Goji berries (Dereza). Cultivation, care and use

Probably, many will be interested to know that wolfberry and the famous goji berries are practically the same thing. At least, this is what many domestic experts say. It turns out that the very expensive goji berries that have become extremely popular lately, which are brought to our country from China, can be found growing along Russian roads. In addition, you can grow a berry bush in your own garden and enjoy the healing properties of the healing berries completely free of charge.

Is the common wolfberry sold in pharmacies, where it grows in Russia, where can I buy its seeds for propagation on my own plot? All this is what our conversation will be about today. First, let's remember the beneficial properties of sweet and sour berries:

What is the value of wolfberry berries?

It must be said that goji has been grown on Chinese plantations for more than six thousand years. From those ancient times to the present day, I have been using them for medical purposes. In appearance, the red ripe fruits resemble barberries, and their taste is similar to a mixture of cranberries and raspberries. According to the vast majority of experts, goji have a powerful healing effect on the human body.

For example, it is known that it is a strong natural antioxidant, an antidepressant, invigorating, improving mood, and inspiring optimism. Regular consumption improves health, improves the condition of patients with cancer, and also prevents the development of malignant tumors. The berries are recommended for people with liver disease and diabetes.

Since berries contain a high content of all kinds of useful substances - vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, valuable acids, nutrients, they have a diverse positive effect on the body. For example, their use slows down aging, strengthens the body's immune system, and normalizes blood pressure.

Some substances contained in berries create an erotic mood. Therefore, they are useful for men with erectile dysfunction.

Berries are considered a powerful fat burner. In addition, their consumption prevents new fat deposits, as they convert fats into energy. For example, tea brewed with ripe berries helps reduce appetite and helps maintain normal weight.

Recipe for use: place 1 tbsp. l. berries in a teapot, pour boiling water (200-300 ml), cover with a thick napkin. Wait half an hour and then you can drink. Drink a cup of healing tea for the first time in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is better to drink the second cup before bed. Of course, eat the berries too. Well, do you like the common dereza?

Where does the common dereza grow in Russia?

It must be said that China is not the only place on earth where healthy goji berries grow. In fact, you will find this plant along rural roads, on forest edges in many regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other European countries. Only here these berries are called common wolfberry or wolfberry (not to be confused with poisonous wolf bast!).


By the way, goji is the fruit of the Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense). This Latin name is consonant with our common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum). Its fruits are no less beneficial for health. Of course, the berries of a plant growing in Tibet contain more useful substances. But our dereza is also rich in minerals, vitamins, and natural acids. Therefore, it has almost the same healing properties.

At the same time, growing it is not difficult. Common wolfberry grows in central Russia. Found in Kuban, Primorsky Krai, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Surely many of us very often passed by this shrub, not knowing the name of the plant.

Common wolfberry is an inconspicuous, thorny, three-meter-high shrub. It has narrow leaves and purple flowers that resemble bells. When the fruiting season arrives (late summer), the branches are covered with red, sweet and sour berries. They can simply be collected, dried and used for healing. Or you can plant wolfberry on your site. Whereas you can buy goji at a pharmacy or order it on a special website on the Internet for quite a lot of money.

Where to buy wolfberry berries?

As we have already said, wolfberry is sold in pharmacies. Although, of course, not our domestic dereza, but Chinese - goji berries. Many pharmacies now offer this product for sale. Therefore, the consumer always has a choice: buy medicinal fruits or try to grow wolfberry on their own plot.

Is it possible to grow common wolfberry?

Many lovers of various exotic plants manage to grow all sorts of useful plants at home, such as pineapples, mangoes or kiwis. Some even grow pistachios. Therefore, nothing is impossible for our flower growers. Moreover, growing wolfberry is not difficult. The plant is extremely unpretentious and tolerates drought and soil salinity.

Therefore, if you want to have medicinal berries at home all year round, buy planting material. Specialized stores and large gardening enterprises offer seeds at a price of approximately 50-100 rubles. for 10 pieces. Seedlings can be purchased from 250 rubles per piece. The shrub will begin to bear fruit approximately three years after planting.

In order for the beneficial properties of the fruit to be preserved as best as possible, it is recommended to dry them in the fresh air, in the shade under an awning, laying them out on a flat surface. You should not use preservatives to preserve them. It is not recommended to dry it in an oven or oven.

So, whether you buy medicinal goji at the pharmacy or grow an equally healthy wolfberry under your window - the choice is always yours. Be healthy!

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Recently, a new product has appeared on the domestic market and has gained great popularity among consumers - goji berries. They contain a large amount of useful substances. They have been proven to be a good way to combat excess weight.

Due to their high popularity, the price of these berries remains very high. A more profitable and reliable way to get goji berries is to grow them on your own plot. This way you can be sure of their quality.

Features of the plant

It is a deciduous shrub with small leaves and spiny hanging branches, capable of reaching a height of 3 meters. The crown is very dense and can grow significantly in width. Wolfberry has a powerful root system with numerous root shoots.

Dereza vulgaris

It has a long flowering period - from June to October. The flowers are very small, purple, sometimes brown-violet with a delicate scent.

The plant begins to bear fruit upon reaching 3 years of age in the period from May to September-October, which allows up to 13 harvests to be collected in one year. Depending on the age of the plant, the harvest volume from one bush can vary from 1 to 10 kg. The berries are predominantly orange or deep red, oblong, up to two centimeters in length. The dried fruit tastes like raisins.

With proper cultivation, the plant can become a decoration of the garden, thanks to the colorful, rich colors of the leaves and branches.


The miraculous berries have a simple Russian name - dereza. Goji berries are considered to be the fruits of only two species of this plant - Chinese and common wolfberry (Lucium chinense and Lucium barbarum).

Attention! Many people confuse these berries with barberry (Berberis), so caution should be exercised when purchasing seedlings.

The name “goji” is of Chinese origin - in one of the dialects it is called dereza. The birthplace of the berries is northwestern China.

Dereza chinensis

Common wolfberry has similar properties, but is distributed over much larger territories - in Southeast and Central Asia, Primorye, Ukraine, central Russia, Kuban and the Caucasus.

Preparing for landing

There are two ways to grow such a shrub on your site:

  • Seeds
  • The tips of the shoots
  • Root suckers
  • Cuttings

Thanks to the thin shell, wolfberry seeds do not require pre-sowing treatment, dressing, scarification and have good germination.

The seeds must be removed from the ripe fruit and soaked for 2 hours in zircon or epin. It is better to germinate them in a well-drained, medium-loose soil mixture. So, a mixture of crushed peat and loam in a 1:2 ratio is perfect.

Germination occurs by surface sowing in moist soil. Constant soil moisture should be maintained throughout the entire germination period.

Important! The air temperature in the room in which the seeds germinate must be constant. The maximum permissible fluctuations are 7-10°C.

The container with the seeds should be placed in a warm place, covered with film. Planting material should be protected from overheating by heat sources and hypothermia by cold air flows from the window.

Seeds germinate on average within 14 days. After the sprouts appear, the container with them should be moved to partial shade or to a source of diffused light.

After the true leaves appear, the seedlings must be transplanted into deep (up to 7 cm) separate pots. At the stage of active growth of the seedling, its top is pinched, which will ensure the density of the bush in the future.

Before planting, you can adapt the sprouts by dipping their root system into a nutrient solution for a couple of days.

Planting wolfberry cuttings

By digging in the tops of the shoots or lower branches, you can root them and get a new plant. A rooted plant should be cut off from the mother plant before frost sets in.

Another way to obtain goji berries is by growing semi-lignified cuttings with old wood. Mostly hybrid varieties are grown vegetatively.

The optimal length of the cutting is 10 cm. To speed up rooting, the cut must be dipped in the root. In July-August, planting material is planted under film or in a greenhouse. It is better to provide a cool place for rooting cuttings. The rooting period lasts from early autumn to early spring. An insulated balcony may be suitable for this purpose.

Under natural conditions, shrub propagation occurs by self-sowing.

The shrub grows well in any soil, but it is most comfortable in slightly acidic to highly alkaline soil.

For planting, you must choose a sunny place.


It is best to plant shrubs in spring. After autumn planting, there is a high probability of the shrub freezing in winter.

Goji berries - bloom

A hole up to 40 cm deep and up to 60 cm wide should be prepared for the seedling. When planting several plants between the holes, a distance of 1.5-2 meters must be maintained. For planting, you can prepare a special soil mixture. To do this, mix coarse river sand, peat and garden soil in equal proportions.

It is better to fill the seedlings with a special mixture consisting of soil, 10 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium.

When planting, it is advisable to deepen the seedlings a little.

Advice! Dereza is a cross-pollinating plant and to ensure a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to plant at least 2 bushes.

After planting, the bush is watered abundantly. The soil should be mulched with peat or humus.

Further care

In the first years, the shoots are very thin and may fall to the ground. To avoid this, you need to install a trellis or support.

Water the plants depending on the dryness of the summer, but not more than 2 times a week. The bush needs abundant watering only during the growth of shoots, at the stage of flowering, fruiting and berry picking.

Attention! Dereza reacts poorly to stagnant water.

The shrub responds well to pruning and cutting, even with the help of mechanical devices. New shoots will grow from old wood.

At low temperatures, a young plant may freeze. This can be avoided if the shrub is planted in a deep container for the winter and stored in the basement until spring. After the second year of life, wolfberry can withstand temperatures down to -30°C.

The shrub exhibits high resistance to pests and diseases and does not need to be treated with pesticides. In extreme cases, problems with powdery mildew and aphids may occur. You can fight them by spraying the plant with wormwood infusion.

Few people know this way to get goji berries, how to grow them in your own home as a houseplant. In this case, in winter he needs to be provided with a cool place with an air temperature within +10°C. Due to the long root system, the plant can only be planted in deep containers. When watering, it is necessary to avoid drying out.

Important! When growing wolfberry indoors, you need to provide it with plenty of light.

Fertilizer application

Only young plants are fed during the growing season; there is no need to apply fertilizers in the future.

Fertilizing is needed only for those plants that grow in the house. It should be fertilized in the same way as other plants, alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

Medicinal properties

Wolfberry fruits contain a large amount of polysaccharides, B vitamins, vitamin C, more than 20 minerals, 18 amino acids. Thanks to these properties, berries can be used to boost immunity and relieve chronic fatigue.

Goji berries

Berries contain more proteins than grains. In combination with the tonic effect they have on the body, berries can be used as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Important! Only dried ripe berries can be eaten. Eating unripe fresh fruits can lead to poisoning.

Goji berries have become very popular as a means of losing weight, the beneficial properties of which are aimed at accelerating metabolism.

Advice! Those who have never consumed berries should not start doing so abruptly. In an unprepared body, after heavy consumption of plant parts and fruits of wolfberry, severe dehydration and kidney problems may occur.

Common wolfberry (its Latin name is lyceum barbarum) is a well-known shrub in our country that can grow along roads and in forest belts, it turns out that it is the same as the Chinese Goji berries, which have been so popular recently in our country.

The berries of this plant are popularly called the fruits of love because they are able to increase potency in men and increase libido.

This perennial plant is a deciduous shrub that sheds its leaves in the winter and belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is often planted in park areas as a decorative perennial, but the common wolfberry often runs wild. This perennial has taken root on almost all continents, and China is considered its homeland.

In Eastern countries, wolfberry is considered a medicinal plant and has been actively used to treat many diseases for centuries. But now this perennial shrub is mainly found in forests and along roads as a wild plant. It is also often used as a hedge that borders garden areas, or to divide parks into certain zones.

Dereza grows in almost all European countries, in the northern regions of the African continent, in Asian countries, and on the American continent. You can also find this ornamental shrub in Australia. In the central regions of the European continent, dereza prefers to grow in well-lit areas where there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Common wolfberry is a well-known shrub in our country.

This perennial can grow up to 2.5 - 3 m in height. Its shoots are quite thick, erect, and the tops are drooping; the branches of the bush are covered with sharp thorns. The foliage can be oblong or elliptical, the leaves at the tops of the shoots are very pointed, and at the main trunk they are tapering. The flowers of wolfberry are small, funnel-shaped, the color of the petals is purple with a lilac tint, but can also be brown. In diameter they do not exceed 1. - 2.0 cm. The shrub begins to bloom in early summer, and the fruits ripen in early autumn. Ripe berries are oval in shape and have a bright red color. The flowers have a pleasant smell that attracts bees. The taste of wolfberry berries is reminiscent of a mixture of cherries and cranberries., they are enjoyed fresh, added to salads with fruits, yoghurts or muesli.

Numerous shoots coming from the branched roots of the perennial often intertwine with the shoots of other shrub plants and sometimes form impenetrable thickets.

Gallery: goji berry (25 photos)

Medicinal properties of goji berries (video)

Other names for wolfberry

This shrub, which is both medicinal and decorative, is popularly known by many names: wolfberry, wolfberry, barbarian darmoros, field jasmine, deribas, burberry, goji, Tibetan barberry, lysia, beri, bulldugun and many others.

In total there are about 85 species of this perennial shrub. And the bush itself is so unpretentious that it takes root in almost all regions of the globe, and in each region it is given its own name.

The goji bush, which is both medicinal and decorative, is popularly known by many names.

About the features of growing wolfberry

This shrub is much easier to plant in a garden plot, but getting rid of it if you are tired of the shrub is extremely difficult. These bushes are unpretentious, and their root system grows underground in different directions, so this plant spreads quickly, displacing other weaker perennials and annuals.

Dereza grows well in almost all soils, but it does not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil. Frost resistance varies among different varieties of shrubs., but all species grow and bear fruit well only in sunny places. The easiest way to propagate this plant is by cuttings or by transplanting root shoots growing from the mother bush.

Caring for wolfberry includes annual pruning and infrequent watering. Since the bush grows greatly over the season, it actively suppresses everything growing nearby. Therefore, there is no need to weed the tree trunks of these bushes - weeds simply do not grow there.

Dereza grows well in almost all soils, but it does not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil.

Composition and nutritional value of wolfberry berries

Ripe berries of field jasmine contain a large amount of various active substances, vitamins and mineral elements:

  • flavonoids;
  • steroid saponins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • beta-carotene;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • many amino acids;
  • hyoscyamine;
  • Zn, Fe, Cr, Mg, Se, Ca, P.

The nutritional value of ripe wolfberries is as follows: 100 grams contain about 20 kcal.

Ripe field jasmine berries contain a large number of various active substances, vitamins and mineral elements

Collection, preparation and storage of goji berries

The berries of this perennial are considered the most valuable, although the bark from the roots and foliage are also collected from this shrub. Ripe fruits should be collected only in dry and clear weather. An oilcloth is spread around the bush, and a thick piece of wood is tapped on the shoots, knocking down ripened fruits, like apples or pears. But you can also pick the berries by hand, but this is not very convenient, because the shoots of the common wolfberry are prickly.

The collected berries are removed from the garbage and laid out to dry under a canopy or in attics (or in other well-ventilated areas), and they should be laid out in a thin layer. The dried raw materials are stored in a dry, dark place, placed in glass jars with lids. Dry berries retain their healing properties for 12 months. Pharmacies sell dried berries, hermetically sealed. At the same time, their shelf life is extended.

Ripe goji fruits should be collected only in dry and clear weather.

Foliage should be harvested during active flowering of the bush. Collect leaves from the top of the shoots in sunny time. It should be dried in the fresh air under a canopy, but it can also be dried in well-ventilated areas, laid out in a thin layer on a cotton cloth. The foliage should be stirred periodically. Dried leaves retain their medicinal properties for 12 months.

The bark of the root system should be collected and dried either at the end of September or at the beginning of April., until sap flow in the bush has begun (or has already ended). The roots are dug up, cleaned of dirt and thoroughly washed under running water and dried. Then the bark is carefully separated from the roots and placed to dry on paper sheets in a thin layer in a room with good ventilation. The shelf life of such raw materials is up to 24 months.

Do goji berries help you lose weight (video)

Medicinal properties of wolfberry

Wolfberry fruits (dry or fresh) have the following medicinal properties:

  • tone and strengthen the body;
  • improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • relieve dizziness;
  • relieve headaches;
  • improve vision;
  • improve lung function;
  • normalize kidney function;
  • prevent fatty liver;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • prevent the formation of “bad” cholesterol;
  • promote rapid fat burning and prevent their deposition in the body;
  • prevent the early onset of aging of the body.

Also, the fruits of wolfberry enhance the effectiveness of medications that reduce blood pressure.

The fruits of wolfberry enhance the effectiveness of medications that reduce blood pressure

Use of wolfberry in medicine

Decoctions are prepared from wolfberry berries. To do this, 30 - 40 g of dry berries are poured into 1.5 cups of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 1/6 of an hour, removed from the stove and left for 60 minutes, then filtered. The broth should be added with boiled water so that its amount is equal to the original volume of liquid. Should be taken three times a day, 100 mg. This decoction helps well with neurasthenia and can increase potency.

In a similar way, a decoction is prepared from the bark of wolfberry roots. This decoction is recommended for fever.

Pharmacies sell hermetically sealed dried fruits of wolfberry.

Decoctions are prepared from wolfberry berries

Eating goji berries for weight loss

To lose extra pounds, it is recommended to take an infusion of goji berries internally. To do this, pour 20 g of fresh or dried berries with 200 g of hot (but not boiling) water, cover with a lid and leave for ½ hour. You should drink 100 mg per day in the morning and evening before meals.

text and photo: OPT-KHOZ online store

Common wolfberry, Chinese wolfberry, Goji berries, buldurgun, lycia, Tibetan barberry (Lycium barbarum) are numerous names for this amazing plant and its medicinal fruits. Dereza is a perennial deciduous shrub of the nightshade family.

The elongated red-orange fruits of Licia are shaped like.
Sometimes wolfberry is mistakenly called “wolf berry,” implying that the plant is poisonous. In fact, the common wolfberry is not capable of poisoning anyone: Goji berries are not only edible, but also medicinal.
It is important not to confuse wolfberry with the dangerous but beautiful shrub daphne, or (“wolf’s bast”), which really looks like lycia. It is the poisonous fruits of the wolfberry that are popularly called “wolfberry.”

The common wolfberry is common in Eastern China, Japan, Korea, Europe, and Russia. In nature, Lycia grows on mountainous slopes, in rocky crevices, and along roads. Wolfberry is most widely cultivated in China, Japan, Central Asia, and the Hawaiian Islands.

Dereza in the garden

Dereza prefers sunny places. Young lycia shrubs begin to bear fruit very early, already in the 2-3rd year after planting.

For growing in the garden, we recommend the “New Big” wolfberry (Lycium barbarum “New Big”), a Chinese large-fruited variety. This valuable fruit and ornamental plant wonderfully decorates the site throughout the gardening season. Goji berries of the “New Big” variety are larger (length 2 cm, diameter 1 cm) and sweeter than the fruits of non-varietal wolfberry.

The Licia bush is frost-resistant in the middle zone (according to Western catalogs, Zone-4 (5)-8), undemanding, and easily adapts to different growing conditions. Dereza is absolutely unpretentious and can grow on any soil, even poor and slightly saline.

In the photo: abundant fruiting of wolfberry variety “New Big”

The maximum height of a wolf bush is about 2-2.5 m; annual growth 0.5-1 m.
Dereza has a well-branched root system, from which shoots actively grow, so the plant quickly begins to occupy the surrounding area.

The shoots of wolfberry are flexible and curly; they have thorns (the varietal wolfberry has fewer thorns). The leaves are elliptical, entire, alternate or close together in bunches, gray-green, up to 6 cm long. Small flowers are violet-purple (0.7-2 cm in diameter), bell-shaped, solitary or 2-5 in the leaf axils, have a pleasant thin smell. The red-orange fruits of Licia ripen in August-October.

Planting a wolfberry seedling and caring for the plant

Dereza loves the sun very much, so it is better not to place it in poorly lit places in the garden - the plant will not be able to fully display its decorative qualities, and will not bear fruit abundantly.
The wolfberry should be planted at some distance (at least 30 cm) from walls or other plants.

It is recommended to immerse the container with wolfberry seedlings in water for 10-30 minutes before planting.
At the bottom of the dug hole (40x40x40 cm in size), pour well-decomposed cow manure or (10 cm layer), add fertile soil on top.
Then remove it from the container and place an earthen ball with the root system of the wolfberry in the hole.

When planting a Licia seedling, it is recommended to deepen the root collar slightly, but not more than 1 cm.
After planting a wolfberry seedling, water the ground around the plant (with peat, bark or wood chips).

When grown for decorative purposes, the Licia bush does not require pruning. It is carried out only if necessary - if the plant grows greatly, or it is necessary to give the bush a certain shape.

Growing a wolf bush on a support

If you leave a tree without support, then its branches will bend in an arched manner, leaning towards the ground.

A wolfberry bush can be grown with a garter - in the same way as by attaching flexible shoots of the plant to various supports and trellises.

The simplest support: a stake about 1.5 m long is driven next to a young wolf bush, to which branches are tied.
All buds are removed from a wolf tree on a trunk (about 1 m high from the ground). The side shoots of the bush are thinned out at a height of 1 m to 1.5 m, leaving the strongest ones at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. At a height of 1.5 m, the main shoot is cut off so that the bush no longer grows in height.

Remember that most of the berry harvest comes from last year's wolf shoots. Therefore, in order to obtain maximum yields and not thicken the crown of the bush, three-year-old branches are removed.

Use of wolfberry in cooking and medicine

Dereza has been used for many centuries in cooking and in traditional medicine (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Tibetan). Of particular value are the red-orange fruits of Licia, more often called Goji berries and Tibetan barberry. There is no other plant like this on Earth.

Wolfberry fruits are added to various dishes and drinks, including.
Fully ripe Goji berries are delicious and sweet. They contain 2500 mg of vitamin “C” per 100 g, thanks to which wolfberry is included in the group of plants with a high content of this vitamin (, etc.). Goji berries are also distinguished by their high content of vitamins “B” and “E”, vital microelements (zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, phosphorus). Wolfberry fruits contain 21 minerals and 19 amino acids necessary to maintain human health.

Regular consumption of Goji berries delays the aging process, strengthens joints and bones, and increases the body's resistance. Beta-carotene contained in wolfberry fruits improves vision.

In 2006, a study by Dr. H. Wu was published in Japan on the biologically active substances present in Goji berries and their effect on the human body. The scientist claims that Tibetan barberry juice is even capable of restoring the destroyed DNA structure.
Who knows, perhaps thanks to this plant, the Chinese living in the Himalayas sometimes live up to 130 years or more. There is evidence of a certain Li Kin Yen, who lived 252 years (1678–1930), eating the fruits of Tibetan barberry every day.

Research by modern scientists has shown that regular consumption of Goji berries normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of cancer, lowers cholesterol, normalizes blood sugar, improves sexual activity, normalizes metabolism, improves sleep, strengthens the heart, increases immunity, improves blood composition and heals disorders of the bone marrow, supports liver and kidney function, restores hormonal balance, helps in the treatment of infertility, strengthens muscles and bones, improves memory, relieves stress. Goji berries are used to combat obesity - they perfectly burn excess fat, allowing you to control your appetite, and with it your weight.
The daily intake is 1-3 tablespoons of dried Goji berries (up to 30 g per day).

Infusion of wolfberry fruits. Pour 1 tablespoon of fruit with 1 glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Drink the infusion in equal portions 2-3 times a day. Eat the remaining berries after straining.

Infusion of wolfberry leaves. 1 dessert spoon of dry crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 20 minutes, filtered. Take a quarter glass 2-3 times a day as a general tonic.

Preparing Goji berries. When the wolfberry berries are fully ripe, they are collected in dry weather. You can pick berries from low bushes by hand. Fabric or film is spread under large bushes. Then, tapping the branches of the bush with a stick, they beat the fruits onto the flooring. Next, the collected fruits are sorted out of debris and dried in the shade, spread out in a thin layer. Dried Goji berries are stored in a dry place, protected from light. The shelf life of wolfberry fruits is 1 year (in factory sealed packaging the shelf life is longer).

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Common wolfberry is a creeping shrub that belongs to the nightshade family. Tibet is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. The fragile branches of wolfberry are almost completely covered with thin spines. The vine, hanging down, can reach a length of up to five meters. The bark of the plant has a grayish tint, and the flowers are white with a touch of pink and purple.


As for the fruits of the common wolfberry, they are positioned as Goji berries. They can reach 15 millimeters in length. Wolfberry berries are very juicy. However, they cannot be consumed raw, since they contain a huge amount of biologically active components that can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, the fruits are dried in the shade. The berries are safe in this form. They can sometimes taste sour, but mostly they are sweet and salty and somewhat reminiscent of nightshade.

Common wolfberry is a very useful plant. Its fruits have been actively used since 2004. Experts say that they are able to cope with obesity.

Where does it grow

It is generally accepted that the common wolfberry grows exclusively in Tibet and eastern countries. But that's not true. In fact, this plant can be seen in almost any rural area of ​​Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, as well as in some Western European countries. Many companies position Goji berries as exclusive, claiming that these fruits can only be collected in Tibet. As a result, the cost of the product is too high.

Popularly called wolfberry, dereza vulgaris. We have already said where it grows. It remains to understand what beneficial qualities dereza has.

Chemical composition

The berries of the common wolfberry have a simply unique chemical composition. They contain:

  • 21 minerals, including copper, selenium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus.
  • 18 amino acids, 8 of which are produced by the body.
  • 6 fatty acids.
  • Vitamins B 6, B 2, B 1, E and C.
  • Four polysaccharides. These substances are not contained in other products.
  • Linoleic acid.
  • Fiber.
  • Protein.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.

As you can see, the composition of this product is very rich. It is worth noting that 100 grams of wolfberry berries contain up to 10 mg of vitamin B1, up to 20 mg of vitamin B2, betaine 1%, carotene 3.7 mg, iron 3.4 mg, phosphorus 67 mg, calcium 155 mg, protein almost 6 mg.

Beneficial features

What beneficial properties do wolfberry berries have? Thanks to such a rich composition, asthenia fruits are used to prepare not only medicinal decoctions and teas, but also to combat extra pounds. At the same time, many people add berries even to ordinary dishes.

The spectrum of action of preparations from the fruits of wolfberry is quite wide:

  1. Antioxidant components slow down the aging process.
  2. Eating berries increases the composition of lymphocytes, promotes blood renewal, and also relieves stress.
  3. Dereza vulgaris is used during menopause in women. This product is effective in treating infertility in both sexes.
  4. The berries are used to treat various inflammatory processes. The product ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system and kidneys.
  5. The fruit contains the mineral germanium, which can prevent the formation of cancerous tumors, provide protection from the effects of radiation, and support the body during the rehabilitation period.
  6. The product awakens the hormone of youth, and also improves memory and sleep.
  7. Berries increase testosterone release and libido levels.
  8. The use of preparations based on the fruits of wolfberry gives positive results in the treatment of eye diseases. In addition, the product can significantly improve vision.
  9. Eating the fruits of this plant helps stabilize blood pressure.
  10. Berries are very useful in the presence of cardiovascular abnormalities.
  11. The fruits of wolfberry contain beta-sitosterol. This component helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  12. The berries are indicated for patients suffering from first degree diabetes.
  13. It has been proven that the product converts any food into energy. And this promotes weight loss.

Berries for weight loss

The fruits of the common wolfberry are a faithful and reliable assistant in the fight against extra pounds. The optimal dosage for weight loss is from 20 to 50 grams of berries throughout the day. The specified amount of product should be divided into several doses. But how to prepare the drugs correctly?


This remedy produces the greatest effect. To prepare, you need to pour 250 milliliters of boiling water over a tablespoon of fruit and let it stand for half an hour. The finished drink can be taken up to three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.


A tincture can be prepared from the fruits of wolfberry. To do this, you need to pour 50 grams of berries into ½ liter of vodka. The container with the drug should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place. The product should be infused for 7 days. The finished elixir can be taken twice a day, 10 milliliters, diluting the drink with water.


To prepare the dish, you need to take a few glasses of water, 5 grams of berries and a tablespoon of rice, preferably dark. The porridge must be cooked until done. At the same time, spices cannot be added to dishes.

It is best to cook wolfberry berries with liver. This dish will be more useful in the fight against excess weight. To prepare, boil 50 grams of fruit and 100 grams of liver. The finished dish should not be seasoned with spices. You can add a little dry or fresh herbs mixed with various herbs to it.

Dereza vulgaris: contraindications

Even taking into account all the beneficial qualities of this product, its use should still be agreed with a nutritionist or your doctor. We should not forget that wolfberry berries can cause side effects.

Experts do not recommend consuming the fruits of this plant for those taking medications for diabetes and liver diseases. The product greatly affects the effect of drugs such as Phenytoin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Losartan.

It is also worth giving up berries to lactating women and, of course, pregnant women. The product should not be abused if there is flatulence, intestinal upset or high fever.

Facts about berries

Common wolfberry, the price of which in our country is too high (from 400 rubles for a 200-gram bag), is used not only for the preparation of alternative medicine, but also in the manufacture of medicines. And this is not without reason, because the fruits of this plant differ in the following:

  1. Contains 500 times more vitamin C than oranges and 100 times more than lemons.
  2. The product contains keratin. Its content in berries is higher than in carrots.
  3. The fruits of wolfberry contain more proteins than wheat.
  4. The iron content in these fruits is 15 times higher than in spinach.
  5. The berries contain more protein than bee pollen.


Common wolfberry, seedlings of which can be purchased at specialized markets, grows well in the climatic conditions of our country. Therefore, you don't have to spend huge amounts of money buying Goji berries. The fruits of the plant contain a colossal amount of components beneficial to the human body. However, you should not use berry products on your own. If you use wolfberry fruits incorrectly, you can harm your health. Therefore, taking any medications made on the basis of this product should be discussed with your doctor.