How to please a Scorpio man if you are a Capricorn. How to please a Scorpio man or guy? how to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep a Scorpio guy or man? What kind of compliments do Scorpio guys and men like? what girls and what

At first glance, it may seem that such a man has little interest in women.

But, believe me, this opinion is wrong, since he still loves women.

Scorpio men are capable of passionate and stormy love, but, unfortunately, it quickly passes and a completely new love begins, which is no less desperate and stormy. Scorpio should not be blamed for this, since he loves women, he likes to give them his attention, to be the center of women's attention. But he will connect his fate only with the one who will fit his ideal.

How to please a Scorpio man
If Scorpio notices that you are interested in him, then he will soon become interested in you and start spending his free time with you. Only this will happen until he meets another woman and becomes interested in her.
It is difficult to retain such a man if you only have a fashionable wardrobe and an attractive appearance in your arsenal. You will be able to amaze Scorpio with your education, erudition, and ability to express yourself beautifully. Just don’t immediately think of singing his virtues or confessing your love to him, he already knows that. Therefore, he will take your compliments as pure flattery. He hates sycophancy and flattery, the fact is that he himself is a fairly straightforward person. He always speaks directly what he thinks.

He knows women's nature well and gives preference to honest and principled women. It is impossible to deceive him, so before the meeting you should prepare in advance and work on yourself.
No matter how your conversation goes, don’t even try to change your opinion, go to the end, insist. From such behavior, Scorpios lose control and boil over. As soon as you notice that he is in this state, you can congratulate yourself, you have won! You have taken a dominant position over the Scorpio man.

Now the simplest thing remains - to hit his heart, to present him with the kind of love pleasures that he has dreamed of all his life. If you manage to combine two roles: a seductress and a modest one, believe me, he will definitely appreciate it. Don’t hold back your desires and feelings, try not to disappoint him, let him be in seventh heaven.

Just don’t repeat the biggest woman’s mistake at this moment - don’t demand declarations of love and vows from him. Believe me, you will ruin everything by doing this, because if he has decided for himself that you are ideal, then additional words are not even required.

You need to stop flirting, flirting, flirting with him. Since he is confident, everything that he can do cannot be done to the woman he has chosen. He won’t even listen to your excuses, he can’t do it. Moreover, we should not forget the fact that he has quite a large choice, although unsuccessful, but still there.

Astrologers unanimously identify men born under the sign of Scorpio as the most sensual and attractive. Girls agree with this, but few manage to stay close to a representative of this sign. Mainly because, despite all the outward courtesy and friendliness, the Scorpio man almost never reveals his real feelings.

This behavior is explained simply: Scorpios are vulnerable like no other sign, and only full control over the situation protects them from injury and mental anguish for any reason. And even then not always. It is unlikely that all these qualities will facilitate the process of winning the heart of this complex water sign, but practice shows that they do not stop those who want to get closer to Scorpio. The goal is too tempting. If you are one of them, remember the advice of astrologers.

Where to meet

Most representatives of this sign are active, if not in body, then in soul. Scorpios are always drawn to exploits, so they can be found in the center of public events, where they can test their strength and do something useful for society. However, for a date rather, they would prefer a place where they can chat calmly and exchange views on life. Philosophical and intellectual conversations are not alien to them, so they are attracted to girls who are capable of reasoning.Scorpio values ​​originality, so you are unlikely to find him in the hot spots where the social elite like to hang out. Take him where no one goes or where informal communities gather.

How to behave

1. Don't be upset if you feel like Scorpio isn't paying any attention to you. Remind yourself often that this is the most secretive sign. His indifference can actually turn into fiery passion.

2. Remain a mystery as long as possible. This applies to everything - how you dress, communicate, talk about yourself and your interests. It is important not to lose naturalness, but also not to give everything away at once.

3. Use your uniqueness. Scorpios are greedy for everything that stands out from the general background. Even if it's the wrong pronunciation or excess weight. Try to attract his attention with something that is unique to you. It's guaranteed to be a success!

What are the characteristics of a relationship with Scorpio?

1. Difficult situations. Scorpio is not interested in simple and understandable things.

2. Surprises. You will never know exactly what he will do and how he will behave in the future.

3. Infinity. It is impossible to lose interest in Scorpio. But even if this happens, you will part ways for a long time and emotionally.

Definitely, the Scorpio man is a free-spirited, incredibly purposeful nature, and besides, extraordinary and quite persistent. This person makes literally all his decisions solely on his own, often without even taking into account the negative opinions of others. This man is a leader in everything, he is also a warrior, capable of rushing into battle in a second even when to others this battle may seem obviously losing.

Absolutely all Scorpio men will never fail in anything. As a rule, these are very passionate people, and even prone to excesses, and, among other things, capable of displaying cruelty. However, these men can be very sensual, and therefore can no less often enjoy incredible success with the opposite sex, who is weak to such manifestations. Note that many young ladies simply try to flirt with men of the Scorpio sign, without even realizing that by doing so they are really playing with fire. So interesting fact should definitely be taken into account if you are thinking about conquering a man in the sign of Scorpio. But how can he be so dangerous, and how it would be more correct to behave with such a man, so as not to burn or even get burned, we’ll talk further.

How to attract the attention of the man you like if his zodiac sign is Scorpio?

Initially, I would like to note that the man is actually a Scorpio purely outwardly, it may falsely appear that an individual is completely dispassionate, and even has little interest in the emotional and sensual side of our life. Don't believe it - it's just a distant mask that has nothing to do with personality. In fact, women are very, very impressive and attracted to this man. One could even say that Scorpio men, somewhere inside, are essentially extraordinary rakes, capable of very violent, but, unfortunately, fleeting passion. Such men may simply like the opposite sex in general. And this means that Scorpios are simply unable to give their preference to one of the representatives of the weaker sex for too long. These men are ready to love absolutely everyone. However, such men try to connect their fate only with the young lady who, in Scorpio’s opinion, will turn out to be the most worthy.

A Scorpio man can sometimes even seem too passionate about a certain young lady; he may give her maximum attention, and perhaps even speak in vivid colors about his incredibly strong, amazing feelings for the lady. But at the same time, all these words will not mean at all that he dreams of seeing this particular young lady as his companion for life. Simply, at the current moment in time, this particular girl can stand out somewhat from all the other ladies. Moreover, standing out in such a way that Scorpio notices you is not at all difficult. All you have to do is let a specific man of the Scorpio sign know that you are interested in him. No, we didn’t say that for this you won’t need to look good, you will definitely need to appear well-groomed, very stylish, and preferably erudite. As a rule, “Blue Stockings” will not attract guys of this sign.

It is guaranteed that those girls who endlessly talk about their boundless love for them and every second praise all the virtues of their chosen one will not be able to bribe such a man. After all, the Scorpio man values ​​himself quite highly; he does not at all need this kind of praise, which he perceives to a greater extent as some kind of attempt at undisguised flattery. But, oddly enough, this rather narcissistic type of man generally cannot stand flattery in all its forms. This man always prefers to deal with truly honest and even principled women who are able, if necessary, to defend the correctness of their own opinion. Such characteristics and qualities in a young lady can turn Scorpios on to such an extent that they may even lose control over their own emotions and feelings to a certain extent.

Thinking about how to win a man of the Scorpio sign, It will be necessary to take into account that this type is incredibly temperamental. This means that if the young lady is to the taste of this womanizer, he is unlikely to wait for some better times, most likely he will immediately drag her into bed, perhaps even immediately after the first acquaintance. However, Scorpio is also not attracted to overly aggressively sexy young ladies who do not need to be conquered. These men need a girl who is both very seductive and no less modest at the same time. It would be more correct to say that they are looking for a young lady in whom, behind purely external virtue, a completely irrepressible, and even overflowing, feminine nature and sensuality can be discerned.

In other words, in order to be able to seriously and for a long time interest a Scorpio man, you need to look quite impressive. But at the same time, she should not look provocative; a woman should be able to carry on a conversation in a timely manner in a company and at the same time be unusually sexually attractive. And believe me, not a single Scorpio man can pass by such a young lady. In such a situation, the young lady herself will only have a little to do - soon she will also demonstrate a master class to the Scorpio man directly in bed. And then this man will immediately be stunned, and will feel at least in seventh heaven. Although he will, of course, feel something, he will definitely not rush to confess his love and, accordingly, propose his hand in marriage. This happens because even if a Scorpio man loses his head from a young lady, he finds her soon enough and quickly puts her back in her original place. Such a man quickly comes to his senses and begins to fairly calmly assess the current situation and, in fact, the young lady herself. And here everything is logical, romance is romance, but such a man is always convinced that you definitely cannot create a family solely on amazing sex and some kind of emotional outburst. Indeed, the Scorpio man can be considered the most sane person in this regard. And of course, winning the heart of this type will need to be painstaking and very diligent.

How to conquer a Scorpio man completely?

Important information - if a Scorpio man begins to spend too much time with a particular girl, all this in itself indicates his significant interest in this person. Such a man looks closely for a long time, evaluates and analyzes a lot, weighs literally everything, even the smallest pros and cons, and believe me, sooner or later he will definitely draw his conclusion. But for this conclusion to be in your favor, you need to carefully correct your behavior and carefully build the right image. A Scorpio man, as a rule, can very meticulously evaluate the qualities of each candidate for his wife. And in order not to disappoint this man, you should constantly take into account that he, for example, is incredibly jealous. So, as soon as he notices that the young lady is even superficially flirting with someone, or even worse, flirting, he can immediately put an end to her. Moreover, despite the fact that he himself can afford to almost recklessly court several other ladies at once. Scorpio is sure that what was allowed for any man is completely unacceptable for his woman! This is exactly the position of Scorpio men and believe me, this cannot be changed.

This type, quite corrosive and uncompromising with respect to certain character traits of a future life partner, usually looks for a woman with an exceptionally loyal heart. This man can almost constantly have light, insignificant affairs with literally anyone, but he will never seriously and for a long time consider it possible to contact a frivolous, frivolous and unreliable beauty, surrounded by a huge number of fans. The Scorpio man, like the vast majority of all other men, is essentially a hunter, but he is a hunter who does not intend to compete with anyone; rather, he is a lone wolf who independently gets the victim. After all, there is usually a lot of prey in his snares.

As a rule, this type of man must always be completely convinced that it is his beloved woman who will always be 100% honest with him. That he can always completely rely on his woman in everything, and in any situation, even controversial in all respects. Actually, that’s why we would never, and even under any life’s ups and downs and circumstances, advise you to deceive a Scorpio man, even in small things. After all, as soon as such a man notices in his woman even a fraction of pretense or some kind of secrecy incomprehensible to him, he can immediately lose all trust in her. And believe me, getting back what was lost will not only be difficult, but almost impossible. But without trust on his part, serious family relationships with Scorpio are basically impossible.

Remember with this man always you need to be as sincere and real as possible and yet at the same time at least a little mysterious and enigmatic. This man needs to be constantly intrigued, as if awakening his desire to unravel your secret, which is hidden somewhere very deep. To do this, you only need to slightly periodically lift the very veil that exists over this secret, say, casually mentioning it in a familiar conversation. Scorpios are curious and will certainly want to find out what exactly was hidden behind this veil. In general, it would be advisable for young ladies who want to connect their lives with Scorpio to always adhere to this behavior in any life situations. And then the almost constant interest of her beloved Scorpio will be ensured.

A young lady who intends to win the heart of an explosive Scorpio, and for many long family years, must initially understand that this man is looking for in a woman not only a loving wife, but also an adequate, pleasant interlocutor and even a girlfriend. As a rule, all men of this sign need a woman who is able to share their not always logical hobbies or inclinations. And, if you still don’t share, then at least make a minimum of effort to learn, to understand a little about these hobbies. And therefore, we try to initially find out what exactly our prospective groom is interested in, and we try to study this subject as quickly as possible, and as thoroughly and better as possible. And be it the usual breeding of rabbits or nutria, political economics or, say, nuclear physics.

Moreover even if you are not at all interested in what this man gets such a thrill from, try to be diligent and learn as much as possible about this activity. If you can at least maintain an adequate conversation with a Scorpio man on a topic so adored by him, believe me, he will be yours, because he will simply be stunned by such joy. Still would! After all, it turns out that his beautiful sexy girlfriend is not stupid, since she is interested in the same nuclear physics, and is not just superficially interested, but has a good understanding of the issue!

In reality, a girl who has decided to strive to be close to a man of the Scorpio sign must also, in essence, be quite strong and somewhat extraordinary in nature. You will have to fight with such a man more than once, and you must agree that in order for the man not to get bored, he needs to be a worthy opponent in this. However, do not go too far; men of this sign will definitely not be attracted to an overly rational person. Scorpio needs absolute femininity, maximum warmth, feminine sensitivity and immense attention. Rest assured, the Scorpio man will certainly appreciate all these qualities in you. To tell the truth, he might appreciate it, but he won’t show it. After all, the Scorpio man is not used to showing someone too demonstratively what he likes or doesn’t like, whether he likes or not.

In addition, in order to be able to win the love and devotion of a man with this zodiac sign, a woman must be a very unique person. At least because this man is firmly convinced of a certain correctness and exclusivity of his own, which means that he will never connect his life with a mediocre woman. As a result, the girl will have to be an out-of-the-box thinker, perhaps she will behave unusually in ordinary situations, desire something non-trivial in this life that is as exceptional as her partner. A Scorpio woman should not be afraid to shock everyone around her with her originality and specificity. As a rule, a Scorpio man is absolutely indifferent to everything that other people say and think about himself, and about his lady. Actually, this is exactly what he demands from his possible chosen one. A Scorpio girl should be literally in no way similar to other women. Let her actions or statements in some way amaze the audience, perhaps even puzzle, or confuse everyone. Believe me, all this will bring a lot of pleasure to Scorpio himself.

Let's summarize - as a rule, in order to be able to completely and completely conquer a Scorpio man, you need to:

  • I sincerely believe that sex is the most amazing activity, requiring, among other things, a creative, extraordinary approach.
  • Never be afraid to plunge headlong into the water, even without knowing where the ford is.
  • Stoically be able to overcome all life's obstacles and obstacles.
  • Be able to heroically defend your own opinion, and ensure that this opinion is adequate.
  • Never depend on any (positive or negative) opinion of people around you.
  • Always be individual and unlike other women.

So, if you, dear young lady, agree with all the points described above, then you can safely get down to business! Although, you should still take into account that your future life with a man of the Scorpio sign definitely cannot be too easy. It will not be possible to transport this man; you will have to accept him only as he, in general, is, even with all his bad habits and with all the demands on you. And besides, the Scorpio man is also a brawler who sincerely believes that true love and no less strong hatred are practically inseparable. This man would rather be rude to you than, for example, give you a long-awaited compliment. As a rule, an alliance with such a man is full of some stormy, and sometimes even painful, emotional experiences.

Remember completely unpredictable events and facts that every now and then radically change your plans, some completely wild situations - believe me, you will have to go through all this with such a man. Although we cannot but agree that true love cannot be afraid of any storm! Indeed, for the sake of true love, you can go to great lengths.

Scorpio is one of the most mysterious, controversial and attractive signs of the zodiac. It combines the struggle of two elements - the best and the worst that happens in a person.

A Scorpio man is easy to pick out from the crowd. He is attractive in appearance, smart, elegantly dressed. But the biggest impression is made by inner strength and confidence. It is characterized by excessive self-love and increased self-esteem.

The Scorpio man has a strong will and strong character. He is focused on success and goes ahead. He does not recognize authorities and is inclined to break existing stereotypes. Demands unquestioning obedience from those around him. A leader by nature. May seem callous and heartless. But this is a reliable person: if he promises something, he will do it.

Scorpio has high intelligence and developed creative abilities. He is not afraid of difficulties. He does not tolerate lies, and often tells people what he thinks about them to their faces. Therefore, representatives of this sign have many enemies.

The Scorpio man constantly experiences strong emotions, but tries to keep them under control. Deep down, he is extremely vulnerable. Passions rage within him, which can lead to passion for extreme sports, gambling, and alcohol.

What kind of woman will attract the attention of a Scorpio man?

Scorpio will like stylish, elegant, well-groomed woman. But he is not at all looking for an unearthly beauty and is often not attracted to the generally accepted ideal. He will appreciate a woman’s ability to emphasize her attractiveness with clothes, cosmetics, and accessories.

He is attracted to women with charm, mystery, and a rich inner world. The chosen one must have high intelligence, good education and excellent manners. Scorpio will be repulsed by vulgarity, rudeness, and importunity.

The Scorpio companion must be purposeful, with her own source of income. He will not respect a woman who is financially and morally dependent on him and will push her around. The chosen one must be tactful. What is important is the sensuality, passion and sexuality of the partner, the absence of complexes.

Scorpios often choose companions older than themselves. This is due to the fact that they are connoisseurs of mystery, worldly experience and confidence, which is typical for an adult lady.

Scorpio man in love

Scorpio has a magnetic effect on women. He will do everything to achieve his chosen one. In love, as in life, he is focused on success. Scorpio looks after you beautifully, showers you with gifts, flowers, and compliments.
A woman needs to be careful - Scorpio may try to emotionally subjugate her. But as soon as he achieves this, interest is lost. Therefore, the chosen one will always have to be a little unapproachable and distant. Scorpio loves, as well as hates, passionately. There are no halftones for him, so it’s not easy to be in love with him.

The portal site draws your attention to the fact that Scorpio is not the most sure sign. He will always have hobbies, regardless of whether he is a family man or not. At the same time, the man will not tolerate betrayal of his chosen one. In general, if you like living on a volcano, a Scorpio man is for you!

In sex, Scorpio is tireless, he has a rich imagination. Will not tolerate shyness and tightness. Loves hard caresses, even with a sadistic twist. He behaves selfishly with a random partner. With a permanent woman he will be more attentive.

Compatibility of a Scorpio man with all zodiac signs

Aries Woman. Representatives of these signs are similar. A passionate, bright, sexy Aries woman is very suitable for Scorpio. Both value reliability. At the same time, these signs are leaders and do not tolerate submission. A dispute over primacy and violent quarrels are possible. Although for such a couple, a showdown is another version of the game, a surge of love emotions. A woman should be a little more accommodating and recognize the man’s leadership. Under this condition, the prognosis is a long-term relationship, a happy marriage.

Taurus woman. She has a calm, indestructible character and philosophically endures Scorpio's jealousy and sarcastic remarks. And he, realizing his difficult character, is grateful to her for this. The Taurus woman has the talent to negotiate with Scorpio, quietly pushing him towards the decision she needs. She is a wonderful housewife, but not a homebody, which Scorpio likes. Both signs are perfectly compatible sexually. An excellent forecast for love and family.

Gemini Woman.“Twin” has many fans with whom they don’t mind flirting, which makes Scorpio jealous. Her freedom-loving character resists dictatorship. But she prefers not to argue, not to quarrel, but to simply disappear from the house. Her frivolity annoys Scorpio, who values ​​reliability. The relationship will develop with a much older companion. He can forgive “Twin” a lot for her grace, spontaneity and charm.

Cancer Woman. Her gentle, sensitive nature is hurt by Scorpio’s bullying and caustic remarks. He lacks assertiveness and self-confidence in her. “Rakinya” is family-oriented; she does not understand the universal ambitions of her partner. But he values ​​honesty and reliability in a partner, and he is attracted by the mysterious, dreamy charm of Cancer. A long-term relationship is possible, provided that Scorpio begins to better control his emotions, and Cancer “builds up” a stronger “shell.”

Leo Woman. A very suitable union for love. A bright, strong, courageous Lioness will immediately attract the attention of Scorpio. He will appreciate her maximalism, desire to shine in society, and outstanding leadership and organizational qualities. But quarrels will arise on the basis of leadership, which will be extinguished by wonderful sex. If these signs learn to make concessions, the relationship will be long and strong.

Virgo Woman. It's a rare case when completely different people are a perfect match. The calm and homely Virgo is the antipode of the energetic, stormy Scorpio. However, both have strong characters. Both are serious, reliable, hardworking, and not afraid of difficulties. Virgo's hard work and responsibility are a reliable support for a companion. He inspires her and gives her vital energy. The forecast is for a long, happy love, a strong family.

Libra Woman. Complex connection. The signs match perfectly sexually. But Libra finds it difficult to endure Scorpio’s demanding and caustic attacks, uncontrollable anger and jealousy. Libra should try to turn a blind eye to these features. Try to notice positive qualities - seriousness, reliability, responsibility

Scorpio woman. Representatives of the same sign are unusually similar. They are unusually attracted to each other, love at first sight and a passionate romance are possible. Perfectly sexy. But a long-term relationship, and especially marriage, is unlikely. Both are bright leaders, both do not recognize the opinions of others - they will feel cramped in the same boat. They can get along only if they learn to listen to their companion and curb their character.

Sagittarius Woman. Both signs are similar in their sensuality, strong character, and independence. But the connection is not very strong. Sagittarius, who loves flirting and male company, will give Scorpio many reasons to be jealous. At the same time, he will perceive his reproaches as a restriction of his own freedom. The duration of the union depends on how much patience Scorpio has, and it usually doesn’t last long.

Capricorn woman. An ideal union for both love and family. Scorpio admires Capricorn's iron restraint, her ability to create an atmosphere of love, reliability and comfort in the house. She is impressed by his determination. They may have rare quarrels, since both are strong personalities, but great sex makes them forget their differences.

Aquarius woman. Passionate but short-lived love is possible. Both signs are strong, bright personalities. But freedom-loving Aquarius is not very attracted family life. True, Aquarius does not give her any reason to be jealous. But Aquarius’s independence and reluctance to create a strong family rear does not fit with Scorpio’s ideas about a constant companion.

Pisces Woman. Communication is rare, but the partners are very suitable. Both are serious, reliable, value family comfort and a strong rear. Excellent sexual compatibility. A romantic dreamer, the serene Pisces woman is a riddle for Scorpio that he can solve throughout his life.

Whatever the astrological forecasts, with any person you can find mutual language. We must listen to his opinion, take into account the peculiarities of his character and show flexibility in relationships.

Dynamic, charged with an incredible amount of energy and extremely sensual. If that's what you're looking for in a relationship, then a Scorpio man is exactly what you need. How to win the heart of Scorpio?

The main problem in a relationship with Scorpio will be the number of fans; this sign attracts potential lovers like a magnet. Be prepared to always be fully prepared to compete for his attention.

Scorpio carefully guards his privacy; it is better not to ask him too personal questions. He will be very reluctant to answer such questions, and may completely withdraw into himself; he needs to have secrets. This man doesn’t like being analyzed and people trying to “get into his head.”

Be careful with compliments; they should be very subtle so as not to make him feel awkward and suspicious.

The Scorpio man is a big fan of secrets and riddles. Create intrigue, a secret that only you and he will know, and this will make him leave this annoying crowd of fans and look for you.

The Scorpio man is honest in relationships. If he is not interested in you, he will tell you about it bluntly, the form of conversation can be any, but his goal is not to protect your feelings, but to honestly and openly state that nothing can happen. If this happens to you, look on the bright side, at least he's not wasting your time or his and leaving you languishing in the dark.

If he doesn't immediately tell you that he's not interested, this can be considered a good sign that he's interested in you. Yes, perhaps not disinterested, but there is interest. Without knowing the typical Scorpio, you can stalk him for years and be convinced that his rejections are part of the game and it's only a matter of time before he opens his arms.

Scorpio's ideal date

As a lover of mysteries and secrets, Scorpio will like a date to the cinema, especially if it is an action-packed detective story with big amount unexpected turns.

The Scorpio man also loves to win, especially in games or sports that require the use of intelligence and strategic planning. Although playing chess may not seem like the most romantic of dates, a Scorpio man can appreciate it.

Scorpio loves to unravel the mysteries of things. So, a trip to a museum could be the perfect first date if you're looking for something a little more "neutral" than a candlelit dinner.

How to dress for a date

The Scorpio man loves sex, so wearing something very sexy is a great idea. However, keep in mind that he is also a lover of secrets and riddles. In other words, make sure you leave him some room for imagination! The best colors to use are purple, blue and white.

Scorpio - lover

Of all the zodiac signs, none are more closely associated with sex than Scorpio. Sex is an integral part Everyday life For Scorpio, a person is as important as food and water. For a Scorpio man, sex is not a separate part of life, but is the point at which everything converges: love, passion, leisure, mystery and resolution, fun...

Keep a Scorpio man

The Scorpio man is active in everything. His great love for sex has earned him the unfair reputation of being a "dog," but the Scorpio man is more than happy in a monogamous relationship... as long as his supply of "physical love" lasts.

Support him in his career, build your career so that he can be proud of you, but not to the detriment of his interests. Let him have his harmless secrets and there should be no problems in your relationship. And yes, and don't forget about sex.

Because the Scorpio man loves his secrets, he may be a little difficult to trust at first glance, but this is just due to a misinterpretation of his secretive nature. As a rule, he is honest, frank and open.

Negative Traits of Scorpio

His particular fixation on professional ambitions can lead to rigidity and even cruelty. He may neglect his partner's needs when he is too caught up in his work.

His love of secrets can play a cruel joke on him when he begins to suspect those around him that they are also hiding something from him, but he cannot understand what. This will lead him to paranoia and unfairly accusing others of non-existent sins.

His sincere and passionate aspirations to achieve his goals can result in an excessive, almost manic focus, to do at all costs, even if this tendency is suicidal.