What does the ace of hearts mean. The value of the cards in divination: what fell out? Image interpretation

it map pleasure, it portends joy, happiness, love and abundance. However, it can occupy such a position in the layout that it will symbolize the useless waste of effort and money and the squandering of spiritual values ​​​​in exchange for transient pleasures. Like all Aces, Ace- card of explosive power. It may portend a strong romantic attachment, the birth or rebirth of spiritual faith and happiness. If Ace of Hearts located in the center layout, then the joy that it symbolizes will form an organic whole with the personality of the Client. If several picture cards or Tens appear in the layout, the Client will get the opportunity for new interesting connections in society. He will be the center of enthusiastic attention, gain friends who will appreciate him more than he thinks. If on both sides Ace of Hearts clubs are located, then the foretold joy will take modest forms and will have the character of calm pleasure. If in layout tambourines dominate, this means success in business and increased job satisfaction. If Ace of Hearts located in the lower left corner of the layout, the Client is the object of someone's love (or worship, or affection), about which he knows nothing, or to which he does not respond. If the central cards- peaks, in this case, the likelihood that the Client feels unloved increases - because he did not bother to surround himself with people or make friends because of shyness, cynicism, workload, or due to underestimation of his own abilities to arouse the love of other people. When it appears Ace of Hearts, it should always be taken as a claim to sharing joy with others. Its appearance means that the Client does not get the maximum benefit from what fate has endowed him with. If the scenario is dominated by Ace of Hearts, then the Client should be advised to widen his circle of friends. Dominant position Ace of Hearts confirms that the Client is gifted with the ability to reveal the hidden positive traits of others. He must succeed in social work, or in the spiritual or pedagogical field of activity, and also wherever it is necessary to establish contact with many people. If between Ace of Hearts and the picture card is located, this indicates the presence of some kind of barrier between the Client and some other person, but this barrier can be removed. The Client should be advised to seriously consider this problem, as its satisfactory solution will increase his happiness. Ace of Hearts is located, or it blocks one of the corners of the alignment, then the Client should be warned that there is some circumstance that threatens his happiness.

Even our distant ancestors used playing cards as the most common means for predicting the future. For the first time, decks were mentioned in European literature of the fourteenth century, since then they have been popular. Ordinary cards are directly related to the mystical Tarot; in many divinations, they have similar not only the alignment, but also the meaning. The Ace of Spades, for example, is similar to the Ace of Swords, and the suit of Pentacles is similar to diamonds.

Preparing for divination, as a rule, a person stocks not a full deck of fifty-four cards, but an abbreviated version of thirty-six. The ritual is recommended to be carried out in a room without icons for a more accurate result, the cross should be removed from the body, and all pets, especially cats, should be driven away. The meaning of the cards is described below.

Ace (of spades)

First of all, you should pay attention to the position of the card. It may be as follows:

  • Ace of spades point up. The value of such a card can be considered generally positive. It is traditionally perceived as a sign warning of the imminent connection between the fate of a fortuneteller and a government house. Do not be afraid and think about prison, perhaps this is just a trip to a government institution - to the administration building, military enlistment office or hospital. The second value is more pleasant. The dropped ace of spades can portend things that bring pleasure, their mood promises to carry only good, but there is no need to relax. This card also acts as a warning: caution is required in matters related to the legal side of what is happening. The environment of the ace plays a significant role, and in some cases its appearance in the layout predicts passionate love.

  • Ace of spades point down. To interpret on the positive side, alas, will not work. Such a card promises speedy disappointments, possible illnesses, defeats in business. It is not excluded the betrayal of a loved one or the betrayal of a friend, family member. Being next to other cards of the suit of spades only enhances the negative nature of the omen.

Ace of spades before king of spades

The meaning of this combination of cards is often misunderstood. Some girls, wanting to know the attitude of a man towards themselves, resort to the help of fortune-telling, but the answer of the mystical forces may not suit the questioner, and then she begins to look for positive aspects in him. The most common mistake is to consider the ace that fell after the king as a sign of the complete repentance of the person wished on him in relation to the woman. If the lovers quarreled, the answer of the cards does not mean that the man is sorry, it only shows that at the moment he is feeling bad, and anything can be the reason for this.

If the ace of spades falls before the king of spades in upright position, this predicts the speedy and final separation of the couple through the fault of the man. If the card turned upside down, the woman will be a prisoner of strong, but causeless experiences.

Ace of hearts

As a suit directly related to love relationships, the "heart" is also of great interest to fortunetellers. In the upright position, the card is extremely positive. This is certainly the speediest happiness, a great joy, which is extremely difficult to overshadow. If a card with the image of any figure (house, king or jack) falls next to the ace of hearts, this can mean a meeting with friends, a fun feast, a date, or just gatherings with drinking alcoholic beverages.

The inverted position of the card will please the fortuneteller less. The promised joy will be diluted with a fly in the ointment, a cheerful feast will turn into grief. To understand what exactly will go wrong, neighboring cards will help.

  • Ace of hearts, six of clubs - acquaintance promises to be useful, but it will certainly incur a waste Money;
  • Ace of hearts, nine of spades - a fortuneteller is waiting for unpleasant news related to health problems;
  • Ace of hearts, ace of spades - the meaning of this combination is interpreted as negative news, promising a quarrel with a loved one. However, it can act as a pleasant sign. In order to understand this, you need to pay attention to the neighboring cards. Eight of clubs, next to the combination of aces, promises good news.

Ace of clubs

The main meaning of the card is related to financial matters.

  • Ace clubs pregnant « point up". Such a card promises financial income. It is possible, a good profit from the planned enterprise, a sudden inheritance, a gift. If a figure lay down next to you, you can understand the sender of the present, the absence of one can be interpreted as a surprise from a stranger.
  • Ace clubs pregnant « point down". The card advises the fortuneteller to be careful in financial matters, unfounded gossip is possible.

  • Any six, ace of clubs - this combination predicts good news.
  • Seven of clubs, ace of clubs - an extremely joyful event will happen in the personal life of a fortuneteller, victory is expected in a competitive environment.
  • Nine of spades, ace of clubs - these cards are a harbinger of great trouble and great disappointment.
  • Nine of hearts, ace of clubs - mutual love is on the verge of future events, which cannot but be accompanied by other joyful events.
  • King of clubs, ace of clubs - a fortuneteller should expect betrayal from a relative or friend. This is how it is interpreted given value kart. "Ace of spades - ace of hearts" - very similar to this combination of clubs.
  • Ace of spades, ace of clubs - they promise a strong fright.

Ace of diamonds

Symbol of upcoming news. In the upright position, they can be both positive and neutral. You can find out the nature of letters and other messages if you look at the surrounding suits. The presence of positive cards promises the corresponding value. The ace of spades warns of difficulties, the worms promise a love confession, or an invitation to a celebration. If the card fell out with the tip down, the fortuneteller should prepare for negative news. Any card without a figure, belonging to black suits, suggests that hopes are not destined to come true, the nine of spades acts as a signal for betrayal by an important person, a long road is possible. Separately, it is worth considering the situation when the ace of tambourine lay between the king of spades and the nine of spades suit, this alignment promises a happy future or promotion at work.

king of spades

The interpretation of the provisions is as follows:

  • Direct position. A person directly connected with the public service will soon intervene in the life of a fortuneteller. They may be a military man, an official or a representative of any other official profession. In a different interpretation, the king of spades is called a person holding a high position, respected in society. Friendship with him will bring a lot of good, but enmity promises to end in tragedy. Very faithful in love.
  • point down. A person who does not have moral principles is inclined to take bribes, is unnecessarily cruel and rude. The cards warn: cooperation with him will bring a lot of problems. Exhausting trials in court, the king can take on this meaning. The Ace of Spades in combination with this card is discussed in another part of the article.

king of tambourine

This is a very positive card. In the first position, it predicts a young and pleasant person, usually a blond. Such a friend can be useful due to his influence in many areas, as well as his willingness to put aside his affairs and come to the aid of a comrade. However, he has an overestimated ego, which can cause a lot of unwanted trouble. If fortune-telling takes place in order to find out how relations with a certain person will develop, the appearance of this card means a positive answer. Wedding or friendship - this meaning is characteristic of the king of tambourines. The ace of spades next to the card promises a quarrel over money. The second position (inverted) speaks of the appearance in the life of a fortuneteller unwanted person.

King of Hearts

If this card from the deck was encountered in the layout, we can expect the appearance in life of a fortuneteller, good-natured, fair person. He can act as a lover, or as an ordinary patron, whose help will be very useful at this stage of ongoing events. As a rule, this is a man with a fair face and blond hair, still young, but already crossed the line of youth.

In the opposite position, the card advises to be wary of a person with a changeable character, he is not inclined to answer for his words, but he willingly scatters false promises. Sometimes the ace of spades appears next to the king of hearts. The value of the card in divination enhances the negative side of the answer, troubles are expected.

King of clubs

In the right position - the most reliable comrade, not stingy, always ready to listen to any request. For a person doing business, it means the appearance of a good partner. Faithful in love, can become an ideal husband. Appearance swarthy, dark hair.

In the opposite position - the person as a whole is extremely unpleasant. Unfair, angry, perhaps old. To understand the reason for this attitude, you need to look at the environment, the Ace of Spades directly indicates anger and hatred. As a rule, the king of clubs in this case is an outsider, an envious person, perhaps a stepfather or a neighbor.

People who turn to card fortune telling should be very careful, as it is very important to understand that the ace of hearts can carry a positive and negative message at the same time. The specific value will depend on the combination with other suits and the position in which this difficult card fell out.

The meaning of the card can tell a lot about the near future, warn against possible mistakes, describe the character of a particular person, and so on. If such a card falls out in fortune-telling, then its meaning speaks of an unexpected meeting, a useful acquaintance, a long-awaited gift, good news, or a meeting with old friends.

Guessing for a certain person, it is permissible to say that this person has leadership abilities, occupies a good position at work, knows how to rationally manage finances and is guided by a well-developed intuition.

And also such a person is very emotional and sometimes cannot restrain his feelings. He appreciates inner balance and spiritual harmony, he wants to be loved and at the same time give his love to his soulmate. This person has talent and a sharp mind, has high career prospects.

The negative features of this person are hidden in the fact that in moments of overwhelming emotions, there is a risk of completely immersing yourself in yourself, forgetting about the feelings of other people. Sometimes he is not able to make a decision on his own, which will be fateful. In matters of personal life, including he often needs advice from a friend or close relative.

Reversed value:

  • There is a risk of becoming a participant in a rather unpleasant, but calm dispute.
  • May be followed by feelings of anxiety and restlessness.
  • The result of the efforts made will not live up to expectations.
  • No need to be arrogant towards other people.
  • There may be small problems that will lead you a little astray.
  • The combination "ace of spades, ace of hearts" warns of a loved one's illness.
  • Financial losses are to be suffered, but such a measure will be necessary for the family.
  • If the seven of spades fell nearby, this indicates a trial in court.


In the matter of professional growth, the ace of hearts means good change: transition to a new position, success in a new project, material reward from superiors, gaining authority in the eyes of colleagues, approval for the implementation of one's own idea. A person will experience the joy of long-awaited success and a new stage in his career.

What events to expect:

  • there will be an opportunity to work with documents, it will be necessary to exercise caution;
  • if there is a lot of work, an excellent assistant will appear who will help to cope with difficulties;
  • a business meeting will take place, which will end favorably for both parties at once.

If the ace of hearts is reversed, the meanings are as follows:

  • there will be obstacles, the solution of which will take time and effort;
  • a project in which a lot of work has been invested will not be appreciated;
  • financial difficulties are possible;
  • there is a risk of an unpleasant situation with business partners.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Guessing, girls and guys are wondering what the suit of worms means in matters of personal life.

If this card of worms fell out in a direct position, then it has the meaning of a new hobby, a secret message, and even an upcoming wedding.

If a girl or a young man is just looking for her soul mate, then they need to remember that they need to value themselves, have a sense of dignity and pride in any situation.

When a six of clubs falls out in a combination, you should expect a frank date, during which you can learn a lot about your loved one. A more serious event is still not excluded - a wedding, engagement or the birth of a child.

The Ace of Hearts upside down has the following meanings:

  1. Unrequited feelings are to be experienced, which will become a very sad experience.
  2. There is a high probability of quarreling with a partner, making hasty conclusions about him. But you should not worry, reconciliation will come pretty quickly.
  3. A combination of cards along with a peak nine promises fun, a long-awaited meeting with friends, a luxurious feast, during which there is an opportunity to meet your destiny.
  4. You have to learn about betrayal or even betrayal from a loved one.
  5. There will be an opportunity to try relationships without obligations, which will be rich in adventure and new sensations.

The ace of hearts has an ambiguous interpretation for the topic of personal life. You can expect joyful changes (an offer to marry from a chosen one, a new love, a pleasant surprise, a series of bright dates), and unpleasant events (betrayal of a partner, unrequited love, a quarrel with a loved one). It is worth paying attention to the position (inverted and straight), the combination with other suits and the gender of the fortuneteller (for a girl and a guy, the interpretation may differ significantly).

ACE OF PEAK- pleasures and good intentions, but caution is required in legal matters. Depending on the accompanying cards, passionate love is possible.

Upside down - bad news, possibly related to injury; a warning of impending failure, a risky, short-sighted enterprise, or the betrayal of false friends.

With 10 ♦ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

With some six - a ride on a horse.

With Ace ♣ (both in a straight position) - fear.

KING OF PEAK- a person occupying a high position, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. However, faithful in love.

In an inverted position - a greedy, unscrupulous type, whose malevolence is limited only by a lack of opportunities.

With Lady and Jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

C ♠ - portends good.

With 8 ♠ (on the sides of your card) - prolonged trouble and grief; if there is the King ♦ – the help of a noble person.

With ♣ - his hatred, opposition and villainy.

C ♦ - its location.

C is its location.

QUEEN OF SPADES- a friendly, generous nature, often very greedy for flattery, but once deceived, it can become overly distrustful; possibly a widow; dark complexion.

In an inverted position - a very romantic and at the same time purposeful nature, ready for anything to achieve the goal; her cunning and deceit can harm herself; maybe an old lady.

Between two figures - a quarrel between them, (near your card) - grief, trouble, especially with 7 ♣ or 9 ♠.

With ♠, except for 9 - a kind old woman.

C ♣ is a villainess.

C ♦ - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

With 9 and 10 - happiness.

jack of spades- quarrel or fight; a rude, ill-mannered type, although often not stupid and zealous. Can become a useful friend if he refrains from criticizing.

In an inverted position - a hypocrite, outwardly friendly, but loves to spy. Doesn't deserve the slightest credibility.

With ♠ in general - a true ally.

With ♣ - a liar, an envious person, a gossip.

C ♦ - accomplice, messenger, drunk person.

S is a friend.

With Lady ♠ - a big quarrel, a fight.

With 8 ♠ - a big nuisance between lovers.

TEN PEAK- misfortune, wasted time, ruin is possible, usually as a result of manifestations of jealousy or an emotional breakdown.

In an inverted position - a serious shock or illness. Loss of a friend or property. Companion cards can serve as a key.

With Ace ♠ - unexpected receipt of money.

With 9 ♠ - misfortune.

With 9 ♣ - a nuisance in money matters.

With Ace ♦ - a mournful, sad letter.

With one of the Aces - a fake letter.

With 8 ♠ - illness.

With one of 8 - bad news.

With 7 ♠ - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With 7 ♦ - an unexpected offer.

With 10 ♣ - recovery from illness.

With 10 - great monetary interest in the future.

NINE PEAK- conflict, defeat, illness, mourning and other troubles. An extremely unlucky card, but good cards nearby neutralize it, though partially.

In an inverted position - trouble does not come alone. God grant that these troubles were not too serious.

With Ace ♠ - illness.

With Ace ♣ - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

With Ace - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

With Ace ♦ - cunning and deception of loved ones.

With 10 ♠ - unexpected receipt of money.

EIGHT PEAK- illness or anxiety, but they can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. The slightest risk is absolutely contraindicated. At nine ♣ - misfortune.

In an inverted position - disappointment in love, which may be followed by unnecessary losses due to extravagance.

With Jack - news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances.

With 7 ♣ - betrayal of a lover.

Under the four Kings - revelry, drunkenness.

SEVEN PIK- anxiety. However, many of your problems are only a figment of the imagination and hopes for a better future will dispel them. With the Lady - the Lady is in an interesting position.

In an inverted position - indecision both in love and in business. The advice of friends and refraining from hasty, ill-considered actions will bring stability.

With Jack ♦ – depicts a merchant.

With Jack ♣ - misfortune from enemies.

With 10 ♠ - unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With one of the eights - a treat.

With a figure - a nuisance, especially with 9 ♠ - grief in relatives.

With 6 ♦ - troubles in the house.

SIX PIK- a long journey, a late road, with your map - a loss.

In the inverted position - false friends.

C ♠ - fun road.

With ♣ - an unsuccessful road.

From 9 or 10 ♦ - (from right hand to the left) - the road for money.

With 7 or 8 ♦ - anxiety and worries about money.

C - the road and a date with dear people.

With ♣ (above the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller's bad intentions.


ACE OF DIAMONDS- You will receive some kind of message in the form of a letter, a gift or a promise. In general, this is good, but carefully weigh everything and decide whether you should take it. With the figure - a person engaged in writing.

Upside down - a message. Most likely it will be unpleasant and add to your worries.

C ♦ - quick receipt of money.

From 7, 9 or 10 - a joyful or love letter.

With ♣ or ♠ - the distance of the desired minute, big trouble.

With 6 ♣ - a date or conversation at dusk.

With 9 ♠ - cunning, deception of loved ones.

From 10 - a love letter.

C 10 ♠ (left) - mourning or sad letter.

From 10 ♦ - money letter.

KING OF DAMMON- a person with extensive experience in the military or public service, influential and able to provide assistance, but can be dangerous because of his excessive pride.

In an inverted position - an influential person who can be dangerous because of his excessive pride. However, because of the minor oversights he makes, it is safe for you.

From 10 ♦ (with Jack) - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom.

With 6 ♦ - indispensable fulfillment of desires.

C - fun, oblivion of the past and a change of life.

LADY OF TAMbourine- gossip, brawler, often ignorant, but with great conceit. Light hair and skin.

In an inverted position - a malicious gossip and brawler, ready to involve completely innocent people in a dangerous business. Plus, she's terribly flirtatious.

With Jack ♦ and 10 ♠ - an unpleasant guest.

From 9 - good for women, for men - theft.

jack of diamonds- official person. Trustworthy if it occupies a high position. Otherwise, he is a deceiver, a flatterer and a bribe-taker.

In an inverted position - a real bastard, an impostor and a swindler.

With 7 ♠ - a merchant.

With the King - a commercial, fake person.

With 7 ♠ or 9 ♦ - a hostile person, an early betrayal.

With Lady ♣ - not good.

With 6 ♣ - an unexpected and quick trip with some kind of King.

When the King, Queen and Jack ♦ with a suit card of a fortuneteller (her) person - success in money matters.

TEN DAMMON- with other favorable signs - a valuable acquisition or a great achievement in work, any other activity. The main thing is not to trifle.

In an inverted position - the possibility of a valuable acquisition or great achievement, however, requiring some caution on early stage. Change can create problems, so weigh everything carefully.

With Ace ♠ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

From 9 ♦ - indispensable and quick receipt of money.

With 8 ♦ - distant receipt of money, big money.

With 7 ♦ - successful chores about money.

With 6 ♦ - complete fulfillment of desires, receiving money.

C 6 ♠ (right) - the road for money.

With Jack ♣ - success in money matters.

From 10 ♣ - indispensable receipt of money.

from 7 - a large inheritance, receiving money.

From 9 - profitable work.

NINE tambourine- a card of money, a sign of enterprise. The priority of self-interest guarantees profit, but can lead to a break with friends and other losses.

In an inverted position - a major failure due to disagreements in the family and among business partners. Lack of initiative will create obstacles. Try to curb your stubbornness.

With 6 ♠ (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant event, failure.

With Jack - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 10 ♦ - indispensable and quick receipt of money.

With four Kings - a fun conversation.

EIGHT OF TAMMON- a pleasant trip or vacation in a charming place. A promising hobby or romance. Sometimes it's a belated marriage.

In an inverted position - excessive craving for a change of place. A hasty, reckless romance will end in a very annoying way. Think hard before!

With 8 ♣ and 6 - the news of the fire.

With King or Queen ♠ (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad person.

With Jack - a conversation about money.

With 10 ♦ - distant receipt of money, a large receipt of money.

With 7 ♦ (near the figure) - its infidelity, inconstancy.

SEVEN OF DAMMON- a sign of communication, portends empty talk, a friendly party, unexpected news, in short, a lot of pleasant, but trifling things.

In an inverted position - an elephant will grow out of a fly. Pay attention to your children or pets.

With a figure - a happy accident.

With 10 ♦ - successful efforts about money.

SIX OF DAMMON- the happiest card, softens even the bad meaning of Ace ♠. Fast, fun road, fulfillment of desire; road of diamonds King, Ladies.

In an inverted position, losses are likely, but they will be offset by unexpected acquisitions.

From 9 ♠ - grief in relatives.

With 10 and 9 ♠ - illness, even death.

With 10 ♦ - complete fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

With 9 ♠ - death.

With 7 ♦ - troubles in the house.


ACE OF CLUBS- wealth, health, happiness. Receiving news, letters or legal documents, and as a result - money and success. The marriage will be harmonious.

In an inverted position - success is short-lived or delayed. Receiving a letter can be disappointing. A sudden infatuation or romance is likely to improve the situation somewhat.

With six - the railway. Under the King (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship.

With 7 ♣ - winning the case, victory.

From 9 - tender love.

From 6 ♣ - a date and conversation on the street, generally on the road, in the evening; at peaks - death.

C 9 ♠ - early news of the benefits; in a straight position - about the benefits.

With the King ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, a speedy fulfillment of a wish.

KING OF CLUBS- reliable, generous friend. An ideal companion or business partner. Faithful husband. Dark appearance.

In an inverted position - anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of plans or the lack of good intentions. A good mine with a bad game.

C ♣ - close person, friend, husband, fiance, lover; in general, it portends happiness.

C 9 ♣ (inverted) - an influential person, a supportive person; (upright) - trouble with this person.

With 8 ♣ - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of the ship.

With Ace ♣ - a happy outcome of the planned business, the fulfillment of desires.

With a Jack ♣ on your card (unless you are a ♣ suit) - great grief.

With one of the sixes - the road to gain interest. If the King ♣ does not fall into fortune-telling - failure.

LADY OF CLUBS- an extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, cordial, sympathetic, but prone to posturing. Dark appearance.

In an inverted position - a cunning vengeful nature, can be dangerous, especially when deceived or rejected.

With Lady ♠ (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

With 8 ♣ - the help of a relative or close woman.

JACK OF CLUBS- quick-witted, energetic, enterprising nature. A good friend and faithful husband. Very reliable. Swarthy. Without an Ace or without a King - big troubles, in the heart - official troubles, the thoughts of the King ♣. If Jack ♣ falls first in divination - correct divination.

In an inverted position - a professional flatterer. Insincere deceitful nature, but rather harmless, if you do not piss her off.

With 7 ♠ (rare) - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies, between two Ladies - an unfaithful wife.

With 10 ♦ - success in money matters.

With 8 ♣ - a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

Between the two Jacks - a troubled future.

TEN OF CLUBS- Sign of money. Promises a steady income or a great future in the financial sector. It can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but be prepared for something sad. With ♠ - deception of hope, poverty, work, with a figure - a business person, great danger, fires; when - a find, happiness in the lottery; with the same King, Lady - someone is interested in you.

In an inverted position - quarrels can interfere with the achievement of wealth. Possibly a long trip. Luck compensates for minor losses.

With 7 ♣ - joy, news of business.

With 6 ♣ - an unexpected proposal to leave.

With 10 ♦ - indispensable receipt of money.

With 10 - success in love.

With 9 ♣ - fun with loved ones, surprise.

From 8 ♣ - quick receipt big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

With 9 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the happiest combinations, very good.

With Ace ♣ - a change for the better.

With 7 ♠ (without Ace) - deceit, tears.

With 7 and 6 ♣ - a large society.

NINE OF CLUB- a sign of an immediate result - it can be an unexpected gift, an interesting offer, an inheritance, etc. Don't miss your chance! When a figure indicates that it will disappear from your life; With the same King, Lady - to love.

Upside down - an insignificant gift - you expected more. A strong desire to take risks for the sake of future success. The danger of losing what you already have.

With 9 or 10 hearts - success in love.

C ♦ - the correct receipt of money and their useless spending for pleasure.

C - mutual love.

With 10 ♠ - a nuisance in terms of money.

With Jack - a journey.

With the King ♣ - an influential person, a supportive person.

With 10 ♣ - fun with loved ones, surprise.

With 10 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the luckiest combinations.

EIGHT OF CLUB- love and abundance. Choose your spouse or partner carefully, avoid the all-or-nothing principle.

In an inverted position - love for an unworthy person can bring financial difficulties. Avoid mistakes in choosing!

With Ace ♣ - success, inverted - failure.

With King ♣ - rumors about the sea, the death of the ship.

With Lady ♣ - help from a relative or close woman.

With Jack ♣ - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of a fortuneteller.

From 10 ♣ - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

With Jack - talk about losses.

With 7 ♣ (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

With 7 ♣ and Ace - a happy marriage, or inheritance.

SEVEN OF CLUBS is an inferior but important card. The returned debt will strengthen friendship and goodwill. Pay attention to children.

In an inverted position - minor financial problems can damage harmonious relationships in friendship, union. Keep this in mind.

With Ace ♣ - winning the case, victory.

With 10 ♣ - wealth and happiness (the same as 9 and 8 clubs).

From 8 ♠ - a fortune-telling man is cheated on by his wife, beloved.

With Jack (with 4 queens and sevens) - the near birth of a son.

With 10 (with the other three 7 and Queens or Jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.

SIX OF CLUBS- sea road, useless road, date on the street, in the garden; the path to the specified place; the road of the club person; between the figures there is a great festivity.

In an inverted position - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, friends may turn away.

From 10 ♣ - an unexpected offer to leave.

With Ace (with a figure) - a date in the morning.

With Ace ♦ - a date in the afternoon.

With Ace ♣ - a date in the evening.

With Ace ♠ - a date at night.


ACE OF HEARTS- a successful marriage, happiness in the family, satisfaction with the existing environment. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely of a romantic nature.

In an inverted position - unresolved problems, unexpected guests. Probability of moving or changing environment.

With Ace ♣ - a joyful letter.

C 10 ♠ - sad letter.

With Jack - good news.

From 6 ♣ - date and conversation on the street, in the evening.

With 9 ♠ - revelry and pleasure, a date and the location of a friend.

KING OF HEARTS- a generous, fair friend or adviser. Success in professional activity. Willingness to help. Influential position. A man with a pale face.

In an inverted position - a changeable, indecisive nature, prone to breaking their own promises. Friendly, but unreliable. Often pompous.

With ♠ - trouble.

With ♣ - receiving money.

With ♣ - chores.

S is success.

LADY OF HEARTS- kind, attentive, romantic, cheerful nature. Dark hair, average build.

In an inverted position, it is able to hold a grudge and severely avenge rejected love. In other cases, such a Lady can be propitiated.

With 6 and 10 - tears for a fortuneteller, but with the Jack of clubs - an unexpected joy.

C - success in love for a man.

With other suits - success in an indefinite future.

From 10 - a friend.

jack of hearts- a cheerful, carefree person, a good friend. Prone to romantic hobbies, especially if young and unmarried.

In an inverted position - a serious failure or resentment. Perhaps a person from the military sphere is involved. Antagonism needs to be softened.

S is success.

With Ace - good news, a declaration of love.

With 9 ♣ - travel.

With 9 ♣ - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 8 - cordial conversation.

With 8 ♣ - talk about monetary interest.

With 8 ♠ - news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

With 8 ♣ - an unpleasant conversation.

With the Lady or the King - a guest.

With 7 ♣ (with 4 Queens or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (at the same time, 4 Aces denote the mind and wealth of the son).

TEN OF HEARTS- Satisfied ambition. Light, cheerful disposition. Overcoming all obstacles. This card enhances good readings and neutralize the bad ones.

Reversed - temporary disappointment or uncertainty may require a change in plans, which is probably somehow related to relatives. Limited success.

With the King - the love and loyalty of a loved one.

With 10 ♣ - a large monetary interest in the near future.

With 7 ♣ - with the other three 7, with Queens or Jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for a fortuneteller.

From 8 - a solitary date with a beloved woman.

From 7 - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

From 6 ♣ - fun at a party.

From 9 (with a full suit of reds) - complete enjoyment of love, with a Lady or King - a wedding; otherwise change in the apartment.

From 6 - a joyful date.

With 9 ♣ - a beloved person will give you her heart, a message or a thing from a beloved person.

With 10 ♣ - success in love.

With Ace ♣ - a love or joyful letter.

NINE OF HEARTS- fulfillment of desires. Future honors may bring wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity and effort. This card is very happy. With every King, Lady - to love.

In the inverted position - a short unlucky period. Fatigue from overwork or an abundance of interference. Luck and self-confidence will help to overcome difficulties.

With 10 with a full suit of reds - complete enjoyment of love, with the King, Lady - a wedding.

From 8 or 7 - a date with your beloved person.

With 9 ♣ - a beloved person will give you her heart; a message or thing from a loved one.

With some six - an unexpected meeting.

With Lady ♠ - happiness.

EIGHT OF HEARTS- love affair, romance. Fulfillment of an old wish. Friends, invitations. Solving all problems.

In an inverted position - indifference to the opposite sex. The need for sympathetic friends. Great joy of a personal nature, but a quarrel over a trifle can overshadow it.

With Jack - a cordial conversation.

With 7 ♣ - unexpected happiness (left).

From 10 - a solitary date.

From 9 - a date.

With 10 ♣ (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

SEVEN OF HEARTS- a sign of wisdom. A penchant for contemplation and reflection, combined with a rich imagination. Independence, love of solitude.

In an inverted position - a strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression in its absence. Amorous, coquettish, jealous nature.

With 10 ♠ - an unexpected offer.

From 10 - a pleasant solitary date.

From 9 - a date.

With 4 Kings - a fun conversation.

SIX OF HEARTS– complete success, recognition secured.

In an inverted position - the road for the King, Ladies.

C - the path to a dear person.

From 10 - the road and a cordial date.

All nine - success in love is undeniable.

personality description

The Ace of Hearts is the first card of the deck. Key words for him - "thirst for love." But this card is also characterized by a thirst for money (after all, the Karmic Card of the Ace of Hearts is the Ace of Diamonds). The Ace of Hearts as the first card of the deck can be compared with Aries - the first sign of the Zodiac - a young soul, prone to many mistakes and prone to selfishness. But this does not apply to all Aces of Hearts. Many people associated with this card have great success in their lives as writers or creatives in other fields. They are under the influence of two aces, which makes them impulsive. The Ace of Hearts is a real symbol of courage and courage, this is one of its main features. What they often lack is wisdom, which, combined with their inherent courage, would help them achieve success faster. To succeed, they need to act patiently and carefully and take less risks.

People with this Birth Card are endowed with powerful spiritual potential, but they are often led astray by indecision and secret passions. In particular, they need to overcome the fear of lack of money: only then will they find the inner peace necessary for success. Karmic Cards of the Ace of Hearts indicate the need to develop a sense of gratitude to fate. But at the same time a as the Mercury Card from the Ace of Hearts Core Life Set, emphasizes the need to accumulate money and acquire things. These people often achieve their goals and achieve great financial success.

Aces of Hearts must be careful not to go too far and not act in many directions at once, otherwise material problems and severe stress await them. The 3 as a Karmic Card, along with the other two Threes in the Ace of Hearts Basic Life Set, gives it tremendous creativity. But every gift can turn into a disadvantage at times, and the flip side of the Three is indecision, anxiety, and stress. Rest from work for such people is a healing balm. The same Threes require diversity in work, and they need to arrange their lives and work in such a way as not to lose flexibility. They are all Capricorns, so the recognition that work brings is very important to them. 3♠, the Planetary Rule Card, indicates that many Aces of Hearts achieve fame in the creative field. They will be able to avoid many problems from the past incarnation, both emotional and mental, if they turn to metaphysics and self-knowledge. If they focus on the search for spiritual meaning, then the later years of life will be the happiest for them.

Aces of Hearts are restless souls; the most difficult cross for them can be a constant change of values. To find peace for the soul and heart, they need to avoid inconstancy and a disorderly life. They will receive the highest reward when they find the possibility of selfless self-giving.

relationships of Aces of Hearts with other people

At every opportunity, A set off in search of new love adventures. It happens that these people cannot calm down in any way and constantly change their values, which entails changes in romantic hobbies. If you want to sort out your relationship with a certain A, then keep in mind that while this Ace is indecisive and anxious about his love feelings, he will not stay with you for a long time. A can be quite selfish and only cares about his own needs. His love relationship may also interfere with the fear of lack of money and material possessions. To feel happy, A probably needs relationships that involve the exchange of experience, pleasant communication and the opportunity to travel. This will help satisfy all the irrepressible creative requests of A.

Compatibility of Aces of Hearts with other birth cards

Male Aces of Hearts get along well with all women of diamonds, and Aces of Hearts women with men of clubs. Men of Spades find them charming and cannot resist them.

Aces of Hearts and Self-Knowledge

The Ace of Hearts is the first card of the deck, if counted by the Natural, or Spiritual, Set. More than any other card, it symbolizes the entry into the realm of our soul and personality. This is the personification of male and creative power, as well as the first step out of the unmanifested possibilities of zero (zero). In this respect, the Ace of Hearts represents the One Word in which God manifested. This is a kind of command to move on and create.

Like all cards with odd numbers. Aces of Hearts are extremely restless. They are constantly in search of something new, trying to invent or create something. But first of all, the Ace of Hearts is interested in discoveries in the field of self-knowledge. The Ace of Hearts is somewhat similar to the 1st House of the horoscope, whose natural ruler is Aries. People with this Birth Card can be very self-centered and even selfish. The Ace of Hearts corresponds to only one date in the year - December 30th. Such proximity to the Joker and the King of Spades will make the Aces of Hearts independent and materialistic. But in essence, Aces are "children" in a deck of cards, so their actions are aimed more at finding themselves than at accumulating strength and wealth. Although at first glance the Ace of Hearts may seem very ambitious and materialistic, remember that for him this is just a way to know himself.

Since the keywords for the Ace of Hearts are "thirst for love," many people with this Birth Card experience an internal conflict between the need for love for others and the desire for recognition from others. Due to the influence of the Karmic Card - the Three of Hearts - they can often feel a lack of this recognition. The same Three of Hearts explains the frequent change of love hobbies characteristic of the Aces of Hearts. These people have a peculiar intellectual approach to love: they constantly need to test numerous ideas and theories in the field of love in practice. They seek to experience one after another a variety of representations, evaluate how each works, compare them and analyze them with their minds. They may spend their whole lives chasing experience, but usually through trial and error, they eventually find true wisdom in love. This wisdom tells the Aces of Hearts that the answers to their questions and problems are contained in themselves - in their feelings and ideas about the world. The Ace of Hearts symbolizes self-love in the highest sense of the term. If we can truly love ourselves, we will find love wherever we go. Aces of Hearts usually take a long time to turn their love inward, but sooner or later they succeed and find what they are striving for.

At the same time, one should not forget that the Aces of Hearts are to some extent loners. They need to be alone with themselves from time to time and wonder: "What will make me happy?". Only love for oneself can bring true satisfaction, but how to combine it with love for other people? Who should come first - me or my partner? First of all, we must understand that the love we feel for another person and the wonderful qualities we find in him are actually contained within ourselves. This is the main theme of the life lesson that the Ace of Hearts must learn. In fact, our partner may not always share with us those wonderful feelings that we have for him. After all, our feelings are our feelings. And when we begin to understand this, we realize that all relationships with people are just mirrors that reflect ourselves. We are able to transfer the love we feel for another person to ourselves and understand how unique we are ourselves, and only then can we love our partner without fear that he will leave and take all our love with him.