Aryan green eyes. Great race - the ancestors of the Slavs

The wisdom of our ancestors, which we have forgotten (not without the help of historians), will help in everyday life and in modern conditions. And in modern conditions, many people cannot find a place in life: schoolchildren (and even university graduates) can hardly imagine what they will do and what kind of work they are more inclined to choose, what profession to choose. Also, already adults, often in their mature years, cannot stand their work and simply want to change their field of activity.

For further reading, you should turn off your filter for a while and just accept what is written (especially the beginning of the narrative).

Let's get started.

According to ancient teachings, there are four main types ( white race), each of these genera has its own purpose. Each gender is based on the color of your eyes. It is assumed that each of these genera should not mix with each other.

Darians - gray eyes
H arians - green color
Russians - blue eyes
Rasen - brown eyes

Darians: a kind of warriors
Harians: monks, sorcerers.
Russ: artisans, gunsmiths, builders, craftsmen, blacksmiths.
Rasens: merchants, merchants, public figures.

Now this list can be updated:

Darians ( people With gray color eye, or "steel" color ).
Your craft is military , you live in battles and battles. Feel free to join the armed forces, become professional soldier , special forces, airborne forces or the police - it's all yours. Remember that a warrior is not a mountain of muscles, but your spirit, your determination, your special thinking. If the army and the police do not like it or for some reason there is no way to go there - security structures, a bodyguard. Also alternative is a professional sport: martial arts or hard team sport.
A Darian is also a leader, a leader is a president, a minister, a major official and other areas related to management.

I know it's bad, but a bandit/killer is also an alternative.

A soldier can be made from anyone, but warriors are Darians.

By the way, our GDP is the owner of gray eyes.

He is Andres Breivik. Alexander Karelin, Alexander Povetkin, Fedor Emelianenko and Alexander, Vladimir Turchinsky, Alexander Korzhakov (ex. Yeltsin's bodyguard), General Vladimir Shamanov, General Lev Rokhlin, Vladimir Kvachkov, General Alexander Lebed, Tim Cook (current head of Apple), Yuri Baturin.

Harians (people with green eyes).

Any activity related to design work (architect, designer, designer). Priest, Monk, Veduns, Witches. Harians are ideologists and a good application of forces will be work related to the creation, development, maintenance of the company's image, the introduction of new products:
marketer, administrative top management, development manager, strategic management, work with the brand. Producer, conductor.

Green-eyed are only 2% of the inhabitants of our planet. A large role in the fact that green eyes have become a rarity was played by the medieval Inquisition. Red-haired green-eyed girls were considered witches and burned at the stake for it.

Representatives: A. Jolie, Vanessa Paradis, Drew Fuller, Glitch "oZa. But the most important, of course, can be called a real design oracle of today - Jonathan Quince, who was the chief designer of Apple.

The godfather of marketing - Philip Kotler:

Famous world marketing gurus:
Seth Godin

Malcolm McDonald

Russ ( Blue eyes).
Any work related to manual labor: fitter, engineer, electrician, builder, farmer, mechanic, car mechanic, surgeon, dentist, adjuster, jeweler and even hairdresser;programmer, scientist, inventor.
Famous representatives: Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates, Sergey Kapitsa, Mikhail Kalashnikov.

Rasen (brown eyes).
Sales Managers, Entrepreneurs pro- level - oligarchs), personnel managers, deputies, also any social activity and initiative, various kinds of showmen, presenters and journalists. Famous Rusyns: Mikhail Prokhorov, Vladimir Lenin, Sergey Mavrodi, Vladimir Dovgan, Victor Baturin, Sergey Dorenko, Xenia Borodina, Olga Buzova, Maxim (Tesak) Martsinkevich, Pavel Volya, Pavel Durov.

Knowing your belonging to the Family, choose what you are destined to do in this world.

More globally(optional)

It's no secret that after the Bolsheviks came to power, the aristocratic and merchant elite were severely exterminated or left Russia. More recently, an interesting experiment was carried out to establish the appearance of the average Russian, and in parallel it turned out that representatives of the upper classes were the owners of predominantly dark hair and eyes, and representatives of the lower classes were light.

After the deliberate destruction of the elites in Russia, a vacuum formed - there were few managers left, few people with a commercial streak remained, and this vacuum was filled with foreigners, many of whom entered power. The ordinary people (blue-eyed and gray-eyed) were workers and cannon fodder. The gray-eyed warriors were also battered, because they stood for the monarchy to the end, others went over to the side of the Reds, and then simply exterminated each other from both sides.

Today, foreigners again hold trade in the country, it cannot be said that they are inefficient in this very trade (how well they squeeze juices out by raising prices). The exterminated elite and merchants still have not recovered sufficiently. This issue can be resolved by uniting and returning Ukraine and Belarus to Russia. Moreover, Ukraine to a greater extent.

Indeed, our neighbor has a fairly significant percentage of the dark-eyed brown-eyed population. I would even say that the average Ukrainian is darker than the average Russian. It is also not a secret for anyone that Ukrainians are rather cunning people, they like to sell money. In some cases, such habits can develop into scams and banal scammers. If one day both Ukrainians and Russians (mostly the former) realize that they are one people, then these same Ukrainians may well fill the vacuum, become the locomotive of trade, instead of alien elements. Agree, it causes much less negative emotions if the owner of this store is not Ashot, but IP Shevchenko.

Ukraine, by the way, abounds with dark-eyed and what do we see? Rocket engines are falling, "constipation" was not even close to the rubbish from the "basin". But there are a lot of cunning people who are trying to spin in a rather impoverished country. And there are also green-eyed people along with a love for various ideologies: here you have torchlight processions, and una-unso uniforms - in general, the Hari shamans are working hard. But there are not enough blue-eyed builders, there is no one to work with their hands and there is nothing to sell, “you have to” sit on a gas pipe and take tribute for the fleet.

Here is Belarus - a symbiosis of brown-eyed and blue-eyed. There are also many Rusyns there, but they harmoniously cooperate with the Russians: excellent tractors, now in Belarus there is a construction boom and they are building ... the Belarusians (Russians) themselves. Entrepreneurs + artisans.

However, it is worth noting that you do not need to put someone higher. If you remember the real history of ancient Russia, then in those days the chief was chosen according to the principle of the need for some qualities: a warrior leader was chosen in difficult times, a reformer leader, etc., in favorable ones.

All four genders do not contradict each other, but complement, but at certain periods a certain gender becomes more relevant. Now in Russia there is a clear spiritual decline, a crisis of self-identification - we need ideologists (and not dictator warriors) who can instill pride in themselves and confidence in the Russian people, find "levers" and a Russian person will no longer be embarrassed that he is Russian: will know the true story (or as close as possible to reality, and not just any nonsense about the Mongol yoke, which “for some reason” left no traces in genetics at all), will follow family values.

Now there are attempts to impose Orthodoxy, but how can one follow it when spiritual leaders are not at all embarrassed to say that Russians before baptism were barbarians and animals.

After the ideological platform is formed, every Russian will know his roots, then the time will come for the Rusyns, those who will raise trade, spin the locomotive of the economy.

The appearance of certain means will entail the possibility of developing industry - the patrimony of the Rus (blue-eyed).

A clear national idea and self-sufficiency, developed trade and industry - then comes the time of formation strong army to protect the interests of the country.

Naturally, in our life now these principles are not respected. There is no idea in the country, the Russian people do not know who they are, but there is a dictatorship and militarism. The main crisis is now inside the country, at the everyday level, and here the army is powerless, the police too, the authorities are trying to offer some artificial ideas, but all this fails. Intentionally or not, it is time to stop ignoring the obvious gaps in history, it is in these gaps that the real idea is hidden. It is after such a step that a real revival will begin, the wisdom of the ancestors, who have long proposed algorithms for solving many issues, including the self-determination of each individual - everyone will be in their place.

[The publication will be updated regularly]

(updated: 07/22/2013)
(updated: 03/14/2014)
(updated: 12/29/2014)

What is below is a likeness of what is above, and that which is above is the Basis for the likeness of that which is below, by the original will of Him whom we humans we call the Great Ra-M-Ha.

Life on Midgard-Earth

On the basis of the Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers of the Ynglings, the Ancient Slavic-Aryan name of our Earth is Midgard-Earth . She revolves around Yarila-Sun . Yarilo-Sun is located in the Galactic structure Star System Swati (no analogues in modern constellations), also referred to as Perunov Way, or Heavenly Iry. Swati is represented as a left-sided swastika. In the lower part of one of the swastika sleeves of Swati is the Yarilo-Sun. It is the Trilight, because illuminates three Worlds: Yav, Nav, Rule.

Yarilo-Sun enters the constellation Zimun (Heavenly Cow, or Ursa Minor), is the eighth star. The solar system is located in the Swastika arm of the galaxy. Golden Sun. The clans of White people living on the Earths in this solar system call him Dazhbog-Sun (modern name Beta Leo). He is called the yar-great golden sun, it is brighter in terms of luminous flux, in size and mass, than Yarilo-Sun. Ingard-Earth revolves around the Golden Sun, the period of revolution is 576 days. Ingard-Earth has two moons. The Big Moon has a circulation period of 36 days, and the Small Moon has 9 days. The system of the Golden Sun is located in the Hall of the Race on the Svarog Circle (Slavic-Aryan zodiac sign). In the System of the Golden Sun, on Ingard-Earth, there is a biological life similar to life on Midgard-Earth. This Earth is the Ancestral home of many Slavic-Aryan Clans. Midgard-Earth was at the intersection of eight cosmic Paths that connected the inhabited Earths (planets) in various Light Worlds (Star Systems), where only the peoples of the Great Race (White) lived. In ancient times, representatives of the White Humanity were the first to populate and inhabit Midgard-Earth. Happened many years ago Great AssaGreat War Light Heavenly Gods from the World of Rule with the Dark Forces that came from the World of Hell. The Great Assa between Light and Darkness embraced the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. These battles of Light and Darkness take place at regular intervals: “After the expiration of the Svarog Circle and Ninety-Nine Circles of Life”, i.e. after 40’176 years» . In one of the battles, an intergalactic spaceship (a flying Celestial chariot - Waitmara), transporting settlers to other Earths and flying past the Yarila-Sun, crashed and was forced to land on Midgard-Earth. Waitmara landed on the mainland, which was named by star travelers Daaria- A gift from the gods. Whitemars- large celestial vehicles capable of carrying in their womb up to 144 Whiteman. Wightman - a small flying chariot. Wightman carries a different type of ships - Vimanu. Vimana is a reconnaissance ship. Representatives of the four peoples of the Allied Lands of the Great Race were on Whitemar: Kh'Aryans, d'Aryans; The clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorusy. The D'Aryans acted as pilots. Kh'Aryans conducted space navigation work. The Svyatoruss were engaged in the life support systems of the ship, carried out repair and restoration work. The Rassens were in charge of the ship's maintenance systems. They were people with white skin and an average height of more than two meters. The iris of the eyes of each of the Clans had a different color: the Kh'Aryans had green; silver - d'Aryans; heavenly - Svyatorusy; fiery - Rassen. The color of the eyes depends on what kind of Sun shone for the people of these Clans on their native Earths. The Aryans differed in that they could recognize Krivda from Truth. After the repair of Waitmara, part of the crew flew away (returned "to heaven"), and part remained on Midgard-Earth. Many liked it on Midgard-Earth. There were no people here, only animals. Those who remained on Midgard-Earth began to be called "Az Esm". Ases or Ases, the essence of the Gods - Descendants of the Heavenly Gods, living on Midgard-Earth. Then followed the resettlement of the people of the White Race from Ingard-Earth to Midgard-Earth, to Daaria. The resettled people on Midgard-Earth remembered their Ancient Ancestral Homeland and called themselves none other than "Dazhgod's grandchildren", i.e. descendants of those Clans of the Great Race, who lived under the radiance of Dazhbog-Sun. Those living on Midgard-Earth began to be called the Great Race, and those who remained living on Ingard-Earth - the Ancient Race. The ancestors called themselves descendants of the Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clan, or Rasicami. The Gods repeatedly arrived on Midgard-Earth, communicated with the descendants of the Great Race, passing on their Wisdom to them: the World of Knowledge, the World of Radiance and other Worlds. All inhabitants in different Worlds (in Galaxies, Star Systems) and on the Earths, where the representatives of the Ancient Family live, live according to the Ancient Wisdom, Family Foundations and Rules, which the Family adheres to. The wisdom of the Clans of the Great Race is passed down from generation to generation. 165'032 years have passed from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth. She is the younger sister of God Tarkh, named Dazhdbog. Goddess Tara always sparkles with kindness, love, tenderness, care and attention to people. The polar star among the Slavic and Aryan peoples is named after this beautiful Goddess - Tara.

Supreme God Perun

More than 40,000 years ago, God visited Midgard-Earth for the third time from Uray-Earth in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle. The Patron God of all warriors and many Clans of the Great Race. God the Thunderer, who controls Lightning, the son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God. After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and about what awaits the Earth in the future, about the onset of Dark Times. Dark times are the period of people's lives when they stop honoring the Gods and live according to the Heavenly Laws, and begin to live according to the laws that the representatives of the Hellish World impose on them. They teach people to create their own laws and live according to them, and thereby aggravate their lives and lead to self-destruction. There are Traditions that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several times more in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race; to tell how to prepare for the dark, hard times, when the arm of our Swastika Galaxy will pass through the spaces subject to the forces from the Dark Worlds of Hell. At this time, the Light Gods stop visiting their peoples, because. they do not penetrate into other people's spaces, subject to the forces of the Dark Worlds of Inferno. With the release of our Galaxy from the spaces of the Dark Worlds of Hell, the Light Gods will again begin to visit the Clans of the Great Race. Days of Light begin in Summer 7521 AD, or 2012 AD. God Perun gave the peoples of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Commandment and warned of upcoming events in the future for 40176 years. During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, God Perun told the Sacred Wisdom to the people of the Clans of the Great Race. Our Ancestors of Belovodye wrote down the Sacred Wisdom with Kh’Aryan Runes in the Nine Circles of the “Santii of the Veda of Perun”, in the Nine Books of the “Wisdom of God Perun”.

God arrived on Midgard-Earth - God Tarkh Perunovich, the God-Keeper of the ancient Great Wisdom. Son of God Perun. After the Great Flood, God Tarkh Perunovich, together with his sons, lived on Midgard-Earth for three years and was named Dazhdbog (Giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santias (Books). These Santias were written down by ancient Runes and contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his Instructions. Santees in the original can only visually be called the Book, because. Santii are plates of noble metal on which the Ancient Kh'Aryan Runes are inscribed. The plates are fastened with three rings, which symbolize the three Worlds: Yav (World of People), Nav (World of Spirits and Souls of Ancestors), Rule (Light World). After God Tarkh Perunovich visited our Ancestors, they began to call themselves "Dazhdbog's grandchildren." In addition to the Ancient Vedas, Dazhdbog also brought cats here. Therefore, the Sphinx - the Image of Dazhdbog - is made in the form of a cat. Our Ancestors were visited by many other Gods.

Country of Daaria

The Sacred Country of Daaria was located on the sunken Continent in the Arctic Ocean and was divided into four parts by rivers: Rai, Thule, Svaga and h'Arra. Each clan of the Great Race had its own province for living, bounded on both sides by rivers. All four rivers flowed into the inland sea. There was an island in the sea on which Mount Meru stood. On Mount Meru, the city of Asgard of Daaria and the Great Temple were built. There is a copy-map of Daaria, which was copied by Mercater in 1595 from the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza. Our Ancestors recorded the events that took place during the period of their life in Daaria, and kept a record of time from these events. Thus, the connection of times and events has been preserved for many hundreds of thousands of years. Summer 604 376 has come from the moment when our Ancestors first saw the Sun and two Moons in the sky of Daaria.

The face of the earth

According to the Runic Chronicles, 300,000 years ago the appearance of Midgard-Earth was completely different. The Sahara desert was the sea. The Indian Ocean is land, there was the mainland of Mu. There was no Strait of Gibraltar. On the Russian Plain, where Moscow is located, there was a sea. On the territory of Omsk there was a large island Buyan. The Sacred Land of Daaria was connected with the mainland by the mountain isthmus of the Riphean (Ural) mountains. The Volga River flows into the Black Sea. The Sakhalin and Korea peninsulas, as well as the Japanese islands, did not exist. There was a continuation of the Eurasian continent.

Different people

On Midgard-Earth, people with different skin colors and a certain territory of residence live. This Earthly humanity has Ancestors who arrived on Midgard-Earth from various Heavenly Halls - Star Systems, namely: the Hall of the Great Race - White color skin; Hall of the Great Dragon - yellow skin color; Hall of the Fire Serpent - red skin color; Halls of the Gloomy Wasteland - black skin color; Halls of Hell World - gray skin color, aliens. The White Race's ally in the battle against the Forces of Darkness was the People from the Hall of the Great Dragon. Rasichi allowed them to settle on Earth, having determined a place in the South-East, at the rising of the Yarilo-Sun. Modern China. Another ally of the Clans of the Great Race is the People with the skin of the color of the Sacred Fire (Redskins) from the Hall of the Fire Serpent. Rasichi assigned them a place on the lands in the Atlantic Ocean. With the advent of the Clans of the Great Race, headed by the Great Leader Ant, this Earth began to be called Antlan, i.e. Land of Ants. The ancient Greeks called it Atlantis. On this Earth, the Great Leader built the Temple of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niy), who sent them countless gifts and protected their land from the Elements of Evil. After the death of Antlani, the righteous people with the color of the skin of the Sacred Fire, the Heavenly Force (Waitmara) transferred to the east to the boundless Earth, lying at the sunset of the Yarila-Sun ... (American continent). So People with the skin of the color of the Sacred Fire appeared on the American continent, bringing with them not only signs of mixing with the White Race, but also the Culture received from them. People with skin of the color of Gloom arrived from the Hall of the Gloomy Wasteland. In ancient times of possession Great Country Black People covered not only the African and South American continents, but also part of Hindustan. The Indian tribes of the Dravidians and Nagas belonged to the Negroid peoples and worshiped the Goddess Kali-Ma - the Goddess of the Black Mother. Our Ancestors gave them the Vedas - Sacred Texts, now known as the Indian Vedas (Hinduism). Having learned about the eternal Heavenly Laws, such as the Law of Karma, Incarnations, Reincarnations and others, they abandoned obscene deeds - from bloody human sacrifices to the Goddess Kali-Ma and the Black Dragons. On Midgard-Earth lived People with in green skins - Greenskins - Amphibians, Amphibian People. They lived in Alanka, Sri Lanka. Previously, there was the mainland of Mu in the Maron (Indian) Ocean, which our Ancestors called Ramtha. This mainland disappeared under water, like Antlan. They had a gill structure of the lungs, could live on land and in water. They have been engaged in genetic engineering for a long time and conducted genetic experiments on crossing people and animals. This went on for a very long time. As a result of the experiments, many crossbreeding species have survived and are referred to as the Undead. Appearance of a human, but actually undead. In appearance, decent people, but the inner content of the Undead and at the same time Inhumans. The enemy of the Great Race and other People on Midgard-Earth are representatives of the Pekelny World, who secretly penetrated to Midgard-Earth, so the territory of residence is not defined. Representatives of the Dark Worlds were the last to arrive on Midgard-Earth from the Galactic East, from the Lands of Eden and Nod. They occupied free lands in Sri Lanka and other continents. The modern city of Eden is located in this area of ​​Midgard-Earth. God Perun calls them Aliens: “... They have gray skin, their eyes are the color of Darkness, and they are bisexual(originally) could be wife or husband(hermaphrodites, in which, depending on the phases of the moon, sexual orientation changed) » . They have a common genetic system. Initially, they began to mix with the People of the skin color of Gloom. They took women for themselves, and they had same-sex children. The only people in which heredity is transmitted through the maternal line. Outlanders obey Koshcheyam- The Princes of Darkness, who use them for their own purposes. They carry a different genotype and psychostructure. They can Irinate among themselves, between people and between animals. (Irina - to unite, merge, mix not only at the physical and genetic level, but also on more subtle planes.) Mixing with other People, they acquire the appearance of a given people, but the psychostructure remains a hermaphrodite that does not have God's Spirit and conscience. They paint their faces with colors to resemble the Children of Men… They never take off their robes in public. They create all kinds of false religious cults and specifically try to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun. They covet everything that is alien, that does not belong to them... All their thoughts are only about power.

«… The goal of the Aliens is to break the Harmony that reigns in the World of Light and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Clan and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of Hell... They want to destroy the Souls of White People so that they do not end up in Heavenly Asgard, but are eternal wanderers in Darkness impenetrable… Using lies and very flattering words, they penetrate into the trust of the inhabitants, as soon as they gain trust among the inhabitants, they begin to comprehend their Ancient Legacy. Having learned everything that is possible in the Ancient Legacy, they begin to interpret it in their favor. They declare themselves messengers of God, but they bring only strife and wars to the world. Using cunning and vicious deeds, they turn the young away from Wisdom, accustom them to live in idleness, to non-observance of their father's Traditions. They do not know about the Honor and Truth of Heaven, for there is no Conscience in their hearts... With lies and unrighteous flattery they will capture many parts of Midgard-Earth, but they will be defeated and exiled to the country of Man-Made Mountains(Egypt) , where people with skin of the color of Darkness and Descendants of the Heavenly Clan will live. And people will begin to teach them to work so that they can feed their children themselves... But the lack of desire to work will unite the Aliens, and they will leave the country of the Man-Made Mountains and settle in all the edges of Midgard-Earth... Millions of lives will be taken by senseless wars to please the desires of the Aliens, there will be wars ... and deaths, the more wealth will be gained by the messengers of the World of Darkness. To achieve their goals, the Dark Forces will even use Fire Mushrooms, which bring death, will rise above Midgard-Earth...»

If we turn to the Vedic sources, then after the second great battle between Light and Darkness, the Earth became a refuge for the Ases, who became the progenitors of the ancient Slavs. The land or, as you can often find the name, Mirgard was divided by rivers into 4 parts, each of which was settled by people. According to the legends, after this moment, four Clans of the Great Race Da'Aryans, Ha'Aryans, Rasen and Svyatorus appeared on earth.

The Clans of the Great Race are people with white skin, whose thoughts are pure, and the soul is filled with Good. They differ only in eye color and height, but at the same time they are inherently fraternal peoples. Over the past few hundred thousand years, the peoples of the ancient Slavs-Aryans have mixed with other peoples, so now it is quite problematic to meet purebred representatives of the RACE, and it is impossible to prove their purebredness. It is worth remembering that the theory of the Clans of the Great Race is the basis for obtaining new knowledge and the strength of ancestors, but it is important to use it only for good, otherwise it can harm the descendants of the ancient Slavs.

Da'Aryans or Darits

Da'Aryans should in no case be compared with representatives of the Nazi

Germany, although they considered themselves the immediate ancestors of one of the four Clans of the Great Race. According to historians, it is the Da'Aryans who are the first race that appeared on earth. Outwardly, a representative of this race is very easy to recognize - they have always been noticeable by their tall stature, gray eyes and blond hair. The eyes have always deserved special attention - they are often compared with the color of steel or silver. According to one theory, it is because of the color of the eyes that Slavic amulets are made of silver.

Da'Aryans for thousands of years were famous only for the first blood type, but under the influence of mixtures and genetic changes, a second one appeared. Purebred Daarians, whose appearance is described above, cannot have either the third or fourth blood types, since they do not combine with the energy power of the Da'Aryans in any way. Although the issue is debatable, after all, millennia have passed, and from mixing and genetic influences, a blood type can also have a negative Rh.

Alas, there are no direct sources in which one could read about races, but according to Vedic legends, the Daariyans were excellent warriors who were not afraid of the negative energy of the enemy and psychotropic effects. It is worth remembering that by their nature, the Da'Aryans are a peaceful and humane race, whose representatives revere their family and do not harm other peoples. But if the question arises of protecting their family and land, the Daarians boldly took up arms, proving their strength, courage and courage. This race has a steel-gray color, so a silver amulet with a rune or a Slavic symbol is the artifact that will awaken the memory of a great family.

Ha'Aryans or Harians

The Ha'Aryans are rightfully considered the second most important Race of the Great Clans. Their peculiarity in appearance is green eyes, tall stature and blond hair, and (according to one theory) they arrived on Mirgard from the constellation Orion. The talent of a person and his ability to develop in any direction directly depended on the brightness of the eye color. Haarians can have both the first and second group, but always with a positive Rh.

There were legends about the art of the warriors of this race - the swords of the Khaarians were considered reliable defenders of all Slavic lands. Special attention deserves the fact that the Kha'Aryans were famous for their high military spirit and could influence the enemy not only with the help of physical strength, but also with the strength of the spirit and their inexhaustible positive energy. Among the representatives of this race, there were often magicians and healers who were ready to help anyone in need.

The descendants of this Genus, like no one else, adapted to modern world, as they are excellent mechanics, which will not be difficult to deal with any technique. At the same time, Karuna of the Khaarians is rightfully considered the universal script of the Great Race and serves as the basis for many modern alphabets. Wisdom and insight, knowledge and striving for self-perfection, a piercing mind and intuition are the main signs of a true Khaari.


Among the Clans of the Great Race, Rasen are widely known, which are known to many as

Etruscans. The legendary Holy Russians-Rasen and Scandinavian berserkers are the descendants of the Rasen. Despite the fact that their growth is slightly lower than that of the Khaari and Daari, they were rarely inferior to them in strength and courage. Brown eyes did not mean the dark color of the eyes at all (according to one theory, dark brown eyes were granted to the Rasen by the gods to protect them from bad looks), but meant “desire for the Aryans” and bestowed upon them military courage and rage. Rasenov's blood type is the second. Quite often you can find another name for Rasen, which is more pleasing to our ears - Rusens.

According to Vedic sources and ancient legends, the Rasen lived in the middle lands of the Great Race, so they were not so skillful warriors, but this does not mean that they could not fend for themselves. Not so rich experience of battles was more than replaced by rage and combat trance, and the ability to feel the environment on a thin energy level. At the same time, races are vulnerable to external psychological influences and negative energy.

The ability to enter a combat trance, draw energy from the depths of space, leave aside emotions and fear made Rasen indispensable assistants on the battlefield, especially where it is urgent to break through the enemy’s defenses. The races, whose appearance was somewhat different from the previous races, according to some theories, are the founders of the Roman Empire and the progenitors of most of the peoples of modern Europe.


The fourth and last clan are the Svyatorus, the legends about which have preserved their description - broad-shouldered and tall, with blue eyes and blond hair. The blood type of Svyatorus can be either the first or the second. As the legends say, in the eyes of the Svyatorus one could see all the purity of the sky and the mountain lake, but at the same time, in case of danger, the sparkle of the eyes became sharper than steel.

The central territories of the Great Race were originally considered subject to the Svyatorus. It has long been believed that the Svyatoruss are the most peaceful people of the Great Race, but this is not entirely true - in case of danger or if it is necessary to protect their home and family, the Svyatorus men as one became strong warriors capable of fighting to the last drop of blood. Among the Holy Russians one can always meet talented people, capable of arts, crafts and creation. The ability to feel subtle matters at the level of genetics allows the races (and their descendants) to bring any chaos to harmony. If you touch on history, then many Holy Russians became spiritual mentors, broadcasters, healers. The purpose of the Holy Russians is to create and create, looking for beauty in the terrible, and morality in the immoral.

Clans of the Great Race - strength in unity

Darians, Harians, Holy Russians and Rasenians are not just four kinds of the Great Race, they are four indivisible parts of a single whole - the divine principle that came to earth. Every descendant of the Great Race should know and understand that possession of the past is the key to the future, but gaining knowledge in an unrighteous way is not the path of a Slav. Buying a Slavic amulet made of silver does not mean receiving the help of ancestors, it is just an energy bridge that makes it possible to reveal inner strength, awaken the memory of the family, and receive positive cosmic energy. It is worth remembering that the strength of the Aryan Slavs at all times was in unity, and today, in order to achieve spiritual unity, all descendants of the Great Race must forget strife and unite.


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Eyes Mirror of the Soul?

Is eye color somehow related to genetics or is it still with the soul?

Why are the eyes a mirror?

How did it happen that only people of the white race have silver, green, blue eyes?

Slavs-Aryans (RASA) consist of 4 peoples - differences incl. according to the color of the eyes - the iris reflecting the spectrum of that solar system from where that people originally came out.

The decisive sign of belonging to the Race is not blood relationship, but the relationship of the Spirit / this can be seen in deeds; we judge by deeds - who do you belong to /
According to the Heritage of the Slavic-Aryans, there were originally 4 "branches" - Harians, Darians, Rassens and Svyatoruss.
And they differed in eye color.
Silver-steel eye color - Darians,
The Darians have silver eyes, or, as they say now, steel-gray;
Emerald green - Kharians,
Lake blue - Svetorusy,
Holy Russians have lake, that is, blue, or heavenly;
Fire-brown - Rassen
The Rassen have fiery, or, as they say now, “aspiring to the Aryans” - that is, brown.

American eye color statistics

Black Americans are absolutely dominated by brown and black eyes. Rare cases of a different eye color may be due to genetic mixing, but as you can see from the statistics, green, blue, silver-gray are very, very rare 0.1-0.3%

Hispanics are also dominated by brown and black eyes, but apparently there was more mixing of genetics, which gave a greater percentage of Blue and Green colors.

It is also very interesting that, according to Wikipedia, Americans of German origin (read Slavic) - black eyes are completely absent(German-Germans don't like to mix)

Eyes Mirror of the Soul

At this point, it is worth considering whether it is genetics? Or maybe in the desire and ability of the soul to be embodied in the body in which the soul desires?

Let's try to imagine that for hundreds of thousands of years the soul has been embodied in a biomachine avatar, let's say with white skin color, both habitually and conveniently, and the priests / sorcerers say that so it is more correct - for according to the laws, govern, for bodies belong to our family.

And who will let in someone else's avatar? Do you often drive your neighbor's car? Why is there a neighbor, he is at least an acquaintance, but if not at all from a familiar black uncle, take an avatar car to ride for one life?

It turns out that in our family, on our bio-avatars of human bodies, we travel, live and embody our great-grandfathers, and they embody us.

And souls different peoples The Harians, Darians, Rassens and Svyatoruss live together for a long time, so it happens that two brown-eyed parents have a child with green eyes.

Newborn eye color

Again from Wikipedia - "Most newborns caucasian race born with blue or blue eyes, however, at 3-6 months of life, the color of the eyes may darken.

But Black eyes commonfirst of all, among the Mongoloid race, in South, Southeast and East Asia. There, babies are born immediately with black eyes.

newborn black race

Photographs and statistics show that childrenblack racealso born withblack/browneyes. The effect of changing eyes in these races is not observed.

Darians(Da'Aryans) - this is the Genus of the Great Race, which appeared first. They looked like this: very tall (almost three meters), gray eyes ("silver", "steel"), with light brown hair. There is also evidence that the Darians had the first blood type, from which the second appeared as a result of mutations. But the other two blood groups are absolutely not characteristic of the white race. The Darians were the basis of the army and military affairs. After all, this Rod was distinguished by its extraordinary resistance to mental and bodily influence. The Darians were hardy and strong. But it is worth noting their kindness, mercy. The eye color of the Darians is associated with steel and thunderclouds.

Harians(h'Aryans) - also belong to the Great Race, but they appeared second. Their average height ranged from two hundred to three hundred centimeters. To date, the descendants of this genus are the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, the north Russian Federation, England. What did the Harians look like? They had blond hair green eyes (emerald). The richer the color of the iris, the more gifted the person was. It is believed that the Harians repeatedly met with dark forces. They were brilliant strategists, they were difficult to deceive. The Harians were sages, priests. They owned both writing, and supernatural abilities (teleportation, moving objects with the power of thought), and military affairs. In addition, the Harians had the ability to see spaces, to plan construction.

Rasen- Third Kind. In world history, their descendants are called the Etruscans. The appearance of the Rasen was as follows: height up to 270 centimeters (that is, lower than the Darians and Harians), with brown eyes, dark blond hair color. The military skills of the Rasen were not as developed, since they did not live on the borders of the occupied territories. But the races in the war are more violent and furious, but less resistant to mental and physical influences. Rasen very subtly feel the world around them. They made good priests and magicians. Modern peoples are the descendants of the Rasenians: Italians (inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula), Albanians, part of the Russians and others.

Svyatorusy- the last Genus of the Great Race. A typical svyatorus was up to three meters tall, broad-shouldered and powerful, blue-eyed (sky color). Interestingly, the hair could be absolutely anything: from light to dark. The Holy Russians lived far from the borders, so they mastered the art of war insofar as. But despite this, they were brave and strong. This Rod is the most prone to creation, creation, art, craft. They feel beauty. Holy Russians made excellent artists, writers, and architects. Modern peoples are the descendants of the Holy Russians: northern ethnic groups in Russia, Belarusians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Poles, Irish and others.

- 16464

As for the history of our planet, everything you know about it can be considered complete fiction. Official history is a screen for concealing the truth. But this screen is of poor quality and is torn every year more and more, patches no longer help. These methods use the forces that control our world to keep us in bondage by giving the illusion of freedom. We think that we are being deceived in small things and we are in control of the situation. However, in reality, we are being deceived on a grand scale and in the main. And the more seriously you begin to study history, the more you begin to understand that everything in it is absolutely distorted and deliberately turned upside down! They are trying to hide from us something very important for us, necessary for survival.

Each nation looks into its future through the prism of the past, creates in the present based on the spiritual culture that comes from the Ancestors. If a people does not have its own past, such a people ceases to exist. We have been taught to look at the world through Christianity, through Marxism-Leninism, through textbooks with invented history. But there is also a Slavic-Aryan view of everything that happened in the Universe and on Earth.

In our Universe, there is a continuous struggle between the Light Gods and the dark forces that exist in the Pekelny world (dark, demonic world). The first Great Assa, the Great Battle of the Forces of Light and Darkness, arose for the reason that Belobog did not allow Chernobog to make the Ancient Knowledge available in the Light Worlds available to the Hellish World. great battle covered many Earths of the Worlds of Reveal and Navi.

The Belobog, having united the Light Forces, defeated the army of the dark worlds. So that the forces of darkness could not penetrate the Lands of the Light Worlds, the Gods-defenders created a Frontier separating Light and darkness. The boundary was laid across the Earths in the World of Reveal, in the World illuminated by yellow Stars and Suns, including our Yarila-Sun.

Part of the Ancient Knowledge, through the efforts of Chernobog, nevertheless fell into the lower worlds. Some realities of the worlds of darkness, having found them, began to ascend along the path of the Light Forces - along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. However, they have not learned to distinguish between good and evil. Therefore, low-lying forms of life tried to impose their power in the halls of the Svarog Circle bordering the world of darkness, into which the Halls of Mokosh (the constellation Ursa Major), Rada (the constellation Orion) fell.

In one of the battles of the second Great Assa, a Vaitmara-class spaceship carrying settlers was damaged. A Whitemara is an intergalactic ship ("The Great Celestial Chariot"), capable of carrying "in its womb" up to 144 spaceships of the Whiteman type. Wightman is a spacecraft (“Small Celestial Chariot”), adapted for traveling directly between the Earths of various solar (stellar) systems and landing on them.

The damaged Vaitmara was at that time in the Yarila-Sun system. Two Earths - Ourey (Mars) and Deya (Phaeton - the asteroid belt remained) - from our solar system were inhabited, they housed space navigation and communications stations. However, these inhabited Earths were at that moment much further from Vaitmara than the unexplored and uninhabited Midgard-Earth.

In addition, Midgard-Earth had two moons, which practically coincided in parameters with the moons of Ingard-Earth, where part of the crew came from. Therefore, a reconnaissance spacecraft was sent to Midgard-Earth, which managed to deliver samples of air, water and earth aboard the Vaitmara. Analyzes have shown the suitability of Midgard-Earth for life. Vaitmara remained in the orbit of Midgard-Earth, and part of the settlers landed on Midgard.

The crew of Waitmara consisted of representatives of the four Clans of the allied Lands: da'Aryans, x'Aryans, Rasen and Svyatorus. Moreover, the pilots were representatives of the da'Aryans. Kh'Aryans were responsible for space navigation calculations. The Svyatoruss were engaged in the life support systems of the ship, carried out repair and restoration work. Rasens were responsible for the ship's maintenance systems.

Studies of the Vedas showed that at least two out of four Clans of the White Race moved to Midgard-Earth by force, since life on their planets was destroyed. And Perun’s testimonies about this sound like a requiem: “From those evil enemies that turned the Earth blooming into dust, that they shed blood on innocent creatures, nowhere spared either the young or the old ... Therefore, many Gates were closed so that Alien enemies would not fall into the Light The lands of Svarga the Great ... and they did not suffer the fate of Troara (the planet of the Harians), which in the Rada of the Most Bright, Wise Love of the World lit up ... Now Troara is deserted, without Life ... cosmic communications) mountains collapsed ... and the ashes of the fires lie seven sazhens (15 meters) ... The same image, sad, dull, I saw in Arcoln (the planet of the Russ), on Rutta-Earth, which used to shine in Mokosh the Light. ..” (“Santii of the Veda of Perun”).

Foreigners destroyed many lands,
in different Halls of the Svarog Circle ...
Black Envy obscures their vision,
when they see each other's wealth...
envy, deceit and desire of someone else,
that's what their goal is, even in the Hell World...
And so the Outlanders are trying...
capture everything in Svarga and the Interworld ...

All crew members were white-skinned people over 2 meters tall. The Kh'Aryans were the tallest. People of each of the Clans had differences not only in height, but also in the color of the iris (iris), hair color, and blood type.

Da'Aryans have silver (gray, steel) eyes and light blond, almost whitish, hair.

X'Aryans have green eyes and light blond hair.

Svyatorusy heavenly (blue, cornflower blue, lake) eye color and hair from whitish to dark blond.

Rasens have fiery (brown, light brown, yellow) eyes and dark blond hair.

The color of the eyes depended on what kind of Sun in the spectrum shone for people on the Earths where they were born. The Aryans differed from the Svyatorus and Rasenov also in that they were able to recognize where the false information is (Krivda), and where is the Truth. This was due to the fact that the Aryans had the experience of war with the dark forces, protecting their Earth.

Wightman arrived from the Earth Oreya (Mars), who took some of the passengers to the Oreya station to transfer to another Wightmaru and continue the journey. Part of the settlers remained on Midgard-Earth, because many liked the Earth, on which there were no other people at that time, but only animals and beautiful plants existed. In addition, while help arrived, some of the settlers managed to have “earthly” children. After the repair, Vaitmara continued her space journey (the Gods returned "to heaven"). All those who remained on Midgard-Earth began to call themselves “I Am”, i.e. "I am God, the Son (Daughter) of God." Azes or Ases are the essence of the Gods living on Earth.

The first ancestors or Ases, as they called themselves, as a result of the forced landing of a spaceship, ended up on our beautiful planet and stayed here to live forever. The development of the Earth by representatives of the Great Race of Slavs and Aryans began. The mainland, on which the place for settlement on Midgard-Earth was chosen, was called by star travelers Daaria - the Gift of the Gods.

The Sacred Land of Daaria was divided by rivers into four parts: Rai, Tule, Svaga and x’Appa. There is a copy of the map of Daaria, which was copied by Gerhard Mercator in the Middle Ages from the wall of one of the Egyptian pyramids in Giza. Each of the Slavic-Aryan Clans had its own territory (province) for living, bounded on both sides by rivers. All four rivers flowed into the inland sea. There was an island in the sea, on which stood Mount Peace (Meru). The city of Asgard of Daaria and the Great Temple (Temple) were built on the mountain. Asgard is translated as the City of the Gods living on Midgard-Earth.

So, our First Ancestors did not originate from monkeys, and not from Adam and Eve, but arrived a million years ago on Earth from the Cosmos. The ancient Slavic-Aryan Gods were their Fathers, and they are Their children, having the Ancient Faith and glorifying their Gods and Ancestors. The descendants of the Heavenly Clan acquired from them an ancient faith - knowledge about the structure of the Cosmos and began to glorify their Gods and ancestors. The Great Flood forced our First Ancestors to leave the Sacred Land of Daaria and move to the Eurasian continent.

Gray-eyed Darians came from the constellation Ursa Minor, their earth (planet) - Paradise. Their sun is Tara.
The green-eyed Harians came from the constellation of Orion. Their land (Planet) is Troara. Their sun is Rada.
Blue-eyed holy Russians came from the constellation Ursa Major. Their planet is Arcolna.
Brown-eyed races came from the constellation Leo. Their land is Ingard. Their sun is Dazhdbog.

For all questions, please contact: e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. Sirotkin Vyacheslav Vladimirovich