Forelimbs of a mole and a bear. Homologous and similar organs

Rudiments- organs that were well developed in ancient evolutionary ancestors, and now they are underdeveloped, but have not completely disappeared yet, because evolution is very slow. For example, a whale has pelvic bones. In a person:

  • body hair,
  • third eyelid,
  • coccyx,
  • muscle that moves the ear
  • appendix and caecum,
  • wisdom teeth.

atavisms- organs that should be in a rudimentary state, but due to developmental disorders have reached a large size. A person has a hairy face, a soft tail, the ability to move the auricle, and multiple nipples. Differences between atavisms and rudiments: atavisms are deformities, and everyone has rudiments.

Homologous Organs- outwardly differ, because they are adapted to different conditions, but have a similar internal structure, since they arose from one source organ in the process divergences. (Divergence is the process of divergence of features.) Example: wings bat, human hand, whale flipper.

Similar bodies- outwardly similar, because they are adapted to the same conditions, but have a different structure, because they arose from different organs in the process convergence. Example: the eye of a human and an octopus, the wing of a butterfly and a bird.

Convergence is the process of convergence of characteristics in organisms that have fallen into the same conditions. Examples:

  • aquatic animals of different classes (sharks, ichthyosaurs, dolphins) have a similar body shape;
  • fast running vertebrates have few fingers (horse, ostrich).

1. Establish a correspondence between an example of an evolutionary process and the ways in which it is achieved: 1) convergence, 2) divergence. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) the forelimbs of a cat and the upper limbs of a chimpanzee
B) the wing of a bird and the flippers of a seal
C) octopus tentacle and human hand
D) penguin wing and shark fins
D) different types mouthparts in insects
E) butterfly wing and bat wing


2. Establish a correspondence between the example and the process of macroevolution that it illustrates: 1) divergence, 2) convergence. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the presence of wings in birds and butterflies
B) coat color in gray and black rats
B) gill breathing in fish and crayfish
D) different shapes of beaks in great and crested tits
D) the presence of burrowing limbs in a mole and a bear
E) streamlined body shape in fish and dolphins


3. Establish a correspondence between animal organs and evolutionary processes, as a result of which these organs were formed: 1) divergence, 2) convergence. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the limbs of a bee and a grasshopper
B) dolphin flippers and penguin flippers
C) bird and butterfly wings
D) the forelimbs of the mole and the insect of the bear
D) the limbs of a hare and a cat
E) squid and dog eyes


4. Establish a correspondence between the organs of animals and the evolutionary processes as a result of which these organs were formed: 1) convergence, 2) divergence. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) limbs of a mole and a hare
B) butterfly and bird wings
c) eagle and penguin wings
D) human nails and tiger claws
D) crab and fish gills


Choose one, the most correct option. The development of a small number of fingers in the limbs of the horse and ostrich is an example
1) convergence
2) morphophysiological progress
3) geographic isolation
4) environmental isolation


Choose one, the most correct option. An example of a vestigial organ in humans is
1) caecum
2) multiple nipples
3) gill slits in the embryo
4) scalp


Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. The rudiments are
1) human ear muscles
2) whale's hind limb belt
3) underdeveloped hairline on the human body
4) gills in terrestrial vertebrate embryos
5) multiple nipples in humans
6) elongated fangs in predators


Choose one, the most correct option. As a result of what evolutionary process did aquatic animals of different classes (sharks, ichthyosaurs, dolphins) acquire a similar body shape
1) divergences
2) convergence
3) aromorphosis
4) degeneration


Choose one, the most correct option. Which pair of aquatic vertebrates supports the possibility of evolution based on convergent similarity?
1) blue whale and sperm whale
2) blue shark and bottlenose dolphin
3) fur seal and sea lion
4) European sturgeon and beluga


Choose one, the most correct option. The development of limbs of different structures in mammals belonging to different orders is an example
1) aromorphosis
2) idioadaptation
3) regeneration
4) convergence


Look at the drawing of wings in different animals and determine: (A) what evolutionists call these organs, (B) to what group of evolutionary evidence these organs belong, and (C) by what mechanism of evolution they were formed.
1) homologous
2) embryological
3) convergence
4) divergence
5) comparative anatomical
6) similar
7) driving
8) paleontological


Choose one, the most correct option. What sign of a person is considered atavism?
1) grasping reflex
2) the presence of an appendix in the intestine
3) abundant hairline
4) six-fingered limb


1. Establish a correspondence between the example and the type of organs: 1) Homologous organs 2) Similar organs. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) The forearm of a frog and a chicken
B) Mouse legs and bat wings
C) Sparrow wings and locust wings
D) whale fins and crayfish fins
D) Burrowing limbs of a mole and a bear
E) Human hair and dog hair


2. Establish a correspondence between the forms of adaptation of organisms to the environment and the organs that they have formed: 1) homologous, 2) similar. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) the streamlined shape of the head of a shark and a dolphin
B) owl wing and bat wing
C) the limb of a horse and the limb of a mole
D) human eye and octopus eye
E) carp fins and fur seal flippers


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of organs and comparative anatomical evidence of evolution: 1) homologous organs, 2) similar organs. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) lack of genetic relationship
B) performing various functions
C) a single plan for the structure of five-fingered limbs
D) development from identical embryonic rudiments
D) formation in similar conditions


1. Establish a correspondence between an example and a sign: 1) rudiment, 2) atavism. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) wisdom teeth
B) multi-nipple
B) muscles that move the ear
D) tail
D) strongly developed fangs


2. Establish a correspondence between the evolutionary characteristics of a person and their examples: 1) rudiment, 2) atavism. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) muscles of the ear
B) tail vertebrae
B) facial hair
D) outer tail
D) appendix of the caecum


3. Establish a correspondence between the structural features of the human body and comparative anatomical evidence of its evolution: 1) atavisms, 2) rudiments. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) folds of the nictitating membrane
B) additional pairs of mammary glands
B) full body hair
D) underdeveloped ear muscles
D) appendix
E) caudal appendage


4. Establish a correspondence between the structures of the human body and evidence of evolution: 1) rudiment, 2 atavism. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) ear muscles
B) appendix
B) coccygeal vertebrae
D) thick hairline all over the body
D) multi-nipple
E) the remainder of the third century


A) coccyx

Consider the drawing depicting the inhabitants of the waters of different classes of vertebrates and determine (A) what kind of evolutionary process the drawing illustrates, (B) under what conditions this process takes place, and (C) what results it leads to. For each lettered cell, select the appropriate term from the list provided. Write down the chosen numbers, in the order corresponding to the letters.
1) homologous organs
2) convergence
3) occurs in related groups of organisms that live and develop in heterogeneous environmental conditions
4) vestigial organs
5) occurs in the same conditions of existence of animals belonging to different systematic groups that acquire similar structural features
6) similar bodies
7) divergence


Choose two correct answers from five and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Evolutionary terms include
1) divergence
2) monitoring
3) natural selection
4) plasmid
5) panspermia


Read the text. Choose three sentences that indicate comparative anatomical methods for studying evolution. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. (1) Similar organs testify to the similarity of adaptations to the same environmental conditions in different organisms that arise in the course of evolution. (2) An example of homologous organs are the forelimbs of a whale, a mole, a horse. (3) Rudiments are laid in embryogenesis, but do not fully develop. (4) Embryos of different vertebrates within a phylum have a similar structure. (5) Phylogenetic series for elephants and rhinos have been compiled.


© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

"Cam mechanism" - The most common are labial tubes. Reed pipes. Brugger's mechanical organ. Manual drive of the machine. Nurok with a programmed camshaft of a Brugger mechanical organ. Cam mechanisms. Cam system and related mechanisms. Mechanical organ by Pavel Brugger (Moscow, 1880). Video from the Polytechnic Museum.

"Sense Organs Grade 3" - Do gymnastics for the eyes. Do not rub your eyes with your hands - you can bring in a speck or dangerous bacteria. You need to give rest to your hearing, to be in silence. Lesson "The world around" Grade 3. If your ears hurt, see a doctor. (Smell). You can't eat hot food. (Touches). The tongue helps a person to distinguish the taste of food. Test!

"Tissues and organs" - I group. The result of the course can be the defense of an essay, a project, participation in a LOU. Respiratory. IV group. Lungs. Skeleton. Muscle tissue. You will learn in detail what ... Nervous tissue. Determination of blood groups. Musculature. Group Medium Agglutinogens Agglutinins. And you can also determine your blood type ...

"Organ of hearing and balance" - Inner ear. Organ of hearing and balance. Currently, miniature behind-the-ear hearing aids are becoming especially popular. From which ear there are more correctly recognized words, then the leader. The amplified and transformed sound reaches the eardrum through the earmold. Hearing aid. Outer ear.

"Reproductive organs" - Flatworms, annelids, some molluscs. The eggs develop in the ovaries and the sperm develop in the testes. Cross fertilization. Roundworms. Depends on the care of offspring. In flatworms 2. Which animals are hermaphrodites? For example, sea bass, guppies, swordtails, mollies.

"Sense Organs Grade 1" - The tongue is the organ of taste. Topic: We learn about the world around us with the help of the senses. The skin is the organ of touch. Sense organs. The ear is the organ of hearing. Lesson: The world around. The nose is the organ of smell. The eyes are the organ of vision. Lesson type: practical lesson.

In this short note, characterizing the appearance in living organisms in the process of evolution of the so-called homologous and similar organs, I would like to remind you of the two main types of evolutionary changes that have been described in detail yet.

As a USE teacher in biology, it seems to me important to remember what types of evolutionary transformations are we talking about?

These are divergent and convergent types of transformations of organisms, leading to the formation of superspecific (macroevolution) systematic units.

Divergence is a type of evolutionary change based on gradual divergence certain traits of organisms. Divergence explains the appearance homologous organs having a common origin, but performing, as a rule, different functions (I write “as a rule”, because the functions of homologues can be both different and similar).

Convergence - Acquisition similar traits in unrelated organisms. Convergence explains the appearance of similar organs that have different origins, but perform similar functions.

Why should you focus on this?

Yes, everything is simple. Because the basic concepts two (divergence and convergence), which explain the appearance in evolution of two types of organs (homologous and similar), then with a probability of 50% they are remembered incorrectly.

Perhaps the plate from T.L. Bogdanova's manual will help someone not to confuse the functions and ways of education homologous and similar bodies during macroevolution. But I bring this sign without changes: it is in this form that she explains why students have so much confusion when answering numerous test tasks to identify homologous and similar organs.

What is wrong in this table? The first and third hallmarks of "Origin" and "Path of Formation" are indeed suitable for comparative characteristics homologous and similar organs.

And the attribute "Function" is always valid only for characterizing similar organs, because not only organs that perform different functions (as written in the table), but also similar ones can be homologous.

For example, the legs of a horse and the legs of a person are clearly homologous organs, since they have a common origin, but their function is also similar.

What conclusion should be drawn

As an USE tutor in biology, I can advise you to always try to highlight something important, and something secondary.

Do not memorize anything purely mechanically, but build a clear logical chain in your head from the given facts and consequences. Only then can one judge that new material not just remembered, but learned.

Below are 52 examples of tasks from the test USE options for the definition of homologous and similar organs, sent to me by the teacher Vladimir Anatolyevich. Decided to post them in this post. All examples of homologous organs given here are the result of divergent evolution, and examples of similar organs are the result of convergence.

Examples of assignments for homologous organs

  1. Owl wings and bat wings
  2. Dolphin flippers and penguin wing flippers
  3. Mole limbs and horse limbs
  4. Fins of cetaceans and pinnipeds
  5. Badger claws and monkey nails
  6. Bat keel and bird keel
  7. Hind limbs of a kangaroo and hind limbs of a jerboa
  8. Coloration of the wings of the peacock butterfly and the urticaria butterfly
  9. Ichthyosaurus flippers and human hand
  10. Shark placoid scales and lizard teeth
  11. Rose petals and cabbage leaves
  12. Nightshade leaves and pea whiskers
  13. modified leaves : rose petals, pea whiskers, cactus needles.
  14. Cones of spruce and horsetail strobile
  15. Pinnate leaf of pea and stipules-jugs of Nepenthes
  16. Stem scales of horsetail and spines of barberry
  17. Poppy flower stamens and bud scales
  18. flower bud and bud
  19. Vertebrate limbs
  20. Chimpanzee forelimb homologues : 1) human hand 2) bird wing 3) whale flipper
  21. Cactus spines and pea tendrils
  22. Trapping sundew leaves and juicy onion scales
  23. rhizome lily of the valley potato tubers
  24. Whalebone and Catfish Whiskers
  25. Scales of a snake and a feather of a bird
  26. Butterfly legs and beetle legs
  27. Cat claws and monkey nails
  28. Monkey nose and elephant trunk
  29. Frog and chicken forearm
  30. Human hair and dog hair

Examples of tasks for similar bodies

  1. Limbs of vertebrates and insects
  2. Wings of birds and insects
  3. The eyes of cephalopods and the eyes of vertebrates
  4. Horny lizard scales and tortoise shell - analogues
  5. Shark and dolphin body shape
  6. Forelimbs of an insect of a bear and a mole
  7. ) Rose thorns and cactus needles
  8. Cat teeth and shark teeth
  9. Leaves and thorns
  10. Plant seeds and moss spores
  11. Strawberry tendrils and aerial roots
  12. Gills of cancer and fish
  13. The burrowing limbs of a mole and a bear
  14. Analogues of the forelimb of a chimpanzee are : 1) elephant trunk, 2) cancer claw, 3) octopus tentacles, 4) scorpion leg tentacles
  15. Barberry spines and hawthorn spines
  16. Lancelet notochord and human spine
  17. Turtle shell and snail shell
  18. Light amphibians and lungs of spiders
  19. Cancer whiskers and catfish whiskers
  20. Octopus and dog eyes
  21. Bat and dragonfly wings
  22. Whale fin and crayfish tail fin

I consider it completely wrong when tasks for determining homologues or analogues are placed in the tests of the KIMs of the Unified State Examination, for which in different textbooks

Medvedka (aka Kapustianka, cricket-mole) is an arthropod insect that belongs to the order Orthoptera, suborder long-whiskers, superfamily cricket, family Medvedka (Gryllotalpidae), subfamily Medvedka (Gryllotalpinae).

Where did the name "bear" come from?

Medvedki got their name for their large size, brown-brown color, massive clawed forepaws and pubescent body, which makes it possible to compare this insect with. There are several folk names these insects: cabbage, mole cricket or cricket mole, earthen cancer, spinning top.

Kapustyanka animal is called for the love of young cabbage seedlings. The Latin name of the bear from the genus Gryllotalpa translates as "mole cricket". This is confirmed by the similarity with the cricket in the structure of the body and in the ability to make sounds. It looks like a bear with extended brushes of the front paws and the ability to burrow into the ground. The front of the insect resembles cancer: the structure of the head, shell, mustache and paws, somewhat similar to claws. The top of the bear is called because of the sharp claws on the front paws, resembling teeth.

Medvedka - description and photo. What does a bear look like?

Bears are large insects. The length of their body varies from 3.5 to 5 cm, and the thickness reaches 1.2-1.5 cm. From above, the body of the cabbage is painted in a silky brown-brown color, from below - in brownish-yellow. The body of the insect is covered with tiny hairs.

The head of the bear in relation to the body has a prognathic, or direct, location. Its axis coincides with the axis of the body, and the mouth organs, which are powerful jaws, are directed forward.

Near the jaws are 2 pairs of tentacles.

The large, well-marked eyes of the bear have a faceted structure and are located on the sides of the head.

Filamentous antennae grow on the head of the insect, slightly extending beyond the pronotum. They are shorter than the whiskers of other representatives of crickets.

The large and flat pronotum of the bear with lateral parts hanging down (blades) is distinguishing feature insect. The meso- and metathorax of the insect are connected. The head and front part of the body of the animal are covered with a dense chitinous shell - a device for pushing and compacting the earth when digging holes. Because of this shell, the bear resembles cancer.

The abdomen of the cabbage is thick, reaching 1 cm in diameter, consists of 10 tergites and 8-9 sternites. The apex of the abdomen has anal and genital plates. Females do not have an ovipositor. On the last segment of the abdomen there are long, flexible, covered with small hairs cerci, or caudal appendages, resembling antennae in appearance.

The bear has 2 pairs of wings:

  • The forewings are modified into short and leathery elytra, covered with thick veins. In length, they reach only the middle of the abdomen. The left elytron of insects from the cricket superfamily is always covered by the right one.
  • The hind pair are long, wide, transparent, membranous wings with fine venation. In a calm state, they fan-shaped fold under the elytra and are extended along the abdomen in the form of bundles. During the flight of an insect, the hindwings take an active part, while the elytra are involved to a limited extent.

Males differ from females in the venation of the elytra. There are also wingless individuals of both sexes, but they are less common. By the way, the larvae have no wings.

The bear has 3 pairs of limbs, each of which consists of a coxa, a trochanter, a thigh, a lower leg and a 3-segmented tarsus.

By the way, the hearing aid (or hearing organ) of the bear, like many other chirping orthopteran insects (grasshoppers, crickets), is located on the shins of the forelimbs and has an oval or narrow-slit shape.

The hind legs of the insect are strong and designed for movement; 1-4 spikes are located on their inner side. The forelimbs, similar to claws, are a burrowing apparatus. The femur and tibia are greatly expanded, and the tarsus is shortened. On the lower leg there are 4, and on the foot there are 2 teeth-thorns of black color, with which the bear cuts into the ground.

On the front legs of the bear there are auditory openings. They have an oval or narrow-slit shape.

What sounds does the bear make?

By rubbing the rigid front elytra against each other, the bear makes sounds that can be heard at a distance of more than half a kilometer. Stridulation, or trills, promotes communication between insects. By the way, the stridulatory apparatus of representatives of the cricket superfamily and grasshoppers differ:

  • In crickets, the bow vein is located on the right elytron, and the vein against which the bow rubs is located on the left.
  • The stridulatory apparatus of grasshoppers occupies a smaller area on the elytra and is not as developed.

Basically, male bears sing, but females are also able to chirp. Medvedka can make sounds both day and night, being both on the surface of the earth and underground. Calling nocturnal trills of males sound loud, their sound is sharp and low. When moving through underground passages, insects emit a shorter and dull chirring. By the way, the sound power of the bear is 1.4 mW. For comparison: in a cricket, this figure reaches 0.06 mW.

What does a bear eat?

Medvedka is the most common pest of vegetable, fruit, melon, berry, and horticultural crops. These insects damage roots, tubers, root collars, seeds, underground parts of plants, and sometimes even eat seedlings and young plants. Medvedki destroy, beets (table, sugar and fodder), cabbage, tomatoes, onions, beans, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, turnips, turnips, radishes, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, sweet potatoes, poppies, hemp, sunflowers, hops, tobacco, flax, various shrubs, parsley and other umbrella plants. Medvedki damage crops, oats, barley, rice, millet, soybeans, chumiza, paisa, and kaoliang. In the southern regions, they destroy more exotic plants: citrus fruits (,), tea, cotton, peanuts, cotton. In nurseries and young gardens, trees such as plums, cherries, cherries, apricots, and peaches may suffer from a bear.

In forests, the insect damages the roots of young, beeches, poplars, and other trees. In addition to plant foods, bears eat earthworms, larvae, and other insects.

Where does the bear live?

Medvedki are distributed almost everywhere in Europe (except Norway and Finland), in Central and Southeast Asia, in the Caucasus, on the islands of Japan, the Philippine Islands, in India, Vietnam, China, Indonesia. Also, these insects live in North Africa, Australia, North and South America. In Russia, the bear is found everywhere - from the European part to the Far East, except for the northern regions of the country.

The habitat of the bear is wet places, meadows, floodplains of rivers and other bodies of water. Insects live mainly in underground passages. They dig in fertilized, well-heated, humus soil of vegetable gardens and melons; they are often found near irrigation canals, in swampy areas. They like high places ground water.

The lifestyle of a bear (kapustyanka)

Basically, bears lead a hidden lifestyle. All day they are underground, making moves in the surface layer of the soil and eating plants encountered along the way. They come to the surface only at night. The presence of bears on the site can only be determined by winding, loosened ridges of the earth, holes in the soil and completely healthy-looking plants that suddenly begin to die.

This is how the moves of the bear look on the surface of the earth. Author of the photo: Pochtareva Natalya Mikhailovna

At night, the bears crawl out of their burrows to the surface and move to other areas in search of food. Sometimes they fly over considerable distances. They are often attracted to bright light. During breeding, female bears fly to the sounds made by males for mating.

Medvedka quickly digs into the ground and moves, flies and swims beautifully, overcoming even significant water barriers. The insect adapted to swimming due to the fact that the floodplain areas, the favorite places of residence of the bear, are flooded with water during the spring flood.

Medvedka breeding

Medvedki begin to breed in the spring, after a mass exit from wintering. Their fertilization is spermatophoric, like that of other representatives of Orthoptera. Mating takes place underground. Offspring appear in the summer.

Insects prepare a dwelling for their offspring: they dig complex, densely branched labyrinths around the roots of plants and, at a shallow depth (5-10 cm from the surface), arrange spherical nests about 10 cm in diameter. Individuals of both sexes take part in this process. Inside the ball is a nesting chamber the size of egg with well sealed walls. There, the female bear lays from 300-350 to 600 eggs. This is a very important period for the survival of insects, because the offspring, which are underground, are completely dependent on temperature and humidity. The female does not leave the nest, guarding it, maintaining ventilation and temperature. To do this, she clears the passages from the ground, eats up the roots of plants that cast a shadow on the nesting site. Medvedka eggs are similar to millet grains: oval, yellowish-gray, 2 mm in size.

After 10-20 days, depending on the temperature of the soil, gray, six-legged, wingless larvae (nymphs) emerge from the eggs, which live in the nest under the protection of the female for 20-30 days. At the end of this period of time, the female begins to freeze and after a while dies. After that, the larvae of the bear crawl away, dig separate holes and begin to feed.

The development of larvae takes a long time, with incomplete transformation. In different regions, this period is different. In the south they develop within 1-2 years, in the north 2-2.5 years. The larva of the bear is similar to the adult, but with smaller sizes, underdeveloped wings and genitals. On the early stages development, they are very mobile, nimble and jump well, like. During the period of development from the larva to the adult sexually mature individual, the bears molt 8-9 times.

Where and how does the bear hibernate?

The larvae of the bear are 2-6 instars (2-6 molts are implied) and adults overwinter in the soil, humus or manure. They burrow into the ground much deeper than in summer. Larvae deepen by 25 cm, adults - by 60, and sometimes 100-120 cm. They make winter depressions at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees. After wintering, the bears come to the surface when the soil temperature reaches 12-15 degrees.

Types of bears, photos and names

Medvedki almost do not differ from each other in appearance and lifestyle. Some can be distinguished from each other only by the number of chromosomes.

According to the latest research and information provided at, the Far Eastern mole cricket (lat. Gryllotalpa fossor) is synonymous with the African mole cricket (lat. Gryllotalpa africana).

Below is a description of several varieties of bears.

  • common bear (lat.gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)

Widespread species. The size of the body of the insect reaches 3.5-5 cm, the length of the pronotum is 1.2-1.6 cm, the elytra is 1.3-2.1 cm, the hind femur is 1-1.3 cm. lighter, brown-yellow abdomen, covered with dense fine hairs. The head and back are almost black. Abdomen yellowish or olive hue.

Widely distributed in Europe, except for the Scandinavian countries. Also, the common bear lives in Russia, North Africa and some regions of Asia: in the Transcaucasus, Asia Minor and Western Asia, the Middle East, Iran, Kazakhstan.

  • African Medvedka (Eastern Medvedka) (lat.Gryllotalpa africana)

It has smaller dimensions than the common bear: body 2.0-3.5 cm, pronotum length 0.6-0.9 cm, elytra length 0.8-1.2 cm. The color is brown-yellow above and yellow below.

African bears live in Central, South and Southeast Asia, the Japanese and Philippine Islands, Ceylon and Madagascar, Korea, Far East Russia, in Australia, New Zealand, in the tropics and subtropics of Africa.

  • Ten-fingered bear(lat.Neocurtilla hexadactyla)

A variety characterized by small sizes: from 1.9 to 3.3 cm in length. Initially, these bears inhabited North and Central America, and from there they settled in South America.

  • steppe bear(lat.Gryllotalpastepposa)

The morphological twin of the common bear, that is, it is absolutely similar in appearance to it. The length of the insect reaches 4-5.4 cm. The body color is brown-yellow.

The habitat of the bear is Moldova, the south of Ukraine, the Southern District of Russia and the south of Turkmenistan.

The body length of the insect varies from 3.8 to 4.4 cm, the length of the oval pronotum is 1.1-1.3 cm, the elytra is 1.5-1.7 cm. Body structure, lifestyle, nutrition and reproduction this insect characteristic of the whole family, as is the brownish-yellow color.

It is a halophile, that is, it is found on saline soils along the shores of seas and lakes, as well as on wet salt marshes. Single-spined bears live in the south of Moldova and Ukraine, in the Lower Volga region of Russia and the Rostov region, in the Crimea, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan and China. Its habitat may vary depending on the distribution of solonchaks and solonetzes.