Gastrulation, its mechanisms. General and comparative embryology Gastrulation formation of germ layers and axial organs

The cytoplasm affects the repressed DNA nuclei (the activity of some genes is suppressed, while other genes are activated). The mitochondria of the cytoplasm contain a small amount of DNA, they also synthesize proteins (for themselves).

Comparative characteristics of spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

Ovogenesis (the formation of an egg) proceeds similarly to spermatogenesis, but with some features.

The breeding season of ovoronii occurs in utero period and in the first months of postnatal life, while time how the reproduction of spermatogonia goes on throughout the life of the organism, starting from childhood.

The period of growth in spermatogenesis follows immediately after the period of reproduction; spermatogonia turn into spermatocytes of the 1st order. In oogenesis, the growth period is divided into a period of small growth (goes before puberty) and a period of high growth, which proceeds cyclically. During the period of growth, ovogonia become oocytes of the 1st order.

AT ripening period division of spermatocytes is uniform (cells of the same volume are formed). The division of oocytes is uneven: after two divisions of maturation, one egg and three reduction bodies are formed from the oocyte of the 1st order

- small cells with little cytoplasm. In addition, the process of maturation of the oocyte proceeds in different organs - it begins in the ovary and ends in the oviduct.

Formation period in spermatogenesis is the transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa; there is no formation period in ovogenesis.

AT In general, during spermatogenesis, one spermatogonium provides the formation of a large group of spermatozoa, and in oogenesis, one ovogony ultimately forms only one full-fledged egg.

127. Stages of embryogenesis. Components of development processes. Molecular genetic bases of determination and differentiation

Embryonic development A person is divided into three periods: initial (1st week of development), embryonic (2-8 weeks of development), fetal (from the 9th week of development to the birth of a child).

These periods are divided into stages, according to the processes occurring in embryogenesis: 1) fertilization, 2) splitting up, 3) gastrulation, 4) histo- and organogenesis.

Components of development processes. Any process

orgy is the process of transforming a relatively homogeneous zygote material into a differentiated organism with a wide variety of cells and, accordingly, their functions. Lungs acquire different properties (although their genotype is the same) on the basis of repression and derepression of different loci of the same gene occurring at different stages of development.

The components that ensure the appearance of the structural and functional diversity of cells, the formation of various tissues and organs by them, are: proliferation, migration, determination, differentiation, growth; specialization and death.

Proliferation - cell reproduction by division. Without the accumulation of the initial number of cells (critical mass), further development (differentiation, growth, etc.) is impossible. therefore, proliferation occurs at different stages of embryogenesis. Due to proliferation, cells are accumulated in the composition of embryonic rudiments, tissues, their number is replenished, since some of the cells die.

Migration. In the process of development, there is a movement of cells and cell masses, since each cell must take its place in the developing organism. migratory cells have positional information(know where they should "settle"). The implementation of positional information is carried out by the microenvironment in which the migration takes place.

The main part of migrating cells is not yet determined, some of them are determined in the process of migration. Migration of cells together with their proliferation in embryogenesis contributes to shaping organs (formation of layers, folds, pits).

Determination is the choice by the stem (semi-stem) cell of the path of further development. With determination, the possibilities of development in different directions are limited, there is only one way left. Limitation of development opportunities in other directions due to the already made choice (determination) is called committing.

Determination is carried out stepwise, gradually; in this case, at first, whole rudiments are determined, and then individual elements are determined in them by means of jump transitions.

Determination occurs at the level of transcription, synthesis of tissue-specific forms and RNA.

Determination is an irreversible state of cells. Differentiation- cell acquisition

special properties and structures based on past determination. Sequentially flowing stages of differentiation determine

each other, determining the direction of development. The main mechanism of such determination is embryonic induction.

In the process of differentiation in the cell, the synthesis of specific proteins (and other substances) occurs, as well as the formation of special organelles. The cell acquires its structural and functional features. Differentiation depends on the influence of the microenvironment, which changes the activity of the genome of a differentiating cell, i.e., the basis of cell differentiation is the differential activity of genes.

Unlike determination, differentiation occurs at the level of translation of the genetic code from RNA molecules into synthesized proteins.

Cell growth occurs at various stages of development. It may precede differentiation, occur in parallel with it, or accompany cell specialization.

Specialization - the acquisition by a cell of the ability to perform a specific function (functions).

Cell death in embryogenesis has a certain value for shaping. Thus, it is known that the separation of the rudiments of the fingers on the extremities occurs as a result of the death of cells in the composition of the membranes that previously existed between the fingers. The formation of cavities and tubules is also in some cases associated with the death of centrally located cells.

However, the processes of cell death in morphogenesis are not the main factor determining development, they only "complete" what was previously planned.

128. Fertilization, fragmentation and structure of the human blastula

Fertilization is the stage of embryonic development, during which the fusion of male and female germ cells occurs, as a result of which the diploid set of chromosomes is restored, metabolism increases sharply and a new unicellular organism, the zygote, appears. Fertilization in humans occurs in the ampulla of the oviduct. It is monospermic.

The role of the sperm in the fertilization process:

1) provides a meeting with the egg;

2) introduces a second haploid set of chromosomes into the egg, including the Y-chromosome necessary for male sex determination;

3) introduces the mitochondrial genome into the egg;

4) introduces a centrosome into the egg, necessary for subsequent division;

5) brings into the egg cleavage signal protein.

The role of the egg in the process of fertilization:

1) creates a supply of nutrients;

2) forms a protective shell of fertilization;

3) determines the axis of the future embryo;

4) assimilates the paternal set of genes.

Fertilization phases:

1) remote interaction - convergence of spermatozoa with the egg as a result of chemotaxis; rheotaxis in a slightly alkaline medium; different electrical charge on the membrane of the sperm and egg.

2) contact interaction- interaction of the sperm with the transparent shell of the egg using specific receptors ZP-3 and ZP-2, triggering an acrosomal reaction; acrosomal reaction - exocytosis of acrosome enzymes for the penetration of the spermatozoon through the membranes of the egg;

3) syngamy - the formation of male and female pronuclei, and then their fusion, a synkaryon is formed.

Processes that take place in the egg. After the penetration of the sperm into the egg occurs;

1) depolarization of its asmatic membrane;

2) the formation of the perivitelline space -

homeostatic environment for a developing organism;

3) carried out cortical response- the release of cortical granules from the egg with the formation of a protective fertilization membranes, as well as inactivation of the sperm receptor apparatus. Based on these processes, the possibility of polyspermy is blocked and conditions are created for the further development of a new organism.

A zygote is a single-celled organism that has arisen as a result of fertilization, in which the genetic sex is already determined. It is not capable of long-term existence, since the metabolism is low due to the large nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (1:250) and the lack of a supply of trophic material. Therefore, by the end of the 1st day of embryogenesis, under the influence of cleavage signal protein, introduced by the spermatozoon, the zygote enters the next period of development - crushing.

Cleavage is the stage of embryonic development, during which a unicellular organism (zygote) turns into a multicellular organism - a blastula. It begins by the end of the 1st day after fertilization, and continues for 3-4 days. It takes place during the movement of the embryo through the oviduct and ends in the uterus.

Type of crushing in humans. The type of crushing depends on the type egg cells. Cleavage of the human zygote complete, but


(blastomeres of different volume are formed) and asynchronous (blastomeres do not divide at the same time).

crushing mechanism. Cleavage is based on the sequential mitotic division of the zygote into cells (blastomeres) without their subsequent growth to the size of the mother. Since the fertilization membrane is outside, the resulting cells do not diverge, but closely adhere to each other, which is facilitated by the expression of the adhesion protein (uvomorulin) in the blastomeres.

Peripherally located blastomeres (light) are connected by tight junctions, forming a trophoblast, which ensures the entry into the blastocoel of the secretion of the genital tract (histiotrophic nutrition).

Inner group of blastomeres (dark) connected to each other gap contacts and is the material of the embryo itself - embryoblast. Gap junctions of the embryoblast provide blastomere interaction. their differentiation.

The furrow of the first crushing passes through the region of the guiding bodies lying in the perivitelline space. The furrow of the second crushing runs perpendicular to the first, but also vertically, so the blastomeres retain a full supply of genetic information for subsequent development: if the blastomeres are separated, then each of them can give rise to a new organism. The third crushing furrow runs perpendicular to the first two. Subsequent crushing cycles are correctly alternated.

The reason for the correct alternation of cleavage furrows is that the plane of division during mitosis is always perpendicular to the axis of the division spindle; the axis of the division spindle is always located in the direction of the largest space free from yolk within the cytoplasm (O. Hertwig's rules).

Cleavage continues until the ratio of the nucleus and cytoplasm, characteristic of somatic cells, is restored, and the mass of cells reaches the critical mass (necessary for rupture of the fertilization membrane).

Blastula is a multicellular organism formed in the process of crushing. In humans, it is called a blastocyst. Consists of trophoblast and embryoblast. Internal cavity

- Blastocoel - filled with fluid.

129. Gastrulation: definition, characteristics and meaning. Formation of axial organs. Gastrulation in humans

Gastrulation is a stage of embryonic development, during which sources of rudiments of tissues and organs (germ layers, axial organs), as well as extra-embryonic organs, are formed.

germ layers- ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Axial organs - chorda, neural tube, primary intestine. Extra-embryonic organs humans have a yolk sac

allantois, amnion and placenta.

Gastrulation methods: intussusception; epiboly; migration (immigration); delamination. The method of gastrulation depends on the type of crushing.

Invagination (vyachivanie) is that part of the wall (bottom) is pressed into the blastula (for example, in the lancelet).

As a result of invagination in the gastrula of the lancelet, a primary outer germinal layer is formed - the ectoderm (from the roof of the blastula), the primary internal germinal leaf is the endoderm, formed from the bottom of the blastula, and the cavity of the gastrula - gastrocoel, which opens into the external environment by the primary mouth (blastopore) .

The blastopore is limited by 4 lips: dorsal - corresponds to the dorsal side of the embryo, ventral (ventral side) and lateral lips that do not squeeze between them.

The material of the dorsal lip of the blastopore is the primary inductor that triggers the formation of axial organs. (notochord neural tube).

Third germ layer (mesoderm) It is formed from small-celled material of the marginal zone of the lateral lips of the blastopore, which is located in the primary inner leaf on the sides of the notochord. First, by protrusion into the space between the inner and outer germ layers, mesodermal pockets are formed, which open into the gastrocoel, and then separate from it in the form of 2 hollow folds (entnrocoel method of mesoderm formation).

The mesoderm is formed in 2 ways: teloblastic - due to the reproduction of individual cells - teloblasts, the derivatives of which lie between the ectoderm and endoderm (in protostomes) and enterocele - from the material of the roof of the primary intestine, separated from the rest of it (in lower vertebrates).

Epiboly (fouling) is characterized by the growth of rapidly dividing cells of one section of the blastula wall to other areas (vegetative area), where the rate of crushing is slowed down due to cell congestion with yolk (in amphibians).

During migration (immigration), part of the blastomeres of the blastula wall moves, forming a second layer of cells.

During delamination (splitting), the blastomeres of the blastula wall divide tangentially, which leads to

the formation of two layers of cells. 297

In vertebrates and man, there is a combination of two or three of the methods of gastrulation described above, as a result of which it includes two stages: early and late gastrulation. The result of these stages is the formation of structures similar to the lips of the blastopore, which, in turn, triggers the mechanisms for further transformations of tissue primordia.

Axial organs. Their formation begins after the formation of two germ layers; simultaneously with the formation of the mesoderm, a chord, a neural tube, and a primary intestine are formed. They are called axial because they determine the axis of symmetry of the body of the embryo. neural plate, from which the neural tube is subsequently formed, is released from the primary outer leaf; chord - from the primary inner (in the lancelet) or from the primary outer leaf. The material of the endoderm (inner leaf) forms the primary cysts.

Features of gastrulation in humans: early formation of extra-embryonic organs, early formation of the amniotic vesicle and absence of amniotic folds, the presence of two phases of gastrulation, interstitial type of implantation, strong development of the amnion, chorion and weak development of the yolk sac and allantois.

Meaning of gastrulation consists in the fact that the resulting germ layers are embryonic sources of tissue development (histogenesis), from which organs are formed (organogenesis).

130. Human embryogenesis at 2-3 weeks. mesenchyme

Human embryogenesis at the 2nd week of development includes: implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine mucosa and implementation

the first phase of gastrulation.

On the 3rd week occurs second phase of gastrulation.

Gastrulation in humans has two phases.

The first phase (early gastrulation) precedes or proceeds during implantation (day 7). During this phase, the formation of a two-layer embryo occurs by delamination. In this case, the embryoblast splits into two sheets - a) epiblast (facing the trophoblast, includes material from the ectoderm, mesoderm and chord) and 6) hypoblast (endoderm facing the blastocyst cavity). In a 7-day-old embryo, cells that form the extra-embryonic mesoderm (mesenchyme) are evicted from the germinal shield. It fills the cavity of the blastocyst.

The second phase (late gastrulation) begins on the 14-15th day and continues until the 17th day of development. In the process of late gastrulation, the formation of the 3rd germ layer occurs

(mesoderm), the formation of a complex of axial rudiments of organs and the formation of extra-embryonic organs.

The cells dividing in the epiblast move to the center and in depth, between the outer and inner germ layers.

Immigration of cellular material (the second way of gastrulation in humans), going along the edges of the germinal disc, leads to the formation in its centerprimary strip(anal-lateral blastopore lips) andprimary (head) nodule(analogous to the dorsal lip of the blastopore). Cells of the primary streak, migrating laterally under the epiblast, form the mesoderm of the body of the embryo

(embryonic mesoderm).

Formation of axial organs. The cells of the primary nodule are displaced between the bottom of the amniotic and the roof of the vitelline vesicles, forming the chordal process (chord) - the 17th day. The notochord, by induction of the cells located above it, separates the neural plate from the epiblast, from which the neural tube is formed (25th day). Starting from the 20-21st day, with the help of the formed trunk fold, the body of the embryo separates from the extraembryonic organs and the final formation of axial rudiments occurs. The embryo separates from the yolk sac, while the endoderm material forms primary intestine.

Differentiation of germ layers (Fig. 53).

differentiation of the ectoderm. The ectoderm is divided into two parts - germinal and extra-embryonic.

germinal ectoderm. On the 19-20th day, the primary ectoderm, lying above the chordal process, forms the neural plate; then the groove closes into the neural tube, plunging into the ectodermal layer. Thus, it is divided into two parts:

Neuroectoderm, consisting of the neural tube and neural crest. The neural crest is a part of the neuroectoderm that lies between the neural tube and the integumentary ectoderm. Its cells migrate in several streams, forming nerve and glial cells of spinal and autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla and pigment cells;

Integumentary ectoderm, which also consists of two parts

Cutaneous ectoderm and placode. Skin ectoderm forms the epithelium of the skin, oral and anal bays, the epithelium of the airways (this epithelium develops from the prechordal plate, which is formally part of the endoderm, but its tissue derivatives develop as the epithelium of the ectoderm). Placodes are paired thickenings of the ectoderm on the sides heads, lose touch with

outer cover, plunging under it. The placodes form the auditory vesicle and the lens of the eye.

Extraembryonic ectoderm forms the epithelium of the amnion and umbilical cord.

Mesoderm differentiation begins in the 20s days of embryogenesis. Its dorsal sections are divided into dense somite segments lying along sides from the chord.

In the central parts of the mesoderm (splichonotome) are not segmented, but

Rice. 53. Diagram of a cross section of an embryo split into two whether stack -

/ - ectoderm; 2 - mesenchyme; 3- visceral somite

and parietal,

stages of late gastrula:

methoderms; 4 nsfrog-note; 5 -

which is

parietal; 6 - visceral


leaves sp.taphnotome mesoderm; 7-

in general; I am a neural tube; 9 - nervous

area of ​​mesoderm connected

crest; 10 - chord; // - primary

intestine; 12 - primary endoderm

somites with splanchno-

is divided

segments - segment legs

(non-phrogonotome). On the back


the area is not segmented, but

forms a nephrogenic cord. Mesoderm somites in pro-

The process of differentiation form three parts - dermatome, sclerotome, myotome.

Endoderm differentiation - germinal (intestinal) endoderm- forms the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract and its glands, extraembryonic (yolk) endoderm-

forms the epithelium of the yolk sac and allantois. Mesenchyme - embryonic connective tissue. Fuss-

comes mainly from the mesoderm (dermatome and sclerotome). also ectoderm (neuromesenchyme) and endoderm of the head section of the intestinal tube.

The mesenchyme is formed by process cells and intercellular ground substance. It is considered as a pluripotent germ that gives rise to various types of tissues, since it contains a heterogeneous material.

131. Histo-organogenesis. Development of the main systems human organs at 4-8 weeks of embryogenesis

Histogenesis is the process of development from the material of embryonic tissue rudiments, leading to the acquisition of specific structures characteristic of each tissue type and their corresponding functions.

Embryonic sources of tissue development are the germ layers. Each germ layer differentiates in certain directions. Histogenesis is not an isolated process, it takes place in parallel with organogenesis.

Organogenesis is the process of organ formation that occurs in parallel with histogenesis and is carried out on the basis of the interaction of several types of tissues.

The processes of organogenesis are actively deployed mainly at the 4-8th week of embryonic development, when tissue-specific and organ-specific fetal antigens appear; histiotrophic nutrition is replaced by hematotrophic; there are nervous and endocrine systems that provide a higher level of regulation of the body's vital activity. The developing organism differs significantly at the beginning and at the end of this period of development.

The embryo at the 4th week of embryogenesis has 35 pairs of somites, it has well-defined rudiments of arms (rudiments of legs only appear), three pairs of gill arches and 4 pairs of gill pockets.

At the 8th week, the embryo has a rounded head, the face and neck area (nose, outer ear, eyes converge) is formed. Both limbs are lengthened, fingers are developed. Formed bookmarks of all internal organs. The cerebral hemispheres are being formed.

Mechanisms of organogenesis. The main epigenetic mechanisms of regulation of embryonic development in the period of orgagenesis are: biomechanical deformations, intercellular and intertissue induction interactions, and neurohumoral regulation.

The organohistogenesis stage includes two phases:

1) the formation of axial organs, the rudiment of the skin - the periderm of the primary vessels(2-3 weeks);

2) laying and formation of organ systems(4-8 weeks). The sequence of development of various organ systems is presented in the table.

After the formation of a powerful complex of extra-embryonic organs during the period of early gastrulation, the rapid development of the embryo begins in the period of late gastrulation. Late gastrulation occurs in the period from 15 to 18 days of intrauterine development. Late gastrulation is associated with the formation of axial organs. It becomes possible only after the appearance of extra-embryonic organs and proceeds in the same way as in birds and placental mammals. First of all, in the ectoderm of the germinal shield, active movement (gastrulation by migration type) of cellular elements begins in the direction from the anterior end to its posterior end. Cell streams move especially intensively along the edges of the germinal shield. Having met, both cell streams turn anteriorly along the midline of the shield, as a result, a primary line, which is a thickening of the germinal shield, at the end of which a dense nodule appears - Hensen's knot. In the region of the Hensen's knot, the ectoderm and endoderm are interconnected. Then, as a result of mild intussusception, a groove appears in the center of the primary strip - the primary groove, and in the center of the Hensen's node - the primary (central) fossa, due to which communication occurs between the cavities of the amniotic and vitelline vesicles, which has the form of a short and narrow canal corresponding to the neuro-intestinal channel. Thus, the primary nodule is the dorsal lip of the blastopore, and both halves of the primary streak are the lateral lips of the primary mouth ( blastopore) germ. Thus, the primary mouth has a slit-like shape and is represented by the primary fossa and primary groove.

Location of the cellular material of future axial primordia (presumptive material) in humans, it is approximately the same as in the blastodisc of birds and placental mammals. So, anterior to the Hensen's knot is the material of the future chord, and even further in front of it is surrounded by the material of the future nervous system (neural tube). The primary strip is the bookmark of the future mesoderm.

After the formation of the blastopore, the migration of cellular elements under the ectoderm begins, as a result of which the cellular material of the ectoderm, located anterior to the primary nodule, moves through the dorsal lip into the space between the ectoderm and endoderm and is located there in the form of a narrow strand in front of the Hensen node, forming a chordal process. At the same time, the cellular material of the primary streak also begins to sink (migrate) into the space between the ectoderm and endoderm and shifts forward and to the sides along the sides of the chordal process - this is the anlage of the mesoderm. As a result of this, the human embryo acquires a three-layer structure and almost does not differ from the bird embryo at the corresponding stage. In addition, the formation of the axial rudiments characteristic of chordates took place.

From the 20th day of intrauterine development, a new stage in the formation of the embryo begins, which, first of all, consists in the separation of the body of the embryo from extraembryonic organs. Separation of the body of the embryo begins with the formation of an interception (trunk fold), in the formation of which all germ layers participate.

As a result of the closing of the germ layers under the body of the embryo, a part of the germinal endoderm is infringed, which leads to the formation of an intestinal tube, which is gut germ.

The formation of the trunk fold is accompanied by the elevation of the developing body of the embryo above the bottom of the amniotic cavity. As a result of this, the body of the embryo from a flattened in the form of an embryonic shield becomes voluminous. In this case, a blind outgrowth of the posterior intestine into the amniotic leg is formed, which leads to the formation of another extra-embryonic organ - allantois, which does not play a significant role in humans and remains underdeveloped. The main role of allantois in humans is to conduct blood vessels. Vessels growing from the body of the embryo grow along the amniotic stalk to the chorion and branch in it. In this case, the amniotic leg turns into an umbilical cord. From this moment, favorable conditions are created for an intensive and very effective metabolism between the embryo and the mother's body.

Simultaneously with the separation of the body of the embryo, the formation of neural tube. In this case, the edges of the neural plate thicken and slightly rise above the ectoderm, forming neural folds that limit the neural groove. Gradually, the edges of the neural groove converge and close, forming the neural tube. Moreover, the process of closing the neural groove begins at the head end of the body of the embryo and gradually spreads in the caudal direction. The material of the neural folds is not part of the neural tube. From this material is formed ganglion plate located between the outer germinal shield and the neural tube. Due to the ganglionic plate, the nerve nodes of the somatic and autonomic nervous system, as well as the adrenal medulla, are subsequently formed. The expanded anterior end of the neural tube is called the primary cerebral vesicle, from which 5 cerebral vesicles eventually form. Due to the anterior cerebral bladder, the telencephalon with the right and left hemispheres is formed. Due to the second cerebral bladder, the diencephalon arises. At the expense of the third - the midbrain. Finally, due to the fourth and fifth, the cerebellum and the pons varolii and the medulla oblongata are formed, respectively.

The resulting neural tube initially consists of a single layer of cells. However, soon, due to cell division, three layers are formed: the ependymal layer, the mantle layer, and the marginal veil. The cells of the ependymal layer intensively divide and migrate to the next mantle layer, the cells of which differentiate in two directions: neuroblasts and spongioblasts. Nerve cells are formed from neuroblasts, and macroglial cells are formed due to spongioblasts. The embryo at the stage of formation of the neural tube is called neurula.

As a result of bending and closing of the edges of the chordal process, tissues are formed in the embryo dorsal string or chord, having the appearance of a dense cellular strand and performing the function of the embryonic spine at the earliest stages of development. In later stages, the notochord resolves.

The neural tube and chord are located one below the other and form the physiological axis of the embryo, so they are called axial organs.

Along with this, from the 20th day of embryonic development, mesoderm differentiation, lying on the sides of the chord. In this case, the dorsal parts of the mesoderm are divided into dense segments - somites and looser peripheral parts - splanchnotomes. The process of segmentation of the mesoderm begins at the head end of the embryo and gradually spreads in the caudal direction. Segmentation of the mesoderm proceeds at a rate of 2-3 pairs of somites per day, and a 5-week-old embryo has 42-44 pairs of somites. Each somite is divided into three regions: dermatome, sclerotome, and myotome. In the process of differentiation of the mesoderm from the dermatome, connective tissue of the skin is formed, and from the sclerotome, bone and cartilage tissue. Somite myotomes are the source of skeletal muscle tissue formation.

A small section of the mesoderm that connects the somite with the splanchnotome is called the segmental stalk (nephrotome), due to which the epithelium of the renal tubules and vas deferens develops.

The ventral parts of the mesoderm are not segmented, but are split into two sheets - visceral and parietal, due to which the cardiac muscle tissue, numerous vessels, the epithelium of the serous membranes, and the adrenal cortex develop in the future.

Amnion. As the body of the embryo separates, a gradual expansion of the amniotic cavity occurs, as a result of which the wall of the amnion, covered from the surface with extraembryonic mesenchyme, approaches the chorion, the inner surface of which is also lined with a layer of extraembryonic mesenchyme and merges with it. At the same time, the amnion wall covers the umbilical cord from the surface, which turns out to be covered on all sides by the amniotic membrane and is the only highway connecting the body of the embryo with the placenta.

Thus, as the amnion develops, the chorionic cavity gradually shrinks until it disappears completely at the 3rd month of fetal development, and the growing amnion cavity pushes the internal contents of the amniotic sac cavity into the region of the amniotic pedicle. The amnion wall is represented by a thin layer of loose, unformed connective tissue, which is covered from the surface with a single layer of cuboidal or cylindrical epithelium. This epithelium is secretory and is involved in the formation of amniotic fluid that fills the amnion cavity. The fetus is free in the amniotic fluid. Part of the amniotic fluid is formed by sweating fluid from the mother's blood vessels. During physiological pregnancy, as a rule, 1-2 liters of amniotic fluid are formed. The volume of this fluid is regulated primarily by the secretory and reabsorption capacity of the amniotic epithelium. The processes of secretion and reabsorption accompany each other, due to which there is a constant renewal of amniotic fluid and their composition is regulated. An imbalance between these processes can lead to both oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios. Oligohydramnios has an adverse effect on the development of the fetus, as this disrupts its motor activity, which leads to the limitation or impossibility of adaptive compensatory-adaptive reactions, deformation of the skeleton, compression of the umbilical cord, which can lead to intrauterine death of the fetus. Amniotic fluid contains amino acids, sugar, fats, electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium), urea, enzymes, and hormones, including estrogen and oxytocin. In addition, biologically active compounds, trephons, were found in the amniotic fluid, which induce fetal anabolic processes. In addition, it contains antigens corresponding to the blood type of the fetus.

The chemical, cytological, enzymological, cytogenetic composition of amniotic fluid is constantly changing during physiological pregnancy and in violation of fetal development. Therefore, by changing the composition of the amniotic fluid, one can judge the condition of the fetus, its degree of maturity, and in some cases even diagnose a number of hereditary diseases associated with metabolic disorders. In general, amniotic fluid creates a favorable environment for the development of the fetus, as it allows it to show motor activity, which underlies compensatory-adaptive reactions and shaping. In addition, amniotic fluid acts as a shock absorber that protects the fetus from possible mechanical influences. The aquatic habitat keeps it from drying out. Amniotic fluid is an intermediary in the metabolism between the body of the mother and the fetus: in the early stages they penetrate to the fetus through the skin, and in later stages through the bronchi and gastrointestinal tract, since the fetus periodically makes swallowing movements and swallows part of the amniotic fluid.

Yolk sac as the amnion grows and grows, it gradually atrophies. The yolk sac is active only from the end of the 2nd week to the 5th week inclusive. In humans, it does not reach a high degree of development. In humans, the yolk sac does not contain yolk, but is filled with a liquid containing proteins and salts. The burner sac performs a trophic function to a small extent. In addition, it is a hematopoietic organ: blood stem cells and numerous blood vessels are formed here. Finally, in the yolk sac, the formation of stem germ cells occurs, which then migrate to the genital ridges.

umbilical cord is a long cord that connects the fetus to the placenta. The length of the umbilical cord can vary from 10 to 30 cm. The umbilical cord is covered with an amniotic membrane from the surface. It contains two arteries and one vein. The umbilical cord is built of gelatinous (mucous) tissue, which consists of water, a few fibroblasts, collagen fibers, the number of which increases with the development of the fetus. In addition, the composition of the gelatinous tissue contains a very large amount of glycosaminoglycans, including hyaluronic acid. This fabric was called "wharton's jelly". It provides turgor and elasticity of the umbilical cord. The gelatinous tissue protects the umbilical vessels from compression, thereby ensuring a continuous supply of nutrients and oxygen to the embryo.

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy

Department of Histology and Embryology

Embryonic development of man.

late gastrulation. Formation of axial organs. Extra-embryonic organs.

1. Give a detailed description of the period of late gastrulation

2. Disassemble the structure of the human embryo at the stage of the primary strip

3. Disassemble the source of mesoderm formation and its differentiation

4. Biological significance of the formation of the trunk fold

5. Neural tube: source of development, structure, meaning

6. Chord: source of development, structure, meaning

7. Differentiation of the mesoderm

8. Amnion: source of development, structure, meaning

9. Yolk sac: source of development, structure, meaning

10. Umbilical cord: structure, meaning


61. Human embryo at the stage of amniotic and yolk

bubbles. Distribution of embryonic anlages

66. Formation of extra-embryonic organs

116. Villous human chorion

117. Human yolk sac

118. Human embryo in shells

119. Human embryo in the amniotic membrane

121. Yolk sac and allantois

124. Formation of axial organs

125. Embryo at the stage of mesoderm segmentation

185. Umbilical cord of the human embryo

183.8 week old human fetus in uterus with chorion



Embryology (from the Greek. embryonic- embryo, logos- doctrine) - the science of the laws of development of embryos.

Medical embryology studies the patterns of development of the human embryo. Particular attention is drawn to embryonic sources and regular processes of tissue development, metabolic and functional features of the mother-placenta-fetus system, and critical periods of human development. All this has great importance for medical practice.

Knowledge of human embryology is necessary for all doctors, especially those working in the field of obstetrics and pediatrics. This helps in diagnosing disorders in the mother-fetus system, identifying the causes of deformities and diseases in children after birth.

Currently, knowledge of human embryology is used to uncover and eliminate the causes of infertility, fetal organ transplantation, and the development and use of contraceptives. In particular, the problems of culturing eggs, in vitro fertilization and implantation of embryos in the uterus have become topical.

The process of human embryonic development is the result of a long evolution and to a certain extent reflects the features of the development of other representatives of the animal world. Therefore, some of the early stages of human development are very similar to similar stages in the embryogenesis of lower organized chordates.

Human embryogenesis is a part of its ontogenesis, including the following main stages: I - fertilization and zygote formation; II - crushing and formation of the blastula (blastocyst); III - gastrulation - the formation of germ layers and a complex of axial organs; IV - histogenesis and organogenesis of germinal and extra-embryonic organs; V - systemogenesis.

Embryogenesis is closely related to progenesis and the early postembryonic period. Thus, tissue development begins in the embryonic period (embryonic histogenesis) and continues after the birth of a child (postembryonic histogenesis).


This is the period of development and maturation of germ cells - eggs and sperm. As a result of progenesis, a haploid set of chromosomes appears in mature germ cells, structures are formed that provide the ability to fertilize and develop a new organism. The process of development of germ cells is considered in detail in the chapters on the male and female reproductive systems (see Chapter 20).

Rice. 21.1. The structure of the male germ cell:

I - head; II - tail. 1 - receptor;

2 - acrosome; 3 - "case"; 4 - proximal centriole; 5 - mitochondrion; 6 - layer of elastic fibrils; 7 - axone; 8 - terminal ring; 9 - circular fibrils

Main characteristics of mature human germ cells

male sex cells

Human spermatozoa are produced during the entire active sexual period in large quantities. For a detailed description of spermatogenesis, see chapter 20.

Sperm motility is due to the presence of flagella. The speed of movement of spermatozoa in humans is 30-50 microns / s. Purposeful movement is facilitated by chemotaxis (movement towards or away from a chemical stimulus) and rheotaxis (movement against fluid flow). 30-60 minutes after intercourse, spermatozoa are found in the uterine cavity, and after 1.5-2 hours - in the distal (ampullar) part of the fallopian tube, where they meet with the egg and fertilization. Sperm retain their fertilizing capacity for up to 2 days.

Structure. Human male sex cells - spermatozoa, or sperm-mii, about 70 microns long, have a head and a tail (Fig. 21.1). The plasma membrane of the spermatozoon in the head area contains a receptor, through which interaction with the egg takes place.

The head of the spermatozoon includes a small dense nucleus with a haploid set of chromosomes. The anterior half of the nucleus is covered with a flat sac case sperm. In it is located acrosome(from Greek. asron- top, soma- body). The acrosome contains a set of enzymes, among which an important place belongs to hyaluronidase and proteases, which are capable of dissolving the membranes covering the egg during fertilization. The case and acrosome are derivatives of the Golgi complex.

Rice. 21.2. The cellular composition of human ejaculate is normal:

I - male sex cells: A - mature (according to L.F. Kurilo and others); B - immature;

II - somatic cells. 1, 2 - typical spermatozoon (1 - full face, 2 - profile); 3-12 - the most common forms of spermatozoa atypia; 3 - macro head; 4 - microhead; 5 - elongated head; 6-7 - anomaly in the shape of the head and acrosome; 8-9 - anomaly of the flagellum; 10 - biflagellated sperm; 11 - fused heads (two-headed sperm); 12 - anomaly of the neck of the sperm; 13-18 - immature male sex cells; 13-15 - primary spermatocytes in the prophase of the 1st division of meiosis - proleptoten, pachytene, diplotene, respectively; 16 - primary spermatocyte in the metaphase of meiosis; 17 - typical spermatids (a- early; b- late); 18 - atypical binuclear spermatid; 19 - epithelial cells; 20-22 - leukocytes

The human sperm nucleus contains 23 chromosomes, one of which is sexual (X or Y), the rest are autosomes. 50% of spermatozoa contain the X chromosome, 50% - the Y chromosome. The mass of the X chromosome is somewhat larger than the mass of the Y chromosome, therefore, apparently, spermatozoa containing the X chromosome are less mobile than spermatozoa containing the Y chromosome.

Behind the head there is an annular narrowing, passing into the tail section.

tail section (flagellum) The spermatozoon consists of a connecting, intermediate, main and terminal parts. In the connecting part (pars conjungens), or neck (cervix) centrioles are located - proximal, adjacent to the nucleus, and the remains of the distal centriole, striated columns. Here begins the axial thread (axonema), continuing in the intermediate, main and terminal parts.

Intermediate part (pars intermedia) contains 2 central and 9 pairs of peripheral microtubules surrounded by spirally arranged mitochondria (mitochondrial sheath - vagina mitochondrialis). Paired protrusions, or "handles", consisting of another protein, dynein, which has ATP-ase activity, depart from the microtubules (see Chapter 4). Dynein breaks down ATP produced by mitochondria and converts chemical energy into mechanical energy, due to which the movement of sperm is carried out. In the case of a genetically determined absence of dynein, sperm are immobilized (one of the forms of male sterility).

Among the factors affecting the speed of sperm movement, temperature, pH of the medium, etc. are of great importance.

main part (pars principalis) The structure of the tail resembles a cilium with a characteristic set of microtubules in the axoneme (9 × 2) + 2, surrounded by circularly oriented fibrils that give elasticity, and a plasmalemma.

Terminal, or final part sperm (pars terminalis) contains an axoneme that ends in disconnected microtubules and a gradual decrease in their number.

The movements of the tail are whip-like, which is due to the successive contraction of microtubules from the first to the ninth pair (the first is considered a pair of microtubules, which lies in a plane parallel to the two central ones).

In clinical practice, in the study of sperm, various forms of spermatozoa are counted, counting their percentage (spermogram).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the following indicators are normal characteristics of human sperm: sperm concentration - 20-200 million / ml, the content in the ejaculate is more than 60% of normal forms. Along with the latter, human sperm always contains abnormal ones - biflagellated, with defective head sizes (macro- and microforms), with an amorphous head, with fused

heads, immature forms (with remnants of the cytoplasm in the neck and tail), with flagellum defects.

In the ejaculate of healthy men, typical spermatozoa predominate (Fig. 21.2). The number of different types of atypical sperm should not exceed 30%. In addition, there are immature forms of germ cells - spermatids, spermatocytes (up to 2%), as well as somatic cells - epitheliocytes, leukocytes.

Among the spermatozoa in the ejaculate, living cells should be 75% or more, and actively mobile - 50% or more. The established normative parameters are necessary for assessing deviations from the norm in various forms of male infertility.

In an acidic environment, spermatozoa quickly lose their ability to move and fertilize.

female sex cells

eggs, or oocytes(from lat. ovum- egg), ripen in an immeasurably smaller amount than spermatozoa. In a woman during the sexual cycle (24-28 days), as a rule, one egg matures. Thus, during the childbearing period, about 400 eggs are formed.

The release of an oocyte from an ovary is called ovulation (see Chapter 20). The oocyte released from the ovary is surrounded by a crown of follicular cells, the number of which reaches 3-4 thousand. The ovum has a spherical shape, the volume of the cytoplasm is larger than that of the sperm, and does not have the ability to move independently.

The classification of oocytes is based on signs of presence, quantity and distribution. yolk (lecithos), which is a protein-lipid inclusion in the cytoplasm, used to nourish the embryo. Distinguish yolkless(alecital), small-yolk(oligolecital), medium yolk(mesolecithal), multiyolk(polylecital) eggs. Small-yolk eggs are divided into primary (in non-cranial, for example, lancelet) and secondary (in placental mammals and humans).

As a rule, in small-yolk eggs, yolk inclusions (granules, plates) are evenly distributed, so they are called isolecithal(gr. isos- equal). human egg secondary isolecithal type(as in other mammals) contains a small amount of yolk granules, more or less evenly spaced.

In humans, the presence of a small amount of yolk in the egg is due to the development of the embryo in the mother's body.

Structure. The human egg has a diameter of about 130 microns. A transparent (shiny) zone is adjacent to the plasma lemma (zona pellucida- Zp) and then a layer of follicular epithelial cells (Fig. 21.3).

The nucleus of the female reproductive cell has a haploid set of chromosomes with an X-sex chromosome, a well-defined nucleolus, and there are many pore complexes in the nucleus envelope. During the period of oocyte growth, intensive processes of mRNA and rRNA synthesis take place in the nucleus.

Rice. 21.3. The structure of the female reproductive cell:

1 - core; 2 - plasmalemma; 3 - follicular epithelium; 4 - radiant crown; 5 - cortical granules; 6 - yolk inclusions; 7 - transparent zone; 8 - Zp3 receptor

In the cytoplasm, the protein synthesis apparatus (endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes) and the Golgi complex are developed. The number of mitochondria is moderate, they are located near the nucleus, where there is an intensive synthesis of the yolk, the cell center is absent. The Golgi complex in the early stages of development is located near the nucleus, and in the process of maturation of the egg, it shifts to the periphery of the cytoplasm. Here are the derivatives of this complex - cortical granules (granula corticalia), the number of which reaches 4000, and the size is 1 micron. They contain glycosaminoglycans and various enzymes (including proteolytic), participate in the cortical reaction, protecting the egg from polyspermy.

Of the inclusions, ovoplasms deserve special attention yolk granules, containing proteins, phospholipids and carbohydrates. Each yolk granule is surrounded by a membrane, has a dense central part, consisting of phosphovitin (phosphoprotein), and a looser peripheral part, consisting of lipovitellin (lipoprotein).

Transparent zone (zona pellucida- Zp) consists of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans - chondroitin sulfuric, hyaluronic and sialic acids. Glycoproteins are represented by three fractions - Zpl, Zp2, Zp3. The Zp2 and Zp3 fractions form filaments 2–3 µm long and 7 nm thick, which

interconnected using the Zpl fraction. Fraction Zp3 is receptor sperm cells, and Zp2 prevents polyspermy. The clear zone contains tens of millions of Zp3 glycoprotein molecules, each with more than 400 amino acid residues connected to many oligosaccharide branches. Follicular epithelial cells take part in the formation of the transparent zone: the processes of follicular cells penetrate the transparent zone, heading towards the plasmolemma of the egg. The plasmolemma of the egg, in turn, forms microvilli located between the processes of follicular epithelial cells (see Fig. 21.3). The latter perform trophic and protective functions.

21.2. Embryogenesis

Human intrauterine development lasts an average of 280 days (10 lunar months). It is customary to distinguish three periods: initial (1st week), embryonic (2-8th week), fetal (from the 9th week of development to the birth of a child). By the end of the embryonic period, the laying of the main embryonic rudiments of tissues and organs is completed.

Fertilization and zygote formation

Fertilization (fertilization)- the fusion of male and female germ cells, as a result of which the diploid set of chromosomes characteristic of this type of animal is restored, and a qualitatively new cell appears - a zygote (a fertilized egg, or a unicellular embryo).

In humans, the volume of ejaculate - erupted sperm - is normally about 3 ml. To ensure fertilization, the total number of spermatozoa in the semen must be at least 150 million, and the concentration - 20-200 million / ml. In the genital tract of a woman after copulation, their number decreases in the direction from the vagina to the ampullar part of the fallopian tube.

In the process of fertilization, three phases are distinguished: 1) distant interaction and convergence of gametes; 2) contact interaction and activation of the egg; 3) penetration of the sperm into the egg and subsequent fusion - syngamy.

First phase- distant interaction - is provided by chemotaxis - a set of specific factors that increase the likelihood of meeting germ cells. An important role in this is played gamons- chemical substances produced by sex cells (Fig. 21.4). For example, eggs secrete peptides that help attract sperm.

Immediately after ejaculation, sperm are not able to penetrate the egg until capacitation occurs - the acquisition of fertilizing ability by sperm under the action of the secret of the female genital tract, which lasts 7 hours. In the process of capacitation, glycoproteins and proteins are removed from the sperm plasmolemma in the acrosome seminal plasma, which contributes to the acrosomal reaction.

Rice. 21.4. Distant and contact interaction of sperm and egg: 1 - sperm and its receptors on the head; 2 - separation of carbohydrates from the surface of the head during capacitation; 3 - binding of sperm receptors to egg receptors; 4 - Zp3 (the third fraction of glycoproteins of the transparent zone); 5 - plasmomolema of the egg; GGI, GGII - gynogamons; AGI, AGII - androgamones; Gal - glycosyltransferase; NAG - N-acetylglucosamine

In the mechanism of capacitation, hormonal factors are of great importance, primarily progesterone (the hormone of the corpus luteum), which activates the secretion of the glandular cells of the fallopian tubes. During capacitation, sperm plasma membrane cholesterol binds to female genital tract albumin and germ cell receptors are exposed. Fertilization occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. Fertilization is preceded by insemination - the interaction and convergence of gametes (distant interaction), due to chemotaxis.

Second phase fertilization - contact interaction. Numerous sperm cells approach the egg and come into contact with its membrane. The egg begins to rotate around its axis at a speed of 4 revolutions per minute. These movements are caused by the beating of the sperm tails and last about 12 hours. Spermatozoa, when in contact with the egg, can bind tens of thousands of Zp3 glycoprotein molecules. This marks the start of the acrosomal reaction. The acrosomal reaction is characterized by an increase in the permeability of the sperm plasmolemma to Ca 2 + ions, its depolarization, which contributes to the fusion of the plasmolemma with the anterior acrosome membrane. The transparent zone is in direct contact with acrosomal enzymes. Enzymes destroy it, sperm passes through the transparent zone and

Rice. 21.5. Fertilization (according to Wasserman with changes):

1-4 - stages of acrosomal reaction; 5 - zone pellucida(transparent zone); 6 - perivitelline space; 7 - plasma membrane; 8 - cortical granule; 8a - cortical reaction; 9 - penetration of sperm into the egg; 10 - zone reaction

enters the perivitelline space, located between the transparent zone and the plasmolemma of the egg. After a few seconds, the properties of the plasmolemma of the egg cell change and the cortical reaction begins, and after a few minutes the properties of the transparent zone change (zonal reaction).

The initiation of the second phase of fertilization occurs under the influence of sulfated polysaccharides of the zona pellucida, which cause the entry of calcium and sodium ions into the head, sperm, replacing them with potassium and hydrogen ions and rupture of the acrosome membrane. Attachment of the sperm to the egg occurs under the influence of the carbohydrate group of the glycoprotein fraction of the transparent zone of the egg. Sperm receptors are a glycosyltransferase enzyme located on the surface of the acrosome of the head, which

Rice. 21.6. Phases of fertilization and the beginning of crushing (scheme):

1 - ovoplasm; 1a - cortical granules; 2 - core; 3 - transparent zone; 4 - follicular epithelium; 5 - sperm; 6 - reduction bodies; 7 - completion of the mitotic division of the oocyte; 8 - tubercle of fertilization; 9 - fertilization shell; 10 - female pronucleus; 11 - male pronucleus; 12 - syncarion; 13 - the first mitotic division of the zygote; 14 - blastomeres

"recognizes" the receptor of the female germ cell. Plasma membranes at the site of contact of germ cells merge, and plasmogamy occurs - the union of the cytoplasms of both gametes.

In mammals, only one sperm enters the egg during fertilization. Such a phenomenon is called monospermy. Fertilization is facilitated by hundreds of other sperm involved in the insemination. Enzymes secreted from acrosomes - spermolysins (trypsin, hyaluronidase) - destroy the radiant crown, break down glycosaminoglycans of the transparent zone of the egg. The detached follicular epithelial cells stick together into a conglomerate, which, following the egg, moves along the fallopian tube due to the flickering of the cilia of the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane.

Rice. 21.7. Human egg and zygote (according to B.P. Khvatov):

a- human egg after ovulation: 1 - cytoplasm; 2 - core; 3 - transparent zone; 4 - follicular epithelial cells forming a radiant crown; b- human zygote in the stage of convergence of male and female nuclei (pronuclei): 1 - female nucleus; 2 - male nucleus

Third phase. The head and the intermediate part of the caudal region penetrate into the ovoplasm. After the entry of the spermatozoon into the egg, on the periphery of the ovoplasm, it becomes denser (zone reaction) and forms fertilization shell.

Cortical reaction- fusion of the plasmolemma of the egg with the membranes of the cortical granules, as a result of which the contents from the granules enter the perivitelline space and act on the glycoprotein molecules of the transparent zone (Fig. 21.5).

As a result of this zone reaction, Zp3 molecules are modified and lose their ability to be sperm receptors. A fertilization shell 50 nm thick is formed, which prevents polyspermy - the penetration of other sperm.

The mechanism of the cortical reaction involves the influx of sodium ions through the segment of the spermatozoon plasmalemma, which is embedded in the egg cell plasmalemma after completion of the acrosomal reaction. As a result, the negative membrane potential of the cell becomes weakly positive. The influx of sodium ions causes the release of calcium ions from intracellular depots and an increase in its content in the hyaloplasm of the egg. This is followed by exocytosis of the cortical granules. The proteolytic enzymes released from them break the bonds between the transparent zone and the plasmolemma of the egg, as well as between sperm and the transparent zone. In addition, a glycoprotein is released that binds water and attracts it into the space between the plasmalemma and the transparent zone. As a result, a perivitelline space is formed. Finally,

a factor is released that contributes to the hardening of the transparent zone and the formation of a fertilization shell from it. Thanks to the mechanisms of preventing polyspermy, only one haploid nucleus of the spermatozoon gets the opportunity to merge with one haploid nucleus of the egg, which leads to the restoration of the diploid set characteristic of all cells. Penetration of the spermatozoon into the egg after a few minutes significantly enhances the processes of intracellular metabolism, which is associated with the activation of its enzymatic systems. The interaction of spermatozoa with the egg can be blocked by antibodies against substances included in the transparent zone. On this basis, methods of immunological contraception are being sought.

After the convergence of the female and male pronuclei, which lasts for about 12 hours in mammals, a zygote is formed - a unicellular embryo (Fig. 21.6, 21.7). At the zygote stage, presumptive zones(lat. presumptio- probability, assumption) as sources of development of the corresponding sections of the blastula, from which germ layers are subsequently formed.

21.2.2. Cleavage and formation of the blastula

Splitting up (fissio)- sequential mitotic division of the zygote into cells (blastomeres) without the growth of daughter cells to the size of the mother.

The resulting blastomeres remain united into a single organism of the embryo. In the zygote, a mitotic spindle is formed between the receding

Rice. 21.8. The human embryo in the early stages of development (according to Hertig and Rock):

a- stage of two blastomeres; b- blastocyst: 1 - embryoblast; 2 - trophoblast;

3 - blastocyst cavity

Rice. 21.9. Cleavage, gastrulation and implantation of the human embryo (scheme): 1 - crushing; 2 - morula; 3 - blastocyst; 4 - blastocyst cavity; 5 - embryo-blast; 6 - trophoblast; 7 - germinal nodule: a - epiblast; b- hypoblast; 8 - fertilization shell; 9 - amniotic (ectodermal) vesicle; 10 - extra-embryonic mesenchyme; 11 - ectoderm; 12 - endoderm; 13 - cytotrophoblast; 14 - symplastotrophoblast; 15 - germinal disc; 16 - gaps with maternal blood; 17 - chorion; 18 - amniotic leg; 19 - yolk vesicle; 20 - mucous membrane of the uterus; 21 - oviduct

moving towards the poles by centrioles introduced by the spermatozoon. Pronuclei enter the prophase stage with the formation of a combined diploid set of egg and sperm chromosomes.

After passing through all the other phases of mitotic division, the zygote is divided into two daughter cells - blastomeres(from Greek. blastos- germ, meros- part). Due to the virtual absence of the G 1 period, during which the cells formed as a result of division grow, the cells are much smaller than the mother cell, therefore, the size of the embryo as a whole during this period, regardless of the number of its constituent cells, does not exceed the size of the original cell - the zygote. All this made it possible to call the described process crushing(i.e., grinding), and the cells formed in the process of crushing - blastomeres.

Cleavage of the human zygote begins by the end of the first day and is characterized as full non-uniform asynchronous. During the first days it occurred

walks slowly. The first crushing (division) of the zygote is completed after 30 hours, resulting in the formation of two blastomeres covered with a fertilization membrane. The stage of two blastomeres is followed by the stage of three blastomeres.

From the very first crushing of the zygote, two types of blastomeres are formed - “dark” and “light”. "Light", smaller, blastomeres are crushed faster and are arranged in one layer around the large "dark", which are in the middle of the embryo. From the superficial "light" blastomeres, subsequently arises trophoblast, connecting the embryo with the mother's body and providing its nutrition. Internal, "dark", blastomeres form embryoblast, from which the body of the embryo and extraembryonic organs (amnion, yolk sac, allantois) are formed.

Starting from the 3rd day, cleavage proceeds faster, and on the 4th day the embryo consists of 7-12 blastomeres. After 50-60 hours, a dense accumulation of cells is formed - morula, and on the 3rd-4th day, the formation begins blastocysts- a hollow bubble filled with liquid (see Fig. 21.8; Fig. 21.9).

The blastocyst moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus within 3 days and enters the uterine cavity after 4 days. The blastocyst is free in the uterine cavity (loose blastocyst) within 2 days (5th and 6th days). By this time, the blastocyst increases in size due to an increase in the number of blastomeres - embryoblast and trophoblast cells - up to 100 and due to increased absorption of the secretion of the uterine glands by the trophoblast and active production of fluid by trophoblast cells (see Fig. 21.9). The trophoblast during the first 2 weeks of development provides nutrition to the embryo due to the decay products of maternal tissues (histiotrophic type of nutrition),

The embryoblast is located in the form of a bundle of germ cells ("germ bundle"), which is attached internally to the trophoblast at one of the poles of the blastocyst.

21.2.4. Implantation

Implantation (lat. implantation- ingrowth, rooting) - the introduction of the embryo into the mucous membrane of the uterus.

There are two stages of implantation: adhesion(adhesion) when the embryo attaches to the inner surface of the uterus, and invasion(immersion) - the introduction of the embryo into the tissue of the mucous membrane of the uterus. On the 7th day, changes occur in the trophoblast and embryoblast associated with the preparation for implantation. The blastocyst retains the fertilization membrane. In the trophoblast, the number of lysosomes with enzymes increases, which ensure the destruction (lysis) of the tissues of the uterine wall and thereby contribute to the introduction of the embryo into the thickness of its mucous membrane. Microvilli appearing in the trophoblast gradually destroy the fertilization membrane. The germinal nodule flattens and becomes

in germinal shield, in which preparations for the first stage of gastrulation begin.

Implantation lasts about 40 hours (see Fig. 21.9; Fig. 21.10). Simultaneously with implantation, gastrulation (the formation of germ layers) begins. it first critical period development.

In the first stage trophoblast is attached to the epithelium of the uterine mucosa, and two layers are formed in it - cytotrophoblast and symplastotrophoblast. In the second stage symplastotrophoblast, producing proteolytic enzymes, destroys the uterine mucosa. At the same time, the villi trophoblast, penetrating into the uterus, sequentially destroy its epithelium, then the underlying connective tissue and vessel walls, and the trophoblast comes into direct contact with the blood of the maternal vessels. Formed implantation fossa, in which areas of hemorrhages appear around the embryo. The nutrition of the embryo is carried out directly from the maternal blood (hematotrophic type of nutrition). From the mother's blood, the fetus receives not only all the nutrients, but also the oxygen necessary for breathing. At the same time, in the uterine mucosa from connective tissue cells rich in glycogen, the formation of decidual cells. After the embryo is completely immersed in the implantation fossa, the hole formed in the uterine mucosa is filled with blood and tissue destruction products of the uterine mucosa. Subsequently, the mucosal defect disappears, the epithelium is restored by cellular regeneration.

The hematotrophic type of nutrition, replacing the histiotrophic one, is accompanied by a transition to a qualitatively new stage of embryogenesis - the second phase of gastrulation and the laying of extra-embryonic organs.


Gastrulation (from lat. gaster- stomach) - a complex process of chemical and morphogenetic changes, accompanied by reproduction, growth, directed movement and differentiation of cells, resulting in the formation of germ layers: outer (ectoderm), middle (mesoderm) and inner (endoderm) - sources of development of the complex of axial organs and embryonic tissue buds.

Gastrulation in humans occurs in two stages. First stage(deeds-nation) falls on the 7th day, and second stage(immigration) - on the 14-15th day of intrauterine development.

At delamination(from lat. lamina- plate), or splitting, from the material of the germinal nodule (embryoblast), two sheets are formed: the outer sheet - epiblast and internal - hypoblast, facing into the cavity of the blastocyst. Epiblast cells look like pseudostratified prismatic epithelium. Hypoblast cells - small cubic, with foamy cyto-

Rice. 21.10. Human embryos 7.5 and 11 days of development in the process of implantation in the uterine mucosa (according to Hertig and Rocca):

a- 7.5 days of development; b- 11 days of development. 1 - ectoderm of the embryo; 2 - endoderm of the embryo; 3 - amniotic vesicle; 4 - extra-embryonic mesenchyme; 5 - cytotrophoblast; 6 - symplastotrophoblast; 7 - uterine gland; 8 - gaps with maternal blood; 9 - epithelium of the mucous membrane of the uterus; 10 - own plate of the mucous membrane of the uterus; 11 - primary villi

plasma, form a thin layer under the epiblast. Part of the epiblast cells later form a wall amniotic sac, which begins to form on the 8th day. In the area of ​​the bottom of the amniotic vesicle, a small group of epiblast cells remains - material that will go to the development of the body of the embryo and extra-embryonic organs.

Following delamination, cells are evicted from the outer and inner sheets into the blastocyst cavity, which marks the formation extraembryonic mesenchyme. By the 11th day, the mesenchyme grows up to the trophoblast and the chorion is formed - the villous membrane of the embryo with primary chorionic villi (see Fig. 21.10).

Second stage gastrulation occurs by immigration (movement) of cells (Fig. 21.11). The movement of cells occurs in the area of ​​the bottom of the amniotic vesicle. Cellular flows arise in the direction from front to back, towards the center and in depth as a result of cell reproduction (see Fig. 21.10). This results in the formation of a primary streak. At the head end, the primary streak thickens, forming primary, or head, knot(Fig. 21.12), from where the head process originates. The head process grows in the cranial direction between the epi- and hypoblast and further gives rise to the development of the notochord of the embryo, which determines the axis of the embryo, is the basis for the development of the bones of the axial skeleton. Around the hora, the spinal column is formed in the future.

Cellular material that moves from the primitive streak into the space between the epiblast and hypoblast is located parachordally in the form of meso-dermal wings. Part of the epiblast cells is introduced into the hypoblast, participating in the formation of the intestinal endoderm. As a result, the embryo acquires a three-layer structure in the form of a flat disc, consisting of three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.

Factors affecting the mechanisms of gastrulation. The methods and rate of gastrulation are determined by a number of factors: the dorsoventral metabolic gradient, which determines the asynchrony of cell reproduction, differentiation, and movement; surface tension of cells and intercellular contacts that contribute to the displacement of cell groups. An important role is played by inductive factors. According to the theory of organizational centers proposed by G. Spemann, inductors (organizing factors) appear in certain parts of the embryo, which have an inducing effect on other parts of the embryo, causing their development in a certain direction. There are inductors (organizers) of several orders acting sequentially. For example, it has been proven that the first order organizer induces the development of the neural plate from the ectoderm. In the neural plate, an organizer of the second order appears, which contributes to the transformation of a section of the neural plate into an eye cup, etc.

At present, the chemical nature of many inductors (proteins, nucleotides, steroids, etc.) has been elucidated. The role of gap junctions in intercellular interactions has been established. Under the action of inductors emanating from one cell, the induced cell, which has the ability to respond specifically, changes the path of development. A cell that is not subjected to induction action retains its former potencies.

Differentiation of the germ layers and mesenchyme begins at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd week. One part of the cells is transformed into the rudiments of tissues and organs of the embryo, the other - into extra-embryonic organs (see Chapter 5, Scheme 5.3).

Rice. 21.11. The structure of a 2-week-old human embryo. The second stage of gastrulation (scheme):

a- transverse section of the embryo; b- germinal disc (view from the side of the amniotic vesicle). 1 - chorionic epithelium; 2 - chorion mesenchyme; 3 - gaps filled with maternal blood; 4 - base of the secondary villi; 5 - amniotic leg; 6 - amniotic vesicle; 7 - yolk vesicle; 8 - germinal shield in the process of gastrulation; 9 - primary strip; 10 - rudiment of intestinal endoderm; 11 - yolk epithelium; 12 - epithelium of the amniotic membrane; 13 - primary knot; 14 - prechordal process; 15 - extraembryonic mesoderm; 16 - extraembryonic ectoderm; 17 - extraembryonic endoderm; 18 - germinal ectoderm; 19 - germinal endoderm

Rice. 21.12. Human embryo 17 days ("Crimea"). Graphic reconstruction: a- embryonic disc (top view) with projection of axial anlages and definitive cardiovascular system; b- sagittal (middle) section through the axial tabs. 1 - projection of the bilateral bookmarks of the endocardium; 2 - projection of bilateral anlages of the pericardial coelom; 3 - projection of bilateral anlages of corporal blood vessels; 4 - amniotic leg; 5 - blood vessels in the amniotic leg; 6 - blood islands in the wall of the yolk sac; 7 - allantois bay; 8 - cavity of the amniotic vesicle; 9 - cavity of the yolk sac; 10 - trophoblast; 11 - chordal process; 12 - head knot. Symbols: primary strip - vertical hatching; the primary cephalic nodule is indicated by crosses; ectoderm - without shading; endoderm - lines; extra-embryonic mesoderm - points (according to N. P. Barsukov and Yu. N. Shapovalov)

Differentiation of the germ layers and mesenchyme, leading to the appearance of tissue and organ primordia, occurs non-simultaneously (heterochronously), but interconnected (integratively), resulting in the formation of tissue primordia.

21.3.1. Ectoderm differentiation

As the ectoderm differentiates, they form embryonic parts - dermal ectoderm, neuroectoderm, placodes, prechordal plate, and extra-germ ectoderm, which is the source of the formation of the epithelial lining of the amnion. Smaller part of the ectoderm located above the notochord (neuroectoderm), gives rise to differentiation neural tube and neural crest. Skin ectoderm gives rise to stratified squamous epithelium of the skin (epidermis) and its derivatives, the epithelium of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, the epithelium of the oral cavity, enamel and cuticle of the teeth, the epithelium of the anal rectum, the epithelial lining of the vagina.

Neurulation- the process of formation of the neural tube - proceeds unequally in time various parts germ. The closure of the neural tube begins in the cervical region and then spreads posteriorly and somewhat more slowly in the cranial direction, where the cerebral vesicles form. Approximately on the 25th day, the neural tube is completely closed, only two non-closed openings at the anterior and posterior ends communicate with the external environment - anterior and posterior neuropores(Fig. 21.13). Posterior neuropore corresponds neurointestinal canal. After 5-6 days, both neuropores overgrow. From the neural tube, neurons and neuroglia of the brain and spinal cord, the retina of the eye and the organ of smell are formed.

With the closing of the side walls of the neural folds and the formation of the neural tube, a group of neuroectodermal cells appears, which are formed in the junction of the neural and the rest (skin) ectoderm. These cells, first arranged in longitudinal rows on either side between the neural tube and the ectoderm, form neural crest. Neural crest cells are capable of migration. In the trunk, some cells migrate in the surface layer of the dermis, others migrate in the ventral direction, forming neurons and neuroglia of parasympathetic and sympathetic nodes, chromaffin tissue and adrenal medulla. Some cells differentiate into neurons and neuroglia of the spinal nodes.

Cells are released from the epiblast prechordal plate, which is included in the composition of the head of the intestinal tube. From the material of the prechordal plate, the stratified epithelium of the anterior part of the digestive tube and its derivatives subsequently develops. In addition, the epithelium of the trachea, lungs and bronchi, as well as the epithelial lining of the pharynx and esophagus, derivatives of gill pockets - the thymus, etc., is formed from the prechordal plate.

According to A. N. Bazhanov, the source of formation of the lining of the esophagus and respiratory tract is the endoderm of the head intestine.

Rice. 21.13. Neurulation in the human embryo:

a- view from the back; b- cross sections. 1 - anterior neuropore; 2 - posterior neuropore; 3 - ectoderm; 4 - neural plate; 5 - neural groove; 6 - mesoderm; 7 - chord; 8 - endoderm; 9 - neural tube; 10 - neural crest; 11 - brain; 12 - spinal cord; 13 - spinal canal

Rice. 21.14. The human embryo at the stage of formation of the trunk fold and extra-breathing organs (according to P. Petkov):

1 - symplastotrophoblast; 2 - cytotrophoblast; 3 - extra-embryonic mesenchyme; 4 - place of the amniotic leg; 5 - primary intestine; 6 - amnion cavity; 7 - amnion ectoderm; 8 - extra-embryonic amnion mesenchyme; 9 - cavity of the yolk vesicle; 10 - endoderm of the yolk vesicle; 11 - extra-embryonic mesenchyme of the yolk sac; 12 - allantois. The arrows indicate the direction of formation of the trunk fold

As part of the germinal ectoderm, placodes are laid, which are the source of development of the epithelial structures of the inner ear. From the extra-breathing ectoderm, the epithelium of the amnion and umbilical cord is formed.

21.3.2. Endoderm differentiation

Differentiation of the endoderm leads to the formation of the endoderm of the intestinal tube in the body of the embryo and the formation of the extraembryonic endoderm, which forms the lining of the vitelline vesicle and allantois (Fig. 21.14).

Isolation of the intestinal tube begins with the appearance of the trunk fold. The latter, deepening, separates the intestinal endoderm of the future intestine from the extraembryonic endoderm of the yolk sac. In the posterior part of the embryo, the resulting intestine also includes that part of the endoderm from which the endodermal outgrowth of the allantois arises.

From the endoderm of the intestinal tube, a single-layer integumentary epithelium of the stomach, intestines and their glands develops. In addition, from this

dermis develop epithelial structures of the liver and pancreas.

The extraembryonic endoderm gives rise to the epithelium of the yolk sac and allantois.

21.3.3. mesoderm differentiation

This process begins on the 3rd week of embryogenesis. The dorsal sections of the mesoderm are divided into dense segments lying on the sides of the chord - somites. The process of segmentation of the dorsal mesoderm and the formation of somites begins in the head of the embryo and rapidly spreads caudally.

The embryo on the 22nd day of development has 7 pairs of segments, on the 25th - 14, on the 30th - 30, and on the 35th - 43-44 pairs. Unlike somites, the ventral sections of the mesoderm (splanchnotome) are not segmented, but split into two sheets - visceral and parietal. A small section of the mesoderm, connecting the somites with the splanchnotome, is divided into segments - segmental legs (nephrogonotome). At the posterior end of the embryo, segmentation of these divisions does not occur. Here, instead of segmental legs, there is a non-segmented nephrogenic rudiment (nephrogenic cord). The paramesonephric canal also develops from the mesoderm of the embryo.

Somites differentiate into three parts: the myotome, which gives rise to striated skeletal muscle tissue, the sclerotome, which is the source of the development of bone and cartilage tissues, and the dermatome, which forms the connective tissue basis of the skin - the dermis.

From segmental legs (nephrogonotomes) the epithelium of the kidneys, gonads and vas deferens develops, and from the paramesonephric canal - the epithelium of the uterus, fallopian tubes (oviducts) and the epithelium of the primary lining of the vagina.

The parietal and visceral sheets of the splanchnotome form the epithelial lining of the serous membranes - the mesothelium. From a part of the visceral layer of the mesoderm (myoepicardial plate), the middle and outer shells of the heart develop - the myocardium and epicardium, as well as the adrenal cortex.

The mesenchyme in the body of the embryo is the source of the formation of many structures - blood cells and hematopoietic organs, connective tissue, blood vessels, smooth muscle tissue, microglia (see Chapter 5). From the extra-embryonic mesoderm, the mesenchyme develops, giving rise to the connective tissue of extra-embryonic organs - amnion, allantois, chorion, yolk vesicle.

The connective tissue of the embryo and its provisional organs is characterized by a high hydrophilicity of the intercellular substance, a richness of glycosaminoglycans in the amorphous substance. The connective tissue of the provisional organs differentiates faster than in the organ rudiments, which is due to the need to establish a connection between the embryo and the mother's body and

ensuring their development (for example, the placenta). Differentiation of the chorion mesenchyme occurs early, but does not occur simultaneously over the entire surface. The process is most active in the development of the placenta. The first fibrous structures also appear here, which play an important role in the formation and strengthening of the placenta in the uterus. With the development of the fibrous structures of the stroma of the villi, argyrophilic pre-collagen fibers are successively formed, and then collagen fibers.

At the 2nd month of development in the human embryo, differentiation of the skeletal and skin mesenchyme, as well as the mesenchyme of the heart wall and large blood vessels, begins first of all.

The arteries of the muscular and elastic type of human embryos, as well as the arteries of the stem (anchor) villi of the placenta and their branches, contain desmin-negative smooth myocytes, which have the property of faster contraction.

On the 7th week of development of the human embryo, small lipid inclusions appear in the skin mesenchyme and mesenchyme of the internal organs, and later (8-9 weeks) fat cells form. Following the development of the connective tissue of the cardiovascular system, the connective tissue of the lungs and digestive tube differentiates. The differentiation of the mesenchyme in human embryos (11-12 mm long) at the 2nd month of development begins with an increase in the amount of glycogen in the cells. In the same areas, the activity of phosphatases increases, and later, in the course of differentiation, glycoproteins accumulate, RNA and protein are synthesized.

fruitful period. The fetal period begins from the 9th week and is characterized by significant morphogenetic processes occurring in the body of both the fetus and the mother (Table 21.1).

Table 21.1. A brief calendar of intrauterine development of a person (with additions according to R. K. Danilov, T. G. Borovoy, 2003)

Continuation of the table. 21.1

Continuation of the table. 21.1

Continuation of the table. 21.1

Continuation of the table. 21.1

Continuation of the table. 21.1

Continuation of the table. 21.1

Continuation of the table. 21.1

The end of the table. 21.1


Extra-embryonic organs that develop in the process of embryogenesis outside the body of the embryo perform a variety of functions that ensure the growth and development of the embryo itself. Some of these organs surrounding the embryo are also called embryonic membranes. These organs include the amnion, yolk sac, allantois, chorion, placenta (Fig. 21.15).

The sources of development of tissues of extra-embryonic organs are the troph-ectoderm and all three germ layers (Scheme 21.1). General properties of fabric

Rice. 21.15. The development of extra-embryonic organs in the human embryo (scheme): 1 - amniotic vesicle; 1a - amnion cavity; 2 - the body of the embryo; 3 - yolk sac; 4 - extraembryonic coelom; 5 - primary villi of the chorion; 6 - secondary villi of the chorion; 7 - allantois stalk; 8 - tertiary villi of the chorion; 9 - allan-tois; 10 - umbilical cord; 11 - smooth chorion; 12 - cotyledons

Scheme 21.1. Classification of tissues of extra-embryonic organs (according to V. D. Novikov, G. V. Pravotorov, Yu. I. Sklyanov)

her extra-embryonic organs and their differences from the definitive ones are as follows: 1) the development of tissues is reduced and accelerated; 2) connective tissue contains few cellular forms, but a lot of amorphous substance rich in glycosaminoglycans; 3) aging of tissues of extra-embryonic organs occurs very quickly - by the end of fetal development.

21.4.1. Amnion

Amnion- a temporary organ that provides an aquatic environment for the development of the embryo. It arose in evolution in connection with the release of vertebrates from water to land. In human embryogenesis, it appears at the second stage of gastrulation, first as a small vesicle as part of the epiblast.

The wall of the amniotic vesicle consists of a layer of cells of the extra-embryonic ectoderm and extra-embryonic mesenchyme, forms its connective tissue.

The amnion rapidly increases, and by the end of the 7th week, its connective tissue comes into contact with the connective tissue of the chorion. At the same time, the amnion epithelium passes to the amniotic stalk, which later turns into the umbilical cord, and in the region of the umbilical ring it merges with the epithelial cover of the skin of the embryo.

The amniotic membrane forms the wall of the reservoir filled with amniotic fluid, in which the fetus is located (Fig. 21.16). The main function of the amniotic membrane is the production of amniotic fluid, which provides an environment for the developing organism and protects it from mechanical damage. The epithelium of the amnion, facing its cavity, not only releases amniotic fluid, but also takes part in their reabsorption. The necessary composition and concentration of salts are maintained in the amniotic fluid until the end of pregnancy. Amnion also performs a protective function, preventing harmful agents from entering the fetus.

The epithelium of the amnion in the early stages is single-layer flat, formed by large polygonal cells closely adjacent to each other, among which there are many mitotically dividing. At the 3rd month of embryogenesis, the epithelium is transformed into a prismatic one. On the surface of the epithelium there are microvilli. The cytoplasm always contains small lipid droplets and glycogen granules. In the apical parts of the cells there are vacuoles of various sizes, the contents of which are released into the amnion cavity. The epithelium of the amnion in the area of ​​the placental disc is single-layer prismatic, sometimes multi-row, performs a predominantly secretory function, while the epithelium of the extra-placental amnion mainly resorbs amniotic fluid.

In the connective tissue stroma of the amniotic membrane, a basement membrane, a layer of dense fibrous connective tissue and a spongy layer of loose fibrous connective tissue are distinguished, connecting

Rice. 21.16. The dynamics of the relationship of the embryo, extra-embryonic organs and uterine membranes:

a- human embryo 9.5 weeks of development (micrograph): 1 - amnion; 2 - chorion; 3 - forming placenta; 4 - umbilical cord

common amnion with chorion. In the layer of dense connective tissue, the acellular part lying under the basement membrane and the cellular part can be distinguished. The latter consists of several layers of fibroblasts, between which there is a dense network of thin bundles of collagen and reticular fibers tightly adjacent to each other, forming an irregularly shaped lattice oriented parallel to the surface of the shell.

The spongy layer is formed by a loose mucous connective tissue with sparse bundles of collagen fibers, which are a continuation of those that lie in a layer of dense connective tissue, connecting the amnion with the chorion. This connection is very fragile, and therefore both shells are easy to separate from each other. The main substance of the connective tissue contains many glycosaminoglycans.

21.4.2. Yolk sac

Yolk sac- the most ancient extra-embryonic organ in evolution, which arose as an organ that deposits nutrients (yolk) necessary for the development of the embryo. In humans, this is a rudimentary formation (yolk vesicle). It is formed by extra-embryonic endoderm and extra-embryonic mesoderm (mesenchyme). Appearing on the 2nd week of development in humans, the yolk vesicle in the nutrition of the embryo takes

Rice. 21.16. Continuation

b- diagram: 1 - muscular membrane of the uterus; 2- decidua basalis; 3 - amnion cavity; 4 - cavity of the yolk sac; 5 - extraembryonic coelom (chorionic cavity); 6- decidua capsularis; 7 - decidua parietalis; 8 - uterine cavity; 9 - cervix; 10 - embryo; 11 - tertiary villi of the chorion; 12 - allantois; 13 - mesenchyme of the umbilical cord: a- blood vessels of the chorionic villus; b- lacunae with maternal blood (according to Hamilton, Boyd and Mossman)

participation is very short, since from the 3rd week of development, a connection between the fetus and the mother's body is established, i.e., hematotrophic nutrition. The yolk sac of vertebrates is the first organ in the wall of which blood islands develop, forming the first blood cells and the first blood vessels that provide oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

As the trunk fold is formed, which lifts the embryo above the yolk sac, an intestinal tube is formed, while the yolk sac is separated from the body of the embryo. The connection of the embryo with the yolk sac remains in the form of a hollow funiculus called the yolk stalk. As a hematopoietic organ, the yolk sac functions until the 7-8th week, and then undergoes reverse development and remains in the umbilical cord in the form of a narrow tube that serves as a conductor of blood vessels to the placenta.

21.4.3. Allantois

Allantois is a small finger-like process in the caudal part of the embryo, growing into the amniotic stalk. It is derived from the yolk sac and consists of the extraembryonic endoderm and the visceral mesoderm. In humans, the allantois does not reach significant development, but its role in providing nutrition and respiration of the embryo is still great, since the vessels located in the umbilical cord grow along it towards the chorion. The proximal part of the allantois is located along the yolk stalk, and the distal part, growing, grows into the gap between the amnion and the chorion. It is an organ of gas exchange and excretion. Oxygen is delivered through the vessels of the allantois, and metabolic products of the embryo are released into the allantois. At the 2nd month of embryogenesis, allantois is reduced and turns into a cord of cells, which, together with the reduced vitelline vesicle, is part of the umbilical cord.

21.4.4. umbilical cord

The umbilical cord, or umbilical cord, is an elastic cord that connects the embryo (fetus) to the placenta. It is covered by an amniotic membrane surrounding a mucous connective tissue with blood vessels (two umbilical arteries and one vein) and vestiges of the yolk sac and allantois.

Mucous connective tissue, called "Wharton's jelly", ensures the elasticity of the cord, protects the umbilical vessels from compression, thereby ensuring a continuous supply of nutrients and oxygen to the embryo. Along with this, it prevents the penetration of harmful agents from the placenta to the embryo by extravascular means and thus performs a protective function.

Immunocytochemical methods have established that in the blood vessels of the umbilical cord, placenta and embryo there are heterogeneous smooth muscle cells (SMCs). In veins, in contrast to arteries, desmin-positive SMCs were found. The latter provide slow tonic contractions of the veins.

21.4.5. Chorion

Chorion, or villous sheath, appears for the first time in mammals, develops from the trophoblast and extraembryonic mesoderm. Initially, the trophoblast is represented by a layer of cells that form primary villi. They secrete proteolytic enzymes, with the help of which the uterine mucosa is destroyed and implantation is carried out. On the 2nd week, the trophoblast acquires a two-layer structure due to the formation in it of the inner cell layer (cytotrophoblast) and the symplastic outer layer (symplastotrophoblast), which is a derivative of the cell layer. The extra-embryonic mesenchyme that appears along the periphery of the embryoblast (in humans at the 2-3rd week of development) grows to the trophoblast and forms secondary epitheliomesenchymal villi with it. From this time on, the trophoblast turns into a chorion, or villous membrane (see Fig. 21.16).

At the beginning of the 3rd week, blood capillaries grow into the villi of the chorion and tertiary villi form. This coincides with the beginning of hematotrophic nutrition of the embryo. The further development of the chorion is associated with two processes - the destruction of the uterine mucosa due to the proteolytic activity of the outer (symplastic) layer and the development of the placenta.

21.4.6. Placenta

Placenta (children's place) human belongs to the type of discoidal hemochorial villous placenta (see Fig. 21.16; Fig. 21.17). This is an important temporary organ with a variety of functions that provide a connection between the fetus and the mother's body. At the same time, the placenta creates a barrier between the blood of the mother and the fetus.

The placenta consists of two parts: germinal, or fetal (pars fetalis) and maternal (pars materna). The fetal part is represented by a branched chorion and an amniotic membrane adhering to the chorion from the inside, and the maternal part is a modified uterine mucosa that is rejected during childbirth (decidua basalis).

The development of the placenta begins on the 3rd week, when vessels begin to grow into the secondary villi and tertiary villi form, and ends by the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy. On the 6-8th week around the vessels

Rice. 21.17. Hemochorionic placenta. The dynamics of the development of chorionic villi: a- the structure of the placenta (arrows indicate blood circulation in the vessels and in one of the gaps where the villus was removed): 1 - amnion epithelium; 2 - chorionic plate; 3 - villi; 4 - fibrinoid; 5 - yolk vesicle; 6 - umbilical cord; 7 - placental septum; 8 - lacuna; 9 - spiral artery; 10 - basal layer of the endometrium; 11 - myometrium; b- structure of the primary trophoblast villus (1st week); in- structure of the secondary epithelial-mesenchymal villus of the chorion (2nd week); G- the structure of the tertiary chorionic villus - epithelial-mesenchymal with blood vessels (3rd week); d- structure of the chorionic villus (3rd month); e- structure of chorionic villi (9th month): 1 - intervillous space; 2 - microvilli; 3 - symplastotrophoblast; 4 - symplastotrophoblast nuclei; 5 - cytotrophoblast; 6 - the nucleus of the cytotrophoblast; 7 - basement membrane; 8 - intercellular space; 9 - fibroblast; 10 - macrophages (Kashchenko-Hofbauer cells); 11 - endotheliocyte; 12 - lumen of a blood vessel; 13 - erythrocyte; 14 - basement membrane of the capillary (according to E. M. Schwirst)

connective tissue elements are differentiated. Vitamins A and C play an important role in the differentiation of fibroblasts and the synthesis of collagen by them, without sufficient intake of which the strength of the bond between the embryo and the mother's body is disrupted and the threat of spontaneous abortion is created.

The main substance of the connective tissue of the chorion contains a significant amount of hyaluronic and chondroitinsulfuric acids, which are associated with the regulation of placental permeability.

With the development of the placenta, destruction of the uterine mucosa occurs, due to the proteolytic activity of the chorion, and the change of histiotrophic nutrition to hematotrophic. This means that the villi of the chorion are washed by the blood of the mother, which has poured out from the destroyed vessels of the endometrium into the lacunae. However, the blood of the mother and fetus under normal conditions never mixes.

hematochorionic barrier, separating both blood flows, consists of the endothelium of the fetal vessels, the connective tissue surrounding the vessels, the epithelium of the chorionic villi (cytotrophoblast and symplastotrophoblast), and in addition, of fibrinoid, which in some places covers the villi from the outside.

germinal, or fetal, part placenta by the end of the 3rd month is represented by a branching chorionic plate, consisting of fibrous (collagenous) connective tissue, covered with cyto- and symplastotrophoblast (a multinuclear structure covering the reducing cytotrophoblast). The branching villi of the chorion (stem, anchor) are well developed only on the side facing the myometrium. Here they pass through the entire thickness of the placenta and with their tops plunge into the basal part of the destroyed endometrium.

The chorionic epithelium, or cytotrophoblast, in the early stages of development is represented by a single-layer epithelium with oval nuclei. These cells reproduce by mitosis. They develop symplastotrophoblast.

The symplastotrophoblast contains a large number of various proteolytic and oxidative enzymes (ATPases, alkaline and acidic

Rice. 21.18. Section of the chorionic villus of a 17-day-old human embryo ("Crimea"). Micrograph:

1 - symplastotrophoblast; 2 - cytotrophoblast; 3 - chorion mesenchyme (according to N. P. Barsukov)

- total about 60), which is associated with its role in metabolic processes between the mother and fetus. Pinocytic vesicles, lysosomes and other organelles are revealed in the cytotrophoblast and in the symplast. Starting from the 2nd month, the chorionic epithelium becomes thinner and is gradually replaced by symplastotrophoblast. During this period, the symplastotrophoblast exceeds the cytotrophoblast in thickness. On the 9-10th week, the symplast becomes thinner, and the number of nuclei in it increases. Numerous microvilli in the form of a brush border appear on the surface of the symplast facing the lacunae (see Fig. 21.17; Fig. 21.18, 21.19).

There are slit-like submicroscopic spaces between the symplastotrophoblast and the cellular trophoblast, reaching in places up to the basement membrane of the trophoblast, which creates conditions for the bilateral penetration of trophic substances, hormones, etc.

In the second half of pregnancy, and especially at the end of it, the trophoblast becomes very thin and the villi are covered with a fibrin-like oxyphilic mass, which is a product of plasma coagulation and the breakdown of the trophoblast (“Langhans fibrinoid”).

With an increase in the gestational age, the number of macrophages and collagen-producing differentiated fibroblasts decreases, appearing

Rice. 21.19. Placental barrier at the 28th week of pregnancy. Electron micrograph, magnification 45,000 (according to U. Yu. Yatsozhinskaya):

1 - symplastotrophoblast; 2 - cytotrophoblast; 3 - basement membrane of the trophoblast; 4 - basement membrane of the endothelium; 5 - endotheliocyte; 6 - erythrocyte in capillary

fibrocytes. The number of collagen fibers, although increasing, remains insignificant in most villi until the end of pregnancy. Most stromal cells (myofibroblasts) are characterized by an increased content of cytoskeletal contractile proteins (vimentin, desmin, actin and myosin).

The structural and functional unit of the formed placenta is cotyledon, formed by the stem ("anchor") villus and its

secondary and tertiary (final) branches. The total number of cotyledons in the placenta reaches 200.

Mother part placenta is represented by a basal plate and connective tissue septa that separate the cotyledons from each other, as well as gaps filled with maternal blood. Trophoblast cells (peripheral trophoblast) are also found at the points of contact between the stem villi and the sheath.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the chorionic villi destroy the layers of the main falling off uterine membrane closest to the fetus, and in their place lacunae filled with maternal blood are formed, into which the chorionic villi hang freely.

The deep undestroyed parts of the falling off membrane, together with the trophoblast, form the basal plate.

Basal layer of the endometrium (lamina basalis)- connective tissue of the uterine lining decidual cells. These large, glycogen-rich connective tissue cells are located in the deep layers of the uterine mucosa. They have clear boundaries, rounded nuclei and oxyphilic cytoplasm. During the 2nd month of pregnancy, decidual cells are significantly enlarged. In their cytoplasm, in addition to glycogen, lipids, glucose, vitamin C, iron, nonspecific esterases, dehydrogenase of succinic and lactic acids are detected. In the basal plate, more often at the site of attachment of the villi to the maternal part of the placenta, clusters of peripheral cytotrophoblast cells are found. They resemble decidual cells, but differ in a more intense basophilia of the cytoplasm. An amorphous substance (Rohr's fibrinoid) is located on the surface of the basal plate facing the chorionic villi. Fibrinoid plays an essential role in ensuring immunological homeostasis in the mother-fetus system.

Part of the main falling off shell, located on the border of the branched and smooth chorion, i.e., along the edge of the placental disc, is not destroyed during the development of the placenta. Tightly growing to the chorion, it forms end plate, preventing the outflow of blood from the lacunae of the placenta.

The blood in the lacunae circulates continuously. It comes from the uterine arteries, which enter here from the muscular membrane of the uterus. These arteries run along the placental septa and open into lacunae. Maternal blood flows from the placenta through veins that originate from the lacunae with large holes.

The formation of the placenta ends at the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy. The placenta provides nutrition, tissue respiration, growth, regulation of the rudiments of the fetal organs formed by this time, as well as its protection.

Functions of the placenta. The main functions of the placenta: 1) respiratory; 2) transport of nutrients; water; electrolytes and immunoglobulins; 3) excretory; 4) endocrine; 5) participation in the regulation of myometrium contraction.

Breath the fetus is provided by oxygen attached to maternal hemoglobin, which diffuses through the placenta into the fetal blood, where it combines with fetal hemoglobin

(HbF). The CO 2 associated with fetal hemoglobin in the blood of the fetus also diffuses through the placenta, enters the mother's blood, where it combines with maternal hemoglobin.

Transport of all the nutrients necessary for the development of the fetus (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, nucleotides, vitamins, minerals) comes from the mother's blood through the placenta into the fetal blood, and, conversely, metabolic products excreted from the mother's blood enter the mother's blood from his body (excretory function). Electrolytes and water pass through the placenta by diffusion and by pinocytosis.

Pinocytic vesicles of the symplastotrophoblast are involved in the transport of immunoglobulins. The immunoglobulin that enters the blood of the fetus passively immunizes it from the possible action of bacterial antigens that can enter during maternal diseases. After birth, maternal immunoglobulin is destroyed and replaced by newly synthesized in the child's body under the action of bacterial antigens on it. Through the placenta, IgG, IgA penetrate into the amniotic fluid.

endocrine function is one of the most important, since the placenta has the ability to synthesize and secrete a number of hormones that ensure the interaction of the embryo and the mother's body throughout pregnancy. The site of placental hormone production is the cytotrophoblast and especially the symplastotrophoblast, as well as decidual cells.

The placenta is one of the first to synthesize chorionic gonadotropin, the concentration of which rapidly increases at the 2-3rd week of pregnancy, reaching a maximum at the 8-10th week, and in the fetal blood it is 10-20 times higher than in the mother's blood. The hormone stimulates the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland, enhances the secretion of corticosteroids.

plays an important role in the development of pregnancy placental lactogen, which has the activity of prolactin and pituitary luteotropic hormone. It supports steroidogenesis in the corpus luteum of the ovary in the first 3 months of pregnancy, and also takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Its concentration in the mother's blood progressively increases at the 3-4th month of pregnancy and then continues to increase, reaching a maximum by the 9th month. This hormone, together with maternal and fetal pituitary prolactin, plays a role in the production of pulmonary surfactant and fetoplacental osmoregulation. Its high concentration is found in the amniotic fluid (10-100 times more than in the mother's blood).

In the chorion, as well as in the decidua, progesterone and pregnandiol are synthesized.

Progesterone (produced first by the corpus luteum in the ovary, and from the 5-6th week in the placenta) suppresses uterine contractions, stimulates its growth, has an immunosuppressive effect, suppressing the fetal rejection reaction. About 3/4 of the progesterone in the mother's body is metabolized and transformed into estrogen, and part is excreted in the urine.

Estrogens (estradiol, estrone, estriol) are produced in the symplasto-trophoblast of placental (chorionic) villi in the middle of pregnancy, and by the end

Pregnancy their activity increases 10 times. They cause hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the uterus.

In addition, melanocyte-stimulating and adrenocorticotropic hormones, somatostatin, etc. are synthesized in the placenta.

The placenta contains polyamines (spermine, spermidine), which affect the enhancement of RNA synthesis in smooth muscle cells of the myometrium, as well as oxidases that destroy them. An important role is played by amine oxidases (histaminase, monoamine oxidase), which destroy biogenic amines - histamine, serotonin, tyramine. During pregnancy, their activity increases, which contributes to the destruction of biogenic amines and a decrease in the concentration of the latter in the placenta, myometrium and maternal blood.

During childbirth, histamine and serotonin, along with catecholamines (noradrenaline, adrenaline), are stimulants of the contractile activity of smooth muscle cells (SMC) of the uterus, and by the end of pregnancy, their concentration increases significantly due to a sharp decrease (by 2 times) in the activity of aminooxidases (histaminase, etc. .).

With weak labor activity, there is an increase in the activity of aminooxidases, for example, histaminase (5 times).

The normal placenta is not an absolute barrier to proteins. In particular, at the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, fetoprotein penetrates in a small amount (about 10%) from the fetus into the mother's blood, but the maternal organism does not reject this antigen, since the cytotoxicity of maternal lymphocytes decreases during pregnancy.

The placenta prevents the passage of a number of maternal cells and cytotoxic antibodies to the fetus. The main role in this is played by fibrinoid, which covers the trophoblast when it is partially damaged. This prevents the entry of placental and fetal antigens into the intervillous space, and also weakens the humoral and cellular “attack” of the mother against the fetus.

In conclusion, we note the main features of the early stages of development of the human embryo: 1) asynchronous type of complete crushing and the formation of "light" and "dark" blastomeres; 2) early isolation and formation of extra-embryonic organs; 3) early formation of the amniotic vesicle and the absence of amniotic folds; 4) the presence of two mechanisms in the stage of gastrulation - delamination and immigration, during which the development of provisional organs also occurs; 5) interstitial type of implantation; 6) strong development of the amnion, chorion, placenta and weak development of the yolk sac and allantois.


The mother-fetus system arises during pregnancy and includes two subsystems - the mother's body and the fetus's body, as well as the placenta, which is the link between them.

The interaction between the mother's body and the fetus's body is provided primarily by neurohumoral mechanisms. At the same time, the following mechanisms are distinguished in both subsystems: receptor, perceiving information, regulatory, processing it, and executive.

The receptor mechanisms of the mother's body are located in the uterus in the form of sensitive nerve endings, which are the first to perceive information about the state of the developing fetus. In the endometrium there are chemo-, mechano- and thermoreceptors, and in the blood vessels - baroreceptors. Receptor nerve endings of the free type are especially numerous in the walls of the uterine vein and in the decidua in the area of ​​​​attachment of the placenta. Irritation of the uterine receptors causes changes in the intensity of respiration, blood pressure in the mother's body, which provides normal conditions for the developing fetus.

The regulatory mechanisms of the mother's body include parts of the central nervous system (temporal lobe of the brain, hypothalamus, mesencephalic reticular formation), as well as the hypothalamic-endocrine system. important regulatory function perform hormones: sex hormones, thyroxine, corticosteroids, insulin, etc. Thus, during pregnancy, there is an increase in the activity of the mother's adrenal cortex and an increase in the production of corticosteroids, which are involved in the regulation of fetal metabolism. The placenta produces chorionic gonadotropin, which stimulates the formation of pituitary ACTH, which activates the activity of the adrenal cortex and enhances the secretion of corticosteroids.

Regulatory neuroendocrine apparatus of the mother ensures the preservation of pregnancy, the necessary level of functioning of the heart, blood vessels, hematopoietic organs, liver and the optimal level of metabolism, gases, depending on the needs of the fetus.

The receptor mechanisms of the fetal body perceive signals about changes in the mother's body or their own homeostasis. They are found in the walls of the umbilical arteries and veins, in the mouths of the hepatic veins, in the skin and intestines of the fetus. Irritation of these receptors leads to a change in the heart rate of the fetus, the speed of blood flow in its vessels, affects the sugar content in the blood, etc.

Regulatory neurohumoral mechanisms of the fetal body are formed in the process of development. The first motor reactions in the fetus appear at the 2-3rd month of development, which indicates the maturation of the nerve centers. The mechanisms regulating gas homeostasis are formed at the end of the second trimester of embryogenesis. The beginning of the functioning of the central endocrine gland - the pituitary gland - is noted at the 3rd month of development. The synthesis of corticosteroids in the adrenal glands of the fetus begins in the second half of pregnancy and increases with its growth. The fetus has increased insulin synthesis, which is necessary to ensure its growth associated with carbohydrate and energy metabolism.

The action of the fetal neurohumoral regulatory systems is directed to the executive mechanisms - the fetal organs that provide a change in the intensity of respiration, cardiovascular activity, muscle activity, etc., and to the mechanisms that determine the change in the level of gas exchange, metabolism, thermoregulation and other functions.

In providing connections in the mother-fetus system, a particularly important role is played by placenta, which is able not only to accumulate, but also to synthesize the substances necessary for the development of the fetus. The placenta performs endocrine functions, producing a number of hormones: progesterone, estrogen, chorionic gonadotropin (CG), placental lactogen, etc. Through the placenta, humoral and neural connections are made between the mother and the fetus.

There are also extraplacental humoral connections through the fetal membranes and amniotic fluid.

The humoral communication channel is the most extensive and informative. Through it, the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, electrolytes, hormones, antibodies, etc. (Fig. 21.20). Normally, foreign substances do not penetrate the mother's body through the placenta. They can begin to penetrate only in conditions of pathology, when the barrier function of the placenta is impaired. An important component of humoral connections are immunological connections that ensure the maintenance of immune homeostasis in the mother-fetus system.

Despite the fact that the organisms of the mother and fetus are genetically foreign in protein composition, immunological conflict usually does not occur. This is ensured by a number of mechanisms, among which the following are essential: 1) proteins synthesized by the symplastotrophoblast, which inhibit the immune response of the mother's body; 2) chorionic gonadotropin and placental lactogen, which are in high concentration on the surface of the symplastotrophoblast; 3) the immunomasking effect of glycoproteins of the pericellular fibrinoid of the placenta, charged in the same way as the lymphocytes of the washing blood, is negative; 4) the proteolytic properties of the trophoblast also contribute to the inactivation of foreign proteins.

Amniotic waters, which contain antibodies that block antigens A and B, characteristic of the blood of a pregnant woman, also take part in the immune defense, and do not allow them to enter the blood of the fetus.

Maternal and fetal organisms are a dynamic system homologous organs. The defeat of any organ of the mother leads to a violation of the development of the organ of the same name of the fetus. So, if a pregnant woman suffers from diabetes, in which insulin production is reduced, then the fetus has an increase in body weight and an increase in insulin production in the pancreatic islets.

In an animal experiment, it has been established that the blood serum of an animal from which a part of an organ has been removed stimulates proliferation in the organ of the same name. However, the mechanisms of this phenomenon are not well understood.

Nerve connections include placental and extraplacental channels: placental - irritation of baro- and chemoreceptors in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, and extraplacental - entry into the mother's central nervous system of irritations associated with fetal growth, etc.

The presence of neural connections in the mother-fetus system is confirmed by data on the innervation of the placenta, a high content of acetylcholine in it,

Rice. 21.20. Transport of substances across the placental barrier

fetal development in the denervated uterine horn of experimental animals, etc.

In the process of formation of the mother-fetus system, there are a number of critical periods, the most important for establishing interaction between the two systems, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of the fetus.


During ontogenesis, especially embryogenesis, there are periods of higher sensitivity of developing germ cells (during progenesis) and the embryo (during embryogenesis). This was first noticed by the Australian physician Norman Gregg (1944). The Russian embryologist P. G. Svetlov (1960) formulated the theory of critical periods of development and tested it experimentally. The essence of this theory

is to approve general position that each stage of the development of the embryo as a whole and its individual organs begins with a relatively short period of a qualitatively new restructuring, accompanied by the determination, proliferation and differentiation of cells. At this time, the embryo is most susceptible to damaging effects of various nature (X-ray exposure, drugs, etc.). Such periods in progenesis are spermiogenesis and ovogenesis (meiosis), and in embryogenesis - fertilization, implantation (during which gastrulation occurs), differentiation of the germ layers and laying of organs, the period of placentation (final maturation and formation of the placenta), the formation of many functional systems, birth.

Among the developing human organs and systems, a special place belongs to the brain, which in the early stages acts as the primary organizer of the differentiation of surrounding tissue and organ primordia (in particular, sensory organs), and later is characterized by intensive cell reproduction (about 20,000 per minute), which requires optimal trophic conditions.

In critical periods, damaging exogenous factors can be chemicals, including many drugs, ionizing radiation (for example, x-rays in diagnostic doses), hypoxia, starvation, drugs, nicotine, viruses, etc.

Chemicals and drugs that cross the placental barrier are especially dangerous for the fetus in the first 3 months of pregnancy, as they are not metabolized and accumulate in high concentrations in its tissues and organs. Drugs interfere with brain development. Starvation, viruses cause malformations and even intrauterine death (Table 21.2).

So, in human ontogenesis, several critical periods of development are distinguished: in progenesis, embryogenesis and postnatal life. These include: 1) the development of germ cells - ovogenesis and spermatogenesis; 2) fertilization; 3) implantation (7-8 days of embryogenesis); 4) development of axial rudiments of organs and formation of the placenta (3–8 weeks of development); 5) the stage of enhanced brain growth (15-20 weeks); 6) formation of the main functional systems of the body and differentiation of the reproductive apparatus (20-24 weeks); 7) birth; 8) neonatal period (up to 1 year); 9) puberty (11-16 years).

Diagnostic methods and measures for the prevention of human developmental anomalies. In order to identify anomalies in human development, modern medicine has a number of methods (non-invasive and invasive). So, all pregnant women twice (at 16-24 and 32-36 weeks) are ultrasound procedure, which allows to detect a number of anomalies in the development of the fetus and its organs. At the 16-18th week of pregnancy using the method of determining the content alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood serum, malformations of the central nervous system can be detected (in case of an increase in its level by more than 2 times) or chromosomal abnormalities, for example, Down syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 21 or

Table 21.2. The timing of the occurrence of some anomalies in the development of embryos and human fetuses

other trisomy (this is evidenced by a decrease in the level of the test substance by more than 2 times).

Amniocentesis- an invasive research method in which amniotic fluid is taken through the abdominal wall of the mother (usually at the 16th week of pregnancy). In the future, a chromosomal analysis of amniotic fluid cells and other studies are performed.

Visual monitoring of fetal development is also used using laparoscope, introduced through the abdominal wall of the mother into the uterine cavity (fetoscopy).

There are other ways to diagnose fetal anomalies. However, the main task of medical embryology is to prevent their development. For this purpose, methods of genetic counseling and selection of married couples are being developed.

Artificial insemination methods germ cells from obviously healthy donors make it possible to avoid the inheritance of a number of unfavorable traits. The development of genetic engineering makes it possible to correct local damage to the genetic apparatus of the cell. So, there is a method, the essence of which is to obtain a testicular biopsy from

men with a genetically determined disease. The introduction of normal DNA into the spermatogonia, and then the transplantation of the spermatogonia into the previously irradiated testicle (to destroy genetically defective germ cells), the subsequent reproduction of the transplanted spermatogonia leads to the fact that the newly formed spermatozoa are freed from the genetically determined defect. Therefore, such cells can produce normal offspring when a female reproductive cell is fertilized.

Sperm cryopreservation method allows you to maintain the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa for a long time. This is used to preserve the germ cells of men associated with the danger of exposure, injury, etc.

Method of artificial insemination and embryo transfer(in vitro fertilization) is used to treat both male and female infertility. Laparoscopy is used to obtain female germ cells. A special needle is used to pierce the ovary membrane in the area of ​​the vesicular follicle, aspirate the oocyte, which is subsequently fertilized by sperm. Subsequent cultivation, as a rule, up to the stage of 2-4-8 blastomeres and the transfer of the embryo to the uterus or fallopian tube ensures its development in the conditions of the maternal organism. In this case, it is possible to transplant the embryo into the uterus of a "surrogate" mother.

Improving methods of infertility treatment and prevention of human development anomalies are closely intertwined with moral, ethical, legal, social problems, the solution of which largely depends on the established traditions of a particular people. This is the subject of a special study and discussion in the literature. At the same time, advances in clinical embryology and reproduction cannot significantly affect population growth due to the high cost of treatment and methodological difficulties in working with germ cells. That is why the basis of activities aimed at improving the health and numerical growth of the population is the preventive work of a doctor, based on knowledge of the processes of embryogenesis. For the birth of healthy offspring, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and abandon bad habits, as well as to carry out a set of those activities that are within the competence of medical, public and educational institutions.

Thus, as a result of studying the embryogenesis of humans and other vertebrates, the main mechanisms for the formation of germ cells and their fusion with the emergence of a unicellular stage of development, the zygote, have been established. The subsequent development of the embryo, implantation, the formation of germ layers and embryonic rudiments of tissues, extra-embryonic organs show a close evolutionary relationship and continuity in the development of representatives of various classes of the animal world. It is important to know that there are critical periods in the development of the embryo, when the risk of intrauterine death or pathological development increases sharply.

way. Knowledge of the basic regular processes of embryogenesis makes it possible to solve a number of problems in medical embryology (prevention of fetal anomalies, treatment of infertility), to implement a set of measures that prevent the death of fetuses and newborns.

test questions

1. Tissue composition of the child and maternal parts of the placenta.

2. Critical periods of human development.

3. Similarities and differences in the embryogenesis of vertebrates and humans.

4. Sources of tissue development of provisional organs.

Histology, embryology, cytology: textbook / Yu. I. Afanasiev, N. A. Yurina, E. F. Kotovsky and others. - 6th ed., revised. and additional - 2012. - 800 p. : ill.

General and comparative embryology


1. Morphofunctional characteristics of male germ cells.

2. Types of eggs according to the number and placement of the yolk. The structure and function of the egg.

3. Fertilization, the concept of its distant and contact phases.

4. Definition of crushing and its types.

5. Gastrulation, methods of early and late gastrulation.

6. Extra-embryonic organs of vertebrates (amnion, yolk sac, chorion, allantois, umbilical cord, placenta).

7. Placenta, types of placentas according to their structure, shape and method of feeding the fetus.

8. .The concept of in vitro fertilization and its significance.

9. Human placenta, its morphological features and meanings.

10. The structure of the placenta.

11. Structural components of the hemochorial (placental) barrier.

12. The mother-fetus system.

13. The concept of critical periods of development.

In the complex of medical sciences, embryology occupies one of the prominent places. Knowledge of embryology is necessary to understand the main patterns of intrauterine development and its specific features in different representatives of the animal kingdom in connection with the different conditions of their life and specific origin. Knowledge of the basics of comparative embryology helps to understand the general biological patterns of vertebrate evolution, the phylogenetic conditionality of the processes of formation of the human body, and also to understand the basics of genetic engineering. At the same time, it is important about understanding the consequences the influence of various unfavorable environmental factors on the embryogenesis of representatives of different species.

Knowledge of embryology is necessary for the future doctor for the rational prevention of anomalies and malformations, as well as for the prevention of adverse effects of damaging environmental and everyday factors on the course of pregnancy. The study of human embryology is the scientific rationale for such disciplines as obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics. Knowledge early stages human embryogenesis allows you to correct the processes of formation and development of primary germ cells, determine the causes of gametopathies, prevent infertility, as well as determine the stages of embryo cleavage, the causes of identical twins, determine the timing and stages of implantation, which are necessary in case of extracorporeal development of the embryo.

Embryology- the science of the formation and development of the embryo.

General embryology - studies the most general patterns of formation and development of the embryo.

Special embryology - studies the features of the individual development of representatives of certain groups or species.

Embryology , the science that studies the development of an organism in its earliest stages, preceding metamorphosis, hatching, or birth. The fusion of gametes - an egg and a spermatozoon - with the formation of a zygote gives rise to a new individual, but before becoming the same creature as its parents, it has to go through certain stages of development: cell division, the formation of primary germ layers and cavities, the emergence of embryonic axes and axes of symmetry, the development of coelomic cavities and their derivatives, the formation of extraembryonic membranes, and, finally, the emergence of organ systems that are functionally integrated and form one or another recognizable organism. All this is the subject of the study of embryology.

Processes and stages embryogenesis

1. Fertilization

2. Crushing

3. Gastrulation

4. Neurulation

5. Histogenesis

6. Organogenesis

7. Systemogenesis

Development is preceded by gametogenesis, i.e. formation and maturation of sperm and egg. The process of development of all eggs of a given species proceeds in general in the same way.

Gametogenesis. Mature spermatozoa and eggs differ in their structure, only their nuclei are similar; however, both gametes are formed from identical-looking primordial germ cells. In all sexually reproducing organisms, these primary germ cells separate from other cells in the early stages of development and develop in a special way, preparing to perform their function - the production of sex, or germ, cells. Therefore, they are called germ plasm - in contrast to all other cells that make up the somatoplasm. It is quite obvious, however, that both germ plasm and somatoplasm originate from a fertilized egg - a zygote that gave rise to a new organism. So basically they are the same. The factors that determine which cells will become sexual and which will become somatic have not yet been established. However, in the end, germ cells acquire fairly clear differences. These differences arise in the process of gametogenesis.

Primary germ cells, being in the gonads, divide with the formation of small cells - spermatogonia in the testes and oogonia in the ovaries. Spermatogonia and oogonia continue to divide many times, forming cells of the same size, which indicates the compensatory growth of both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Spermatogonia and oogonia divide mitotically, and therefore retain their original diploid number of chromosomes.

After some time, these cells stop dividing and enter a period of growth, during which very important changes occur in their nuclei. Chromosomes originally received from two parents are paired (conjugated), entering into very close contact. This makes possible subsequent crossing over (crossover), during which homologous chromosomes are broken and connected in a new order, exchanging equivalent sections; as a result of crossing over, new combinations of genes appear in the chromosomes of oogonia and spermatogonia.

When the nucleus has been rebuilt and a sufficient amount of cytoplasm has accumulated in the cell, the process of division resumes; the whole cell and the nucleus undergo two different types of divisions, which determine the actual process of maturation of germ cells. One of them - mitosis - leads to the formation of cells similar to the original; as a result of the other - meiosis, or reduction division, during which cells divide twice, - cells are formed, each of which contains only half (haploid) the number of chromosomes compared to the original, namely, one from each pair. In some species, these cell divisions occur in reverse order. After the growth and reorganization of the nuclei in oogonia and spermatogonia and immediately before the first division of meiosis, these cells are called oocytes and spermatocytes of the first order, and after the first division of meiosis, oocytes and spermatocytes of the second order. Finally, after the second division of meiosis, the cells in the ovary are called eggs (eggs), and those in the testis are called spermatids. Now the egg has finally matured, and the spermatid has yet to go through metamorphosis and turn into a spermatozoon.

The biological role of spermatozoa in the process of fertilization

1. Provides a meeting with the oocyte.

2. Provides 23 parental chromosomes.

3. Determines the sex of the child.

4. Introduces a centrole into the oocyte.

5. Provides mitochondrial DNA.

6. Provokes the completion of meiosis by the egg.

7. Introduces a cleavage signal protein.

One important difference between oogenesis and spermatogenesis needs to be emphasized here. From one oocyte of the first order, as a result of maturation, only one mature egg is obtained; the remaining three nuclei and a small amount of cytoplasm turn into polar bodies that do not function as germ cells and subsequently degenerate. All the cytoplasm and yolk, which could be distributed over four cells, are concentrated in one - in a mature egg. In contrast, one first-order spermatocyte gives rise to four spermatids and the same number of mature spermatozoa, without losing a single nucleus. During fertilization, the diploid, or normal, number of chromosomes is restored.

Egg. The ovum is inert and usually larger than the somatic cells of the organism. The mouse egg is about 0.06 mm in diameter, while the diameter of the ostrich egg is more than 15 cm. The eggs are usually spherical or oval in shape, but can also be oblong. The size and other features of the egg depend on the amount and distribution of the nutritious yolk in it, which accumulates in the form of granules or, less often, in the form of a continuous mass. Therefore, eggs are divided into different types depending on the content of yolk in them. In homolecithal oocytes, also called isolecithal or oligolecithal, there is very little yolk and it is evenly distributed in the cytoplasm.

Sperm. Unlike a large and inert egg, spermatozoa are small, from 0.02 to 2.0 mm in length, they are active and able to travel a long distance to reach the egg. There is little cytoplasm in them, and there is no yolk at all.

The shape of spermatozoa is diverse, but among them two main types can be distinguished - flagellated and non-flagellated. Flagellated forms are comparatively rare. In most animals, an active role in fertilization belongs to the spermatozoon.

Fertilization- fusion of sex cells. Biological significance: resumption of diplo and one set of chromosomes; determination of the sex of the child; crushing initiation. Phases: d istantna (capacitation and i, taxis); contact (acrosomal I reaction, denudation and me, penetrac and i, cortical reaction)

Fertilization. Fertilization is a complex process during which a sperm enters an egg and their nuclei fuse. As a result of the fusion of gametes, a zygote is formed - essentially a new one, capable of developing if the conditions necessary for this are present. Fertilization causes the activation of the egg, stimulating it to successive changes, leading to the development of a formed organism.

When a spermatozoon comes into contact with the surface of the egg, the yolk membrane of the egg changes, turning into a fertilization membrane. This change is considered proof that egg activation has occurred. At the same time, on the surface of the eggs that contain little or no yolk at all, a so-called. a cortical reaction that prevents other sperm from entering the egg. In eggs that contain a lot of yolk, the cortical reaction occurs later, so that several spermatozoa usually enter them. But even in such cases, only one spermatozoon, the first to reach the nucleus of the egg, is fertilized.

In some eggs, at the site of contact of the sperm with the plasma membrane of the egg, a protrusion of the membrane is formed - the so-called. tubercle of fertilization; it facilitates the penetration of the spermatozoon. Usually, the head of the spermatozoon and the centrioles located in its middle part penetrate the egg, while the tail remains outside. Centrioles contribute to the formation of the spindle during the first division of a fertilized egg. The fertilization process can be considered complete when the two haploid nuclei - the egg and the sperm - merge and their chromosomes are conjugated, preparing for the first crushing of the fertilized egg.

Splitting up- the formation of a multicellular embryo blastulas.Characteristics: a) full, partial; b) uniform, uneven; c) synchronous, asynchronous.

Splitting up. If the appearance of the fertilization membrane is considered an indicator of the activation of the egg, then division (crushing) is the first sign of the actual activity of the fertilized egg. The nature of crushing depends on the amount and distribution of the yolk in the egg, as well as on the hereditary properties of the zygote nucleus and the characteristics of the cytoplasm of the egg (the latter are entirely determined by the genotype of the mother's organism). There are three types of cleavage of a fertilized egg.

crushing rules. It has been established that fragmentation obeys certain rules, named after the researchers who first formulated them. Pfluger's Rule: The spindle always pulls in the direction of least resistance. Balfour's rule: the rate of holoblastic cleavage is inversely proportional to the amount of yolk (the yolk makes it difficult to divide both the nucleus and the cytoplasm). Sacks' rule: cells are usually divided into equal parts, and the plane of each new division intersects the plane of the previous division at a right angle. Hertwig's rule: the nucleus and spindle are usually located in the center of the active protoplasm. The axis of each spindle of division is located along the long axis of the mass of protoplasm. The division planes usually intersect the mass of protoplasm at right angles to its axes.

As a result of crushing of fertilized cells, called blastomeres are formed. When there are a lot of blastomeres (in amphibians, for example, from 16 to 64 cells), they form a structure that resembles a raspberry and is called a morula.

Blastula. As the crushing continues, the blastomeres become smaller and tighter to each other, acquiring a hexagonal shape. This form increases the structural rigidity of the cells and the density of the layer. Continuing to divide, the cells push each other apart and, as a result, when their number reaches several hundred or thousands, they form a closed cavity - the blastocoel, into which fluid from the surrounding cells enters. In general, this formation is called the blastula. Its formation (in which cell movements do not participate) ends the period of egg crushing.

In homolecithal eggs, the blastocoel may be centrally located, but in telolecithal eggs, it is usually displaced by the yolk and is located eccentrically, closer to the animal pole and just below the blastodisc. So, the blastula is usually a hollow ball, the cavity of which (blastocoel) is filled with liquid, but in telolecithal eggs with discoidal fragmentation, the blastula is represented by a flattened structure.

At holoblastic cleavage, the blastula stage is considered complete when, as a result of cell division, the ratio between the volumes of their cytoplasm and nucleus becomes the same as in somatic cells. In a fertilized egg, the volume of the yolk and cytoplasm does not at all correspond to the size of the nucleus. However, in the process of crushing, the amount of nuclear material increases somewhat, while the cytoplasm and yolk only divide. In some eggs, the ratio of the volume of the nucleus to the volume of the cytoplasm at the time of fertilization is approximately 1:400, and by the end of the blastula stage it is approximately 1:7. The latter is close to the ratio characteristic of both the primary reproductive and somatic cells.

1. Formation of a multilayer nucleus.
2. The next stage after crushing
e mbr and genesis a .
3. Type of gastrulation
aidetermined by the type of egg and the type of crushing of zygotess.
4. Early gastrulation
and I am late.

During gastrulation ai processes take place:

Ovoplasmatic Yes segregation

presumptive s plot and




Committee roaring

Gene expression

Gene repression

Biological role - education e cotoderm s and endoderm s

Type of gastrulation ai


Type of


Splitting up

Type of

gastruli and



Oligolecithal and solecithal I

Full uniform synchronous


e pibolia


Moderately polylecital

Full non-uniform asynchronous











Late gastrulation and I


Source of mesoderm developments


Electroceln s th




Teloblastic esk uy

e pibolia

Teloblast slateral lips of the blastopore


Migration with primitive streak formation

Migration and divide and nat and me

E cotoderma


Provisional bodies

1. Amnion

2. Yolk sac

3. Al antois

4. Chorion

5. Placenta

6. Serous membrane

food types

1. Vitelotrophic f - 30 hours, yolk inclusion of the oocyte.

2. Histiotrophic - 2nd day - 3rd th month, surrounding tissues.

3. Hematotrophic e - 3rd month - to birth, placenta.

Gastrula. The gastrula is the stage of embryonic development in which the embryo consists of two layers: the outer - ectoderm, and the inner - endoderm. In different animals this bilayer stage is reached different ways because the eggs different types contain varying amounts of yolk. However, in any case, the main role in this is played by cell movements, and not cell divisions.

Intussusception. In homolecithal eggs, which are typically holoblastic crushing, gastrulation usually occurs by invagination ( invagination) of the cells of the vegetative pole, which leads to the formation of a two-layer embryo, having the shape of a bowl. The original blastocoel contracts, but a new cavity, the gastrocoel, is formed. The opening leading into this new gastrocoel is called the blastopore (an unfortunate name because it opens not into the blastocoel, but into the gastrocoel). The blastopore is located in the region of the future anus, at the posterior end of the embryo, and in this region most of the mesoderm develops - the third, or middle, germ layer. The gastrocoel is also called the archenteron, or primary intestine, and it serves as the rudiment of the digestive system.

Involution. In reptiles and birds, whose telolecithal eggs contain a large amount of yolk and are crushed meroblastically, blastula cells in a very small area rise above the yolk and then begin to screw inward, under the cells of the upper layer, forming the second (lower) layer. This process of screwing in the cell sheet is called involution. The top layer of cells becomes the outer germ layer, or ectoderm, and the bottom layer becomes the inner, or endoderm. These layers merge into one another, and the place where the transition occurs is known as the blastopore lip. The roof of the primary intestine in the embryos of these animals consists of fully formed endodermal cells, and the bottom of the yolk; the bottom of the cells is formed later.

Delamination . In higher mammals, including humans, gastrulation occurs somewhat differently, namely by delamination, but leads to the same result - the formation of a two-layer embryo. Delamination is a stratification of the original outer layer of cells, leading to the emergence of an inner layer of cells, i.e. endoderm.

results of gastrulation. The end result of gastrulation is the formation of a bilayer embryo. The outer layer of the embryo (ectoderm) is formed by small, often pigmented cells that do not contain yolk; from the ectoderm, such tissues as, for example, nervous, and the upper layers of the skin further develop. The inner layer (endoderm) consists of almost unpigmented cells that retain some yolk; they give rise mainly to the tissues lining the digestive tract and its derivatives.


Early gastrulation and I - 7a-14 s day.

Delamination of the embr and area on ep and blast and g and poblast (primary uh cotoderma and primary endoderm).

E piblast - amn and otich esk oh bubble.

Hypoblast -g fir-trees i bubble.

Trophoblast - cytotrophoblast and syncyte and otrophoblast.

Germinal disc = fundus amn and otich esk wow + wow fir-tree bubble.

Actually germinal material - the bottom of amn and otich esk wow bubble.

Late gastrulation and I 14a-17 s day ki .

Migration with the formation of the primary streak.

Outside germ above wah i mesoderm migrates from the germinal disc a .

All 3 layers of the embryo are formed from e cotoderm s.

Features of gastrulationaihuman fetus:

Complete sub-equation e asynchronous crushing of zygotess.

Advanced development outside germ above in yya organs.

Implantation of the embryo into the endometrium and placenta and I.

All three germ layers are formed from e cotoderm s.

Germinal leaves. Ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm are distinguished based on two criteria. First, by their location in the embryo at the early stages of its development: during this period, the ectoderm is always located outside, the endoderm is inside, and the mesoderm, which appears last, is between them. Secondly, according to their future role: each of these sheets gives rise to certain organs and tissues, and they are often identified by their further fate in the development process. However, we recall that during the period when these leaflets appeared, there were no fundamental differences between them. In experiments on the transplantation of germ layers, it was shown that initially each of them has the potency of either of the other two. Thus, their distinction is artificial, but it is very convenient to use it in the study of embryonic development.

Mesoderm, i.e. the middle germ layer is formed in several ways. It may arise directly from the endoderm by the formation of coelomic sacs, as in the lancelet; simultaneously with the endoderm, like in a frog; or by delamination, from the ectoderm, as in some mammals. In any case, at first the mesoderm is a layer of cells lying in the space that was originally occupied by the blastocoel, i.e. between the ectoderm on the outside and the endoderm on the inside.

The mesoderm soon splits into two cell layers, between which a cavity called the coelom is formed. From this cavity subsequently formed the pericardial cavity surrounding the heart, the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs, and the abdominal cavity, in which the digestive organs lie. The outer layer of the mesoderm - the somatic mesoderm - forms, together with the ectoderm, the so-called. somatopleura. From the outer mesoderm develop striated muscles of the trunk and limbs, connective tissue and vascular elements of the skin. The inner layer of mesodermal cells is called the splanchnic mesoderm and together with the endoderm forms the splanchnopleura. Smooth muscles and vascular elements of the digestive tract and its derivatives develop from this layer of mesoderm. In the developing embryo, there is a lot of loose mesenchyme (embryonic mesoderm) that fills the space between the ectoderm and endoderm.

Derivatives of the germ layers. The further fate of the three germ layers is different. From the ectoderm develop: all nervous tissue; the outer layers of the skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, tooth enamel) and partially the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, nasal cavities and anus.

The endoderm gives rise to the lining of the entire digestive tract - from the oral cavity to the anus - and all its derivatives, i.e. thymus, thyroid, parathyroid glands, trachea, lungs, liver and pancreas.

From the mesoderm are formed: all types of connective tissue, bone and cartilage tissue, blood and the vascular system; all types of muscle tissue; excretory and reproductive systems, dermal layer of the skin.

An adult animal has very few such organs. endodermal origin, which would not contain nerve cells originating from the ectoderm. Each important organ also contains derivatives of the mesoderm - blood vessels, blood, and often muscles, so that the structural isolation of the germ layers is preserved only at the stage of their formation. Already at the very beginning of their development, all organs acquire a complex structure, and they include derivatives of all germ layers.

Extra-embryonic membranes. In animals that lay eggs on land or are viviparous, the embryo needs additional shells that protect it from dehydration (if eggs are laid on land) and provide nutrition, removal of end products of metabolism and gas exchange.

These functions are performed by extraembryonic membranes - amnion, chorion, yolk sac and allantois, which are formed during development in all reptiles, birds and mammals. Chorion and amnion are closely related in origin; they develop from the somatic mesoderm and ectoderm. Chorion - the outermost shell surrounding the embryo and three other shells; this shell is permeable to gases and gas exchange occurs through it.

The amnion protects the cells of the fetus from drying out thanks to the amniotic fluid secreted by its cells. The yolk sac filled with yolk, together with the yolk stalk, supplies the embryo with digested nutrients; this shell contains a dense network of blood vessels and cells that produce digestive enzymes. The yolk sac, like the allantois, is formed from the splanchnic mesoderm and endoderm: the endoderm and mesoderm spread over the entire surface of the yolk, overgrowing it, so that in the end the entire yolk is in the yolk sac. In mammals, these important functions are performed by the placenta, a complex organ formed by chorionic villi, which, growing, enter the recesses (crypts) of the uterine mucosa, where they come into close contact with its blood vessels and glands.

In humans, the placenta fully provides the respiration of the embryo, nutrition and the release of metabolic products into the mother's bloodstream.

A. decidua basalis - the maternal part of the placenta
B. Decidua capsularis - covers the embryo (fetus) - bag waste
C. decidua parietalis - parietal
The placenta is discoid, thickness 3 cm, diameter 15-25 cm, weight 500-600 g.


1. Capillary endothelium.

2. Basement membrane.

3. Connective tissue of the villi with Kashchenko cells Hofbau e ra.

4. Basement membrane of cytotrophoblast.

5. Cytotrophoblast

6. Syncytiotrophoblast

7. From 4 months. f i brino i d Langhans replaces 5.

Human placenta: type II a, discoidal, hemochore andal.

MFI placenta - cotyledon (15-20)

A. Plodova part of the placenta - villous chorus and he.

B. Mother part - basalotpadn and I am the endometrium.

Extraembryonic membranes are not preserved in the postembryonic period. In reptiles and birds, when they hatch, the dried shells remain in the egg shell. In mammals, the placenta and other extraembryonic membranes are shed from the uterus (rejected) after the birth of the fetus. These shells provided the higher vertebrates with independence from the aquatic environment and undoubtedly played an important role in the evolution of vertebrates, especially in the emergence of mammals.

Critical period - a short period of increased sensitivity of the embryo, when important qualitative changes occur in it.



Implantation - 7-8 days

Placentation – 3rd and th-8th weeks

Brain development - 15and I-24 and I weeks and

Development of the heart


neonatal period

Teenage years

Menstrual cycles in women


seasonal fluctuations

in vitro fertilization
1976 Luisa Brown (GB) Edvards and Stantow
1. Surgery
2. Fertilization “in vitro”
3. Incubation 3-4 days (crushing)
4. Blastocyst (18-32 blastomeres) - “free blastocyst” is placed in the uterus
5. Implantation begins on the 6-7th day (15% successful)

Eextracorporeal aboute fertilizationeallows

1. Choose the gender of the child

2. Enrich (improve) sperm

3. Assist spermatozoa in moving and dissolving oocyte membranes

4. Treat some types of female infertility

5. Exclude ectopic pregnancy

Sources of information:


1. Materials for preparing for a practical lesson on the topic“Fundamentals of vertebrate embryology. Embryonic development of man. sex cells. Fertilization, crushing. from tdmu . edu. ua.

2. Presentation of the lecture “General and Comparative Embryology” from tdmu . edu. ua.

4. Histology, cytology and embryology / [Afanasiev Yu. I., Yurin and N.A. , Kotovsky E. F. and others.] ; ed. Yu.I. Afanasiev, N.A. Yurina. – [5th ed., revised. and additional] . –M. : The medicine. - 2002. - Since. 93 –107 .

5. Histology: [textbook] / ed. E. G. Ulumbekov a, Yu.A. Chelsheva. –[ 2nd ed., revised. and additional] . – M. : GEOTAR-M ED, 2001. - S. 104-107.

6. Danilov R.K. Histology. Embryology. Cytology. : [textbook for medical students]/ R. K. Danilov - M .: LLC "Medical Information Agency", 2006. - S. 73–83.

b) additional

1. Workshop on histology, cytology and embryology. Edited by N.A. Yurina, A.I. Radostina. G., 1989.- S.40-46.

2. Histology of people / [Lutsik O. D., Ivanova A. I., Kabak K. S., Chaikovsky Yu. B.]. - Kiev: Book plus, 2003. - S. 72-109.

3. Volkov K.S. Ultrastructure of the main components of the organ systems of the body:n avchalny help-atlas/ K.S. Volkov, N.V. Pasechk about . – Ternopil : Ukrmedkniga, 1997. - S.95-99.