What purebred cats look like. Combining variety of outbred cats

Looking at your pet, you are tormented by vague doubts - has the prince in exile settled on your hard-earned square meters? Well, this article may help to return to Their Majesty the well-deserved regalia.

It is difficult to determine the breed of a cat without the lack of documents, but it is possible.

How to determine the breed of a cat:

To get started, we suggest taking a test in order to determine the breed of a cat faster.

  • Is your cat anatomically different from other cats?
  • Does your cat have pronounced external deformations in the structure of the limbs, auricles or tail?
  • Is the quality of your cat's coat different from the usual?
  • Does the color of the cat differ from the usual colors?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, the chances of finding out the breed of a cat increase significantly.

Well, let's conduct our little investigation and try to determine the breed of a cat by signs and photos.

Is your cat big?

An ordinary domestic cat has a fairly average size - a body length from half a meter to 75 cm, a tail of 30 centimeters and a weight of 4-6 kg in cats and 2.3 - 4.5 in cats.

But there are breeds that do not fit into the usual centimeters and kilograms and claim the title of cat giants.

How to determine the breed of a cat by size? Let's just say it's quite difficult. There are about a dozen breeds of cats whose body weight exceeds the standard 6 kg, some representatives sometimes weigh 15-20 kg!

Perhaps your pet is one of these giants:

  1. - a breed bred on the basis of wild North American cats
  2. , a Russian breed, originally from the islands of Kunashir and Iturup
  3. , a breed that the French call dog-cats
  4. , artificially bred by Americans, a breed similar to a red lynx
  5. . Males of this breed can weigh up to 10 kg.
  6. , one of the oldest breeds on earth
  7. , Ragdoll

Is your cat small?

Pedigree small cats are those cats that weigh less than 3 kg.

But the smallest cat among the little ones is considered to be a baby cat (in the literal sense of the word) Fiz Gel of the Munchkin breed. The baby is already several years old, and she will not outgrow her 15 (!) Centimeters in any way.

Are you ready to call the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, having measured the growth of your cat? Let's try to find out the breed of a cat from a photo:

  1. . With such short legs, you don’t look like a catwalk, but small legs left a big mark on the history and formation of small cat breeds.
  2. Napoleon (the result of crossing Munchkins and Persian cats). Usually weighs about 2.5 kg
  3. Bambino (the result of crossing short-legged Munchkins and hairless Canadian Sphynxes this time). Lower weight bar - 2.2 kg
  4. Lambkin, a curly-haired lamb cat. Adult lambkin can weigh 1.8kg
  5. Skookum (in the ancestors of this breed, the munchkins and cats of the LaPerm breed already familiar to us, the very ones that have such a long and wavy coat
  6. The Dwelf, a hairless breed created according to the formula: Munchkin + Canadian Sphynx + American Curl. The weight of these babies rarely exceeds 3 kg.
  7. (Singapore), a breed that migrated from Singapore to the USA and then to Europe
  8. - no hair, no growth, weighs little
  9. Kinkalow is an extremely rare cat breed. Today there are only a few cats of this type in the world. By the way, for reference, a kinkalow cat sometimes weighs 1.3 kg.
  10. Scythian Tai Dong is the record holder breed, the smallest breed of domestic cats. Scythian-tai-don is the first, so to speak, working name of the breed. To the international community, mini-cats are known as toybobs. toy bobtail.

Does your cat have external differences from ordinary cats?

How to recognize the breed of a cat by external signs?

Most outbred cats fit the same gold standard: medium paws, medium width chest and rump, and a rounded head crowning this standard splendor.

But are we talking about exceptions? So, what exceptional external data brings a simple cat closer to a purebred one?

  1. . They are the only cats in the world that have their ears curled back. The bend can reach 180 degrees.
  2. . A hairless or slightly fluffy levkoy is different ... Yes, in fact, this breed is different from everyone else. You can also recognize it by its ears, which are literally folded in levkoy.
  3. . Sometimes it seems that the Scots don’t have ears, but in fact it’s the cartilage, which is deformed so much that the auricle seems to be folded in half. The degree of bend varies from barely noticeable to almost complete fit to the head.
  4. Elf Cat. Americans Karen Nelson and Kristen Lidom bred a breed with wonderful ears. Indeed, it is impossible not to notice a cat with such huge patterned ears.
  5. Poodlecat is an exotic and artificially bred breed. In lop-eared representatives of the breed, the ears do not lie close to the head, while it is believed that the more beautiful the poodle cat, the larger its hanging ears.

Short tail

Cats that have a tail in its infancy (or even none at all) are expensive. Unlike artificial docking in dogs, a cat's short tail is a purebred sign:

  1. - a breed without a tail at all. From the word at all. At the same time, Cymriks have short front legs and a peculiar jumping gait.
  2. - another tailless purr. True, not all - according to the standard, the Manx either do not have a tail at all or show off with a very long one.
  3. - mini-lynx was bred in the 80s of the 20th century. The tail of domestic predators is long when it is two centimeters, and when it is 15 cm.
  4. - a breed in which the genes of the Japanese Bobtail and the Siberian cat are mixed, bred in Russia.
  5. He demonstrates his disposition with a tail that reaches the base of the hind legs in length.
  6. - a classic representative of cats with short tails. According to the standard, the tail of the Japanese Bobtail must be, firstly, no longer than 12 centimeters, and secondly, the tail must be twisted.

small paws

When breeders began to breed cat breeds with short legs one after another, there were fears that in the future such pussies would have problems with mobility or the spine. But time has shown that these suspicions are groundless, since short legs are compensated by greater flexibility of the spine.

Are your cat's legs significantly shorter than the neighbor's? You have a choice of several breeds, most of which you have already met above.

  1. The Skookum is a dwarf La Perm with a long, wavy coat. Another feature of the breed is a pronounced collar. By the way, the breed was originally called poco chino (Little Curly).
  2. Dwelf - without hair, without long legs.
  3. Napoleon
  4. Bambino

Does your cat have a special coat?

Do you remember the hero of Internet memes, the cat Colonel, who became famous for his displeased appearance? By the way, this cat has the longest coat among cats. 23 centimeters - so much trouble, what is there to rejoice at?

But the record holder among cats is Sophie, whose hairs are on average 26 cm long!

Armed with a ruler, choose who your pet looks like:

Wool is very long

  1. - Persian-type cat carrying the gene for the Siamese color
  2. Napoleon. The breed already familiar to us knows how to make a “baby face” and this wins thousands of hearts
  3. . The standard wardrobe of this breed is long hair, obligatory sideburns, trousers and a winter collar.
  4. . Take a close look at your pet. He's white? And on the left shoulder blade a speck? And another one on your head? Yes, under your roof, the belly of a cat that was destined to defeat the devil mouse that gnawed a hole in Noah's Ark.
  5. . Snow-white long-haired beauty comes from Ankara
  6. . Charming in French, insulated in our opinion

Long curly wool

“Rex, come to me!” - if your cat has a wavy coat, then you can safely call it a rex. No, you shouldn’t change the nickname, it’s just that most curly breeds are just Rex:

  1. Bohemian Rex. The breed was born in Czechoslovakia, which is amazing in itself. Its ancestors are Persian cats, but unlike their ancestors, the Bohemian cat has not only long hair, but also curly
  2. . Someone twisted this cat on curlers? This is exactly the impression. Especially luxurious tail

short curly

  1. . The breed was born in East Prussia and conquered connoisseurs of beauty with short hair with “plush” curls;
  2. - the quality and appearance of wool resembles astrakhan fur. Fans of the breed note the amazing tactility of the Devon Rex;
  3. . Americans are similar in build to hounds, and in quality of wool to rex rabbits;
  4. An American wirehaired cat with curly whiskers.

hairless cat

Of course, you knew, you suspected that your bald cat is not just devoid of wool. Of course, there is something in it, let's find out from the photo - what?

  1. Bambino
  2. . Huge ears, "baggy" skin, expressive eyes - yes, they are, representatives of a young bald breed
  3. or the Petersburg Sphinx. Taking something from the Orientals, something from the Sphynx, the Petersburg cat turned out to be unlike anyone else
  4. . A breed that you will not confuse with anyone. Have you seen aliens? Not? Look at the naked levkoy.

Does your cat have a particular coat color?

So, above we learned that it is quite simple to determine the breed by wool, more precisely by its quality and quantity, but is it possible to determine the breed of a cat by color?

Siamese color

  1. . Almond-shaped Blue eyes and characteristic color is the gold standard of the breed

Purebred cats and cats differ from purebred, titled fellows only in appearance. Often for the better. In any case, they are no worse. Many owners prefer simple domus to elite cats because of their unpretentiousness in food and care. Outbred cats have strong immunity and health. By picking up a homeless kitten, you will do a noble deed. But even a simple cat requires attention and care. You need to know and follow the rules of keeping a pet.

We are the most and we are striped

Outbred cats make up 90% of the total feline population on the planet. And no other breed can boast of such a variety of coat colors, body dimensions and characters as these feline representatives. The history of the coexistence of man and cat has almost 10 thousand years. In that distant time, cats were not divided into breeds. People were more interested in the practical benefits of pets. They have always been valued as wonderful hunters of small rodent pests.

Purebred domestic cats are the best mouse hunters

In different periods, the attitude towards cats was ambiguous. The ancient Egyptians deified these animals, and in medieval Europe they were credited with a connection with evil spirits. Domestic, or yard cats, descended from wild ancestors, were distributed on all continents. The difference in climate and nutrition led to a variety of characters and appearance. Some modern breeds, in the formation of which no person participated, can be considered domestic (Siberian and Siamese cats, Angoras and Persians).

Different conditions - different appearance

The variety of yard cats is explained by a non-standard genotype. It is impossible to guess, let alone calculate what offspring a mongrel cat will bring. The mixing of many breeds, and hence hereditary traits, leads to the fact that yard kittens are born with a variety of coat colors and body sizes. Different eye color, length and shape of the tail and ears. The most common color of outbred muroks is brindle or spotted. It allows you to disguise yourself in the "field conditions". The white yard cat is a rarity. Also rare are individuals with long hair. Almost all representatives of the yard cat brotherhood are short-haired. Medium size. Weight does not exceed 6 kilograms. Conventionally, mongrels are divided into two types according to the climatic conditions in which the breed was formed: northern and southern. The former have a dense, massive constitution and a long, thick coat. Southerners are more graceful, with a thin skeleton and short hair without a pronounced undercoat.

The most common color of wild cats is stripes on a light background.

Angelic character wild beast

What is the clear advantage of yard cats over thoroughbreds is in character traits and in relation to the owners. Having adopted a purebred kitten, you can be sure that a creature has settled in the house that will be grateful to you all his life.

Outbred cats are reserved in the manifestation of emotions. Predicting the nature of a pet is as difficult as appearance. Some may be curious and restless. Others behave like born aristocrats, honoring them by the mere fact of their existence.

Wild street cats are real predators

A kitten brought into the house, especially if he was born on the street, may at first be shy and wild. From birth, his cat mother taught him to be afraid of people. Only love and patience will help here. To the person who will feed and care for the kitten, the animal will be treated as a good deity. A purebred pet treats all family members equally, but chooses its owner, distinguishing him from others.

A yard cat may not be very sociable. Self-sufficiency is one of the main traits of a cat's character. Anger, aggressiveness and resentment are extremely rare in a purebred cat. Like all cats, striped mongrels love to play. Having become accustomed to the company of people and becoming attached to them, they can hardly endure long loneliness. Up to mental disorders. Try not to let this happen. In addition, cats are very vindictive and vindictive. For lack of attention or resentment, they can ruin furniture, use their favorite shoes as a toilet.

Making a new friend

The undoubted advantage of outbred cats is that no costs are required for their acquisition. Usually such pets are acquired through acquaintances or by ad. Often, homeless kittens are picked up on the street. If the animal is taken from home and there is a choice, in order not to be mistaken with the character and health of the kitten, you need to look at the following signs:

  • the kitten readily approaches you, tries to flirt and does not try to show aggressiveness;
  • the kitten is distinguished by external attractiveness, meekness, agility, agility, playfulness and does not look sad, downcast or apathetic;
  • holds his head normally and walks or runs with absolutely no limp;
  • does not twitch his head, he has neither a runny nose, nor a cough, nor other external painful signs;
  • the kitten's skin looks clean and healthy, without irritation, dirt, scabs or flea excrement;
  • the coat of the animal is shiny and clean, without bald spots and tangles (matted);
  • there is no liquid and other discharge from the eyes, nose and ears;
  • the third eyelid (the so-called nictitating membrane) does not cover part of the eye;
  • teeth look clean and free of tartar, there is no bad breath from the mouth;
  • healthy kitten gums Pink colour they show no signs of bleeding;
  • the abdomen is quite strong to the touch and at the same time not swollen;
  • the anus is clean, without stool residues, there are no visible signs of diarrhea or segments of worms (they, if present, come out of the anus and look like grains of rice).

Cats are considered social animals. Therefore, experienced felinologists recommend, if possible, to acquire two kittens at once. For the company. Especially if the owners have to be away from home for a long time.

The offspring of outbred cats can be of the most diverse color

In the content of outbred cats are very unpretentious. They are practically omnivorous and there are no problems with feeding. It is important that the diet is balanced. You can feed your cat with dry or canned industrial food, which already contains all the necessary trace elements. Or opt for a natural diet. In this case, the menu is compiled individually based on the preferences and needs of the pet. The cat's diet should include meat and offal (liver, lungs, heart), vegetables and grains (oats, wheat, barley), dairy products. Use mineral and vitamin supplements as needed. Remember that food from your table is not a substitute for good nutrition for your pet.

A cat's food should be delicious, the bowl clean and the water fresh.

A cat should always have access to clean water. Interestingly, cats are more likely to drink if food and water are in different places.

Up to six months, a kitten needs to be fed at least 4 times a day. At 6 months, switch to 2 meals a day. If your pet does not suffer from greed and is not prone to obesity, you can practice free food. Make sure the bowl is clean and the food is fresh.

Cleanliness is the key to cat health

Caring for the appearance of a purebred pet will not cause much trouble. The coat should be combed 1-2 times a week with a stiff brush to remove dead hairs. During molting - 2-3 times. To avoid ear mites, wipe your ears with a tissue soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Use special ear drops. Remove discharge from the eyes with a soft cloth. Get your kitten used to the scratching post. This will save you and your cat the hassle of nail trimming. Bathe your pet when it gets dirty. But not often. Cats take care of their coats themselves. Almost everyone, with rare exceptions, does not like water procedures.

Beloved cat - a good toilet

When choosing a toilet for a kitten, be guided by an adult cat so as not to buy a new one when he grows up. The pet must be included in it entirely. The height of the sides is not lower than 6 cm. It is better to use a clumping filler for the tray. It absorbs odor well and simplifies the cleaning process. If finances allow, then the best option would be a box (dry closet) with interchangeable cassettes.

Light and air

Outdoor cats need fresh air and sunlight. Ultraviolet light contributes to the production of vitamin B. If your pet constantly lives in an apartment, surprise him - in good weather, take him for a walk in the nearest park or forest. Use a harness with a leash for this. Avoid asphalt. For delicate cat paws, soft soil or grass is better suited. Try to avoid crowded places of cars, people and walking dogs, so as not to scare the pet.

Not without flaws

Picking up a mongrel kitten on the street, you run the risk of bringing a sick animal into the house. Be sure to take it to the vet right away. A small homeless child may have lichen, fleas. It can be infected with an infection or worms. If a purebred parent took part in the birth of a kitten, then, in addition to the distinguishing features, the baby can inherit the genetic diseases inherent in the breed.

Well-groomed coat is the key to success at the exhibition

Scars adorn the wild cat

Outbred cats can take part in exhibitions. Felinologists identified them in a special class - "domestic cat". For them there are special beauty contests. Any non-pedigree pet can take part in them. An exhibition of purebred cats is an event no less serious than competitions of elite breeds. An animal with any external signs of “eliteness” or showing signs of aggression will not be able to win at outbred exhibitions. The presence of such defects as a twisted tail, the presence of extra fingers is allowed. What is unacceptable for purebred cats. Even injuries and scars can decorate the appearance of a domestic cat.

Mind and devotion

My experience of keeping cats began with the outbred striped Lusha. That was the name of my first cat. All subsequent cats, thoroughbred and not so, I involuntarily compare with her. The comparison is not in their favor. Lusha was one of those rare representatives cat world who love to learn. Just show me. Have you ever seen a cat that urinates in the toilet, and then jumps on the chain drain tank(there were such) and washes away after itself.

We lived then on the last, ninth floor. Our cat went hunting for pigeons in the attic. As soon as the family sat down to dine, our beauty appeared in the window with another trophy in her mouth. She contributed to the common table.

I'm sure she really wanted to learn how to talk. Lusha could sit for hours and listen to people talk. Pay close attention to your lips. And when they addressed her directly, she tried to answer in a human way. She almost made it.

Having extensive experience in keeping pets, I can say with confidence that street cats, especially those that I took pity on and adopted into the family, are the most grateful and devoted creatures. Character, like people, can be very different, but they will never stoop to betrayal.

Breeding a domestic cat

Cats reach sexual maturity at 6-8 months. At 11-13 months, the first estrus occurs. Veterinarians advise skipping it and mating only after the onset of the second estrus. Experienced felinologists believe that the most favorable pregnancy age for a cat is one and a half years. For mating, you should carefully consider the choice of a partner. First, both the cat and the cat must be healthy. Secondly, you must have all the required vaccinations. You can't vaccinate a cat when she's pregnant. For a young, inexperienced cat, you need to pick up a female who has already given birth. And for a firstborn cat, an experienced, unleashed gentleman is suitable.

During estrus, a cat's behavior changes dramatically.

The first mating can be carried out when the cat reaches 10-12 months of age. By this time, all body systems are finally formed. It all depends on the individual characteristics of puberty. The owner should be responsible for the first birth of a cat. For the first time, a pregnant animal experiences stress, not understanding what is happening to its body. Hence the high risk of offspring with pathologies.

A cat can bring offspring up to 4 times a year. However, felinologists do not advise allowing a pet to give birth more than twice during this period. Too frequent childbirth depletes the body of the animal. The nervous system suffers, pathologies of internal organs may occur. But an empty estrus also affects the health of a cat in a bad way.

Castration and sterilization

Spaying and castration of cats are performed to stop reproductive function. Castration, despite its "bloodiness", is still preferable. She saves the animal from the sexual instinct, and the owners from the troubles associated with "hormonal explosions" during the cat's desire.

Castrated pets tend to be healthier. Reduces the risk of cancer. Reduces the likelihood of urolithiasis. In the absence of sexual desire, cats are more owner-oriented. They pay more attention to them, become affectionate, obedient and friendly.

In cats, castration should be carried out at the age of 7-8 months, before the first estrus and before the final puberty.

It is better to castrate and sterilize cats in specialized clinics. Although in recent years, home operations have become increasingly popular.

After castration, the cat needs special care and care.

Castration and sterilization is performed under general anesthesia. Cats are very difficult to tolerate the effects of drugs, and after the operation they need special care. After the procedure, it is better to leave the pet for several hours in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. After bringing the cat home, lay it on its side in a warm place and cover with a blanket. Avoid hypothermia, avoid drafts. Especially if your pet is shorthaired. The first day he will sleep. Under anesthesia, cats sleep with their eyes open. Close his eyelids from time to time to avoid drying out the cornea.

Cats completely recover from anesthesia in a few days. At this time, their coordination is disturbed, orientation in space is lost. Do not allow your pet to climb high places to avoid falls and injury.

Non-pedigreed "purrs" are the most common cats in the world. These creatures with elastic bodies, round muzzles and soft fur are one of the most attractive and in so many homes are the most beloved pets. Due to the greater adaptability and viability of hybrids, they are usually strong and hardy. These four-legged diseases are usually bypassed, so there are many centenarians among them.

Their color is often marbled, since tabby genes dominate in cats, but there are many bicolor creatures among them. The colors of the eyes and fur are not subject to scientific laws, because they are a matter of chance. Left to nature, it is almost impossible for them to give the appearance of any particular breed, since their fathers are most often unknown. Only in the course of natural selection do such cats in countries with a cold climate get a warmer “fur coat”.
These hardy and quick-witted creatures came to Western Europe with the Romans and, for the most part, took up the protection of bins, stables and private houses from rodents. Cats have always gone with people wherever they went. They were on ships, with the troops and with the colonists who were mastering foreign lands. Often they were in danger. For several centuries, black cats were persecuted, they were burned as accomplices of witches.

cat facts
The main type of cat is shorthair. Its fur consists of thick, strong hair that does not fall into tatters and does not need to be maintained by the owner.
Scottish wildcats are usually referred to as "tabby" as this patterned fur provides excellent camouflage.
All cats are very perceptive and independent. As for non-pedigreed cats, they often choose their own owners, rather than those - them.

Short haired non-pedigreed cats
Brief information
Color: all colors. Coat: short. fur type: most have thick and soft hair. The size: any. general characteristics: the body is usually short and stocky; rounded muzzle; short, often wedge-shaped ears topped with tufts of hair; the shape of the eyes is round or close to it; their color is greenish; legs are usually stocky with ball-shaped paws; the tail is thick and soft in most cases.

Among non-pedigreed shorthair cats, there are a wide variety of combinations of color and fur pattern, although the vast majority of them wear a marble (“tabby”) skin. Foreign colors such as chocolate or lilac are comparatively rare.

There can be no exterior standards for them. However, short-haired non-pedigreed cats tend to have a dense build and a round muzzle.

cat facts
White hair in non-pedigree cats is a factor indicating their descent from pedigreed cats of solid colors, among which it is often regarded as a serious defect.
The tortoiseshell coloration is the result of exposure to the red gene associated with the sex chromosomes. Tortoiseshell cats are almost always female, ro the males born from them are in most cases fruitful.

The natural range of the African wild cat, the progenitor of our pets, extends not only to the Black Continent, but also to the Middle East, as well as the shores of the Mediterranean. The marble pattern of these cats is less pronounced than that of modern domestic tabbies.

cat facts
On the skin of the striped "tabby" - thin dark, sometimes winding lines. The pattern of such a cat is similar to a tiger.
Spotted "tabby" - the result of a mutation. They originally appeared in Elizabethan England. Now the patterns on their fur became more intricate and dark, and saThey are the most common cats in the world.
In good old England they said: “Honest, howcat when she can't get meat."

Longhaired (and semi-longhaired) non-pedigreed cats
Brief information
Color: any. Wool: long. fur type: thick soft hair. The size: any. General characteristics: usually dense,
strong build, more or less rounded head; wary expression of the muzzle; the coat is often thicker around the neck and on the breeches; eyes with a green tint; paws, as a rule, without wool padding or edging; even wool of a solid color bears traces of a marbled pattern.

Many of today's longhaired and semi-longhaired pedigreed cats have non-pedigreed domestic relatives who are quite happy with their lives on farms and in city houses. In Turkey, Angora cats still roam the streets of the hilly suburbs of Ankara (Angora). In appearance, they differ significantly from those that are shown today at exhibitions as Angora cats.

cat facts
Outbred cats often win places and prizes at shows when a jury's decision is based on their appearance and general condition.
Some people think that tortoiseshell cats deserve the reputation of being the best mothers. But the life of 420 kittens was given by a tabby mother from the US state of Texas.

According to cat food manufacturers, there are more than 7 million pet cats in the United Kingdom and about 57 million in the US. Cat addiction is growing every year. Citizens who want to brighten up life in the company of a four-legged friend, but who have neither the opportunity to keep a dog nor the time to deal with it, find a cat ideal pet. Many people, all day long, findingliving outside the home, keep two cats, so that neither oneneither was bored in their absence. They say thatpet owners have better health and lifelonger than those who do without them. Worth only forstroke the cat, and your arterial pressure will come innorm, anxiety and feeling of loneliness will disappear.

Photo non-pedigreed cats

Having picked up a kitten or an adult pet on the street, it is very difficult for an inexperienced owner to determine whether he is purebred or outbred. Professional breeders and experts identify several main differences between purebred cats and purebred cats. Focusing on these differences and using methods, one can try find out the sex of a kitten. So what distinctive features navigate and how to find out the breed of a cat?

In fact, there are quite a few differences between pedigreed aristocrats and ordinary cats, and therefore determining the breed at home is noticeably difficult. Most inexperienced breeders look only at the external similarities of their pet, compare his appearance with photographs of pedigreed cats found on the net. But any professional will say that appearance is not an argument in favor of the breed of a cat, since all four-legged pussies, one way or another, have many external similarities.

Almost every owner, finding a visual similarity, gains confidence that he has sheltered a thoroughbred cat in his house. But when examining an animal, it is also necessary to evaluate the setting of the ears, the constitution and character of the pet. The differences are very minor, but still there. So how do you know the breed of a cat for an inexperienced breeder? The main features of pedigree cats can be found below.

Unlike dogs, whose breed is much easier to determine even by external differences, All cats are very similar between themselves.

Felinologists launched their active work only at the beginning of the last century, and even today, despite a clear gradation according to breed characteristics, it is almost impossible to count purebred cats.

One way or another, in the world there are about 60 cat breeds and about 200 varieties of adorable fluffies. According to the classification, cats are divided into the following 5 large groups, differing from each other in the length of the coat and some features of the physique:

  • shorthaired with a strong physique (Burmese, European, American, exotic);
  • longhaired(ragdoll, maine coon, nibelung, turkish, norwegian forest);
  • shorthair medium build(corkt, russian blue, burima);
  • slender shorthair(tonkinese, siamese, oriental, singapura);
  • with deviations and mutations(multi-finger, rex, sphinx, bobtail, scottish fold).

Before you determine the breed of a cat at home, you should be patient, because distinguishing features are not pronounced. Initially, you should pay attention to the phenotype, namely the appearance of the kitten (length of wool, its color, body constitution). For example, russian blue and british kittens They have the same coat color, but differ in constitution. The former have a more elongated and graceful body, while the latter are massive and stocky.

What else to look for when examining a fluffy pet and how to determine the breed of a kitten? All the distinguishing features should be considered in order.

The most obvious characteristic feature and at the same time a kind of mutation are the ears of a non-standard shape. The set of ears in different breeds also differs. For example, in Scottish Fold cats, the ears are bent forward, while in the Curl they are directed back. Some cats have large ears, while others are barely noticeable. It differs in different breeds and the shape of the tail. In bobtails, it is slightly broken, in Siamese it is long, straight.

You can decipher the breed of a kitten in more detail by the shape of its ears and tail by looking at a special atlas of pedigreed cats.

Shape, color and setting of the eyes

After visual inspection of the pet, you should pay attention to his eyes. For example, the main distinguishing feature of all purebred British is their light brown eye color. Siamese cats got a slight squint, which can be seen by looking closely at a pet. Most Turkish Angoras have different colored eyes.

The structure of the skull and color

The general appearance of the head will also tell the breed of the pet. It is worth paying attention to the size of the head, its width and shape and compare it with the indicators of a purebred kitten. It is also necessary to evaluate the forehead, cheeks, profile, chin (degree of severity), bite and back of the pet's nose.

Next, you need to look at the color of the cat. The color of the coat, the degree of dyeing and the possible characteristic pattern are some of the determining factors that indicate the purebred of the breed. Characteristic colors are inherent in the following pedigree cats:

  1. color point- for the Siamese. The combination of a dark muzzle, tail and "stockings" (tips of paws) with a light color of fur on the rest of the body.
  2. Smoky, blue or silver shade of wool - for British, Scottish, Nibelung, Russian blue and other breeds.
  3. Saturated"wild" with a characteristic pattern - for the Savannah and Bengal breed.

But you should not completely rely on the color of a pet when determining its breed, since some individuals have a very similar coat color.

Body type and coat

The physique also indicates the breed of the pet. Experts distinguish 3 types of exterior in cats:

  1. Stocky. Round head, thick build, short limbs (Bobtail, American, British).
  2. Muscular. Medium build, standard length limbs, slightly rounded head (Turkish, Maine Coon, American Curl).
  3. Flexible. Thin physique, long and thin limbs, the head is narrow or wedge-shaped in shape (Angora, Siamese, Thai).

The quality of the coat is another sign that helps in determining the breed of a cat. Pets are divided into:

  • longhair (Persian);
  • semi-longhair (Bohemian Rex, Nibelung);
  • shorthaired (Cornish Rex. German Rex);
  • hairless (sphinxes, Ukrainian levkoy).

Professionals also evaluate the thickness of the coat, its elasticity, as well as the development of the undercoat.

The nature of the pet

The temperament of a cat also plays a role in determining its breed. Of course, each individual has unique character traits, but despite this fact, common features still present in some pedigree pets. For example, unusual ragdoll cats spend most of their lives lying on a cozy sofa, while wayward Siamese cats are always ready to enter into open confrontation with other individuals.

Non-pedigreed "purrs" are the most common cats in the world. These creatures with elastic bodies, round muzzles and soft fur are one of the most attractive and in so many homes are the most beloved pets. Due to the greater adaptability and viability of hybrids, they are usually strong and hardy. These four-legged diseases are usually bypassed, so there are many centenarians among them. Their color is often marbled, since tabby genes dominate in cats, but there are many bicolor creatures among them. The colors of the eyes and fur are not subject to scientific laws, because they are a matter of chance. Left to nature, it is almost impossible for them to give the appearance of any particular breed, since their fathers are most often unknown. Only in the course of natural selection do such cats in countries with a cold climate get a warmer “fur coat”.

These hardy and quick-witted creatures came to Western Europe with the Romans and, for the most part, took up the protection of bins, stables and private houses from rodents. Cats have always gone with people wherever they went. They were on ships, with the troops and with the colonists who were mastering foreign lands. Often they were in danger. For several centuries, black cats were persecuted, they were burned as accomplices of witches.

cat facts

The main type of cat is shorthair. Its fur consists of thick, strong hair that does not fall into tatters and does not need to be maintained by the owner.

Scottish wildcats are usually referred to as "tabby" as this patterned fur provides excellent camouflage.

All cats are very perceptive and independent. As for non-pedigreed cats, they often choose their own owners, rather than those - them.

Short haired non-pedigreed cats

Among non-pedigreed shorthair cats, there are a wide variety of combinations of color and fur pattern, although the vast majority of them wear a marble (“tabby”) skin. Foreign colors such as chocolate or lilac are comparatively rare.

There can be no exterior standards for them. However, short-haired non-pedigreed cats tend to have a dense build and a round muzzle.

cat facts

White hair in non-pedigree cats is a factor indicating their descent from pedigreed cats of solid colors, among which it is often regarded as a serious defect.

The tortoiseshell coloration is the result of exposure to the red gene associated with the sex chromosomes. Tortoiseshell cats are almost always females, males born from them are in most cases sterile.

The natural range of the African wild cat, the progenitor of our pets, extends not only to the Black Continent, but also to the Middle East, as well as the shores of the Mediterranean. The marble pattern of these cats is less pronounced than that of modern domestic tabbies.

cat facts

On the skin of the striped "tabby" - thin dark, sometimes winding lines. The pattern of such a cat is similar to a tiger.

Spotted "tabby" - the result of a mutation. They originally appeared in Elizabethan England. Now the patterns on their fur have become more intricate and dark, and they themselves are the most common cats in the world.

In good old England they said: "Honest as a cat when she can't get meat."

Longhaired (and semi-longhaired) non-pedigreed cats

Many of today's longhaired and semi-longhaired pedigreed cats have non-pedigreed domestic relatives who are quite happy with their lives on farms and in city houses. In Turkey, Angora cats still roam the streets of the hilly suburbs of Ankara (Angora). In appearance, they differ significantly from those that are shown today at exhibitions as Angora cats.

cat facts

Outbred cats often win places and prizes at shows when a jury's decision is based on their appearance and general condition.

Some people think that tortoiseshell cats deserve the reputation of being the best mothers. But the life of 420 kittens was given by a tabby mother from the US state of Texas.

According to cat food manufacturers, there are more than 7 million pet cats in the United Kingdom and about 57 million in the US. Cat addiction is growing every year. Citizens who want to brighten up life in the company of a four-legged friend, but who have neither the opportunity to keep a dog nor the time to deal with it, find a cat an ideal pet. Many people who are away from home all day keep two cats so that neither one nor the other is bored in their absence. It is said that pet owners have better health and longer lives than those who do without them. One has only to stroke the cat, and your blood pressure will return to normal, anxiety and feelings of loneliness will disappear.

cat facts

Many long-haired non-pedigreed cats look no worse than purebred ones, and often get it for free. In addition, they are smarter and healthier, as well as less picky about food, than their artificially bred relatives.

Having opted for a non-pedigreed cat, if it is semi- or long-haired, do not forget that it requires no less care, including combing the fur, than a purebred cat.

If your long-haired cat has become very wet in the rain, dry it thoroughly and keep it in a warm place if possible until the last traces of moisture disappear.

The conditions of most cat shows include performances in the class of non-pedigree cats, in which the long-haired group is considered the most difficult to evaluate, because they are exceptionally graceful and attractive.