Black radish. What is the harm and benefit of wild radish Radish leaves

In radish varieties belonging to three subspecies - European, Chinese and Japanese, by the end of the vegetative period, a rosette of very large, rigidly pubescent petiolate leaves is formed.

The epidermal cells of the leaf have different outlines: from rectilinear, rectilinear-rounded, rounded-tortuous on the upper surface of the leaf to tortuous to varying degrees on the lower surface.

In all varieties, the lower epidermis is characterized by a greater sinuosity of cell walls, the most sinuous outlines of the latter in the Japanese radish variety Kurume banzumari. According to the outlines of the cells, the upper and lower epidermis of the varieties Kurume banzumari, Hunsin, Winter white and Ostergrus differ most sharply. A great similarity of the epidermis on this basis can be noted in the European radish (Winter black round and Winter white round). The cells of both the upper and lower epidermis differ in size depending on the variety. The most small-celled upper and lower leaf epidermis in European radish (Ostergrus) and Japanese radish (Kurume banzumari).

Leaves are amphistomatic; in all varieties on the lower epidermis, the number of stomata per 1 mm 2 of the surface is greater than on the upper. Largest number they are in the variety Winter white round, belonging to the European subspecies. Stomata are anisocytic, often arranged in groups. The number of stomata on the upper epidermis varies from 156 to 210 (the largest number is in the variety Ostergrus), on the lower epidermis it ranges from 192 to 336.

A great variety is observed in the size (length of the guard cells) of the stomata. In most varieties, the leaf epidermis is dominated by medium-sized stomata (21.0-25.2 microns); large stomata (29.4-33.6 microns) are characteristic of the varieties Hong-Sin, Da-qing-pi, Ostergrus, small (16.8-21.0 microns) - Winter Black Round. Strong fluctuations in the size of stomata are observed even in small areas of the epidermis in one leaf. In some varieties of radish, especially the Chinese variety Hongxing, thickenings are distinct at the poles of the stomata and on the walls of the epidermal cells immediately adjacent to the stomata. In the epidermal cells there are random accumulations or single small needle-like crystals of inulin, the latter are present even in the guard cells of the stomata.

The radish leaf blade has a dorsoventral structure. The upper and lower epidermis in the transverse section are composed of cells of various sizes, covered with a thin layer of cuticle. On the upper epidermis there are styloid, curved-styloid and rounded hairs, usually unicellular.

The thickness of the leaf blade varies from 218 to 395 microns, its largest value (458-462 microns) in Chinese radish (Hong-sin and Da-qing-pi varieties), the smallest (181-189 microns) in European radish (Winter black round, Winter white, Winter white round). Noticeable fluctuations in the thickness of the plate are also observed in individual plants of the same variety. The number of rows of palisade fabric, as a rule, is half that of spongy. But in terms of thickness, these two mesophyll layers have a different ratio. In most varieties, palisade fabric predominates; the greatest difference in the thickness of the palisade and spongy tissues of the Chinese sparse Hong-sin and Da-qing-pi. Stomata on both sides of the leaf with small cuticular outgrowths (ridges) of guard cells; the presence of respiratory cavities under the stomata is characteristic. The friability of the mesophyll is also due to the presence of intercellular spaces in the palisade and spongy tissue. Cells (2-4 rows) that make up the palisade layer differ in the ratio of length and width. Short cells predominate, in which the length and width are approximately equal, and cells with a ratio of the latter 1: 1.5. Radially elongated cells are found in the second and third rows. The transition from palisade to spongy tissue is gradual. The cells of spongy and palisade parenchyma are filled with large chloroplasts.

The conducting system in the pulp of the leaf is represented by collateral bundles, small at the periphery and gradually increasing in size as it approaches the center of the plate. Peripheral bundles consist of a small number (2-3) of small vessels, phloem elements and parenchyma. There is no mechanical tissue in the bundles and near them. A lining of large, thin-walled, inclusion-free cells is characteristic. Large (central in each leaf lobe) veins are distinguished by a more developed vascular apparatus and phloem, which is adjacent to the corner collenchyma; they are surrounded by a larger lining.

The central vein protrudes very strongly on the abaxial side of the leaf and has a bundle structure similar to the structure of the petiole, into which it gradually passes. The cross section of the midrib, as well as the petiole (near the leaf blade), is rounded, slightly grooved; the distal end of the petiole has a semi-cylindrical shape. Their main differences are in the number of conducting beams. On the adaceal side there is a small groove, densely pubescent with unicellular hairs. The epidermis of the midrib and petiole is covered with a thin layer of cuticle, single row, with thickened tangential cell walls. Collenchyma is located under it, its subepidermal row is continuous in most varieties, and the subsequent (1 - 2 rows) are discrete. The greatest number of rows of collenchyma (3-4) is formed on the abaxial ledge. The main non-lignified parenchyma consists of small peripheral and larger central cells, rather loose, separated by small intercellular spaces. Conductive bundles are located in it in a discontinuous semicircle (arc). The bundles are different in size: small at the ends of the arc (marginal in the lobes of the leaf blade and in the wings of the petiole) and larger in the central part of the arc. Small bundles are composed of phloem, xylem, and supraphloem collenchyma, absent only in the most peripheral bundles. Closer to the center of the arch, the amount of collenchyma in the bundles increases. Conductive elements are also more powerfully developed.

Large bundles have a complex structure, very similar to the structure of synthetic bundles (groups) in the petioles of cabbage leaves (SF Zakharevich, 1956). Each such bundle resembles a stele surrounded by endoderm and consisting of separate radially arranged bundles converging in xylem areas; 2-3 rows of cambial cells are clearly visible in bundles. The number of individual collateral bundles in the groups is different: the largest (6-8) in the central, smaller (2-4) in the rest. In some varieties (Kurume banzumari, Da-qing-pi), only the central bundle of the midrib consists of several (3-4) bundles, and the remaining bundles are simple, with a powerfully developed xylem. Sometimes at the base of large complex bundles or at some distance there are small bundles that later join them.

Collenchyma (collenchyma-like tissue, according to S. F. Zakharevich, 1956) is formed above each bundle in the group, as well as in the center where the bundles converge. Sometimes it makes up rays separating individual bundles (usually parenchymal rays). The bundle xylem includes numerous large vessels (the only lignified elements in the midrib and petiole) and thin-walled parenchyma. Angular collenchyma predominates, but in some varieties (Winter White), individual sections of subepidermal collenchyma are very similar to lamellar ones. Hairs on adaxial side of midrib and petiole with multicellular base. In most varieties of radish, in the parenchyma of the midrib, and especially the petiole, there is an abundance of large inulin spherocrystals. Large complex bundles are surrounded by a starchy sheath containing a small amount of starch grains. The latter are also contained in the cells of the rays separating the beams.

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In vegetable gardens, radish unfairly occupies modest places. Radish roots are valued for their high content of specific (rare) essential oil, mineral salts, vitamin C and other bactericidal substances. It has twice as much dry matter as radish, a lot of sugar and protein. Radish affects the metabolism, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, promotes the release of digestive juices. Radish - good remedy against cough in case of a small cold. Use grated radish mixed with honey, or salted, or just its juice.

Radish is a spicy root crop. © Kolyan Content:

Description of radish

Radish (lat. Ráphanus)- a small genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). It grows wild in Europe and temperate Asia.

Plants with simple or branched stems. Cultural and some wild species roots thickened, edible. The leaves are lyre-pinnate or lyre-pinnate. Sepals straight, oblong, obtuse. Petals are broadly back-oval, long-nailed, yellow, white or purplish-purple. Ovary on a very short stem; column unclear; stigma capitate, small, weakly bilobed.

The fruits are cylindrical pods, ending in a long spout and breaking across into segments. If the pod consists of two segments, then the lower segment is mostly empty or rudimentary, less often with 1-2 seeds, and the upper one with several seeds. The seeds are ovoid-spherical, the root of the embryo lies in the groove between the cotyledons.

Radish has a sharp taste and specific aroma. Spicy radish stimulates appetite and improves digestion, therefore, it can be used raw as an addition to hard-to-digest dishes.

They use coarsely chopped and lightly salted radish, it can be flavored with lemon and vegetable oil. It is served with aged cheeses and beer. Radish can be stewed in oil and served as a side dish. Can be used in pâtés and salads. In small quantities, radish is added to mixed salads with vinegar. Young radish leaves are also used for salads.

Radish is a biennial cross-pollinating plant. In the first year, it forms root crops of various colors, shapes and sizes, depending on the variety. Radish is a cold-resistant plant. Its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 4 ° C, shoots and adult plants tolerate frosts down to -5 ° C.

Depending on the variety, a rather large root crop of spherical or elongated shape and various colors (black, white, purple) is formed. All varieties have white pulp.

Black radish. © weibo

Choosing a place and soil for radish

Radish grows well on fertile loamy, humus-rich moist soils. Radish roots are quite large, so the soil for radish in spring or summer is dug up to the entire depth of the humus layer (30-35 cm). Mineral fertilizers are applied under a shovel per 1 sq.m: 10-15 g of urea, 30-40 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride. Since autumn, up to 10 kg of humus per 1 sq. m.

All vegetable crops, except for cruciferous ones (turnip, radish, rutabaga, cabbage of all kinds), can be the predecessors of radish.

Terms and scheme of sowing radish

Depending on the variety, the radish is sown in two terms. To obtain root crops in the summer-autumn period, seeds are sown from April 25. For winter storage - from June 20 to July 10, since early sowing of winter radish varieties leads to the ejection of inflorescences in the first year of life and cracking of root crops.

In the garden, grooves are made 1.5-2 cm deep at a distance of 30-35 cm. Seeds are sown in grooves in nests of 3 pieces. The distance between the nests is 15 cm. If the soil is not moist enough, then after sowing the plot must be watered. Subsequently, 5-6 days after the emergence of shoots, one healthy plant is left in each nest of three shoots.

White radish. © EverybodyCraves

Radish Care

Radish care consists in constant watering, timely weeding, thinning, hilling and loosening of row-spacings. Radish is watered once a week, 10-12 liters per 1 sq. m.

The first thinning is carried out with the formation of one or two leaves, the second - after 20-30 days. The distance between plants in rows: for early - 6-8 cm, for late - 12-15 cm.

Feed the radish with mineral fertilizers. Organic should not be used, as they reduce the keeping quality and quality of root crops. Mineral fertilizers are applied as a solution or dry (depending on soil moisture).

One or two top dressings are carried out: the first, when the radish has three or four leaves, the second 20-30 days after the first, when the root crop begins to form. In one bucket of water dissolve 20 g of urea, 60 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium chloride. A bucket of mortar is used for 10-15 m of a row. In dry form, 5-10 g of urea, 20-15 g of superphosphate, 5-10 g of potassium chloride are added per 1 sq.m.

Harvesting radish

Radishes of early varieties, which have reached a diameter of 3-4 cm, are harvested in the summer, selectively, in three or four terms, and late varieties (for winter storage) - before the onset of frost (in the second half of September). When harvesting, the earth is shaken off the roots, small roots are removed, and then the tops are cut with a knife flush with the head of the root crop, trying not to touch the root crop.

Young radish is stored at room conditions for 6-7 days, in a home refrigerator - up to 20 days. To do this, it must be placed in plastic bags with two or three holes.

For longer storage, root crops are placed in boxes, containers or paper bags, sprinkled with a small layer of sand (2-4 cm). Root crops can be stored in a cellar in damp sand. Storage temperature 2-3 °С.

Winter round black © Krrot

Varieties of radish

In the non-chernozem zone, both early-ripening varieties intended for summer consumption, as well as mid- and late-ripening varieties for autumn, winter and spring consumption, are common. Of the summer varieties of radish, the most widespread varieties are Delicatessen, Odessa 5 and Mayskaya.

Radish variety "Odesskaya 5"- exceptionally early, 30-40 days pass from germination to ripeness. Root crops are white, rounded, the surface is smooth, the flesh is juicy, sweet, slightly spicy taste. The root crop is pulled out of the soil easily. Taste is high. Cold hardy, responds well to watering. Grown for summer consumption.

Radish variety "Delicacy" has a growing season of 40-60 days. The roots are white, the pulp is white, dense, juicy, spicy taste.

Radish "Mayskaya"- early variety. Root crops are edible 50-60 days after sowing. Root crop white color, oval shape. The pulp is juicy, tender, slightly sharp taste. Not suitable for storage.

For winter storage the best varieties radishes are Winter round black, Winter round white, Grayvoronskaya.

Radish "Winter Round" white has a growing season of 70-98 days. Root crops are white, rounded, the surface is smooth. The pulp is white, slightly starchy, dense, juicy, medium sweet. The root crop is completely immersed in the soil, pulls out easily. Taste is high. Keeping quality is high - up to 96% of root crops are preserved.

Radish variety "Winter round black" has black roots, rounded, their surface is smooth. The pulp is white, dense, juicy, spicy-sweet taste. The root crop is completely immersed in the soil, but it is pulled out easily. The keeping quality is good (85-98%), the winter storage period is up to 200 days or more, subject to the storage conditions. Vegetation period 90-110 days.

Radish variety "Grayvoronskaya" has a growing season of 93-108 days. Root crops are white, conical, their surface is furrowed. The pulp is white, dense, not juicy, very sharp taste. There are many lateral roots on the root crop, it is completely immersed in the soil, it is pulled out poorly. Keeping quality during storage 95-98%. Resistant to low temperatures. Designed for autumn-winter consumption and long-term storage.

Radish: black, green and white. © Millena

Pests and diseases of radish

Since the radish belongs to the family of cruciferous (cabbage) crops, pests and diseases inherent in this family are dangerous for it. The measures to deal with them are similar.

White rot. Fungal disease. Affected tissues become discolored, become watery, covered with cotton-like white mycelium.

Gray rot. This disease occurs mainly during storage of the crop.

Powdery mildew of cruciferous plants. Leaves, petioles, less often stems are affected. On the surface of the affected organs, a white powdery coating first develops, which eventually becomes light brown. The plaque is more developed on the upper side of the leaves. The affected leaves are deformed and dry out, the plants lag behind in development.

Control measures: crop rotation; spatial isolation of cruciferous vegetable crops; on seed crops, plants are treated with drugs that suppress the development of powdery mildew.

Peronosporosis, or downy mildew. The disease develops on the leaves: on the upper side, chlorotic spots appear at the beginning, then they turn into light yellow angular, oily, which subsequently turn brown, on the underside, a grayish-violet coating forms in the spots.

Blackleg. The black leg manifests itself as follows: the lower part of the rosette of leaves and the upper part of the root crop darken and thin, the root tissue softens, the affected surface is covered with a whitish mycelium. On the cut, the tissue of the root crop is dark.

Cabbage white (cabbage). It is a large butterfly with white wings with a black border. Caterpillars are yellowish-green with black spots and yellowish stripes on the sides, covered with hairs.

They feed first in colonies on the underside of the leaves, and then spread to uninfected plants.

Cruciferous fleas. They cause damage to radish plantings by making holes in them. They look like small insects with a metallic sheen, usually they are one-color.

Cabbage moth. The cabbage moth is painted in gray-brown tones, has a wingspan of 14-18 mm, with dark fringe on the wings. Harm is caused by moth larvae - caterpillars that hatch from eggs laid by butterflies.

Spring cabbage fly. The fly is up to 6 mm in size, ash-gray in color, with three wide stripes on the dorsal side of the chest. Larvae are white, legless, narrowed at the anterior end, about 8 mm long. The larvae that feed both on the peripheral and in the internal parts of the main root are harmful. Damaged plants have a bluish-lilac hue, lag behind in growth, wither, die.

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Common radish - Raphanus sativus L. " style="border-style: solid; border-width: 6px; border-color: #ffcc66;" width="250" height="381">
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Other names: Garden radish.

Diseases and effects: intestinal atony, gastritis, duodenostasis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver, toxic hepatitis, cough, neuralgia, sciatica, sciatica, inflammatory diseases of the stomach, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, burns, bruises, hematomas, heart rhythm disturbance, cardioneurosis, streptoderma, myositis, arthralgia, joint pain, gout, ulcers, vaginal trichomoniasis, chronic diarrhea.

Active substances: lysozyme, raphanol, glucose, pentose, fiber, ascorbic acid, vitamin B 1, potassium, calcium, magnesium, choline, purine bases, sulfurous essential oil.

Plant collection and preparation time: June - October.

Botanical description of radish

Common radish- biennial root crop herbaceous plant families Cruciferae (Cruciferae Juss) or Cabbage (Brassicaceae).

In the first year of life, the plant forms a rosette of basal lyre-like pinnatisected, rigidly pubescent leaves and a juicy root crop.

Roots traditional varieties are black on the outside, but there are also so-called summer varieties of white radish.

Stem erect flower-bearing is formed in the second year of life. In height, it can reach 1 m.

flowers four-petalled, regular, white, sometimes purple or lilac, bisexual, collected in a brush at the top of the stem. Radish blooms in April-May.

Fetus- a pod that ripens in May - June. Seeds are oval, small, dark.

Distribution and habitat of common radish

On the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, radish is grown everywhere as a garden crop.

On the territory of Ukraine, radish is cultivated in all regions as a vegetable crop, but the best conditions for cultivation are in the northern and western regions, in the Forest-Steppe.

Radish grows well on soils rich in humus and moisture.

Harvesting radish seed

For medicinal purposes, roots and seeds of radish are harvested.

The radish is harvested several times throughout the summer. When harvesting, the root crop is shaken off the ground, I cut off small roots and tops.

Some varieties of radish are harvested in autumn in late autumn (end of September - October). Such a radish is perfectly preserved and can be stored for 6-7 months.

The chemical composition of the radish seed

Radish roots contain lysozyme, raphanol, up to 5-6% sugars (glucose, pentose), fiber, ascorbic acid, vitamin B 1, potassium (1000-1200 mg per 100 g of product), calcium, magnesium, choline, purine bases, sulfur essential oil.

Pharmacological properties of radish

Radish has a diuretic, bactericidal, wound healing and choleretic effect. It improves digestion and metabolism. In addition, radish removes excess cholesterol from the body and increases lactation.

Sulfur essential oil, irritating the glandular tissues of the stomach, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, increases microcirculation in the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby eliminating congestion and improving tissue trophism gastrointestinal tract.

The use of radish seed in medicine

The experience of using radish in medicine is calculated for more than one century, but only in last years were studied chemical composition and pharmacological activity of the plant.

The effect of sulfurous oil on the glandular tissues of the stomach is used for intestinal atony (in this case, the fiber contained in the radish also plays a positive role), hypacid gastritis and duodenostasis.

Choline, found in radish, promotes the formation of phospholides that prevent the development of fatty liver. Ascorbic acid increases the deposition of glycoten, which leads to an improvement in the functional activity of the liver. In this regard, radish juice is used for cirrhosis of the liver and toxic hepatitis.

Positive results obtained in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and cardioneurosis.

In dermatological practice, lotions from radish juice are successfully used in the treatment of streptoderma.

In traditional medicine, radish juice mixed with honey is used for coughing. For the same purpose, a syrup made from radish with sugar is used.

Fresh radish juice is used topically for intercostal neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, arthralgia.

Juice or grated radish is also used as a distraction for joint pain, especially in violation of salt metabolism and gout.

Radish juice promotes the healing of wound surfaces and ulcers, which is due to the presence of phytoncides and lysozyme in it, an enzyme that actively dissolves some microorganisms.

AT folk medicine radish juice treat vaginal trichomoniasis. Frequent drinking of a water decoction of radish is recommended for chronic diarrhea.

The use of radish in the systematic nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus allows you to actively and fully replenish the body's reserves with mineral salts and vitamins, have a cleansing effect on the oral cavity, and also, due to the high content of inulin in the plant, achieve a hypoglycemic effect.

Shredded radish or seeds are applied to the burns, and leaves to the bruises.

Medicinal dressings from radish with honey are applied to hematomas for their resorption. The same dressings heal malignant ulcers, and radish seeds with vinegar finally cure gangrenous ulcers.

Grated radish and juice act like mustard plasters.

In Korea, seeds, peel and leaves of radish are also used as a remedy.

It is useful to eat radish not before meals, but after.

Dosage forms, method of application of radish seed

fresh radish juice with sugar is used by the people for coughing. Part of the core is scraped off and granulated sugar is poured into the root crop. Sugar soaked in radish juice is taken in a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Radish juice rinse the mouth with inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Juice is used topically for neuralgia, sciatica, radiculitis. To do this, the radish root is ground on a grater, the mass is squeezed out, the resulting juice is used for rubbing into the skin along the affected nerve.

seeds radish is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the stomach, upper respiratory tract, gastritis, accompanied by indigestion, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Daily intake 6-12 g.

Radish seeds are also useful for bruising and eliminate throbbing pains in the joints.

Contraindications to the use of radish seed

Radish is contraindicated in enterocolitis, duodenitis, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane. Radish is not indicated for certain heart diseases (heart defects, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and post-infarction cardiosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, etc.).

There is evidence that radishes are bad for teeth and can also cause burping.

The use of radish seed in nutrition

Radish is eaten, used for salads and as an addition to side dishes.

Salad of radish, carrots and apples

Radish with cranberry juice

Grate radish (1 pc.), Add natural cranberry juice (2 tablespoons), vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), mix, salt and leave for 1 hour.

Radish with kvass

Grate radish (1 pc.), salt, season with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), mix, pour kvass (1/2 cup) and sprinkle with green onions.

Other information about radish

Closely related plants of the common radish are radish, daikon and lobo, which have similar properties.

Today, the best varieties of radish are considered grayvoronskaya, which has a white root crop of a conical shape, and a round one. black radish. The first one is more spicy.

In cosmetics, for whitening and nourishing dry skin, masks are made from grated radish mixed with sour cream or vegetable oil.

Radish in history and mythology

Radish is native to the Mediterranean coast. In ancient Greece, radishes were held in high esteem. It was served on a golden platter in the Delphic Temple. On the days of the festivities dedicated to Apollo, the Greeks always brought as a gift to his altar images of the three main, according to their concepts, root crops - radishes, beets and carrots. At the same time, the radish was golden, the beets were silver, and the carrots were tin.

The famous physician of antiquity Dioscorides advised to use radish with therapeutic purpose to enhance digestion, improve vision, soften and soothe coughs. Pliny believed that the juice of the plant dissolves kidney stones, stops hemoptysis. Some doctors have used radish to strengthen hair.

The radish, along with the radish, was brought to Russia by decree of Tsar Peter the Great, who became interested in this vegetable while in Holland and England. By order of the king, the plant was grown in vegetable gardens set up near the Summer Garden, and included in the menu every day. After the death of Peter I, the cultivation of these crops almost ceased and was revived a century later.

According to other sources, the radish came to us from Asia. As an obligatory component, it was used in the preparation of one of the most ancient Russian dishes - prison. The oldest folk delicacy was also prepared from radish - mazulya. To do this, the root crop was cut into thin slices, strung on knitting needles and dried in the sun, then crushed, sifted through a sieve and, having obtained rare flour, boiled it in white molasses until thickened, adding various spices there.

The people believed that radish seeds are useful against poisons. If crushed and put on a scorpion, it will die. Juice is stronger. If a scorpion stings a person who has eaten a radish before, harmful effects will not happen for a person. The radish in wine helps with the bites of the horned viper.

Radish in dreams

Radish in the dream book of the Labyrinth of Mandrake

Radish sowing in collections of medicinal plants

Collection No. 219
It is used for arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism. According to the method of preparation and use - tincture.

Black radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is an annual or biennial plant belonging to the cruciferous family. East Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the black radish. Radish was grown in ancient Egypt, as well as in India, China, Greece. In Russia, radish has been cultivated for a very long time; it was a common food for peasants. Currently, it is cultivated in all countries of the world, and in Russia - mainly in the central and northern regions.

In the first year of life, the radish forms a root crop - a thickening of the stem and main root, which, depending on the variety, has a different shape: elongated, round, oval. In the root crop, the head, neck and root are distinguished. The head is the upper part of the plant (ecotyl) and looks like a stem with excessively short internodes. A rosette of leaves forms from the head. The black radish has powerful stems and leaves, they are covered with hard hairs, strongly dissected, with a large apical lobe.

The middle part of the root crop is a fleshy neck, formed by the growth of the hypocotyl knee (hypocotyl). Root branches do not depart from the neck. The root crop of black radish has a different color on the outside: white, black, purple or yellow, and inside its flesh is always white and juicy, having a different degree of spiciness.

In the second year of life, a flowering stem appears in the black radish, reaching a height of 1 m, pubescent and branched. The flowering of the radish continues for a month. The flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a cluster and have a white-pink or purple-violet color. Pollination of black radish is cross-pollinated. The fruits of the radish are non-opening smooth or pubescent large pods, in which small black spherical seeds ripen. Black radish is a cold-resistant plant, unpretentious in cultivation, therefore it is cultivated almost everywhere.

Black radish is valued for its taste and healing qualities. Black radish root crops contain in large quantities: sugar (up to 6%), vitamins B1 and C, proteins, amino acids, fiber, potassium salts, trace elements. The burning spicy taste of radish is given by a special glycoside, which, when split in atmospheric air, releases essential oil.

Beneficial features

Black radish is a valuable food product and medicinal plant. A very large number of dishes are prepared from its pulp, and freshly harvested roots and seeds are used for medicinal purposes. O healing properties black radish has been known for a long time and since the beginning of the 17th century, bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, anemia, are used as a means for healing wounds, from worms, etc. Also, when applied topically, radish juice is effective in diseases of the joints, radiculitis and neuralgia. Regular use of black radish has a positive effect on the human body, it has a choleretic effect, stimulates the pancreas, stimulates appetite, improves intestinal and stomach motility, removes heavy metal salts and excess cholesterol from the body. Very often in the treatment it is used in conjunction with honey. But despite the benefits of black radish, it should be used with caution, especially for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and excessive consumption of this vegetable can exacerbate these diseases.

In Russia, garden radish has always been valued, because to this day it is considered a life-saving crop. Its best varieties are considered to have a canonical form of white root crop grayvoronskaya and round black. Grayvoronskaya has a spicier taste. Its roots contain essential oils, glycosides, lysozyme with bactericidal properties, ascorbic acid 0.12 percent.

It is these substances that give it bitterness and a specific aroma. It also contains sugars (pentose, glucose), vitamins B, PP, minerals, phytoncides, iodine. Medicinal properties black radish have been known for many thousands of years already. Doctors of the Middle Ages and antiquity used it for diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, to increase appetite. It stimulates digestion and stimulates appetite. Fiber of black radish helps to remove cholesterol from the body, which is very important for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Traditional medicine uses black radish as a diuretic for kidney stones, gout. The juice has choleretic activity, it is recommended fresh for liver disease, as it is able to open blockages in the liver, treats jaundice. Syrup boiled with sugar or juice with honey is recommended for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract as an expectorant. Juice treat vaginal trichomoniasis. It is used as a food product that enhances the secretion of the digestive glands.

Black radish treatment - ways

Frequent drinking of water decoction of black radish is recommended for chronic diarrhea. Leaves and seeds are also used as a remedy in Korea. Seeds are the most potent part of the root crop, followed by the peel, leaves, and the fruit itself. With the effective use of fresh juice with sugar: part of the core is scraped out and granulated sugar is poured into the root crop. Sugar soaked in juice is taken 3-4 times a day for a teaspoon.

The oral cavity is rinsed with juice in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane. When juice is used topically. The root crop is crushed on a grater, the mass is squeezed out, the resulting juice is rubbed into the skin along the path of the diseased nerve.

Radish seeds are useful for poisons - if you crush them and put them on a scorpion, it will die. Juice is stronger. If a scorpion stings a person who has eaten a radish before, then the venom of the scorpion will not affect him. When bitten by a horned viper, radish in wine helps.

Radish seeds are also prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and stomach organs. The therapeutic dose of daily intake is 6-12 grams. Radish seeds eliminate throbbing pains in the joints, are useful for bruising. With inflammation of the bladder, extensive edema, diabetes use root crops as.

Radish seeds or crushed root crops are applied to burns, leaves are placed on bruises. A mixture of chaff flour with radish promotes hair growth in fox disease. Medicinal dressings made of honey and radish are applied to hematomas for resorption. These dressings also cure malignant ulcers, and gangrenous ulcers are finally cured by seeds with vinegar. Juice and freshly grated root crops are used in the treatment of purulent wounds, for rubbing with radiculitis, gout, rheumatism. They also act like mustard plasters.

A variety of root crop is radish - an annual plant with a less pungent taste. It grows very quickly, in early spring it is especially valuable in the diet. Medically beneficial features black radish and radish are endowed with the same virtues.

Black radish treatment: contraindications

But remember: it has contraindications. It should not be used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis with high acidity. It is harmful to the stomach (it causes belching) and teeth. It must be eaten after meals.

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