Protect conspiracies. Protect with your own hands for all occasions Prayer amulet for pregnant women

There comes a time in almost everyone's life when nothing can help. The disease is not cured, money does not appear, love collapses, and there is nowhere to wait for help. In this case, you can turn to higher powers with a request. If you do everything according to the rules, then you can get what you want. Salvation will be conspiracies and prayers for all occasions.

What conspiracies can be done at home?

At home, it is possible to conduct completely different rituals. To do this, it is enough to acquire the necessary paraphernalia and conspiracies. It is worth considering that the house is also spiritually connected with us and natural forces, so it is recommended to practice white magic.

Unlike dark magic, it does not entail undesirable consequences, but ennobles and protects. Good magic is guided by the divine spirit and nature. With its help, you can change your life without harm to your family or others. Light conspiracies and prayers help:

  • Find love.
  • Get wealth.
  • Reestablish .
  • Attract good luck.
  • Protect yourself from enemies.
  • Protect your home and family.
  • Get rid of problems at work.
  • Avoid trouble.

White magic comes to the aid of those who really need it and believe in it with all their heart and soul. Without true sincere faith, the rituals will not work. Before proceeding with the ceremony, you need to make sure that you really need it.

What do they talk about most often?

Conspiracies and prayers have been considered a powerful force from time immemorial. They save you from failures and problems. The power of the human word, like the power of thought, is almost limitless. All of us have come across cases when it was enough to think about something and it was fulfilled. But the magic of rituals only works if all instructions are strictly observed. It is important not to confuse or change anything, especially if this is not specified in the description of the ritual itself.

Prayers must also be followed as directed. Heaven will not accept a prayer uttered in a hurry without proper treatment. Be sure to thank you for your help. Prayer carries cleansing and liberation, so most often it is read at night for calm. In addition, it can influence other points:

  • With fear and fear;
  • In difficult life situations;
  • From diseases;
  • For the healing of the soul;
  • Against dark forces.

Among the items that most often speak, there are also amulets. Most often, the spoken things are recommended to be thrown out, burned or hidden, less often - to save. The essence is the same - this item has an impact on the ceremony and the person conducting it. Conspiracies are mainly subject to:

  • pins,
  • scarves,
  • threads and laces,
  • Decorations,
  • coins,
  • Sometimes personal items
  • Water.

The most popular conspiracies and prayers

Especially popular are conspiracies and prayers that relate to material and love sphere. Also, many turn to higher powers for healing and good luck. Many ask for protection and salvation from trouble. People strive to achieve well-being and happiness with the help of rituals and speak objects in:

At the same time, special amulets and amulets are created that shelter from troubles and attract positive energy.

For money

The strongest and most effective conspiracy for wealth, read at home should be on the growing moon. During this period, the necessary ways for cash flow are opened. Choose an even number of the month and prepare three candles for the ritual. The color of the candles should be symbolic:

  • Green is a symbol of money;
  • White is light magic;
  • Brown or dark yellow - natural forces.

Position yourself by a window so that the light of the moon covers you entirely. Place a small table in front of you or spread a blanket and place candles on it in a triangle. Candles must be lit in turn and with the obligatory right hand, saying:

“I begin the rite with a yellow flame. Let the money come.
Green fire attracts wealth. Let the money come.
I drive away the forces of darkness with white light. Let the money come

Slowly and smoothly move the candles to the center so that their flames connect, and say:

“Let this flame attract wealth to my house and good luck in business!”

Extinguish the candles and leave them in this position until morning, the next day they should be removed and left in the northern part of the dwelling. It is from the north side that the most powerful financial flow comes.

The second most effective is a conspiracy to water. He will quickly improve his financial situation and keep money in the house for a long time. Fill any vessel with running water, put a few coins on the bottom, and at night on the growing moon, repeat the words 3 times:

“Water flows, money and wealth will bring me. I collected water, I acquired a whole fortune. As long as this vessel is full, my income will only increase.

After that, leave the water on the windowsill for 9 days and make sure that no one drinks from it. After a specified period, it is recommended to water home flowers or a tree near the house in order to consolidate the ritual. This universal rite will awaken the hidden monetary potential of your environment. As a result, you can get:

  • new job;
  • Sales improvement;
  • raising;
  • Winning the lottery;
  • Unexpected legacy.

It is not excluded the possibility of finding money right on the street. Any profit gained through the conspiracy will remain with the caster.


Magical rituals with church candles for fortune can be safely carried out in any lunar cycle. Especially popular is a strong conspiracy to attract good luck and money, read in the first half of the day on water.

For the ceremony, you will need 3 candles consecrated in the church, and two buckets. Fill the first half with earth, and the second one-third with water. Before the ritual, one must cleanse oneself of negative energy and, with the help of the Our Father prayer, charge water and earth with positive power.

Let's talk about water first:

“Voditsa-sister, help! Cleanse from troubles, save someone else from harm. Wash me and remove the crown of failures. May your waters bring me peace, happiness and good luck. Amen"

We whisper to the earth:

“Mother Earth, fertile! Bring wealth and success to your daughter, as you give others harvest and prosperity. I conjure your soil and bow in gratitude. Amen!"

Pour water into the ground, wait for it to soak, and stick candles. They should be lit with the right hand, reading out the magic words:

“Holy fire, burn out my enemies, my failures, get rid of bad luck and problems. Stand up for the protection of the Servant of God (name) and save from everything dark and evil. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!"

When the candles are completely burned out and melted, the bucket should be hidden in a dark corner of the house, covered with a white cloth. Wait 9 days and throw away the earth, as it will absorb all the negativity from the house during this time, which will open the flow of light magic.

To attract good luck to the house will allow a special plot on the talisman. In order for the amulet to have the greatest effect and power, it is best to speak a horseshoe. For the ceremony, you need to purchase a brand new horseshoe and go outside on the night of the full moon, preferably closer to the water source. Hold the horseshoe in your hand and, looking at the water, repeat three times:

“A horseshoe-horseshoe, hardened in fire, forged with iron, created by labor and then, I conjure you for good luck and success. Let everything that is difficult remain on you, but the good will go to me.

The horseshoe should be hung under the top door frame on the outside of the house. In this way, it will prevent difficulties from entering the home, protecting from difficulties and letting in positive vibrations.

The listed variants of rituals relate to white magic and conspiracies. They do not carry negative energy and you should not be afraid of undesirable consequences. It is important to follow all the rules and sincerely believe in the power of conspiracies, then the result will not only meet expectations, but also exceed.


The word "spell" scares many people. Therefore, to save from unrequited love, it is worth turning to white conspiracies. Unlike a love spell, a conspiracy does not have negative consequences and does not cause a crazy craving for the object of sighing in the charmed person. Light conspiracies awaken feelings in a natural way, without torturing the victim, but gently and persistently pushing for love.

White magic conspiracies are the safest and most successful. Precisely because they do not provoke uncontrollable passion, relationships built with their help are the strongest and most durable. The most popular and effective love spells at home can be done on the following items:

  • Water;
  • Candles;
  • Needle and thread;
  • chrysalis;
  • Photo.

Harmless white conspiracies can be carried out on any day of the week and regardless of the phase of the moon. The most famous needle and thread ritual is called “binding”. For the ceremony, you will need a new needle and a red thread, which symbolizes the power of future feelings. It is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy at dawn, repeating three times:

“The sun rises and love in the soul of the Servant of God (name) wakes up. As long as the sun in the sky will shine, so let him continue to love me. I tie with a needle and a new clean thread, I order you to love yourself until the end of time.

The thread is threaded into a needle, sewn to a white fabric and hidden until the wedding with her lover. More simple, but no less effective, will be a conspiracy carried out at night on a chrysalis. For him, you need to collect straw or dry herbs in advance and weave them together. Exactly at midnight, light the candles and take the doll in your hands, imagining that this is your beloved, and say the words:

“Hear me (name of the victim), I conjure you. Look for me alone, desire, protect and love. Be faithful to me and do not hear or see anyone else. I draw you to me to be happy. As I gave you my heart, so you give me yours. Amen"

Take in right hand candle and three times drip wax on the chrysalis in the region of the heart. The created amulet must be hidden in a secluded place and forgotten about. In no case do not throw it away and do not tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise the plot will collapse.

Perhaps there is no need to attract love, but there is a feeling that feelings have cooled down. In this case, it is better to resort to a conspiracy so that the beloved flares up with the same feelings and loves more. This conspiracy is simple and you can easily read it at home. Before going to bed, take a photo of your husband or boyfriend, in which he is alone or with you. Looking at the photo, say:

“In a single bed, we are together with (name), and as it is soft and even, so our life together is bright. Let there be only love and peace in life, we will be happy forever with you!

This conspiracy will have special power if, during its implementation, the beloved lies nearby and sleeps soundly. Among other things, the rite in the photo allows you not only to refresh your feelings, but also to get rid of a possible rival.


Health conspiracies are carried out more often on the waning moon. The rite with a tree is considered the most universal. To do this, the patient needs to go outside, put both hands on the trunk and read the words learned by heart:

“As fingers touch the bark, so health multiplies. Take away my illnesses, nourish me with the power of the earth. Give health and happiness, and in return take away all misfortunes.

Magic words must sound clearly, loudly and distinctly, so that the forces of nature will heed them. Thus, through the tree, the sick person gives the disease to the ground, and from the tree he feeds on power and health.

A ritual with water is available at home. To do this, you need to prepare and speak water, reading “Our Father” three times over it. A person suffering from pain or illness needs to fit in the bathroom and pour water over his right shoulder, saying:

“Holy water removes sickness from me, with its wave it cleanses me”

Repeat the plot until the charmed water runs out. Water should be warm, it can be heated only before prayer. It is recommended to repeat the ritual at least three times a week until complete recovery. The strength of the rite depends almost entirely on the person reading the text. The ability to abstract from other thoughts and things will enhance the effect of the rite.

When treating with conspiracies, you can also use prayers that will contribute to a speedy recovery and getting rid of the disease. For example, at night you can moisten your fingers in holy water and, stroking the sore spot clockwise, read “Our Father” to soothe the pain before going to bed. You can also ask for help from the Guardian Angel and the Mother of God.

No matter how serious the disease is and what additional treatment a person is undergoing, a conspiracy will help to heal faster and expel the disease from the body, cleanse and give strength to fight the disease.

Life throws surprises at us every day. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes not so much. Each person is characterized by the desire for comfort and the desire to protect themselves from trouble. To get protection from intruders and problems, you need to make amulets with your own hands. It's amazing, but even the most ordinary item can be turned into a powerful talisman. Even a pen or a small tilde doll that you made with your own hands can become a talisman.

From envious and ill-wishers

Other people's successes in many people cause indifference, and often - envy and a desire to do some dirty trick. Do you want to know how to protect yourself from such negative personalities? To make a charm with your own hands, you will need a new pin, a white wax candle and a red thread.

The ceremony is held on Sunday at noon. It is necessary to tie a small piece of red thread to the pin, 10-15 centimeters. Light a white candle and drip wax from it into the round hole of the pin. At this time, it is necessary to read the following conspiracy:

As this wax melts, so do bad thoughts disappear. Look at me, but see not me. Turn away all enemies and envious people from me, and descend human anger on Alatyr-stone.

The pin needs to be pinned to the clothes in which you most often appear in public. The amulet that you made with your own hands should not be visible to others. Therefore, the pin is attached to the clothes from the wrong side.

If a person whom you suspect of bad intentions should come to your house, then you can prepare for this in advance. Drive a small carnation into the door frame with the words:

As long as this nail is standing, there will be no dashing in my house.

Try to give your guest some kind of treat - a candy, a cookie, an apple, a glass of tea. If he accepts your treat, he will bind himself with it and will not be able to cause you any trouble.

From thieves

To keep your wallet from being stolen . Buy at church store a small icon of your patron saint, and then put it in your wallet. If you could not find the appropriate icon, then a cross will do. Now you don't have to worry about pickpockets. If the wallet is still stolen, then you should not be very upset about this. Along with your money, the thief will take away a fair amount of your problems and troubles.

To prevent thieves from entering the house . This amulet is not difficult to make with your own hands. Carefully cut a small piece of wood from a window frame, threshold, or door frame. While doing this, say:

Abara, come, take your eyes off the enemies from my house. Pass by - will not notice, will stray - will not meet help. May it be fulfilled according to my word.

To complete the ritual, hide the splinter in your bed linen. Now thieves will bypass your house. The rite is valid for one year, then the ritual will need to be repeated.

From various troubles

Nightmares haunt you ? In this case, you can make a charm with your own hands that drives away bad dreams. Sew a small bag, inside which put the bark of buckthorn, a bird feather (a chicken or pigeon is suitable), a small pebble. Sew the bag with white thread and put it under your pillow at night. Bad dreams will leave you alone.

From danger along the way . You need to buy, inside which you should put a little land collected near your house. Such a talisman will protect the owner from many dangers. This amulet is perfect for sailors, military, truckers. If desired, it can be supplemented.

From attack by wild animals . If you need to go to an area where you can meet a wild beast, then it is advisable to have an icon with the image of St. Mokios of Amphipolis, who was not touched by hungry lions.

General advice - when making a charm with your own hands, you must believe in the power of the rite. This will make the amulet more powerful, allowing it to recharge your energy. The talisman must periodically exchange energy with its owner, this requires bodily contact (occasionally pick up an object).

Prayer-amulet is a very strong defense. With its help, you can protect yourself from a variety of troubles and misfortunes. Such methods are time-tested, and many people have helped to protect you from enemies and envious people. Prayer-amulet allows you to protect your own home from external negativity and create a favorable atmosphere in the family, filled with happiness and prosperity.

The strongest prayer amulet of three angels

The prayer-amulet of the three angels is a very powerful tool that protects against a variety of everyday problems that a person may encounter. This prayer is composed simultaneously in the Orthodox and pagan traditions. A prayer appeal, reinforced by a conspiracy word, will take away everything that is dysfunctional and dashing. Therefore, it is very important that the person who will use the prayer amulet of the three Angels be baptized and sincerely believe in God, but at the same time, respect for the ancient pagan culture must be present in his soul.

This prayer can be used on any day of the week except Sunday. You can pray at any time.

Her words sound like this:

“God bless. Help, Lord. The Almighty Lord sent me from heaven the protectors of three angels, three archangels, my faithful guards. The Lord ordered them to take care of me, to protect me from every hardship, and to prevent misfortune and attack from my home. The Lord commanded the three angels of heaven from me, a servant of God ( given name) drive all evil spirits away from me. It was ordered to my defenders that I, a servant of God (proper name), be securely closed from troubles with a fence from earth to heaven, so that any dashing and malice would not penetrate through it. That fence will become a reliable protection from enemies and enemies, from slander, from various ailments, from stupidity in vain, from demonic machinations, from the evil eye and damage. Keep me three angels, sent by the Lord to me from early morning until late night. Do not leave me all day long. Amen".

 Prayer protecting from all troubles

If you feel that you are in danger of trouble, but do not know where you can expect it from, then you should use a special prayer-amulet from all troubles. For it to work, you must observe a strict fast for seven days and not participate in noisy parties. In this case, you will be able to create a powerful defense that even the most experienced magician cannot penetrate.

Prayer amulet from the evil eye and corruption (short prayer)

The evil eye and spoilage are very strong negative programs that can harm a person, and if they are not removed on time, then such effects can significantly worsen health, and in especially severe cases, even destroy life. It should be understood that not always a negative impact is sent intentionally. Unfortunately, there are many envious people around us who constantly exude negativity. They can spread rumors and gossip about you, and as you know, slander can damage a person's natural aura and weaken his defenses.

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and damage with a short, but at the same time very strong prayer-amulet, which contains an appeal to your Guardian Angel.

Its text might look like this:

“I, the servant of God (proper name), turn to You, my Guardian Angel. You are appointed by the Almighty and All-Merciful God as helpers and defenders to me. Heavenly servant, I ask you to protect me from all life's misfortunes. Drive all the evil spirits from my life and support me in my endeavors. Do not let the evil tongues of enemies and the enemy harm me, keep the peace of my soul so that I can work hard for the glory of the Lord our God. Amen".

Forty-shot amulet prayer (short prayer)

A forty-five amulet prayer is a very powerful protective agent. This prayer was created in ancient times, the appeal combines the traditions of ancient pagan conspiracies of Orthodox prayer appeals of later times. This is precisely the great power of the forty-strong amulet of prayer. She is able to completely neutralize the strongest negative and put reliable protection against enemies and various troubles that violate the usual way of life.

Only baptized people can read this prayer. For those who do not believe in the effectiveness of this remedy, it will simply be ineffective. It should be remembered that women should pray this prayer on the women's days of the week, namely, on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men, suitable days for reading are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is very important not to share your plans with anyone regarding the fact that you plan to use the forty-strong amulet prayer.

Morning is considered the best time to read prayers. If you can catch the moment when the first rays of the sun appear, this will further enhance the power of the conversion, since this period symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. When reading a prayer, care should be taken to exclude any distractions. It is very important when pronouncing prayer words not to be distracted by anything.

This prayer should be memorized, you cannot read it from a sheet. It is very important to visit the temple before reading the protective prayer, where you need to pray for the forgiveness of your enemies. It is necessary to cleanse the soul of negativity, so if possible, then you need to confess and take communion.

At home, you should dress in light, spacious clothes, install the icon of the Savior, light three church candles.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am a servant of God (proper name), I bow low before the forty holy fathers and their merciful hearts, I worship their good forty holy souls and eyes. Righteous fathers, you never left our Savior Jesus Christ, you never betrayed the sacred faith under any terrible torture, hear my heartfelt prayer. Please save me and save me. Protect me from seventy-seven destructive illnesses and terrible pains, from a cruel executioner in the darkness of night, from fire and water, from a terrible and vain death, from the cruelty of the authorities, from the deceit of people around, from slander and unkind looks. I create a charm for myself with a strong word, which will be strong and reliable. blessed by the Lord God Jesus Christ. He will protect me at all hours of the day now and forever. Amen".

Work for any person means a lot in life. Therefore, you need to take care to reliably protect yourself from various troubles that may arise in business area. It is best to read a prayer to the Guardian Angel every day before going to work. This will eliminate the misunderstanding of colleagues and management, and thus create a harmonious environment around you.

The text of this prayer is as follows:

“My patron, the Guardian Angel of heaven, I appeal to you, the Servant of God (proper name) for help. Help me harmonize the world around me. Eliminate any misunderstanding of my colleagues and superiors. Make it so that they see my good thoughts and do not drive me away from themselves. Let them understand that my heart and clear conscience are extremely sincere. Protect me, my Guardian Angel, from human misunderstanding and all the troubles associated with it. Amen".

Protect prayers for all occasions

Orthodoxy offers a huge number of prayers for all occasions. And they must be used, as they will help to improve life, and harmonize relations with people from the immediate environment. Prayers of amulets can be used not only for yourself, but also to protect your child. Also useful are prayers that allow you to protect your own home from troubles.

Prayer amulet for a child (son, daughter)

Prayer amulet is read for a child. It is read at night when the baby falls asleep. It is universal, so it can be used for both son and daughter.

The text of the appeal to the Guardian Angel is as follows:

“The angel of heaven, the protector of my child, the servant of God (name of the child), you are appointed by our Lord to save him, with your white wings, brush away all troubles and sorrows from him, drive away enemies from him with your strength. Hear the mother's prayer and do not refuse help. Amen".

A short prayer amulet for family and home

Quite often, the house and family are under the impact of negative influences. To avoid this, you should put protection on your family with the help of prayer. You can use the help of St. John. A short prayer to him will allow you to remove the negative and put up effective protection.

It is necessary to go around all the rooms of the house clockwise with a lit candle, in the process of this, one should pronounce the following prayer words:

“I am turning, servant of God (proper name), to you the great warrior, St. John. I ask you to bring all your soldiers and put them to protect my home around the house, windows and doors. Save my house from troubles and grief, and also protect all those who live in it from all misfortunes. Amen".

The uninterrupted amulet "Seven Crosses" is a very strong prayer that allows you to put strong protection from the evil eye for the whole family. It must be read in complete solitude and concentration. It is important to tune in to the positive and stop blaming anyone for your troubles. While pronouncing prayer words, you should imagine that a protective cocoon is closing you.

It is necessary to light seven church candles and say these words seven times, constantly overshadowing the space around you with the sign of the cross:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), put protection on myself, my house and my family in seven crosses. The cross from earth to heaven will reliably protect me, since it is from our Lord, from His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, from Holy Mother of God, from my Guardian Angel. All entrances are closed with crosses for everything unclean, for the machinations of the evil one. I will put seven reliable locks on the house, I will close it with protective forces from all sorts of troubles, peace and comfort will reign in it. The first lock will protect from trouble; the second - will prevent homelessness; the third - saves from bitter tears, the fourth - saves from theft, the fifth - protects from poverty; the sixth - will save from terrible ailments, the seventh - will provide general protection for my space. I will combine all the set locks into one and entrust the key to the Lord. I believe in the justice and mercy of God. Amen".


Let's look at the meaning of the word "prayer". This is a spoken aloud or mental appeal of a person to God or the gods. Prayer includes: confession of sins, requests, gratitude, vows. Prayer is an attempt by a person who feels his weakness to call or tune in to higher powers and receive help from them. Therefore, I sincerely hope that this book will help you in difficult times.

Here are collected strong conspiracies, prayers, amulets for all occasions. They will help you protect you and your family from misfortune and enemies, maintain respect at work and mutual understanding in the family. Conspiracies are also collected here that will help strengthen your health and protect your family and friends from diseases. You will learn what damage can be and how to remove it; how to multiply your fortune and protect it from envious people.

Go at night - you will be invisibly guarded by a shield of amulets; you will give birth - the pain will not torment you; and old age will not disfigure your face, for God's prayer will adorn you with good-looking features.

Having learned my teaching, you will receive rare, invaluable knowledge. If you are patient, do not quit what you have started, you will be rewarded: you will be able to speak with spirits, master hypnosis and read the thoughts of others. And this will help you get out of any seemingly hopeless situation. May this book be your friend and helper for years to come.

If any of you are not entirely clear about what I'm talking about, please be patient. Study my work, and do not hesitate, I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I have. All those of you who will come with me to the last stage of education will learn truly incredible things. You will live long, having learned from my books how short life is accounted for. And when the angel of death comes for you, he will carry you in his arms and pray for you before God.

The book is divided into four sections, which represent the four most exciting topics of all - this is "Luck and success", "For health, from ailments", "Love and family" and "From damage, from the evil eye."

I share with you the knowledge, experience and skills accumulated by many generations and passed from mouth to mouth.

I am often asked why I reveal my secrets, because it would be much more profitable to organize courses or a health faculty.

The thing is, my dears, that the Lord God endowed me with sincere love for people. This is what my grandmother taught me. To put it very briefly, I will say this: I really want you and your loved ones to live happily ever after, and this is exactly what my books should help you with.

By collecting all my books, you will build a protective wall for yourself, which no enemy will be able to break through. You can always protect yourself and your children with the great power of the holy life-giving prayer, which means that your days will increase, because protected people live much longer!

My dear readers, followers and students, write to me, I will answer all your questions, I will be very glad to help you and give advice. Everything you learn from this book will bring you good luck, success and prosperity.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. It always worries me a lot. I sincerely pray for those who respond to someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read the letters of people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord himself said: a merciful heart will be accepted with mercy.

I bow to everyone and say thank you for your support in my work.

I wish you health and long life.

Yours sincerely, Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

good luck and success

Conspiracy for happiness

It has been verified many times that those people who came to me in tears, complaining that there was not a single one in their life have a nice day, having done everything as I ordered them with this conspiracy, as if they were born again. Happiness turned to face them, and life changed for the better.

So, read this plot three times: once before you go to church, once near the church and the third time after returning from church.

Upon entering the church, twelve candles are placed in honor of those who walked with Christ. Put to any icons, where the soul pulls. And forty days - post, after you read the last time.

There is a golden church
She has a silver throne
Above him is an icon that speaks, looking at me.
I will stand in the golden church
Before the silver throne
Under the icon of the talking, Mother of God looking.
Give me, Mother of God,
From this day on, be happy.
I take happiness with my hands, I go out with my feet.

Conspiracy for luck

Luck in life is also important. Now I will tell you in detail how to improve the life not only for my children and myself, but also for those whom compassion points out to you. This plot is read on a full moon on Sunday. Read while looking at yourself in the mirror. The mirror should be hung on the wall or at least leaned against the wall. On the table, the mirror should not stand in any case!

Baba witch,
The one that lies in the coffin and guards its coffin.
You walked the earth boldly
You have done your magic work.
I collected happiness and took away from people,
I stole good luck and bestowed it on myself.
Grant me luck, you bastard.
Give me, sorceress, happiness in addition.
I command you the fortieth psalm
And psalm forty-one
And from Black Magic the first.
I take away your luck and happiness in addition.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
How to return good luck

Read on black bread and morning water. They eat bread and drink water.

How true is it
That the Lord gave five loaves
And that Jesus Christ is God's son,
It is true that the Lord is merciful.
Turn, Lord, luck
From west to east
From North to South,
Give her not three roads,
And one way
To my doorstep.
And you, misfortune,
find your way
Into the snake's womb.
There's a place for you
There you live
There is your being.
And I will put on a charm,
I will tie with gold and silver.
Count me money can not be counted,
Woe-misfortune not to know.
I close the lock with the key.
I throw the key into the sea.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for well-being

When you wash yourself, you must say the following conspiracy:

Christ is Risen!
I am baptized with the cross, I fast in fasting.
Mother of God, overshadow me with the Holy Cross,
With His Holy Finger.
And how smooth the testicle
So that in my life everything was smooth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to get rid of misfortune

At midnight they boil millet and, as soon as it is ready, they go with it to the river. There they take a handful of millet with their left hand and backhand throw it over their shoulder into the river with the words:

Misfortune, misfortune
You are seventy-seven, here you are all, eat, swallow,
And don't bother me anymore.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

It is necessary to leave without looking back at the river, so as not to take misfortune as fellow travelers again.

Conspiracy from all sorts of dirty tricks

They slander about the water with which they wash themselves at midnight.

God's water, rinse, rinse
The affairs of sorcerers, enemies, adversaries, heretics,
Cunning healers, drooling horses, evil people.
Protect yourself from all evil.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
If you are being bullied

If someone harasses you with nit-picking, there is no need to shed tears. Take a piece of lard, stick a rusty nail into it and say:

Get away, devil, from my house,
Get away, evil, from my corners.
How this nail froze in fat,
So the slave (name) will freeze,
Won't scream
Angrily grumble at me (name).
Plot for a truce

Turn the pectoral cross onto your back. They read while looking at the table at which they usually eat.

Mother morning
Zarya Maria,
Evening dawn Maremyan,
The mother of the cheese is the land of Ulyana.
Have you seen the Queen of Heaven?
Did they light the way for her?
How she carried him in her arms
Most of all, she kept
She didn’t let go of her hands, she took care,
And the hour has come, I gave it to the world.
Be you, peace, truce
For the servants of God (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Ward from trouble

Read on Wednesday mornings before washing.

Wednesday, middle, go with a word to the water.
I am baptized with Christ, I am covered with faith.
Guarded by a guardian angel.
My guardian angel, have mercy
Sit on your right shoulder
Guard me from morning to evening
From the beast and the wolf
spoken needle,
From evil people
And forest animals
From judgment and punishment
From knife and poison
From witch pinches
From gossip whispers.
Lord, add my age,
And at the end of the flour deliver.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To tame evil hearts

They slander about the poppy and scatter it in the pockets of clothes for a child, a loved one.

I sit in a sleigh covered with beavers,
Both sables and martens.
Like foxes and martens, beavers and sables
Honest and majestic between pans and priests,
Between the world and the village, so my born son
I would be honest and stately between pans and priests,
Between the world and the village.
I’m driving on a reptile, it’s driving me, but I’m a hefty one.
Pans and judges have a yard full of pigs,
And I will move those pigs.
Court - court, century - century!
I sow poppy.
All the judges will disperse, and they are sitting that they eat me.
They won't eat me, I have a bear mouth
Wolf lips, pig teeth.
Court - court, century - century!
Who will pick up my poppy,
He will judge me.
I'll hide my poppy in an iron box,
I will throw the cad into the ocean-sea.
The ocean-sea does not dry up,
No one takes out my caddy
And no one picks up my poppy.
Court - court, century - century!
I close my teeth and lips to evil hearts,
And I throw the keys into the ocean-sea,
Into your iron cad.
When the sea dries up, when the cadi poppy is eaten,
Then I won't be.
Court - court, century - century!
Shield from the slanderer

At your request, we return to this topic again. And indeed, how easy it is to slander a person, to slander him. And the rumor will bring everything to its black end. But there are guards against such people, from their dirty tongues. Think about how many people died in the world who could not cope with the despair to which they were led by the slanders of the evil-pagans.

It is necessary that you, and even your grandchildren, know these charms in order to protect yourself from slander.

Each person in his house has a first-aid kit, in which pills are stored in case of a cold. Let all the prayers and conspiracies that my grandmother taught me, and her ancestors taught her, be your shield in the house.

Reading at midnight:

Go, arrow, from the black tongue.
Walk past me, past my horse,
Walk past my table
My oak table, my stone house,
Icons of my righteous,
Past the mortal bodies, Past the incorruptible souls.
My shield is strong
The conspiracy is my mold.
Go, arrow, from the black tongue:
On the swamp
On the devil's daughter
To the dry forest.
There you fall
There you and the abyss.
I bite my teeth
I block in a word.
Go, don't look.
Garden my family.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy for the favor of ill-wishers

At the moment when the thunder rumbles, you need to cross yourself and shout loudly:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Always and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
How do you, thunder, all people hear,
How do you, lightning, all people see,
So that I am honored
They kept for their kindred
All my enemies, all offenders.
Elijah the prophet is revered
And I respect at any threshold.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now and forever and forever and ever.

This conspiracy is really strong. Personally, I observed that those people who cause antipathy among others, after this conspiracy, easily establish good relations with others, even with their old enemies. This should be done without witnesses, in extreme cases only in the presence of the master. Time, moon, number do not matter, the main thing is that at this time thunder rumbles and lightning flashes.

Safe words in any dangerous situation

Baptist angel, savior of my soul,
You save my soul
Close the door to the enemy
You come to the bed, you guard,
You drive away the enemy-adversary.
Have mercy, save, save and save.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
To protect yourself from harm

The plot is read once aloud, once in a whisper, once to oneself:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I stand at the Cross.
The cross is the beauty of the church.
The cross is praise to the martyrs,
Help the guards.
I will come closer to the Cross, bow to it lower.
Protect and defend from enemies and enemies,
From their tongues, their batogs,
From their fire and sword, from their indulgence.
Lord send blessings
So that I stand unshakable and indestructible,
Like the Holy Cross.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Protection from the enemy

They take a worm from the leg of a mushroom, drip wax from a candle bought on Friday on it, and so, having sealed the worm, put it in a dug hole, pour a mound on top, as on a grave. Crossing, they leave. When you drip wax on the worm, whisper:

I put the enemy to sleep
Not on a feather bed, but unction.
You, enemy (name of the enemy), do no harm,
And, like a worm, sit in the ground.
As long as my seal is intact,
I won't have an enemy.
Key, lock, tongue.
To make your enemy afraid of his own thoughts

If you know that evil is being plotted against you, you need to read the conspiracy on the water nine times, and pour the water on the threshold.

Mother river runs, erodes the banks,
Takes out the roots, exposes the sands.
So the slaves (name of enemies) blur their thoughts,
Be afraid of your thoughts,
To me, slave (name), do not return,
Think of yourself, not of me
God's servant (name).
How to speak yourself from all troubles, from all enemies

You have probably heard people say about some people: "Nothing ever happens to him: he is conspired." We will teach you this conspiracy. He will protect you from all hardship and vain death.

You need to collect water under the bridge and go with it to the cemetery. Wait for the deceased to be brought and buried. When they leave, cast a spell on this water and wash yourself over a fresh grave with this water. Leave the rest of the water there.

Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan,
I call everyone, I call out, I pronounce,
I ask everyone: “Show me between two pillars
To that side of life, where there is the secret of the sleep of the dead,
The secret of living sleep, in secret - visible and invisible.
Where black crows peck dead eyes,
Drink cold blood
There is a hut-monastery, where death, longing, grief lives.
There is a secret cell
In it sits the fate of a baptized slave (name),
A candle burns in front of her.
She will call to herself three at once: death, longing, torment -
And will order them from this moment,
Keep the hour of the Lord
Keep the "cup of salvation" of God's servant (name).
Do not burn her between twelve fires,
From the great number of swords do not die,
Do not drown in water, be bypassed by an arrow,
The thief will not notice her, the villain will greet her with kindness,
The enemy's arms and legs will be taken away,
In the night it will be like in a clear sun,
Diseases will not take her, longing will not crush her,
Damage will pass by, the beast will not touch, the snake will not sting,
It will not fall from a height, it will not stumble on the ground,
The blood will not flow out, the eye will be saved,
Hands forever dexterity, feet forever playfulness,
Joy to her soul, peace to her heart.
From now on, she will sit on the Sovereign Throne forever.
Spelled by the hand of fate
With three witnesses: death, longing, torment;
With three guards: Lucifer, Astaroth, Satan.

If you want to speak your child with this spell, do it in the presence of the godmother.

From evil tongues

I don't go by myself
I'm flying like a black crow
I roll with a ring, I drive with fire,
I step on the threshold with my right foot,
I take away the language of my enemies.
So that they clapped their lips and were silent,
They didn't grind their teeth or chatter.
Lie down around my body, circle.
From the tongued, toothy,
Envious neighbors in the yard,
By field, by service.
Don't let them, circle, let their tongues go free.
Like fish in the water are silent,
So people don't talk about me.
Conspiracy from harm and violence

Read after three in the morning on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday). You need to read in one breath. On the ninth day after the spell is cast, no one is allowed into the house so as not to break the spell.

Three nails after the enemy
I can't remove the spell.
Do not remove both two and three,
Not seven or twelve.
My word is strong: do not bring down,
Do not interrupt if on the ninth day
Do not open the door.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy from a grumpy neighbor

Go to the neighbor's door, close your hands in the lock and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself.
From the wall to the doors, from the doors to the gates.
From the gate I will go out into the field, into a wide expanse.
A fast river flows in that field,
That river has paper banks.
I bend down, I rinse
I'll wipe myself off with heavenly heights.
I will become a ridge to the west,
I will face east.
How can you not get sand from the depths from a deep river,
All paper banks do not chew,
So no one could say a bad word
About me, God's servant(name).
Paper banks, get baked
Evil lips, shut up.
It would seem to everyone dearer than the world,
They would look for all my words and greetings.
good luck and success

I knit my tongue, I turn my eyes.
Alien, evil eyes, look past me.
And I'm going bass
People are kind to me.
How can people not love themselves,
So they won't be able to blaspheme me.
God, Lord, I am to the world with Easter -
And so that all people were kind to me.
Be, my words, strong.
Be, my deeds, modeling.
Key to the word
Word to God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
Conspiracy for Peace and Good Consent

Heat up the bath. Seeing that the water in the tank boils, say three times:

Water-water, river-rechica,
You came to me from seventy streams,
You wash all the yellow sands, steep banks,
You roll, you remove all human dirt.
Drain, take off, roll off me (name)
And from my daughter-in-law (name)
Everything is evil, swearing, adventurous, kitsch.
Wash away, rinse out all the squabbles
All gossip, nit-picking, biting,
Screams, evil silence, resentment, jealousy,
Longing, sadness, contempt, heart languor.
Water-voditsa, sister of mother earth,
Wash me and the servant of God (name) with your water.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Conspiracy for the current day

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a holy ocean-sea,
In that ocean-sea the cradle sways.
In that cradle the bird-maiden sleeps.
Rise, bird girl, wake up, rise,
Cover me with your wings from the haze,
From the heat, from the midge and bite,
Diseases, gossip, enemy envious eyes,
From fire, water, from a flying arrow,
From horror in the night, from ruts and ailments,
Trouble and witchcraft
From demonic indulgence.
Close me, maiden-bird, with your wings
Before all existing enemies.
My work is strong, my word is stucco.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for a good life

They buy twelve apples, every second apple will need to be given to the beggar, and six will be taken to the house. Then, the next day, every second apple of the remaining ones is given to the beggar at the church, and three are left at home. Let these apples lie at home overnight, and then they are taken to the church and placed on the memorial table, saying to themselves:

Remember my poverty for peace,
And wealth and health are with me.
Conspiracy for a happy life

If you take a black chicken egg on Wednesday, roll it in the dust of a road intersection, then give it to a dog to eat, then there will be more bright days in your life. You will feel stronger, younger and happier.

Words to say when giving an egg to a dog:

Egg - male,
Help - my guardian angel.
Purchase for a happy life

Put in a cemetery, on someone's grave, a piece of cake, put a glass of milk and scatter coins.

Bow three times and say:

Remember, dead man
Everything is dashing from me, everything is bad
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Leave without looking back.

For those whom fate does not favor luck

If you understand that luck has not begun to look into your house, if everything is out of your hands, do this: buy eight eggs from five sellers. There is an icon of forty saints. These forty bought eggs are spoken in front of this icon, and then the eggs are given as alms. If you do not have this icon or you are not confident in your abilities, contact a strong, knowledgeable healer. They speak like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Forty holy men walked
Forty eggs were carried for Easter.
They carried them and dropped them,
The testicles are broken.
So would my troubles and misfortunes
The pieces were shattered
They wrapped themselves in a ball around me.
Oh, you holy hands
Take my pain.
How these eggs will be broken before eating,
So my torments and misfortunes will leave me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Conspiracy for a happy fate

Word for word, deed for deed.
I pray to the holy forefathers:
Jacob, Joseph the Beautiful.
How are you, Jacob and Joseph the Beautiful,
Passed before the pharaoh of the king of Egypt
And how could he not sit still
And honored you above all,
So that me, the servant of God (name),
All ranks, all princes, boyars and all earthly sovereigns
Affectionately met and escorted,
Honor and glory were given to me.
Their heart would be tamed,
Everything would always be forgiven me by the authorities.
Would they appreciate me as a soul in a body,
Eye in the forehead
All days, all hours of the day,
Born for months, shortened months,
Defective and complete.
Shine everywhere and always, my God-given star.
Key, lock, tongue.
Conspiracy for good luck in all matters

My angel, my archangel, my patron,
You lead me, you help me.
I will go to the bright path.
All doors would open for me
People would all smile at me
All my deeds, all my thoughts came true.
There are three fish in the blue sea,
There are three crowns on those fish.
Who will count the prongs on those three crowns,
Only that one will kill my luck.
My first word, second deed,
And my enemies do not care.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
To always be respected by people

When they go to people, they speak a poppy and hide it in their bosoms.

The amulet is a special magical object endowed with power and designed to protect the house from troubles, misfortunes, theft, to bring peace and love. Our ancestors decorated their homes with amulets made of natural materials, which symbolized wealth, good health, and happiness.

Varieties of amulets for the home

As a rule, habitual everyday things served as amulets - a horseshoe, whisk, dough, dried herbs, stones.

Stones and plants are filled with power by nature itself. Often they are used to make pendants and pendants, and then they are sold in souvenir shops. However, each pebble has its own properties, so it is important to choose the right amulet for the home in order to attract well-being, and not repel it.

You can buy a protective home amulet or make it yourself. Homemade amulets often depict runes, Slavic symbols and other signs with magical properties.

There are also enchanted charms. These are things that are made by the hands of a loved one as a gift for you. At the same time, he invests part of his energy, which will then protect the owner and his house. But here you should be careful and accept gifts only from those people whom you unconditionally trust.

Also, you can’t take amulets from a sick person and you can’t do it if you are sick.
Well, if the subject is inherited. So he becomes the guardian of the family and acquires special power.

When compiling a talisman, the value of each element is taken into account. For example, a seed brings good luck, a bean gives beauty, a bag brings wealth. The sun is often depicted as a symbol of health and prosperity. In Slavic amulets, you can often find a swastika.

Images of animals also have their meaning. The horse is a male symbol, the birds are a connection with another world, the bear is health and strength.

It is impossible not to say about the dolls, which were also strong amulets at home. They were depicted without eyes and made from natural materials - straw, bast, clay, flax, birch bark. Dolls were divided into types, depending on their protective properties. There are dolls that protect the house, there are children's dolls, as well as female and male.

Solar symbols were depicted on the walls of the house and on its roof. It was believed that the sun was able to protect against all misfortunes, as well as cope with any magic and evil spirits. The so-called "thunder signs" protected the house from a lightning strike.

If someone wished harm to someone, then they threw objects symbolizing poverty and illness. Special conspiracies were read on them, and the owners, not even thinking that the subject was conspired, used it as a talisman, and as a result they received not well-being, but misfortune.

The value of household items-amulets

Each item has its own meaning and special properties.


Symbols of the goddess Mokosh, Lely, Lada were embroidered on towels. The signs kept the house from evil forces, created peace and tranquility in the family.

The bell is a strong amulet against evil spirits. It is believed that the ringing of bells scares away evil spirits, cleanses the energy of the room. The Slavs hung a bell at the entrance to the house. In the wind, he called and did not let evil spirits into the house. It is important that the ringing should be pleasant to the owners. Therefore, it is better to spend time and find a charm with a pleasant sound. The ringing of bells is pleasant to the brownie. To appease him, you need to periodically tinkle.

This is the name of a stone in the middle of which there is a hole. If you were lucky enough to find it, then you need to bring it into the house. You can hang it over the front door as a talisman, and it will not let people with evil intentions in, it will protect your home from fires, floods and other troubles.


Also considered a strong amulet. It is better to choose stones with the image of stars. You need to place them in the house, in the room where you spend the most time.

Fir branches

Without suspecting ourselves, we purify the energy of the house, putting under New Year live tree. The needles scare away evil spirits, calms, makes the aura of the house calm and peaceful.

Agate stone

This stone has a special power and serves as a talisman for the home. It protects the house from natural disasters, attracts financial well-being, improves relations in the family. It is advisable to put a few pebbles in a bag made of natural fabric and hang in the house.

To make a talisman of nuts, you need to string them on a red woolen thread. Such amulets can be hung in the house, and they attract prosperity and happiness.

The head of garlic should be placed on the windowsill. She will become a talisman against energy vampires and the evil eye.

Sprig of mistletoe

It was attached to the ceiling and thus protected the house from troubles and misfortunes. It is believed that this plant is able not only to protect the house from the evil eye and evil spirits, but also to attract wealth to the house, improve relations between family members, and protect young children from accidents and illnesses.

fresh bread

Our ancestors endowed freshly baked bread with amazing properties. It was believed that in a house that smells of fresh pastries, there will always be harmony, joy and happiness. With freshly baked bread, you need to walk through all the rooms of the house, filling it with a pleasant aroma.

A braid of onion turnips is woven to absorb the negativity that has accumulated in the house. The bow acts as a magnet for black energy, so eating onions from a scythe is not allowed.

To make a charm for your home, put dry herbs of rosemary, dill and basil in a linen bag. You can put them in a white natural fabric and tie in a knot. Place it in the house away from prying eyes.


It is believed that with the help of a broom, not only ordinary garbage, but also energy garbage is swept away. Therefore, the broom has always been a strong amulet. If you are moving, be sure to take an old broom with you - good luck will accompany you in a new place. And if quarrels and troubles began in the house, then the broom was buried in the ground and a new one was made. There are many signs associated with a broom. For example, if you put it with a panicle up, it will attract money. And in this position, he will not let the witch out of the house - this is how guests used to be checked. As long as the broom is upside down, the witch will spin, but she will not be able to leave the house.

old shoe

Shoes were used to create a talisman. You will need leather shoes. Sharp objects should be placed in the shoe - pins, needles, splinters, scissors, as well as herbs: rosemary, basil, fern, white mistletoe, laurel. The shoe was hung in the basement or in the attic of the house.

straw web

Straws made of rye and wheat are strung on a thread and hung from the ceiling. Such a charm provides well-being and peace in the house. You can hang a cobweb by the baby's crib. A year later, the amulet is burned and a new one is made.

Bottle of thread

You will need pieces of multi-colored threads about 7 cm long. The more colors, the better. They are placed one at a time in a bottle, reading a protective plot or prayer.

Bottle with metal objects

This is another version of the bottle charm. Metal attracts negative energy and does not allow it to come out. Fill a dark glass bottle with nails or other small metal objects - pins, needles, etc. Seal it securely and hide it in the basement or attic. If you live in an apartment, then put it in an inaccessible place with the following words:

silver plated bead

Few people know, but Christmas balls are a strong amulet (without a picture). Such a ball attracts the negative and does not allow it to come out, thanks to the reflective surface. It is better to put the ball on the windowsill. You can fill it with dill seeds or scraps of multi-colored threads. It is important to keep it clean, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

Charm bags

They make a charm for the house, filling the bag with contents that personifies prosperity and happiness. You can make it like this: you need to sew a small bag made of natural fabric, and one side of it should be red and the other blue. Place the following items in it:

  • small spoon,
  • coin,
  • Walnut,
  • 10 black peppercorns,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • unburned match,
  • a teaspoon of the following cereals: millet, rice, buckwheat, oats, barley.

The bag is tied with green string. It is better to keep it away from prying eyes. He will bring wealth and prosperity to the house.


The Slavs believed in the power of amulet dolls. There were many of them, and each had its own meaning and protected in a certain situation or brought good luck in different areas. Dolls without a face were made from natural materials. There were dolls for children, female amulet dolls, dolls that bring happiness to the house and protect from troubles.


On Friday evening, buy a needle, white thread and salt, do not talk to anyone on the way. At home, pour cold water into a glass, stir three tablespoons of salt in it. Cut off a meter of thread. Put the thread in a glass and cross three times. Pass the wet thread through the needle. Tie the ends into three knots. Circle the front door with a needle along the entire length of the jamb and stick the needle into the upper corner of the door jamb. Say these words:

A year later, the ritual should be repeated with a new thread and needle, and the old one should be removed with the words:

A horseshoe is a well-known strong amulet at home. Hang it over the front door with the ends up. The amulet will attract good luck and prosperity, and the house will always be a full bowl. However, remember that you cannot move the horseshoe.

On the outside of the front door, drive in three nails so that they form a triangle (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). Then you need to close the door from the inside, saying these words:

So you protect the house from damage to ill-wishers and any negativity.

The mirror is the way to better world, a reflection of the existing, but ideal world. Therefore, many different signs are associated with mirrors. They absorb negative energy and reflect it. Therefore, it is important to have a mirror in the hallway so that everyone who enters can be reflected in it and get back everything that he brought with him. When guests please, always wipe the mirror with a damp cloth. You need to be very careful with donated mirrors. Before looking into them, wipe them with a sponge or cloth soaked in holy water.

There is another way to check if the mirror is dangerous. To do this, put a candle in front of him and light it. If it caught fire the first time, then everything is in order, but if not, or black soot has gone, then it is better to wash it with holy or charmed water. If it is small, then it is better to put it in water overnight. Never take away or buy mirrors of dead people, this can bring trouble.

Candles from the church

Consecrated candles will also become a strong amulet. The flame of a candle perfectly cleanses the space, makes the energy clean. Once a month, walk through the rooms with a lit church candle, lingering for a few minutes in the corners and raising the candle to the ceiling. If in some place the candle smokes, be sure to sprinkle it with holy water. If the candle smokes everywhere, then it is better to consecrate the house. If after the arrival of the guests there is an unpleasant aftertaste, there is an uncomfortable feeling, then it is also recommended to light a candle and walk around the house with it.

Natural fabrics are filled with the life-giving power of nature itself, so they are often used to make amulets. But even bedding made of natural fabrics will keep relationships in the family, provide peace and love. Wool perfectly protects from damage and the evil eye.

Salt is often used in witchcraft practices and is a powerful talisman if used or spoken correctly. To protect the house from people with bad intentions, salt is poured under the threshold. "Thursday" salt is placed in the crib of small children to protect them from evil spirits. To make a charm of salt, you need to pour it from one hand to another with the words:
You can’t eat it later, you need to put it on a saucer as a talisman.

How to protect your home from the outside

But not only inside, but also outside, you can protect your home. There are old ways that will take away trouble, protect your home from the elements, fires, theft, evil people:

  • When laying the foundation of a new house, a piece of wool is placed under the corners, a few grains. And even earlier, a horse's head served as a strong amulet.
  • Kolovrat was painted on the wall of the house - a Slavic symbol that looks like a circle from which six rays depart.
  • A horseshoe was hung over the front door.
  • A weather vane is also not a simple decoration, but a strong amulet for the home. A rooster or a horse protects the house and everyone who lives in it.
  • The windows of the house had to have shutters and carved platbands, so that evil spirits could not penetrate through the cracks. Protective symbols were depicted on the carving.
  • On the roof of the house I depict the symbols of the sun. Often the Slavs depicted a plowed field with ears of corn as a symbol of well-being and prosperity.
  • Since ancient times, the image of dragons, griffins, lions was considered a protective sign.
  • A concave mirror is another not very well-known, but strong amulet that reflects all the negativity directed at the house.
  • Rice or sand is sprinkled on the roof, it is believed that all troubles will also crumble.
  • It is good to whitewash the walls of the house. White color drives away evil people and misfortunes.

Amulets-rituals to protect the home and family

These actions, if carried out periodically, will help keep the energy of the house clean, help maintain peace in the family and ward off people with evil thoughts:

  • Mirrors should be washed very carefully. Wash them with soap or with a special product, and finally rinse with holy or charmed water;
  • If there are often quarrels and scandals in the family, or it seems that evil spirits have settled in the house, then pierce three small onions with a needle with a red thread. After seven days, remove the amulet, put it on paper, sprinkle with salt and burn it;
  • If you are not comfortable at home or feel the presence of otherworldly forces, burn church candles every day in all rooms for three weeks. At the same time, read any prayer.
  • Pour salt into small saucers or bowls and arrange throughout the house;
  • In the evening, take a glass of glass. It should not have drawings or carvings. Pour three-quarters of the water into it, holding it in your left hand. Put it on the floor at the front door at night. In the morning, take a glass in your right hand, and with your left, wash yourself with this water and sprinkle the house.

Amulets are the protection of the home, family and all its members. But remember that the owner himself empowers them, believing in the help of magic items.