The Theotokos Shcheglovskiy Monastery in the city of Tula is a diocesan monastery. Bogorodichny Panteleimon Shcheglovskiy Monastery in the city of Tula Bogorodichny Monastery

The Shcheglovsky Monastery of the Theotokos named after the Mother Mammal is the material embodiment of the memory of our heroic ancestors who defended Russia in hard times. Border lines served to protect against the raids of the southern neighbors on the cities of the Moscow principality, and then the state. They were a combination of fortification ramparts and guard posts. The border line, the closest, the last before Moscow, and therefore had a special defensive value, passed, among other cities, through Tula. Of the guard posts in this border line adjacent to Tula, there are the Malinovskaya and Shcheglovskaya (Shcheglov) posts... The first was located in the southwest, the second in the northeast of Tula. These notches were connected by a shaft, which directly passed through Tula from south to east - northeast. On the northeastern border of the city, the guard rampart crossed the tract, or the large postal road Tula - Venev. At the intersection of the guard rampart and the post road, there was a gate called the Shcheglovy Gates - after the sentinel voivode Shcheglov, who was in charge of these gates. Subsequently, the guard (in other words, the fortress) notch, adjacent to the watch rampart from the southeast, received the name Shcheglov (Shcheglovskaya) notch after the name of the sentinel voivode ... When in 1552 the Moscow Tsar Ivan IV undertook a campaign against Kazan, the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray, intending to avenge Kazan, led his troops to Moscow. Being within the limits of Ryazan, he changes his plans and decides to attack Tula, the strongest fortress at that time after Moscow and Smolensk. However, under the command of the tsar's governor, Prince Temkin-Rostovsky, a relatively small number of citizens and boyars managed to repulse the attack of the Tatars, who retreated on the morning of June 23. The next day, help arrived - the regiment right hand the Kazan militia of the tsarist army, which only had to pursue and finish off scattered detachments of the attackers ... Our ancestors, according to ancient custom, at the site of the greatest bloodshed, on the bones of fallen citizens and boyars, decided to erect a monastery - in the name of the Third Finding of the honest head of St. John the Baptist, named after the Sovereign - Tsar Ivan IV. The Forerunner Monastery in its wooden and then stone form existed until the 19th century, before the formation of the Tula diocese. Then it was turned into a bishop's house. A new place for the monastery was predetermined in Shcheglovaya Grove, where a summer bishop's dacha was originally arranged, while the place of the summer stay of the bishops, by the name of the adjacent notch, was called Shcheglovo ... At the same time, numerous citizens of Tula grieved over the lack of a monastery that existed and was built on the bones of their ancestors. A certain monk told this news to a benefactor, who wished to remain in obscurity during the entire period of construction of the monastery. In fulfillment of all their desires, a monastic monastery was built on the eastern outskirts of Tula, in Shcheglovo. This benefactor, whose name became known only after the completion of construction, was the Moscow merchant Vasily Makarukhin, who later took the name Schemamonk Barsanuphius... Here, in Shcheglovo, in the monastery he built, Schemamonk Varsanuphius settles forever and finds his final resting place. The first building of the monastery, arranged near the bishop's house, is a temple, which was consecrated on September 8, 1864 in the name of Holy Mother of God-Mammals. From the history of the construction of the monastery, it is known that the main benefactor Vasily Makarukhin was not present at the consecration of the temple, so as not to receive glory and honors - and is this not an example of disinterestedness and asceticism, which is admired to this day ... According to the benefactor, what he did is “for the glory of Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity - the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit and in honor of the Most Blessed Mother of God the Ever-Virgin Mary. The temple in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos the Mammal was an outstanding beginning of the monastery. This was followed by the continuation of the work of its construction, which was successfully completed. At the present time Shcheglovskiy Mother of God Mother Mammal Monastery is the material embodiment of the memory of our heroic ancestors who defended Russia in hard times... G. Shcheglov.

The Shcheglovsky Monastery was founded in 1859 by the famous Moscow merchant and industrialist V.I. Makarukhin on the land of the bishop's summer residence near the Shcheglovskaya Zastava, 7 versts from Tula. Hieromonk Nikandr (Kondratov; + 05/18/1866) is appointed as the builder. Gavriil Vasilievich Bocharnikov (30.03.1804 -04.02.1880) is appointed as the manufacturer of construction works. He held this position from 1859 to 1866. The design of buildings and territory was carried out by his son - Alexander Gavriilovich Bocharnikov (1833 - 03/13/1886). He was a certified architect of the Imperial Academy of Arts. The entire complex of the monastery was built within 6 years.
On May 20, 1860, the first stone of the Cathedral Church in honor of the Mother of God "The Milk-Giver" was laid, as well as other buildings: a bell tower above the entrance gate, fraternal buildings, walls with corner towers, rector's chambers with a house church in honor of the Assumption Mother of God. On June 9, 1863, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the new church. In the same year, the construction of the monastery was interrupted due to the threat of collapse of the central dome of the temple of the "Mammary". But at the request of influential people, among whom was the manager of the Tula Treasury Chamber N.I. Zhdanovsky, construction was continued.
On September 8, 1864, the main monastery church was solemnly consecrated. The upper temple (cold) had 3 chapels: the central one - the Mother of God "Mammary".
By 1864, all the buildings of the Shcheglovsky Monastery were completed. In total, V.I. Makarukhin 500,000 silver rubles plus 30,000 silver for maintenance.
In May 1865, merchant M.M. Strukov donated 42 acres of arable land in the village. Deaf Glades in favor of the monastery.
On May 14, 1865, the Tula City Society decided to petition the Diocese and the Holy Synod for the establishment of the Theotokos Monastery in Shcheglov. The main initiator was the mayor N.N. Dobrynin and 100 other people with him. On June 16, 1865, the decision was sent to His Grace Bishop Nikander, but Vladyka postponed the petition due to financial disagreements for a year.
By 1867, all disagreements were settled and it was decided to time the establishment of the monastery to the miraculous deliverance of the Emperor from the danger of assassination that threatened him on 04/04/1866. By the highest permission and determination of the Holy Synod on 09/30/1868, the monastery was established. G.V. Bocharnikov took monastic vows with the name Herman in 1866 and brought shrines from Athos: part of the Tree of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, part of the Stone of the Holy Sepulcher, particles of the relics of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon and Rev. mchch. Euphemia, Ignatius and Akaki. In the Cathedral Church there was a marvelous image of the Mother of God "Mammary" in a silver robe with turquoise and red decorations. His fate is unknown.
In 1880 V.I. Makarukhin moved to the monastery, and from the same year, the celebration of early Divine Liturgies began, for which 10 thousand silver rubles were allocated.
Since 1882, the construction of the hotel begins in two stages: 1882-1884, and expansion to 23 rooms in 1891-1892. In 1884 a bakery and a refectory were built.
In 1886, the architect of the monastery A.G. Bocharnikov, was buried near the grave of his father in the Church of the Mother of God "Mammary". On May 24, 1886, a stone was laid for the church in honor of St. Nikandra the Hermit of Pskov with side-altars in honor of Equal-Ap. book. Vladimir and Vmch. Panteleimon (1891-1892), consecrated on September 24, 1889 by Archbishop Nikandr of Tula and Belevsky.
In 1890, the founder of the monastery, Schemamonk Barsanuphius (V.I. Makarukhin), died, and was buried in the left aisle of the lower church of the Mother of God "The Mammal-Giver". In 1894, his nephew N.F. became his successor. Musatov. During the 30 years of his stay in the monastery, he built: the Alexander School for poor children for 100 people, the monastery hospital, first for 10 places, and then for 25. He built a two-story house on the territory of the monastery with his funds. N.F. Musatov donates 18,000 silver rubles for the construction of the Intercession Compound in Tula. A year before his death, he takes monastic vows with the name Nicanor, and at the same time he was ordained a hieromonk with the assignment of the duties of a dean. He died on April 22, 1915, and was buried next to the grave of his uncle, schemamonk Barsanuphius.
At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the monastery had about 117 hectares of land; the economy is quite impressive: two ponds, an apiary, stables, a barnyard and a vegetable garden.
The abolition of the monastery took place in 1920-1922. The monks were dispersed, the churches were sealed, the land was nationalized. On March 14, 1922, the authorized Gubono Popov drew up an act on the final closure of the monastery. Temple utensils were transported to the current city of Kireevsk for use in worship in the new church.
Of the famous people who visited the monastery, it should be noted Metr. Eulogius (Georgievsky), who passed his obedience here before taking monastic vows under the guidance of the elder Hieroschemamonk Dometian (+ 17.04. 1908), who lived in the monastery for 46 years.
It is known that the icon of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon from the Shcheglovsky "monastery" is now in Estonia in the Pyukhtitsky Assumption Monastery. The well near the Nikandrovsky church was dug by the monks themselves, Hieromonk Gerontius planted trees in the park, Hieromonk Barsanuphius, after the closing of the monastery, served in the church of Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Etymology of the name.

In some publications of the late 19th century, there are descriptions of the "Bogorodichny Monastery in the Shcheglovskaya Zasek". What does "Zaseka" mean and why is it called "Shcheglovskaya"? From the annals it is known that along the southern borders of the Moscow state. on the border of the so-called "Wild Field", where the militant Tatar tribes roamed, the so-called. "Notch line", which consisted of notches - blockages of trees cut down and tumbled obliquely on top of each other. Moreover, the tree was not cut down to the end, the connection with the root was preserved and the tree continued to grow in a horizontal position - a living impenetrable wall was obtained. On the territory of the Tula region, the forests stretched over more than 200 km of the defense line. Among the not passable for the enemy cavalry of the notch strip, through known distances, small wooden fortresses of the type of prisons with watchtowers armed with cannons towered. Between the watch towers, various kinds of earthen fortifications were additionally arranged (shafts, ditches, bastions, gouges). The notches were a reliable defense against the attacks of nomads.
One of these Zasek in the region of present-day Tula was called Shcheglovskaya by the name of the voivode Shcheglov, who was on patrol here. The monastery was called Theotokos in the name of a very rare icon, to which its main cathedral was dedicated - the image of the Mother of God the Mammal.

Chronology of major events from foundation.
The main dates of the life of the monastery:

1860 May 80 - laying of the foundation stone of the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God the Mammal, the beginning of the construction of the complex of the future monastery.
1863, June 9 - consecration of the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God.
1864, September 8 - the consecration of the main temple of the monastery - the church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God the Milk-giver.
1868, June 22 - the establishment of the monastery.
1889, September 24 - the consecration of the temple in honor of the Monk Nikander (the temple was expanded in 1891-92)
1895-96 - a new building of the Alexander parochial school was built on Shcheglovskaya street (now Kirov street).
1901 - the consecration of the church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Raisa at the Alexander parochial school.
1909, December - the consecration of the house church in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos at the Intercession-Panteleimonovsky Compound of the Shcheglovsky Monastery.
1915, February 25 - completion of the construction of the rebuilt and expanded Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.
1921, September-October - closing of the monastery, confiscation of property, dissolution of the brethren.
1990, November 2 - the territory and buildings of the former monastery were returned to the church.
1991, April 7 - the first divine service in the monastery.
July 18, 1991 - The Holy Synod blessed the opening of the monastery.

A Russian person always tends to strive for a spiritually contemplative way of life. All the most significant events of life, the Russian people wanted to comprehend not from an earthly, human position, but to see in them the finger of God, the will of God, leading each person and the whole people as a whole according to a special higher destiny. People of previous generations, struck by this or that event, left their descendants a stone chronicle of architecture for edification: they erected temples or entire monasteries on memorable places or in memory of any events, as living witnesses of what was happening. Throughout the vast expanses of our Motherland, these silent (but not dumb!) Monuments of the past are found everywhere.
On the terrible day of June 22, 1552. Tulyans drove away the 30,000th army of Khan Devlet-Girey, and in gratitude for the salvation of Tula, on the bones of the killed soldiers, in the place where the defenders of the city were especially killed, a monastery was erected in honor of the Forerunner John, who suffered for the truth. It was the first monastery in Tula, founded in 1553 near the southeastern wall of the Tula Kremlin. In 1801, this monastery was abolished and it housed the episcopal staff of the open Tula diocese. However, "citizens of the populous Tula, mourning the abolition of the Forerunner monastery 16 about the abolition of the Forerunner monastery, sincerely wished to restore the former or found a new monastic community."
By this petition of the inhabitants of Tula, the creation of a new monastery was predetermined, and it turned out to be "the monastery in Shcheglov." Thus, it is possible to establish a succession of the emergence of monastic cloisters in Tula.

In 1799 By decision of the Holy Synod, an independent diocese was opened: the Tula diocese. It is from this year that the formation of an organized "monastic life" in the Tula Land begins to clearly emerge. For the newly appointed Bishop of Tula, in the midst of the beautiful nature of the former Zaseka, in 1810, a capacious bishop's country house was built. Due to the fact that the staff of the bishop's retinue included several monastics, a house church was consecrated at the dacha and a monastic way of life was established. Therefore, the beginning of the 19th century is the actual, official date of the founding of the monastery in Shcheglov.
In the middle of the 19th century, on the initiative and at the expense of the Moscow merchant Vasily Ivanovich Makarukhin (the founder of the monastery), a complex of buildings of the future monastery began to be erected next to the bishop's house.
In May 1860 the laying of the main temple of the monastery took place, which four years later (September 8, 1864) was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God the Milk-giver.
Simultaneously with the temple, a bell tower, three buildings for housing, a stone fence with a length of about 550m and outbuildings were built.
The official opening of the monastery was given by the Holy Synod only in 1868.
The main entrance to the monastery is formed by the holy gates, arranged under the arch of the lower tier of the bell tower, rising in the middle of the western wall of the monastery fence, in the form of a special tower, directly emerging from the wall, as its integral part. The holy gates are an iron, forged double-leaf lattice with an internal lock on the gates. The gate lattice is made up of geometric shapes, located in 42 quadrangles, in the upper part of the gate leaves there is an inscription: 1864. The portcullis of the gate was decorated with many bronze medallions With relief images on them. Above the gates, on the western side, in a special frame, in the form of a ledge on the wall, the Iberian icon was placed. Directly above the arch of the holy gates rises the tower of the bell tower, its first tier - tetrahedral - ends with a gable top on each side, and at the corners and in the middle of each side there are hanging columns, ending with cupolas with crosses. The upper tier is octagonal, with four spans, each ending with a double arch separated by a weight. On the top of the cornice there is a row of lancet kokoshniks. Above them rises an octagonal, pyramidal, truncated roof tent, bordered at the top also by a crown of lancet kokoshniks. The roof ends with an onion dome with a poppy head, which serves as the base of a six-pointed cross erected in it. The spans (or gaps) of the chamber, where the bells hang, are fenced with a wooden baluster. There are nine bells in all, they were cast in 1861. in Kharkov: weight of bells: 208 p.23 f., 107 p.37 f., 52 p.39 f., .26 f., II p. 1/4 f., I p.26! / 2f., 37 p.37 1/4f. Total weight bells 421 item 32 f. The main tent of the bell tower, as well as its details, are covered with sheet iron and painted with verdigris.


Inside the monastery fence, almost in the middle of the square, at a distance of about 21 m from the bell tower, to the east, rises the main temple of the monastery in the name of the Mother of God - the Mammal.
The very name of the icon "Mammary" is associated with ancient times: according to legend, an icon with this name was in the Lavra of St. Savva the Sanctified (+532) near Jerusalem, in the XIII century was transferred by St. Savva, Archbishop of Serbia, to the Holy Mount Athos in the Hilendarsky Monastery, from where it spread throughout Russia in many lists. Probably, the pious icon painter wanted to emphasize the Divine-human nature of Jesus Christ with the plot of the icon: the Mother of God fed Christ with milk as having truly accepted human flesh fear for the sake of the human race.
The temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of the Mammoth in its majesty, beauty of the exterior and interior design, deeply thought out by the founder of equipment, church utensils and icons can be fully attributed to well-appointed cathedral churches. The architecture of the temple, while maintaining purely Russian national forms, early built church buildings, but has its own special features. The cube-shaped stone building has two floors and a spacious room, which later became the burial place of the builder of the temple and his closest employees.
Initially, the temple was conceived as one-domed, later, at the request of V.I. Makarukhin, four tents were added and the temple became five-domed. Wooden rafters, covered with sheet iron on four slopes, painted with verdigris, formed a rather complex completion of the temple. Five domes rise above the roof in the form of individual octagonal towers with lancet kokoshniks along the upper edge and each with a pyramidal covering. Five domes with gilded poppies (apples) are crowned with six-pointed crosses. Copper crosses, gilded. The middle dome has eight windows with a semicircular top. On the eastern side, a three-part altar apse protrudes, with an average largest ledge. Parts of the altar apse are divided by granite semi-columns to the height of the wall, from the foundation to the cornice. To drain rainwater from the roof, 14 drainpipes were installed.
The natural (daylight) illumination of the temple was facilitated by a large number of windows: in the upper (cold) temple there were 22 of them, which had single semicircular frames at the top without iron bars, in the lower temple - 22, were quadrangular, small in size, with double frames and iron bars. There are four windows in the porches of the upper and lower floors.
There was only one entrance to the temple, from the western side. Above the entrance door in the wall was an icon of the Image Not Made by Hands, a painting, painted on an iron board, and at the top of the wall there was a cross. Above the entrance door inside the vestibule there is an icon of the Kiev-Pechersk Mother of God. From the vestibule, to enter the upper church, a stone staircase with 16 steps was made. There are three altars in the upper temple: in the center - in the name of the icon of the Mother of God of the Mammoth; the right, southern aisle - in the name of the Nativity of John the Baptist, the left, northern - in the name of St. Basil the Blessed. The floor in the temple is wooden, painted, salt and the altar is two steps higher than the church itself. The kliros are fenced with wooden, carved, gilded balusters. The vaults of the temple, as well as the dome, are approved on a four-stone masonry, quadrangular pillars located in the middle of the church, the cornices at the top of the arches are gilded. Iconostasis upper temple arranged in 1859 by carpentry, all carved, gilded and consisted of three tiers. Royal Doors - carved, through, gilded in the middle.
In the lower warm floor of the temple of the Mammal, it was supposed to remove three altars, but by 1895 there were only two: in the center - si. Joseph the Songwriter, St. George and others in Malea and in the northern aisle - in the name of the Nativity of Christ.
According to N.I. Troitsky, the lower temple did not represent anything remarkable either in its structure or in its decoration.
To the southeast of the main temple of the Mother of God the Mammal, at a distance of about 20 meters from it, there is a small church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. In terms of time, this is the first temple on the territory of the monastery: it is built along with the monastery fence and right in its southeastern tower, to which the rector's cells are directly adjacent. Thus, the Assumption Church was a brownie. The building is stone, small in size, without a bell tower, covered with sheet iron, the roof is painted with verdigris, the cross on the dome is iron, gilded. There are two windows in the dome, and nine windows in the church itself with double frames and iron bars. During the construction of the church, four bricks were laid in its foundation, brought by Hieromonk Nikander from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and consecrated there. A small icon of the Assumption was brought from the same Lavra - a copy of the Kyiv one, which was placed above the royal gates. The consecration of the temple and the antimension took place on June 9, 1863.
The Temple of the Mother of God the Mammal was a summer temple and had no heating. In the immediate vicinity of it, to the northeast, in 1886. a new building of a warm (heated) church was laid, which was consecrated on September 24, 1889. In 1889, the 25th anniversary of Archbishop Nikandr's tenure at the Tula cathedra was celebrated. The new temple was dedicated to the memory of the Monk Nikander of Pskov, the patron saint of the venerable Vladyka. Due to the fact that in winter time there were more worshipers than the church of St. Nikander could accommodate in 1891-92. nephew of VI Makarukhin - Nikolai Feodorovich Musatov - an extension was made on the western side, doubling the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple. Semicircular vaults on arched arches and the cruciform plan of the building give it massiveness and grandeur. Voices in the vaults provide excellent acoustics.

In the most picturesque corner of Mordovia, a true pearl is kept - an Orthodox monastery with the amazing name "Sanaksarsky Monastery". Perhaps this name comes from the word "synaksar" - this is how the short lives of the saints were called in Russia, or from the Mordovian "sanav sara", which means marshland, or from Lake Sanaksar lying in a lowland near its walls.
The monastery was founded in 1659 and by the beginning of the 19th century it had turned into a large, well-equipped monastery. Today, an amazing panorama opens up from the city of Temnikov with the Moksha River, on the banks of which, among the centuries-old pine forest and emerald meadows, there is a magnificent monastic ensemble. The existing buildings and structures were built in several stages from 1765 to the 1820s. The construction went first under the leadership of the elder Theodore (Ushakov), then the elder Filaret (Bylinin). A closed space in the form of a trapezoid is formed by cells set along the perimeter, connected by a wall with three corner turrets. The main entrance is a 52-meter gate church (1776). In the southeastern part there is the single-domed Vladimir Church (1781) and hospital cells. To the west of the monastery there are hotel buildings, further, at a distance of 260 m from a pine forest - the cemetery Vladimir Church (1806). The spatial composition presents complexly arranged buildings with a whimsical silhouette and a monumental five-domed cathedral in the center.

The cathedral church in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos has an altar in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist in the lower warm floor (1774). It was built on the donations of Catherine II and the capital's dignitaries. Its composition is pyramidal: a high three-tiered temple is crowned with an ornate five-domed structure. The facades of the church are decorated with multicolored paintings, which is a rarity for Russian architecture of the New Age. The exterior and interior were painted by Elder Filaret in the Rococo style: they are distinguished by their lightness, decorative whimsy and graceful play of forms. The combination of baroque architecture and rococo interiors is typical of Russian palace and church architecture in the middle of the 18th century.
The ensemble of the Sanaksar Monastery is one of the few large well-preserved town-planning monuments of the second half of XVIII- the beginning of the 19th century, the baroque architecture of which is of considerable artistic value. The most important role in the formation of an expressive image is played by the surrounding nature. The ensemble powerfully enters the natural landscape and with its dynamic forms creates the impression of inexhaustible human energy.
The main shrines of the monastery are the relics of St. Theodore, the righteous warrior Theodore (Ushakov), St. Alexander the Confessor. Icons of the Mother of God are also revered among the shrines. Nearby is the source of St. Theodora. The monastery has a hotel.

Numerous pilgrims from different cities and towns of Russia rush to this quiet monastery. The soul, full of doubts and many questions, longs for Christian participation, intelligent, heartfelt advice, and most of all wants to touch the simplicity and humility, wisdom and living faith of the elders.

The Mother of God Shcheglovsky Monastery is an Orthodox male monastery in the city of Tula, which is dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God called the Mammal Bearer.

The history of the monastery dates back to the first decades of the 19th century, when a bishop's house was built on the very outskirts of the city on the eastern side, and in 1859 a merchant from Moscow named Makarukhin raised funds to build a monastery at this bishop's house.

Already in 1860, the builders began arranging the foundation of the Cathedral Church, which was built until 1864 and later was dedicated to the icon of the Mammal-giver. This temple had two floors and did not have a heating system, so it was not used in winter. The temple had three thrones on the first floor and three thrones on the second. The construction of the church bell tower, living quarters for monks, as well as household facilities continued. At the cell of the rector, a church was built in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God.

In 1864, the monastery was completely ready, so the townspeople of Tula, through the elders, turned to the higher diocese and the Synod for permission to establish a monastery here. This petition was considered for a whole year, as there were some financial difficulties, but by 1867 permission was given. The discovery was decided to coincide with the happy event of 1866, when the emperor was saved from the planned and failed assassination attempt on his life. In 1868 the monastery began its work.

In the year of the opening of the monastery in Tula, the master builder Bocharnikov, who supervised the process of erecting the temple, took the monastic vows himself and took the monastic name Herman. Later, the monk Herman went on a pilgrimage to Mount Athos and brought from there a particle of the Life-Giving Tree from the Cross of the Lord, a particle of the Stone from the Tomb of Christ, as well as the relics of Saints Akakiy, Ignatius, Euthymius and Panteleimon, which were kept in the monastery.

By 1884, the economy of the monastery expanded, the monks had a bakery, a monastic refectory and an inn at their disposal. In 1886, the construction of another temple began, which was dedicated to Nikander the Hermit. The temple was built heated and the construction was completed in 1889. The founder of this construction site, the merchant Makarukhin, also took monastic vows under the monastic name Barsanuphius, but he did it just a couple of days before his death. Makarukhin was buried in the monastery itself, at the Cathedral Church. In 1984, the merchant's nephew, Musatov, began to supervise the arrangement of the monastery, and he continued this business until the end of his life, until 1915. During his leadership, he built a Sunday school for the children of the poor and a hospital at the monastery. On the territory of the monastery, 117 hectares, there was a barnyard, a stable, an apiary, ponds and a garden.

With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the monastery was closed, and the monks were left without their possessions, all the property of the monastery was appropriated by the state, including utensils, and even icons, which were subsequently lost. Only in 1990 the territory and buildings of the monastery were transferred back to the diocese, and since 1991 it has been open to parishioners again.

The possessions of the monastery include:

  • The monastery cathedral dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God called the Mammal-giver and St. Panteleimon.
  • Temple of St. Nikander the Hermit.
  • Dormition Church at the buildings of the abbots.
  • Chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael.
  • The cell of the monk Barsanuphius, which is a separate building. Currently, there is a school and the office of the monastery.