Sayings quotes about mom. Sensual and beautiful statuses about mom

Only mothers love us not for something, but simply,
Just because we are, we live,
We only go to mothers on important issues,
We only bring our troubles and problems to them.

We dedicate successes, victories to mothers,
And on Mother's Day, on the holiday of filial love,
We wish them to pass all troubles,
So that their children only bring them happiness.

Aphorisms about mom - a selection of quotes for Mother's Day that will decorate this wonderful holiday!

The Lord cannot be everywhere at the same time, and therefore he created mothers.

Deciding to have a baby is no easy task. It means deciding that your heart will now and forever roam outside your body. (Elizabeth Stone)

Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother's milk. (Maksim Gorky)


A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (O. Balzac)

What is a mother? Mother is the pain of birth. Mother - anxiety and trouble until the end of her days. Mother-ingratitude: from the first steps she teaches and instructs, pulls and warns, and no one likes this at five, ten, or twenty years old.

The hardest thing for a mom is to accept that other moms have the best kids too.

The first gift that a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (D. Brower)

There is only one most beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one (Chinese proverb).

Mom is the person who, seeing 4 slices of pie for 5 eaters, will say that she never wanted it (T. Jordan).
Mom will always make us feel like people of a higher class than we really are (J. L. Spalding).

If evolution really works, then why do moms still have two arms? (M. Burley)

A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it. (E. Bombek)

When a mother asks, "Do you want advice?" - it's just a formality. Whether you like it or not, you will get advice anyway.

A woman is like tea leaves. You never know its strength until it boils. N. Regan

When children stop asking questions, their parents ask a lot of questions.

The best age for children is when you no longer lead them by the hand, and they still do not lead you by the nose.

The most expensive necklace around a woman's neck is her child's arms hugging her.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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A selection of poems for the holidays Mother's Day and March 8.

Dear colleagues! I offer you a selection of poems for the holidays. Perhaps you use this material when decorating the premises of groups or corridors of kindergartens ....

The best friend is mom. She never envies, does not wish bad. And her eyes sparkle with love and pride for her child! Mom is the most close person throughout the earth and at all times! The one who makes someone else's mother cry will have to cry for his own mother.

There is nothing that a mother's love cannot endure.

Mother is the most touching of all that is on earth.

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

Mother's love is the fuel that allows ordinary person do the impossible.

The mother is not the person to be feared, but the person who makes the feeling of fear unnecessary.

If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

Give us the best mothers and we will be the best people.

The mother most often loves the most the child who made her suffer the most.

The Lord cannot be everywhere at the same time, and therefore he created mothers.

My mom used to tell me that if you can't find something worth living for, it's better to find something worth dying for.

Motherly love is very touching, of course, but it is often extremely selfish.

I don’t know anything more beautiful than a worthy mother, happy with a small child in her arms ...

Every mother is absolutely sure that her daughter's fiancé is better than her father, but her son's wife will never be compared with herself.

Mom always wanted me to come out. And so it happened - the sense came out, but the stupidity remained ...

A man who was the undisputed favorite of his mother carries through his whole life a feeling of a winner and confidence in luck, which often lead to real success.

Summer camps for children are the best vacation for a mother.

Whole centuries of efforts of alchemists could not create life! But a woman can do it in just 280 days!

If no one called you in the evening, you can always call your mother and complain.

Children are the anchors that keep a mother alive.

Women are so unhappy on the slope of their beauty only because they forget that the dignity of the mother is appointed to replace the beauty of the wife.

Mom's love is a cozy courtyard, which is always warm and sunny.

The Lord cannot be everywhere at the same time, and therefore He created mothers.

The first gift of a mother is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

Mom is the most beautiful word uttered by a person.

There is a special talent - the talent of motherhood.

To lose a father means to lose a faithful adviser and mentor, someone who would support you, like a trunk - branches. Losing your mother is... like losing the sun above your head.

Mother is such a high rank that the cuckoo will never reach.

And when mothers kiss their children, and when they scold, they love them equally.

You really don't understand human nature if you don't know why a kid on a carousel waves to his mom every lap and why his mom always waves after him.

The mother's heart is infinite forgiveness.

A woman who has not guessed with her heart what the happiness and honor of her son lies in does not have a heart.

Moms are always there to help. Even when they are not around.

Labor is the father of wealth, land is its mother.

The hands of mothers are woven of tenderness - children sleep on them in a calm sleep.

There comes a point in every girl's life when she realizes that her mother is even more confused than she is.

Do not use the sharpness of your speech on the mother who taught you to speak.

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.

It is better to remain silent than to offend your mother.

  • Mothers, perhaps, can only love - this is their whole understanding of their children. (Erich Maria Remarque)
  • It is an amazing fact that most brilliant people have had wonderful mothers, that they have acquired much more from their mothers than from their fathers. (G. Buckle)
  • The one that educates a living soul is more talented than any painter or sculptor. (John Chrysostom)
  • Mom is the most beautiful word uttered by a person. (K. Gibran)
  • Mother's clairvoyance is not given to anyone. Some secret invisible threads are stretched between the mother and the child, thanks to which every shock in his soul resonates with pain in her heart and every success is felt as a joyful event. own life. (O. Balzac)
  • Quotes about the mother of great people - Praise the woman - Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from mother's milk - that's what saturates us with love for life. /M. Bitter/
  • There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love; every affection, every love, every passion is either weak or selfish in comparison with it. (V.G. Belinsky)
  • Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children. /U. Thackeray/
  • Deciding to have a baby is no easy task. It means deciding that your heart will now and forever roam outside your body. /E. Stone/
  • My mother was the most beautiful woman I knew. What I have become, I owe to my mother. All my successes in this life, moral, intellectual and physical education, I put the merit of my mother. (D. Washington)
  • Thank you mom for teaching me how to dream. (Jared Leto)
  • What a mother cannot see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart, she can feel with her heart. A.N. Ostrovsky
  • My mom and I are like sisters. We have never been a classic family. Sometimes I feel like we grew up together. (Kelly Clarkson)
  • What could be more sacred in the world than the name of the mother! All the most precious shrines are named and illuminated by the name of the mother, because the very concept of life is connected with this name. /IN. Korotaev/
  • All my life, my mother stubbornly inspired me that every person should be useful. (Audrey Hepburn)
  • The best place for tears is mom's hugs. (Jodi Picoult)
  • Mom is the only miracle of nature with which even death is powerless to separate us. (L.S. Sukhorukov)
  • My mom had a frail small body but a big heart - so big that both other people's grief and other people's joys found a response and shelter in it. (Mark Twain)
  • Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish, and at the same time disinterested. She doesn't depend on anything. /T.Dreiser/
  • A mother should always think twice - first of all for the child, only then for herself. (Sophia Loren)
  • There is no such flower in the world, in any field or in the sea, such a pearl as a child on her mother's lap. (O. Wilde)
  • My mom is the only person I can give diamond jewelry to. (Leonardo DiCaprio)
  • There is a special talent - the talent of motherhood. /AND. Shevelev/
  • "The hands of mothers are woven of tenderness - children sleep on them in a peaceful sleep." (V. Hugo)
  • The only love I believe in is the love of a mother for her child. (Karl Lagerfeld)
  • No matter how old you are and what you have achieved: you still need a mother. I am no exception: I need it too. So do not quarrel with her seriously and listen to her advice. It is better to lose an argument than to regret later that you won.” (Kate Winslet)
  • All that is most beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk. (Maksim Gorky)
  • I am a mother, and a mother is never alone. (Catherine Deneuve)
  • And when mothers kiss their children, and when they scold, they love them equally. /Pearl Buck/
  • To be motherly is to be capable of unconditional love. It means loving a person just for the joy of love, helping a person grow just for the joy of seeing someone grow. /Osho/ - Quotes about the mother of great people.

Elegance, strength, beauty, tenderness, pride, grace, brightness, intelligence, the great creation of God - Woman.

Mom is the most beautiful word uttered by a person.

Let's say thank you to moms for carrying us under their hearts.

My mother gave birth to me beautiful, and life made me a bitch ...

I have two parents. But mom tried harder than dad.

Bowing my head, I pray to the Almighty. I do not ask for glory or heaven, but only ask the Almighty to take care of you, Mom!

The hardest job in the world is the most honorable! Thank you mom!

I love you so much Mom! Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom.

Here, show your tears to your mother, in a week the whole city will console you.

We all come up with something, dedicate statuses to mom, and we only need three simple words: mom, I love you!

You need to kiss your mom every day, not slobber your boyfriend.

Thanks to his mom!!! Just because he is in my life!!!

Mom you are the closest to me!!! Take care

The happiness of a girl is to be a beloved and only wife and a caring mother!!!

Mom gave birth to twins, first laziness, and then me)))

Mom taught me not to swear, life taught me not to swear in front of my mother ...

And even a million of the most beautiful statuses will not tell you how much I love you, mom.

It's better to remain silent than to offend your mother.

My mother always told me: a person studies all his life. So I'm studying, I've already graduated from 5 institutes.

I dreamed of becoming a model, but I became a mother!!!

There are many things in life; Everything in life is not enough, but the main thing, forever, will remain - mom.

Don't forget moms! After all, we owe them our LIFE!!!

For your love that fills the heart, for the happiness given, just ... LIVE. For the warmth that heals the soul, mom, I will thank you! It is difficult in this world for me sometimes in a series of countless problems. Only your wing will shelter me from the sight of life's dilemmas!!!

Mommy! You are the best, thank you for being you!

The best cure for anxiety, problems, depression and suffering is a house warmed by mother's warmth, affection, kindness and understanding ...

Mom comes home, and near the freezer, her daughter eats raw dumplings in a mannered manner ... - Maybe boil it? - WHO IS SMOKED?! AM I SMOKED?!

Why are you crying? - Mom called her father a goat and dad told her that she was a sheep! -And what? -Who am I?

Call your mom, talk to her, come up, hug her, tell her how much you love her. It doesn’t cost you anything, but for her it will become an extra reason to live!

Morning separated us from my mother ... I hugged her at the door. Growing up, for some reason we are all ashamed of our tenderness.

Until you become a mother yourself, you will not understand how much she loved you.

It's so nice to see when mom is happy.

The meaning of life is the smile of Parents !!!

Just one baby smile. And in the heart of the mother is already spring.

There are two holiest words in the world - God and Mom.

Someday you and I will walk ... And a small miracle will run five meters from us and shout "mom, dad, stop! My lace is untied."

How big is your heart, Mom. Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom

Children are the anchors that keep a mother alive...

Mommy, dear, gentle, you are the dearest little man on this earth! Let the whole world know how much I love you! Your daughter...

Mom, why washing machine Does the drum spin in one direction or the other? Probably, so that the linen does not feel sick? ...

Today, many European countries celebrate Mother's Day. Love and take care of your dear mothers! Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!!!

I love my mom very much, and I'm glad that I have her ... she is my most beautiful and beloved!!! And I'm ready to give my life for her...

Mom, I love you, and that’s why I’m always doing well ... when I don’t answer the phone, I just don’t want you to hear my pain ...

There are so many statuses about our beloved moms, and our daddies are also the best, right?)

The Lord cannot be everywhere at the same time, and therefore he created mothers.

Listen only to music, heart and mother. All the rest are bullshit.

Take care of moms, every tear that falls from her eyes because of us will then fall as an unbearable burden on our souls ...

When you are completely tired, call, And I will come, as I came in childhood. Do you remember that mother's love has a secret healing power!!!

My mother will be a good mother-in-law. She already now regrets my future husband!

The most powerful thing in the world against evil is a mother's prayer.

The best friend is mom. She never envies, does not wish bad. And her eyes sparkle with love and pride for her child.

Only such a wonderful mommy like MY ... maybe such a good girl like me!))

Mom always said: "Don't go barefoot, you'll catch a cold!" And it was necessary to warn: “Do not go with an open mind - you will be bitterly disappointed ...”

What is the best kiss for me? Slobbering and inept kiss of my baby!

Mom will never leave ... no matter what happens, no matter how hard it is.

I look at myself in the mirror and say "who will get such a miracle ...", my mother shouts from the kitchen "God give him strength, health and patience" ...

Mom, what time was I born? - At twelve o'clock. - Oh ... I probably woke you up! :)

Never complain about your husband to your mother. You and your husband will quarrel, make peace and forget, but your mother will never forget.

Sometimes just having tea with mom and chatting is better than any feasts with friends... Don't miss the time!!!

Moms are like buttons, everything rests on them ... Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom.

A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

What did your mom give you for your birthday? - LIFE!!!

I don't care what you think, but my mommy says that I'm the sun!

The mother of a newborn baby is naive and inexperienced, like a recruit in the army. The mother of a two-year-old baby is calm and confident, like a demobilization. The mother of a three-year-old child is a SPECIAL FORCE.

Love your mom. She is holy to everyone! Do not hurt by hurting in vain!

Thank you, MOM, for the life, for the world that you gave me! For affection and love, for the tenderness of hands, for every day and hour! I love you, dear! Happy Mother's Day my MOM!!!

A loving mother will never abandon her child. It's like getting yourself an amputation. It doesn’t matter how smart or stupid this child is, whether he has friends or not ...

A mother is the most hopeless optimist of all possible: she believes to the last that her child is the best.

Mom's support is the best sedative)))

Mom - one word, 4 letters, eternal meaning!

The house is never as clean as before the arrival of mom from the parent-teacher meeting.

I cannot love a single man as much as my son.

Without lies, betrayal and deceit, only MOM is worthy of love.

Do you want to hang yourself? Die? Get killed? And you think about the one who gave birth to you for almost a day, and not about those who drove over your ears a couple of times.

The only one that I will run after will shout to me "catch up mom."

Impeccable and gratuitous, eternal and irresistible, absolute and all-consuming love of a woman for a man is not only possible, but real. If he is her son.

The older I get, the more often I want to be in childhood and in the arms of my mother.

If mom laughs at dad's witticisms, then there are guests in the house.

Mom is the only person who knows you 9 months more than everyone else.

When you are a mother, the concept of “being alone” does not exist ...

Without lies, without tears and without deceit, only Mom is worthy of love!!!

It’s as if the world is collapsing, and I so want to visit my mother, to be a child at least for the evening, to wear woolen socks and my favorite pajamas, to drink tea with cookies in the kitchen with her ...

Most best men took our mothers)

Mom is the first word of a child, Mom is the first steps in life, Mom is the most sacred thing in the world, Mom, your Mom - take care

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!

My wife thinks I'm with a mistress. My mistress thinks - that I'm at home with my wife ... And I'm sitting with my mother, ... happy - we drink tea!

If my mother taught me to be sweet, gentle, cultured, this does not mean that I do not kick in the eye, as my father taught me.

Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is pigs. Hush, mommy, don't cry, others have the same srach.

When you finally realize that your mother was usually right, your own daughter is already growing up, confident that her mother is usually wrong.

Love your child in any way - not talented, not lucky, adults. Communicating with him - rejoice, because the child is a holiday that is still with you.

Being a mom is not just a job, Being a mom is not just a dream... I remember a beautiful morning - on that day I gave birth to a son! And I accepted as a reward A priceless gift from heaven. And mom doesn't need no fur coats, no rings, no miracles to be happy!!!

A woman should have been born already in order to hear the cherished words: "Mom, mommy, mommy" !!!

Mom, can I jump from the 5th floor? - Have you done your homework?

And remember, girls, our mothers, to the question: “Why are you so worried about me,” they said: “If you have your own children, then we'll see ...” Well, how? Looked?
Mommy! Yes, compared to me, you were a giant of calmness, patience and equanimity…

They say the best friend is mom ... yeah now, tell her ... Everything in the morning will already know the second girlfriend Dad ...

The most beautiful child in the world ... every mother has! Aphorisms, beautiful quotes, sayings about mom

Missed calls: Beloved (1), Dad (1), Brother (1), Mom (48) - that's who really loves you !!! Take care of your moms! they are the best in the world!!!