What is the best foundation for a house? Guide to pouring your own house foundation

The right choice of foundation for a house under construction will help create a reliable, stable, durable building that will serve for many generations. There are several basic designs from which you need to determine the best option. This can be done taking into account certain factors, including the weight of the house being built, the type of soil, the presence or absence of basements and other criteria.

The main function of any foundation is to become a reliable foundation for the building erected on it, and this is a rather difficult task. Therefore, when choosing a type, it is better to consult with professionals. Among the factors influencing the choice of the desired type of foundation, the determining ones are the characteristics of the soil on which the house will be built. To do this, you will need to conduct a geological survey of the site to obtain the following data:

  • type of soil and its basic physical and chemical characteristics (density, composition, humidity, etc.);
  • freezing depth in a given area;
  • availability of groundwater and its level;
  • relief features.

During the study, several main types of soil are identified, which require their own version of the base with special technical characteristics:

  • Weak. Sandy soils, clayey, silty soils, peat bogs. They have a reduced load-bearing capacity and are deformed during operation. Clay soils, in addition, are susceptible to heaving.
  • Rocky. This is a reliable foundation consisting of dense rocks that does not require unnecessary work on preparing the foundation.
  • Dense. It is quite easy to dig a trench in them, but due to their resistance to loads and heaving, they do not require massive foundations.

Particular attention should be paid to groundwater, as it can undermine the foundation and warp the building. Therefore, at high groundwater levels, waterproofing is very important. In areas with harsh climates, it is imperative to take into account the fact that the base must provide a sufficient level of thermal insulation.

The main criteria for choosing the type of foundation include:

  • sufficient load-bearing capacity;
  • high-quality thermal insulation between the floor and the ground;
  • strength and durability of materials ensuring long-term operation of buildings;
  • possibility of building dry basements and garages.

Types of bases

Structurally, there are several types of foundations for a private house. The most commonly used designs are:

  • Tape is a classic option.
  • Pile - for difficult terrain and soils.
  • Slab - used in harsh climates on swampy or wet soils.

Each of these types has its own advantages, so make an informed decision when choosing.


This type of foundation is used most often and is suitable for houses made of wood, brick, foam or gas blocks or stone. This is a rather expensive option, but on dense soil it is the most reliable basis. It is recommended to build such foundations on level areas; a slight slope is allowed.

The depth of the laying and the thickness of the strip base depend on the material from which the walls will be built, their thickness and the number of floors in the building. The main advantage of this type is its high load-bearing capacity. When laying it, the base must be below the freezing point of the soil in the given area. The exception is light wooden buildings, for which a shallow foundation is suitable.

The disadvantage of a strip base is poor waterproofing. To prevent the walls from becoming damp, its upper part is covered with roofing felt or other waterproofing materials, covered with bitumen, rubber compounds, etc. To protect against water, you will need a reliable wide blind area.

Technologically, monolithic and prefabricated strip foundations are distinguished. The monolithic version is poured into pre-prepared formwork, in which the reinforcement cage is previously installed.

The prefabricated strip foundation is made from FBS blocks. This technology is used when it is not cost-effective to produce or deliver fresh concrete mix, in unfavorable climates, etc. The advantages of this type include high speed of construction, due to this it is much cheaper. But working with it requires professional skills, so this foundation is more complex. When installing FBS, cranes or other loading equipment will be required.

A correctly installed prefabricated foundation is not inferior in strength to a monolithic one.


Pile-type foundations are used in places with complex terrain, heaving soils, swampy, and sandy soils. They resort to it when it is not possible to make a high-quality strip base. To save money, it is used as a foundation for light buildings on any soil.

The main structural elements are screw steel piles with anti-corrosion treatment, which are connected by a concrete grillage. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the quality of piles. The advantages of pile foundations include:

  • the possibility of constructing a foundation in any type of soil, except rocky, due to the immersion of piles to a depth of up to 35 meters;
  • this technology allows you to equip large premises such as an underground garage or cellar;
  • treated piles will serve as reliable support for at least 100 years.

This technology also has its disadvantages:

  • the relatively small load-bearing capacity does not allow the construction of brick buildings, stone, or monolithic concrete;
  • buildings on a pile foundation require additional thermal and waterproofing.

In a columnar foundation, steel piles are replaced with brick or concrete columns with reinforcing mesh. They are buried below the freezing level of the ground. This type allows you to save on materials, but is not suitable for permanent buildings made of brick, concrete or stone.


A slab foundation, also called a floating foundation, is used to create a reliable foundation on difficult soils. It is used in construction on:

  • heaving soils;
  • in wetlands;
  • at high groundwater level.

At the heart of such a base is a reinforced concrete slab, laid behind a specially prepared cushion. An important design feature is the uniform arrangement of the steel reinforcement frame throughout the slab. The result is an exceptionally rigid and durable foundation.

This type is excellent for constructing a plinth; it has good hydro- and thermal insulation due to insulation; it allows you to build houses in areas with difficult climates, on swampy, loose soils.

During construction, a foundation pit is dug that matches the area and shape of the future building. The soil is carefully compacted and a sand and gravel cushion is made on it. Several layers of different fractions are separated with geotextiles, after which formwork is made and the reinforcement frame is welded. After this, the slab is poured, and the places where the walls will be built are marked with a monolithic tape. The advantages of such designs include:

  • stability and absence of deformation;
  • increased strength due to the solidity and strength of the reinforcement;
  • resistance to adverse conditions, humidity and temperature changes;
  • possibility of construction on moving soils;
  • excellent waterproofing.

The disadvantages of a slab foundation include its high cost due to the large volume of concrete and continuous reinforcement.

Comparison of characteristics

The foundation is the basis of any home, and the durability and comfort of the future building depends on its strength and stability. Some types of foundations are suitable for houses made of timber, and others with increased load-bearing capacity are suitable for brick two-story houses. To make a choice, you need to compare the main characteristics and properties of these structures, summarized in the table:

Characteristic Tape Pile-screw Slab
Carrying out excavation work before constructionYesNoyes, but less than in tape
Construction period4-6 weeks1-3 days4-6 weeks
Construction on difficult soils and terrain without additional workNoYesYes
The ability to immediately fully load the foundation and mount the houseNoYesNo
Limiting construction to warm seasonsYesNoYes
Possibility of constructing basements and ground floorsYesAdditional technical solution requiredOnly for ground floors

Thus, when determining what kind of foundation is needed to build a house made of foam blocks, it is necessary to determine its weight; a strip foundation or slab would be a good option if construction is carried out on unstable soils. In this case, on dense or rocky soil, a shallow concrete strip is suitable. But for a house made of foam concrete blocks 2 floors high, they require a strip or slab foundation buried below the freezing level of the soil.

A strip shallow foundation is best suited for frame houses with low mass. Its strength is quite enough to ensure the stability of the building. The same can be said for houses made of timber with a wall thickness of 30 cm. The light and durable construction of such a house has increased thermal insulation. On complex heaving, swampy or unstable soils, it is better to erect such buildings on pile foundations, buried to dense layers, which will ensure stability.

When deciding which foundation is best suited for a log house, you need to pay attention to the strip and pile type; slab structures are not very suitable for wooden buildings. The depth of the ribbon type depends on the number of storeys of the building; for one-story buildings, a shallow depth is sufficient.

The cheapest foundation is a pile foundation, which requires the least amount of materials. Strong metal piles are connected by a not too massive concrete grillage. A strip foundation requires much more materials; if the freezing depth of the soil is 1 m, then it will have to be buried by 1.2 m; with a width of 0.5 m, 0.6 cubic meters will be required for each linear meter. meter of concrete, with the appropriate amount of reinforcement. A slab foundation will require an even larger amount of cement, since, despite its relatively small thickness, the monolith is laid under the entire house. However, the base does not require a screed under the floor, as a result it allows significant savings compared to the tape type.

Before choosing a foundation for a house, it is better to study the advice of professional experts. They will help you avoid many problems and get a reliable foundation without incurring unnecessary costs.

On dense soils, strip structures buried below the freezing mark or shallow-buried options are more often used. These bases are suitable for buildings made of any material - brick, concrete, stone, wood.

When choosing which type is best to use on clay soils prone to swelling, experts advise piles that will not require additional arrangement. If the belt type is used on clay soil, it is necessary to take care of a sand cushion of sufficient thickness.

For buildings on sites in marshy areas, a slab option is used. The same type is well suited in areas where groundwater is close to the surface. This type of foundation will provide high-quality waterproofing and evenly distribute the weight of the house onto the ground.


Choosing the optimal foundation design is the key to the success of the entire construction. This choice should be based on an accurate calculation based on an assessment of the condition of the soil, the materials used for the construction of the building, and the owner’s requirements.

Shallow foundations are suitable for buildings made of wood or frame construction. They do not exert much pressure on the ground surface, ensuring the stability of the building throughout its entire service life. They can be strip, pile or slab type. The main advantage of such bases is their low price.

Deep foundations below the soil freezing level will be required for the construction of multi-story buildings, houses made of concrete and brick. They are characterized by increased stability and resist subsidence and cracking of walls. The type of foundation must be selected according to geological studies. For dense soils, the strip type is suitable; on heaving soils, it is better to choose pile structures; for high humidity and looseness, the use of a slab would be a justified solution.

For strips, slabs or grillages, it is better to use concrete of at least grade M300 and reinforce the structures with a welded steel frame. Pile foundations are made of concrete or steel supports connected by a grillage.

If the owner does not have sufficient experience and knowledge, it makes sense to contact a construction company, where specialists will suggest the right solution. It will be reflected in the project according to which the building will be built.

The bearing capacity and service life of the foundation depends on the correctly selected construction method. Choosing a foundation for a house should take into account the following factors:

  1. Soil type. It is necessary to determine which type predominates on the land plot. If the soil is excessively saturated with water, it is recommended to use a pile or pile-strip foundation; if the land is subject to shrinkage - monolithic or slab; on bulk, heavy soil - build a floating one; on unstable - pile-screw.
  2. Freezing depth. There is a buried or shallow method, which are selected based on the level of soil freezing. You can reduce the influence of temperature by changing the shape of the foundation for the house - making it a trapezoid with a narrowing towards the top. You can also fill up non-heaving soil between its walls and the soil.
  3. Ground water level. By drilling wells in the corners of the future structure, you can determine their depth. For a wooden house it should be below 5 m, for a brick or concrete house - below 7-10 m.
  4. House construction. The more massive the structure, the stronger the foundation needed. For this purpose, the following is determined: the number of floors, rooms, the presence of a basement, underground garage, the thickness of walls and ceilings.
  5. House material. You can choose a strip foundation for a wooden house or from foam blocks. For a lightweight house, it is better to choose a columnar one as a more economical method. A buried monolithic strip foundation is in demand when constructing a building from reinforced concrete blocks.

Strip foundation

The most popular method is suitable for any soil except “difficult”: wet, unstable or subject to severe freezing. Such a foundation for a house is being built from foam blocks and reinforced concrete, the only difference is the depth. We can also use strip foundations for bathhouses and other outbuildings. Its depth may be small, since outbuildings are not massive.
The strip method is a monolith of concrete along the entire perimeter and under the interior load-bearing walls. Construction of the foundation of a house begins with digging a trench and preparing the formwork. You need to lay reinforcement in it and fill it with concrete. You can also build a strip foundation from rubble concrete, brick or rubble stone.
It can be monolithic or prefabricated. The latter is built from reinforced concrete blocks. They are laid in a trench and the joints are covered with mortar. The prefabricated method will significantly reduce the construction period, since it is faster and does not require a long wait for the concrete to harden. But its implementation will require special equipment, which will increase its cost significantly. This type of foundation is not recommended for a house with a basement, due to the seams that reduce the waterproofing qualities of the foundation.
Its advantages are:

  1. Reliability, strength. Able to withstand any load, you can make a base of any shape and design.
  2. Durability.
  3. The opportunity to do it yourself. No special equipment required.

The disadvantages include some difficulty in performing the work: the process is labor-intensive and slow.


A column foundation will save on material

A columnar foundation is a foundation that stands on pillars. In this case, deepening is not carried out along the entire perimeter, i.e. Concrete is consumed several times less than for strip concrete. This foundation is used for houses made of timber, wood, frame buildings and cottages, i.e. buildings made of lightweight materials.
For pillars that are located according to the diagram (in corners, intersections of load-bearing walls), holes are dug or drilled. After that, reinforcing strapping is made and formwork is built for each pillar, and its shape can be round, and the solution is poured. Supports can be built from brick, cinder block or rubble stone.

A brick foundation is not suitable for wet soil; in this case, it is better to give preference to rubble stone, which is moisture-resistant.

There are two types of columnar foundation. Monolithic is used if groundwater lies below 1 m from ground level, prefabricated ones are suitable for swampy soils characterized by high humidity and dampness. It cannot be used on moving soils. Its main disadvantage is the absence of a basement in the house and the inability to use it for houses that are massive. They also require knowledge of the nuances in the manufacture of the base, which is better to entrust to a professional in order to comply with the standards. The advantages include:

  1. Economical. Today this is one of the least expensive methods.
  2. Low labor intensity. It features a relatively low level of labor costs.

Pile, pile-screw

The pile foundation for a house is made of piles, which can be wooden, reinforced concrete, steel or a combination.

The service life of wooden piles is 10 years, while reinforced concrete ones are up to 150 years.

Pile foundation allows you to build houses on swampy and mobile soil types

It is used on complex types of soil that do not have adequate strength. Therefore, piles are driven or screwed into a stable layer of soil. In this case, the piles are located at the corners of the house, the joints of load-bearing walls and at the same distance below them, so that the load is distributed as evenly as possible. After installing the piles, they are tied using a channel or timber. This foundation for a house is practically impossible to do with your own hands. It requires accurate calculations and the availability of special equipment and machinery. This is considered its main drawback. Advantages:

  1. Economical. The costs of materials are an order of magnitude lower than previous methods, since it is not necessary to use a huge amount of concrete.
  2. Not susceptible to shrinkage.
  3. Can be used on any soil.

Monolithic or slab

Slab foundations are often chosen both for frame houses and cottages, and for multi-story buildings

A foundation slab is a monolith of concrete that is poured over the entire surface of the future building. The foundation for a house is poured on subsiding, mobile, heaving, clay-sandy soils, with groundwater flowing below 1 m. The advantage of this method is the ability to withstand any displacement of the soil. It is quite simple to build such a foundation for a house with your own hands, which explains its popularity. It is characterized by high strength, which is why it is used for multi-story massive buildings.
The main disadvantage of the slab method is its high cost, since pouring requires a large amount of concrete.

The construction of any structure begins with laying the foundation. It is the main part of any structure, and the durability of the building depends on its strength and reliability. But how to choose a foundation for a house? After all, there are several types of it:

  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • pile screw;
  • slab

The layout of the future home and consultation with a specialist surveyor will help you choose one or another type of fill.

This question requires certain knowledge of studying the area, and also takes into account the features of the future construction. Today it is a monolithic strip of concrete.

What type of foundation to choose

For non-subsidence soils, a strip concrete base is suitable. On soft soil, for the construction of a house with heavy walls, you need to build a columnar foundation. In this design, you can further expand the lower part of the support and reduce the distance between the pillars, but also protect the strip foundation from subsidence by expanding its lower part.

The depth of freezing is measured from the ground level, and in unheated rooms - from the floor level. The foundation must be built below the freezing level to avoid frost heaving of the ground.

Frost heaving of the soil can be reduced in several ways:

  1. Reduce the side surface of the foundation and give it a trapezoidal shape, narrowing towards the top.
  2. Create the lateral surface of the sliding layer using a material that has a low coefficient of friction.

The groundwater level affects the depth of the foundation. For the construction of a wooden house, the groundwater level should be up to 5 m; for stone and brick buildings - 7-10 m.

The design of the house affects the depth and width of the foundation pouring. For cottages with a basement, a strip foundation is suitable. If the walls of the house are made of wood, then a shallow foundation up to 50 cm is sufficient.

The quality and reliability of a structure also depends on building materials. The cost of a good foundation is about 20% of the construction of the entire house. You should not save in this matter, since the durability of the house as a whole depends on a reliable and solid foundation.

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Strip concrete base

When building private houses with warm basements and underground garages, it is better to choose a strip foundation. It is the most durable and can withstand any load. At the same time, the design of this base is quite simple, but also expensive.

This design is carried out by pouring around the perimeter of the house and under the internal partitions. Carrying out this work is quite labor-intensive, but its characteristics are completely justified. The following materials are suitable for the tape base:

  • reinforced concrete;
  • concrete;
  • rubble stone;
  • brick;
  • rubble concrete.

According to their design, strip foundations are divided into prefabricated and monolithic. When the entire trench is poured, the width of which should exceed the width of the foundation itself by 10 cm. This is done to install the formwork. Reinforcing strapping must be laid in the formwork, and then the concrete mixture is poured.

The monolithic base can withstand any load and is suitable for the construction of buildings of complex shape.

Scheme of columnar foundations:
1 – gravel-sand cushion;
2 – base plate;
3 – soil;
4 – prefabricated reinforced concrete pillar;
5 – fittings;
6 – monolithic concrete;
7 – asbestos cement pipe.

The prefabricated structure consists of individual concrete blocks, which are laid in a prepared trench, following bricklaying technology. Reinforced concrete blocks are tied together with steel wire.

A prefabricated foundation is very durable and can last up to 150 years. It is suitable for the construction of houses of simple shape, since the blocks have certain dimensions.

This base is not suitable for a house with a basement, since water can penetrate through the seams. But if the project nevertheless includes a basement, then it is necessary to take care of additional waterproofing.

The disadvantage of this design is the large weight of the blocks, which are moved using construction equipment.

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Columnar foundation

This type is mainly used in areas with unstable soil. Its laying depth is up to 3 m, which in the case of a strip foundation is very expensive and labor-intensive. The construction of such a foundation for a house requires much less building materials and labor costs.

This structure consists of individual pillars that are laid at each corner of the building, as well as at the intersection of its walls. Along the perimeter of the walls, the pillars are laid with a certain step of 1.2-2.5 m, which is determined by the load. Strapping beams are laid on top of the blocks.

The materials for this type are:

  • concrete blocks;
  • rubble concrete;
  • rubble stone.

Columnar foundations can also be monolithic or prefabricated. The first type is used in areas where groundwater lies at a depth of more than 1 m from ground level.

To construct this structure, holes are drilled in the ground for the pillars. The foundation must have reinforcing strapping to ensure the strength of the structure. Here you should also provide for round or square formwork. The gap between the formwork and the walls of the pit should be at least 10 cm, into which fine gravel or sand is then poured. The sand layer is needed in order to avoid the impact of soil movements on the pillars.

Prefabricated structures are designed for installation on damp, swampy soil, where the installation of stone and wooden structures is impossible. Such a foundation is represented by reinforced concrete pillars, which are attached to a base plate.

This concrete base cannot be used on moving soils, as this can lead to the destruction of the house as a whole.


  • efficiency;
  • minimal labor intensity.

The disadvantages include:

  • low stability;
  • impossibility of construction on clay-sandy soils with heavy walls.

A columnar foundation is suitable for private houses without a basement, the walls of which are made of lightweight material: panels, beams.

The reliability of any structure depends on the quality of the foundation. In today's review we will take a closer look at the classic and newest types for a private home. This information will help you choose the optimal design based on your individual requirements. Step-by-step instructions will be useful for doing the work yourself.

Read in the article

Purpose of the foundation for a private house, determination of the main criteria

This part of the structure must ensure the stability of the entire structure over a long service life. Most often, installation with a recess is used, so the increased complexity of repair operations is understandable. It is not difficult to immediately determine two main criteria: reliability and durability.

The following facts will help clarify the requirements for the foundation design for a house:

  1. When choosing suitable technical characteristics, you should take into account the geological characteristics of the land plot, groundwater level, freezing in winter.
  2. It is necessary to prevent the penetration of moisture from the soil into the walls, interfloor.
  3. It is necessary to think about the functioning of other systems, the introduction of utility networks, the installation of technological equipment.
  4. For a correct comparison of materials, the cost of the purchase itself, transport and installation operations are checked.

Important! Even in such relatively simple situations, accurate calculations are necessary. It will help ensure a sufficient level of safety during operation.

Types of foundations used in construction - analysis of advantages and disadvantages


Monolithic is used quite often. It is created directly on the construction site. As is clear from the diagram, there is no need to carefully level the surface. Taking into account the specifics of the project, it is permissible to make individual edits. allows you to increase strength. It is necessary to remember temperature restrictions when pouring concrete. You will have to wait until the mixture hardens. These features slightly increase the construction time of the structure.

For your information! The use of rubble concrete mixture will save money. Gravel, boulders, and other cheap components are added to it.

You can speed up the work if you use brick or standard reinforced concrete blocks. In the latter option, the weight of the individual elements is too large to require manual labor. There is a need to rent a crane, which increases.

The figure shows typical components of a strip structure. Before pouring the mixture (3), a backfill of sand (4) is made in the trench. The number “9” indicates the recommended level of soil freezing. The relevant data can be obtained from your local architectural office. A concrete blind area (8), made at an angle from the building, will prevent the accumulation of water. Between the foundation and the wall (1) there is a layer of 1-2 sheets of roofing felt. In the basement, the soil (5) is compacted, the floor (6) and wall (7) are covered with sand. The last element is required for .

Foundation on stilts for a private house

The simplest situation is shown in Fig. "A". The pile is driven to the level of solid soil, which allows maintaining the stability of the structure as a whole. The upper parts of the supports are connected with a special element. Examples “b” and “c” demonstrate the possibilities of installation in quicksand, loam, sand, and other soft soils.

Such equipment creates noise and strong vibrations. Rent is expensive. Instead, indentation can be used using specialized equipment. Printing technology is also suitable. It consists of several stages. First, a hole is created with a drill. Next, the reinforcement is installed and poured.

Timber is used in the construction of light frame and wooden structures. Other options are suitable for building the foundation of a private house made of brick.

An additional advantage is the ability to perform high-quality installation in a small area, with a minimum amount of excavation work. However, for the sake of objectivity, we must remember the increased total cost of reproducing individual technologies in this category.

Related article:

This technology is used to speed up the construction of not too heavy buildings and other architectural structures. In the article you will find step-by-step instructions for constructing the structure and useful advice from experts.


Non-buried structures are used in the construction of bathhouses, gazebos, and garages. They are installed on compacted sand. For heavier structures, stone and reinforced concrete are used instead of standard blocks. Lightweight supports are made from.

In the buried version, steel pipes with and without fillers are used. This solution is suitable for quick installation of fences. This implies limited loads during operation.

Slab foundation for a private house

A properly designed monolithic base with reinforcement will withstand significant loads without damage. It can be installed in areas with high groundwater levels. This solution is used to eliminate the negative impact of heaving forces in winter. It is suitable for construction on sandy and other weak supports.

A significant disadvantage of a slab foundation for a private house is its high cost. As in the case of other reinforced concrete structures, when choosing this option, it is necessary to accurately plan the appropriate time for the work. When the air temperature drops below zero, special compensation additives are used. It is imperative to meet the standard period of product readiness, taking into account the thickness, grade of concrete and other parameters. In large slabs, special expansion joints are created that prevent cracks from occurring.

How to choose the right type of foundation for a private house?

For a correct determination, it is not enough to know what foundations there are. It is necessary to combine the above information with the distinctive parameters of your own project:

  1. An accurate calculation assumes the total load. It includes the weight of building structures, equipment, and technological equipment.
  2. The terrain of the site is clarified and, if necessary, earthworks are added to the plan.
  3. They check the geological structure, levels of freezing and groundwater, the presence of underground gas and other utility networks.
  4. If a basement is present/absent, appropriate adjustments are made in the design documentation. The main attention is paid to issues of heat and.
  5. Separately, they study the features of the main building materials that are supposed to be used when constructing the foundation for a private house.
  6. An acceptable period of time before major repairs is established.

Analysis of soil and hydrological conditions at the site

You can do the check yourself. To do this, they dig holes on the site in the required quantity to a depth in accordance with the parameters of the future foundation. Particular attention is paid to places with high groundwater levels. The corresponding areas are first determined by indirect signs (specific plants, accumulations of dew and fog).

For your information! During the inspection, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the formation of dips on the surface, cracks on pedestrian paths and roadways. These defects indicate a heterogeneous soil composition.

Calculation of the required depth and other parameters of the foundation design

To calculate this determining parameter, it is necessary to check the design features of the foundation for a private house, groundwater and freezing levels, and the geological section. A separate calculation is made for each of the listed points. The greatest depth is left in the project.

To simplify solving the problem, use specialized calculator programs. Accurate results can be obtained if you place an appropriate order in a specialized design office. As an example, we present the main stages of a typical algorithm for calculating the depth of a strip-type foundation under.

Calculate the standard depth (Ng) using the formula:

Ng = Pk × Тп , Where

  • PC – soil coefficient (for sand the value is 0.3);
  • Tp – temperature indicator, which is equal to the square root of all negative average monthly temperatures for the year (for the Moscow region - 4.77).

For example, for the Moscow region: Ng = 0.3 × 4.77 = 1.43 m .

The resulting value is multiplied by another tabular coefficient, which is calculated taking into account the conditions inside the rooms and architectural features. When maintaining a temperature of +20°C in the room adjacent to the outer part of the foundation, a value of 0.4 is taken. The freezing level is determined accordingly: Pack = 1.43 × 0.4 = 1.03 m . It is recommended to install the tape structure 0.15-0.2 m lower.

To ensure a stable position, it is necessary to ensure that the area of ​​the foundation support area (Pf), multiplied by the bearing capacity (Hc) of a certain soil, is greater than the total weight of the structure (Vs) together with the equipment: Pf × Ns > Sun .

To make it easier to understand which foundation to choose for your house, answer a few questions for yourself: what kind of house do you want to build, what kind of soil is on your site and how much do you want to pay for it. Agree that absolutely every person who wants to carry out major renovation work in a residential building strives to get two things at once, namely: to ensure maximum reliability of the structure and to complete this work in the shortest possible time.

As a rule, in such situations, we all have to make a difficult choice: get high quality work and speed, or completely change the technology of construction work, that is, approach the issue completely differently.

Currently, the most expensive and longest repair work is considered to be the processes associated with the renewal of the foundation. Naturally, no one wants to ever encounter such troubles, so to prevent them it is necessary to solve all possible problems in advance.

Depending on what technology is used to build the foundation for a residential building, the general principle of the work may have special differences, but in general, the principle remains the same.

The general provisions that should be followed during the construction of a high-quality and durable foundation are as follows:

First, design measures are carried out, thanks to which you can make the right choice of foundation type and clearly calculate the necessary and possible loads. This stage of building the foundation is the most basic. If for some reason the project is calculated incorrectly, a minimal mistake is made, then the future construction will be constantly under threat, that is, as soon as any outside influence is exerted, the house will be immediately destroyed or its appearance will suffer greatly.

When designing architecture, be sure to pay attention to geodetic measurements.

The second stage is marking. In order to build a luxurious house or bathhouse, it is necessary to designate all the boundaries of the future building. After this, careful ground procedures should be carried out, for example, developing a trench for a strip foundation or drilling holes for piles. The preparation of a granite or sand cushion is carried out, on which the uniform distribution of all existing loads on the ground, the strength of the finished foundation, as well as the overall reliability of the structure directly depend. After successful completion of all the above points, the installation of the main load-bearing parts is carried out, for example: installation of piles, pillars, pouring concrete, and so on. Having reached this stage, it is necessary to organize thermal protection, ventilation system, moisture protection and more.

Nowadays, finding qualified professionals is not so easy. It is necessary that the foundation construction technology you choose be implemented with maximum precision, care and attention. Consumers face a difficult choice - which type of foundation to choose. You can figure this out depending on the type of work being carried out, as well as on the architectural project and its main differences.

The classification of foundations into types occurs according to many criteria.

For example, for large residential complexes of two floors or more, it is best to build a strip foundation, and for small or ordinary houses, provided that the soil is normal, a columnar foundation is ideal.

In addition, the type of foundation is selected depending on the characteristics of the soil on the land plot. Also, the choice of foundation is greatly influenced by the desired timing of construction, the purpose and purpose of the construction work, the amount of money that the client is willing to pay for the construction of the structure, as well as the architectural design of the structure. The following provides detailed information regarding each type of foundation that can be used to build a particular residential building.

How to make the right choice of foundation for building a durable and high-quality bathhouse or residential building

First of all, in order to decide on the type of foundation, it is necessary not only to collect as much accurate information as possible about the land plot and imagine the finished future structure in as much detail as possible, taking into account the location of important elements, for example, a fireplace, sauna or stove, but also clearly know what exactly the emphasis will be on.

Let's look at an example. If a consumer needs temporary housing, that is, to build a house for a while, and in the future plans to rebuild it into a more expensive and luxurious house, there is no point in investing all the savings in building an expensive, durable foundation. If large-scale construction work is being carried out, that is, a large house is being built for several centuries, then a strip foundation will be the most optimal.

Whatever type of foundation is chosen by the clients, a group of specialists is obliged to build a house, investing in the minimum amount of time and obtaining the maximum result. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the existing nuances and features of the architectural project and the land plot. Properly constructed foundations will have high strength, reliability, durability and great resistance to external influences. When carrying out construction work, only high-quality materials should be used, which will significantly extend the service life of the building. You can only get a guarantee of high quality if the construction work is carried out by real specialists, so contact only qualified workers.

Slab or floating foundations

The floating foundation has a fairly rigid structure, which includes one slab located under the entire building. The main advantage of this type of foundation is the excellent leveling effect of all horizontal and vertical movements of the soil. The name “floating” elements comes from the fact that the slabs are built directly on subsiding soil. Such foundations cost quite a considerable amount of money, which is due to the consumption of a large volume of concrete and metal spent on reinforcement.

Strip foundation type

A solid foundation located along the perimeter of the entire building is called a strip type of foundation. Such a foundation has the same shape along the entire length of the cross section. Most often, this type is used if the walls of the house are stone, wood or concrete. A strip foundation is also used if the future house will be large. The foundation is extremely strong, reliable, but material-intensive, in particular during the construction of a wooden mansion or other structure on heaving soil. Therefore, it should be used when it is laid shallowly, as well as for wooden houses with a basement.

As a rule, strip foundations can be made of rubble concrete or rubble masonry. In order to obtain masonry, large-sized cobblestones, flagstones, for example, limestone, granite, sandstone, balsate or dense shell rock, as well as a torn type of bedded stone are used. During the construction of the foundation of structures made of rubble masonry, using stones of irregular shape, that is, torn rubble, their width should be equal to 500 mm, and also approximately 100–120 mm thicker than all walls. However, if the foundation is buried up to 1 m in soft soil, then this difference should increase to 250 mm.

Rubble concrete foundations have no less strength, durability and reliability. In order to carry out their laying, smaller cobblestones, gravel, crushed stone or broken well-fired clay bricks are used. Unlike rubble masonry, the construction of such foundations is much easier, as it is less labor-intensive. However, they require a fairly large volume of cement. When building this foundation, the thickness of the basement walls must be at least 350 mm.

For the construction of two and one-story residential premises on any of the existing foundations today, a rubble concrete foundation is most often used. Such foundations are built from special soil-cement mixtures, which can only be prepared from special materials: cement and local loams in a strict ratio of 1.0:1.5. This type of foundation is very strong. One of its main advantages is considered to be extremely low monetary costs, that is, a soil-cement foundation is several times cheaper, in contrast to the rubble concrete and bud type. During operation, there are some restrictions, namely their use is permitted only if the soil is dry, where the water level is located 2 meters from the soil surface.

Columnar foundation

Pile or, as many say, columnar foundations, in contrast to the strip type, are most often installed under a house made entirely of wood. Light walls are also considered a limitation for the use of this type of foundation, and deep laying of the walls is also necessary. Laying is required only in cases where there is a high level of groundwater or significant freezing of heaving soils. It is worth noting that building this type of foundation will cost several times more than installing strip foundations. As a rule, special pillars are located in the corners of a wooden housing complex, as well as in places where walls intersect, under load-bearing or heavy partitions, frame structures, beams, purlins and in other places that bear a significant load. Most often, a wooden, stone, concrete, brick or reinforced concrete pillar is used.

The most durable are considered to be columnar foundations consisting of concrete, rubble stones, burnt or well-burnt brick (iron ore). As a rule, a size of 600 by 600 mm corresponds to a pillar made of rubble stone, 510 by 510 – to a pillar made of brick, 400 to 400 – from rubble concrete or concrete.

The distance between each two adjacent pillars should not exceed 2.0-2.5 m. In order for the wall to rest on the pillar, special beams are built, which are called ordinary lintels. The height of such a beam should be equal to no less than? span, that is, approximately 4 rows of brickwork. The laying of such beams is made from special selected and perfectly fired solid bricks, grade 75, on mortar, grade 50, taking into account the span of the lintel of 2 m, as well as on mortar with grade 25, with a span of 1.75 m.

Under the very bottom of the masonry, reinforcement is installed, consisting of round steel, the diameter of which is 5 mm, as well as at least one special rod per 130 mm of the foundation beam. This stage is carried out in order to avoid bricks falling out, as well as to accept tensile loads. The lower part of the foundation is located underground 400–500 mm from the soil surface. In order to prevent deformation of the foundation during heaving, a gap of 50-70 mm is specially left between the sand backfill and the beam. In order to save building materials as much as possible, namely stone and binding materials, when laying columnar and strip foundations in dry soil, sand cushions are laid to a depth of more than 0.7 m, the height of which does not exceed half the height of the finished foundation. Coarse sand is used to make pillows.

The columnar type of foundation for a wooden house is the most effective and fastest result

Generally, columnar foundations are best suited for supporting small structures that do not create significant loads. That is, this foundation is a structure that is used to reliably support light residential premises with panel, wooden or frame walls. Despite the simplicity of the design, this foundation is one of the most reliable methods of providing strong support for a garden or country house, a low-rise country cottage or a bathhouse that is light in weight.

In general, the columnar type of construction is a complex of strong pillars, each of which is installed in the place where the maximum load falls. That is, at the points of intersection or contact of all walls, at numerous nodes with high loads, as well as under the supports of the purlins. Most often, such pillars are made of stone, concrete, brick and other materials similar to those previously listed. The installation of the pillars of this foundation takes place at a distance of 1.5-2.5 m. After this, a special wall is installed, the task of which is to connect the pillars. This wall provides heat and moisture protection for the future home.

Before installing this type of foundation, specialists will have to dig a hole measuring 500 by 500 by 500 mm. This pit is then filled with crushed stone, which is compacted tightly. As a result, a crushed stone cushion is formed, which ensures the strength and reliability of the foundation. After this stage, a reliable pillar is installed, which consists of concrete blocks. The dimensions of the pillar are 400 by 400 by 400 mm.

A columnar foundation has many advantages, for example:

  • the reliability of the finished foundation, which subsequently ensures a long service life of the structure;
  • the cost-effectiveness of the solution, which allows the use of this type of foundation almost everywhere and with any budget;
  • low labor intensity of the foundation and, as a consequence, high speed of work;
  • lack of additional types of work, for example, waterproofing;
  • this type of foundation is simply ideal for installation on frozen ground.

However, despite a number of advantages, you need to know the negative aspects of a columnar foundation:

  • the foundation needs soil that is not subject to heaving or movement;
  • when building a house with this type of foundation, the possibility of building a basement or cellar is completely excluded;
  • can only be used for light formations.

Strip type of foundation for large cottages or small houses

In the field of suburban construction, the most reliable and frequently used is the strip type of foundation. This shallow type makes it possible to build heavy residential buildings, most often made of stone. This ensures a sufficient level of security and reliability of the finished structure. As a rule, a shallow foundation is suitable for quickly solving several problems, namely: to ensure high strength and long-term foundation for a light wooden house or any other material that has similar properties to wood. The second solution to the problem is to organize support for large baths and cottages with several floors.

Depending on the type of structure erected, there are two types of strip foundations:

  • prefabricated strip foundation. It is a structure consisting of concrete or reinforced concrete blocks. It is less reliable because it is capable of allowing moisture to pass through at the junctions of the blocks. However, this type is less labor intensive, as a result of which its construction occurs very quickly;
  • monolithic strip foundation. Made of concrete, which is based on formwork, at the bottom there is reinforcement and a heat-insulating layer.

The advantages of this type of foundation include:

  • its ability to be connected from several frames, as a result of which the operating load is very evenly distributed along the entire perimeter of the building; - this type of construction is the most commonly used, durable and reliable;
  • the ribbon type eliminates the worry about the possible need for alterations if it is planned to build extensions, fireplaces and other alterations that in any way relate to architectural changes.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost of work and materials used;
  • the need for simplicity of architectural forms.
A piled, bored type foundation consisting of asbestos-cement pipes is a truly profitable solution to many problems

A bored pile foundation is one of the many types of columnar foundations. Most often used for wooden houses and bathhouses, where the load-bearing elements of the entire structure are asbestos-cement pipes filled with a special mixture. From a design point of view, this type of foundation for houses consists of piles and a grillage connecting them. The main load-bearing elements of the foundation structure are located under the most critical points of the structure, for example: at the intersection of main walls, at the corners of the building.

Piles are installed at a certain angle only if significant horizontal loads will act on the foundation. In order to implement this type of structure, in particular for a wooden house or a bathhouse, holes are drilled 1.5 m deep. Then, piles are mounted in them. This stage can occur quite quickly, without the need to involve heavy equipment, for example, to remove soil.

The bored type of foundation is excellent for the construction of various structures and buildings on soils with high moisture content. As a result of the fact that a pile foundation requires relatively little material consumption, the consumer receives sufficient savings and a reliable, long-term solution for a wooden house or bathhouse. This type has the same advantages and disadvantages as a conventional columnar foundation. However, its only difference is its high labor intensity and the ability to carry out construction on the most difficult soils. This foundation has received great love from residents of light houses in the suburban segment; in addition, it is actively used in the industrial sectors and in the field of commercial auxiliary real estate.

Screw pile foundation designed for difficult soils

The use of a pile screw foundation is the most interesting and complex technology today, allowing you to build a country house made of wood, a bathhouse on a plot of land with difficult soil. This foundation was primarily developed for the purpose of constructing military structures, such as laying high-voltage lines through an area with frozen or soft soil. Today, this technology is successfully used in the civil sector, in particular in the field of suburban construction.

Screw-type pile foundations for residential buildings can be used on almost all land plots, including uneven soil surfaces. A screw pile is a base that is a pipe with a pointed end. Such piles are screwed into the soil in the same way as pillars for a columnar foundation, however, they do not need to be the same depth.

The advantages of the foundation are:

  • low cost;
  • low labor intensity when comparing this type of foundation with the strip type. Consequently, little construction time is required;
  • the ability to build almost anywhere, in particular on peat soils, on soil with uneven terrain and water content;
  • possibility of repeated use of screw piles.

The disadvantages of a pile foundation include:

  • the presence of restrictions when using the foundation, most often, the complexity of all calculations increases sharply with increasing weight of the house;
  • increased shrinkage rate, which, if the soil is uneven or the necessary calculations are completely absent, can affect the structure.