathhouse is not used year-round, so it is necessary to provide a rational heating system that can quickly create comfortable temperature conditions for unexpected guests. A sauna-house must have a small kitchen and a bathroom, so its implementation is more difficult and not financially profitable in comparison with a “clean” sauna-gazebo.

To move on to analyzing the topic of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof, it is necessary to explain what, from an architectural point of view, these two structures represent separately. Let's start with the gazebo, as the simplest structure.

This is a non-permanent building, light and free-standing. The only capital elements in its design are the racks (supports, pillars) on which the roofing structure rests. At the same time, gazebos can have different shapes and sizes; the space between the posts can be open or covered with light bars.

What is a bathhouse? This is a permanent structure with load-bearing walls, which should protect the internal space from external temperatures and natural loads. It is covered with a permanent roof, usually insulated.

It turns out that both structures are strikingly different from each other. But increasingly, their common symbiosis is being built on suburban areas. Therefore, projects of bathhouses with a gazebo, covered with a common roof, are in great demand today. True, it is necessary to highlight one point that concerns architectural terms.

The gazebo itself is a separate structure. If we talk about bathhouses with an open extension, then it is correct to call it a bathhouse with a veranda or terrace under one roof. But people use the term bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof. Therefore, we will use this term in the article.

Advantages of a double structure

At the very beginning, I would like to outline exactly the advantages of a bathhouse combined with a gazebo.

  1. This is a space-efficient construction option. It is more compact, so it will be easy to find a place for it at your summer cottage.
  2. All communication networks are made for two parts at once. This is especially true for power supply from the electrical network. That is, for a double building it will be necessary to install one electrical panel, filling it with the required devices.
  3. The gazebo is used as a relaxation area, regardless of whether the bathhouse will be used. A barbecue or grill, tables with chairs or upholstered furniture are installed here.
  4. Significant savings on the construction budget. Duplex buildings always require less capital investment.
  5. Construction time is also saved. The entire complex is being built in one construction season. If it is small, then one month is enough.


Bathhouse projects with open gazebos are presented with a huge list of proposals. Choosing something worthy from them is not difficult. But it is necessary to point out that when choosing, even the most affluent customer puts the price component of the future construction at the forefront. And it depends on the size and materials from which it is built, as well as the functional purpose.

What is meant by the latter? For example, if the project is to build a barbecue made of brick or stone. By the way, a bathhouse with a barbecue under one roof is a common project. To do this, it is very important to take into account several points that relate to the fire safety of a building:

  • the floor is constructed from non-combustible materials: ceramic tiles, brick, tiled or crushed stone, concrete tiles;
  • the barbecue is built so that its wall blocks the gazebo from gusts of wind, this will additionally help prevent sparks from burning wood or coal;
  • the barbecue is installed opposite the entrance door to the bathhouse, although architects offer other safe options.

Now let’s talk about what materials these buildings are built from. There are no strict restrictions here. It's all about the customer's taste. Lumber is most often used for this. Since ancient times, the bathhouse itself was considered a wooden structure, where logs were the main building material. And today it is not inferior in popularity to others. True, modern logs are very different from those used decades ago.

Lumber manufacturers offer logs and beams with precise geometric dimensions. Therefore, bathhouses and gazebos built from them look decent. The design of the bathhouse has excellent performance characteristics, where there is no room for drafts or heat loss. At the same time, we must pay tribute to the fact that wooden baths, combined with gazebos under one roof, are not only reliable buildings in terms of their long-term operation, but also fireproof. Logs and beams are treated with fire-retardant compounds at the stage of their manufacture.

The next material is brick and blocks. How relevant are the projects in which the buildings being erected are made from these piecemeal building materials? In principle, if we just talk about a bathhouse, then such projects are often encountered, because a log house for a bathhouse is not a cheap pleasure. Even if you assemble it yourself. Although this is not recommended. The construction technology is too complex, with a large number of different technological nuances.

It is easier to build a building from bricks or blocks, if we talk about self-construction. But this design has quite a lot of weight. Therefore, a good foundation will have to be laid for it, for which a lot of money will be allocated. But again, it all depends on the size of the building. Small baths are also built on shallow, cheap foundations.

Now, as for the brick gazebo. To what extent does this design justify itself in terms of construction? If you approach the development of the project with imagination, then an extension made of bricks or blocks is a real beautiful structure. To do this, simply form racks (supports) from piece material with strapping along the upper ends. And here you can play with materials. A reinforcing belt made of concrete mortar or wooden beams that serve as floor beams are suitable as strapping. The main task is to create a support for the roof and tie together the support posts for the gazebo.

By the way, about the stone racks. A concrete foundation with a cross-section twice the cross-section of the rack must be poured under them. In this case, the depth is selected based on the mass of bricks or blocks, plus the weight of the masonry mortar. A columnar foundation of concrete is poured under the wooden racks or stands are assembled from the same brick or concrete blocks. It is important to ensure good waterproofing of the stands.

Combined option

What is meant by the term “combined”. In principle, there is only one position here - a bathhouse made of stone, a gazebo made of wood (although the reverse option is also acceptable). How good will such a symbiosis look? As statistics show, it is precisely such projects of bath complexes covered with one roof that are the most in demand.

There are several reasons, but the main one is to simplify the complexity of the construction process and reduce the cost of the building. As for the compatibility of the two connected structures, this is a matter of technology. Fortunately, there are a huge number of different finishing materials on the market. Eg:

  • finishing the walls of the bathhouse with facing bricks, which goes well with wooden products;
  • wall cladding with wood siding or block house, you can use ordinary wooden lining;
  • plastering walls with facade mixtures that imitate natural stone, for example, travertine.

That is, today there are a huge number of options for combining a wooden gazebo with a bathhouse built from brick or concrete blocks. You just need to turn on your imagination. But if you involve an architect in this matter, he will offer a serious choice. That is, today this is not a problem.

Roof for a bathhouse with a gazebo

Since we are talking about a common roof, we must immediately decide at the design stage what it will be like. The proposals are still the same: single- or double-slope, hip, hipped.

Shed roof

This design has one advantage - one slope, which requires the least amount of building materials. This type of roofing structure is rarely used to cover a bathhouse with a gazebo, because the structure itself is quite long compared to the width. Although there is an option to make a slope on the side of the building. Such a structure does not always have a presentable appearance. But for some developers, sometimes this is the only way out of the situation of low availability of money.

There are buildings in which the slopes of two parts of the complex are made in different directions. For example, a bathhouse is covered with a roof sloping towards the back wall, and a gazebo towards the side wall. But it will no longer be one roof.


This is the best option, because the gable roof easily covers two structures attached to each other. One learns a single architectural structure, under which it is not visible that it consists of two different buildings. In addition, this option is simple to construct and is not the most expensive in terms of price.

A hip roof is also a good option. It covers both the bathhouse and the gazebo with a single structure. The only thing is that the roofing structure is not so simple, it has many additional elements, plus a large waste of roofing material due to the shape of the slopes: trapezoid and triangle.

In this regard, the hip roof is also rarely used. The reason, even less common than the hip one, is that it can cover buildings standing on a square plot. In this regard, such projects of a bathhouse with a gazebo are very rare.

Dimensions of the building

As mentioned above, a bathhouse with a barbecue under one roof can have different shapes and sizes. And two parts of one single building can stand relative to each other in different ways. There is a huge variety of project proposals here. We are interested in the sizes, what they depend on.

First of all, it depends on the size of the suburban area itself. If the territory allows, then you can swing thoroughly. If the dacha plot is a couple of acres, then there is no point in fantasizing. You'll have to be content with a small building.

If the size of the territory allows you to play with the dimensions of the bathhouse complex, then it is recommended to take into account the number of people who will simultaneously steam and relax. And since the steam room is the heart of the Russian bath, accordingly it needs to be allocated a larger area. It is also better not to deprive the washing room of space. Although today many do not attach much importance to it. These rooms are gradually simplified by installing a shower (one or two stalls). And, as practice shows, this is enough even for 10–12 people.

Don't forget about the bathroom and boiler room (furnace). These two rooms in the bathhouse are a must. And, of course, a relaxation room combined with a locker room. It must also be made large, because in winter you cannot sit on the open terrace.

Now let's figure out the size of the gazebo. Here again it all depends on the number of people. But you will also have to take into account the presence of a barbecue or grill, or maybe an entire oven complex. If your size and finances allow it, and you like to receive guests, then you shouldn’t limit yourself to a small building. Of course, if you like silence and privacy, then an extension two meters wide is more than enough. A portable grill or barbecue, a couple of chairs and a small table can easily fit on such a platform.

Examples of projects

I would like to look at a few examples of bathhouses with gazebos of various types. The photo below shows one of the most popular options, referring to the joining of two parts, size and shape.

This is a linear structure where the gazebo becomes a continuation of the bathhouse, and all this is located under one gable roof. Another interesting option is that on the gazebo platform there is a stove complex with a built-in barbecue and grill. In terms of functionality, the structure is actually quite compact. At the same time, the wind rose was taken into account very correctly - the gazebo is closed from the wind by one solid wall.

Note! Based on the type of materials used, this is a complex construction. Here the bathhouse is made of logs, and the veranda is made of brick. This applies not only to the wall, but also to the support pillars supporting the roof.

The fire safety of the structure is also taken into account:

  • the stove is located in the farthest corner from the wooden structure;
  • the floor is covered with paving slabs;
  • The stove itself is lined with refractory bricks.

The proposed project is actually universal. That is, if necessary, you can lengthen the gazebo by investing a little money in it. A gable roof can also do this. If the roof, for example, was hip, then there would be more problems.

The second project is a bath complex covered with a hip roof. This architectural form looks cozy and compact. Please note that the bathhouse itself is built in the letter “G”. That is, by reducing the area of ​​the open terrace, some spatial and functional problems of the bathhouse were solved. In the branch of the bathhouse you can place a bathroom or furnace.

But the terrace turned out great. It is small in size. This is a purely relaxation area without functional delights. But how precisely the furniture is chosen, how the space is properly organized.

It is not entirely clear from the photo what material the entire structure was built from, because it looks like clapboard or vinyl siding. Therefore, we can assume that the building was built either from piece materials (bricks, blocks), or it was a wooden structure, maybe even a frame one. But it should be noted that the manufacturer of the project took into account all the little things: decorative, dimensional and functional.

The third project confirms our proposal, which concerns the capabilities of the owner of a large suburban area. That is, if the size of the territory allows it, and many guests come to you, then such a bathhouse with a gazebo is an excellent option.

Let's start with the fact that the project of this building is a solid structure, built of bricks or blocks. This applies to the entire building, even the open terrace. A furnace complex was built on its site. It is large enough, so we can say that this is a full-fledged kitchen in which you can prepare any culinary delights every day.

Pay attention to the roof. It is as if she is not united. That is, the gazebo is covered with a roof structure that is lower than the roof of the main building. It should be noted that this is a purely architectural technique when the author of the project wants to emphasize the individuality of each part of the complex. But at the same time, there is simply a roof over the veranda without a ceiling, which allows you to increase the air space, plus visually enlarge the roof itself from the inside.

The fourth project is a building with two pitched roofs. As mentioned above, the possibilities of a summer cottage do not always allow the construction of linear buildings. This is just such a case. It turns out that the bathhouse is built at a right angle to the gazebo. Hence the difficulty in assembling a single roof space.

The author of the project followed the path of saving the customer’s money. But at the same time he was able to clearly compose two objects, covering them with separate roofs. Of course, a single roof looks much more effective. This design is several times more presentable than the double one in this project. But such options are also offered today. Moreover, in terms of functionality and efficiency of use, they are no different from those described above.

Conclusion on the topic

So, we have analyzed the projects of various baths with gazebos under one roof. This is just a tiny part of what architects offer. But, in general, you received information about how and by what means both structures are assembled. As always, the choice remains with the owner of the suburban area.

  • organizing a good rest - taking a steam bath and relaxing after the bath, right on veranda without leaving anywhere, you can cook barbecue or snacks on the fire
  • joint construction helps to accurately maintain the general architectural style for all buildings on the site
  • if a bathhouse in a country house is planned to be used only during the season, then a spacious terrace with a barbecue can completely replace the rest room, which will help significantly save on the construction of a bathhouse
  • no need to link separate objects paths, which allows you to further save usable space and reduce costs
  • grouping several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, because in this case, for example, the wall of a bathhouse will also act as a wall of the terrace

Material selection

The most popular and economically viable material for building a bathhouse with a terrace is wood. timber. On the one hand, it retains heat well, so the bathhouse will not require additional insulation. In addition, wood is the traditional material of the Russian bathhouse; it allows you to create a unique “bathhouse” atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathable” material, independently regulates humidity, but will require additional protection from mold and fire.

Brick baths are more reliable in terms of fire safety, but they take longer to warm up, requiring more fuel. In addition, brick baths will require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensation will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the development of mold and bacteria.

Laying the foundation

Despite often having a common roof, different foundations are laid for the terrace and bathhouse. A bathhouse, naturally, is heavier than a terrace, so for large and multi-story buildings you will need a strip monolithic foundation, and for small bathhouses you can get by with a pile foundation. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bathhouse, then a strip foundation must be poured - another simply will not support the weight of the building.

For a wooden terrace, a pile foundation will be quite sufficient. In cases where the terrace will be located on difficult soil, prone to freezing or crumbling, on slopes, it is better to lay screw piles to increase reliability. At the same time, for wooden buildings it is very important to properly organize waterproofing between the tree and the foundation in order to avoid rotting of the wood.

Advice! Since the soil under a heavier bathhouse will shrink faster than under a lighter terrace, the foundations of the terrace and bathhouse must be separated by a layer of insulation.

Terrace and barbecue: planning correctly

When planning a terrace, first of all it is necessary to take into account which wind direction is the main one so that the design of the bathhouse covers the terrace. In addition, this will allow you to properly place the barbecue so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from vacationers. If the terrace will serve as shelter from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then you should not place it in the southern direction. Or vice versa - a terrace with a sun lounger can be an excellent place for sunbathing - it all depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of terrace location is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape - contemplation fence It is unlikely to add to the mood on vacation, where it is more pleasant to admire the forest, lake or landscaped landscape design.

The terrace can be located frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), on the side (near one of the walls), it can have an angular location (along two adjacent walls) or encircling (along three walls, sometimes completely around the bathhouse, if the territory allows).

Rice. 1. Design of a bathhouse with a front terrace

If you do not plan to invite a lot of people, then taking into account the installation of a barbecue (barbecue), the minimum recommended terrace area is 7-8 m2. But it’s better to start with 9-10 m2, then in addition to tables and chairs on the terrace you can put a sun lounger and a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space to work, and vacationers will not be bothered by the heat from the stove and smoke .

Although a terrace in the classical sense is an open area, for greater comfort it has a roof to protect it from rain and sun. This can be a continuation of the roof of the bathhouse and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can cover the terrace with a translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bathhouse itself, so you will have to turn on the lights earlier.

Advice! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large terraces - there is no need to build a massive base, a lightweight metal structure will not clutter up the space, remaining almost invisible.

Best suited for terrace flooring wooden plank or decking. Of course, you can lay paving or ceramic tiles, but wood will look cozier. Natural stone is used as a covering on a large terrace

To install a barbecue, it is necessary to lay the foundation separately, and for construction they use special fire-resistant bricks, and the base is made with a height of about 70 cm from the floor level.

Advice! To improve fire safety, it is better to put stone (tile) tiles around the barbecue instead of a wooden covering - even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall in which a small supply of firewood can be stored. To remove smoke from the barbecue, a separate chimney is made, which in height should ensure effective removal of smoke from the bathhouse.

Designing a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue oven

The design of a bathhouse, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish), must provide for the presence of at least three rooms:

  • locker room - dressing room with a minimum size of 1.2 × 3 m, but it should be taken into account that according to the standards there should be 1.3 m2 per person
  • shower room – minimum size 2x2m
  • steam room - its size is a compromise between the convenience of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature with low consumption of fuel (electricity). The minimum size of the steam room for 2-3 people will be 1.3x1.8 m.

If you have a spacious terrace for a seasonal bath, you can skip the rest room. The planning of the remaining premises, naturally, depends on the desires and capabilities of the future owner.

Let's take a closer look at some projects.

A corner bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to effectively use the area of ​​the site if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bathhouse with terrace and barbecue

The space is used very functionally - the spacious shower room has a cold water plunge pool. The steam room is quite spacious - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it, while it is shifted closer to the corner, away from front door- it’s safer this way, because after the bright lighting of the shower room, your eyes need to get used to the dim light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bathhouse, then the stove can be embedded into the walls. If you make the steam room a little smaller, then with this arrangement of the stove it can be heated from the shower room. There are two entrances to the common vestibule - one directly from the street, the second from the terrace.

Design of a bathhouse-guest house (Fig. 3) with a veranda and barbecue, quite large in area - 98 m2. Therefore, if it is intended to be used year-round, installation of a heating system will be required. Inside there is a spacious lounge and a separate kitchen. The terrace is located on the side, in terms of area - it is actually half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the terrace.

Rice. 3 Bathhouse – guest house with barbecue and terrace

Figures 4 and 5 show two more designs for a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. Project of a bathhouse-guest house with a terrace and barbecue

Rice. 5. Bathhouse with terrace and barbecue

In Fig. 6 drawing of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, in which you should pay attention to the entrance door to the relaxation room - it is located at the maximum distance from the barbecue to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the room.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue

A timber bathhouse with a veranda and a barbecue in a traditional Russian style - watch the video presentation: