When does the holy month of Ramadan end? Ramadan or Ramadan: which is correct? Who is exempt from fasting Ramadan

The holy month for Muslims, one of the five pillars of faith, a symbol of purity and strength of faith - Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of fasting and prayers, when a devout Muslim seeks to maintain purity, both external and internal, without defiling either the body or the soul with unclean actions, intentions and thoughts. In 2017, Ramadan falls at the beginning of summer, and therefore observing it will not be too easy.

What date does Ramadan start in 2017

In the Islamic calendar, the number of months is tied to the lunar cycle, and therefore the beginning and end of Ramadan fall on different dates each year. In 2017 Ramadan starts on May 27th and ends on June 25th.

The month of Ramadan in 2017 runs from May 27 to June 25.

What is Ramadan

Translated from Arabic, "Ramadan" means "hot", "flaming", "hot". This month received such a name not by chance - in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of traditional Islam, fasting most often fell on one of the hottest and most difficult summer months. At this time, devout Muslims keep fasting - saum, refusing not only food, but also all life's pleasures.

In the opinion of the uninitiated, the main feature of Ramadan is the ban on eating during the daytime. Instead of the traditional and familiar breakfast, lunch and dinner, Muslims have only suhoor and iftar - morning and evening receptions. However, the meaning of fasting is actually much deeper: Ramadan becomes a time of purification, spiritual improvement and self-determination.

The main traditions of Ramadan

Ramadan is a complex and very voluminous concept, which includes not only a regulated meal, but also a long series of obligatory actions - from reading prayers to giving alms or feeding the poor.

The morning of the month of fasting begins with niyat - intention. A Muslim must announce his intention to fast. Reading niyat is a mandatory procedure during Ramadan, fasting without announcing intentions is not considered fasting for the glory of Allah. This is followed by suhoor, the morning meal. After a kind of breakfast, a prayer is read - fajr, the first of the number of obligatory prayers. During the day, a Muslim is forbidden to eat food and drink water, smoke, chew gum and take medicine (with the exception of injections), have sex, swear, have fun - dance, listen to loud music. During the whole month, the faithful must do good deeds - help the suffering, distribute alms.

The evening starts at sunset. With the onset of darkness comes the time of ifar - the evening meal. Then the night prayer is read - isha, after which taraweeh is pronounced - another prayer, unlike prayer, is already voluntary.

Suhur is a kind of breakfast, a meal before sunrise, before morning prayer. the main task A devout Muslim is to complete Suhoor before the sky begins to brighten. Of course, eating is possible in the morning bright sky (the main thing is before sunrise), this will not be considered a violation of Ramadan, but the savab will be lower. Skipping a suhoor is not among the violations, however, in this case, the reward - sawab - from Allah is reduced. The reason is simple: a Muslim must follow the sunnahs, which describe the actions to be performed, and suhoor is one of them.

Iftar is an analogue of dinner, an evening meal, follows immediately after sunset, after evening prayer. The best, that is, the most correct food for iftar is dates, which should be washed down with water. This command also follows from the Sunnah of the Prophet, as well as the undesirability of skipping suhoor and iftar. The iftar ends with the recitation of short prayers - dua.

Exemption from the post

Fasting in Ramadan is an important, fundamental tradition in Islam. However, it has some exceptions - the Quran describes the circle of persons who are given exemption from fasting. These people include the sick (sick), whose health may be at risk due to food restrictions; old people - also due to the fact that poor food can undermine already poor health; on the road, that is, away from home; children; lactating and pregnant women. In addition, if for any reason the fasting person was forced to break the fast in order not to lose the sawab - a reward from Allah - he will need to compensate for the "loss", that is, to voluntarily fast at another time.

So, we wish you happiness and good Ramadan in 2017.

In this article, we will not only write when Ramadan ends in 2018, but also talk about what exactly this period is and why it is so important for all Muslims in the world. In Russia, in different territories, due to the fact that the country is large, many Muslims live. The period of the month of Ramadan is sacred for them, but every year you need to separately find out exactly which dates this holiday falls on.

By the way, it is interesting that, according to statistics, Islam, Islam, as this religion is also called, is considered the fastest growing religion in the world. So every year more people are interested in the customs, rules of Islam, as well as what the holy month of Ramadan is and what are the features of this period.

General information about Ramadan

Good deeds done this month are considered the most important. Considering the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will increase the significance of each of your good deeds by 700 times. Given the advent of Ramadan, the tourist regime in Muslim countries is changing. For example, Mr. institutions will switch to a reduced work schedule, and a Ramadan menu will be introduced on the aircraft of some airlines.

Tourists are advised to observe as much respect as possible for the rules and traditions of Ramadan, otherwise they may end up in prison (or even worse) ... In Ingushetia, during the holy month, the sale and, especially, the use of alcohol are prohibited. Violators will be fined.

You need to understand that fasting consists not only in refusing food, but in fervent prayer, in good deeds and deeds.

So, during the period of Ramadan, Muslims should fast during the day - do not eat food and drink water, also do not buy, do not drink alcoholic beverages, refrain from intimate relationships. This is all during the day, but with the appearance of the first star in the sky, all prohibitions are removed and so on until the next dawn. Fasting is quite strict and lasts for 29 or 30 days, depending on how the calendar is formed in a particular year.

In Islam, the dates of many holidays and the calendar as a whole depend on the lunar calendar. Therefore, every year, due to the movement of the Moon relative to our planet and relative to the Sun, the days of holidays, fasts change and fall on different periods.

During Ramadan, as is already clear from the rules described above, you can only eat at night. You can finish and start eating only before the next day and after the current day is over. You can eat light foods - vegetables and fruits, dairy products, low-fat meals. Prayers are obligatory, donations are made, as established by the Koran. The Koran is the main book of Muslims in which all the Sacred Laws of this religion are written.

According to the Quran, the following people may not fast:

Women who are expecting a baby, breastfeeding or are in the period of postpartum recovery of the body;

  1. Old people, sick people;
  2. During the menstrual cycle;
  3. Children under 16;
  4. People with mental disorders;
  5. Non-Muslims, that is, people who do not accept Islam as their religion.

About the post schedule

It turns out that in the current 2018 Ramadan began on May 16, and it will end on June 14. great post usually begins with the full moon, but ends when the moon makes its full cycle and the new moon comes. As a rule, this fasting period lasts for thirty days. The end of Ramadan is big celebration, which is called Uraza Bayram in the Islamic calendar.

In accordance with this schedule, in Moscow or any other city, country, Ramadan in 2018 falls on almost the entire first month of summer. Faithful Muslims, wherever they live, prepare for Ramadan, as well as for its end, in advance.

To take part in Ramadan is a great honor for every believer, then everyone who fasted sincerely rejoices on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. In honor of this holiday, large celebrations are organized in mosques, in all Muslim families.

Every believing Muslim knows why people are given the fast of Ramadan. This is the time to purify the soul and body, after the end of fasting, a person feels renewed, with strengthened faith. Ignoring Ramadan in Islam is a big sin.

Fasting Ramadan- This is a sacred holiday in Islam, lasting a whole month. This is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It got its name in honor of the holy month of the calendar.

Let's see what kind of sacred holiday this is and why it is so important for its believers. Ramadan is famous throughout the world for the fact that, according to traditions, it is held in strict fasting and prayer. Fasting implies the rejection of food, drink, entertainment and bad thoughts, holding the believer in thought and prayer.

This holiday helps a person to get closer to God. Rapprochement occurs through several types of purification:

Physical, which occurs in the restriction of eating and drinking.
Spiritual, at the time of fasting, entertainment, pleasure, sex, and thoughts about sinful deeds are prohibited.

The main meaning of this holiday and the observance of all restrictions is the opportunity to show loyalty to Allah and pacify the negative qualities in a person that push him to commit evil. It is believed that with the restriction of oneself in life's joys, a person has time to think about his evil and insidious deeds committed during the year, which entail all the negative things in his life.

It is worth noting that Ramadan does not coincide with other holy holidays. Its onset is strictly related to the fact that the Islamic calendar is lunar, and all months begin from the moment of the new moon. Since Islam is a world religion, then the time of the onset of Ramadan in different countries will take place in different ways, with the appearance of the moon.

What is forbidden to do in Ramadan:

With the onset of Ramadan, daily conscious consumption of food and drink is prohibited, smoking of various tobaccos, including hookahs, and quenching sexual thirst is strictly prohibited.

What is allowed to do in Ramadan:

In Ramadan, unconscious eating, kissing, making caresses that will not lead to ejaculation, bathing and brushing teeth, donating blood, and involuntary vomiting are allowed.

Muslims are sure that in Ramadan the importance of doing good deeds and pilgrimages increases 700 times. In this month, Satan is put in chains, and good deeds reach Allah faster and better. At this time, Muslims approach prayers more responsibly than usual, read the holy book of the Koran, do good deeds, give donations to the poor and distribute obligatory alms.

While fasting, it is obligatory to pay alms (zakat al-filter). This payment is obligatory for Muslims and has an exact measurement. The amount of alms is 1 saa. Saa is a measure of weight, equal to 3500 g. Different cities use different products for donations. So in Europe they give zakat al-filter with wheat and barley, in the Middle East with dates, in Southeast Asia with rice.

How to eat in Ramadan:

The basis of fasting in Ramadan is quite simple, you can not eat and drink while the sun is shining in the sky. The morning meal, suhoor, should be done until the sun appears in the sky. Evening reception (iftar) can begin only when the sun disappears behind the sky. Meals usually begin with dates and water. Before eating, it is obligatory to read a prayer.

And of course prerequisite while fasting, there is a niyat (intention) to perform it. It manifests itself in the reading of prayers and the performance of rituals. The intention is pronounced every day between the night and morning prayers.

Who can be exempt from fasting in Ramadan:

Fasting is obligatory, but certain categories of people may be exempted from the strict conditions of saum. Minors and people with mental disabilities are exempted from fasting. If the believer went on a trip, then he begins to fast upon his return. Also exempt are pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding children, women with menstruation. Elderly people who cannot restrain themselves in food prepare food for the poor.

Breaking the fast in Ramadan and its consequences.

It may happen that a believer has broken the keeping of the saum due to a serious illness or due to haida (menstruation). In this case, the believer can be rehabilitated before Allah, and he must fast one day before the next Ramadan, or must give a certain amount to the poor. If a believer has had sexual intercourse during the daytime, he must compensate for this violation with six ten days of continuous fasting, or feed sixty poor people. Breaking a fast without a good reason is considered a sin.

End of Ramadan

The last ten days of fasting are the most important for Muslims. Many of them follow the example of Muhammad and retire to read prayers. To do this, they hide in the mosque.

Glorious Ramadan holiday

After the end of the restrictions, Ramadan ends, three days of the holiday come, which are accompanied by breaking the fast. The first day is considered non-working, and schools can take vacations for all three days.

Cohabitation of several religions and conditions for non-fasters
It should also be noted that during Ramadan, people who do not fast, out of respect for Muslims, it is undesirable to demonstratively eat during the daytime, smoke, chew gum, turn on loud music in in public places. There is also this unwritten rule in countries with a mixed religion, for example in Israel, as well as in cities where Arabs and Jews live together.

Ramadan 2019: when

In 2019, Ramadan starts from May 5 to June 3. It should be noted that people are looking forward to this holiday with impatience and reverence, because Ramadan is not just a great holiday, but a personal miracle of the soul and body of every Muslim.

Ramadan or Ramadan is the holy month of Muslims. Its dates are determined depending on the change in the phases of the moon. The Islamic synodic calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, so the beginning of Ramadan is pushed back by 10-11 days each year. In 2017, this month falls between May 27 and June 25. (Some sources state: evenings Friday, May 26 and d about the evening:

Ramadan (Ramadan) is translated from Arabic as "hot", "scorching heat". The title is the essence of the post. The task of every devout Muslim this month is to prove the strength of their faith, to abandon unclean deeds and thoughts despite the debilitating heat. In the Turkic languages, this post is called uraza (oraza).

History of Ramadan

Muslim tradition says that it was in the ninth lunar month that the Prophet Muhammad received the first message of the Koran from the angel Jibril. The event dates back to 610. At that time, the main herald of Islam was praying in the cave of Hira near Mecca, where the first sura of the Koran was revealed to him. Ramadan received a special status in 622.

On respect for the ninth month lunar calendar is mentioned many times in the Quran. Muslims call the fast "mubarak", that is, blessed. It is believed that the value of a good deed performed at this time increases several hundred times. For example, a small pilgrimage (umrah) is equivalent in value to the hajj (visiting Mecca), and voluntary prayer is rewarded in the same way as mandatory.

Fasting in Ramadan

During the holy month, Muslims are required to follow strict restrictions on food, pleasures and entertainment. The purpose of fasting is to cleanse oneself bodily and spiritually, to pacify base instincts and passions. An important component of Ramadan is intention (niyat). It is said daily, between night and morning prayers. Niyat sounds something like this: "I intend tomorrow (today) to fast the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah."

During the ninth month, Muslims refrain from eating and drinking, smoking (including hookah or other mixtures), and sexual intercourse. It is considered a violation of fasting to swallow any liquid (for example, water) while bathing, as well as skipping nyat.

As a rule, during Ramadan they eat twice a day. The morning meal is called suhoor, and the evening meal is called iftar. It is advisable to finish Suhoor at least half an hour before dawn, but iftar should begin immediately after the evening prayer. According to the Qur'an, the best food for breaking the fast at night is water and dates. Skipping suhoor and iftar is not a violation of the fast, but observance of these meals is encouraged by an additional reward.

In Ramadan, it is customary to limit oneself in entertainment and pleasures. Muslims spend the daytime working, praying and reading the Koran. The unshakable tradition of the holiday is the accomplishment of good deeds. Muslims believe that hunger and restrictions during fasting make wealthy people feel sympathy for the plight of the poor. During Ramadan, it is customary to engage in charity, to give voluntary and obligatory alms.

One more is added to the five obligatory prayers (prayers). It is called tarawih, which means "rest" or "respite" in translation. Prayer is performed voluntarily after the obligatory night prayer (isha) and continues until the first signs of dawn. Tarawih consists of 10 prayers of 2 rak'ahs each. After every four rak'ahs, the worshipers rest while sitting, hence the name of the ritual.

Who is exempt from the post?

The strict requirements of Ramadan do not apply to children, the elderly, sick, pregnant and lactating women, as well as travelers. However, breaking the fast should be compensated by abstinence at a more convenient time for the person. The elderly and the seriously ill, instead of strictly observing the customs, are allowed to feed the poor or give them alms.

End of Ramadan

The last ten days of the holy month are especially important for Islam, because at this time a revelation from Allah was sent down to Muhammad. The exact date of the event is unknown, but most Muslim countries mark its anniversary. on the night of the 26th to the 27th day of Ramadan. The holiday is called Laylatul-Qadr, which means "the night of predestination." For a Muslim, this is a time of repentance, persistent prayer and reflection on their mistakes.

Fasting ends on the first day of the month of Shawwal, its end marks Eid al-Fitr (aka Eid al-Fitr) - one of the main Islamic holidays. In 2017, it falls on June 26-27. On this day, Muslims perform a solemn prayer (Eid prayer) and certainly distribute alms in the form of dry food or money. Followers of Islam greet each other with the words "Eid Mubarak!", which means "Blessed holiday!".

    In 2017, the Great Strict Muslim Fasting Ramadan (Ramadan or Eid al-Fitr) will come May 27 and will last until June 25.

    In Lent, one must refuse water, food and intimate relationships during daylight hours.

    Great Lent lasts about 30 days, then after Lent, the holiday of Uraza Bayram (the holiday of Conversation) immediately begins.

    The month of Ramadan is the ninth lunar month in the Muslim calendar, its date is not constant and in 2017 the holiday begins on May 27, the holiday will last until July 25, on this day the entire Muslim world will celebrate the holiday of Uraza Bayram.

    This wonderful holiday of Ramadan, or as Muslims also call it Ramadan, will not come soon. After all, it is only 2015 now. The post lasts almost a month. At this time, one should abstain from food, water and sex. It will come on May 27, 2017, and end on June 25, 2017.

    In the Muslim calendar, the month of Ramadan in 2017 falls on May 27, and the celebration ends on June 25. All believers in this month should give up sexual intimacy, you will need to fast and you will not be able to drink during the day. Indeed, a serious post for Muslims.

    This holiday is called Ramadan in Turkish and Ramadan in Arabic.

    In 2017 it starts on May 27, and this Holy month ends on June 25th.

    Muslims cannot eat or drink anything during the day these days, and it is very difficult for believers to strictly observe this fast in hot countries, where the temperature on the street rises to 50 degrees during the day, and you also need to work in the sun.

    This month, which will be next year, namely in 2017. It will fall on the twenty-seventh of May. And its end will be only the twenty-fifth of June. This is a very important month for Muslims, which is also accompanied by fasting.

    Ramadan falls on the ninth month from the beginning of the year and is a very revered event among Muslims. Its meaning can be compared with the Orthodox Great Lent, since Ramadan should also adhere to food restrictions. During all this time, Muslims pray, and the celebration lasts one month.

    Ramadan 2017 will start on May 27, and the end of the Holy month will come June 25. In the world of Muslims, at the end of this month, the great Uraza Bayram will be celebrated.

    The month of Ramadan in 2017 will begin closer to the beginning of summer.

    Muslims also call this period the month of Ramadan.

    Whoever does not fast will incur the wrath of Allah

    In addition, you should refrain from sexual intercourse this month.

    You can’t eat, drink during the day - and a summer day is usually very hot

    The month of Ramadan is considered (is) a holy month for all Muslims from all over the world.

    This month, every Muslim (if his health allows it, or if he is not burdened with anything beyond his strength) must fast (this fast is called Uraza).

    And for a whole month, from morning until evening, the fasting person should neither eat nor drink (there is a special calendar where it is written what time it is in the morning and what time it will be possible to eat in the evening).

    This holy month for Muslims in 2017 will come on May 27th and will last until June 25th.

    According to the Muslim calendar in 2017, the holy month of Ramadan falls on May 27. It should be noted that this date is not constant and changes from year to year. The holiday itself in 2017 will last until June 25 - the day of celebration of Uraza Bayram. Ramadan encourages you to love the canons of Allah and show your good qualities even more.