Optical properties of chromium oxide 3. Chromium in nature and its industrial extraction

The discovery of chromium belongs to the period of rapid development of chemical-analytical studies of salts and minerals. In Russia, chemists took a special interest in the analysis of minerals found in Siberia and almost unknown in Western Europe. One of these minerals was the Siberian red lead ore (crocoite), described by Lomonosov. The mineral was investigated, but nothing but oxides of lead, iron and aluminum was found in it. However, in 1797, Vauquelin, by boiling a finely ground sample of the mineral with potash and precipitating lead carbonate, obtained an orange-red solution. From this solution, he crystallized a ruby-red salt, from which an oxide and a free metal, different from all known metals, were isolated. Vauquelin called him Chromium ( Chrome ) from the Greek word- coloring, color; True, here it was not the property of the metal that was meant, but its brightly colored salts.

Finding in nature.

The most important chromium ore of practical importance is chromite, the approximate composition of which corresponds to the formula FeCrO ​​4.

It is found in Asia Minor, in the Urals, in North America, in southern Africa. The above-mentioned mineral crocoite - PbCrO 4 - is also of technical importance. Chromium oxide (3) and some of its other compounds are also found in nature. In the earth's crust, the chromium content in terms of metal is 0.03%. Chromium is found on the Sun, stars, meteorites.

Physical Properties.

Chromium is a white, hard and brittle metal, exceptionally chemically resistant to acids and alkalis. It oxidizes in air and has a thin transparent oxide film on the surface. Chromium has a density of 7.1 g / cm 3, its melting point is +1875 0 C.


With strong heating of chromium iron ore with coal, chromium and iron are reduced:

FeO * Cr 2 O 3 + 4C = 2Cr + Fe + 4CO

As a result of this reaction, an alloy of chromium with iron is formed, which is characterized by high strength. To obtain pure chromium, it is reduced from chromium(3) oxide with aluminum:

Cr 2 O 3 + 2Al \u003d Al 2 O 3 + 2Cr

Two oxides are usually used in this process - Cr 2 O 3 and CrO 3

Chemical properties.

Thanks to a thin protective oxide film covering the surface of chromium, it is highly resistant to aggressive acids and alkalis. Chromium does not react with concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, as well as with phosphoric acid. Chromium interacts with alkalis at t = 600-700 o C. However, chromium interacts with dilute sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, displacing hydrogen:

2Cr + 3H 2 SO 4 \u003d Cr 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3H 2
2Cr + 6HCl = 2CrCl 3 + 3H 2

At high temperatures, chromium burns in oxygen to form oxide(III).

Hot chromium reacts with water vapor:

2Cr + 3H 2 O \u003d Cr 2 O 3 + 3H 2

Chromium also reacts with halogens at high temperatures, halogens with hydrogens, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, coal, silicon, boron, for example:

Cr + 2HF = CrF 2 + H 2
2Cr + N2 = 2CrN
2Cr + 3S = Cr2S3
Cr + Si = CrSi

The above physical and Chemical properties Chromium has been used in various areas science and technology. For example, chromium and its alloys are used to obtain high-strength, corrosion-resistant coatings in mechanical engineering. Alloys in the form of ferrochrome are used as metal cutting tools. Chrome-plated alloys have found application in medical technology, in the manufacture of chemical process equipment.

The position of chromium in the periodic table of chemical elements:

Chromium heads the side subgroup of group VI of the periodic system of elements. Its electronic formula is as follows:

24 Cr IS 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 3d 5 4S 1

In filling the orbitals with electrons at the chromium atom, the regularity is violated, according to which the 4S orbital should have been filled first to the state 4S 2 . However, due to the fact that the 3d orbital occupies a more favorable energy position in the chromium atom, it is filled up to the value 4d 5 . Such a phenomenon is observed in the atoms of some other elements of the secondary subgroups. Chromium can exhibit oxidation states from +1 to +6. The most stable are chromium compounds with oxidation states +2, +3, +6.

Divalent chromium compounds.

Chromium oxide (II) CrO - pyrophoric black powder (pyrophoric - the ability to ignite in air in a finely divided state). CrO dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid:

CrO + 2HCl = CrCl 2 + H 2 O

In air, when heated above 100 0 C, CrO turns into Cr 2 O 3.

Divalent chromium salts are formed by dissolving chromium metal in acids. These reactions take place in an atmosphere of an inactive gas (for example, H 2), because in the presence of air, Cr(II) is easily oxidized to Cr(III).

Chromium hydroxide is obtained in the form of a yellow precipitate by the action of an alkali solution on chromium (II) chloride:

CrCl 2 + 2NaOH = Cr(OH) 2 + 2NaCl

Cr(OH) 2 has basic properties, is a reducing agent. The hydrated Cr2+ ion is colored pale blue. An aqueous solution of CrCl 2 has a blue color. In air in aqueous solutions, Cr(II) compounds transform into Cr(III) compounds. This is especially pronounced for Cr(II) hydroxide:

4Cr(OH) 2 + 2H 2 O + O 2 = 4Cr(OH) 3

Trivalent chromium compounds.

Chromium oxide (III) Cr 2 O 3 is a refractory green powder. It is close to corundum in hardness. In the laboratory, it can be obtained by heating ammonium dichromate:

(NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 \u003d Cr 2 O 3 + N 2 + 4H 2

Cr 2 O 3 - amphoteric oxide, when fused with alkalis, forms chromites: Cr 2 O 3 + 2NaOH \u003d 2NaCrO 2 + H 2 O

Chromium hydroxide is also an amphoteric compound:

Cr(OH) 3 + HCl = CrCl 3 + 3H 2 O
Cr(OH) 3 + NaOH = NaCrO 2 + 2H 2 O

Anhydrous CrCl 3 has the appearance of dark purple leaves, is completely insoluble in cold water, and dissolves very slowly when boiled. Anhydrous chromium sulfate (III) Cr 2 (SO 4) 3 Pink colour also poorly soluble in water. In the presence of reducing agents, it forms purple chromium sulfate Cr 2 (SO 4) 3 *18H 2 O. Green chromium sulfate hydrates are also known, containing a smaller amount of water. Chrome alum KCr(SO 4) 2 *12H 2 O crystallizes from solutions containing violet chromium sulfate and potassium sulfate. A solution of chromic alum turns green when heated due to the formation of sulfates.

Reactions with chromium and its compounds

Almost all chromium compounds and their solutions are intensely colored. Having a colorless solution or a white precipitate, we can conclude with a high degree of probability that chromium is absent.

  1. We strongly heat in the flame of a burner on a porcelain cup such an amount of potassium dichromate that will fit on the tip of a knife. Salt will not release water of crystallization, but will melt at a temperature of about 400 0 C with the formation of a dark liquid. Let's heat it for a few more minutes on a strong flame. After cooling, a green precipitate forms on the shard. Part of it is soluble in water (it turns yellow), and the other part is left on the shard. The salt decomposed when heated, resulting in the formation of soluble yellow potassium chromate K 2 CrO 4 and green Cr 2 O 3 .
  2. Dissolve 3g of powdered potassium dichromate in 50ml of water. To one part add some potassium carbonate. It will dissolve with the release of CO 2 , and the color of the solution will become light yellow. Chromate is formed from potassium bichromate. If we now add a 50% solution of sulfuric acid in portions, then the red-yellow color of the bichromate will appear again.
  3. Pour into a test tube 5 ml. potassium dichromate solution, boil with 3 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid under draft. Yellow-green poisonous gaseous chlorine is released from the solution, because chromate will oxidize HCl to Cl 2 and H 2 O. The chromate itself will turn into green trivalent chromium chloride. It can be isolated by evaporating the solution, and then, fusing with soda and nitrate, converted to chromate.
  4. When a solution of lead nitrate is added, yellow lead chromate precipitates; when interacting with a solution of silver nitrate, a red-brown precipitate of silver chromate is formed.
  5. Add hydrogen peroxide to a solution of potassium bichromate and acidify the solution with sulfuric acid. The solution acquires a deep blue color due to the formation of chromium peroxide. Peroxide, when shaken with some ether, will turn into an organic solvent and turn it blue. This reaction is specific for chromium and is very sensitive. It can be used to detect chromium in metals and alloys. First of all, it is necessary to dissolve the metal. With prolonged boiling with 30% sulfuric acid (hydrochloric acid can also be added), chromium and many steels partially dissolve. The resulting solution contains chromium (III) sulfate. To be able to conduct a detection reaction, we first neutralize it with caustic soda. Gray-green chromium (III) hydroxide precipitates, which dissolves in excess NaOH and forms green sodium chromite. Filter the solution and add 30% hydrogen peroxide. When heated, the solution will turn yellow, as chromite is oxidized to chromate. Acidification will result in a blue color of the solution. The colored compound can be extracted by shaking with ether.

Analytical reactions for chromium ions.

  1. To 3-4 drops of a solution of chromium chloride CrCl 3 add a 2M solution of NaOH until the initial precipitate dissolves. Note the color of the sodium chromite formed. Heat the resulting solution in a water bath. What is happening?
  2. To 2-3 drops of CrCl 3 solution add an equal volume of 8M NaOH solution and 3-4 drops of 3% H 2 O 2 solution. Heat the reaction mixture in a water bath. What is happening? What precipitate is formed if the resulting colored solution is neutralized, CH 3 COOH is added to it, and then Pb (NO 3) 2 ?
  3. Pour 4-5 drops of solutions of chromium sulfate Cr 2 (SO 4) 3, IMH 2 SO 4 and KMnO 4 into a test tube. Heat the reaction site for several minutes on a water bath. Note the change in color of the solution. What caused it?
  4. To 3-4 drops of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution acidified with nitric acid, add 2-3 drops of H 2 O 2 solution and mix. The emerging blue coloration of the solution is due to the appearance of perchromic acid H 2 CrO 6:

Cr 2 O 7 2- + 4H 2 O 2 + 2H + = 2H 2 CrO 6 + 3H 2 O

Pay attention to the rapid decomposition of H 2 CrO 6:

2H 2 CrO 6 + 8H+ = 2Cr 3+ + 3O 2 + 6H 2 O
Blue colour green color

Perchromic acid is much more stable in organic solvents.

  1. To 3-4 drops of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution acidified with nitric acid, add 5 drops of isoamyl alcohol, 2-3 drops of H 2 O 2 solution and shake the reaction mixture. The layer of organic solvent that floats to the top is colored bright blue. The color fades very slowly. Compare the stability of H 2 CrO 6 in organic and aqueous phases.
  2. When CrO 4 2- and Ba 2+ ions interact, a yellow precipitate of barium chromate BaCrO 4 precipitates.
  3. Silver nitrate forms brick red precipitate of silver chromate with CrO 4 2 ions.
  4. Take three test tubes. Place 5-6 drops of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution in one of them, the same volume of K 2 CrO 4 solution in the second, and three drops of both solutions in the third. Then add three drops of potassium iodide solution to each tube. Explain the result. Acidify the solution in the second tube. What is happening? Why?

Entertaining experiments with chromium compounds

  1. A mixture of CuSO 4 and K 2 Cr 2 O 7 turns green when alkali is added, and turns yellow in the presence of acid. By heating 2 mg of glycerol with a small amount of (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 and then adding alcohol, a bright green solution is obtained after filtration, which turns yellow when acid is added, and turns green in a neutral or alkaline medium.
  2. Place in the center of the can with thermite "ruby mixture" - thoroughly ground and placed in aluminum foil Al 2 O 3 (4.75 g) with the addition of Cr 2 O 3 (0.25 g). So that the jar does not cool down longer, it is necessary to bury it under the upper edge in the sand, and after the thermite is ignited and the reaction begins, cover it with an iron sheet and fill it with sand. Bank to dig out in a day. The result is a red-ruby powder.
  3. 10 g of potassium bichromate is triturated with 5 g of sodium or potassium nitrate and 10 g of sugar. The mixture is moistened and mixed with collodion. If the powder is compressed in a glass tube, and then the stick is pushed out and set on fire from the end, then a “snake” will begin to crawl out, first black, and after cooling - green. A stick with a diameter of 4 mm burns at a speed of about 2 mm per second and lengthens 10 times.
  4. If you mix solutions of copper sulfate and potassium dichromate and add a little ammonia solution, then an amorphous brown precipitate of the composition 4СuCrO 4 * 3NH 3 * 5H 2 O will fall out, which dissolves in hydrochloric acid to form a yellow solution, and in excess of ammonia a green solution is obtained. If further alcohol is added to this solution, a green precipitate will form, which, after filtration, becomes blue, and after drying, blue-violet with red sparkles, clearly visible in strong light.
  5. The chromium oxide left after the “volcano” or “pharaoh snake” experiments can be regenerated. To do this, it is necessary to fuse 8 g of Cr 2 O 3 and 2 g of Na 2 CO 3 and 2.5 g of KNO 3 and treat the cooled alloy with boiling water. Soluble chromate is obtained, which can also be converted into other Cr(II) and Cr(VI) compounds, including the original ammonium dichromate.

Examples of redox transitions involving chromium and its compounds

1. Cr 2 O 7 2- -- Cr 2 O 3 -- CrO 2 - -- CrO 4 2- -- Cr 2 O 7 2-

a) (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 = Cr 2 O 3 + N 2 + 4H 2 O b) Cr 2 O 3 + 2NaOH \u003d 2NaCrO 2 + H 2 O
c) 2NaCrO 2 + 3Br 2 + 8NaOH = 6NaBr + 2Na 2 CrO 4 + 4H 2 O
d) 2Na 2 CrO 4 + 2HCl = Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2NaCl + H 2 O

2. Cr(OH) 2 -- Cr(OH) 3 -- CrCl 3 -- Cr 2 O 7 2- -- CrO 4 2-

a) 2Cr(OH) 2 + 1/2O 2 + H 2 O = 2Cr(OH) 3
b) Cr(OH) 3 + 3HCl = CrCl 3 + 3H 2 O
c) 2CrCl 3 + 2KMnO 4 + 3H 2 O = K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2Mn(OH) 2 + 6HCl
d) K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2KOH = 2K 2 CrO 4 + H 2 O

3. CrO - Cr (OH) 2 - Cr (OH) 3 - Cr (NO 3) 3 - Cr 2 O 3 - CrO - 2

a) CrO + 2HCl = CrCl 2 + H 2 O
b) CrO + H 2 O \u003d Cr (OH) 2
c) Cr(OH) 2 + 1/2O 2 + H 2 O = 2Cr(OH) 3
d) Cr(OH) 3 + 3HNO 3 = Cr(NO 3) 3 + 3H 2 O
e) 4Cr (NO 3) 3 \u003d 2Cr 2 O 3 + 12NO 2 + O 2
f) Cr 2 O 3 + 2 NaOH = 2NaCrO 2 + H 2 O

Chrome element as an artist

Chemists quite often turned to the problem of creating artificial pigments for painting. In the 18th-19th centuries, the technology for obtaining many pictorial materials was developed. Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in 1797, who discovered the previously unknown element chromium in Siberian red ore, prepared a new, remarkably stable paint - chrome green. Its chromophore is aqueous chromium (III) oxide. Under the name "emerald green" it began to be produced in 1837. Later, L. Vauquelen proposed several new paints: barite, zinc and chrome yellow. Over time, they were replaced by more persistent yellow, orange pigments based on cadmium.

Chrome green is the most durable and lightfast paint that is not affected by atmospheric gases. Rubbed in oil, chrome green has great hiding power and is capable of drying quickly, therefore, since the 19th century. it is widely used in painting. It is of great importance in porcelain painting. The fact is that porcelain products can be decorated with both underglaze and overglaze painting. In the first case, paints are applied to the surface of only a slightly fired product, which is then covered with a layer of glaze. This is followed by the main, high-temperature firing: for sintering the porcelain mass and melting the glaze, the products are heated to 1350 - 1450 0 С. high temperature very few paints withstand without chemical changes, and in the old days there were only two such paints - cobalt and chromium. Black oxide of cobalt, applied to the surface of a porcelain item, fuses with the glaze during firing, chemically interacting with it. As a result, bright blue cobalt silicates are formed. This cobalt blue chinaware is well known to everyone. Chromium oxide (III) does not interact chemically with the components of the glaze and simply lies between the porcelain shards and the transparent glaze with a "deaf" layer.

In addition to chrome green, artists use paints derived from Volkonskoite. This mineral from the group of montmorillonites (a clay mineral of the subclass of complex silicates Na (Mo, Al), Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2) was discovered in 1830 by the Russian mineralogist Kemmerer and named after M.N. Volkonskaya, the daughter of the hero of the Battle of Borodino, General N N. Raevsky, wife of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonsky Volkonskoite is a clay containing up to 24% chromium oxide, as well as oxides of aluminum and iron (III). determines its diverse coloration - from the color of a darkened winter fir to the bright green color of a marsh frog.

Pablo Picasso turned to the geologists of our country with a request to study the reserves of Volkonskoite, which gives the paint a uniquely fresh tone. At present, a method has been developed for obtaining artificial wolkonskoite. It is interesting to note that, according to modern research, Russian icon painters used paints from this material as early as the Middle Ages, long before its “official” discovery. Guinier's green (created in 1837), whose chromoform is a hydrate of chromium oxide Cr 2 O 3 * (2-3) H 2 O, where part of the water is chemically bound and part adsorbed, was also popular with artists. This pigment gives the paint an emerald hue.

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Chrome - chemical element with atomic number 24. It is a hard, shiny, steel-gray metal that polishes well and does not tarnish. Used in alloys such as stainless steel and as a coating. The human body requires small amounts of trivalent chromium to metabolize sugar, but Cr(VI) is highly toxic.

Various chromium compounds, such as chromium(III) oxide and lead chromate, are brightly colored and are used in paints and pigments. The red color of a ruby ​​is due to the presence of this chemical element. Some substances, especially sodium, are oxidizing agents used to oxidize organic compounds and (along with sulfuric acid) to clean laboratory glassware. In addition, chromium oxide (VI) is used in the production of magnetic tape.

Discovery and etymology

The history of the discovery of the chemical element chromium is as follows. In 1761, Johann Gottlob Lehmann found an orange-red mineral in the Ural Mountains and named it "Siberian red lead". Although it was erroneously identified as a compound of lead with selenium and iron, the material was actually lead chromate with chemical formula PbCrO 4 . Today it is known as the croconte mineral.

In 1770, Peter Simon Pallas visited the place where Leman found a red lead mineral that had a very beneficial features pigment in paints. The use of Siberian red lead as a paint developed rapidly. In addition, bright yellow from croconte has become fashionable.

In 1797, Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin obtained samples of red By mixing croconte with hydrochloric acid, he obtained the oxide CrO 3 . Chromium as a chemical element was isolated in 1798. Vauquelin obtained it by heating oxide with charcoal. He was also able to detect traces of chromium in gemstones such as ruby ​​and emerald.

In the 1800s, Cr was mainly used in paints and leather salts. Today, 85% of the metal is used in alloys. The rest is used in the chemical industry, the production of refractory materials and the foundry industry.

The pronunciation of the chemical element chromium corresponds to the Greek χρῶμα, which means "color", because of the many colored compounds that can be obtained from it.

Mining and production

The element is made from chromite (FeCr 2 O 4). Approximately half of this ore in the world is mined in South Africa. In addition, Kazakhstan, India and Türkiye are its major producers. There are enough explored deposits of chromite, but geographically they are concentrated in Kazakhstan and southern Africa.

Deposits of native chromium metal are rare, but they do exist. For example, it is mined at the Udachnaya mine in Russia. It is rich in diamonds, and the reducing environment helped form pure chromium and diamonds.

For the industrial production of metal, chromite ores are treated with molten alkali (caustic soda, NaOH). In this case, sodium chromate (Na 2 CrO 4) is formed, which is reduced by carbon to Cr 2 O 3 oxide. The metal is obtained by heating the oxide in the presence of aluminum or silicon.

In 2000, approximately 15 Mt of chromite ore was mined and processed into 4 Mt of ferrochromium, 70% chromium-iron, with an estimated market value of US$2.5 billion.

Main characteristics

The characteristic of the chemical element chromium is due to the fact that it is a transition metal of the fourth period of the periodic table and is located between vanadium and manganese. Included in the VI group. It melts at a temperature of 1907 °C. In the presence of oxygen, chromium quickly forms a thin layer of oxide, which protects the metal from further interaction with oxygen.

As a transition element, it reacts with substances in various proportions. Thus it forms compounds in which it has various degrees oxidation. Chromium is a chemical element with ground states +2, +3 and +6, of which +3 is the most stable. In addition, states +1, +4 and +5 are observed in rare cases. Chromium compounds in the +6 oxidation state are strong oxidizing agents.

What color is chrome? The chemical element imparts a ruby ​​hue. The Cr 2 O 3 used for is also used as a pigment called "chrome green". Its salts color glass in an emerald green color. Chromium is a chemical element whose presence makes a ruby ​​red. Therefore, it is used in the production of synthetic rubies.


Isotopes of chromium have atomic weights from 43 to 67. Typically, this chemical element consists of three stable forms: 52 Cr, 53 Cr and 54 Cr. Of these, 52 Cr is the most common (83.8% of all natural chromium). In addition, 19 radioisotopes have been described, of which 50 Cr is the most stable, with a half-life exceeding 1.8 x 10 17 years. 51 Cr has a half-life of 27.7 days, and for all other radioactive isotopes it does not exceed 24 hours, and for most of them it lasts less than one minute. The element also has two metastates.

Chromium isotopes in the earth's crust, as a rule, accompany manganese isotopes, which finds application in geology. 53 Cr is formed during the radioactive decay of 53 Mn. Mn/Cr isotope ratio reinforces other early history clues solar system. Changes in the ratios of 53 Cr/ 52 Cr and Mn/Cr from different meteorites prove that new atomic nuclei were created just before the formation of the solar system.

Chemical element chromium: properties, formula of compounds

Chromium oxide (III) Cr 2 O 3, also known as sesquioxide, is one of the four oxides of this chemical element. It is obtained from chromite. The green compound is commonly referred to as "chrome green" when used as a pigment for enamel and glass painting. The oxide can dissolve in acids, forming salts, and in molten alkali, chromites.

Potassium bichromate

K 2 Cr 2 O 7 is a powerful oxidizing agent and is preferred as a cleaning agent for laboratory glassware from organic matter. For this, its saturated solution is used. Sometimes, however, it is replaced with sodium dichromate, based on the higher solubility of the latter. In addition, it can regulate the process of oxidation of organic compounds, converting primary alcohol into aldehyde, and then into carbon dioxide.

Potassium dichromate can cause chromium dermatitis. Chromium is probably the cause of the sensitization leading to the development of dermatitis, especially of the hands and forearms, which is chronic and difficult to treat. Like other Cr(VI) compounds, potassium bichromate is carcinogenic. It must be handled with gloves and appropriate protective equipment.

Chromic acid

The compound has the hypothetical structure H 2 CrO 4 . Neither chromic nor dichromic acids occur naturally, but their anions are found in various substances. "Chromic acid", which can be found on sale, is actually its acid anhydride - CrO 3 trioxide.

Lead(II) chromate

PbCrO 4 has a bright yellow color and is practically insoluble in water. For this reason, it has found application as a coloring pigment under the name "yellow crown".

Cr and pentavalent bond

Chromium is distinguished by its ability to form pentavalent bonds. The compound is created by Cr(I) and a hydrocarbon radical. A pentavalent bond is formed between two chromium atoms. Its formula can be written as Ar-Cr-Cr-Ar where Ar is a specific aromatic group.


Chromium is a chemical element whose properties provided it with many various options applications, some of which are listed below.

It gives metals resistance to corrosion and a glossy surface. Therefore, chromium is included in alloys such as stainless steel, used in cutlery, for example. It is also used for chrome plating.

Chromium is a catalyst for various reactions. It is used to make molds for firing bricks. Its salts tan the skin. Potassium bichromate is used to oxidize organic compounds such as alcohols and aldehydes, as well as to clean laboratory glassware. It serves as a fixing agent for dyeing fabric and is also used in photography and photo printing.

CrO 3 is used to make magnetic tapes (for example, for audio recording), which have better characteristics than iron oxide films.

Role in biology

Trivalent chromium is a chemical element essential for the metabolism of sugar in the human body. In contrast, hexavalent Cr is highly toxic.

Precautionary measures

Chromium metal and Cr(III) compounds are not generally considered hazardous to health, but substances containing Cr(VI) can be toxic if ingested or inhaled. Most of these substances are irritating to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. With chronic exposure, chromium(VI) compounds can cause eye damage if not properly treated. In addition, it is a recognized carcinogen. The lethal dose of this chemical element is about half a teaspoon. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the maximum allowable concentration of Cr (VI) in drinking water is 0.05 mg per litre.

Since chromium compounds are used in dyes and for tanning leather, they are often found in soil and groundwater abandoned industrial facilities requiring environmental cleanup and restoration. Primer containing Cr(VI) is still widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries.

Element Properties

The main physical properties of chromium are as follows:

  • Atomic number: 24.
  • Atomic weight: 51.996.
  • Melting point: 1890 °C.
  • Boiling point: 2482 °C.
  • Oxidation state: +2, +3, +6.
  • Electron configuration: 3d 5 4s 1 .

The content of the article

CHROMIUM– (Chromium) Cr, a chemical element of group 6(VIb) Periodic system. Atomic number 24, atomic mass 51.996. There are 24 known isotopes of chromium from 42 Cr to 66 Cr. Isotopes 52 Cr, 53 Cr, 54 Cr are stable. The isotopic composition of natural chromium: 50 Cr (half-life 1.8 10 17 years) - 4.345%, 52 Cr - 83.489%, 53 Cr - 9.501%, 54 Cr - 2.365%. The main oxidation states are +3 and +6.

In 1761 professor of chemistry Petersburg University Johann Gottlob Lehmann, at the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains at the Berezovsky mine, discovered a wonderful red mineral, which, when crushed into powder, gave a bright yellow color. In 1766 Leman brought samples of the mineral to St. Petersburg. After treating the crystals with hydrochloric acid, he obtained a white precipitate, in which he found lead. Leman called the mineral Siberian red lead (plomb rouge de Sibérie), now it is known that it was crocoite (from the Greek "krokos" - saffron) - natural lead chromate PbCrO 4.

The German traveler and naturalist Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811) led the expedition of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences to the central regions of Russia and in 1770 visited the Southern and Middle Urals, including the Berezovsky mine and, like Lehman, became interested in crocoite. Pallas wrote: “This amazing red lead mineral is not found in any other deposit. Turns yellow when ground into powder and can be used in miniature art. Despite the rarity and difficulty of delivering crocoite from the Berezovsky mine to Europe (it took almost two years), the use of the mineral as a coloring matter was appreciated. In London and Paris at the end of the 17th century. all noble persons rode in carriages painted with finely ground crocoite, in addition, the best samples of Siberian red lead were added to the collections of many mineralogical cabinets in Europe.

In 1796, a sample of crocoite came to Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin (1763–1829), professor of chemistry at the Paris Mineralogical School, who analyzed the mineral, but found nothing in it except oxides of lead, iron, and aluminum. Continuing the study of Siberian red lead, Vauquelin boiled the mineral with a solution of potash and, after separating the white precipitate of lead carbonate, obtained a yellow solution of an unknown salt. When it was treated with a lead salt, a yellow precipitate formed, with a mercury salt, a red one, and when tin chloride was added, the solution turned green. Decomposing crocoite with mineral acids, he obtained a solution of "red lead acid", the evaporation of which gave ruby-red crystals (it is now clear that this was chromic anhydride). Having calcined them with coal in a graphite crucible, after the reaction, he discovered a lot of intergrown gray needle-shaped crystals of a metal unknown until that time. Vauquelin stated the high refractoriness of the metal and its resistance to acids.

Vauquelin called the new element chromium (from the Greek crwma - color, color) in view of the many multi-colored compounds formed by it. Based on his research, Vauquelin stated for the first time that the emerald color of some precious stones due to the admixture of chromium compounds in them. For example, natural emerald is a deep green colored beryl in which aluminum is partially replaced by chromium.

Most likely, Vauquelin obtained not pure metal, but its carbides, as evidenced by the needle-like shape of the crystals obtained, but the Paris Academy of Sciences nevertheless registered the discovery of a new element, and now Vauquelin is rightly considered the discoverer of element No. 24.

Yuri Krutyakov

Chromium oxide(II) and chromium(II) hydroxide are basic


Chromium(II) compounds are strong reducing agents; transform into a chromium(III) compound under the action of atmospheric oxygen.

2CrCl+ 2HCl → 2CrCl+ H

4Cr(OH)+O+ 2HO→4Cr(OH)

Chromium oxide(III) CrO is a green, water-insoluble powder. It can be obtained by calcining chromium(III) hydroxide or potassium and ammonium dichromates:

2Cr(OH)-→CrO+ 3HO

4KCrO-→ 2CrO + 4KCrO + 3O

(NH)CrO-→ CrO+ N+ HO

It is difficult to interact with concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis:

Cr 2 O 3 + 6 KOH + 3H 2 O \u003d 2K 3 [Cr (OH) 6]

Cr 2 O 3 + 6HCl \u003d 2CrCl 3 + 3H 2 O

Chromium (III) hydroxide Cr (OH) 3 is obtained by the action of alkalis on solutions of chromium (III) salts:

CrCl 3 + 3KOH \u003d Cr (OH) 3 ↓ + 3KSl

Chromium hydroxide (III) is a gray-green precipitate, upon receipt of which, alkali must be taken in short supply. Chromium (III) hydroxide obtained in this way, unlike the corresponding oxide, easily interacts with acids and alkalis, i.e. exhibits amphoteric properties:

Cr (OH) 3 + 3HNO 3 \u003d Cr (NO 3) 3 + 3H 2 O

Cr(OH) 3 + 3KOH = K 3 [Cr(OH)6] (hexahydroxochromite K)

When Cr (OH) 3 is fused with alkalis, metachromites and orthochromites are obtained:

Cr(OH) 3 + KOH = KCrO 2 (metachromite K)+ 2H2O

Cr(OH) 3 + KOH = K 3 CrO 3 (orthochromite K)+ 3H2O

Chromium compounds(VI).

Chromium oxide (VI) - CrO 3 - dark - red crystalline substance, highly soluble in water - a typical acid oxide. This oxide corresponds to two acids:

    CrO 3 + H 2 O \u003d H 2 CrO 4 (chromic acid - formed with excess water)

    CrO 3 + H 2 O \u003d H 2 Cr 2 O 7 (dichromic acid - is formed at a high concentration of chromium oxide (3)).

Chromium oxide (6) is a very strong oxidizing agent, therefore it interacts vigorously with organic substances:

    C 2 H 5 OH + 4CrO 3 \u003d 2CO 2 + 2Cr 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O

It also oxidizes iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, coal:

    3S + 4CrO 3 \u003d 3SO 2 + 2Cr 2 O 3

When heated to 250 0 C, chromium oxide (6) decomposes:

    4CrO 3 \u003d 2Cr 2 O 3 + 3O 2

Chromium oxide (6) can be obtained by the action of concentrated sulfuric acid on solid chromates and dichromates:

    K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + H 2 SO 4 \u003d K 2 SO 4 + 2CrO 3 + H 2 O

Chromic and dichromic acids.

Chromic and dichromic acids exist only in aqueous solutions, they form stable salts, respectively chromates and dichromates. Chromates and their solutions are yellow, dichromates are orange.

Chromate - CrO 4 2- ions and dichromate - Cr2O 7 2- ions easily pass into each other when the solution environment changes

In the acidic environment of the solution, chromates turn into dichromates:

    2K 2 CrO 4 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O

In an alkaline environment, dichromates turn into chromates:

    K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 2KOH \u003d 2K 2 CrO 4 + H 2 O

When diluted, dichromic acid becomes chromic acid:

    H 2 Cr 2 O 7 + H 2 O \u003d 2H 2 CrO 4

Dependence of the properties of chromium compounds on the degree of oxidation.

Oxidation state

The nature of the oxide





Cr(OH) 3 - H 3 CrO 3

The nature of the hydroxide




weakening of basic properties and strengthening of acidic →

Redox properties of chromium compounds.

Reactions in an acid medium.

In an acidic environment, Cr +6 compounds turn into Cr +3 compounds under the action of reducing agents: H 2 S, SO 2, FeSO 4

    K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 3H 2 S + 4H 2 SO 4 \u003d 3S + Cr 2 (SO 4) 3 + K 2 SO 4 + 7H 2 O

    S-2 – 2e → S 0

    2Cr +6 + 6e → 2Cr +3

Reactions in an alkaline medium.

In an alkaline environment, Cr +3 chromium compounds are converted into Cr +6 compounds under the action of oxidizing agents: J2, Br2, Cl2, Ag2O, KClO3, H2O2, KMnO4:

    2KCrO 2 +3 Br2 +8NaOH \u003d 2Na 2 CrO 4 + 2KBr + 4NaBr + 4H 2 O

    Cr +3 - 3e → Cr +6