Entering water meter readings. Transfer water meter readings to CCGT MOS RU

After the completion of the registration of the water or electricity meter in the service organization, the monthly payment is made according to its data. The owner must once a month necessarily .

This can be done in the following ways:

  • Write up-to-date data on a special receipt and put them in a special box;
  • Report the readings to the operator by phone call;
  • Log in to your personal account on a special website.

The fastest and most convenient way to report the current water meter data is to send information via the Web. If necessary, the owner can look at the volume of water used, print a receipt for payment.

Mos.ru - meter readings

Water and electricity in the capital you can through the official website of Moscow. It should be noted that only registered users can receive the service. Therefore, we will conditionally divide the instructions for transmitting meter readings into two stages: registration in personal account, transmission of meter readings.

To get started, you need to go to the website providing public services Moscow at the link: https://www.mos.ru and then follow the instructions. If you are already registered in your personal account, then immediately proceed to the second stage "transfer of evidence".

Stage 1. Registration in your personal account

  1. In the upper right corner of the main page of the portal, click on the "Login" button. On the next page, click on "Register". You will see a registration form in your personal account.
  2. Here you need to fill in the fields with personal data. H you must specify your full name, email, username, password, security question and answer to it, as well as a phone number, check the box "I accept the agreement", having read it beforehand.
  3. After clicking the "Register" button, you will be sent a confirmation to the specified e-mail. You need to go to the mailbox and follow the link in the letter, thereby confirming the registration.
  4. After registration, log in to the site (after successful authorization, your name and surname will appear in the upper right corner of the page instead of the "Login" button). Click on the last name and select "Personal Information". Click on the link "Edit personal data", which is located under the word "SNILS" and fill in the empty fields: SNILS, date of birth, gender.

Stage 2. Transfer of meter readings


  • It is recommended to transmit water meter readings from the 15th to the 3rd. Data entered outside the recommended period will not be taken into account when calculating accruals in the current period, but will be accepted in the next.
  • recommended from the 15th to the 26th inclusive. Transferring readings outside the recommended time limit is not possible.


So, you are already registered on the portal and you have a username and password for your personal account. Now we follow the algorithm:

  1. If you are not logged in yet, at the top of the main page, click on "Login" and enter your login and password to log in.
  2. After authorization, instead of the "Login" button, your full name will appear. Click on your full name and select "Profile".
  3. In the "My Opportunities" section, find and select the desired service: "Receiving meter readings" or "Submit water meter readings".
  4. In the form of transferring meter readings, depending on the selected service, enter:
  • Receiving meter readings. Specify the personal account number in the format 12345-123-12 and the meter number (you can save the apartment data so that you do not enter it every time). Enter the data from the counter (only numbers up to the decimal point).
  • Submit water meter readings. Indicate the “Payer Code”, the apartment number, write the details of your personal account (personal account, which is located on the EPD in the upper right corner). Then enter the water meter data. In the appropriate fields (“Cold”, “Hot”), enter the meter information for this period. To do this, click on the "Add" button in the field of this period.
  1. If you didn't make any mistakes, you will see a notification that your data has been accepted.

Life hack: Save the apartment data in your personal account and do not enter it manually every month.

Save the data about the apartment in your Personal Account once, and later you will not have to enter them manually. Will only be timely in the form on the portal.

Without a doubt, this method of sending readings is the most appropriate. All you need is a computer with access to the World Wide Web. Anyone can figure out the data transfer process.

Water meter registration

It should be remembered that, before starting to operate the water meter, it is necessary to register it with a service organization. This requires the following documents:

  • Agreement for the installation of individual water meters;
  • Conclusion of acceptance of the work done;
  • Conclusion introduction to use;
  • Agreement for the maintenance of a private water meter (issued individually);
  • Passports for cold / hot water meters.

In DEZ (directorate of a single customer), seals are affixed in documents indicating that water meters have been installed. In the ERC, information on water meters is entered into a database. The number of the device, the date of manufacture and installation, initial information on the volume of water that passed through the water meter during production is indicated.

When mounting the water meter with your own hands, you must contact the company that will seal the device. The company will need to give all the documentation for registration.

After the water meter is registered, it begins to operate, the owner pays for his own water consumption. Every month, approximately the twentieth day, it is necessary to report the data of the meter. Then they are indicated in the receipt.

Materials for the article are taken from

Dear users! Please note that in the absence or delay of the date of verification of the water meter, you need to provide certificates of verification of the meter to your managing organization. If the package of documents has already been submitted to the managing organization, and the possibility of making testimony has not been renewed, we recommend that you contact the Public Services Center.

The service allows you to transfer water meter readings, find out the dates of meter verification and view the archive of transferred readings.

When you first access the electronic service, you need to submit the primary readings of water meters at the Public Services Center of your district.

It is recommended to transfer hot and cold water consumption readings from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the next month, otherwise they will be taken into account in the next billing period.

  • Who can apply for the service


  • Service cost and payment procedure

    Is free

  • List of required information

    • Payer code (payer code can be found in the upper right corner on the receipt of the Unified Payment Document intended for payment of housing and communal services)
    • Apartment number
    • Water consumption readings (water consumption units in cubic meters (m3))
    The fields for entering meter readings have the following restrictions:
    • You cannot enter readings if you have a new meter installed. In this case, you need to contact the GKU IS of your area / the management organization serving your home to transfer documentation and make primary readings
    • It is not allowed to make readings if you have not made readings through the Portal in the last 3 months. To resume the possibility of transferring evidence, you must contact the GKU IS / MFC in your area
    • It is possible to skip the transmission of testimony, but not more than 2 months. Indications for the missed months will be taken into account in the next billing period
    • Indications made outside the recommended period (from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the next month inclusive) are not taken into account when calculating the accruals of the current period. In this case, the readings are taken into account in the next billing period.
    • It is impossible to enter readings less than the verification readings (you can see the verification readings under the sign "?" opposite the name of the meter)
    • You can not make readings less than the value of the previous reading
    • You can enter only numbers and a separator (dot or comma), up to seven integer characters and three decimal places
    • The input reading should not exceed the standard by several times (the water consumption standard for 1 person is 11.68 m3 / month: 6.935 m3 / month - cold water, 4.745 m3 / month - hot water)

Water / Cold and hot water meters

If a water meter is installed in your apartment, then you willy-nilly, but you will have to transmit its readings once a month to calculate the water charge. It is most convenient for residents of Moscow to do this via the Internet, using the MOS.RU portal. But there are other ways. Let's figure out together how it works and what are the subtleties.

Transferring water meter readings in Moscow: who should do it and why?

To begin with, let's clarify who is generally obliged to transmit the readings of the water meter? The answer is simple: all owners and tenants of apartments in which water meters are installed.

If you do not submit a reading, you will be charged an average consumption charge for the first three months (based on the meter reading submitted in the previous six months). Then they will transfer to payment according to the consumption standard multiplied by a factor of 1.5. The coefficient in this case is something like a penalty. In general, it turns out much more than if you pay by the meter.

Mos.ru and transmission of water meter readings

Mos.ru is an Internet portal, which, according to the plan of the city authorities, should provide residents of Moscow with the opportunity to solve any problem related to living in the city on one website.

Among the dozens of services offered on Mos.ru is the transmission of water meter readings. If you pay for housing and communal services under the Unified Payment Document (EPD), then you can transfer the readings of your water meter through this service.

To do this, select go to the main page mos.ru, scroll down to the section "Services"

There, click on "Receiving water meter readings."

Important! Each meter needs to be verified from time to time (usually once every four years for hot water meters and once every six years for cold water meters). Verification is a procedure during which the ability of a meter to reliably measure the volume of water passing through it is confirmed. If verification is skipped, meter readings cannot be used to calculate water payments.

You can find out the date of verification of the meter by clicking on the “i” icon located to the left of the name of each of the meters.

How else can you transfer the readings of water meters in Moscow

In addition to Mos.ru, UPD payers can transmit meter readings in several other ways

Meter readings must be taken from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the month following the reporting month.

If instead of the EPD you receive another receipt for paying utility bills, contact your management company. You can find her contacts on the Doma Moskvy portal.

Checking water meters

You can submit meter readings only if the period for their verification has not expired. Information on when to carry out verification is indicated in the meter's passport, in your EPD or other receipt for paying utility bills. Based on the results of the verification, the specialized organization that conducted it will issue a certificate and a verification report.

When choosing an organization for checking meters, make sure that it is in the register of accredited persons. Submit the verification certificate with the mark of your management company to the My Documents public services center serving your area.

What happens if you do not submit the water meter readings on time?

According to the current legislation, if you have not submitted the readings of the water meter, then you should be charged for this utility service based on the average monthly consumption (calculated based on the data for the last six months).

This arrangement may be valid for up to three months. Then the consumer who does not submit water meter readings is transferred to payment according to the standard.

These norms are spelled out in paragraph 59 and paragraph 60 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354.

Why is it necessary to transfer the readings of the water meter without fail in some strictly limited period of time?

This is one of the frequently asked questions - why should the testimony be given exactly, say, from the 20th to the 25th? The current legislation does not contain a strict norm requiring the transfer of meter readings within a specific period. The "Rules for the provision of public services" only state that the timing of the transfer of meter readings should be determined in the service agreement.

In practice, public utilities introduce these requirements, since the collection of readings from apartment meters must be synchronized with the transmission of data through a common house meter.

Here you need to understand the logic of calculating water charges: residents are billed for both residential consumption and general house consumption. The common house in this case is the difference between the sum of the readings of all individual meters and the readings of the common house meter.

If the readings of apartment meters are not collected all and not at the same time, then the volume of water that will be credited to general house expenses increases. And then they are "scattered" to all apartments, in proportion to their area.

It turns out that if the meter readings are not given at the same time, then it seems to be impossible to correctly calculate the consumption for each of their apartments. This is the logic of the utilities.

Another thing is that the channels for transmitting meter readings, primarily websites and telephone lines, cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on the last day of collecting meter readings. Almost everyone has faced this problem in one way or another.

What happens if the water meter readings are transferred incorrectly?

Different cities and organizations have different rules in this regard. But the general approach is that incorrect readings can be corrected.

If, for example, we are talking about Moscow, then when transmitting meter readings through the mos.ru portal, incorrectly transmitted numbers can be corrected directly through your personal account within 24 after they were entered, or before the 20th day of the month.

If the indications of the current month were entered with an error, but were not corrected in time, then in order to correct it, you will need to contact the Public Services Center of your district.

Nothing "terrible" will happen even if you see that the incorrectly transmitted readings are already reflected in the receipt. If the error is insignificant, and fits into the volume of your monthly consumption, then the easiest way is to pay the amount calculated based on these incorrect readings. And next time pass the correct ones. It turns out that you just paid a little in advance.

But if the erroneously transmitted readings greatly exceed your monthly consumption (say, by an order of magnitude), then you need to contact the organization that charges the water fee. Ask them to recalculate. They are obliged to do so.

Apartment owners are required to timely transmit water meter readings, and managing organizations keep this process under control and monitor the condition and performance of metering devices. In the article, we will consider the work of the mos.ru website in terms of receiving information on the consumption of utility resources from citizens, and also talk about the role of the management company in procedures related to the use of water meters in residential buildings.

from the article you will learn:

Per last years almost all residents of apartment buildings in voluntarily installed water meters. Payment for this utility resource is made according to their testimony. Monthly it is necessary to send to the supplying or service organization. Based on this information, an invoice is issued.

Water meter readings can be transmitted by filling out a receipt, by phone and via the Internet in your personal account. The latter method, due to its simplicity, is the most popular.

At the same time, consumers remain in some houses who, for some reason, have not installed apartment water meters. Management organizations can influence them only by persuasion. You can't force people to install metering devices.

In this case, the state goes the other way - it adopts legislation that encourages citizens to switch to the rules of work they need. In 2009, 261-FZ "On Energy Saving" was adopted, according to which, until 07/01/2012, all apartments in MKD and residential buildings must be equipped with water meters. For those who did not have time or refused to do this, from the beginning of 2015, increasing coefficients for paying for consumed water began to work.

No other sanctions are provided for those who violate the rule on the need to install water meters. Economic incentives work very well in this case. The vast majority have acquired metering devices, the rest pay 50% more for the resources they consume than they could if they had meters.

The managing organization may periodically remind such tenants of the possibility of installing an ISP and the savings that they provide. In some houses, meters cannot be installed for technical reasons. In this case, the increase factor does not apply. For example, this includes housing from a mobile fund or emergency houses.

Advantages of submitting water meter readings via the Internet

Connecting the capabilities of the Internet to the implementation of regular operations for paying utility bills simplifies the process for both apartment residents and representatives of management companies. We list the main advantages of this method:

  • data on water consumption can be transferred at any convenient time, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays. The main thing is to set aside a few minutes and have access to the Internet;
  • The submission process is very simple. Over time, the user brings it to automatism and performs even faster;
  • no need to waste time on phone calls. In addition, the user does not have to be nervous due to problems with dialing or communicating with the operator of the resource supplying (servicing) organization;
  • no need to go to the utility service for forms, as is the case with the transfer of evidence in paper form;
  • There is no extra charge for transferring evidence.

For management companies, creating the ability to remotely transmit meter readings is not a right, but an obligation. Paragraph 31 of PP No. 354 states that the Criminal Code is obliged to ensure the possibility of transmitting information remotely: by phone, via the Internet, and so on.

The practice of taking testimony on paper dropped into a special box continues to be preserved. No one refuses this to managing organizations, there is no violation here. However, those of the Criminal Code that require the submission of evidence exclusively in paper form violate the law. In this case, residents can contact the housing inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office. To avoid checking and obtaining a prescription, the managing organization needs to correct the situation.

How to enter water meter readings in your mos.ru personal account

Moscow residents can transmit water meter readings via the Internet using their personal account on the Mos.ru website. This is done in three steps.

  1. Registration. To open a personal account on the site, you need to specify your full name, email and cell phone. To enter Mos.ru, the user comes up with a standard login-password combination. Many people go to the site only once a month to transfer testimony, so the login and password are not remembered, and it is recommended to write them down. Instead of a login, you can use the SNILS number. The password remains necessary in this case as well.
  2. Login to your personal account for transferring water meter readings via the Internet. To do this, you need to enter your login (SNILS number) and password.
  3. Service selection. In the available list of services, you need to select "Housing, housing and communal services, yard" and the item indicating the receipt of water meter readings via the Internet, or follow the appropriate link from the main page of Mos.ru. After that, you confirm the apartment number and enter the required data. Here, if necessary, you can make a payment.

For the convenience of users, information about the apartment can be saved in a personal account, and then it will not need to be entered manually every time. Information about the apartment will also be required in order to:

  • receive and pay for the ENP;
  • enter the readings of the electricity meter and pay for it;
  • check MGTS home phone and pay for it.

The managing organization must monitor the duration of the operation of water meters and notify homeowners of the need for their verification. Information about the following verification may be indicated:

  • in receipts for payment of housing and communal services;
  • in the ENP;
  • in the user's personal account, through which he can make readings and pay utility bills;
  • in the passport of metering devices.

Residents must be informed that meter readings can only be submitted if the deadline for their verification has not been missed.

Verification is carried out by specialized organizations. There are many scammers operating in this market, imposing unnecessary services for checking and replacing meters on users. In order to protect the residents of the building, the Criminal Code should engage in explanatory work, including:

  • inform apartment owners about the real terms of verification;
  • recommend checking the selected organization in the register of companies accredited to carry out such work;
  • if necessary, make your own list of trusted organizations performing verification. However, in this case, several companies should be named so as not to be accused of imposing a particular artist.

The managing organization puts its mark on the verification act, after which the owner of the apartment transfers it to the nearest MFC. From there, information about the state of the meters goes to the mos.ru website.

The above-mentioned SPD (single payment document) is received by residents of those houses in which the calculation of payment for housing and communal services is carried out through multifunctional centers. At the same time, many MKDs remain in Moscow, in which the managing organization is responsible for accepting payments. Their residents receive receipts from the Criminal Code.

Correct reading of water meters

In order to transmit water meter readings via the Internet, the tenant needs to independently remove them, and sometimes difficulties arise here. An error can occur both when examining the meter, and at the time of entering data into the computer. This is not only fraught with confusion. In future .

One of the main mistakes in the transmission of water meter readings is that the user confuses metering devices for hot and cold water supply. Here are some tips to help you avoid this:

  • counters usually have color marks - blue and red;
  • if there are no external differences in the meters, then they can be determined by the temperature of the pipe. The touch of the hand will be enough to understand which of them is supplied with hot water, if it is, of course, not turned off at the moment;
  • with proper installation of water supply pipelines, the pipe with hot water is located above the cold one;
  • if it is impossible to solve the problem in any of the indicated ways, you need to open a tap with cold water and see which counter will start spinning;
  • cold water is usually used in more, so the readings on the meter corresponding to it will be larger. True, this only works in cases where new meters were installed and put into operation at the same time.

To transfer the readings of water meters, it is necessary not only to deal with the affiliation of metering devices, but also to correctly calculate the amount of resources spent from them. The user will see 8 numbers under the glass. 3 of them are at the end after the decimal point and are indicated in red - they show liters. Payment is made for cubic meters.

It is not difficult to deal with this - in 1 cubic meter there are 1000 liters of water. When the three-digit counter of liters reaches 999, 1 digit is added to the value before the decimal point, corresponding to cubic meters. To enter water meter readings via the Internet, it is precisely the numbers up to the decimal point that are taken. Anything after the decimal point is rounded up each time. If there is more than 500 liters, then rounding up to 1 cubic meter occurs.

The Moscow mayor's office promises in the foreseeable future to relieve management organizations and consumers of the need to track the readings of apartment water meters. To do this, it is planned to switch to metering devices that automatically send data to the company that controls the consumption of utility resources.

Most experts support the initiative to implement the described smart technologies. The emergence of such systems will make it possible to make transparent the settlements of citizens and management companies with resource-supplying organizations. Each of the parties will have access to figures reflecting the real volume of consumption.

The appearance of automatic meters that send readings to the server every hour will solve another important problem that most management companies are struggling with. We are talking about unscrupulous consumers who different ways hide real meter readings and just steal water. It is almost impossible to catch residents manipulating metering devices, and when readings are sent hourly, all deviations from normal consumption are immediately recorded.

As long as it's only long-term plans, and there is no obligation for citizens to switch to automatic meters. However, the procedures for accounting for the consumption of communal resources are developing in this direction.

Deadlines for sending water meter readings

Water meter readings via the Internet must be transmitted from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the next. If the consumer does not do this, then the average value for 3 last months. The recalculation will be made in the next period. It is performed after receiving testimony from tenants in some of the following months.

You can transfer water meter readings via the Internet not only using a computer. This feature is also available for mobile devices.

For some reason, the consumer may not provide the readings of individual metering devices on time. In this case, management companies and other charging organizations are guided by paragraph 59 of government decree No. 354 of 2011. The payment is calculated based on the average monthly amount of water consumed by the apartment. It is calculated according to previous meter readings for a period of at least six months.

If the metering devices installed in the apartment have not yet worked for six months, then their actual service life is taken as the basis. It should not be less than 3 months. The average consumption volume is used for billing until the consumer starts transmitting meter readings again. If he does not do this for three billing periods, then, in accordance with paragraph 60 of PP No. 354, there is a transition to the calculation of payment according to the water consumption standard.

Management organizations often have to deal with situations when tenants who overdue the transfer of testimony, after paying according to average figures and according to the standard, begin to demand recalculation. In this case, you need to use all the same rules from Decree No. 354. In such cases, they do not provide for any recalculations.

When the consumer restores the transmission of meter readings, these figures are considered the initial ones for the settlement of payments for subsequent billing periods. There is no literal indication of the use of these indications as initial ones in the rules, but from the totality of the provisions this document This is exactly the logic of charging fees. Among the grounds for recalculation, there is no item that allows it to be carried out due to the consequences caused by violations by the residents themselves of the conditions for using individual metering devices.