Orthodox native-faith academy of faith (rule). Education in the right (Orthodox native faith academy of faith)

From 10 to 20.09.2009 - immediately after the end of the festival, training will begin in PRAV (Orthodox Native Faith Academy of Faith).

For those wishing to deepen their spiritual knowledge and Vedic worldview, to join the Academy, we give brief information:

Training will be held in absentia - 3 sessions per year for 10 days.

After graduating from the Academy, students who have successfully passed the final exams will receive official diplomas of higher spiritual education from the educational institution (PR). In case of successful completion of training and spiritual compliance, students will receive Initiation (of the Priest of Vedic Orthodoxy), the official right to register the Community of the Ancestral Fountain of the Native Orthodox Faith of Rus' and conduct all the Holy Sacraments of the Native Faith (Name giving, Rites and Spiritual Healing).


1. “Spiritual guidance”, “Slavic spirituality”, “Practical ritual”, “Radeney. Sacred States of Consciousness", "Eloquence", "Religion", "Genesis", "Comparative Religious Studies", "Rodolad - Tribal Way of the Slavs", "Women's Secrets of Controlling the Forces of the Spirit, Soul and Nature", "Study of the Primary Sources of Vedic Culture", " Chronicles of the Slavic lands”, “Calendar”, “Spiritual sign system”, “Healing”, “Herbalism”, “Ritual songs”, “Spiritual and energy practices “Rodosvet”, “Alive” - Spiritual Healing with hands”, “Practical ritual art ”, “Symbols in the Slavic Spiritual Culture”, “Old Church Slavonic”.

Form of study: part-time (3 sessions per year).

Duration of study: basic course of study 3 years (state compliance - bachelor), advanced 5 years (master).

Men and women over the age of 18 with a complete secondary education are accepted.

Documents for admission:

1. Application form (on the letterhead of the Academy) indicating the chosen school - in 2 copies).
2. Photo size 3 x 4 = 8 pcs.
3. Photocopies of documents on education and extracts with grades for them - in 2 copies (and the original for review).
4. A photocopy of pages of the passport: 1, 2 and with registration of residence - in 2 copies.
5. A photocopy of the birth certificate (and the original for review).
6. A photocopy of the document on the change of surname - in 2 copies.
7. Photos of father and mother, grandparents (3 different photographs of the named relatives each: full face, profile, half-turn with the presence of a person entering the training in these photographs).
8. Autobiography.
9. Medical certificate No. 086 (for applicants).

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For more than 8 years, a higher theological educational institution, the Rodnoverie Orthodox Academy of Faith (PRAV), has been operating in the Ancestral Fire of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Orthodox - means that we are glorious by the World of our Gods - Rule. Rodnoverskaya - means that we carry the Native Slavic Faith, we profess the original Slavic Custom and Worldview. Academy means that we focus students' attention on Vedic sciences and subjects. Beliefs - means that the main goal of training is to comprehend the Vedic Theology.

Education at the Academy "PRAV" lasts 4 years (correspondence form) and 2 years magistracy (remotely). Our educational institution is officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as a higher spiritual educational institution. The main goal of the Academy is teaching a complex of Slavic Vedic sciences, allowing the soul, born to be the Aware, to fulfill its Destiny.

The RIGHT enables any Slav to obtain all the necessary knowledge to create a happy family, give birth to fertile offspring, create a strong Slavic Community, treat and heal the soul and body of oneself and others with traditional Slavic practices. We are preparing - "spiritual guides, spiritual healers and Vedic psychologists." Acting for 8 years, the teaching staff of the Academy trained and graduated about three dozen magicians and priests of the Slavic Native Faith.

Say a little? It happens that up to 65 people enter the first course, and 4 reach the 4th course! Therefore, receive Initiation and pass full course learning, oh how not easy. RIGHT is the bearer of the worldview of Love and Justice, set forth in the teachings of the Slavic Native Faith (Vedic Orthodoxy) and based on 360 Karbah knowledge of the Pokon of the Most High Family. This is the worldview of the harmony of man and Nature, his kind and Motherland. Our Academy is the only one of its kind in the CIS, more than 27 Vedic subjects, more than 20 high-quality teachers, unique knowledge and teaching methods!

The worldview of Love and Justice forms a person as a master own destiny, thereby changing the set in modern society, the type of relationship "tyrant-victim" on the relationship of mutual respect and love. This bright worldview was passed on to us by our Ancestors (Aryans, Slavs, Rusyns) in order to embody it in Reveal and pass it on to descendants.

Prav sees its mission as being among the Slavs and training the Magi of Vedic Orthodoxy, spreading the Vedic worldview and the foundations of the Slavic Faith. Therefore, we convene righteous souls in order to join the Slavic Veda. The Academy operates at the international level, therefore, in different years In addition to Ukrainians, PR students were Russians, Belarusians, Germans, Lithuanians and even Slavs from the USA.

This year, the winter session of the PRAV (January 4 to 13), in accordance with the decision of the rector of the Academy, the Supreme Magus of the Republic of Vietnam, Father Vladimir (Kurovsky), is being held in Kharkov. Despite the fact that the training takes place in a new place, the entire pedagogical process is established in the best possible way thanks to the support of the administration of the Aviator sports and recreation complex. Special thanks for the help and support - to the Guardian of the Republic of Vietnam, sorcerer, father Ladomir (Anikeenko) and the headman of the Kharkov community "Light of the Family" Arislav Vinnik and Vysheslav Varivoda, Head of the Kharkov Center for Slavic Culture "Rodosvet".

At the ten-day session there is time for the holiday, on January 6, the teaching staff and students celebrated the Blessing of Water (Yardana). Despite the frost and snow, men and women gladly sanctified themselves by swimming in the hole. The Tribal Fire lives and develops, the Slavs are returning more and more to their native Tradition and Faith, and RIGHT in this process is of great importance! In truth - the teaching of Light, and not the teaching of darkness! So let's go together to the Light and spiritual development!

Press Service of the Republic of Vietnam

Since 7514 (2006), the Orthodox Rodnoverie Academy of Faith (PRAV) began its work - a higher theological educational institution that trains preachers of the Slavic Native Faith (Vedic Orthodoxy) and administrative workers of the Generic Fire Communities.

From a young age, preparing our guides, we bring them into the chain of continuous spiritual transfer of knowledge, which stretches from the Family of the Most High, Svarog and Lada through Bogumir and Slavunya, the Slavic Saviors to the Magi of the outer stake. Spiritual guides in the Family Fire are only those Rusyns who have undergone appropriate training in Rodosvet and are students of the Supreme Magus of Rus'-Ukraine.

RIGHT was created and exists under the Ancestral Fire, the leaders of the Academy are those in charge of Vedic Orthodoxy. In addition to the sorcerers and sorcerers, well-known Rodnoverie leaders, professional teachers of secular educational institutions. Graduates of the Academy receive a high-quality Slavic Vedic education, confirmed by a fairly long spiritual practice. After successfully passing the exams and passing tests, students are awarded a diploma of higher spiritual education.

The following subjects and courses are studied at the Academy:

1) “Slavic-Ori spiritual heritage. Scriptures and Traditions";

2) “Rodolad. Family education of firemen”;

3) “Rodolad. Living space";

4) "Herbalism";

5) "Slavic Vedic calendar";

6) "Laws of the Goddess Karna";

7) "Practical ritual art";

8) "Faith";

9) "Healing";

10) "Comparative Religion";

11) "Eloquence";

12) "Practical psychology";

13) "Handling";

14) "Rhodosvet - the spiritual development of the individual";

15) "Alive";

16) "The past of the Slavic clans."

Current hryvnia account

Recipient: Religious Community of the Native Orthodox Faith "Arrows of Stribog"

ZKPO 34708361

r/r 26001052407262

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Bank: Khmelnitsky branch of Privatbank

29000, Khmelnitsky, st. Proskurovskaya, 19

Postal address: 29000 Ukraine, Khmelnitsky, Main Post Office, PO Box 34,

Website: http://alatyr.org.ua

Email address: [email protected]


"On the entry of students into the RIGHT"

1. Persons who are initiated into the Native Orthodox Faith or are supporters of the Vedic Orthodoxy (Slavic Native Faith) are admitted to the Prav (hereinafter referred to as the Academy), who are recommended for entry by the Heads of the Communities of the Family Fire of the Native Orthodox Faith or the Heads of the Communities (Spiritual Associations), with by which the Family Fire has agreements (agreements).

2. Persons who have a state document on complete secondary education, an academic certificate of the established form on incomplete higher education or a state-recognised diploma of completed higher education of various educational and qualification levels.

3. Admission to the Academy is carried out for the training of specialists at the following educational and qualification levels: bachelor (three years of study), specialist (four years of study), master (five years of study).

4. Organization of admission to the Academy is carried out by a selection committee consisting of three persons, which is created by order of the Head of the Law. The head of the selection committee is the Head of the Academy. Selection committee considers the documents submitted by applicants and makes a decision on their enrollment.

5. In 7516 (2008), admission is carried out on correspondence form learning. Training is conducted in the following specialties:

"Spiritual guidance and practical ritual"; "Spiritual Healing and Preaching"; "Family and tribal rituals".

6. A graduate with a degree in "Spiritual Guidance and Practical Ceremonies" directs the activities of the religious community of the Native Orthodox Faith; he knows how to involve new believers in the Community, organize the work of the Community and its structural divisions, preaches the dogma of Vedic Orthodoxy in his village, has the ability to heal with his hands, get along. The specialty is intended for clerics (preachers and priests) who focus their efforts on organizational and ritual activities.

A graduate in the specialty "Spiritual Healing and Preaching" spreads the teachings of the Native Orthodox Faith among his immediate family and social environment. Carries out healing work in the Community and family. The specialty is intended for the religious asset of the Community of the Native Orthodox Faith.

A graduate in the specialty "Family and tribal ritualism" distributes and practices everyday Vedic rituals in his own family and clan, can teach applied disciplines for Rodnovers, be the author of works on the basics of herbal medicine, Slavic Vedic nutrition, Rodolad, etc. The specialty is intended for Rodnovers, who create healthy large Vedic families.

7. Acceptance of documents for the Ukrainian-language department takes place annually from January 1 to May 1, for the Russian-language department - from December 1 to April 1.