Miracles exist where they believe. Miracle - quotes and aphorisms

© Svetlana Postelnyak, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-9650-2

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Hello dear friend!

This book is very lucky: it managed to break through to you through the powerful streams of information that we consume in huge quantities every day. But you hold this book in your hands, and I believe that all acquaintances are not accidental, and the Universe itself accompanied this meeting.

I always wanted to be that person, acquaintance and communication with which brings positive emotions, to whom I want to turn for help and support, for advice and communication, and with whom it is simply interesting to spend time. While we communicate through this book, I will try to tell you some of the secrets of a happy and successful life that I once met.

We all deserve the happiness that lives within us and that does not depend on income, environment, husband or wife, children, or anyone else. In this book, you will learn about the power of your thoughts, how positive thinking affects our lives, and how the beliefs imposed by society stand in the way of happiness. Our happiness does not depend on anyone but ourselves. After all, it's not about what happens to us - it's about how we relate to what happens.

Once a thief broke into someone else's chicken coop and stole a chicken. When he was running away, he knocked over the lamp, and the chicken coop caught fire. The chicken looked back and, seeing the fire of the fire, understood: it saved her life. When the thief fattened the chicken with millet and bread, the chicken understood that he was taking care of her. When the thief wandered from city to city, hiding the chicken in his bosom, the chicken understood: he loves her. When the chicken saw that the thief had brandished a knife, she realized that he wanted to commit suicide. She jumped on the knife and covered the thief with her body. And she died happy.

(Peter Mordkovich's parable)

We are not able to control the world around us, the weather and other people, but we are able to control ourselves and our thoughts. Happy people even in problems they see positive aspects, in difficult times they see opportunities, and in evil deeds they see goodness.

Everyone deserves to have a song, movie, or book dedicated to them. Therefore, I dedicate this book to you, dear reader.

What is the difference between the black stripe and the white stripe?

Everything has its own meaning. Our life is not a series of mistakes, but a sequence of lessons.

Robin Sharma

There lived a peasant. He had a son and he had a horse. Once a horse ran away, and all the neighbors began to sympathize with him: "Oh, you're not lucky that the horse ran away!"

“Who knows whether I was lucky or unlucky,” the old man answered them.

"It's clear that you're out of luck!" the neighbors said.

A week passed, and the horse returned home, followed by a whole herd of wild horses. The neighbors gathered to celebrate this and said to the old man: “Well, lucky you, your horse returned and brought twenty more!”

And he again for his: “Who knows, lucky or unlucky!”

The next morning the peasant's son went around the wild horses, fell down and broke his leg. Again the neighbors came to the old man, consoled him and said: “How unlucky your son is!”

And the peasant again told them: “Who knows if they were lucky or not lucky!” At this point, some of the neighbors became quite angry: “Yes, of course, it’s not lucky, you old fool!”

But a week passed, the military came to the village and took away all the healthy fellows to fight in distant countries, and left the peasant's son with a broken leg at home. The neighbors gathered to rejoice for him and say to the old man: “How lucky you are that your son was not taken to the war!”

And he answered them again: “Who knows…”

We divide everything into good and bad, happiness and unhappiness when we look at the situation through the prism of our perception. In fact, there are no bad and good events, only our attitude towards them affects what they will be for us. Think back to your entire past life, and you will see that once there were catastrophes that were impossible to justify before, which led you to a series of necessary actions, without which the life that you have today would be completely different. Literally everything that happens in our life is not accidental. Remember friends, acquaintances and even strangers who somehow changed your life, influenced your worldview; books that have shaped your thinking; troubles - illnesses, mental upheavals, falls, financial crisis - having survived which you have become a completely different person, stronger, and learned from your mistakes. Also, acquaintance with you for other people is not accidental: you, like other people, were sent to this world with your great mission, even if you don’t realize it now. All events flow from one to another, and only now, when you have already experienced all sorts of troubles, do you understand that without them you would not have learned and learned certain necessary life lessons. In the same way, any catastrophe is a stage in the great universal plan of your life. And this book, which you are now reading, also fell into your hands for a reason.

For example: when Dasha lost her job, she said: “God forgive me, but this was definitely not in the scenario of my life, here the universal plan was very wrong.” But when a week later she was offered a new job, in a more prestigious company, with a salary twice as high, Dasha realized that she was wrong here and if she had not been fired, she would not have received a position in a new workplace.

Crisis in Chinese is written with two characters - danger and opportunity.

The universe is a very patient and persistent teacher. Have you noticed the following. When something in our life needs to be changed and we, perhaps, somewhere in the depths of our souls understand this, but for some reason we put it off, first they throw a small pebble at us - these are small difficulties, thanks to which we see that it is time for something then change. If we don’t pay attention to them, a bigger pebble flies next, which is already difficult to ignore, but sometimes we have enough patience for it, and then a very huge cobblestone flies in the form of these same catastrophes, which is simply impossible not to notice. And we are forced to do something, look for a way out, somehow get out of this situation. These pebbles of trouble will fly at us again and again until we learn this necessary life lesson for the further development of events.

Have you noticed that we are ready to change only when it already seems that there is no way out? Alice began to eat right and play sports, because yesterday the doctor told her: if she does not do this, then she will definitely die. Sergei gave up all his strength to improve relations with his wife when she filed for divorce, and Andrei took up his mind after he found out that they wanted to expel him from the institute. We are only fast when there is no more time. When we get a good slap from life, we suddenly have motivation and strength. Imagine that you only have one year left to live. Just imagine for a minute… How would you spend this year, what would you do? Someone says that he would start writing a book, someone would just make up and rally with all those close to him and spend time with them. What would you do? And what right now prevents you from doing this, while there is no serious threat to your life yet?

Extraordinary. Mysterious. Unfathomable. Outlandish. Unseen. Wonderful ... A rich set of words meaning the unknown. And indeed, is there really little in our life, in the history of peoples and in nature, that there was and is amazing, mysterious - such that sometimes even a person far from any mysticism makes one think!

... 1916. Goes first World War. Every day takes thousands human lives. Russian soldiers no longer want to die "for the faith, the tsar and the fatherland." And then, on one of the sectors of the Russian-German front, something exceptional happened: before dawn, in the sky, against the background of dark night clouds, the famous icon of the Kazan Mother of God suddenly appeared. A huge and very clear image of the Mother of God was seen by thousands of soldiers, who in a few minutes were to go on the attack. "God's sign! - flashed through the trenches. - It broadcasts victory. And many resolutely, with faith in heavenly help, rose into battle.

And here is another "heavenly miracle" recorded by history. On March 14, 1813, red rain poured down in the Italian city of Catanzaro in the afternoon. People in horror, abandoning all their affairs, fled to the temples. And there the shepherds were already broadcasting: they say, bloody rain is a heavenly warning about future troubles, punishment for unrighteous deeds. There comes, they say, "God's judgment" on all sinners ...

For a long, very long time the city could not calm down, although the terrible rain did not harm anyone. Only reddish spots left on the walls and roofs of houses, on the leaves of trees, testified to what had recently happened. But how could those who believed in the supernatural forget what they saw! Shocked, they thought only of one thing: how to save their souls, to atone for real and imaginary sins. Many outbreaks of religious fanaticism caused this "miracle" ...

Such natural anomalies are not uncommon. Have you ever seen such a phenomenon, for example: the sun has just gone below the horizon, and a bright cross suddenly appears clearly in the darkening sky. Huge, reminiscent of lonely crosses on old churchyards, it glows dimly in the sky. Such a "sign" in our day can lead to astonishment. And imagine the not so distant past, when they simply did not know the causes of this phenomenon! A believer confidently said: “This is a miracle, a sign of God, foreshadowing some troubles for sinful people!”

Belief in such miracles was not born in a vacuum. After all, many have seen them - how can there be any doubt? And our ancestors, who did not know and did not understand the causal relationships and patterns of the surrounding world, often did not even try to somehow penetrate the essence of the phenomenon. They simply and unequivocally announced: some unknown and powerful forces are at work here, this is a miracle.

The path of human knowledge of the surrounding world is marked by one characteristic feature: from ignorance to knowledge, we go through the mysterious, the mysterious. And not only in antiquity the most natural phenomena were perceived as miracles. So it was in the recent past. This is what happens in our days... Science, as you know, penetrates deeper and deeper into the essence of natural processes. However, their infinity constantly raises more and more new questions. And although today we know more than yesterday, and tomorrow we will know what we still do not know today, this path is boundless, we will never be able to say: here it is in front of us - an absolutely complete, completely finished picture of the universe, in which everything is already so it is clear that nothing can be added or changed. This will never happen! So, there will always be a mysterious, unsolved, amazing imagination - a miracle.

Nature beckons and surprises us with its diversity, and often frightens us with the power of its forces. Like hundreds of years ago, despite the gigantic advances in science, it still contains an innumerable number of mysteries - perhaps even more than it was before. They beckon with their unexplored, mysteriousness. Probably the most fascinating thing in the study of the surrounding world lies in the fact that the known always coexist with the unknown, the known with the unknown, the open with the not yet found.

One more thing should be remembered: the "wonderful" in nature is related not only to the level of our knowledge - to rational, so to speak, thinking - but also to a large extent to the field of emotions. It, if you like, attracts with unusualness, fabulousness, separation from everyday life, so familiar. From the miraculous, a person often expects the fulfillment of his most secret dreams - in order to rise above some boring circumstances, to circumvent the laws of nature that limit his strength and capabilities.

Somewhere in the depths of the psyche, at the subconscious level, many people today still have an inexplicable feeling of the existence of something unknown, and so significant that it can radically change the natural course of events, influence fate, etc. Perhaps, in This property of the psyche reflected the impotence of our distant ancestors before nature, and does it testify to some biological roots of such a perception of the unknown? We unconsciously expect phenomena that clearly contradict both the well-known laws of nature and all our experience, we dream of seeing them. And although nothing like this ever happens in life, an underlying belief in the possibility of a miracle still lurks in the minds of many people.

A convinced materialist knows that there is a need for quite real laws in it. and chance, but there are no fundamentally inexplicable things, there is no thing that goes beyond nature itself, no matter how outlandish, at first glance, this or that phenomenon may seem inexplicable.

... Raindrops of red color are falling from the sky. Dancing figures of some animals appear in the sultry air of the desert. A luminous cross appears in the sky. A luminous disk suddenly flew in the night sky. How many of them - such amazing phenomena! Yes, in the first moment they amaze us, even frighten us.

But as the well-known aphorism says, "The result depends on the point of view". Indeed, no, there can be nothing supernatural! Well, what about the other one? How little it sometimes takes for the “otherworldly” fantasy to play out with might and main! And even then there is nothing to say even about the desire to rationally explain the "miracle". Marx has wise words: weakness has always been saved by faith in miracles. How much more accessible, easier it is to agree with the idea of ​​the miraculous than to find, to know the true cause of an amazing phenomenon.

To help a person see the world as it is, and not as our imagination draws it - this is the lofty purpose of science.

And now let's declassify the "miracles" that we talked about at the beginning. Colored atmospheric precipitation is not such a rare phenomenon in nature. Meteorologists record yellow, greenish, and red rain almost every year. In the American town of Davenport, it once rained, the drops of which were blue. All houses and objects that were in the open air were covered with bluish paint. In 1965, in Armenia, in the Sevan region, red snow fell, which then turned into yellow-green. And in the city of Cherdyn and the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, Perm Region, in 1953, many residents got pretty dirty after falling under the black rain.

The main "director" of all such "performances" is the wind. At Davenport, he lifted high into the air the immature pollen from the American poplar and elm, bluish in color. It mixed with raindrops, and unusual precipitation fell on the ground. Pine pollen, which the wind can bring from afar, gives the yellow-green color to the snow.

But what about the “bloody” rain of 1813 that caused such horror? A hurricane wind raised a large amount of reddish dust in the deserts of North Africa, in which there is a lot of ocher, and carried it through the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of Italy. Mixed with rain, this dust gave it a "bloody" look.

Luminous crosses in the sky belong to the so-called halo - atmospheric phenomena. They are generated by the refraction and reflection of sunlight in ice crystals floating in the Earth's atmosphere. Scientists have found that when a halo appears, the Sun is covered with a white, brilliant haze, a thin veil of high cirrus or cirro-stratus clouds, consisting of the smallest ice crystals. They, like a mirror, reflect or, like a glass prism, refract the sun's rays, "drawing" circles, pillars, crosses in the sky ...

Perhaps one of our readers has seen such a halo: a bright, iridescent-colored ring around the sun. At the same time, part of the sun's rays are scattered in the air, but from the crystals, which are located in the sky in a circle, already directed rays are obtained - here we see a bright circle.

A luminous column in the sky is generated by light rays reflected from small ice crystals-plates floating horizontally in the air. The sun, which has just gone beyond the horizon, illuminates their oscillating lower faces, which these rays reflect and direct into the eyes of the observer. We see, in fact, a stretched image of the solar disk distorted beyond recognition - a luminous column rises into the sky from the horizon.

By the way, everyone saw a similar reflection on the water - a “lunar path” on the surface of a lake or sea. This is also a mirror reflection of the moon, only a reflection in the water, unrecognizably distorted, greatly stretched. Slightly undulating water surface reflects falling on it Moonlight so that we see, as it were, many dozens of individual reflections of the moon, which give a long luminous path.

And the solution to the heavenly cross is also simple. In its appearance, not the whole ring surrounding the sun is “guilty”, but only a part of it visible to us. It happens that a luminous pillar is superimposed on it after sunset. It intersects with part of the ring, and the image of a large cross is obtained. Against the background of the evening dawn, such a cross often looks reddish, as if illuminated by the reflection of a distant fire.

This harmless atmospheric phenomenon once greatly frightened superstitious people. Especially when such a halo looked like an old knight's sword. And if it was still painted by the dawn, then here's a bloody sword for you - a formidable prediction of "future troubles."

The solution to the “miracle” with the Kazan Mother of God is also instructive. When reports of this "extraordinary celestial phenomenon" were published in the press, it turned out that this was just a fraudulent trick aimed at raising the patriotic spirit of the soldiers. Newspapers wrote that such pictures were shown to believers by the priests of Ancient Egypt. Even then, in the twilight of the temples, huge images of the gods appeared, surrounded by radiance. And these days, such a trick is easily done at home. We are talking about the well-known projection, or, as it was called before, a magic lantern.

In the ceiling of the temples, the Egyptian priests made a small gap, which opened at the right time. The priest climbed onto the roof of the temple. He occupied such a position that his image, having passed the gap, fell on one of the inner walls. When the priest began to move, the huge shadow in the temple also began to move. The gap closed - the vision disappeared. And to make an even greater impression on the excited crowd, music began to sound, the smell of various aromatic substances spread. Well, the projection of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan was simply directed with a searchlight to a dark night cloud.

Apparently, the great French educator Denis Diderot was quite right when he stated: "Miracles happen where people believe in them."

I am sure that any business should be trusted to professionals. Only a shoemaker can repair shoes well (thanks to shoemaker Pavel Borisovich for the last repair), only a real master can repair broken household appliances (thanks to Igor for the repaired AIWA cassette deck of the 80s). And so in any case, we trust specialists, and do not treat teeth with a locksmith with a screwdriver. But there is a sad exception to all the rules. For some reason, many people think that in matters of religion, anyone is ready to become a mentor, if he has the Internet at hand. And articles appear in serious publications, fly-by-night newspapers with advice on how a person can save his soul, and, along the way, improve his health, multiply like mushrooms.

I came across the Healing through Prayer newspaper by accident at the Rospechat kiosk. Illiquid at a bargain price, but at the time of going on sale it was bought up quite well. It's just that the publishers went too far with the circulation, 50870 copies - a lot to start with. But, judging by the fact that the newspaper is almost completely sold out, the publisher remained in profit. The subtitle reads: "Miracles are where they are believed in, and the more they believe, the more often they happen." I remembered the times of Kashpirovsky, Chumak and the White Brotherhood. I decided to buy, especially since the price is really affordable.

No, the newspaper did not surprise me with its set of reprints from pravoslavie.ru and rather familiar incantations. Even on Pravoslavii.ru it is not difficult to find an excuse for magic. Surprised something else. Usually such newspapers are published or curated by professional magicians, but here is a simple selection of Internet publications with a circulation of 50,000 printed copies. Not every regional newspaper can boast of such a circulation. And here is a simple selection, made hastily, probably in one or two days (this is evidenced by numerous typos and the composition of the editorial board - 2 people.

If the editorial does not cause complaints, then the newspaper resembles a fairy tale, that is, the further, the more terrible. On the second page, we learn that you can drink Epiphany holy water only on an empty stomach, and in case of illness, you must use water consecrated on another day ... Well, then it gets worse and worse. Here are some tips to treat cancer with a mixture of 10 parts of crayfish shell, 5 parts of gentian and 3 parts of frankincense, which must be burned over low heat. Here are the conspiracies Holy Mother of God holds a sword, cut cancer ... bubbling, warty ... kick out, knock out ... evicted from 10 joints. And, finally, the “diet from Jesus Christ”: “let the weight of your daily food be at least 0.5 kilos, but beware that it exceeds 1 kg.” "Do not consume unclean food brought from distant countries." Here is a vinaigrette, typed using a simple search engine and copy-paste. The sloppiness in the publication is so unique that the imprint says "must see" instead of the registration number. If we were not talking about fifty thousand copies, if the newspaper had not been distributed by Rospechat, if there had not been a subscription to it (yes, this publication is distributed by subscription!), then one could not pay attention to illiterate occultism publishers. But, alas, a fact is a fact, it is precisely such newspapers that are most often purchased by "passengers" and then these conspiracies, coupled with instructions "from Christ", become a religious component of the population of our country. And something needs to be done about this, otherwise it will take quite a bit of time and another generation will be lost, just as we lost the generation of the 90s. Then it was possible to make excuses by saying that the Church was not ready for changes, but now we have all become literate, have mastered the Internet and other technologies. So, there will be no excuse for us!

You can start by posting a list of periodicals promoting the occult and magic in churches, and continue by publishing your materials in major publications and distributing church-wide, diocesan and even parish newspapers through the same distribution channels as the newspaper described above. Let religion be represented in the press by professionals, those who know what the spiritual world is and what consequences an incompetent person who decides to make money in a field in which he understands absolutely nothing can expect.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

1. “The matron read a prayer over the water and gave it to those who came to her. Those who drank water and sprinkled it got rid of various misfortunes. Such unverified (there is not a word about this in the materials for canonization) information posted on a popular site opens up opportunities for almost any magician and sorcerer. You can always refer to some blessing of the "secret old man" to imitate ... no, not a saint, but gossip around her biography.

A miracle is the freedom of God.
Gilbert Chesterton

A miracle is when God breaks his own records.
Jean Girodou

Man himself is a greater miracle than all the miracles performed by people.
Aurelius Augustine

A miracle is an event that gives rise to faith. This is the very essence and purpose of miracles. To those who see them, they may seem very amazing, and to those who create them, very simple. But it is not important. If they strengthen or generate faith, these are true miracles.
Bernard Show

A miracle is only a nine-day miracle.
English proverb

Miracles do not contradict nature, but nature known to us.

Miracles are where they believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

A miracle is a miracle only for those who do not believe in it; for those who believe in miracles, there are no miracles.
Grigory Landau

You cannot work miracles while remaining a saint.
Alexander Furstenberg

If miracles existed, they would cease to be miracles: a miracle is only a miracle because it does not actually happen.
Anatole France

Belief in miracles reconciles with their absence.
Gennady Malkin

The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.
Gilbert Chesterton

The world is slowly coming to an end, and miracles no longer occur.
Gabriel G. Marquez

A miracle is an event described by people who have heard about it from those who have not seen it.
Elbert Hubbard

Miracle and martyrdom follow the same paths; but we don't follow them.
Clive Lewis

All miracles can be explained either by novelty or by ignorance.
Samuel Johnson

A miracle must come from faith, not faith from a miracle.
Nikolai Berdyaev

To appeal to a miracle is to corrupt the will.
Zinaida Gippius

We must always remember that the devil has his miracles.
Jean Calvin

It is more difficult for people to believe in a miracle than in the legend of miracles.
Georg Lichtenberg

Nothing strikes like a miracle, except for the naivety with which it is taken for granted.
Mark Twain

Each miracle must find its explanation, otherwise it is simply unbearable.
Karel Capek

Every miracle can be explained in hindsight. Not because a miracle is not a miracle, but because an explanation is an explanation.
Franz Rosenzweig

Miracles cannot be cited as evidence.
Paraphrased quote
from the Talmud

Miracles do not happen: from one fly you can make only one elephant.
Anton Ligov

Miracles sometimes happen, but it takes a lot of work to get there.
Chaim Weizmann

Happy does not believe in miracles.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

I don't believe in miracles, but I'm looking for a sorcerer.

Miracle: he was hit on the cheek, he turned the other; hit another, and he substitutes a third.
Henryk Jagodzinsky

Hope for a miracle, but do not forget God.
Viktor Koval

Miracles are where they believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

Miracles are the diapers of a newborn religion.
Thomas Fuller

A miracle is not a violation of the laws of the mortal world, but the restoration of the laws of the Kingdom of God.
Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

What is a miracle on earth is a rule in heaven.
Jean Paul

Miracles are there. where they believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot.

Faith is not born from a miracle, but a miracle from faith.
Fedor Dostoevsky

What cannot happen never happens; what can is not a miracle. Therefore, there is no such thing as a miracle.
Mark Tullius Cicero

The one with whom the miracle happens does not know about it.
Talmud, "Nidda", 31a

It is easier to repeat a miracle than to explain it.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel

A miracle is a building to which everyone puts his hand so that the most distant witness is better informed than the immediate one, and the last person who learns about it is much more convinced than the first.
Michel Montaigne

Usually a miracle is the work of the public, and not of the one to whom it is attributed. If Jesus had refused to persevere in performing miracles, the crowd would have created them for him; the greatest miracle would be if he did not work miracles.
Ernest Renan

God does not perform miracles to convince atheists because his ordinary creations are convincing enough.
Francis Bacon

A true believer does not need miracles, and a skeptic cannot be convinced by any miracles.
Nancy Gibbs

It would be a true miracle if Jonah swallowed the whale.
Thomas Paine

If this is a miracle, then a witness will suffice; if it is a fact, irrefutable evidence is needed.
Mark Twain

The greatest irrefutable miracle is people's belief in miracles.
Jean Paul

I don't believe in the miraculous - that would be too easy.
Jean Rostand

Miracles! I do not believe in miracles. I've seen too many miracles.
Herodias in Oscar Wilde's Salome

The realization that the miraculous was near us comes too late.
Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

If miracles existed, they would cease to be miracles: a miracle is only a miracle because it does not actually happen.
Anatole France

Europe long ago forgot about miracles: it did not go further than ideals; it is here in Russia that they still continue to confuse miracles with ideals.
Lev Shestov

The very appearance of a miracle was already miraculous.
Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky

A miracle is possible at the moment of death.
Alexander Vvedensky


Soul Diaries 06/27/2018

My dear readers, today I have an unusual article. This article opens a new section on the blog, which will be called "Diaries of the Soul." "Why such a name?" - you ask. Now I will tell you everything, my dear.

In this section, we will read amazing stories and think about a lot. On the one hand, they are amazing, and on the other hand, they are very simple, sincere, written from the heart, from the Soul. I really want you to read such stories and believe that in our life, no matter what situations you encounter, everything can be changed. Whether these are health situations, with your loved ones and relatives, with work, with financial well-being, etc.

It may seem impossible to someone, but let's start with everything, and then you yourself will draw your own conclusions, my good ones. There will be other material in the rubric besides stories. Which one? I hope that it is pleasant, useful, inspiring and new for rethinking a lot.

And in principle, the first steps have been taken. My husband and I went to study with Konstantin Dovlatov for a training on financial well-being, how to live in health and joy of life. I am learning, I am learning. And at this time, after my mailing that I had decided to leave work on the magazine, I began to receive letters from you.

The fact that there will be MANY of them, I did not expect at all. My dears, how nice it is to see this, to feel your warmth, care, love, to understand that it is HOW IMPORTANT for you. What is important is my condition, my fullness, you are not indifferent to what happens to me. Once again, thank you all for your response.

There were many letters, I answered them all. Someone even called his business. And then one letter somehow especially touched me, hooked me with its sincerity, something elusive, which I did not understand.

Tatyana Ermakova, a reader of my magazine, wrote me a letter, from which I simply cried .. I cried with happiness that I have such wonderful readers, so subtle, understanding, amazingly feeling everything and even more than I myself ... At least this letter was. Or maybe I just didn’t admit much to myself then.

We talked about many things with Tanya, you can’t describe everything here. To put it very briefly, she told me about a meeting that changed her life and the lives of many with whom she now knows.

I thanked her from the bottom of my heart and went on with my studies. But Tanyusha did not give up, and wrote to me again. Maybe it's no coincidence? I refused for a long time, saying that I was very busy, I didn’t even have time to look at the links, listen to the book that she also sent. I think, well, since everything is written like that, it’s probably some kind of sign ... You need to at least look at everything with one eye, listen.

And just like that, fate gave me another meeting in my life, which helped me very, very much to understand and not even understand, namely to feel, to feel. My husband looked at me and said: “How happy I am for you. Your eyes began to glow again, you are transforming .... Listen to yourself, listen to your soul. I can see that you are doing well. Do what you like, which makes your soul feel good.

My acquaintance with the school of Alika Prepelitsa

And that's how I got to know the School run by Alika Prepelitsa and decided to talk to those who study with her. I also talked with Alika, Allochka, as all the students lovingly call her. Do you know what shocked me?

Even when I first listened to her book “The Truth of Love”, I suddenly felt so familiar, just mine. My soul immediately responded, the feeling was just extraordinary. It seemed that for the first time you were warming up, that you had touched something very dear, warm, close to you, Light, Love, tenderness, trembling. Every cell seemed to come alive again and startled. I remembered childhood, when you feel good, good and unusually warm.

And Tanyusha invited me to a trial lesson at school. I think, well, I’ll go all the same - I’ll see what is being done there, what kind of unusual training is going on, what they teach there.

I noted the special atmosphere at Allochka's School. She truly loves everyone! And this is not the most important thing. Alika has a special rare Gift, she is a healer of the New Time, a nugget, an expert in the field of parapsychology, bioenergetics, karma, theosophy, the founder of her on-line school “Truth of Love. Evolution of the Spirit through the cognition of the Wisdom of the Soul.

Thanks to her Gift, people are healed, miracles happen in their lives, she teaches to work on oneself in its most subtle manifestations. People recover quickly, their situations change quickly.

With her soul and her Gift, she gives us her energy, supports each of her students, she cherishes steps, steps, miracles that happen in everyone's life. Supports not only Alik, but all students of each other.

It helps to understand why we get sick in life, why certain situations happen, why it happens so badly in the soul, why things happen in life exactly as they happened, why people lose their loved ones, disappointments, betrayals occur, why it happens complete absence forces, marking time and much more.

Alika teaches how to develop your Soul Energy! The soul begins to produce the very GREAT POWER on which our life, our destiny, health, success, prosperity, Love depend.

In class, I heard how much has changed for many. People cured oncology, avoided operations, what miracles happened in relationships with relatives and children. After all, we often do not realize that by changing ourselves, we change everything around us. And even if we are aware, we do not know HOW to change ourselves, WHAT to change in ourselves. Exactly step by step. Day after day, situation after situation.

After all, as usual, all studies are built by all coaches? There is a training, you get lessons, where they tell you how to be successful, how to earn a lot of money. They give techniques, but often you don’t know how to apply them specifically to yourself. I myself have encountered this many times. Only the head works more for everyone. Do this and you will continue to be happy. Does it come?

And no one or almost no one tells us to listen to our Soul. And if they do, then there is no answer how exactly to listen. And then, each of us has the same circumstances today, tomorrow - others. There are always a lot of questions. And you don't get answers. There is a study in the flow, where you will either get something or simply drop out of the process. By and large, nobody cares about you personally.

Now there are many different trainings, trainings, it is really very difficult to choose. But not many people have their own Gift, which restores the integrity of a person from the inside. And Alika begins to restore everything from the Soul of each person. She sees programs, both constructive and destructive. Suggests what to do about it. And everyone's state changes further.

Even just attending classes, just listening to her, the Soul becomes warmer and warmer. She warms up. Every day is getting calmer and calmer in my soul. And people around notice big changes. People's vibration frequency changes. You have to understand, of course, that this is a process, and a very interesting process.

And now I want to give the floor to the first guest of the blog, Lisa Kalaijidi. She will share her story. She will tell about her transformations and the miracles that happened in her life, thanks to the meeting with Alika. I give her the floor.

Meet our first story

Hello world, hello my dears! Today I would like to tell you my story of meeting people who changed my life and my world as a whole! You know, often asking questions to myself, God, Veselenny, Higher powers, I waited for an answer, not realizing that they were answering me. I just DID NOT HEARD AND DID NOT SEE, continuing to blame everything and everyone, “a man with a beard who sits upstairs and, as it seemed to me, punishes everyone”!

My name is Elizaveta Kalaijidi, I am 31 years old, I am a daughter, a sister, a friend and, above all, a Woman. A woman, like many of us, dreams of beauty around her. That everything be filled with love, care and sincerity.

From childhood, I was a very independent child, I always had my own point of view, my own opinion, I was forbidden a lot. I grew up in a family that consisted of my mother and stepfather. My own father left us when I was very young.

Often I was very offended by the fact that “he left”, there was always a question in my thoughts: “Why did my beloved daddy leave? Did he leave when I needed him so badly?

Time passed, first school, then a bunch of institutes, diplomas, and in parallel with all this work. Yes, I started working at the age of 16 because, as I now realize, I just wanted to get away from the life I was living. I wanted, more money, more fame, public recognition and most importantly - more love, which I bought with the money I wanted to earn. Relations with people began to be built on the fact that you are to me, I am to you, and this seemed right.

For most of my life, I have lived a very energetic and active person, giving everyone around me an "illusory holiday of happiness." I was carried along the waves of this turbulent stream, striving for a better life, for financial independence. I wanted to change people's habits, do something for them, feel sorry for them, deserve their love.

I thought that soon another man would come into my life who would change my life, he would be better than me in everything, he would buy an apartment, he would provide me financially, I would give birth to children, and this would be the end of my mission. I was brought up in such a way that this is the meaning of life, this is a husband - a person who needs to be worshiped and honored.

Men often left me, and those who did not want to leave, “left” them myself. My beloved daddy was the first man who left me for the first time. All the other men in my life just explained to me how it was right to accept this Gift ...

When the last man left with the words “I fell in love with another”, the world suddenly stopped, it ceased to exist, my life lost its meaning. I now remember this period of my life with Gratitude and Love. The idol is gone... Darkness has come...

It seemed that life was over, and it was at this moment in my life that a Miracle happened that overnight changed my world, my thoughts and my whole life. For a very long period of time I lived in hell on earth, I didn’t want to do anything: eat, sleep, see someone and hear, I wanted to lie down and just cry.

Beautiful Woman, her Gift, thanks to which my life has completely changed and transformed

Having once visited a close person named Svetochka, in a state where you are ready to eat the earth, just to get out of this state and get the same answer: “Why?”. In response, I heard: “I know one wonderful and amazing woman who helped me, thanks to her Gift, and I think she can help you!”. This sorceress's name is Allochka Prepelitsa, and it was she who changed everything!

At first I denied everything that she told me, I did not want to accept some moments where I realized that I created all this myself! Thanks to training and the fact that after some time, everything began to change miraculously in my life, I began to realize that there is something more than just getting knowledge at school, a new state appeared inside me, which before that was me little known. The state of inner flight and lightness, when miracles began to happen in life. Relationships with my mother, with relatives and close people have changed, I have learned the most important thing in life, to feel, to talk about what I feel, to dream and just to love.

Throughout the training, I forgot about what drugs are and generally excluded them from my life. Relations with men have also changed in my favorite business, since all the questions that used to seem to me “the end of the world” are now just “a storm in a teacup”.

Start seeing the world with different eyes, learn to perceive everything around as actions from Great love- this is art! Thanks to Allochka and her Gift, which miraculously led me to the realization that being a Woman in Love and Happiness is my most important Mission on Earth, that when I am happy on my own, then I can fill everything and everyone around with my love and happiness!

You may think that this is impossible, but right now I can say with full confidence that the impossible is possible. We create our own own life, it’s just that in the stream of a new civilization, we don’t have time to analyze our actions and actions, much less listen and hear our inner voice, our Soul.

"Miracles are where they are believed." This is actually so, because our life consists entirely of what we believe in. As soon as I changed my focus and began to see beauty in everything, the world around me changed, life became easier and more beautiful, people around were kind and helpful, dreams began to come true.

Now I want to hug the whole world, talk and talk about the fact that daily work on yourself and awareness in everything can really change everything. I realize this through Alla and her Gift, through her sincere stories of my personal life, which I went through myself, because you can teach something only when you yourself have gone through it. Our acquaintance is already more than two years old, and I believe that this acquaintance will last all my life.

All the events that formed my new life took place gradually, it happened in a small chain, according to the principle of “seven handshakes”. One person shared his happiness with another, the next shared his with someone else. And so I have now come to all this beauty in my life.

Working on yourself, changing your life is a very difficult process, sometimes, but the most pleasant, and the fruits of this work bring Love, Happiness, Well-being, Harmony and Well-being!

I wish everyone who read this story to come to an inner state, warmth and tenderness, I sincerely thank you and believe that everything can be changed!

And now I want to invite you to watch a video where I talk about everything. I did not believe that MIRACLES EXIST!

I thank Lisa for sharing everything sincerely. Dear readers, I really want to hear your opinion about my idea to open just such a new section on the blog. Share your thoughts in the comments. I will be very grateful.

I myself am happy that fate gives me new opportunities to know myself, to know my Soul, such meetings in life. I so want the soul to know its own path of development, namely development, so that the mind not only tells what and how to do further in this life, but everything would respond in the soul ...

I sincerely wish everyone light, warmth, kindness, Love and new awareness, pleasant changes in your life!

For those who are interested in the topic, I advise you to read the book by A. Prepelitsa "The Truth of Love", visit her website.

Book Truth of Love audio format , Book download

Truth of Love website

And I will end the article with the words of Alika Prepelitsa: “You can’t control love, you can only be love, which means you sincerely love with your soul. This is the very state during which your Soul itself produces this great, unique, creative force.

And for the soul the composition will sound E. Cortazar - Love Spell . How wonderful everything is...

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