Is it possible to make a wish on Epiphany night. How to make a wish for the baptism of the Lord

When the endless series of New Year and Christmas days is left behind, the most best time dream. It is believed that on the night of January 19, the great Orthodox holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, the heavens open and await sincere human prayers and requests. Therefore, any, even the most fantastic petition will certainly be heard. The main thing is to know how to make a wish so that it comes true.

It is necessary to start any business with a light heart, which means that it is desirable to let go of all the accumulated negativity from life. If you have been offended, hurt, insulted, imagine that everything bad is a heavy stone. Throw him away far enough that he can't come back.

At the same time, it is important not only to forgive, but also to ask for forgiveness from all people who, voluntarily or involuntarily, have been hurt, who have been treated unworthily and ugly. Moreover, this must be done even in cases where there is no opportunity to meet, just in thoughts.

Also, before making a wish, thank the higher powers from the bottom of your heart for all the good things that have already happened in your life by this date, January 19th. Only then can you move on to action.

Basic principles of making wishes: what you need to know.

  1. Correct wording. How you describe your desires for Baptism will depend on the gift of heaven sent. Therefore, try to speak in the present tense and do not limit yourself to exact dates - the higher forces also need time to fulfill all your thoughts.
  2. Feelings, not reason. On such a bright night as January 19, there is a conversation, first of all, with God, therefore, everything that you say and think about should be as sincere and bright as possible. Focus on feelings, not rational arguments - think about what you really want, the necessary that comes from the depths of the heart.
  3. Desire in no case should include negativity, only emotions with a plus sign, only for the good. Also, it should not harm anyone: the Lord's attitude towards someone who harms others is obvious. For any doubts and insecurities, ask the higher powers to implement everything in the most favorable way for everyone - this will be right.
  4. If possible, do not include third parties in your requests.. No matter how well you know a person, an alien soul, as they say, is dark, so acting carelessly, you can unintentionally, but still harm a person with your actions. As a last resort, ask that it does not conflict with the spiritual intentions of the other person.

Baptismal Requests: Basic Methods of Implementation

The most common method of making wishes on the night before Epiphany on January 19 is to write 12 “wants” on small pieces of paper that you need to “sleep” under the pillow. The next morning, three of them drawn out will surely be fulfilled.

Since the main symbol of the last Christmas Eve is water, it must also participate. It is necessary to put it in a vessel on this holy evening - and as soon as the liquid begins to "shudder" and move, go outside, look at the sky and think of the most intimate, pronouncing the essence three times. Epiphany water does not need to be poured anywhere, it can be placed under the holy image and thus stored.

Another, similar method is to pour holy water into a cup and, throwing a silver coin into it, arrange it so as to better catch the light of the moon, especially on a full moon. Then, in a whisper, voice your desire three times, leave the house and pour out the water, and hide the coin in a secluded place known only to you.

If you plan to plunge into the hole on the night before Epiphany, then be sure to make a petition at the time of the dive. You can fix the request the next day after January 19, going out into the street or onto the balcony for a sincere conversation with God.

You can also take some bright stone with you into the hole - aquamarine or mother-of-pearl. Imagine that your desire is a sunny and warm flash of light. Throw a stone into the water with thoughts of your request.

Wishes and candles: is there a connection?

The Baptism of the Lord is a church holiday, so this night cannot be dispensed with without candles. You need to sit down as comfortably as possible and write down everything you want on a blank sheet of paper, trying to make your thoughts as clearly formulated as possible, in fact, concisely and without unnecessary words.

Put a candlestick on a piece of paper lying on the table, place a saucer with a small amount of vegetable oil on the right, in which you need to moisten your fingers right hand. On the left, you need to take a candle. Then everything depends on you, individual zeal and imagination. All that is needed is to rub oil into the candle, visually imagining how desire seems to penetrate inside it. You need to make movements slowly, smoothly, slowly, without stops and breaks for several minutes.

Then put the attribute back into the candlestick and wipe your hands. After that, light it with a match, while concentrating as much as possible on desire and looking at the fire, slightly above the flame. If the fire begins to tremble slightly and blur before your eyes, as if in a light smoke, try to make it as clear as possible to imagine the realization of a dream by repeating the phrases written on paper.

After that, you can get your notes and burn them with a candle flame, completely turning them into ashes. Then wrap the candle in a clean cloth, leaving it until the next time, or the next January 19th. In this way, it is allowed to tell fortunes several times, increasing the likelihood of fulfilling the most inaccessible dream.

Important Christian holiday- The Baptism of the Lord is invariably associated with water. After all, the most important ritual for christening in the world is a pilgrimage procession to the Jordan River. Believers from all over the world take part in this solemn procession.

pilgrimage to the Holy River,
You can partake of the sacrament of Baptism in your homeland. At present, the blessing of water is performed in churches and temples of all parishes throughout the Christian world.

Rites for the Baptism of the Lord

All rituals for Epiphany are somehow connected with water, but if you do not dare to plunge into the cold water of Epiphany and you do not have the opportunity to participate in the procession, you can perform some rituals without leaving your home.

Epiphany rituals help in many ways - to cure many diseases, cleanse the home of accumulated negative energy, and even ... become more beautiful and younger!

For physical health

To perform the ritual, take a warm enough bath, add water consecrated in the church and lower your pectoral cross with which you were baptized into it. After that, lie down so that the water covers the entire body, and lie down in a relaxed state for about fifteen minutes. At the same time, imagine yourself in perfect physical shape and thank God for excellent health. After taking a bath, do not use a towel. It will be better if the water dries on the body itself.

For the fulfillment of a wish

On the eve of the great holiday, in the evening, put a silver coin in a container of holy water and place it on the window so that the light from the moon illuminates it. Having made a secret wish, you should say it over the cup three times. In the morning, on the street, pour out the water, and hide the coin in a secret place that no one knows about. The strongest effect is obtained when Epiphany coincides with the full moon.

The rite of making a wish is also carried out in a different way.

Fill the bowl with baptismal water and place it on the windowsill. Wait for the moment when a slight ripple appears in the cup, and then go outside with it. Holding the cup in your hand and peering into the sky, say out loud 3 times your cherished desire. But if the water in the vessel is motionless, it is pointless to guess - nothing will come true! Most importantly, do not think bad things for anyone, otherwise trouble will not be avoided! Ask sincerely and honestly. In the morning, put holy water behind the icon, it can be there until the next Baptism.

For beauty and marriage

Epiphany snow has long been considered an indispensable tool for increasing female attractiveness. Washing herself with it, the unmarried young lady knew that now she would become even more beautiful and would soon go down the aisle!

After sunset, on the eve of Epiphany, you need to collect Epiphany snow. To do this, you need to stand in the direction of the north, and very quickly, with both palms without gloves, collect the snow in a small bucket to the top. At the end, throwing the last handful of snow, say out loud: “The heavens are opened to the Holy Land, and for me (name) is a lucky streak. Amen".

Left alone at home, place a container of snow on the table, and place candles bought in the church on three sides around it. Light them up. Take each of them in turn and baptize the melting snow with fire: the hand is palm up, the candle is sandwiched between two fingers - index and middle.

The procedure is as follows: cross the water, cross yourself, and repeat all the time when you read the following slander: “ Just as a white snow covered the earth on Epiphany evening, so my (name), the wedding veil will cover my head. My narrowed one, dressed up, destined by God and fate, he will take him as a wife, lead him under white hands to the holy altar. I baptize the snow for righteousness, and myself for marriage. My word will be strong. My cause will be true and come true in time. Amen"(three times).

Then sprinkle melt water on the neck, shoulders, face. Don't wipe! Wait for it to dry completely, and pour the rest of the water near the threshold of your bedroom and spray it near the bed. At the same time, mentally say: “So be it!”.

Candles must be extinguished in a clockwise direction. Take the first candle to the church before dinner and bring it to the icon Holy Mother of God. Take the rest to the temple to the same icon on the second and third days.

During these three days, be sure to observe the following conditions:

  • avoid female guests
  • don't lend anything to anyone
  • do not take a needle in your hand and do not sew

And twelve hours after you finish the ritual, take a cool shower.

For cleaning the house

As on Christmas, the day before Epiphany on the eve of January 18 comes Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this magical evening, everyone has a unique chance to get rid of family conflicts and quarrels, to cleanse the house of accumulated negative energy.

It is for this that our ancestors created rituals to cleanse the house and dwelling. From ancient times it was believed that the night of Epiphany, exactly at midnight, all the water in the house acquires amazing healing and miraculous power - it becomes holy - and has the power to remove illness and grief.

Take a few handfuls of snow into a glass container and bring it into the house, and when it melts, spray all the corners in all rooms, as well as window and doorways. Spray in each place 3 times with a cross. Performing such a rite, move around the apartment clockwise. Then, on all window and door openings, draw small crosses with chalk at the top. This is especially important to do in rooms where there was a lot of guessing at Christmas time.

If you make a sufficient supply of baptismal water, then it can be used to treat various diseases throughout the year. Also, the “magic water” will warn you that someone, God forbid, has jinxed or damaged a member of your family - in this case, a precipitate should appear in the water.

Watch a short video in which I describe in detail how to conduct baptismal rituals.

Rituals for Baptism (video)

Friends, be sure to practice rituals for christening- the most powerful tool for cleansing negativity, strengthening health, attracting love and fulfilling desires!

Happy Baptism to you!


I think that many of us, when mentioning the feast of Epiphany, recall the words of the classic Vasily Zhukovsky: “Once on Epiphany evening, the girls wondered ...”. It is probably impossible to say more fully and accurately how popular divination was that day. We invite you to plunge into the mystery of this evening, and tell fortunes. You may not even take the result seriously, but we assure you that the process itself divination for baptism will definitely give you pleasure.

Evening before Epiphany write down your twelve wishes on a piece of paper and put them under your pillow before bed. Waking up in the morning, take out three leaves at random, those desires that will be indicated on these leaves and must be fulfilled.

Before bedtime on Epiphany evening put mirrors under the bed about, brought from the street, and spread spruce branches around it. Write your wish on the mirror with your hand. If the inscription disappears in the morning, the wish will come true.

Scatter a handful of small items on the table, for example, nuts, seeds, etc. Make a wish and count the number of items. If their number is even - the wish will come true, respectively, the number of items is odd - the wish will not come true.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish
On the evening of Epiphany Christmas Eve, pour some holy water into a cup and throw a silver-colored coin into it. Place the cup so that it falls Moonlight. Make a secret wish, say it in a whisper three times. In the morning, go outside and pour out the water. Hide the coin in a secluded place that only you will know about. This ritual is most powerful when Epiphany falls on a full moon.
This rite can be performed in a slightly different way. On Epiphany night, pour holy water into a cup. When light ripples go through the water, go outside and, looking at the sky, mentally say your desire three times. Ask sincerely, do not wish anything bad to anyone, otherwise you will not escape trouble! Put holy water in the morning under the icon, it can stand there even until the next Epiphany. If the water in the cup remains still, it makes no sense to make a wish, it will not come true.

Ritual for physical health and finding peace of mind
Take a full bath hot water. Add some water consecrated in the church to it. Dip your baptismal cross into the water. Lie down in the bath so that the water covers the entire body. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes. Do not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath, let the water dry itself. It is best to perform this ritual on the night of December 18-19 or on the first day of the Epiphany.

Rite of strong love.
At the Epiphany of the Lord, a guy and a girl who wanted to get married should plunge into the hole together and bless the water in the church. This ensures that their feelings will always be strong and strong. The same rite can be performed by couples who want to breathe new life into their relationship.

Epiphany 2018: how to make a wish on Epiphany night, so that it will certainly come true, the best rituals and conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires on the night of Epiphany. The Baptism of the Lord is a great holiday, which is celebrated annually on January 19th. On the eve of the holiday, Epiphany Eve is celebrated. This day is considered very mysterious. And the night of Epiphany from January 18 to 19 is considered magical.

It is believed that on Epiphany night the Heavens open, therefore all the words and prayers addressed to the Universe will be heard. The Feast of the Epiphany has many traditions, one of which is making wishes. It is believed that those made on this festive night will certainly come true. There are several options for how you can make a wish for the Epiphany 2018.

Epiphany 2018: how to make a wish on Epiphany night, so that it will certainly come true, rituals and conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires on the night of Epiphany. If it snows on Epiphany night 2018, then you can conduct a special ritual for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, on the night of Epiphany, you need to go outside, raise your palms up and concentrate on your desire. Then wipe your face three times with snow from top to bottom. This ritual did not come about by accident. Indeed, for a long time there has been a belief that snow on the night of Epiphany acquires miraculous properties. Therefore, you can also make a wish by walking barefoot in the snow on Epiphany night 2018.

You can also conspire water on the night of Epiphany 2018 to fulfill a wish. To do this, you need to pour holy water into a container and go outside with it. By the light of the moon, whisper your desire into the water three times and throw a silver coin into the container. Then the water must be poured out, and the coin should be stored in a secret place.

The holiday of Epiphany, or Epiphany, is filled with magic and magic. The night from 18 to 19 January is considered best moment a year for divination and making wishes. Heaven opens at Baptism. Higher powers listen to the requests of people and are able to assist in the fulfillment of cherished dreams.

10 ways to make a wish for Baptism

You can make a wish with the help of special magical rituals. A correctly performed rite at Baptism will help enlist the support of the heavenly powers and make your cherished dreams come true.

Magic water. On the night of January 19, it is necessary to pour water into a deep container. In silence, you need to peer into the water for a long time. When it sways, you should go outside, look at the sky and make a wish.

Appeal to God. At midnight, you need to go outside, raise your hands to the sky and read the prayer “Our Father” three times. After that, you need to ask God for help in fulfilling your cherished dreams and go home.

Ritual in the snow. Such a ritual for the fulfillment of desires can be performed if it snows on the night of Epiphany. You need to go outside, raise your palms up and concentrate on your dream. After that, it is necessary to wipe the face with snow three times from top to bottom.

Water conspiracy. To perform the ritual at midnight, you need to pour holy water into a cup. On the street under the open sky (preferably in the light of the moon), you need to whisper three times to the water about your cherished desire and put a silver coin into the bowl. Then you need to splash water on the ground. The coin should be kept all year in a secret place.

Candle ritual. To perform the ritual, you will need a candle in a candlestick, a sheet of paper, a pen or pencil, a saucer with vegetable oil. On the night of Epiphany, you must sit in an empty room and describe in detail your cherished desire on paper. Then you should place a saucer on the right, and put a candlestick on the left on the written sheet. The fingers of the right hand should be dipped in oil and a candle should be taken in the left hand. It is necessary to concentrate on the desire, mentally repeating it, and at the same time rub the oil on the candle for several minutes. After that, you need to install a candle on a candlestick and light it. Looking at the flame, one should mentally repeat what was hidden. The leaf must be lit from a candle and burned to the ground. After the ceremony, you need to wrap the candle in a clean cloth and store until next year.

Church candle. On the feast of the Epiphany, you need to go to church, buy a candle and bring it home. Looking at her, you need to make a wish. Then you should put a candle in a secluded corner. Throughout the year, she will serve as a talisman for the home and a talisman that will bring good luck.

Epiphany water. At Epiphany, all water is considered sacred. On the morning of January 19, before sunrise, it is necessary to bring water from a natural source into the house. You need to carefully consider your reflection in the water, formulate a cherished dream and wash your face and neck three times.

Swimming in the hole. Bathing in the hole is the main attribute of Baptism. With the help of such a ritual, you can make a wish that will be endowed with magical powers. On January 19, you need to focus on your dream and plunge into the hole. This rite should be performed three times in a row.

Barefoot in the snow. On Epiphany, you must walk in the snow with bare feet. If you make a wish at this moment, it will be filled with the power of magic.

Magic crystal. To perform the ceremony, you need to purchase an aquamarine crystal. Standing on the banks of a river or lake, you should formulate a dream and throw a crystal into the water. If it was not possible to find aquamarine in advance, then you can use any pebble. The main thing is to believe in the power of the fulfillment of the plan.

10 rules for making wishes

Baptism is a favorable period for carrying out rituals and ceremonies for the fulfillment of desires. For them to succeed, you must adhere to special rules.

  • Make a wish in your own name.
  • The dream must be sincere and come from a pure heart.
  • Desires must be good. You can not try to harm or take revenge on other people in your requests.
  • When formulating desires, you need to focus on small details and clearly represent them in your thoughts.
  • The dream should sound in the present tense.
  • You need to make a wish, being in a positive mood and high spirits.
  • It is necessary to avoid negative or fuzzy formulations: particles “not”, “would”, the word “was”.
  • You need to feel the sensations that will be present after the implementation of the plan.
  • After performing the ritual, it is required to say words of gratitude to the higher forces for the fulfillment of a dream.
  • It is necessary to sincerely believe in the magical power of desire and its realization.