What is the best way to build a house? Construction of low-rise buildings Modern technologies of low-rise construction.

The market of materials and technologies for individual low-rise housing construction today is diverse. Each manufacturer gives “awards” to its building technology, but when asked about comparison with others in a number of parameters, including cost and payback, the buyer often receives an evasive answer, citing many factors that affect the effectiveness of the application of a particular technology. On the basis of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, complex analysis five key technologies of building structures.

In Russia, brick and stone housing construction occupies about 60%, while economical wooden housing construction, although in second place, is only 23%. From domestic industrial technologies in low-rise construction, frame structures are used, both wooden and metal, multilayer enclosing structures of the "sandwich" type, permanent formwork, ceramic bricks, foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks, profiled timber, natural and fake diamond.

The article presents a comprehensive comparison of walls of frame and frameless structures. After analyzing the market for building technologies that are most in demand in the Russian Federation and the CIS, five main options for the construction of buildings were preferred: brick, foam block, glued timber, wooden frame, light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC).


Despite the fact that recently a lot of modern building materials and technologies have appeared, bricks are often used in the construction of country houses. A well-developed production base, high performance characteristics (durability, strength), the ability to create complex architectural forms and decorative details when laying walls, as well as considerations of prestige, ensured this material immense popularity.

Brick- the most expensive and prestigious building material. Brick houses have stood for hundreds of years, and the spacious brick house will no doubt become your family estate, where you and your great-great-grandchildren will live.

The ability to keep warm in the house is the main advantage of brick, and, of course, one should not forget about such an important quality of brick as its durability. It is one of the strongest and most reliable building materials, if, however, all established standards were observed during its manufacture.

In addition to heat saving and durability, building brick houses has other positive aspects. Brick meets fire safety standards, as it does not burn. There are no rotting processes in the brick, it cannot be damaged by any pests, precipitation and sunlight do not affect it. Brick leaks into the house required amount air, and in the summer protects the air in the house from overheating. But the brick is not without its drawbacks, for example, low thermal performance, significant weight.


One of the most popular wall materials currently used for outdoor fencing is foam block. Masonry of foam blocks with a thin seam of concrete of grades D500 and lower in density has a thermal conductivity of up to 0.15 W / (m·? С), which makes it possible to obtain sufficient resistance to heat transfer with a reasonable thickness of the structure. Single-layer masonry up to half a meter thick makes it possible to comply with the requirements for thermal protection of external fences of residential buildings in almost all regions of Russia.

Buildings erected from aerated concrete blocks have a unique set of consumer properties: comfortable living conditions; excellent heat storage properties, excluding sharp temperature fluctuations in winter and summer; soundproofing; frost resistance; environmental friendliness; economy. Also, foam concrete is a high-tech material: it provides a high speed of construction due to its almost perfect geometry and large dimensions. Blocks, partitions, as well as reinforced products allow you to quickly build not only homogeneous walls, but also entire houses. The material is durable - does not burn, does not rust, does not rot, is not afraid of mold, does not interact with water (does not dissolve, does not wash out), is not affected by rodents and insects.


Abroad, the technology of building light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) from galvanized steel has been successfully used in construction for more than 30 years. In our country, the practice of its application has a little more than a decade. However, in such a short time, a stable demand for LSTK has developed on the Russian market.

From year to year LSTC are increasingly used in domestic construction practice - both as independent load-bearing structures in low-rise buildings, and as elements of roofing systems and half-timbered walls. Light beams, lathing and thermal profiles form the basis of an effective technology for the construction of lightweight energy-saving buildings.

Thermal panels are based on light steel profiles - thermal profiles. They are made of high-strength structural steel with a thickness of 0.8 to 2 mm. Why do builders use steel? The fact is that steel is characterized by a very high value of the ratio of material strength to density. For example, for wood, this parameter is almost twice, and for reinforced concrete - 20 times less than for steel. This makes it possible to create lightweight structures of high bearing capacity. The disadvantage of steel is low corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. Corrosion resistance in the thermal profile is ensured by the use of hot-dip galvanized steel with a coating thickness of 18 to 40 microns inclusive.

Advantages of using thermal panels: fire resistance, good sound and heat insulation, efficiency, durability, fire resistance and fire safety, lightness of construction, space saving.

Metal structures, unlike wooden structures, are dimensionally stable and do not shrink, so you can immediately order windows and doors, and perform finishing work in the house. The speed of construction of the building also increases. The strength of steel structures allows builders to make wider openings between load-bearing elements, use any roofing and cladding materials. Thanks to galvanizing, the service life of thin-walled steel structures is at least 100 years.


Glued laminated timber in terms of thermal insulation is significantly superior to brick and concrete, and its thermal conductivity is lower than that of solid wood. This is a consequence of the fact that deep cracks do not form in the glued beam and the entire thickness of the glued beam “works”.

Glued profiled timber has a lower thermal conductivity compared to the usual one, since the glue layers are good heat insulators, and the spiked connection of the timber between themselves creates several sealing contours and makes it impossible for cold air to penetrate inside wooden houses.

In addition, an ordinary beam cracks (bursts) when it dries, and these cracks significantly reduce the working thickness of the beam. As you know, an ordinary timber shrinks about 10% when dried. However, even in the third year, the shrinkage of a house made of glued laminated timber can be 0.5–1%. It is believed that the main shrinkage lasts 1-2 seasons.

Such a large shrinkage dramatically complicates the quality construction and thermal insulation of the room. It turns out that until the beam is dry, windows and doors cannot be installed in it, otherwise they will warp.

Glued wood structures are 50–70% stronger than solid ones. Glued laminated timber shrinks mainly during the construction of the wall.


One of the most striking competitors of a wooden frame in the market for the construction of low-rise buildings are light steel thin-walled structures (LSTS). The metal frame is positioned as a direct alternative or replacement for a wooden frame. According to the frame technology, not only private houses were built and continue to be built, but also three-four-story large multifunctional buildings.

The walls of a frame house resemble a sandwich in their structure. Insulation during the construction of a frame house is mineral wool, Ecowool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. From the outside, the insulation is sewn up with cement-bonded particle boards (DSP), OSB or plywood, which are faced with facade plaster or sheathed with siding. Modern technologies production and construction frame houses allow not to yield to houses made of brick or concrete in reliability, strength and durability. Wherein frame houses have a number of significant advantages.

  • Fast erection and low cost of building a frame house.
  • All-season finishing of a frame house - the absence of "wet" processes during the construction of a frame house and perfectly flat surfaces greatly simplify the finishing and allow it to be done at any time of the year.
  • The lightness of structures (with unconditional strength) does not require the construction of a massive foundation.

In the winter season, frame and other wooden houses can be quickly warmed up to a comfortable temperature, because. they have a low heat capacity of walls and ceilings. It is enough to heat only the air.

The disadvantages of this technology include modern materials used in frame construction, which may be unsafe for humans. Thus, particle boards contain phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binder, which results in the emission of formaldehyde into the indoor air. In the production of mineral wool, phenol-formaldehyde resins are also used, in addition, mineral wool is a source of carcinogenic dust.


The selection of the wall structure is carried out on the basis of equal requirements:

  • to the appearance - facade decoration under brick;
  • to the internal view - for fine finishing;
  • to thermal characteristics - the average value of heat transfer resistance for the Central Federal District - 3.087 m2 °C / W;
  • to the properties of materials - dimensions, coefficient of thermal conductivity.

Below are the compositions of the analyzed walls.

Brick wall:

  • plaster - 5 mm;
  • brickwork - 250 mm;
  • insulation with mineral wool - 100 mm;
  • air gap - 20 mm;
  • facade cladding with brick -120 mm.

Foam block wall:

  • plaster - 5 mm;
  • foam block - 200 mm;
  • mineral wool insulation - 100 mm;
  • air gap - 20 mm;

Glued beam wall:

  • frame for sheathing - 27 mm;
  • timber - 150 mm;
  • mineral wool insulation - 100 mm;
  • gap - 20 mm;
  • facing the facade with brick - 120 mm.

Wooden frame:

  • sheathing on the inside of GKL + GVL - 25 mm;
  • wooden frame filled with mineral wool -150 mm;
  • crate - 44 mm;


  • sheathing on the inside of GKL + GVL - 25 mm;
  • steel frame filled with mineral wool -150 mm;
  • crate - 44 mm;
  • fiber cement panels for brick -15 mm.

Each of the analyzed wall structures was evaluated on a five-point scale for each of 20 parameters, which can be conditionally divided into 5 groups:

Physical parameters:

    1. Actual resistance to heat transfer (average value for the Central Federal District - 3.087 m2 °C / W).
    2. Fire resistance - III degree.
    3. Environmental friendliness.
    4. Noise isolation.
    5. Presence of combustible materials.

Construction conditions:

    1. Possibility of construction and normal operation in different regions.
    2. Construction on difficult terrain and unstable soils.
    3. Seasonality of construction (not including the foundation).
    4. The possibility of construction in areas with high seismic hazard.
    5. Influence of weather conditions.
    6. Shipping costs.
    7. Delivery to remote areas.

Additional works/reconstruction:

    1. Additional work before the interior finishing after the construction of the box.
    2. Change of front finishing.
    3. Laying engineering networks.
    4. Special requirements for the supporting structures of the building, additional work.

Economic parameters:

    1. Useful area of ​​​​internal premises with external dimensions of the house 8x10 m.
    2. The cost of construction for finishing.

Probabilistic parameters:

    1. Changing the geometry, properties of the supporting structures of the building under the influence of external factors and time.
    2. The probability of error as a consequence of the human factor.


Physical parameters. The actual heat transfer resistance of wall structures was calculated according to the well-known method set out in SNiP. The obtained values ​​of heat transfer resistance were in the range from 3.17 to 4.181 m2 °C/W, respectively, for brick and foam block walls. It should be noted that the average value of this parameter for the central federal district is 3.087 m2 °C/W. Given value was overcome by all considered wall structures. All of them correspond to fire resistance of the III degree; in the case of wooden structures, regular treatment with flame retardants is required, the use of which directly affects the environmental friendliness of the technology. The ability of the building envelope to reduce the sound passing through it (noise insulation) meets the requirements of SNiP 23-03-2003 in all technologies.

Construction conditions. The possibility of construction and normal operation was a priori provided for in any area on the territory of the Russian Federation. Transportation costs and delivery to hard-to-reach areas are burdensome for a developer who is building buildings from brick, foam block and glued beams due to the own weight of the main building materials (brick, foam block, wood). Construction on complex terrain and unstable soils will add to the cost of building the above-ground part of the building the cost of foundations, which in the case of "heavy" technologies will be more expensive and require more labor. Seasonality (not including the foundation) and weather conditions are primarily important when building walls made of bricks and foam blocks, i.e. during construction associated with the operating temperature required for sand-cement mortar. All the considered technologies have the possibility of construction in areas with increased seismic hazard. However, for brick/foam masonry walls, this is only possible with a series of constructive measures that increase the cost.

Economic parameters. The decisive factor in the choice of technology at a first superficial glance, of course, is the cost of construction for fine finishing. The construction of a wall made of glued laminated timber will cost the developer the most (24.2 thousand rubles / m2); approximately 2 and 5 thousand rubles cheaper than brick and foam block walls. The most budgetary options turned out to be the construction of a wooden frame wall (15.2 thousand rubles/m2) and using the LSTK technology (16.5 thousand rubles/m2).

The next parameter should also be attributed to economic ones, since it is responsible for the number of square meters for a given external dimensions of a house of 8 × 10 m. With an average cost of 1 m2 in St. Petersburg of 70–80 thousand rubles. the struggle for additional space makes sense. According to this parameter, the technology of frame construction became the winners (wall thickness - 23.4 cm, area - 71.8 m2), last place occupied the construction of brick (wall thickness - 49.5 cm, area - 63.16 m2). In absolute terms, the difference was about 8.5 m2, or 640 thousand rubles; in relative terms, about 12%.

Additional works/reconstruction. Additional work before the interior finishing after the box was erected was necessary in all three frameless technologies. In turn, the use of drywall sheets (GKL) as a rough coating makes it possible to start finishing without additional labor costs. The same block also includes the parameter "Special requirements for the supporting structure of the building, additional work." Without special requirements, it is possible to erect brick walls and walls using the LSTK technology. The creation of armored belts during laying with foam blocks, the treatment of wooden structures with antiseptics and fire retardants, a certain moisture content of lumber - all this should be taken into account in the remaining structures.

Changing the facade finish, based on financial costs, leads to significant additional investments, which are relatively less only in the case of frame construction. A qualitative factor in the laying of engineering systems is the presence / absence of the possibility of hiding in the wall, for example, electrical wiring, with a small laboriousness of laying work (labor-intensive work is gating). The results are presented in the table.

Probabilistic parameters. This block of parameters included: changing the geometry, properties of the supporting structure of the building under the influence of external factors and time, as well as the probability of error as a result of the human factor. In the case of the first parameter, the main trouble is shrinkage or chipping of wooden elements, as well as the appearance of such a defect as a change in straightness. For non-wood structures, changes in geometry and properties over time are not typical. (In this case, biodamages were not considered.) The probability of an error in the construction of wall structures depends on the experience of the work and the professionalism of the builders, which is important in modern realities. Work related to laying bricks and foam blocks has a maximum probability of error; detailed elaboration of working documentation and accuracy of manufacturing of mounted elements reduces the likelihood of errors (glulam wall, frame technologies). The project of a house made of LSTC, unlike a conventional construction project, belongs to machine-building design and industrializes the construction process to the maximum, makes it easily manageable and therefore attractive to the customer. The ease of assembly of the LSTK frame without any adjustment essentially resembles the LEGO constructor

The results of the analysis are summarized in the table. A parameter that was not included in it, but is sometimes key in choosing a design, is the weight of 1 m2 of the wall. Taking into account the average values ​​of the specific gravity of the materials used, the following results were obtained. The heavyweight in this category, as expected, was a brick wall - 416 kg / m2. The gap from other frameless technologies (foam block - 329 kg / m2, glued laminated timber - 316 kg / m2) was about 100 kg. Frame technologies, represented by a wooden frame and LSTK, by weight of 1 m2 of the wall turned out to be almost 5 times lighter than a brick wall, namely, 88 and 85 kg, respectively. Another indisputable advantage of LSTK houses is the possibility of effective repair and reconstruction. Walls made of metal structures are much easier to replace or move than brick or log walls. The costs and inconveniences of reconstruction are incomparably less than when rebuilding houses from traditional materials.

Tab. 1. Comparative assessment of construction using various technologies

Comparative assessment on a five-point scale in each of the 20 parameters revealed building technology, which are the most optimal, cost-effective. The leaders became frame technologies:

Frameless construction technologies took a worthy second place:

  • brick wall - 77 points;
  • foam block wall - 80 points;
  • a wall made of glued laminated timber - 78 points.

The choice is yours!

Now there are a large number of housing construction technologies, and each of the manufacturers and developers of this or that technology pours water on their mill, arguing that it is their technology that is “the very best”.

We analyzed the entire range of existing technologies, and tried to be as objective as possible. Below we offer you this comparative analysis so that you can most correctly determine for yourself: how you see your house.

For an adequate comparison, it is necessary to determine the price category, because it makes no sense to compare, for example, a frame house and a house made of logs - these are completely different price niches in the construction market. Let us single out for comparison only those sectors that are most competitively close.

The following technologies are on the market today:

  1. unfinished log house;
  2. rounded log;
  3. glued timber;
  4. brick technology;
  5. frame;
  6. cellular concretes and derivatives (gas silicate, foam concrete and others);

At the end, a table is presented for a complete comparative analysis of all these technological methods of construction. In more detail, we propose to focus on the last three. It is these three construction options that are now most widely represented as “the most-most”.

To compare construction methods, we will do the following. Let's carry out a heat engineering calculation for one region (in this case, the Kirov region). Let's find the required value of thermal resistance (Ro tr) for the enclosing walls of this region. In accordance with these data, we select the thickness of the walls and its components for each compared technology.

Wall resistance Ro (required resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures) can be conditionally represented as the passage of a certain amount of heat through 1 sq.m. area of ​​the structure when its temperature changes by 1 C. Based on these data, we can take for comparison this one 1 sq.m. building envelope area.

Thus, having conditionally equalized the thermal performance of the properties of structures, we will be able to more or less accurately describe the availability and efficiency of the proposed technologies.

Let's highlight a few indicators. The most effective in our opinion is the comparison:

  • total cost of construction 1 sq.m. constructions;
  • labor intensity (we derive this indicator as “ total weight constructions”);
  • total construction period;
  • maintainability of structures.

Cellular concretes and derivatives (gas silicate, foam concrete and others)

In case of damage to the structure, a number of serious measures are required to restore the bearing capacity of the element.

Cellular concretes are used in wide industry for thermal insulation of panel buildings. The heat transfer resistance of these concretes is an order of magnitude higher than conventional B20 concrete, for example. The technology itself is old enough to be declared “new”.

But the undesirable use of cellular concrete in low-rise construction is associated not only and not so much with their weight or cost, as with low frost resistance (Frost resistance is the ability of a material in a water-saturated state to withstand repeated freezing and thawing without signs of destruction and decrease in strength). For example, for silicate brick, this indicator (F) is 50 - 100 cycles, and for foam concrete, only 25.

In this regard, the use of cellular concrete in any case is unacceptable for enclosing walls, and therefore they are so often “protected” from the dew point with insulation and an outer verst of brick.

It is also impossible not to note the exactingness of heavy structures to massive foundations.

Otherwise, this technology, in our opinion, is recommended for the construction of non-residential premises, as well as the construction of partitions in buildings.

Oriented Strand Board

Oriented Strand Board - is far from cheap material. If we consider this type of construction in a complex, we can state many advantages for building a house. Moreover, the positive characteristics of boards made using OSB technology are really impressive. With the exception of one factor, which is the most compelling reason for abandoning this technology. It - polystyrene foam, or more simply, polystyrene.

The frame-panel construction system (OSB-PPS-OSB boards) assumes the presence of a load-bearing internal filler with material characteristics similar to expanded polystyrene. These are indicators such as high compressive strength, negligible water absorption by weight and volume, low price, etc.

But no manufacturer will mention the following. Expanded polystyrene is expanded polystyrene, i.e. polymerized styrene. Styrene is a toxic poison. Here, many manufacturers, as well as adherents of this material, will have questions and objections, but within the framework of this article, we will confine ourselves to the observation that not a single element in nature polymerizes 100%. More detailed information you can search on the Internet, and decide for yourself this question. We do not intend to discuss this topic here - there is a lot of talk about it on the Internet.

Safer characteristics suitable for frame-panel housing construction, in addition to expanded polystyrene, are only extruded polystyrene foam. The extrusion process allows you to give the material new properties and environmental safety, but its cost increases by 4 times. And if we take into account that this is the main insulating material, then the technology obviously becomes unprofitable for either the manufacturer or the customer.

Frame housing construction

1. The total cost of construction of 1 sq.m. designs:

This technology assumes the possibility of varying heaters, including (contrary to our recommendations, but at the request of the customer) the use of expanded polystyrene, as well as extruded polystyrene foam.

In this example, mineral wool insulation is considered - having, like expanded polystyrene, its advantages and disadvantages.

The use of lightweight insulation makes it possible to provide a structure comparable with frame-panel housing construction. At the same time, the elements on the construction site have much smaller dimensions and are assembled with less labor intensity.

There are no additional elements for fastening both internal and external cladding in the compared technology. The pitch of the racks is selected for more convenient installation - 600 mm.

In contrast to the industrial assembly of high-readiness elements - panels - defects are possible at the construction site during the assembly of the frame. But if industrial assembly defects can be eliminated mainly by replacing the entire element (panels, as a rule, have a large area), then here the elements can be replaced very quickly, without interfering with the “work” of the entire structure at any time of the year.

Comparative table of low-rise housing construction technologies

Name of technology

Unturned log house

rounded log

glue bar




Gas silicates, cellular concrete


The cost of 1 sq.m. building envelope, rub.

Total weight 1 sq.m. enclosing structure. kg.

Construction period, months

Availability of "wet" processes on the site *

Ability to work in winter

possibly without consequences.


Thus, the technology of frame housing construction occupies a confidently leading position in the low-rise construction market.

Even excluding such indicators as convenience in design, absence of heavy equipment during construction, the possibility of modular, phased, error-free assembly, etc., one can note the high potential of this technology in comparison with the others.

We hope you are interested in our technology. If you have any additional questions, please contact our specialists.

We will be happy to answer you.

UDC: 332.82

Simchenko O. L.

graduate student

Izhevsk State Technical University named after M. T. Kalashnikov


This article describes the most popular technologies for the construction of individual houses today, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Key words: low-rise construction technologies, brick, aerated concrete blocks, logs, glued beams.

To date, there are many different technologies for low-rise construction. Due to such a variety of proposed options, choosing the most optimal and suitable for one or another parameter becomes a real problem for the customer. The first thing to do before giving preference to one of the technologies is to prioritize, that is, to determine what product you would like to get as a result.

The choice of the constructive part of the future house and the building materials used in this process determines, first of all, its durability, solidity, and reliability. In addition, it forms the estimated cost of construction and subsequent operating costs. At the same time, the construction time is also determined. But it is also necessary to remember one more important point - how comfortable the built house will be for living, i.e. how warm and environmentally friendly it will be.

Consider the most popular technologies for the construction of country houses today and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Brick cottages are still popular, although today it is already a somewhat outdated technology in terms of the ratio of costs to the design features of the material and the effectiveness of the result. One of the main advantages of brick buildings is their durability. These houses have been standing for over a hundred years. The advantages of brick walls are in strength and fire resistance, structures are not subject to decay, their bearing capacity allows the use of reinforced concrete floor slabs. In addition, the walls have a large thermal inertia, i.e. it takes a lot of time for them to warm up or cool down. At first glance, this property can be classified as positive. On the other hand, the large thermal inertia of brick walls is not always favorable. For example, frozen walls in winter require significant heating of the room, and sudden temperature changes in the room lead to the formation of condensate. It is worth noting such disadvantages as high cost and too thick walls, requiring a large amount of building material and reducing the total usable area of ​​​​the house.

In the construction of one- or two-story buildings, lightweight masonry is sometimes used. Compared to solid masonry, lightweight masonry allows you to reduce brick consumption by 1.5-2 times and lay a less powerful foundation, but it is less durable and is used in the construction of walls that do not have heavy loads. A common type of lightweight masonry is "well" masonry with thin half-brick vertical longitudinal and transverse walls. Lined wells are insulated with expanded clay, cellular concrete, slag or other effective insulation.

Along with brick, alternative building materials with good thermal insulation properties - aerated concrete and foam concrete - are becoming more common in the construction of cottages. From this line, it is worth highlighting

aerated concrete as a material with the best characteristics. The fact is that the hardening of aerated concrete blocks occurs in autoclaves, i.e. the process is completely under control. The specificity of manufacturing makes it possible to obtain a material with specified indicators of density, compressive strength, frost resistance, thermal conductivity, drying shrinkage, vapor permeability. In the production of foam concrete blocks, the finished mixture is poured into molds and becomes hard in natural conditions. In this case, the process of solidification of the mixture occurs in an uncontrolled mode, which leads to a fairly large spread and instability of the properties of foam concrete blocks. For this reason, aerated concrete has a higher strength than foam concrete, and less draft. To use aerated concrete blocks in the load-bearing structures of walls, the grade must be selected according to the average density of B700 and above, and in terms of compressive strength not lower than B3.5. In this case, it is possible to obtain a material that has not only the required bearing capacity, but also excellent thermal insulation qualities.

The traditional material for the walls of low-rise buildings is wood. A wooden cottage can be built from rounded logs, glued profiled timber or be a frame-panel construction.

Cottages made of rounded logs fit perfectly into the natural Russian landscape, combining the traditional, habitual appearance of housing and progressive technologies. This material allows you to build cozy homes, designed for all modern conveniences. The beautiful appearance of rounded logs, which is achieved by high quality and surface finish, allows you to do without additional wall decoration inside and out, and the ideal shape allows you to create a more rigid structure during assembly and provides a tighter fit of structural elements. The main advantage is that the tree "breathes", that is, good air exchange and optimal humidity in the house are provided. Also, the material has a low thermal conductivity, so the walls wooden house keep warm in winter and pleasantly cool in summer. The disadvantages of a wooden house include low fire resistance, susceptibility to decay and biological destruction. Modern technologies and fire-fighting materials allow to solve this problem. Rounded logs are processed with special compounds that increase durability, fire safety and performance, but this, in turn, is associated with additional costs throughout the entire life cycle of the building.

For the construction of wooden cottages, one of the materials is glued beams. Its advantages include high manufacturability and excellent performance characteristics: it does not crack, it does not "lead", unlike a simple beam, it does not shrink, interior decoration can be carried out immediately after installation at home. The cottage, built of glued beams, meets the requirements of thermal insulation, snow and wind load in central Russia. Although, this material also has certain disadvantages. The possibility of deformation of the frame - provided that low-quality lumber is used. Deterioration of heat-insulating properties over the years - the insulation inside the walls cakes. Not very long service life of the house - 50-100 years. Not a very good environment, because. technology involves the use of synthetic adhesives. However, analyzing these points, one can come to a simple conclusion: most of the shortcomings arise from the use of low-quality cheap materials and the use of unskilled labor.

The frame-shield technology of building cottages, which is popular abroad, is gradually gaining ground in the countryside construction market. Currently, there are several varieties of it, but there are no fundamental differences in them. All frame houses are characterized by high heat-saving parameters, no shrinkage, light weight and fast assembly rates. They only differ from each other

external wall cladding methods and heat-insulating materials used. The basis of the building is a frame, which is a strong and rigid frame structure of vertical racks and horizontal braces. Outside, it is sheathed with a superdiffusion membrane, which protects structures from wind pressure and moisture, and at the same time allows moisture vapor to pass through from the inside, which allows the insulation and wood to be constantly in a dry state. On top of the membrane from the outside, the frame can be sheathed with any moisture-resistant panels or slabs: OSB, DSP, or fibrolite boards that have recently gained popularity. Then a slab insulation is laid between the stiffening ribs of the frame. As a heater, basalt, mineral wool or ecowool slabs are used, which ensure the safety of heat, and hence the reduction in operating costs for heating a house. On the inside of the frame, the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film to protect the walls from internal moist air. The final stage of the frame assembly is the lining of the walls on the inside with moisture-resistant panels or slabs, which are the basis for interior wall decoration.

An improved modification of the frame-panel technology is frame-panel housing construction. This technology is based on the principle of assembling houses from ready-made heat-insulating sandwich panels of factory production. They are mounted between the bars of a pre-assembled frame and represent a multi-layer structure, in which a layer of energy-efficient insulation (mineral wool, basalt wool, ecowool), a layer of vapor barrier, waterproofing, and a windscreen are laid. In more advanced designs, instead of layers of vapor and waterproofing, as well as, instead of a windscreen, multifunctional superdiffusion membranes are installed. The frame of heat-insulating panels is sheathed on both sides with slabs of GKLV, chipboard, CSP or others. There are options for sheathing sandwich panels on one or both sides with panels that imitate profiled timber or logs. Such options allow you to exclude both the exterior and interior decoration of the house. In addition, additional thermal insulation is provided. home distinguishing feature frame-panel houses are their high heat-saving characteristics. Unlike wooden houses made of solid wood, this design does not shrink. Industrial production of finished assembly elements at home provides them high quality, and the principle of modular assembly can significantly reduce construction time and reduce labor costs. Construction using frame-panel technology can be carried out at any time of the year, since all elements are impregnated with protective compounds and are not afraid of precipitation.

To date, the popularity of frame-panel and frame-panel technologies in Russia is fully justified. The terms of construction of such houses are only 3-4 months. Price 1 sq. m. of the building box with the foundation of about 13-15 thousand rubles. This is what makes buyers pay attention to this option. But do not forget that according to the standards, the durability of frame-panel houses is only 30 years. Despite the fact that new high-quality building materials and a high level of construction work can increase it to 50-70 years, it is still difficult for frame houses to compete with brick houses in terms of service life.

Thus, when choosing a construction technology, it is necessary to decide what requirements for the future home will be paramount. It can be considered according to the following parameters: durability, capital value, fire safety and fire resistance, environmental friendliness, thermal comfort, construction cost and construction time. As mentioned above, each technology has its pros and cons. The only question is what is the most critical for the buyer.


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2. GOST 31359-2007. Autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications.

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4. Portal for suburban real estate in Russia. Articles [electronic resource]. URL: http://www.cottage.ru (date of access: 03/14/2017).

5. Russian information and analytical magazine "Low-rise construction" [electronic resource]. URL: http://lowbuild.ru (date of access: 03/15/2017).

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7. Chazova, O. L. The procedure for the formation of contractual prices for construction products /O. L. Chazova, Yu. G. Kislyakova // Building science and production through the eyes of the young: materials of scientific and technical. conf. young scientists of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction of IzhGTU. M. T. Kalashnikova (February 11-12, 2014). - Izhevsk, 2014. - S. 228-233.

To date, various technologies aimed at the rapid construction of frame houses are the basis for the construction of low-rise cottage-type buildings, living in which is characterized by increased comfort. We are talking about such technologies, as well as systems of standards for the construction of small houses, and will be discussed in this article.

Technology of low-rise construction

The modern construction industry in Russia uses a number of unique technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings. Among them are:

  • wooden and metal frame housing construction;
  • multilayer structures, the so-called "sandwich" buildings;
  • ordinary brick construction;
  • the use of foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks;
  • erection of structures with fixed formwork;
  • stone construction.

Using the most modern technologies, as well as high-quality building materials, the maximum level of heat saving, strength and durability of finished structures is achieved already at the initial stage of construction.

Due to the pre-planned arrangement of future rooms and various auxiliary premises, it is possible to carry out installation work on laying communication routes with much greater efficiency.

Canadian technology - the benchmark for low-rise construction

Often the construction of low-rise buildings is carried out on the basis of Canadian technology. Their essence lies in the use of special SIP-panels. Thanks to this material, it is possible to achieve a lower level of cost of the finished building. And this is achieved due to the low material consumption.

SIP panels have a number of significant advantages over brick or concrete. So, for example, the thermal insulation properties of such panels are 8 times higher than the characteristics of concrete and brick walls. Therefore, in order to heat a room with walls made of SIP panels, much less financial investment will be required.

Brick - material for centuries

Despite the fact that brick is a rather expensive building material, the popularity and demand for it does not decrease at all. And this is due primarily to the fact that a brick house is a building for centuries.

In addition, you can also highlight such advantages of bricks as:

  • the possibility of using a different style solution in the construction of a brick low-rise building, which allows you to create real masterpieces of architecture;
  • since only natural clay is used in the brick production process, it can rightly be called an environmentally friendly material;
  • the ability of a brick to "breathe" or, in other words, perfectly pass air makes it possible to create a favorable environment for living;
  • high sound insulation, resistance to fire and various negative reactions environment in the form of rain, hurricane, snow, as well as the ability to retain heat;
  • the harmful effects of various pests, fungus, mold, microorganisms are absolutely not terrible for bricks.

Aerated concrete - aesthetics and reliability

Modern low-rise housing construction makes extensive use of aerated concrete or artificial stone. Meeting all modern standards and requirements, this material allows you to combine the aesthetics of such a building with the most important conditions for comfortable living. In other words, aerated concrete houses are frost-resistant, with excellent heat and sound insulation.

The ergonomics of cottages built from the mentioned material can significantly reduce the financial costs of heating.

The relatively low weight of aerated concrete blocks facilitates the construction of a residential structure without the use of additional heavy lifting equipment, and also allows you to accept absolutely any type of foundation.

Construction of a low-rise house from a bar

Along with the use of ordinary timber, recently more and more preference is given to profiled timber. Its essential difference lies in the design itself, which has special grooves and spikes.

Among the main advantages of a profiled beam, compared with an ordinary one, the following can be distinguished:

  • thanks to the production technology itself, which involves the use of a planer, at least one of the sides of this product will have a perfectly flat and smooth surface at the exit;
  • thanks to the tongue and groove design, the formation of gaps is minimized.

Technology of low-rise monolithic houses

As a rule, modern monolithic houses have a unique fixed formwork design. Among the undeniable advantages of such buildings are:

  • high level of heat and sound insulation;
  • no need to use heavy special equipment;
  • the possibility of using absolutely any type of foundation, due to the relatively low weight of the structure;
  • durability (tested by many years of practice).

The role of stone in building a house

Stone remains the most affordable. A rich variety of color palette of rocks, types, textures allows you to embody the most incredible ideas and fantasies in building a house. Along with this, this building material has a fairly high level of strength, reliability and durability.

In addition, one can single out the unique compatibility of stone with other building materials.

Low-rise construction: projects of modern buildings

The branch of building design of low-rise buildings is classified in several directions.

1. Country buildings.

A country house is an object located on a land plot specially allocated for these purposes in an array of any gardening. An essential feature of a country house, which distinguishes it, for example, from a cottage, is the destination area, designed for periodic residence. In order to build country house, no special coordinating measures are required. However, a number of restrictions are imposed on the design of the house itself within the framework of the law. Therefore, before proceeding to the immediate stage of construction, a reconciliation with the current legislation should be carried out.

2. Residential individual buildings.

According to the modern urban planning code in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, an individual residential building is a house that has no more than three floors and is designed to accommodate only one family. Such low-rise construction is located, as a rule, on the territory of “land of settlements”. These houses provide for the possibility of registration. Before the construction of IZHS in without fail must obtain a permit issued by the Department of Architecture. Modern construction companies mainly offer their customers a list of standard IZHS projects, which you can familiarize yourself with, as well as make a choice, directly from the developer.

3. Townhouse.

A townhouse is a low-rise residential building with a construction of multi-level apartments. Each apartment has its own entrance, isolated from the rest. The fashion for low-rise construction of townhouses came to us from Europe, where this industry has been flourishing for a long time and successfully. Such a significant demand for this kind of housing, which has emerged recently, is not at all accidental. Indeed, for a sum of money equivalent to, say, a two-room apartment, the buyer receives almost 2 times more, and in addition to this, a small land plot, approximately 1-2 acres. The entire list of project documentation for the construction of a townhouse is similar to IZHS.

4. Project of a low-rise apartment building.

Such buildings are similar to standard apartment buildings, with the only difference being that the number of floors does not exceed four. The design feature of such buildings is available to choose from. It can be either monolithic technology, or brick or frame.

Compliance with construction technologies is a guarantee of obtaining a quality result

The construction of low-rise buildings implies the obligatory observance of a huge number of rules and standards, in other words, the so-called SNIP. Low-rise construction in compliance with certain technical standards will provide an opportunity to get not only a beautiful, but also a cozy and safe house that can provide the most comfortable living for all family members.

And constantly changing technologies are able to give the house brightness, individuality and dynamism.