The Annunciation is an everlasting holiday. On the date and traditions of the annunciation When is the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated?

Annunciation in 2017, what date: holiday date, history, traditions and folk signs Annunciation in 2017, what date: The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the greatest holidays of the Orthodox Church, the date of which does not change. According to the old style, the holiday fell on March 25. But now the Annunciation is celebrated by the Orthodox on April 7 every year, and 2017 is no exception. The Annunciation in 2017, what date: the history and symbolism of the holiday On the feast of the Annunciation, the Church recalls how the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin and said that she was to give birth to the Son of God. Mary was brought up at the temple until she was 14, and after coming of age she was betrothed to Joseph. In the house of her betrothed husband, she led a quiet prayer life, preserving her virginity, writes . And therefore she was surprised how she could give birth if she did not know her husband. The archangel explained to her: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." Mary humbly answered: "Behold, the Servant of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." This event gives rise to the gospel story. The consent and readiness of the Most Pure Theotokos to accept everything prepared for her is an example for every Christian of what the relationship between man and God should be. Their meaning lies in cooperation, that is, not only the acceptance of the Will of God, but also the manifestation of one's own good will on the path to the Lord. Annunciation in 2017, what date: traditions of celebration Most often, the Annunciation is celebrated on the days of Great Lent. On this holiday (if it does not fall on Holy Week), the fast is weakened and fish is allowed. In 2017, the feast of the Annunciation will be celebrated on the last day of the Great Fortecost, on the eve of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. It is not customary to work on the Annunciation, April 7th. Any activity related to the earth is prohibited. Even the food on this day should be simple and light, which is the easiest to cook. In the modern world, it is not so easy to adhere to this rule, because not all employers can appreciate your desire to observe certain traditions in celebrating this or that event. You should dedicate this time to repentance and prayers when you are freed from the main things. It is necessary to avoid scoping and disagreements, because, it is believed that to quarrel with someone on this Orthodox holiday, it means that you will never reconcile. In the old days, the New Year was celebrated on this day, therefore even now in some villages the Annunciation is regarded as the beginning of a new era - spring-summer: bonfires and fires are lit they go through them in order to be cleansed. What not to do on the Annunciation: There is a saying on this day: “The bird does not nest, the girl does not weave a braid.” It is connected with the fact that you cannot work on the Annunciation - the work will be stupid and unnecessary. Maybe you have heard the legend of the cuckoo? It is connected with the Annunciation. It is said that on this day the cuckoo made its nest without heeding the command not to work. Now the cuckoo does not know how to make nests and she has to throw her eggs to other birds. As mentioned above, back in the Annunciation, "... a girl does not weave a braid." It is believed that in addition to the ban on any work on this day, this saying is also associated with hair. They can not be combed, cut and do hairstyles. Previously, grooms judged their health by the beauty of girls' hair, and if you comb your hair on this day, your hair becomes dry and begins to fall out. Thus, if a girl performs some procedures with her hair on this day, then she condemns herself to an unhappy life. On the day on which the Annunciation falls, in no case should one engage in sowing and any work in the garden and garden. They say that on the evening of the Annunciation, you can not use lighting fixtures in the house. And also do not light candles or torches. This sign is connected with the fact that on this day Angels descend from heaven and visit every house. They observe people's lives and bring everything that is missing. And if you use lighting, you may not notice the light from the Angel, which at the same time is not suitable to bless for a happy life. What can and should be done on the Annunciation: The Annunciation is a holiday in which it is necessary to enjoy nature, God's creations. It is also necessary on this day to dream and reflect on your place and purpose in the world. The day after the Annunciation, all gardeners and gardeners must do sowing work. There is an opinion that this will bring an unprecedented harvest. Annunciation in 2017, what date: folk signs On the Annunciation, like other church holidays, you need to pay attention to the weather. If the swallows have not yet arrived at the Annunciation, the spring will be late and cold. Frosts for the Annunciation - to a rich harvest. If it started to rain on April 7, then the summer will be dry. What kind of weather is at the Annunciation, it will be like that at Easter.

When is the Annunciation in 2018, what date

The Annunciation is a holiday that is on a par with such great days as Christmas and Easter. And that's all, because if the first event had not happened, then the other two would not have happened. In order to find out exactly when the Annunciation is in 2018, what date this holiday is celebrated, you need to remember its history and turn to church books.
The event, because of which this holiday is celebrated, is a real miracle for Christians. The archangel Gabriel came to the girl who loved God with all her heart and was absolutely pure. A messenger from heaven told her that it was she who would give birth to God's son, who would save all people. This girl was the Virgin Mary. And nine months later she gave birth to Jesus Christ.

Date of the Annunciation

It is not difficult to calculate when the Annunciation in 2018, what date, because it is known that Christmas is a holiday that has a specific date. Representatives of Catholicism celebrate the birth of the Savior on the twenty-fifth of December, and Orthodox people celebrate on the seventh of January. From these dates it is necessary to count back nine months and it will become clear when Christians celebrate the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. This day, like Christmas, does not move to other dates and is celebrated annually on March 25 by Catholics and April 7 by Orthodox.

The origin of the holiday

As it is said in the biblical sources, while still quite young, Mary went to the monastery. There she realized that she loved God so much that she was ready to keep her innocence for the rest of her life.
When the girl grew up and became an adult, the servants of the monastery found her a husband named Joseph. This was a distant relative of Mary, an elder who accepted her position and promised to preserve her purity.
Family life proceeded quietly and calmly, until one day an archangel appeared to Mary. The most interesting thing is that Mary decided for herself long ago that as soon as it becomes known which woman is bearing God's son, she will go to her as a servant. But it turned out that it was she who was destined to become the mother of the Savior. After she said that she was ready to endure her son, the word immediately turned into flesh.
People living according to the calendar, which dates back to the Nativity of Christ, honor this holiday. But it often falls out in such a way that at this time it also goes great post. But even if it coincided, believers are still allowed to celebrate the Annunciation as it should be.

Holiday traditions

As on any Great Christian holiday, on the Annunciation you can not work at home, as well as engage in other types of physical labor. But you also need to rest appropriately. Under no circumstances should any cosmetic procedures be performed. In the old days, girls did not even comb their hair and did not braid their braids. It was believed that in this case they might not marry at all. But even if you do not believe in this popular belief, it is better to refuse a visit to the hairdresser or a visit to the spa on April 7th and spend this day at home reading religious books. Believers on this day go to the temple, pray, and also share joy with each other and observe a number of interesting customs.
So on the seventh of April in the temples, the clergy release white doves into the sky. This gesture is a symbol of good news, and people love to be present at this event. Previously, not only doves were released into the wild, but also larks, or tits. People first went to the forest, caught birds, hid them in cages, and then unanimously released all the birds into the wild, giving them freedom. People believed that it was these birds that would ask God for happiness for those who freed them.

Dishes eaten on the Annunciation

In the past, prosphora was always baked on the Annunciation. This is unleavened church bread, usually small. It was believed that as many loaves of bread needed to be baked as the number of family members living in the house. Then the hostesses carried the prosphora to the temple, they were illuminated, after which in the morning on the Annunciation each person ate this illuminated bread and washed it down with water. Sometimes the crumbs that remained were added to animal feed, it was believed that this way they would grow up healthy.
As for the festive menu, be sure to cook fish on the Annunciation. Moreover, they cook even if the holiday coincided with the fasting period. Fish can either be baked, fried or marinated. If a fast lasts at this time, then vegetables can be prepared as a side dish for a fish dish. Orthodox Christians are also allowed to drink some red wine on this day.

Folk traditions and signs

For ordinary people The Annunciation was a holiday when it was necessary to call spring. Moreover, this tradition appeared much earlier than Rus' adopted Christianity. For people, this was already the third meeting of the warm season. It was believed that if the frosts still had not receded, then in a week they would definitely not be. In order to invite spring, people gathered all together, kindled fires and sang “calls” specially invented for this. It was also customary to jump over fire and wash yourself with melted snow to wash away your sins.

Folk omens they say that on the Annunciation nothing can be taken out of the house, or given to anyone. It is believed that you can lose your happiness and well-being. And even if the neighbors asked for sugar or salt, they were denied it. In addition, on this day, people have never worn new or clean clothes before. It was believed that things would quickly tear, or get dirty so that they would become unusable.
On the Annunciation it was also customary to predict the weather for the future:
If April 7th is cold, and Easter is still ahead, then it will be cool on the day of the Resurrection of Christ.
If there are frosts in the Annunciation at night, then it is worth waiting for a rich harvest.
And if it suddenly rains on this day, then there will be little precipitation in summer.
It is also worth focusing on swallows. If they have already arrived, then the spring will be warm.

There are many revered holidays in the Christian faith, one of which is the Annunciation. Since many dates in church calendar timed to coincide with the celebration of Easter, which changes every year, it is appropriate to ask when the Annunciation is in 2018, what date? In our material you will find not only the actual dates of this big holiday but also learn about its history and traditions.

Despite the fact that many holidays in Orthodoxy are timed to (as already noted), the feast of the Annunciation does not fall under this rule, that is, it is rather an exception. Every year, the Annunciation is celebrated on April 7, and in 2018, Christians will celebrate the Annunciation on the 7th. It is important that this date applies only to Orthodoxy, since the Gregorian calendar is used in the Orthodox Church. But for Catholics, the Annunciation falls on March 25, as they use the Julian calendar.

The meaning of the holiday

From the very name "Annunciation" it becomes clear that this is good news. If we consider the holiday from a historical perspective, then it was on this day that the Most Holy Theotokos received the news that she was expecting a baby who would become the Savior of mankind.

In turn, the highest gift of God is free will. Therefore, the meaning of many Christian holidays, including the Annunciation in that a person himself chooses the path of salvation, or the path of darkness and evil. The fact is that even the angel asked the Virgin Mary for consent, and only after she answered “Let it be to me according to your word”, the word of the angel became flesh. She demonstrated the highest manifestation of free will by accepting humility before the word of God.

That is, on the one hand, the Annunciation is a holiday and joy about the birth of the Messiah, who will take on human sins, and on the other hand, it is a holiday and great joy that a person has a great gift to change the world, which is determined by the freedom of the spirit that the Lord has given.

The historical formation of the holiday

The event described was first mentioned in the second century, when among the paintings in the Roman catacombs, sketches of the scene when the Angel told the Mother of God the news were found. However, the holiday was officially celebrated only in the sixth century during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian, who issued a state decree setting the date for the celebration of the Annunciation - March 25 for Catholics, which is April 7 for Orthodox.

Since then, in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the Annunciation is not a moving holiday. Therefore, in 2018, April 7 is also celebrated.

Interesting! In 2016, the Annunciation coincided with the date of Good Friday, and therefore the holiday was moved to the Monday after the second Easter Sunday - April 4th.

Traditions and signs for the Annunciation

The people have always associated the arrival of spring with the Annunciation, therefore, they raised hopes for a fruitful and prosperous year in all aspects. Therefore, there are many signs and traditions for April 7, the date when believers celebrate the Annunciation:

The Annunciation is a bright holiday, and therefore it must be met with a bright soul and without sinful deeds and thoughts. At the same time, it is worth visiting the church, thinking about your actions, remembering all your good deeds, praying and asking for forgiveness for your sins. Do not forget that the Annunciation in 2018 is a period whose main goal is to find your spiritual path, purify your soul, and the Annunciation is a good occasion to do noble deeds.

The Annunciation 2020 is celebrated on April 7 (March 25, old style). IN Orthodox Church this holiday is called the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. It belongs to the great twelve events of the annual liturgical cycle. The celebration is timed to coincide with the announcement of the good news to the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel about the conception of the Son of God by her.

In the Orthodox Church, this holiday symbolizes the redemption by mankind of the fall of Eve.

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history of the holiday

Saint Mary was brought up in the temple and made a promise to God to remain a Virgin. She lived modestly in Nazareth with her named husband, a distant relative - the old man Joseph. Once, the Archangel Gabriel entered her house and delivered a speech, which he began with the words: “Rejoice, Blessed One!”. He told the Blessed Virgin about a great miracle - the conception by her of the future Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

The first mention of the Annunciation dates back to the 2nd century. This event became official in the 6th century, when the Byzantine emperor Justinian set the date for the holiday on March 25 (April 7, according to a new style).

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, services are held in churches. On this day, church mentors put on a blue vestment. Churches hold an all-night vigil, which begins with Great Compline. Services have liturgical features depending on the days of the week. If the Annunciation and Pascha coincide (Kriopaskha), then the canons of the holidays are combined.

On this day, it is customary for people to go to temples, pray, give alms and do charity work. On this holiday, the tradition of releasing birds (pigeons) to freedom is widespread. People believe that on the Annunciation they fly to the guardian angels and inform them of all the good deeds that have been committed during the year.

On April 7, believers prepare Annunciation salt. To do this, the housewives take a bag into which each member of the family pours a pinch of salt. It is calcined in the fire and stored in a secluded place. Annunciation salt is used as a talisman. Its miraculous properties can cure diseases. If it is not used up within a year, then on the next holiday it is burned in the fire. Prosphora and consecrated water, which the parishioners bring from the solemn service, have special power.

On the Annunciation, believers make a pilgrimage to holy places. On this holiday, Orthodox relics are able to empower a person. Christians believe that on this day the heavens open, and the Lord hears the prayers and requests of man. People make wishes and ask heavenly powers for help in big things.

The ancient Slavs had a custom to kindle large bonfires on a holiday. They threw all the old things and objects into the fire. It was believed that in this way all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes were burned in the fire.

What can you eat for the Annunciation

The Annunciation 2020 falls on Great Lent before Easter. On this holiday, the Orthodox Church gives a relaxation of fasting. Parishioners can eat fish. If the Annunciation falls on Holy Week (the last week before Easter), then an exception is made - fish cannot be eaten. Meat, dairy products are excluded from the diet on this day.

What not to do on the Annunciation

Among the people, the Annunciation is considered a great religious holiday. On this day, there are bans on everyday activities.

On April 7, it is not recommended to sew, knit, embroider, braid, cut your hair, dye your hair, comb your hair. This sign is associated with a belief according to which people have long believed that a person’s life is a thread that the Lord himself or guardian angels can control. On the day when the heavens open, it is easy to confuse the threads of life, change the fate of the family and loved ones.

April 7 should refrain from heavy physical labor. Housewives try to prepare food on the eve of the Annunciation, so that on a holiday they can be free from household chores. It is considered a bad omen to lend money, to distribute something from home, otherwise you can give away peace, health and well-being. You should not wear new things on this day, so as not to spoil them. The holiday should not be spent in fuss, anger, anger and irritation. The Church does not recommend marriage on this day - this is a period of abstinence and repentance.

Signs and beliefs

  • Frosts on the Annunciation portend a rich harvest.
  • If by April 7 the swallows have not arrived, then the spring will be cold and late.
  • If a wife calls her husband forty times “beloved” on this holiday, then love and peace await the family for many years to come.
  • If you bury a piece of Annunciation prosphora in the garden, then the earth will give a rich harvest.
  • The wish that will be made on the Annunciation will come true in the near future.

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the great twelfth feasts of the Orthodox Church. On this day, believers refrain from work, household chores, quarrels and insults. Parishioners visit temples, make pilgrimages to holy places. This religious holiday is considered the best period for harvesting salt, blessed water and prosphora, which will serve as amulets throughout the year.

There is no need to find out what date the feast of the annunciation will come in 2020, because the date does not change from year to year. The event is celebrated on April 7 and is a very revered day of freedom and peace. The Annunciation is considered a holiday of good and reasonable deeds, beautiful traditions, signs, and not at all fun feasts, since this is the time of Lent.

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However, all Christians who observe Great Lent can afford a slight relaxation on April 7th. In 2020, on the day of the Annunciation, you can dilute lenten food with wine or fish. It is also allowed to hold calm festive entertainments. This only emphasizes the greatness of this event. Also learn how to celebrate and which one.

In the past, the holiday was given many names. They called the Annunciation of the Angel of Mary, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of Christ, the Conception of Christ. In addition, the clergy, together with ethnographers, tried for a long time to find out when they first began to celebrate this holiday, but could not. To this day, it is only known that in 560 Emperor Justinus issued a decree on the celebration of the Annunciation on March 25, and according to the new style - on April 7, so in 2020 it will be celebrated on this day.

History of this event

Now you know what date the Annunciation will come in 2020, so you don’t have to look into the calendar of events. But, many still do not know his story. To begin with, you should learn more about Mary's childhood. The legend says that before the onset of the 14th birthday, she lived and was brought up in a monastery, so she prayed a lot, which allowed her to comprehend the faith. She wanted to remain a virgin until the end of her life, but according to the laws of that time, she could no longer live among the nuns. Maria faced a choice: to marry or return to her parents.

The good priests of the monastery sought out a distant relative of the virgin, Joseph. She married him. From now on, Joseph had to take care of Mary all his life and keep her honor. They got married, after which they began to live alone and very modestly. 4 months after the wedding, Mary learned the good news that she would become the mother of Jesus Christ.

The virgin was reading the Bible on the balcony and reached the place where it was told about the coming of the Savior. According to legend, Mary thought she was ready to serve the one who would give birth to the Messiah. It was at this moment that the Archangel Gabriel appeared, saying that it was Mary who would give birth to the Son of God in 9 months.

The amazed maiden asked the Archangel how she could give birth to a child if she did not have a single man. Gabriel replied that Mary had a holy power in her belly, so the virgin birth had taken place. The Virgin had to follow God's plan, and on January 7 the Birth of Christ took place. It came 9 months after the good news - the Annunciation.

What are the traditions

Just as before, in 2020, believers will observe the traditions for the Orthodox and Catholic annunciation. Traditionally, the celebrants "call for spring". To do this, they kindle bonfires, dance round dances around them, singing spring songs.

Many bake flour figurines of swallows, larks, waders. There is a belief that with their help you can call the beautiful spring. To do this, young girls climb onto the roofs of buildings, and the little ones climb trees, after which they all together begin to sadly and drawlingly chant appeals to birds, urging them to fly in as soon as possible and bring spring on their wings. When the Annunciation feast comes in 2020, try to remember this glorious tradition. Birds were usually asked to bring health, bags of money, pots and fragrant cakes from faraway seas. Birds were lured with baked pretzels, koloboks, pies.

In 2020, on the feast of the annunciation, eat some prosphora - church bread. According to tradition, this will bring the whole family successful, calm days, a prosperous life, and good health. Now church bread can be bought in the church, and earlier it was baked for each family member, after which it was consecrated and eaten. In order to have a good harvest in 2020, find out what date the annunciation will be and mix the crumbs into the prosphora to the sowing seeds. To increase the offspring of birds or livestock, crumbs must be added to the feed. They were even mixed with honey, which was fed to the bees.

Since 1995, the Russian tradition "Freedom to the Birds" has become popular again. After the chant in the Cathedral of the Annunciation, the children and the clergy released the plaques. Almost all temples supported this tradition, which was liked by many people. Until now, residents of villages and megacities buy birds in bird markets and release them to freedom.

Kids and adults will love many of the traditions that celebrate Palm Sunday and the Annunciation, so in 2020 try releasing the birds or eating church bread. It is never too late to revive the traditions that existed before. You know what date in 2020 all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the annunciation, so there is an opportunity to prepare for this holiday.

A few popular signs

If you remember exactly what date the annunciation will come in 2020, it will most likely be interesting to learn about the signs that were popular among our ancestors. They were able to predict the harvest from the weather, and the weather from flying birds. The most famous have survived to this day.

For example, if the day was windy or foggy, then summer will please good harvest. The rain for the Annunciation promised a lot of bread and mushrooms. A frosty day predicted a good harvest of milk mushrooms, cucumbers, and vegetables. The thunderstorm foreshadowed an abundance of nuts and warm summer weather.

To find out if the spring will be cold, you need to remember the day when in 2020 the feast of the annunciation will come for the Orthodox. If the swallows do not arrive, then the spring will be protracted, cold. By evening, look at the sky. The absence of stars means that the hens will not lay eggs. It was also believed that the weather on Easter would be the same as on April 7th.

What can you eat

If you remember what date the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin will come in 2020 and are going to celebrate it, think about the menu for holiday table. Everyone who observes the Great Lent is allowed to treat themselves to fish.

At the same time, keep in mind that there will be Great Lent, which is the strictest fast, so fish is only allowed during the celebration. You can cook the following dishes:

  1. Baked, boiled, stewed vegetables.
  2. Fried, steamed, marinated fish.
  3. Fried potatoes.
  4. Salad of cucumbers, corn, peas and peppers.
  5. Beet salad.
  6. Apples, bananas, citrus fruits, pomegranates.