What does heavy walking mean? What character traits does a person's gait indicate? The nature of the gait of a woman

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Gait is a complexly organized "controlled fall": in every step we use the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, and we do it unconsciously. There are many myths about what walking can tell about a person.

But there are 7 features behind which real diseases can hide, and this has been confirmed by scientific studies:

website figured out what types of gait speak of hidden health problems. If you notice one of the listed features for one of your friends or relatives, recommend to see a doctor.

1. Short stride

Possible causes: A knee or hip problem. When we take a step forward, the knee should be fully extended. If it is difficult to straighten the leg, this may indicate a violation in the functioning of the joints. As a result - a small step amplitude.

2. Limping

Possible cause: back problems. When we take a step with our right foot, the muscles on the other side of the torso act as a stabilizer and we move left hand forward. The principle works for every step.

If the range of arm movements is small, there are back problems: intervertebral hernia or other disorders. Stiffness of the hands when walking is a signal to contact an orthopedist and a neurologist.

4. Spanking

Possible reasons: multiple sclerosis, neurological disorders, muscle problems. Instead of landing straight on the ground, the foot drops sharply, loudly and uncertainly. The reasons for such walking can be: muscle dystrophy, pinched nerve, back problems or multiple sclerosis.

5. Rocking

Possible cause: head trauma. If you see that it is difficult for a person to keep balance and he sways a little when walking, do not rush to conclude that alcohol is the reason. It may be the result of an injury. In addition to problems with balance, after an injury, you may feel dizzy when going up and down stairs.

6. Snail speed

What can you learn about a person from his walk?

Poses, posture and gait of a person. Psychology is able to determine by these features the character, disposition of a person, and his attitude towards others. Already by the way he stands, you can make a psychological portrait. Strong, balanced hard character, as well as the ability to find a way out of any situation and adapt to various circumstances, are inherent in a person who confidently stands on both legs, when the body weight is evenly distributed, and the feet are at a distance of about 20 centimeters from one another.

Stubborn, ill-adapted and inflexible people will stand still, but their whole appearance speaks of the intense tension experienced.

An unreliable, cowardly person, weak-willed and undisciplined, constantly changes his supporting leg and stance. An arrogant, preparing for action, aggressive individual, sways and rises on his toes.

Walking, standing or sitting people tend to turn their socks inside or out. In the first version, the gait or posture is called "peacock", and expresses the conceit and complacency of their owner. In the second case, such movements indicate that the person is not self-confident, weak-willed.

What are the types of walking?

Specialists in Western countries pay much attention to the study of varieties of gait. Some scientists even highlight the features of human movement in a special classification.

People who quickly step over their feet, while taking small steps, are the owners of a purposeful and strong character. They are able to achieve great success in business, they can build their own career. Plus, they are inherently cautious, which makes them carefully look around. If necessary, they quickly gather and make the necessary decisions with lightning speed.

Loaded with deeds, piled up with problems and thinking about how to overcome it all, they move with slow and measured steps. This does not mean that such a person is not capable of moving faster. It's just that for him the state of his own inner world is more important than haste. A measured gait is observed in romantics, people of creative professions or hobbies.

There may be a defiant and bright gait of a person. Psychology characterizes such people as absolutely self-confident and specifically attracting attention from others. This is usually characteristic of the fair sex. The sophistication of each step, the swaying movements of the hips, make the representatives of the strong half of humanity turn around and look after them. This style of walking is very common among famous people.

Measured steps and holding hands in the pockets of trousers or jackets are characterized by closed and squeezed persons. They are self-critical. The movements of such persons cannot be called fast or slow, most likely they are measured. Such a person very often becomes a leader, strives to achieve success.

Those who have a sloppy and loud manner of walking, quite consciously seek to attract attention to themselves in this way. However, this is not due to the self-confident nature of such people. Most likely, they do not know the norms of etiquette and the rules of conduct in in public places. They are inherently emotional, plus everything, they believe that the expression of emotions is appropriate anywhere. Basically, this is typical for a womanizer and a loafer.

Frivolous people, and prone to romance, tend to move lightly. Such individuals do not hesitate to express their emotions. Moreover, men moving in this way often have a negligent attitude towards various things.

Strong hand waving when walking characterizes friendly and sincere personalities. They are able not only to listen to friends, but also to help them, if necessary, express their support. Such persons have a cheerful and easy character, characterized by an excellent sense of humor. When at the same time the gait is light and free, then its owner is kind and honest, inspiring confidence.

When trying to read gestures and postures, one should not forget that there are a lot of those who try to hide their character with the help of an external game, so various circumstances must be taken into account.

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Rhythm, speed, movement features can be used to judge both the current state of a person and stable personal characteristics. Read the article about how the type of gait characterizes a person.

  • Fast movement + wide steps. Such a person has a purposeful and enterprising character. Usually these are careerists or successful businessmen who can quickly navigate the situation and make responsible decisions. These are optimists and extroverts, surrounded by a huge number of people.
  • Fast movements + small steps. Such a person is very cautious, restrained. He has a narrowly focused activity, but he is quite successful in it. Such a person is intelligent, with original thinking and cold calculation.
  • Slow movements + wide steps. This type of gait is possessed by a person of a demonstrative type, for whom it is important to be in the center of attention and put his actions on display. Thus, he confirms his significance, which is most likely fragile, unformed.
  • Slow movements + small steps. This is how a person walks, whose inner world is more interesting to him than the one around him. This is how creative, romantic personalities walk, who are immersed in their fantasies and reflections.
  • Measured movements and measured steps + hands in pockets. This is how leaders walk by nature, striving for success and power. But they are so self-critical that the latter prevents them from building relationships with other people.
  • Slow step + hands in pockets. This type of gait characterizes a weak-willed, lazy, pessimistic person. Walking with strong arm swings. It characterizes an energetic, light person with a wonderful sense of humor. This is a great friend who knows how to listen and support. This is a kind and caring husband. And this is just the soul of the company.
  • Easy gait, as if dancing. This is how emotional and open people walk. They express all their emotions without hesitation, do not worry for a long time for any reason. They easily change partners, both in personal life and in business.
  • Walking on toes. This is how a person walks in everything striving "upwards". He wants to be the first in everything, and often he succeeds, but his sense of superiority makes it difficult to equip interpersonal relationships, he is often alone.
  • "Loud" gait (shuffling feet, strong tapping with the heel, etc.). Such a gait attracts the attention of others, which is necessary for its owner. This is how ill-mannered, self-confident, boorish personalities, womanizers and loafers walk.

Of course, it is not possible to fully recognize a person only by gait. But knowing the characteristics of gait, along with the habit of dressing, color preferences, manner of speaking and moving, it is possible to draw up a more or less truthful psychological portrait of a person.

Sometimes gait is the only source of information about a person. But that's a lot. By the way a person walks, you can learn about his profession, temperament, and even his state of health...

Sometimes gait is the only source of information about a person. But that's a lot.

By the way a person walks, you can learn about his profession, temperament, and even his state of health.

According to Jung

Psychologists have long understood that one can determine character by gait.

Based on the system of energy-dynamic dichotomies developed by Jung, people can be divided into 4 types:

  • rational/irrational introverts,
  • extroverts are rational/irrational.

A decisive, uniform, impetuous, energetic gait betrays an extrovert-rational. This is a type of people with a linear-assertive temperament.

An unstable, confused, but rather fast gait with sharp changes in course and stops is characteristic of irrational extroverts. The temperament of such a person in psychology is called flexible-reversible.

The gait of rational introverts can be called heavy with sharp corners, such people bypass obstacles only at the last moment, believing until the last that "the wall will not move away."

Irrational introverts usually walk slowly, confusedly, often distracted not only by external, but also by internal signals. The pace of the gait may be interrupted by uncomfortable shoes or clothing. The temperament of such people is receptive-adaptive. I do not believe!

Interestingly, actors were among the first to discover the relationship between gait and human condition.

The patriarch of the theatre, Konstantin Stanislavsky devoted much time to the study of gait.

It would be stupid if the actor playing Oblomov starts marching around the stage, and the person playing Chatsky starts shuffling his feet on the stage.

Walking always says something therefore, it is especially important for actors to learn to keep it under control.

The Stanislavsky system implies getting used to the image, so without walking anywhere.

However, the master's reflections on gait would be useful to read to people far from the stage.

Konstantin Lvovich wrote, recalling the lesson:

"The energy moves not only through the arms, the spine, the neck, but also the legs. It excites the action of the leg muscles and causes a gait that has an extremely importance on the stage.

In life, we all walk incorrectly, while the stage gait should be the way nature created it, according to all its laws. Therein lies its main difficulty.

Stanislavsky urged people not only to study their gait, he urged them to learn to walk again, compared the human motor apparatus with an ideal mechanism, maintaining a balance in the work of which it is possible to control not only emotions, but also the work of internal organs.

Stanislavsky singled out several signs of a correct gait.

  • First, it must be smooth,
  • secondly, the socks should be placed slightly outward when placed,
  • thirdly, it must be continuous.

A person should move in such a way that "sliding is felt, and not pushes from top to bottom and back."

“We must try,” wrote Stanislavsky, “to apply these requirements to gait, regardless of the size of steps and speed.”

How not to walk

Many of us walk wrong.

The most harmful extremes for psychological and physical tone- this is walking as if falling, when the head flies in front of the body and, on the contrary, a gait in which the body tilts back so that a person does not see his own feet.

  • The first gait forms uncertainty, haste, indiscipline, substitution for the performance of real deeds by reflection.
  • The second is excessive external self-confidence while maintaining internal clamps.

One of the effective ways to correct such a gait is to practice of "underwater gait".

  • You need to try to walk as if you are moving underwater.
  • In this case, the chin should be horizontal to the ground, the gaze is directed straight ahead.
  • At the same time, you should try to push off the ground from the arch of the foot and remove the muscle locks from the cervical girdle so that there is no hypercontrol of the head.

Gait and health

By the way a person walks, one can judge his health.

From health problems, the gait sometimes changes simply beyond recognition.

At the same time, a person who has something hurts often may not even notice how his gait has changed, because he unconsciously tries to hide his illness from others.

Doctors call this walk antalgic.

About back pain says "wooden walk".

About foot problems(corns, corns, microtraumas of the toes) - "easy gait".

During peroneal nerve injury a person develops a "cock's gait". It is also characterized by the shortest possible contact with the surface.

Shoulders bent forward, when a person tries to close his chest while walking, may indicate about problems with gastrointestinal tract, digestive system.

Walking "like on prostheses" says about joint problems, possible arthritis, arthrosis.

For neck problems(myositis, osteochondrosis) a person tries to "carry his head like a crystal vase."

Excessively straight posture while walking, as well as the fact that a person bends over with the whole body - sign of Bechterew's disease.

Uncertain gait, when a person walks as if by touch, can speak about vegetovascular dystonia, problems with pressure.

More walks

There are many types of walking.

And each of us at different periods of his life uses one or the other type without even realizing it.

There is a so-called puppet walk(another name is parkinsonian), when the arms are not involved when walking, the steps are small, and the body does not bend.

drunken walk scientifically called atactic.

With a fox gait a person walks straight along one line, steps on his toes, does not step to the sides.

With a hysterical gait big sharp steps, stop instantaneous.

We can all easily define senile, infantile and dancing gait.

And of course you have to say about professional specifics. You can hardly confuse the gait of a sailor and the gait of a general. published .

If you have any questions, ask them

Alexey Rudevich

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