Lilac flowers of the plant. The beauty and benefits of the Russian land - meadow and wildflowers

Master Nature, skillfully playing with various colors and shades, creates incredibly beautiful compositions that you want to repeat in your own garden. When creating a future pictorial masterpiece, the main bet can be placed on the color violet, which conveys emotionality, great sensitivity, high spirituality and is optimal for meditation and contemplation.

This “cold” color is ideal for dreamy people who carry their fantasies far beyond the limits of the possible; this favorite color of intellectuals and harmoniously developed people has a positive effect on brain activity.

Purple color: meaning

The color purple, located in the color palette between red and blue, is associated with mysticism in various countries. It is considered a symbol of the night, which hides many secrets and mysteries under the cover of stars. Purple flowers planted in garden beds look rich and rich; admiring them brings peace, tranquility and pleasure. In nature there is a fairly wide range of flowers with purple colors, so choosing plants that will harmoniously replace each other throughout the season and harmoniously color the garden with purple colors is not difficult.

Everyone's favorite lilac

First of all, when you mention purple, a gorgeous bush of fragrant lilac appears in your thoughts - the primary crop of all parks and gardens, characterized by colorful large inflorescences and speaking of the arrival of spring with its warm days.
The Twilight lilac variety will decorate any garden with purple-violet buds on tall bushes (about 4 meters), dark green leaves and a sparse spreading crown. The heady strong aroma will enchant you on spring evenings, and the luxurious flowering will delight you for about 3 weeks. Lilac varieties such as “Danton”, “Maksimovich”, “Mulatto”, “Lady Lindsay”, “President Poincaré”, “Charles Joly”, “Raj Kapoor” will decorate any garden because they have gorgeous purple flowers.

The photo conveys all the beauty of these gorgeous shrubs, loved by many gardeners.

Crocuses - the purple charm of spring

Beautiful crocuses, whose goblet-shaped flowers “scream” about the arrival of the long-awaited spring, will speed up the passing of winter with splashes of purple paint against the background of melting snow. Reproduction of such beauty is not particularly difficult and consists of separating the children from the mother plant, which in a year will delight with the first flowering. To create an original composition, purple flowers are recommended, the names of which are given below:

You can dilute a monogamous landscape with the colors of the sun using the Violet Queen variety, whose yellow-violet flowers will add freshness, brightness and contrast to the composition.

Irises are the decorative basis of any flower garden

Fading crocuses can quite harmoniously replace everyone's favorite and widely cultivated irises (otherwise known as iridodictium reticulum). This flower has a large number of varieties, which are enough to create a chic flower garden exclusively from irises. The noble plant is characterized by the graceful shape of large flowers, consisting of three (sometimes six) petal perianth lobes. The internal and external lobes of the crop, which blooms in May-June, are different in shape, color and size. The sword-shaped iris, which has a beautiful purple flower and is characterized by late flowering, stands out for its original beauty. It is also called Japanese iris, since it was in Japan that most varieties of bearded irises were bred. The Socerez Triumph variety has an unusual color: almost blue petals, as if shrouded in a purple web, on top of which the careless artist applied more strokes of yellow.

The following varieties diversify the flower garden with purple colors:

  • Russian iris, characterized by medium-sized fragrant flowers. This variety is low-growing and suitable for growing on rocky areas.
  • Siberian iris. The height of a fairly hardy flower is approximately 1 meter. Narrow-linear light green leaves and the absence of a beard on the outer perianth lobes are the main characteristics of this species.
  • Winners Sackl. Characterized by abundant annual flowering, this variety stands out from the rest with dark purple flowers (photo) with a white spot under a blue beard.
  • Merion Maid is a solid light blue variety with some hint of purple and a bright yellow beard. Its large flowers look original both in a flower bed and in a bouquet.

Hyacinth is an indispensable component of the purple palette

When it comes to flowers that add a splash of color to garden beds, it is worth mentioning purple flowers, whose names translated from Greek mean “flowers of rain.” These are hyacinths. Strong, luxurious, dense inflorescences captivate with their pleasant aroma, delicate beauty and rich color palette, in which purple is effectively represented.

These are varieties such as “Blue Jacket” and “Ostara”, which have a blue-violet color; “Peter Stuycent” is characterized by a blue-lilac hue; "Woodstock" and "Maria" are dark purple varieties, "Bismarck" is a light purple flower, and "Miss Saigon" is a purple-red flower.

This unusual purple tulip

Tulips continue the purple wave of flowering, in particular varieties such as 'Traveler', with its beautiful rich purple hue, 'Chanson', characterized by dark blue-violet goblet flowers edged with a white contrasting border. The “Alibi” variety, characterized by a light purple color, and the dark violet, almost black with white edging, “Jackpot”. The lily-purple flower “Burgundy” and the purple variety “Ballad” with a white border will stand out for their original color in a well-arranged flower arrangement. "Porple Dream" diversifies this purple collage by adding a red tint.

Decorative onions bloom with purple flowers, various varieties of which can be used as a worthy decoration for any flower bed. These are Aflatun onion, Karatav onion, giant onion, Christoph onion.

Purple gladioli in the garden

Gladioli are the decoration of any flower bed. Purple flowers have varieties such as “Joseph Gyulot”, “Peregrina blue-violet”, “True Bru”, “Blauer Triumphant”, “Bl. Admiral", "Vaichenblau", "Othello". The “Aida” variety stands out with dark purple flowers and red inside. Violet-blue flowers of the Blyau Shengayt variety add variety to any flower arrangement. The “Pearl Flora” variety has rich dark purple flowers, which will look very harmonious next to the “Belladonna” variety, whose pink-lilac flowers will only decorate the composition.

Clematis - the basis of a vertical composition

An indispensable attribute of a vertical garden are climbing plants, many of which boast purple flowers. Violet clematis and Jacquemin's clematis are characterized by abundant flowering. Such a purple hedge with light stripes that border clematis flowers will brightly decorate the garden, bringing it to life to the fullest. The clematis variety "Luther Burbank", planted on the outside of the garden composition and blooming with large purple flowers, will catch the admiring glance of more than one passerby.

The variety “Minister”, whose flowers are also decorated with a purple-violet stripe, can add a blue tint to the purple composition.

Wisteria - purple beauty

One of the key components for vertical gardening is wisteria - a perennial plant that brings true joy to connoisseurs of beauty with its beauty. Growing up to 18 meters in height, the flower is characterized by drooping vine branches and leaves up to 30 cm long. The purple representative, the “Multiyuga” variety, is distinguished by large flowers collected in large inflorescences up to 30-50 cm in length, and is characterized by strong growth and bright flowering.

Oxalis - an indoor miracle

Indoor compositions can be “violet” by a plant such as wood sorrel, called “clover of happiness” in Europe. According to legends, it attracts good luck to the house in which it grows. In this case, the following condition must be met: the wood sorrel must change its owner on the last day of the outgoing year. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, this plant with purple leaves is considered the best gift. It is the oxalis trefoil, symbolizing the Holy Trinity, that is the national symbol of Ireland, depicted on its coat of arms.

A characteristic feature of this unusual indoor plant is the folding and lowering of its leaves at nightfall or in cloudy weather. At the same time, it seems that the flower with purple leaves has turned into a flock of butterflies; This is why wood sorrel is also called “Madame Butterfly” and “butterfly flower”.

Zebrina is a houseplant characterized by oval leaves with a shiny surface, multi-colored at the top and purple underneath.

The violet-white flowers of the common violet will decorate any room in which it grows. This fabulously beautiful plant delights with its variety of shapes and shades. Violet is used for indoor growing. She also feels great in open ground, especially comfortable in the shade of trees.

Garden purple flowers are exotic and an additional palette for an experienced decorator and landscape designer. using these plants to decorate garden plots, parks, offices and other premises requires a very precise combination with all other crops. Recently, home and garden plants with purple flowers have become very popular. Such crops have gained popularity not only in our country, but also in Europe.

The fact is that mysterious violet and purple shades have a calming effect. They symbolize peace of mind, wisdom and kindness. Combining the indifference of blue and the activity of red, violet tones invigorate and balance the mind, helping to tune in to fruitful work. A homemade flower in a pot is a great addition to your desktop. But garden crops are suitable for creating a garden of wisdom and contemplation.

Look at the photos and names of plants with purple flowers - they are presented in this article:

The symbolism of purple and its shades

When choosing a beautiful flower with purple flowers, it is worth knowing that this shade is very symbolic. It is believed that it is a symbol of prosperity, spiritual wealth and kindness. Houseplants with buds of this color are given to dear friends and girlfriends for the holidays. Some believe that purple is age-appropriate because it symbolizes the wisdom that comes with time. But young girls also prefer this color to everyone else. For example, purple-flowered petunias have a more intense scent than other varieties. This shade makes terry and tubular simple buds more luxurious and deep.

In addition to peace, garden purple flowers symbolize nostalgia and sadness for the past. Such plants are suitable for romantic natures who live with an eye to the future. In no case is it recommended to grow them for girls prone to depression. The fact is that in psychology, deep purple is often associated with sadness and mourning.

Garden plants with purple flowers are suitable for creating a delicate garden. If you correctly combine such perennials and annuals with other crops. For example, a more cheerful and vibrant landscape will result if purple flowers are grown next to yellow or orange plants. Group plantings of purple and white irises look beautiful. Gladioli and callas are also attractive in this combination.

To create dark tones in the garden, you can grow purple flowers with pink and red crops. Purple buds look good as solo plantings against the background of purslane or other ground cover.

The most popular and beautiful plants

Garden plants with purple flowers are very popular when creating a beautiful landscape. This group includes crops that can be grown for cutting, as well as for decorating buildings and creating an attractive background. Among the plants, there are low-growing and tall varieties with abundant flowering purple buds. Let's take a closer look at the most famous and popular varieties and beautiful varieties.

Callas and cannas are a symbol of wealth

Calla lilies are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. These are perennial bulbous plants. They should never be confused with cannes, which belong to the Cannaceae family. Such plants look more impressive due to the double and luxurious flowers on long flower stalks. Callas belong to the Araceae family and may have purple buds. They are most often grown in gardens and used for home forcing. Cannas are rhizomatous plants, and callas are bulbous. Both perennials can have purple flowers. But, more spectacular varieties of calla lilies. The variety may have deep purple flowers or lighter flowers with a dark throat.

In gardening, the most famous are two varieties with purple flowers. The first is Purple Sensation with spectacular dark buds. Variety Amethyst with flowers in a lighter shade. Both varieties look good, both solo and group plantings.

Irises with purple flowers

Irises with luxurious purple flowers are a very popular group of garden plants. Flower growers often use two varieties. The first, Siberian, is the most resistant to changing climates and frost-resistant. The second group is Japanese. Varieties included in these two subgroups may have purple hues. The Siberian variety is famous for one of the most famous crops. It's called Iris Magnum Bordeaux. This is a plant with purple buds. The flowers are very large and elegant with velvety petals. A distinctive feature is the blue-yellow spots on the purple leaves of the corolla.

The Japanese group of irises is no less popular. But unlike Siberian, these plants are less resistant to changeable weather. For example, the variety of flowers with purple buds Lion King is very heat-loving and will not withstand a sharp drop in temperature. The hybrid is large-flowered. The bud looks like a multi-layered lilac skirt. The Crystal Helo variety is more frost-resistant and can withstand wintering in open ground even in the Urals. The flowering is very lush and long lasting. At this time, blue-violet buds with yellow strokes are formed.

Gladioli and their purple varieties

One of the most popular plants in our country is gladioli. These are large perennial crops with luxurious long-lasting flowering. The flowers are large, of various shades. They are formed on long peduncles. Gladiolus is a tall plant with long sword-shaped leaves. The most famous varieties with purple flowers are as follows:

  • Passos is an exotic plant with an unusual color of the bud petals. They are lilac in color with purple strokes. The perennial grows no more than 120 cm in height. The bud has a wavy border and impressive dimensions.
  • Lilac and Chartreuse - purple-lemon buds are very large.
  • Blue Mountain - up to 8 flowers on the arrow. They are painted in a blue-pink palette with a purple tint.
  • Belle de Nuite - luxurious dark purple flowers with ruffled edges. Plant height is up to 120 cm. There can be up to 7-8 buds on the flower stalk.
  • Astro is a variety with inky purple flowers. Petals with white strokes. The plant is tall - up to 150 cm in height. There can be up to 20 buds on a flower stalk.

Crocuses - delicate primroses

Spring delicate primroses Crocuses are an unpretentious and most successful crop for those who want their spring garden to sparkle with purple colors. The plant is planted in groups. Single plantings do not look so impressive. Large-flowered varieties are known in floriculture. Most varieties are amenable to winter forcing at home. The most famous and spectacular varieties are Negro Boy and Incantes. They differ in the shade of the buds. The former have dark purple flowers, the latter are lighter and more delicate with a silvery tint.

Hyacinths - bell-shaped buds

There are many interesting and spectacular varieties of hyacinths with purple flowers. This plant is small and is actively used to create flower borders. The culture has small bell-shaped buds, although large-flowered species are known. It is the purple color that the Eastern group of plants is famous for. This includes the following varieties:

  • Miss Saigon is a small plant, up to 30 cm high. Used as a border in group plantings. The height of the inflorescences is up to 20 cm. The variety is winter-hardy and very effective.
  • Rembrandt is a stunning perennial with large flowers, up to 4 cm in diameter. The plant reaches a maximum height of 25 cm. The flowers are fragrant with a white border on the petals.
  • Lord Balfour is a luxurious early-flowering variety with large graceful flowers, up to 3-4 cm in diameter. A distinctive feature is a thin longitudinal white stripe. The perennial is about 25 cm in height. One plant can have a large inflorescence consisting of 25-35 buds.
  • Grotvorst is a variety with double flowers. The buds are light purple. The plant is up to 35 cm high. The flowers are collected in loose racemes. The perennial has a very bright aroma, which intensifies in the evening.


Fragrant lilacs should also not be overlooked. This plant can have very beautiful purple or lilac buds, which are collected in racemes. The color of the flowers depends on the variety and varietal of the perennial. The crop blooms in late spring and until mid-summer. During this period, the garden is enveloped in the soft and warm aroma of lilac.


Crops with purple flowers that can be planted in the garden include lilies. True, few plants have this shade. The Tubular group has mostly purple flowers. They exude a very bright and rich aroma.


Wisteria is a luxurious tree-like plant with lush, fragrant inflorescences that form drooping clusters. The culture is actively used as decoration for the site. Wisteria belongs to the Legume family and easily tolerates light frosts. The liana grows quickly and beautifully decorates the facades of tall buildings. Also, it can be easily formed using scraps. Over time, wisteria can be transformed into a luxurious tree or shrub.

House plants with purple flowers

At home, purple flowers look no less appropriate than in the garden. Such plants most often include some types of violets and, of course, petunias. But, these plants have a summer flowering period. If you would like to get a perennial that will bloom in other seasons, then try orchids. There are many varieties with purple buds. You can also use calla bulbs, tulips and anemones for forcing.

The most popular houseplant with purple flowers is geranium or pelargonium. It is this variety that has many varietal groups with lilac and purple buds. The unpretentious Himalayan geranium looks very interesting in a pot. This is a low plant, up to only 55-60 cm high, with double flowers in loose racemes. The bud looks like a small rose, up to 4-5 cm in diameter. Otherwise, the plant is not much different from pelargoniums and house geraniums.

Usambara violet or Saintpaulia is another popular plant with purple flowers. There are many different varieties. They can have simple or dense buds. Also, some of them have a bright floral aroma. Uzambara violet has become an excellent ground for breeders to experiment and create numerous hybrids with varied bud colors in purple and lilac tones.

Another variety similar to violets is cyclamen. It has white or purple flowers on long slender stalks. The leaf plates are collected in a root cushion. They grow directly from the rhizome, clinging to it with long green petioles. Most often found at home is Persian cyclamen with violet or purple flowers.

Some varieties of gloxinia also have rich dark or light purple buds. This is a common house plant. The leaves are collected in a dense rosette and covered with small light hairs. The varieties of gloxinia are so diverse that it can be difficult to decide on the shade of the flower you like. There are varieties with complex patterns on the surface of the corolla. Gloxinia is characterized by long and very abundant flowering.

Other domesticated tropical plants can be distinguished from the Orchid family. First of all, these include the epiphyte dendrobium. During the flowering period, the plant produces purple buds on a long peduncle. There can be from 5 to 8 pieces. The purple flowers are very large and look like butterflies.

Primrose is also famous as a house plant. There are many different varieties of the plant. All of them can have simple, densely double or double flowers of a purple hue. There are varieties with small and large buds, which are located on long thin peduncles.

If you are looking for garden purple flowers or a plant with dark purple flowers, then consider Stapelia Shaggy. This is a luxurious succulent with large and fleshy leaves. The leaves are covered with small purple hairs. The same shade with a brown tint is a tubular bud with a 5-pointed bend. The flower is very similar to a star. The plant is very unpretentious and adapts well to any growing conditions.


The effect of purple color on humans cannot be called unambiguous. It is unusual for perception, so each person has his own reaction to this color. Purple is the color of mysticism and night. It is preferred by intellectuals and travelers. In a flower bed or among flowers in the garden, plants with flowers in purple shades look very impressive. They are found both among perennials and annuals. Some of these flowers are not only beautiful, but can also be used as medicinal raw materials.

Magnificent asters

Among the many varieties of these flowers there are both annuals and perennials. Asters have flowers in lilac, purple, blue, red, orange and white. Below are those varieties in which purple or lilac shades predominate:

Clematis hedge

Autumn-blooming crocuses are planted in late July, and spring crocuses in the fall. It is necessary to take into account that crocuses grow quickly, so the distance from one bulb to another should be significant - about 10 cm. After flowering, the bulbs must be dug up and stored in a dry place until the start of the next season.

Delphinium and muscari

The soil for planting these flowers should be slightly acidic and slightly moist. It blooms well both in sunny places and in the shade. Soil fertility affects the size of the bulbs and the appearance of the flowers. Mouse hyacinth should be fertilized with compost or humus.

In the floodplains of rivers and lakes in spring and summer you can find a wide variety of vegetation: meadow flowers and grasses create a variegated or delicate coloring of earthly clothing. Perennial, biennial, and annual flowers are found in fields and meadows; they reproduce by seeds (self-sowing), roots (vegetatively), and pollination (with the help of birds and insects).

Different geographical zones differ in their characteristics and names of growing herbs, which choose a more comfortable climate for ripening and reproduction. Plants and flowers of fields and meadows can be creeping, low-growing (up to 15 cm), medium and tall light-loving (up to 2 m). Meadow and field plants are bright, delicate, bicolor, variegated, and dark. The predominant colors among them are: yellow, blue, purple, white, pink, red.

Yellow grasses of natural landscapes

A huge number of aromatic, tart or delicately smelling herbs have yellow inflorescences: goose onion, elecampane, sweet clover, colza, lumbago, navel, lupine, tansy, dandelion and many other useful and beautiful plants. Some yellow meadow flowers, their photos and names are presented in this section.

Goose onion

A low-growing plant no higher than 15 cm, it has long leaves growing at the roots, small bright yellow flowers that smell distinctly of honey. Used as a cosmetic and medicinal product.


It grows in bushes up to 1 m high. The leaves are narrow, light green, the inflorescences are orange or yellow. Flowers are single or in bunches. Used for face and body care, as well as in folk medicine.

Sweet clover

Sweet clover is also a yellow wildflower. This is one of the tallest flowers, growing above human height (up to 2 m). The stems are evenly covered with three-fingered leaves. Small flowers (yellow or white) are arranged in racemes.

Sweet clover heals wounds, relieves inflammation and cramps, and treats wet cough.


This bush plant is even taller - up to 1.5 m. The area at the roots is equipped with narrow lancet leaves. The flowers are small, come in different colors, including yellow, and are arranged pyramidally on a long stem. Delphinium is added as a beneficial component in soap production.

Field plants with yellow inflorescences can continue the above list. These include: zopnik (or fever root), St. John's wort, tansy, spring Adonis, buttercup, sow thistle, goldenrod, rapeseed, mullein, goldenrod, celandine, swimsuit and many others.

Blue wildflowers

The main blue flowers of meadows and fields include: chicory, common aquilegia, gentian, delphinium, field larkspur, lupine, cornflower, peach bell, multicolored pansies with a predominance of blue-violet color, and common bruise. Here are photos of blue wildflowers with names.


It has a powerful, fleshy root filled with milky juice. The stem with multiple branches grows up to 120 cm in height. The leaves grow from the middle part of the stems and are collected in rosettes. The flowers of this meadow plant are blue-blue (there are white and pink varieties), with jagged petals, bordered by leaves, located along the length of the stems and at their tops. Loves the sun, flowers close in the afternoon.

Chicory is good for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is a healing food for animals.

Aquilegia vulgaris

Bush meadow flowers of medium height (up to 80 cm). They are not afraid of frost. Large inflorescences on tall thin stalks can be of a wide variety of colors: blue, white, red, pink, purple, black, lilac. treat pneumonia, sore throat, skin diseases, wounds and burns, scurvy, headaches and stomach pains.


It is a subshrub with a permanent lower part in the form of bush branches and a replaceable herbaceous top. Reaches a height of 1.5 m. It has memorable flowers in the form of large bells of blue, purple and soft blue color. Gentian root is used for indigestion, gout, eye diseases, anemia, diathesis, and heart failure.

Cornflower blue

Reaches 1 m in height, the leaves are elongated, of a faded green hue. The flowers grow in a basket of beautiful blue color. Used to treat kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular system, eye and women's diseases, joints, stomach.

Purple meadow plants

Althaea officinalis

A low flower up to 50 cm tall with oblong greenish leaves located along the entire height of the stem: larger at the bottom, gradually smaller at the top. Pale pink flowers grow one at a time and can reach 10 cm in diameter. Althea is not adapted to severe frosts, but feels comfortable in central Russia. The root of the flower is used to treat coughs and stomach ulcers, and improve immunity.

Valerian officinalis

Stretches up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are attached to the stem by a long petiole. Light pink fragrant inflorescences look like umbrellas. In medicine, a drug based on valerian root is used as a sedative for headaches, blood pressure, angina, thyroid diseases, cholelithiasis, problems in the urinary tract, and during menopause in women.

Fireweed angustifolia

Forest anemone

Wild onion

Explanation of some names

Meadow flowers, in addition to the official Latin name, have a name that was given by people. For example, coltsfoot got its name because of the contrast between the upper (warm, fuzzy) and lower (cold, smooth) parts of the leaf.

Elecampane relieves fatigue and gives “nine strength.” Cornflower is a symbol of purity and holiness, named after St. Basil, who had great love for flowers. Ivan da Marya was named after a legend about an unhappy love that was not destined to come true.

According to Russian legend, multi-colored pansies are the color of hope, surprise and sadness of a girl whose heart could not stand the vain expectation of her beloved. The carnation was named for its resemblance to an ancient forged nail. The roots and leaves of gentian are so bitter that this taste served as the name of the flower.

Photos with the names of wildflowers are given below.

Ivan da Marya


Dianthus meadow

Honey flowers

At the height of summer, when the honey-bearing flowers in the field release nectar for cross-pollination, the toiling bees collect this healing sweet liquid for further production of honey.

The most honey-bearing plants are:

Honey-bearing flowers also include: anise, peppermint, lavender, cumin, meadow cornflower, autumn kulbab, lungwort, coltsfoot. Depending on the name of the flower, honey productivity per hectare ranges from 30 to 1300 kg. Below are photos and names of some honey wildflowers.

Nature has generously endowed man with a countless wealth of flora, which heals ailments, delights with its special beauty, cleanses the soul and improves mood.

Video sketch - meadow flowers

Purple flowers are found in many garden plants such as hyacinths, violets, petunias or lavender. A garden in purple color looks unusual, original, magical, mysterious. Today, every gardener can afford to turn his plot into a “purple fairy tale.” Purple plants of different varieties and types planted nearby will create an incredible composition in your garden. So, which purple garden flowers are considered the most beautiful?

Names of purple flowers for the garden

1. Wittrock violet (garden pansy)

This plant is one of the most popular among garden crops. Violets are also very popular as indoor and balcony flowers. Violet is a biennial plant. Flowering begins in the fall (in the year of planting), but the peak flowering of pansies occurs in March-April of the year following sowing.

2. Hyacinth

Hyacinth flowers have a strong aroma. To date, about a hundred varieties of this ornamental plant have been bred, but hyacinths in blue and purple shades are more popular. These flowers can grow in one place for up to 4 years. If you love purple spring flowers, this is a bulbous plant that is planted in the fall and is one of the first to bloom in the garden in the spring.

3. Veronica

The plant has a thin elongated stem and corrugated leaves. Its flowers are collected in narrow inflorescences. These purple flowers grow best in sunny, dry locations. They like easily permeable soil.

4. Passion flower (Passiflora)

This is a perennial creeping plant that forms woody shoots and sticky tendrils, with the help of which it curls around the plants. It has large decorative flowers with spectacularly arranged stamens. The plant needs fertile, easily permeable and slightly acidic soil.

7. Tall larkspur (delphinium)

Usually the plant is planted in groups of several plants. Often found in garden plots in rural areas. Delphinium loves lightly moist soil as well as sunlight.

8. Lavender

Lavender flowers are used both as an ornamental plant and as medicinal herbs. Purple lavender flowers have a strong aroma. July-August is the flowering period of this unusual plant. Lavender is drought tolerant and loves warmth and sunlight. If you want to grow lavender in central Russia, then for the winter you will need to dig it up and put it in the house. This plant cannot tolerate severe frosts in the soil.

9. Italian volovik

Italian oxwort attracts attention, first of all, with its large beautiful flowers of a dark blue hue. Outwardly it resembles a forget-me-not. Its large leaves are of no less decorative value. Grows well in various soil types and tolerates drought well.

10. Lupine multifolia “Gallery Blue”

The plant has an elongated inflorescence of an unusual decorative shape. The flowering period occurs in June. Sometimes it blooms again in the fall. Lupine needs fertile soil in an acidic environment, as well as sunlight. Not all lupins are purple; take a close look at the type of plant you will plant in the garden.

11. Siberian iris

This plant is a protected species and has delicate blue-violet flowers. For many years, iris can grow in the same place. The best condition for it is the presence of fertile, moist soil; the plant tolerates prolonged heavy rains. Siberian iris does not tolerate drought and heat.

12. Catchment (aquilegia)

This is a beautiful plant, looks interesting in perennial flower beds, and has straight upright stems. Unfortunately, the catchment is short-lived, but produces a lot of seeds, making it easy and quick to reproduce. Aquilegia prefers to grow in soil with a lot of humus.

In a flowerbed, you can create a monochrome composition by planting several types of purple flowers. Or dilute them with white and yellow flowers. When creating a flowerbed in purple tones, pay attention to the height of the plant. The center of the composition in the flowerbed may be something tall, and then plant lower flowers in a circle.

Tall purple flowers:

  • delphinium,
  • aquilegia.

Medium height:

  • iris,
  • lupine,
  • lavender.