Kharms is an amazing cat read in full. Poems by Kharms

Olga Schulkina
Memorizing a poem by D. Kharms "Amazing Cat"

Target: introduce children to poetry, form a culture of speech, artistic and aesthetic taste, teach memorize a poem.

Tasks A: 1. arouse interest in poem and the desire to remember it, to ensure memorization with the help of various ways(auditory, visual, with the help of movements, learn to read poems expressively.

2. develop memory, associative thinking, literary speech, attention, interest.

3. cultivate a love for poetry, a desire to please loved ones, aesthetic taste.

Equipment: portrait D. Kharms, book poems D. Kharms, easel with illustration for poem D. Kharms« amazing cat» , didactic manual "Beads", pictures - symbols to poem.

Lesson progress:

1. Motivation. The teacher asks the children if they like to travel, where they can go on a trip, if they want to go on a book trip.

The children go to the book corner.

What do you see new here? (new portrait).

Whose portrait do you think it is? (writer, poet).

This is a portrait of the poet Daniel Kharms. (children repeat the name of the poet).

Tell me what Daniel wrote Kharms? (poetry) .

The teacher shows the book poems D. Kharms.

- Poems D. Kharms unusual and interesting. In their poetry the poet told children wonderful, unusual, funny stories. Do you want to know one of them? (Yes). Then sit back and listen.

(Children sit in front of an easel with an illustration for poem).

2. Reading poems. The teacher reads poem D. Kharms« amazing cat» .

unhappy cat cut its paw,

He sits and cannot take a step.

Hurry to heal cat's paw,

Buy balloons!

And immediately people crowded on the road,

Makes noise, and screams, and looking at the cat.

BUT cat partly on the road

Partly flies through the air smoothly.

3. Conversation:

Who main character poems?

what happened with cat?

How does the poet write about it?

How did you manage to help cat?

As stated in poem?

Who do you think helped cat?

What the crowd was surprised?

As D. writes about it. Kharms?

What would you call it poem? (children's statements).

D. Kharms called his poem« amazing cat» . Why did he call it that? What amazing in this cat? (children's statements).

Did you like this amazing story? Do you want to please your loved ones, friends? (Yes). And for this you need to remember, learn poem.

4. Re-reading poems with a memory setting.

5. Word game "Say a word".

The teacher reads a line from poems, children finish the word at the end of the line.

6. Verbal - didactic game "Collect the beads".

Now imagine that each line poems are a bead. And to collect a poem of lines, need "to string", say the line by putting the bead on the wire. (Children take turns saying lines from poems).

7. Physical Minute "Show me poems by hand» .

And also poem You can not only tell, but also show.

Children come up with movements and gestures for each line poems.

The teacher pronounces the text poems- children show it with movements and gestures.

Then the teacher shows movements and gestures, and the children say a poem based on them.

8. Work according to the scheme.

Also, to remember better poem, you can draw it, make a diagram.

Children come up with symbolic images or choose pre-prepared symbols and make a scheme out of them. poem.

Who wants to tell poem by heart, but first you need to name the author and the title poems? (Children's answers are optional).

9. Reflection.

Did you enjoy our trip? Which poet's work did you meet today? In what ways can memorize a poem? What did you like the most from our trip? What was difficult for you? What was the easiest for you?

Now, when you come home, you can please your loved ones amazing poem.

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An incident happened - a cat cut its paw ...

One of the most amazing pages of Russian children's classics is "Amazing Cat", where the first words: "unfortunate cat" ....
Mysterious metamorphosis: Amazing because unfortunate? - or unhappy, because amazing? This company of words needs to be "disheveled".
And, wearing not only the clothes of Sherlock Holmes, so beloved by the author of the dissected poetic creation, but also armed with his - Sherlock Holmes - method of unraveling the semantic tangles: by disparate and little meaning individually, to restore a single picture, as if to see the incident with your own eyes. That is, first, on the basis of all available facts, build a complete, as far as possible, picture of the incident and, then, starting from this, using strict logic, find an answer.
But first, we note that the poem was written in 1938, when Kharms, moving further and further away (or deepening? - let philologists deal with this in countless dissertations) from external absurdity and absurdity, is increasingly practicing "exercises in the classical style" in verse.
Let's start at the scene: where? "And from the platform they say - this is the city of Leningrad!" (This is Samuil Marshak, who was not only a co-author of Kharms' Merry Siskins, but also subsequently a four-time winner of the Stalin Prize and an honorary citizen of Scotland).
1. "The unfortunate cat cut its paw" - A cat that cut its paw is nonsense, almost like a four-legged (but actually five-legged) - Kharms' crow.
2. "Sits and can't take a single step." - is it like a holy fool on the porch, squeezing out tears of pity? - we remember very well how a cat is able to run away from us on three legs, when you inadvertently hit the fourth with a stone. Sentimental blackmail? - or his alleged attempt (as it seems to us), but we are not in a hurry, this is only the second line, and Kharms will pave a new path!
3. "Hurry, to cure the cat's paw" - as if greetings to Korney Chukovsky, rather his Aibolit (and Kharms left notes in his famous handwritten "Chukokol")? Young lady: 03!
4. "Buy balloons!" - here it is: creativity - insight! - one must also be a poet, and it is not necessary to know physics, although, "... how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment prepares for us ..." And this is the spirit that soared, including airships (hello to the Italian engineer Nobil!), And airplanes , and whispers, and whispers a guess. Here we recall the remarkable character of the same era, Robert Bartini (another Italian trace in our mysterious history, although some desperate heads personify him with the prototype of Woland himself) - a brilliant aircraft designer (the genius was adequately appreciated by eight years of "sharashka" - a prison design bureau) who developed a method of invention called "AND - AND" - from the principle of connecting mutually exclusive requirements: "Both this, And the other", which are taken from a pair of seemingly incompatible and mutually exclusive alternatives "OR - OR". By the way, this method was then further developed by Genrikh Altshuller (who is also science fiction writer Genrikh Altov) - his famous TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving). Kharms is a genius, therefore he uses this method - "AND - AND" - completely intuitively, without even knowing about him: not like everyone else!
And then two lines of absolute "sociophrenia" (as Yevgeny Klyuev aptly puts it):
"And immediately people crowded on the road -
Noises, and screams, and looks at the cat.
There is nothing to comment on here, as if there is nothing: "... that We are not People ...", but: this creates the necessary background-entourage, for the final chord of the last two lines:
"And the cat partly walks along the road,
Partly flies through the air smoothly!
And what's that? And this is not just an attempt at "fabulous aeronautics" (the children's poet Andrei Usachev has such a wonderful book - class!), This is real steam-punk: you can see a magnificent illustration in which Kharms is in a flight helmet with canned goggles, leather raglan of a flight jacket and a cat no less exotically camouflaged after a pioneer pilot, as well as the grunge background of a granite cradle city, the Aurora standing at full speed, Lenin's baby locomotive puffing from the Finnish borders, and Lenin's, bristling with a machine-gun snout, completely covered with goosebumps of rivets, an armored car .... And - balls-balls, from a wounded cat's paw - replacing, replacing it. Why not a primary cyborg?!

Poems by Kharms. Amazing cat, Why, Funny siskins, Very, very tasty pie, A man came out of the house, A very scary story, Ivan Toporyshkin, Bulldog and taxi driver, Theatre, Horses are taught for a long time, Ship, How Volodya quickly flew downhill

amazing cat

The unfortunate cat cut its paw -

He sits and cannot take a step.

Hurry to heal the cat's paw

Buy balloons!

And immediately people crowded on the road -

Noises, and screams, and looks at the cat.

And the cat partly walks along the road,

Partly through the air smoothly flies!


A cook and three cooks

a cook and three cooks,

a cook and three cooks

ran out into the yard?

Pig and three little pigs

pig and three little pigs,

pig and three little pigs

hiding behind a fence?

The cook cuts the pig

cook - piglet,

cook - piglet,

cook - piglet?

Why yes why? -

To make ham.

funny siskins

Lived in an apartment

Forty four

Forty four

Merry siskin:




Chizh-water carrier,

Chizh for the cook

Chizh for the hostess

Chizh on parcels,

Chizh-chimney sweeper.

The stove was heated

The porridge was cooked

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Chizh with a ladle,

Chizh with a stalk,

Siskin with a yoke

Siskin with a sieve

Chizh covers,

Chizh convenes

Chizh spills,

Chizh distributes.

finished work,

We went hunting

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Siskin on a bear

Chizh on a fox,

Chizh on a grouse,

Siskin on a hedgehog,

Chizh on a turkey,

Cuckoo siskin,

Siskin on a frog

Chizh on snake.

After the hunt

Grabbed the notes

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Played together:

Chizh on the piano

Siskin on a cymbal,

Siskin on the pipe

Chizh on the trombone,

Chizh on accordion,

Siskin on a comb

Chizh on the lip!

Traveled all over the house

To familiar finches

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Chizh on the tram

Chizh on the motor

Chizh on a cart

Chizh on the cart,

Chizh in a taratayka,

Siskin on the heels

Chizh on the shaft,

Chizh on the arc!

Wanted to sleep

Make beds,

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Chizh on the bed

Chizh on the sofa

Siskin on a basket

Siskin on the bench

Siskin on the box

Siskin on a reel

Chizh on paper

Chizh on the floor.

Lying in bed

They whistled together

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Chizh - triti-titi,

Chizh - tirli-tirli,

Chizh - dili-dili,

Chizh - ti-ti-ti,

Chizh - tiki-tiki,

Chizh - tiki-rici,

Chizh - tyuti-lyuti,

Chizh - bye-bye-bye!

Very very tasty pie

I wanted to have a ball

And I have guests...

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Bake crumbly...

Pie, knives and forks here -

But some guests...

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece...

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

And the whole pie in a minute...

When the guests arrived

Even crumbs...

A man came out of the house

A man came out of the house

With club and bag

And on a long journey

And on a long journey

Went on foot.

He walked straight ahead

And looked ahead.

Didn't sleep, didn't drink

Didn't drink, didn't sleep

Didn't sleep, didn't drink, didn't eat.

And then one day at dawn

He entered the dark forest.

And from that time

And from that time

And has since disappeared.

But if somehow

You happen to meet

Then quickly

Then quickly

Tell us quickly.

Very scary story

Eating a bun with butter,

The brothers walked down the alley.

Suddenly on them from a nook

The big dog barked loudly.

Said the younger: "Here's to attack,

He wants to attack us.

So that we do not get into trouble,

We'll throw the bun into the dog's mouth."

Everything ended up great.

The brothers immediately became clear

What's on every walk

You must take with you ... a roll.

Ivan Toporyshkin

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence,

Ivan, like a log fell into a swamp,

And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.

Ivan Taporyzhkin went hunting,

With him, the poodle skipped along like an axe.

Ivan fell like a log into the swamp,

And the poodle jumped over the fence in the river.

Ivan Taporyzhkin went hunting,

With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.

Ivan jumped over the swamp like a log,

And the poodle jumped onto the axe.

Bulldog and Taxi

A bulldog sits over a bone,

Tied to a pole.

A small taxi is suitable,

With wrinkles on the forehead.

"Listen, bulldog, bulldog! -

Said the uninvited guest.-

Let me bulldog, bulldog,

Eat this bone."

The bulldog growls at the taxi:

"I won't give you anything!"

Bulldog runs after a taxi

And the taxi driver from him.

They run around the pole.

Like a lion, a bulldog roars.

And the chain knocks around the post,

Knocks around the pole.

Now the bulldog has a bone

Don't take it anymore.

And the taxi driver, taking the bone,

The bulldog said:

"It's time for my date,

It's eight minutes to five.

How late! Goodbye!

Get on the chain!"


The musicians strummed

The people in the hall fell silent.

Look at Harlequin

Here he is with Nina-Kolombina

Dancing polka.


Here is the cat Spiridon.

What's the noise in the distance?

Take a look:

On the Humpbacked Horse

Vanka is coming!

Damned bourgeois

I'll be there in three minutes.

Komsomol girl

Not afraid of the wolf.

From a carpet and two umbrellas

The kite is ready for the performance.

At Petrushka

me Marfushka

sleeping Beauty

Sleep does not wake up.

Here is the whole crowd in front of you.

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Horses are taught for a long time

In half an hour!


A boat is sailing on the river.

He swims from afar.

Four on the boat

A very brave sailor.

They have ears on top

They have long tails

And only cats are afraid of them,

Only cats and cats

How Volodya quickly flew downhill

On the sleigh Volodya

He flew quickly downhill.

On the hunter Volodya

Flew in full swing.

Here is the hunter

They sit on sleds

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

They ran into a dog.

Here is the doggy

And the hunter

They sit on sleds

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

They ran into a fox.

Here is a fox

And the doggy

And the hunter

They sit on sleds

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

And they ran into a rabbit.

Here is the hare

And the fox

And the doggy

And the hunter

They sit on sleds

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

They ran into a bear!

And Volodya from that time

Doesn't roll down the mountain.

The unfortunate cat cut its paw -
He sits and cannot take a step.
Hurry to heal the cat's paw
Buy balloons!

And immediately people crowded on the road -
Noises, and screams, and looks at the cat.
And the cat partly walks along the road,
Partly through the air smoothly flies!

Analysis of the poem "The Amazing Cat" by Kharms

For the first time, "Amazing Cat" by Daniil Kharms appeared on the pages of the magazine "Chizh". The illustrations for the poem were made by N. Radlov.

The poem was written at the end of 1938. Its author at that moment was 33 years old, he is known as a children's poet, however, he is published infrequently, and he can only dream of publishing a whole collection of his poems. There was a crisis in family life with M. Malich. However, personal problems settled down over time, but money remained. Responded to his fate and the defeat of Detizdat, headed by S. Marshak. It is known that S. Marshak appreciated his work. Now he could no longer help, moreover, he left Leningrad for Moscow. Some of the employees, good friends of D. Kharms, were arrested. In genre terms - a poetic story, almost extravaganza, a three-syllable with tautological and cross-rhyming, 2 stanzas. The title contrasts with the first line. It turns out that the amazing cat is unhappy (homeless, most likely), moreover, an additional misfortune happened to her - a cut on her paw. It is believed that the saying "will heal like a dog" fully applies to cats. However, the inflammatory process is not such a harmless thing. But it is immediately clear that there will be no visit to the doctor. And then someone comes up with a brilliant tool. Indeed, all the suffering of the heroine will stop if you do not need to step on a sore foot. To keep active and cheerful will help, of course, air balloons. The medical theme itself after the release fully entered the children's literature. However, D. Kharms solves it differently, without any analogy with the treatment of people. “We must buy”: a call that the “people” might not have supported. But money has already been raised and helium balloons have been bought (in those years, this gas came to replace dangerous hydrogen). It seems that an innocent, but quite a scientific experiment is being carried out here (or a small miracle, as you like). Probably, some of the adults were secretly satisfied no less than the children. The piece has a happy ending. A little behind the scenes remains the question of what will happen to the cat when she turns the corner of the house, the balloons burst or the dogs intervene. An interesting moment is the anxiety of the “people” due to the fact that creature miserable in this best of all possible worlds. The poem is intended for children, because the poet does not cast a shadow on this almost fairy tale. And yet, who knows how these mechanisms of sympathy operate in relation to people and their troubles. The intonation is the most sincere, excited, in the final - optimistic. Double negation in the first quatrain. Enumerative gradations, lexical repetitions.

The poem "The Amazing Cat" by D. Kharms is a dramatic story with a happy ending.