Projects of country houses with a boiler room. Frame houses with a boiler room

The boiler room is a mandatory technical room of a private residential building. It contains the necessary equipment to create full-fledged heating conditions. country house. The boiler house heats the house in the cold season, maintains the microclimate in the premises and supplies the residents of the house all year round hot water. It creates comfortable conditions for the full operation of housing, including frame houses, cocked by .

A boiler room in a frame house is not an exception, but a rule that is observed in every project. This indicates a well-thought-out planning solution for houses, practicality and ease of use. Choosing frame houses with a boiler room, you can save on construction costs and at the same time reduce the construction time. Advantages with a boiler room:

  • construction cost;
  • erection speed;
  • full conditions for year-round life;
  • economical on heat saving.

In the presented "RNR", the boiler room is designed taking into account the existing ones. So, according to the requirements of the current SNiPs, the boiler house is located in an attached or separate room with windows, access to the street or to the vestibule of the house. Given the size of modern boiler rooms, they are placed in rooms located near the kitchen, bathroom or under the flight of stairs. In each of the cases, non-combustible materials are provided that increase the level of safety during the operation of the house.

The built-in boiler room allows you to control the operation of heating devices without leaving your home. They run on solid fuel or natural gas. The use of solid fuel is an economical and efficient source of heat. Unlike stove heating, it does not need constant monitoring during operation, and also has a high efficiency.

In Russia, in addition to beauty and reliability, the thermal insulation characteristics of a building are of great importance.

Timber houses are very warm and environmentally friendly. It is easy to breathe in them, they are durable and prestigious. But with our harsh winters, heat supply is indispensable. Increasingly, people are striving to create the autonomy of their homes. That is why houses made of timber with a boiler room have become popular. Autonomous heating of a residential building will greatly facilitate the life of the owners, but at the initial stage you will have to work hard.

Plan of a house from a bar with a boiler room

The layout of the house is extremely important, because the comfort of living depends on it. First of all, the zones in the room are determined: bedrooms, living room, technical rooms and general areas. Individual layout or standard project? It depends on financial possibilities. Standard construction is always cheaper and among standard projects you can find something that is perfect. Another advantage of serial construction is the short lead times. When designing a house from a bar with a boiler room, special attention is paid to the placement of the boiler.
There are three main types of accommodation:

  • in a separate building;
  • on the ground floor of the house or in the basement;
  • in a residential area (when choosing a small-sized and low-power boiler).

The safest is the construction of a separate room outside the house. It should be noted that this method is very laborious and costly. Such a boiler room requires a separate project. The best place to place the boiler room in the basement of the building. This saves usable space and at the same time provides constant access to the boiler. Installing a boiler on the ground floor is acceptable and convenient, but it will take up many square meters of living space. To ensure complete fire safety, a separate entrance to the premises from the street should be provided. Choosing an electric heating boiler or a low-power gas boiler, you can install the equipment in the kitchen. By choosing this placement option, you need to take care of productive ventilation.

Examples of planning a house from a bar with a boiler room

Features of two-story and one-story houses made of timber with a boiler room

The one-story house is practical, easy to design and operate. With one-story construction, the load on the foundation is much less, which means that the construction costs are less. The usable space is much more rationally used due to the lack of stairs. A two-story house will allow you to conveniently zone the premises, placing bedrooms and dressing rooms on the second floor, and on the first floor - a kitchen, a living room, an office and guest rooms. Two floors give more room for interior design. Also, with two-story construction, the occupied building area is significantly reduced. The cost of a two-story house is much higher one-story house with the same area. This is due to large loads on the foundation and floors, a more complex construction process, and the high cost of flights of stairs.
When choosing a one-story or two-story log with a boiler room, it is important to know the differences in the heating system for these options.
Most often, natural circulation of the coolant is used for heating. It is a reliable and easy to use system. It can also be used for a two-story house, however, this is not the best option. It is much more efficient to use a single-pipe, two-pipe or collector heating system with forced circulation.

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What to consider when designing?

When designing, a separate room is laid for the boiler room. The choice of its size and location directly depends on the design capacity of the equipment, the type of fuel required for operation, the size of the house and premises, the material of the walls, the type and number of windows. The boiler room is a device of increased danger, which means that the project provides for measures fire safety. Depending on the type of boiler room and type of accommodation, the following requirements are imposed:
1. Gas boiler room in the house.

When designing a country house from a bar with an area of ​​​​at least 60 m2, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room must be at least 15 m2, the ceiling height is laid at least 2.2 m (preferably 2.5 m).

It is strictly forbidden to store a gas tank in the same room as the boiler. Considering that the boiler heats up, and the walls made of timber easily ignite, the walls in the boiler room are lined with non-combustible material, it can be brick or plaster.
2. Mounted small-sized boiler. This type of placement provides a brick or concrete wall for attachments.
3. Floor standing boiler. The boiler is installed on a floor made of non-combustible material, a steel sheet will suffice as a base. The foundation is preliminarily calculated taking into account the load from the equipment.
4. Boiler in a separate room or in an annex. For proper operation, it is required to maintain a constant temperature, therefore, the boiler room is insulated. The floor needs to be concrete.
5. Electric boiler. When installing this type of equipment, there are no special requirements, except for reliable electrical wiring.
After drawing up the project, it is necessary to coordinate it with the competent authorities. To install a gas boiler, a tie-in to the gas pipeline is required, which is done exclusively by specialized contractors.

A warm home where you can spend time with your family is what developers want, who choose a housing project for themselves for many years to come. It is for them that we offer projects of houses with a boiler room. This room for the placement of heat generators allows you to competently and cost-effectively organize the heating of the building with any of the available energy resources.

The houses we offer from a bar with a turnkey boiler room are developed taking into account all building codes and safety regulations. Each type of boiler room requires knowledge and consideration of all the nuances of design. For example, gas boilers require a certain volume of the room, its height, the presence of exhaust ducts and supply grilles.

boiler room requirements

Boiler houses in the proposed projects are developed taking into account all the requirements for the placement of equipment. For example, premises in which gas, solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers will be installed must have the following characteristics:

  • The height of the room from floor to ceiling is chosen so that it is at least 2.5 m.
  • The volume of the technical room must be at least 15 m3. This is taken into account in the design and selection.
  • The boiler room must be fenced off from neighboring rooms by walls with a standardized fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours.
  • The windows are designed so that the glazing area is at least 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of the boiler room volume.
  • In our boiler rooms, ventilation is required in the normalized volume, namely, at least three air changes per hour. In this case, an inflow of the same volume as the exhaust must be organized, as well as an additional amount of air for burning fuel.

If projects of houses from a bar with a boiler room are being developed to accommodate another type of thermal equipment, all its parameters are calculated taking into account the regulatory documents for these units.

Do you need a house with a boiler room?

Timber houses require special attention when designing boiler rooms. That is why it is better to order projects of such buildings from experienced specialists, such as our designers. We will develop an individual project for you for any requirements, and we also offer you ready-made projects of houses for permanent residence with a boiler room of any number of storeys and layouts.

To order a suitable project for yourself, contact our specialists by contact phone numbers or through the feedback form and you will be offered the best development for your requirements. You can also choose your favorite project in the catalog on the site. Please note that any of finished projects can be redesigned to suit individual requirements.

Russkaya Postroechka builds frame houses with a turnkey boiler house. The company has been the leader in the Central and North-Western regions of Russia for five years now. Our catalog contains 15 finished projects of frame houses with a boiler room. You can buy any of them. The cost includes installation. If you want to get the original frame house with a boiler room, you can order individual design. The price of this option is somewhat higher, but you can get a house exclusively "for yourself", taking into account all your preferences and requests. An alternative to making a project individually is to buy a standard version, but make some changes to it.

We deliver the materials necessary for construction to the site and promptly start work, attracting a team of experienced builders. Delivery is inexpensive for our customers, and the first 400 km from the production base (Pestovo) is free of charge. Payment is made in a form convenient for the customer: the first part (70%) immediately after the delivery of materials, the second part (30%) after the completion of construction. Since we use materials from our own woodworking production, the prices for frame houses with a boiler room are very democratic.

Why is it worth buying a frame house with a boiler room?

Building a frame house right from the boiler room has its advantages.

  1. You are building one building, not two. Accordingly, save on the foundation, frame, insulation, roofing. The price of a house with a boiler room will be noticeably lower than the cost of two separate buildings.
  2. You save space. There is no need to occupy part of the yard for the boiler room, so there is more usable space.
  3. You get more convenience and practicality. The heating and hot water supply system in the house should always be under control, and it is easier to maintain it when the boiler room is “at hand”, and not in a separate building across the yard.

Of course, the equipment of a boiler room under the same roof with a residential building requires compliance with strict fire safety standards. Our projects allow you to ensure the safe location of heating equipment.

Contact us to get qualified advice and order a frame house with a boiler room from professionals! Our phone is free.