Rivers of Argentina. Argentina

24-09-2015, 20:43
  • Gallegos
    A river in the Argentine province of Santa Cruz, in the estuary of which the capital of the province, the city of Rio Gallegos, is located. The length of the river is about 300 kilometers. Rio Gallegos originates at the confluence of the Rubens and Penitentes rivers. Its largest tributaries are Turbio, Condor and Surdo.
  • Gualeguay
    river in South America. The river originates near the city of San Jose Feliciano in Argentina. The total length of the river is about 857 km. The area of ​​its drainage basin is 21536 km². It flows in a southwesterly direction. It flows into the Parana River on the left. It has a number of large tributaries.
  • Desaguadero
    A river in central and western Argentina, flows through the Patagonian Andes. Desaguadero is formed by the confluence of the San Juan and Mendoza rivers, flows into the Rio Salado (Salt River). On the river is the settlement of the same name Desaguadero, as well as a number of others.
  • Iguazu
    A river in South America with a length of 1320 km. Its name comes from the Guarani language and means " big water". Iguazu is formed by the confluence of the Irai and Atuba rivers near Curitiba in the Serra do Mar mountains. In the upper reaches, it winds strongly, breaking off constantly by 70 waterfalls. In the middle reaches, the river becomes navigable for 500 km within the state of Parana. About 30 tributaries flow into it in this area. In the lower reaches to the very confluence with the Parana River, it is a natural border between Argentina and Brazil. During floods, the river forms a drain 7 times larger than Niagara Falls.
  • carcaragna
    River in South America. The river originates in the province of Córdoba as a result of the confluence of Chokancharava and Tercero in Argentina. The total length of the river is about 240 km, the area of ​​its drainage basin is 4800 km². It flows in an easterly direction. It flows into the Parana River. It has a number of large tributaries. At the confluence with the Parana, there was the first European settlement in Argentina - Fort Sancti Spirito.
  • Limay
    A river in the south of Argentina, one of the greatest rivers in Patagonia. The river originates in the south of the province of Neuquen and flows into the Rio Negro. The name of the river comes from the Araucan language, the word limai means clear river.
  • Mendoza
    River in Argentina, flowing in the province of the same name. The city of Mendoza is located on the river. The river originates southeast of the glaciers of the highest point in South America, the extinct volcano Aconcagua (6962 meters above sea level) in the Patagonian Andes. At the confluence with the San Juan River, at an altitude of 497 meters above sea level in the lagoon of Lagunas de Guanacache, the Desaguadero River originates.
  • Mocoreta
    River in South America. The river originates on the Paubre plateau in Argentina. The total length of the river is about 140 km. The area of ​​its drainage basin is 3785 km². It flows into the Uruguay River. It has a number of large tributaries.
  • Neuquen
    A river in the south of Argentina, one of the largest rivers in Patagonia. It originates in the Andes in the northwest of the province of Neuquen. Not far from the city of the same name, it merges with the Limay River, forming the Rio Negro. The main tributaries are the Agrio River and the Kovunko stream.
  • Paraguay
    The right tributary of the Parana, one of the largest rivers in the central and southern parts of the South American continent. It flows through the territories of Brazil (near the Bolivian border) and Paraguay; from the city of Bahia Negra to the confluence with the Parana River, it serves as the state border of Paraguay and Brazil; in its southern part it is the state border between Paraguay and Argentina. The length of the channel from the source in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso to the confluence with the Parana River north of the Argentine city of Corrientes is about 2,549 km.
  • Paraná
    A river in South America, the second longest river of this continent (after the Amazon). It flows in the southern part of the continent through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. The length from the confluence of tributaries is 4380 km. The basin area is 2582672 km². It flows into the Gulf of La Plata of the Atlantic Ocean near the city of Buenos Aires. Maritime navigation is carried out to the city of Rosario in the lower reaches. In the middle reaches, the river forms part of the natural border between Paraguay and Argentina, below it is the western border of the low-lying region of the Argentine Mesopotamia.
  • Pilcomayo
    A river in Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, a tributary of Paraguay. The sources of the river are on the eastern slopes of the Andes. First, the river flows in a southeasterly direction for 836 km through Bolivia, then forms the state border between Argentina and Paraguay, after which it flows into Paraguay in the Asuncion region. The area of ​​the river basin is about 270 thousand km², where approximately 1.5 million people live.
  • Reconquista
    River in Argentina. Length - 82 km, basin area - 1738 km². The river flows along the La Plata lowland, flowing into the Lujan River. The Reconquista flows in a densely populated area of ​​Greater Buenos Aires, about 4 million people live on its banks and many industries are located, so it is one of the most polluted rivers in the country.
  • Riachuelo
    A narrow and very polluted river, on the left bank of which is the Capital Federal - the center of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. On the right bank are Lomas de Zamora, Lanus and Avellaneda.
  • Rio Bermejo
    River in Bolivia and Argentina. One of the large rivers of the central part of the South American continent, the right tributary of Paraguay. The length of the channel from the source to the confluence with the Paraguay River is about 1,600 km, the catchment area is about 133,000 km². The sources of the river are located in Bolivia, on the eastern slopes of the Central Andes.
  • Rio Grande
    The river on the island of Tierra del Fuego, flows through the territory of Chile and Argentina. Rio Grande largest river island, near the mouth of the river is the largest city of the island - Rio Grande.
  • Rio Deseado
    A river in Argentina that flows through the province of Santa Cruz. Length - 615 km, catchment area - 14,450 km². It originates at the confluence of the Phoenix Grande and Paje rivers in the Patagonian Andes east of the Chilean-Argentine border. The Rio Deseado River flows into the Atlantic Ocean, near the mouth is the port city of Puerto Deseado.
  • Rio Dulce
    A river in northwestern Argentina that flows into Lake Mar Chiquita. The length of the river is 650 km. The river originates under the name Sali in the Andes, in the Sierra del Aconquija massif. It flows in the south of the arid plains of the Gran Chaco, often splitting into branches, approaches the northern extremity of the Sierras de Córdoba ridge and flows into Lake Mar Chiquita. Rio Dulce is characterized by summer floods and low-water winter low water. The average water flow at the exit from the mountains is about 80 m³/s, and then it does not increase due to water withdrawal for irrigation. On the river stands the city of Santiago del Estero.
  • Rio Colorado
    A river in Argentina, in northern Patagonia. Length over 1200 km. It is formed at the confluence of the Rio Grande and Barrancas, whose sources are on the eastern slopes of the Andes. In a deep and wide valley, it crosses the arid region of northern Patagonia, forming a canyon in places. At the confluence with the Gulf of Bahia Blanca, the Atlantic Ocean forms a delta. Almost parallel to the south, the Rio Negro flows.
  • Rio Negro
    A river in Argentina, in northern Patagonia. Length 635 km. The average water consumption is 1014 m³/s. It is formed by the confluence of the Neuquen and Limay rivers, which originate on the eastern slopes of the Andes. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean near the resort of El Condor, about 30 km downstream from the cities of Viedma and Carmen de Patagones. The basin area is about 130 thousand km².
  • Rio Santa Cruz
    A river in South America in the Argentinean province of Santa Cruz. It originates in Lake Argentino in the Patagonian Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina, flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the river is about 385 km, with the most distant tributaries 565 km. The area of ​​its drainage basin is 29685 km².
  • Salado
    A river in South America, a right tributary of the Parana River. It flows through the Argentine provinces of Salta, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe. It has a length of 1300 km, the basin area is about 160 thousand km². In the upper reaches, it is first called Guachinas, then Juramito or Rio de Pasaje.
  • Uruguay
    River in South America. The river begins in Brazil, formed at an altitude of 1800 m by the confluence of the Pelotas and Canoas rivers, then the river flows from north to south, forming the border between Brazil and Uruguay, located on the left bank, and Argentina, located on the right. It flows into the estuary of the Parana River (called La Plata). The name of the river comes from the language of the Guarani Indians and translates as "river of colorful birds." The length is about 1600 km (together with the Pelotas River 2200 km), the basin area is 365 thousand km². In its mouth reaches a width of 12 km.
  • Futaleufu
    River in Argentina and Chile. The sources of the river lie in the Patagonian Andes, the Argentine part of the river flows through the territory in the province of Chubut, the Chilean part is located in the Los Lagos region. The river flows into Lake Yelcho. Rafting is popular on the river. Before the construction of the hydroelectric power station, the river originated from Lake Situation, but after blocking the channel and raising the water, the former cascade of lakes Situation, Lago Numero Uno, Lago Numero Dos, Lago Numero Tres were united, turning them into the Lago Amutui-Kimei reservoir .
  • Chokancharava
    River in South America. The river originates in the southern part of the Cordoba mountains in Argentina. The total length of the river is about 400 km. It flows in a southwesterly direction. It merges with the Tercero River to form the Carcaragna River, a tributary of the Parana. It has a number of large tributaries.
  • Chubut
    A river in Patagonia, in southern Argentina. The river's name comes from the Tehuelche word chupat, meaning "transparent". The length of the river is 810 km, the area of ​​the river basin is 53,801 km². The river originates on the eastern slopes of the Patagonian Andes and flows near the city of Rawson into the Atlantic Ocean, crossing semi-desert plateaus along the way. The main tributary of the river is the Rio Chico. For a short section, the river flows through the province of Rio Negro, for the rest of its length - through the province of the same name.

They are located in the northeastern part of the country and are part of the La Plata basin.

Vincina-Bergemo River

Geographically, the river is located in western Argentina. The source of Vincina Berchemo is the Patagonian Andes. Then it descends and passes through the lands of three provinces: La Riojo; San Juan; . The river is part of the Rio Colorado River system.

The source of the river is located at an altitude of 5500 meters above sea level. The name of the river changes depending on the border of which province it passes. So, in La Riojo, the river is called either Bonet or Jagüe. After crossing into the territory, the river becomes Río de Vincina or Río Bermejo. On the banks of the river is the large Talampaya National Park.

Iguazu river

The total length of the river channel is 1320 kilometers and translated from the language of the Guarani Indians means "big water". The source of Iguazu is located in the Serra do Mar mountains (near Curitiba) and is the confluence of two rivers - Atuba and Irai.

The upper course is very winding. In this part of the river, the current has many waterfalls, there are seventy in total. The middle course of the Iguazu is much calmer and here the river is navigable for five hundred kilometers (within the state of Parana). In this section, the river receives about thirty tributaries. The lower course (up to the point where the Iguazu flows into the Parana) is a natural border that also divides Argentina.

Iguazu is famous for its waterfalls. They are located thirty kilometers from its mouth, where the river spills four kilometers wide and forms a huge loop. Most of the waterfalls are located in Argentina. The total width of the falls is almost three kilometers. And every second from a height of seventy-five meters tons of water fall down.

The waterfalls were opened in 1542 and now attract many tourists.

Rio Salado River

The Rio Salado translates as "salty river" and is a right tributary. The river passes through three provinces of Argentina: Salta;
Santiago del Estero; . The total length of the river channel is 1300 kilometers. The river has several names - Guachinas, Juramito and Rio de Pasaxi.

The source of the river is the eastern slopes of the Central Andes. In the upper course it is a classic mountain river. After entering the Gran Chaco plain, the current breaks into several branches, and the riverbed is constantly changing. The river is navigable only from November to March. In the rest of the year (May-September), the river flow becomes much shallower and sometimes even completely dry in some places.

Argentina is a country in the southeast of South America. Its name comes from the Latin Argentum - silver, and the Greek Argentus - white. The name arose after the Spanish navigator Juan Diaz de Solis told his colleagues - Italian travelers - the legend of the Silver Mountains, located north of La Plata. The legend about the deposits of precious metals was not confirmed, but the name "Argentina" ("Silver Country") was assigned to these lands. Today it ranks second on the mainland in terms of area, and third in terms of population. It is known as the birthplace of tango, the location of the most beautiful waterfalls and

Geographic characteristics

The territory of Argentina (mainland and islands) is 2,780,400 square kilometers. It is elongated along the meridian: from north to south its length is 3.8 thousand km, and from east to west - almost three times less, 1.4 thousand km.

The territory of the country is divided into 5 geographical regions:

  1. Northwest (an area with a tropical climate in the valley of the Parana River).
  2. Northeast (flat part, Argentine Mesopotamia).
  3. Patagonia (southern part of the country plus Tierra del Fuego).
  4. Pampas (steppe area with a subtropical climate).
  5. The Andes is the most majestic mountain system in the world.

It borders Chile (to the west), Uruguay and Brazil (to the east and northeast), Paraguay and Bolivia (to the north). The total length of the borders is 9861 km.

In terms of population, it ranks third in South America - 44.5 million people live in Argentina. Almost 64% is the population of working age. The average life expectancy is 77 years.


The Andes - the longest and second highest mountain system in the world - stretch along the entire western border of the country. They were formed during the Alpine orogeny. The formation of new peaks is still taking place in this area. The highest peak - Aconcagua (6961 m above sea level) is located in Argentina, in the province of Mendoza (15 km from the Chilean border). The mountain is of volcanic origin, although it has not been an active volcano for a long time.

The highest active volcano, Lullaillaco (translated as "Deceiver") is located on the border of Argentina and Chile. It is located on the territory of the national park of the same name.

On the border with Brazil is a complex of 275 waterfalls - Iguazu, which are considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The sediments on which water flows are formed about 140 million years ago. The complex of Iguazu Falls is located 23 km from the mouth of the river of the same name, and its width is 2.7 km, of which 2.1 km is located in Argentina. Maximum height - 82 m...

The rivers are concentrated mainly in the north-east of the country. These are Parana (on the continent it is the second longest after the Amazon), Uruguay and Paraguay with tributaries.

Most of the lakes are located in Patagonia (which is why it is called the "Lakeland"). They are of glacial origin. There are about 400 lakes near the Andes alone. The largest are Mar Chiquita (5th largest steppe lake in the world), San Martin, Buenos Aires, Viedma, Argentino. Salt water lakes are concentrated in the northern part of the country...

From the east, the territory is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The part of the ocean that covers its shelf is called Mar Argentino ("Argentine Sea"). Its area is about a million square kilometers. The Argentine Sea is not generally recognized, but local authorities consider it one of the largest on the continent. The Falkland Islands are located in the waters of Mar Argentino...

The vegetation is distinguished by species diversity: given the geographical location, both tropical and plants typical of semi-desert territories grow here. In the Argentine Mesopotamia there are subtropical forests. Forests occupy about 12% of the land fund. And in the south of the country, the flora is represented mainly by shrubs, turning into cereal prairies.

Animals live in mountainous and foothill areas sparsely populated by people. The species diversity of the fauna is not as diverse as the vegetation. Cougars and chinchillas are endangered species. There are many rodents in the southern regions. There are quite a lot of birds, but they all live mainly near water bodies (herons, flamingos, hummingbirds) ...

The territory of the country is located within 3 climatic zones:

  • Subtropical in the north;
  • Tropical - in the center;
  • Moderate - in the south.

Mountainous areas are characterized by heavy rainfall (up to floods) and sudden temperature changes even within a few hours. A lot of rain also falls over subtropical forests.

January is the hottest month, the average temperature is +33 degrees, and at night the thermometer does not fall below +20. July is the most "severe": the daytime temperature drops to +12, the night temperature drops to +4...


Agricultural land covers almost 70% of the territory. The main attention is paid to grain crops, quite large areas are devoted to pastures for animals (pastures are mostly of natural origin).

There are quite a lot of ore deposits of various metals in the country. There are deposits of oil and gas (in the mountain troughs of the Andes). Quite a lot of sulfur and minerals that are used in construction. But natural resources are poorly studied and developed. The mining industry is engaged in the development of ore deposits; oil and uranium are extracted from fuel deposits. Ferrous metallurgy plants provide about 70% of the country's domestic needs. leaders light industry are food, tobacco, textile...


The national composition of the country was formed in the 19-20 centuries. after the extermination of the native Indian peoples. Now the majority of the inhabitants of Argentina are descendants of immigrants from Europe, almost 85% belong to the white race. About a third of the population are Spaniards and Italians. Immigrants are mainly representatives of neighboring countries, as well as immigrants from Ukraine and Romania.

92% of the population professes Christianity, of which the majority are Catholics. Main language is Spanish...

A special culture has formed on the territory of the country, which has little in common with European and the culture of neighboring countries. Politics and football are the main topics of conversation that every Argentine will support. Here it is customary to get up late and go to bed late. The main meal is dinner, which does not start before 21.00.

Argentines are very sociable and temperamental, they love theater and dancing (including the famous Argentine tango). But promises are rarely kept.