The behavior of an Aquarius guy in a relationship. Aquarius man: character, life principles, compatibility

“How can I save the world without hurting anyone?”

“How can I know the meaning of being, through a spiritual or scientific prism?”

Aquarius represents the intellect. Aquarius is quite complex, and it is quite difficult to understand his psychology. Many call it either “angelic” or “unreliable”. Aquarius people love everything new, which makes them plunge into an endless whirlpool of events and love adventures. Because of their revolutionary mind, many people consider Aquarius to be not exactly a normal member of society.

They are active, brilliant, very intelligent and do not stand still, at least not for long; they are always looking for something new. Thus, Aquarius can be an innovator, one who breaks with tradition, loves variety, and is known as a non-conformist. He is unlikely to put up with being trapped inside a too "rigid and static" system of the world order. He often ignores what is considered normal and generally accepted; they want to go through uncharted new paths, whether they are psychological, cultural or social. They have a great ability to also improve many things and contribute to the development of the world.

The trouble starts because of their impatience and supposedly "mental superiority" over others. Aquarians can also seem like strange and eccentric people who always have some strange thoughts in their heads because they are not able to follow the rules. Aquarius is actually a social sign (he is on the top triad of Air signs, which is after Gemini and Libra); this means that their task is to communicate. Aquarius is always trying to reduce contradictions and disagreements by acting as a mediator between social groups who obviously have different ideas, different cultural principles and interests. In a word, Aquarius has the task of diplomatically finding common ground in very difficult situations; they must manage to make sure that, despite different interests, everyone has a way of avoiding disagreements and feelings of injustice.

The dark side of the sign is manifested in its excessive rationality; in his fear of instinctive biological emotions. This is a great contradiction of the sign: he is closest to humanity, but deep down he hates everything that is connected with the typical state of a person: instincts and emotions. In this way they try to fit everything in their mind and therefore they feel that they are protecting their spiritual side: in fact, access to the spiritual realm should be based on the ability to rise above instinct, and not reject it or deny it.

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The Aquarius man is a self-sufficient person who is interesting not only to others, but also to himself. The representative of this zodiac sign is always attractive to women. Wit, passion for life, friendliness, sociability and charm - the Aquarius man is endowed with all these qualities, and many representatives of the weaker sex desire a relationship with such a man. In love, the representative of this zodiac sign behaves in a special way.

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Behavior in love and marriage

The Aquarius man is a person who is not easy to enter into serious relationship with women. The representative of this sign loves lightness in everything. The Aquarius guy often meets with several girls at the same time, promising nothing to anyone, and considers this behavior to be the norm. Such a man in a potential chosen one first of all pays attention to the similarity of interests, her intellect and hobbies. In a woman, Aquarius wants to see, first of all, a girlfriend who will believe in him and share his life goals. Until such a man finds a suitable person, the search for a soul mate will continue.

If a girl wants to conquer Aquarius, then in no case should she try to cause jealousy in her chosen one. This feeling does not call a man to fight with an opponent. Upon learning that a woman has given preference to another, the Aquarius man will wish his ex-girlfriend happiness and easily let her go. These guys quickly lose interest in those who betrayed them.

Only the girl who will respect the personal territory of her chosen one will be able to win the heart of Aquarius. It is important for these men to be alone with themselves from time to time, which allows them to deal with their thoughts and plans. If a friend accepts such a habit of a chosen one, then Aquarius will appreciate it and want to link her fate with an understanding woman.

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not aspire to marriage, as they have been looking for a suitable partner for a long time. Even if Aquarius was lucky enough to find a dream girl and he confessed his love to her, then this does not mean an imminent wedding. At this stage of the relationship, it is important for a woman not to exert psychological pressure on her chosen one - this will lead to an inevitable break. But a marriage proposal can be quite unexpected, since Aquarius loves to surprise others.

In marriage, such a man prefers not to lose his freedom, but at the same time remains faithful to the chosen one. This man needs freedom in the field of career and self-development, so Aquarius will not tolerate if a woman tells him what to do and how to behave.

To maintain the interest of the husband, the spouse must always remain a mystery to the chosen one. A partner can be surprised by a demonstration of talents that he did not know about, a new image and the initiation of experiments in bed.

In intimate relationships, a man prefers ladies who are ready to offer interesting ideas. The guys of this zodiac sign pay maximum attention to the environment in which intimacy takes place, so spontaneous sex is of little interest to him. In bed, this man does not tolerate falsehood and stereotyped behavior - in relationships, he appreciates naturalness and sincerity.

How to understand that Aquarius fell in love

Aquarius in love behaves as follows:

  • organizes romantic surprises for a woman of dreams, reads poetry, makes compliments;
  • does not spare money for gifts;
  • is embarrassed when meeting eyes;
  • tries to tell as much as possible about himself.

The beginning of a relationship with such a guy is ideal, however, Aquarius's bright love quickly passes, and if he does not see in a girl your soul mate, the novel has no prospects.

Compatibility Horoscope

If a girl wants to understand how Aquarius will behave in a relationship, you should pay attention to the year of birth of a man according to the eastern calendar:

  1. 1. Rat: Vigor and a rich imagination are key traits of a man's character. Aquarius of this year of birth avoids jealous and domineering women who want to control everything.
  2. 2. Ox: Aquarius-Ox man loves easy communication and rest in noisy companies. She loves girls who are used to being themselves and developing their talents.
  3. 3. Tiger: bright personalities who prefer to fantasize and make grandiose plans. Attractive find women with whom there are common hobbies.
  4. 4. Cat: a guy born this year is a calm and philosophical person with a strong character. It is difficult to conquer such a man for life, because he is in constant search for the ideal.
  5. 5. Dragon: a person passionate about life who does not tolerate boredom and everyday life. He is attracted by the same bright person as himself.
  6. 6. Snake: Aquarius born this year is secretive to others. His life is planned to the smallest detail. If a girl becomes a real friend for him, and not just a sexual object, then Aquarius-Snake will immediately fall in love with her.
  7. 7. Horse: Aquarians of this year love sociable girls with the makings of a leader.
  8. 8. Goat: such a man is used to winning in life and being a leader in relationships, but prefers modest girls.
  9. 9. Monkey: a guy appreciates reliability and wisdom in women, but frivolity and infantilism repel and annoy him.
  10. 10. Rooster: Such an Aquarius will be conquered by a soft and friendly girl who is ready for compromises.
  11. 11. Dog: this man has an easy character, but in search of a dream girl he shows maximum seriousness.
  12. 12. Pig: These men have excellent intuition, so they are difficult to deceive. In the opposite field, openness and the ability to be yourself are valued.

You need to pay attention to the zodiac sign of the potential chosen one of Aquarius. This will help determine compatibility in a relationship:

  1. 1. Aries: partners have common ground, but relationships in a pair do not add up because of selfishness and the desire for leadership of both. If the lady becomes insightful and attentive to the emotional state of the chosen one, then such a union has a future.
  2. 2. Taurus: The ladies of this zodiac sign are practical and too mundane for Aquarius, who loves to live in the world of their own dreams.
  3. 3. Gemini: partners will always have common interests, as they are attracted to everything new.
  4. 4. Cancer: Cancer girl must give up the idea of ​​taking control of the chosen one's life, otherwise he will immediately end the affair.
  5. 5. Leo: A lioness wants to be the only one for Aquarius, but this man is not ready to stop looking for an ideal, which can greatly offend his partner.
  6. 6. Virgo: the thriftiness and pedantry of the Virgo attracts Aquarius only at the first stages of the relationship. Later, these qualities will seem boring to a man, and he will want creativity from a girlfriend.
  7. 7. Libra: a girl with a craving for creativity will seriously interest a guy. For a couple to be harmonious, a man needs to be given complete freedom.
  8. 8. Scorpio: A Scorpio girl wants to completely subjugate a man, which will make a man even more close in himself. These are different people who find it difficult to build promising relationships.
  9. 9. Sagittarius: such a girl needs to become softer and more tactful, because her partner does not accept harshness and excessive expressiveness.
  10. 10. Capricorn: representatives of this sign are self-confident, wise and purposeful. The reliability and calmness of Capricorn will favorably affect Aquarius.
  11. 11. Aquarius: representatives of the same sign in this case can only become great friends. They will not create a harmonious couple because of the mutual desire for leadership.
  12. 12. Pisces: Dreamy and soft Pisces will make Aquarius fall in love with them, but as the relationship develops, these women will have to be proactive.

Communicating and establishing contact with the Aquarius man is a whole art. Indeed, many women who have already known their beloved Aquarius for more than one year continue to be surprised at their unexpected actions and extraordinary behavior. Most representatives of this zodiac sign are able to confuse the most observant and experienced people. Aquarius suddenly leaves or very quickly makes a marriage proposal, sometimes breaks up without explanation, even without a single quarrel. And the woman is unable to collect her thoughts to come up with some way to return him.

How does an Aquarius man love? How to find the key to the heart of this mysterious person, to master the secrets of communicating with him? It is important to independently study the inner world of your loved one little by little. It will be useful to know some of the character traits inherent in many Aquarians. The main thing is to try to adapt to the variability of your loved one and find the very “wave” on which you can communicate.

We solve the Aquarius man and get used to the nuances of the character of the most changeable sign
Indeed, it is the Aquarius man that can be called the most changeable representative of the zodiac signs. This person is so unstable that sometimes it simply does not make sense to try to keep track of his transformations. It is important to consider that Aquarius will most likely surprise you often, shock you a little, and sometimes offend you. Even if he truly loves you.

  1. Why is he sad? Many women are concerned about one question: why is their beloved Aquarius man so often sad, falls into thoughtfulness, does not answer questions? What is the reason for his absent-mindedness, apathy? Of course, a woman, especially a jealous one, will instantly find a thousand reasons for such strange behavior. He does not love, he is bored, he liked another girl - he dreams of her ... In fact, the Aquarius man sometimes likes to be silent, he appreciates peace, at times he is overcome by melancholy. It is not necessary to prevent him from being in this state, if it is not very long. Questioning is also unlikely to lead to anything. The Aquarius man could remember his first day at school, the girl he played with in the sandbox, or the first trip to the job interview ... He plunged into nostalgia, but this is probably not for long. Wait.
  2. Overly demanding and overly clean. When an Aquarius man makes another remark about a microscopic speck on a blanket or dust on a table, you do not need to suspect him of betrayal and cruelty, indifference. It's just that Aquarians are really often painful, they are afraid of any germs and strive for sterile cleanliness and perfect order. A woman's unwillingness to comply with the related requirements can lead to conflicts. It is best to get used to this feature of the Aquarius man and also make an effort to create ideal conditions in the house.
  3. Impressive and touchy. When an Aquarius man loves, he becomes especially vulnerable. It is important to remember that with this person it is necessary to behave with double caution. Any unfortunate word, ambiguity, or even a harsh tone can instantly piss off Aquarius. Try to find contact with your loved one, be more tolerant of his condition and learn to change his mood at the right time, infect him with positive emotions.
  4. Castles in the air. Most representatives of this zodiac sign are happy to indulge in dreams. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a place in them, but try to change the situation. Perfect option- dream and talk about the future, build castles in the air together with Aquarius. Then he will always be interested in you, he will understand that you "breathe the same air with him." Just don't try to destroy his mirages, become a strict judge and a skeptic! This will push your chosen one away, even if the Aquarius man loves you.
  5. Elusive. Keeping track of mood swings, cardinal transformations of the Aquarius temperament is not easy. The ideal option is to try to anticipate the upcoming changes or quickly adapt to them when they turned out to be completely unexpected. The Aquarius man can be very active or apathetic, sociable or withdrawn, compromise or conflict. It has practically no midtones, and transitions from one extreme to another are made in an instant.
  6. Violent or emotional? If he suddenly made a scandal, struck with a flash of causeless anger or jealousy, made a sharp remark, almost indecent, right in front of people, this should not convince you that the Aquarius man does not love you. It's just that many Aquarians are extremely emotional, it is difficult for them to control it. It is worth noting that sudden manifestations of irritability and cruelty are also characteristic of Aquarius, who has deep feelings for a woman. It is the behavior of the woman he loves that is most important to him, causing strong emotions, from admiration to anger.
  7. Experimenter. Another trait inherent in many representatives of this sign is usually categorically disliked by women. When an Aquarius man loves, he cannot resist experimenting. He wants to know exactly how a woman will behave in various situations, and Aquarius is ready to “rehearse” anything, up to parting. We must try to come to terms with this, to respond to such a game as adequately and with restraint as possible. Otherwise, your loved one will be offended. Pretend that you believe him, and try to show your best qualities. After all, this is also a kind of opportunity to demonstrate their advantages.
Many Aquarius men love women who are able to be as flexible as possible with them. Change along with the chosen one, you can be one step behind him, but you should not try to limit him. Overcome difficulties in everyday life so that they do not become an obstacle to your relationship. Sharp mood swings of Aquarius should not confuse you, as well as the various requirements of a loved one.

Dreams of the Aquarius man: whom he will love
Many Aquarius men strive for a life with a balanced and calm, but at the same time an interesting and in their own way elusive woman. It is important to be able to surprise your loved one, but not shock him with sudden changes. Life and the ability to level conflicts, make the atmosphere relaxing and pleasant also come to the fore.

  • Talented hostess. The Aquarius man dreams of a wife who will become an ideal hostess. You need to make the house the most cozy and comfortable, think through all the nuances so that your loved one enjoys every minute of being in his native walls.
  • Able to take responsibility. In relations with the Aquarius man, you will have to regularly take responsibility for yourself, make decisions on your own. Let your word be decisive, if Aquarius himself desires it. It's just that representatives of this sign do not always want to analyze the situation.
  • An interesting companion and a reliable friend. The Aquarius man loves very much when his chosen one not only becomes part of the family, but also supports him in business, gives valuable advice, delves into all matters. He also talks with pleasure on abstract topics, sees a friend in a woman.
For Aquarius, it is important to constantly discover something new in your beloved, gradually study it and understand more and more. You should not fully reveal your inner world to him - he may become bored. Let something remain a secret. Then the Aquarius man will always be interested in you.

Aquarius women are bright, sociable, sincere and completely unusual. Such girls literally burst into the life of another person and make it completely different. And the natural attractiveness, extraordinary appearance and lack of complexes make them extremely popular with the opposite sex. And today, many are interested in what is an Aquarius woman in love? What qualities does it have? How to make her happy?

Aquarius Woman: General Characteristics of the Sign

Such women without a twinge of conscience can be called incredible bright personalities. This is facilitated by their unusual appearance, as well as addiction to original outfits. For example, a girl can wear her great-grandmother's blouse without hesitation, and this approach always gives them the opportunity to remain in the spotlight - that's what they crave.

Such a woman is incredibly sociable - she always has many friends, and of both sexes. Often it is she who becomes the soul of the company. The purpose of her life is the search for originality, the pursuit of something new and unusual. Routine and gray everyday life make her mortally bored up to depression.

Aquarius in communication

As already mentioned, representatives of this sign cannot imagine their life without constant communication and new acquaintances - they need it no less than air. They are erudite and well-read, so it is easy to talk with them.

Such a woman chooses friends regardless of gender, age, nationality, religious beliefs - the main thing is that it is interesting to communicate with a person. Since she openly discusses intimate topics, many men can perceive her as an object for bed comforts - Aquarius cannot stand this, as she wants to be evaluated primarily as a person.

What job is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

Such a lady is suitable for any profession that makes it possible to show and use her creative potential. Do not forget that Aquarius is always in search of something new. A woman will give herself completely to any work.

Good gardeners, fashion designers, designers come out of such girls - these classes provide a huge scope for constant experimentation. Often, Aquarius women choose for themselves or a teacher - here they are constantly trying to improve their teaching technique, teaching children a non-standard approach.

In fact, any more or less creative profession is suitable for such a woman. But for them it is extremely important that there is the prospect of growth: as soon as the highest limit is reached, the work becomes uninteresting.

Aquarius woman: love horoscope

Such a woman is changeable in love. She often starts short-term intrigues, but it is not always easy to persuade her to marry, since these obligations are perceived as a kind of cage.

Often behaves coldly, and sometimes a little distant. This does not make her an “ice queen” at all, it’s just that it’s not easy to show your emotions, especially in public.

Do not worry if your companion does not ask about your life - it is likely that she managed to study you well even before the relationship began. Such people tend to remember even the little things, carefully analyzing them and making up a portrait of a partner.

Such a woman is not too emotional, she never finds fault with trifles, she is not jealous or offended, she always shows tolerance. Some men consider her an ideal partner who never causes unnecessary problems. On the other hand, you should respect her personal space, love her friends and not demand too much - excessive affection and attempts to control everything will make a woman leave.

Aquarius woman: sexual horoscope

It should immediately be said that women born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They do not even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore often start short-term affairs.

Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed, she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners get the same pleasure from what they give and receive affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological prejudices.

By the way, this feature often makes a girl associate her life with older, and sometimes even older partners who need care and comfort. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with an insecure man, as with him she will be able to reach her full potential.

If we are talking about long-term relationships or marriage, then sex for a woman becomes something routine, but mandatory - a kind of rite before bedtime. Such a spouse will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

What kind of man is suitable for a woman of this sign?

Of course, an Aquarius woman in love can be a real treasure. But she is special, therefore, for complete happiness, she needs an appropriate partner. She needs a person who will not only be able to accept all her "strangeness" and some of her character traits, but also help to discover something new in herself. So what kind of man is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

This sign develops a good relationship with Aries, who are ready to praise the charms of a woman, instill in her confidence and self-love. But those born under the sign of Aquarius will be able to recognize themselves from a completely different perspective - this couple will always be open to new proposals and ready for extreme, sometimes even reckless tricks.

The union of Aquarius and Leo will be wonderful. Despite the fact that a woman at first will feel a little constrained by the possessive habits of Leo, she will be able to realize herself. Lions, in turn, can expand their worldview.

Aquarius women are suitable for Libra. These men are also a little "out of this world" and do not burden themselves with thoughts about the future or eternal fidelity. Together they will be able to sincerely enjoy today, forgetting about future problems.

The union of Aquarius and Sagittarius can become harmonious. A man will be pleased to see a spectacular woman next to him, while a partner will like the easy attention of her beloved. Together they can indulge in dreams.

By the way, the Aquarius man is perfect for such a woman, who will understand her perfectly. But such couples rarely have children, because they are so absorbed in each other that a third (even a child) will always be superfluous.

Look further love horoscope. An Aquarius woman is unlikely to get along with a man born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. Naturally, such pairs are often formed, and at the initial stages, all differences in character and worldview seem even very tempting. But relationships usually end quickly.

What will a woman be like in marriage?

Aquarius woman in love is just as extraordinary and unpredictable as in other areas of life. Quite often, such girls get married at an early age, and just as often the first marriage ends in divorce.

If you dream of tying such a woman to the kitchen and loading her with household chores, then you can leave such attempts. Your wife will do first of all what she sees fit. And although Aquarius rarely go to conflict, if you need to defend your own principles or outlook on life, a woman will stand her ground to the last.

It should be noted that some other features that such a girl possesses in love should include another important character trait - she is not prone to suspicion. This is not the kind of wife who will rummage through your things or go through your phone lists. After all, she has so many interests that there is no time left for surveillance. On the other hand, if you give her serious reasons to distrust, the woman will simply walk away.

Most often, Aquarius spouses remain faithful. On the other hand, an affair on the side is not excluded, especially if a woman manages to meet a suitable man. But in this case, she will most likely simply end the relationship that has fallen into decay.

Aquarius woman as mother

In fact, it is often difficult for such a woman to adapt to the role of a mother. After all, in her life there are so many colors, so many things, noteworthy. And now the child becomes the center of her life - this can cause confusion.

But be that as it may, Aquarius adapts relatively quickly to the situation. Such women become good, caring mothers who from childhood teach the child to sincerity and truthfulness.

Famous women born under this sign

In order to more accurately demonstrate the character traits of a woman of this sign, it is worth mentioning some well-known representatives of the fair sex.

Under this star, many extraordinary women were born, including the world-famous soothsayer Vanga, as well as the singer Anna German. Also Aquarians are Irina Slutskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Jennifer Aniston, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Savicheva and Paris Hilton. Each of them became famous precisely because of their outstanding appearance, natural charm and complex character.

  • 1. Love with Aquarius at different ages
    • 1.1. Aquarius man up to 29.5 years: which woman is best suited?
    • 1.2. The ideal zodiac sign for an Aquarius man after 29.5 years
    • 1.3. The best partner for Aquarius men after 41.5 years
  • 2. What is the Aquarius man like in love?
  • 3. How does an Aquarius man behave in bed?
  • 4. What is the character of the Aquarius man in marriage?
  • 5. Which woman suits Aquarius
    • 5.1. friendliness
    • 5.2. Love for change
    • 5.3. Appearance
    • 5.4. Most importantly: do you need it?
  • 6. What to do to please an Aquarius man?
    • 6.1. Aquarius and family
    • 6.2. Aquarius and home
    • 6.3. Ideals of the Aquarius man
  • 7. Aquarius: compatibility with a woman according to the signs of the zodiac
    • 7.1. Aquarius man and Aries woman
    • 7.2. Aquarius man and Taurus woman
    • 7.3. Aquarius man and Gemini woman
    • 7.4. Aquarius man and Cancer woman
    • 7.5. Aquarius man and Leo woman
    • 7.6. Aquarius man and Virgo woman
    • 7.7. Aquarius man and Libra woman
    • 7.8. Aquarius man and Scorpio woman
    • 7.9. Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman
    • 7.10. Aquarius man and Capricorn woman
    • 7.11. Aquarius man and Aquarius woman
    • 7.12. Aquarius man and Pisces woman

Are you in love with an Aquarius man? Wonderful! But now you can't wait to find out what Aquarius is like in love, with whom is he best compatible? What zodiac signs suit him best?

For acquaintances, friends and colleagues, the Aquarius man looks too active - this is usually due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign do several things at once. At the same time, such employment does not make a man rude - on the contrary, Aquarius is always friendly and open to communication. Such behavior attracts a considerable number of representatives of the opposite sex, but in fact, not every lady can come to terms with such a character and appreciate the freedom of Aquarius.

It is because of the fear of restrictions on freedom that the Aquarius man often tries to avoid falling in love and allusions to family ties. Such a man knows how to keep his feelings in his hands and can, if desired, curb them in time. Or, behind their busyness, Aquarius may not notice at all obvious manifestations of interest from a woman. But in fact, the Aquarius man should not be afraid of relationships - you just need to build them with the right partner.

Love with Aquarius at different ages

An Aquarius man changes dramatically with age: ideas about such fundamental concepts as family, children, work can change a lot in a few years: for example, if in his youth a guy leaned towards friendship, then after ten years everything can change towards love and families. In this regard, you need to choose a partner, taking into account not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the right age.

Aquarius man up to 29.5 years: which woman is best suited?

At such a young age, an Aquarius man is interested in easy relationships without much commitment. It should be a cheerful, perky girl with whom he will easily and pleasantly spend his free time, but no more. He can develop such air relations with representatives of Libra or Gemini: the first woman will be a great friend for Aquarius, and the second can stimulate him to develop and grow.

The ideal zodiac sign for an Aquarius man after 29.5 years

At this age, the Aquarius man has a reassessment of priorities: he wants a more sustainable life. For such practical purposes, a Virgo woman is suitable for him: hardworking by nature, she will help Aquarius cope with all the difficulties of life and teach practicality. Also, an alliance with an Aries woman can be a good option: she will allow him to reveal his self-esteem and ambition.

In both of these cases, the man will receive more from the woman than he will give her in return.

The best partner for Aquarius men after 41.5 years

After 40, the Aquarius man finds inner harmony and wants to go out. At this age, marriage the right woman can become very happy. The Leo woman, who also loves to be in front of everyone, will help him create the perfect union. Both partners are already experienced enough to know what they want from life and from each other.

What is an Aquarius man like in love?

In a romantic relationship, a representative of this zodiac sign rarely opens up to his chosen one. He would rather be a good friend, assistant and comrade for several ladies than a full-fledged partner of a single lady. Feeling that he is falling in love for real, the Aquarius man will try to pull himself together to prevent the feeling from developing. At the same time, a woman should not lose hope: you need to be persistent, but do not expect huge bouquets, gifts and serenades from him under the window.

Although the Aquarius man is not a romantic by nature, a change in behavior can happen to him if he meets the very girl who will win his heart. In a fit, he can even very quickly propose to the chosen one to marry, but at the most crucial moment he can change his mind, so girls need to be very careful with the Aquarius man. This behavior is due to the fact that he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom very much and is afraid of losing it in a relationship.

How does an Aquarius man behave in bed?

This man does not give such of great importance sex, as representatives of some other signs of the zodiac. Worried about the feelings of the girl, he will strive to continue love without physical acts for a very long time. But when it comes to bed, Aquarius is very sensitive and gentle - he always tries to give his partner as much pleasure as possible. He loves long preludes and the slowness of the process.

However, if a girl too early began to insist on intimacy, Aquarius may not show her best side. For him, the closeness of souls is more important than carnal pleasures, therefore, feeling pressure, he may not pay attention to the desires of a woman in subsequent relationships. At the same time, in bed, Aquarius will in any case try to satisfy her partner.

The Aquarius man seems to many women an actor - expressive, impressive, unlike others. However, this is not a game, but only a feature of his character. He loves to surprise women with extraordinary deeds and surround himself with little riddles and secrets. But despite this, from the outside it looks like he lives well without a partner.

What is the nature of the Aquarius man in marriage?

If you want to marry Aquarius, then it will not be superfluous to know what he is like as a husband. As a spouse, this man behaves rather indifferently towards both household chores and his wife. The interests of the chosen one fade into the background compared to his own, so a woman who will be married to an Aquarius man needs to be patient and be prepared for the fact that her family life will consist of her husband's constant support in all endeavors.

Aquarius is not interested in household chores and worries; at the request of his wife, he can do some work or buy something for the house, but often he simply forgets about it. Therefore, such a man in marriage is indifferent and even unpleasant for someone. But it all depends on which woman he is married to.

However, Aquarius is in a sense a perfectionist. If a woman, according to Aquarius, does not pay enough attention to the house and children, he will try with all his might to “re-educate” her beloved. Although Aquarius is sure that he is critical of himself, the biggest portion of criticism will still go to his wife. Moreover, such a man really almost always believes that he is right, but his wife “not enough” cooks well, cleans poorly, raises children incorrectly, and so on. Criticism from the face of Aquarius to the wife will always be, even if the woman will, without stopping, wash the floors, dishes and do general cleaning every day. It will all end with the fact that Aquarius will begin to cook, clean and buy things for the house himself, because his tastes will never coincide with the point of view of his second half. And again, the wife will be to blame for everything.

The Aquarius man expects attention, support and vivid impressions from his chosen one. Therefore, if you want to win him over, you need to learn to give all of yourself to him and your children, to compliment and be interested in his desires, to support and even push him to take some action in his field (hobby or work). And then your relationship will find harmony and joy, and the partner will paint them with bright colors, because Aquarius, despite his peculiar view of the world, is actually able to be very grateful. And if his wife idolizes him, but he is ready to forgive her for her real and imaginary shortcomings, and lift her beloved to heaven ... those that she deserves. No more, no less.

Which woman suits Aquarius

As we have already seen, representatives of this zodiac sign drastically change their values ​​and priorities with age, so the choice of a woman will be based on the period of development in which she is at the moment. In his youth, independence is more important for the Aquarius man, later, over the years, he himself wants affection and love. Thus, it is better for a young Aquarius to look for a companion among the fickle signs of the zodiac, and for a more mature one, from the ladies of the elements of Earth.

Aquarius man is an extraordinary person who always has many hobbies and hobbies, as well as many friends and acquaintances. Of course, there will always be a lot of girls around him. It is very easy to strike up friendly or even friendly relations with him and you can have a good time. For ladies who also value their freedom, he will become an excellent couple - there will be no baseless jealousy and many demands. So what features of a woman are important for an Aquarius man, and how can a lady attract his attention?


If you have the same large social circle as your chosen one, then you are undoubtedly more likely to like him. The Aquarius man believes that a lady who also has many friends and hobbies will not limit his freedom, because she also values ​​\u200b\u200bits very much. If it so happened that you have a common social circle, then this will only play into your hands - you will see each other more often, and you will have more opportunities to get to know each other even before the start of a romantic relationship.

Love for change

The representative of this zodiac sign cannot live without constant changes: he really needs new emotions, feelings, a change of scenery. Without all this, he can even become depressed, and if he realizes that boredom has appeared because of a woman, then he will simply prefer to change a woman. Therefore, the partner of the Aquarius man should be bright and spontaneous, as extraordinary as he is and ready to go with him to the ends of the world. You must be ready for constant change and even provoke it yourself!


Everyone knows that a man loves with his eyes, but in the case of Aquarius, this is not entirely true. It is much more important for him what kind of character you have, what you like, and what you are fond of. Of course, he would rather choose a well-groomed lady than a slob, but small flaws do not matter much to him. If he sees a friend in a woman who is ready to share interests with him and be there when needed, the appearance fades into the background.

Also, it is worth considering that Aquarius naturally has good taste. Therefore, he is unlikely to like a girl with a shaved head, tattoos all over her body and piercings in her lips. Also, Aquarius has an aversion to vulgarly dressed girls: for him they are too easy prey, he is sure that such girls have no brains and souls, and therefore they are not interesting to him.

Most importantly: do you need it?

Before you start adjusting to Aquarius according to all these tips, make sure you really need it. If you are looking for a partner who would become a real family man, who would give you peace and comfort - the Aquarius man is not suitable for this role, no matter how hard you try to change his nature. Otherwise, if you constantly want to change the situation, live in an eternal search for everything new and interesting - Aquarius can be the perfect match for you. Just adjust your behavior to please him faster, and the result will not be long in coming.

What to do to please an Aquarius man?

Such a man is not very easy to meet in ordinary places, therefore, in order to please him, you first need to get into his social circle. You must learn everything from A to Z, and also be prepared to react quickly to changes. Aquarians love women, ready to be with them in any situation - such fidelity is very much appreciated by them, and this can become the foundation of your relationship.

Aquarius and family

If you are building a family with a young Aquarius, then be prepared that all the work in the family will fall on you. Until the age of thirty, this man is not ready to take on such responsibility, so all household chores fall on his wife. As for his parents, he rarely communicates with them: relations are usually warm, but Aquarius is not going to spend too much time with them.

Aquarius and home

The attitude to the place in which he lives, the representative of this zodiac sign is rather indifferent. His house will correspond to his interests, everything bright and extraordinary that he meets on his way. He does not need any frills either in the interior or in food, because he is completely obsessed with spirituality. Therefore, the girls who tried to conquer the Aquarius man with an incredibly tasty dinner clearly need to arm themselves with something else.

Ideals of the Aquarius man

Aquarius has practically no ideals about the appearance of a companion. Hair color, clothing and manicure are unlikely to attract his attention. Much more important is character and behavior: if you are ready to help him and quickly, without hesitation, break off with him on some kind of journey, he will definitely remember you. The ideal for him is a woman who also loves adventures, like him, but at the same time is ready to be there and support him in all endeavors.

Bottom line: what does a woman need to do to please an Aquarius man?

After all the advice, we can definitely say: in order to get an Aquarius man, you need to focus on your behavior and character, and not on appearance. Instead of unusual dishes and a candlelit dinner, offer him interesting news or some small adventure. He will like this alignment much more, and he will definitely pay attention to the one who came up with all this.

Aquarius: compatibility with a woman according to the signs of the zodiac

There is no need to stun the Aquarius man with a blow to the head for him to understand that you are interested in him. His own experience told him that this was so. And so that he chooses you from the many women around him, show that you are interested in his activities and affairs, but do not get too close and do not approach him too quickly. The sooner you can convince him that you are able to respect his personal space, the sooner he will write down your mobile phone number to invite him on a date.

It is quite obvious that you will need to use certain intuitive tactics, to be insightful, in order to comprehend the inner world of Aquarius, so that, according to your plan, he will approach you for a better acquaintance. To learn about how your zodiac sign interacts with his sign, how best to attract this man, the most unflappable of all men.

Aquarius man and Aries woman

The Aquarius man will find you interesting and, to a certain extent, exciting. You will decide that he is attractive and sexy, although a little strange. You will readily ignore some of his unusual habits and ideas, but he will never stop urging you to take a good look around, to take a close look at a world that needs help, support and positive ideas. Perhaps he will slowly join the sport, but in bed he will definitely be on top!

At the meeting, remember the words that either he himself or some attractive public figure with a great mind uttered. He will try to see if you are smart enough to be his best friend. You'll realize that he's already mentally seeing the two of you together when he starts telling you why he's going to a Japanese animation conference or dressing up for a renaissance costume festival.

He will admire your ability to be constantly surprised, and as long as you can make his life more interesting and richer, he will stay with you. Try not to be too demanding, and until you become best friends, your relationship will be based on giving in to each other.

Both of you will benefit from learning to balance your own needs for physical activity with his tendency to live a mental life. You will need to develop listening skills in order to keep up and understand the subject he is talking about. He will also have to put up with certain limitations of your capabilities when it is necessary to linger somewhere for a long time.

Sex will be the best thing in your life together. You will be irresistibly attracted to each other ', but the physiological side of the relationship will captivate and interest you more than him. You will never mind being the initiator of a sexual relationship, but you should still let him know that he should take care of your needs as well.

At home, you see no point in his passion for so-called collecting. He will not like the fact that you are used to throwing away everything that you do not use. From his point of view, he is capable of any business, he can fix and fix the weight of anything. Try to make him want to play more than anything in the world with only one toy - with you! And when you become friends for life, you will get the very happiness that you have been striving for.

Aquarius man and Taurus woman

You admire the ability of the Aquarius man to formulate an idea and defend it. You will be charmed and discouraged by this man with an impressive intellect, but with a refined manner. He is so smart that it confuses you: how does his brain work? You will also be impressed by his nobility and generosity. He will appreciate your reliability because he knows how important it is to be consistent, even if the only thing you can really count on in him is his unpredictability.

It may seem to you that you are too mundane and prosaic for such an advanced person. However, this is by no means the case. He will take your practical approach as something that will help him anchor in the real world, which will prevent him from sailing again on the sea of ​​fantasy, wild and eccentric ideas, and you will always admire his dreaminess.

Listen to his ideas, but be sure to warn him that he can be deceived or fooled by the people with whom he does business or just communicates. Of course, he talks a lot, but when he starts his immediate duties in the bedroom, he knows how to make you feel like a queen descended to sinful earth.

What happens when you start dating an Aquarius man who has the same large margin of safety as you, but who seems to be more free to carry out all his reckless ideas? You will fall head over heels in love with him! You both look like a perfect match, but you actually have a lot more in common than your friends think. He helps you to rise in the conscious perception of the world, and you try to keep him on the ground.

Your chosen Aquarius is an unusually sexy person, however, when it comes to hugs and caresses, here you are at your best. He will be completely crazy about your sensuality, he will try his best to bring both of you to several orgasms.

Household duties are not his strongest side. So it is possible that most of the cleaning and work on arranging and decorating the house will fall on you. True, he can partially take care of the installation of electronic household appliances and some unusual decor items. Most likely, it will not look attractive at all, but without them, how would you know that you live with an Aquarius man.

Aquarius man and Gemini woman

You, like a bee to honey, will fly to the Aquarius man, as soon as you are in the same room with him. You both live and thrive in the world of ideas, and he is perhaps even more intellectually inclined than you are. It is usually not at all difficult for you to start a conversation, but with Aquarius you may have a problem of a different order - you will not be able to finish the conversation!

However, in order to stand out from the general environment and attract the attention of the Aquarius man, you may need something more extraordinary than just the ability to speak. Prove that complex concepts are understandable to you, admire out loud how wonderful it is to meet someone who shares your interest in intellectual matters. You can also make a subtle comment about his different socks, or, conversely, compliment his tie pin. When he understands that you generally approve of him, he will be ready for the next step.

Your adaptability will be even more appreciated when you have a real serious relationship with a man born under the sign of Aquarius. He is somewhat stagnant in his habits, and since you are able to change your behavior to suit the circumstances, you will not mind making certain concessions and changes in your own existence in order to better fit into his lifestyle. Follow him and he will lead you straight to happiness!

Aquarius is a great match for you. Both of you strive for a lifelong friendship attachment, in addition to love, and are always ready to give such attachment. He will appreciate your ability to instantly comprehend the meaning of his words, so he will try to entertain you as much as possible to satisfy your insatiable curiosity. Both of you will enjoy having sex, because this is one of the ways to express everything you feel without words. Make a special time to get out of town for weekends together, or allow yourself to be away from each other for a while long enough to happily reunite and make love later.

Try to treat the arrangement of your home as if it were a work project. The innate sense of justice will not allow the Aquarius man not to help you carry a heavy suitcase, even if, from his point of view, there is only rubbish or things that should be donated to charity.

You will certainly be happy. The only thing you should pay attention to is his fear of losing you. After all, you have so many of your friends that he will be lonely and sad if you do not specifically include him in their circle. Don't worry about it. There will always be enough space for both of you to express your own outstanding personality, which each of you really has!

Aquarius man and Cancer woman

You and a man born under the sign of Aquarius have common interests: you like to help other people, but at the same time you have different guidelines. It’s more for you to give affection and take care of your loved ones, those who are close to you; he sees himself (at least in part) as the savior of mankind. But that doesn't mean you won't get along. You just need to know exactly what to expect.

When meeting, you should speak to him in such a way that he understands that you are not an intellectual "dwarf". First earn his respect for your intelligence, and then show the playful side of your nature. And since Aquarius always wants to see a friend in his partners, you need to prove that you meet this requirement. In a relationship with an Aquarius man, obsession will get you nowhere. If he himself did not call at the agreed time, it is quite normal to pick up the phone and call. The main thing is not to bother him too much. He will be far more impressed by your ability to sense what he is thinking and feeling than by your own inclinations. The alienation of Aquarius can be explained both by the fear of being alone, and by the need for individual freedom and independence. Focus on the positive aspect and both of you will have a lot of joy!

For you to swear allegiance and devotion to the Aquarius man is quite a bold move. You and him are different people, so the decision to be together is a certain test of motivation. If you are truly sincere in your concern for him, then you love him for who he is.

Show your chosen Aquarius that you are ready for a lot, and start with the bedroom. Wait until he approaches, and then a whole rain of gratitude and passion will fall on your body. It is difficult for you to open your heart to other people, but if you show your chosen one that you are tired or bored, he will be offended to the core. If he pulls away from you, look into his eyes. He will see there the love and lust that you have for him and which has settled deep in your soul.

Among other things, what you really like about the Aquarius man is that he allows you to behave like a household goddess, which you, in fact, are for him. You will teach him a lesson in constancy and care, and he will teach you to be independent and strict. Sounds like a good deal, doesn't it?

Aquarius man and Leo woman

Outwardly, a man who was born under the constellation Aquarius is very calm and cold-blooded. And yet, thanks to his regal manner, you will want to take possession of him at the first sight. He will be attracted to your inner strength and self-sufficiency. He likes when you promote his ideas.

When you meet him, it will most likely be because it will be difficult for both of you to keep from talking. He'll give you some smart compliment, you'll give him one of your signature million dollar smiles. And right before your eyes, he will literally melt, there will be no trace of his composure. Show genuine interest in his ideas and social goals, and he is yours.

He will really admire your fearlessness. However, your tendency to play the role of a queen from some drama can get on his nerves. So try to keep a low profile. When you admit that from time to time, even such strong woman like you, it is necessary to rely on him; this makes him feel almost like a great person. If you still listen as his PR agent, he will know that your strong, dynamic personality will be a serious asset for your future union.

He will adore your sense of humor and marvel at your ability to connect with anyone you meet - from local royalty to servants who need to clean up after a lavish reception. And although you are both quite different, each of you has traits that help you become a completely dynamic couple.

A man born under the sign of Aquarius is a great partner for you. And when you connect your destinies, you will understand why this is so. He will satisfy all your needs, while not kneeling before you, humiliated and helpless. And the fact that he doesn't admire you too much out loud is somewhat puzzling, but you can handle that too.

Sexually, he will treat you like a queen. It seems that no one in the world knows better than him how much you crave admiration, but without blind adoration. Being with your best friend in just such an environment is refreshing and rejuvenating. Your intimate life organically fits into the general outline of existence, while not interfering with the performance of your individual duties. None of you are particularly fond of dirty housework, but when you do have to do it, you start, and only then your chosen one joins you.

Your relationships will develop easily, but they will become truly outstanding when you pay enthusiastic attention to each other, make sure that your actions and words are always motivated by mutual care and respect.

Aquarius man and Virgo woman

At times, Aquarius's idealistic approach to life conflicts with your practicality, but each can offer the other their point of view, which will enrich the worldview of both of you. He formulates ideas, and you organize their implementation, but only with his consent!

You perceive him as a person who can analyze and help, and he sees in you an amazingly sexy woman. Try to live up to his expectations by focusing on the pleasure in your relationship. And he will inspire you to do it in a way that only a woman can dream of.

While he appreciates helpful suggestions, he generally doesn't like criticism. The Aquarius man thinks big and does not like it when his plans are debunked before he has tried to realize them. If you absolutely want to point out some flaw that needs to be corrected, try first to compliment on another occasion. Absolutely everything in the Aquarius man is difficult to come to terms with, but you need to at least pretend that you can tolerate his strange actions or even enjoy them!

If you want to tame your chosen Aquarius, you should completely give up trying to tell him how he should live. When he needs your advice on how to arrange his life, he will turn to you for help. And he will listen to you objectively to help build day-to-day relationships.

As a lover, you are extremely dynamic. This also applies to your Aquarius man. It is important for him how carefully you treat every little thing, wanting to please him. He has a superman demeanor that gives you great joy when you find yourself in the same bed. Try to make sex the main dish of everyday life!

Of course, you will care much more about the condition of your common home than your chosen Aquarius. However, he can also be of some help to you. He sometimes reminds you that you can safely leave an unwashed spoon in the sink without much risk of catching some terrible disease. Coexistence will become easier if you remember that you have to find many common ground, overcoming existing differences. You see the world differently and you still have a lot to learn from each other.

Aquarius man and Libra woman

You have to step back and look at a man born under the sign of Aquarius as an ideal. His desire to improve the world touches you to the core, you are ready to jump behind him on a horse and gallop towards the sunset. From the outside it seems that such a man can say absolutely everything. He is eccentric, smart and attractive.

In order for the Aquarius man to feel dizzy with complacency, sometimes a minute or two is enough. However, this is not because he is unaware of your magnificence. Just because of intense mental activity, he is easily distracted from everything else. Approach him yourself, and his thoughts will return to you again, stopping their run.

He will certainly be attracted by the combination of beauty and intelligence. The only thing that Aquarius will not like is your concern for the opinions of strangers. He is a living personification of a person who succeeds, but does not think about the opinions of others. For the most part, you will think in much the same way. Your passion will be strong enough that you will have something to talk about for a long time.

Being friends with an Aquarius man will become as natural for you as breathing air, so you will fulfill even mutual obligations easily and naturally. You seem to look at many things in the same way, you like to talk, because your conversations combine his scientific and social views with your aesthetic and interpersonal vision of reality.

You don't need advice about your sex life either! Both of you are able to come up with new ways to show each other your love and devotion without words. Of course, for this, with your skillful ability to seduce, you will have to add more terms that lift your spirits into the love equation.

Try to make sure that your common home is as harmonious as yours. love relationship. You will choose for yourself household duties that involve the ability to communicate and negotiate with people, as well as dexterity. He is much better at domestic work related to technical knowledge and skills and the organization of the work of several people.

The love that can be born between you and your chosen one, Aquarius, is not found every day. And you will live in peace and harmony for as long as you protect your union.

Aquarius man and Scorpio woman

At first glance, it may seem to you that the Aquarius man does not suit you at all. But in the end, you will still become attached to it. From him comes a sense of power and strength, he has the same desire to be the best in everything (including relationships with people). His ideas seem unrealistic, but with some work they can be turned into something practical and authentic.

It is impossible for the Aquarius man to suspect that you are trying to control him or manipulate him, so be careful during the first meeting! He is not so naive as to believe that you really are as shy and modest as you try to look. Show your true face, and then he will get closer to you.

The Aquarius man will be attracted to your perseverance. He likes that you stand firm in your beliefs and your own opinions. He may try to make you give in to the argument, you will also sometimes try to dissuade him. You are greatly impressed by his desire to take care of other people, the fate of the world as a whole. And his passion for you will make you very, very happy.

Your Aquarius partner is perfect for you because he is strong enough in personality not to collapse under the pressure of your overbearing nature. He will also perfectly understand why you are so diligently striving to make your relationship exemplary.

For Aquarius, your sensuality will be a real discovery, but he will get used to it without any problems. You will be doing various little things in the house, simply because you are great at it! The Aquarius man will have amazing ideas about where and how to arrange and put things, how to organize certain work, he does not like to delve into the little things of home improvement.

The more communication, the more alive your love. It serves as an unshakable rock for you to hide behind. He also likes your ability to stand up for yourself. Sometimes he feels confused in the face of worldly hardships and worries. This should serve as a sign for you to take him aside, look deeply into his eyes and insist that you make passionate, unrestrained love until he says that he is excited to the limit, and you are just starting to get excited.

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman

A man born under the sign of Aquarius has an irresistible attraction, the main thing for you is that he wants to be completely independent in life. This is a man who will not keep you on a leash, will not force you to stay in a tight cocoon with him all the time. According to your feelings, he has a mind in the depths of which you can get lost forever, you really like what he thinks about the fate of the world. You are struck by his calmness and ability to remain mysterious to others, not to reveal his thoughts, and those little eccentric things that he does only add to his charm.

As soon as he realizes that there is a woman who knows how to think and has strong character like you, how instantly wants to chat with you. Both of you will seek solutions to problems that divide people. He will like your sense of humor only if you are not too loud and noisy.

The Aquarius man will be somewhat repulsed by your fussiness. He doesn't like your ability to see at least two possible solutions for every problem at the same time. And although he definitely wants to find answers, once he has made his choice, he will solve the problem in exactly the way he sees fit. It is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Lucky for you, this tenacity extends to the choices made about you.

You and your chosen one Aquarius will make a great couple. You are both smart, full of ideas and dreams, thanks to which you can really make this world a better place. This is a very good place to start a relationship, but in order for your devotion to be unwavering, you must find a successful combination of freedom and mutual support.

The ability to unite in sex will only strengthen and reinforce your love. And although he will not act as defiantly as you, he will very skillfully find the necessary ways to give you carnal pleasure. You can increase his positive feelings by slowing down and enjoying the perfection of his flawless body.

You will have to pay more attention to maintaining order in the house, because your chosen Aquarius does not like living in chaos, no matter how disorganized you call it. Let him teach you how to get things done, even if it's just doing laundry or washing and cleaning the bathroom.

The love that binds you with such a light, almost invisible thread will blossom even more when you maintain constant communication. And although each of you lives an independent and very busy life, for the sake of an exciting conversation with each other, you can find time only for the two of you.

Aquarius man and Capricorn woman

The way Aquarius looks at the essence of society is different from your approach to life, but still, oddly enough, you will be attached to it. The funny thing about this is that you are two sides of the same coin. Each of you is an emotionally detached, impassive person in your own way, you always want to be away from the crowd.

In order to attract the attention of your chosen Aquarius, you will have to behave unconventionally for quite some time, without observing the conventions, so that he can see the other side of your nature. For example, a discussion of a TV show or some newfangled cultural event would be great for the first conversation. He will be pleasantly surprised and amazed by your sense of humor.

The biggest obstacle to love at first sight will be your appearance. Although you are one of the most amazing women with a bright personality, you have a reputation for being a very reserved and scrupulous person. But when the Aquarius man gets to know you better, he will love the way you ignore superficial nonsense and get straight to the point, especially when you are close to each other, in an intimate setting and already in bed!

You and your Aquarius partner can create an amazingly peaceful life, but each of you will have to make some concessions. You will see that this is necessary, especially if you are committed to tradition, and he can't wait to break them.

All disputes are best settled in the bedroom. You will be much more willing and supportive to look at the Aquarius man's desire to be a little naughty boy when he joins you in one of those sexual games that you so enjoy. In turn, he will happily behave himself when you show him who is the boss here.

If you are relying on your Aquarius man to help keep the house in order, then you will have to reduce your expectations a little. He is by no means a slob, but he is not a clean house wizard either. You will have to take care of all household projects that involve some kind of innovation in the house. And he can be entrusted with that part of the work that is somehow connected with technical skills or scientific knowledge.

In such a relationship, the most important thing is to understand who each of you is. Everyone does not interfere with learning to express their affection. Always be attentive to each other, show affection. Kiss and hug each other, even if it seems to you that this is not really necessary at the moment.

Aquarius man and Aquarius woman

Whenever two Aquarians meet in the same room, they can clearly illustrate the difficulty of clearly defining what kind of person can be called a typical representative of this zodiac sign. Like the charming Aquarius man, you will sometimes confuse others by saying and doing things that make many people wonder: what planet did you come from? And all this only in order not to be like others. This may be the reason why you and the Aquarius man have this unusual and dreamy zodiac sign. No one else understands what you are actually talking about so well, except for a person who has the same zodiac constellation.

To get Aquarius interested, you first need to convince him that you want to be his real friend. It is possible that he will not understand what, in fact, you found in him, and yet he will try to play a hard-to-reach man. Tell him sincerely what you think. After all, he values ​​honesty the most.

Oddly enough, but one of the problems that he will face will be your aloofness. And although he is basically similar to you in this, he would like more warmth and sympathy from you than you give him. Don't give up, try. He will quickly appreciate your reverent and caring attitude.

You used to think that there is no one in the world more independent and original than you. But then you were destined to meet an Aquarius man. You both have the chance to have more interesting conversations in just one week than most other people have in their entire lives. Since neither of you wants to be the first to translate intellectual and spiritual relationships into a physiological plane, you will have to work hard to specifically set aside time for intimate communication. And you can do it!

Your house will not be trivial, it will be interesting to come there. Both of you are more into simple, ultra-modern furnishings than traditional furnishings with ottomans, plush sofas, and more. And while each of you doesn't dislike housework to the point of not wanting to do it at all, you certainly don't think that cleaning is good for your health.

Your relationship will be based on affection. You may think that you don’t need any sentimental things, but when they are addressed to you personally, you don’t mind at all. Your bodies are often intertwined in an inseparable knot of genuine passion.

Aquarius man and Pisces woman

For you personally, dating an Aquarius man is like jumping into a pond in its deepest part, even before you learned to swim. And yet this impassive man seems interesting and irresistible to you. You admire his perfect independence and self-sufficiency and, if possible, want to be like him.

To impress your Aquarius man, you need to prove that you are not going to depend on him for anything. And although he will take care of you and sometimes spoil you, he does not need all his energy to be spent on you. You are united by compassion and the desire to care for the fate of the whole world, so be sure to mention this when you first meet. He will try to portray himself as a person who is superior to you, but in fact you have many qualities that he could learn from.

You should be congratulated for having the courage to approach the Aquarius man. And now you already regret that you did not meet him many years ago. It is great if you learn to ask him for what you need, because you understand that he needs more of your undying devotion than he dares to accept.

Sexually, Aquarius is able to give you deep feelings that reborn you. You begin to comprehend what beautiful love music you can compose together. Getting his attention is not difficult, just look at him.

Friends and relatives will be perplexed how such outwardly different people, like aliens from two different worlds, manage to get along so well with each other and create a home imbued with true mutual love. Your chosen one, born under the constellation Aquarius, is not very strong in the household. But it can help with electrical appliances. You still have to learn, because he would rather teach you than do everything himself every time.

No matter what things you have at home, as long as you are together, try to satisfy each other's need, neither you nor every person who knocks on your door will be deprived of love.

Even in the moments of the greatest confusion and ambiguity, you always try to analyze your feelings and transform them into concrete solid thoughts. Show him how good the emotional prospect of your relationship can be, even if he gets off with a joke. And remember: there are no life jackets if you dare to jump into the maelstrom of love with the Aquarius man!

Section: Horoscopes