Where is the birthplace of the orchid plant? The birthplace of the anthurium plant, the necessary soil composition for its cultivation. The name of the flowers and their homeland.

Nowadays, amateur flower growers have the opportunity to grow many exotic flowers at home. To create the same conditions for subtropical, tropical or even desert indoor plants as in their homeland, you need to know the climate of the area in which they grow in the wild. Then green “aliens” from distant countries and continents will be able to fully delight with their unusual beauty.

The influence of the homeland of indoor plants on their development

The formation of flora is decisively influenced by the climatic conditions of the country of origin. Plants have been adapting to specific living conditions for millions of years. As a result, they acquired and retain their biological characteristics, for example, the ability to store water for future use, absorb useful substances from water through leaf plates, or withstand dust storms.

Knowledge of the nuances of climatic conditions and their recreation at home in a microclimate similar to their native one will ensure effective growth and development of flowers

Homeland of house plants

The overwhelming majority of domestic flowers (even those with names that are very familiar to us) come from distant tropics, subtropics and deserts.

Each of the climatic zones is not homogeneous within itself. Thus, the tropics and subtropics are divided into dry and wet. In each case, the ratio of the most important climatic factors for plant life - heat, light and moisture - is different.

At home, it is not always possible to bring the microclimate closer to the natural living conditions of the flower. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it is not possible to ensure that the size, appearance and splendor of a plant are the same as in its homeland.


Tropical climates are divided into two types:

  • continental - with heat and droughts, winds, dust storms, temperature changes day and night, summer and winter;
  • oceanic - softer than continental, with warm, rainy summers and frost-free winters.

The average "tropical" temperature is:

  • in summer - about 25–30 ℃ (can sometimes reach 50 ℃);
  • in winter - 15–20 ℃ (in continental areas it may drop below 0 for a short time).

Tropical rain forests occupy large areas in Australia and Florida, on the islands of Oceania and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, in Indochina and Madagascar. It is here that 4/5 of all plant species on Earth live.

High humidity and warmth without sudden temperature changes create ideal conditions for the development of flora. The soils in the tropics are loose and fertile. Due to dense stands of tall trees, herbaceous plants had to adapt to the lack of light. Some have learned to absorb moisture with the entire surface of delicate large leaves, others - epiphytes - settle not on the ground, but on tree trunks and branches, closer to the light. Lianas entwine nearby trunks for the same purpose.

Among the representatives of tropical flora there are no cold- and drought-resistant indoor flowers. With the exception of epiphytes and lianas, almost all of them require shading when grown at home. Their rest period is weakly expressed.

For most domestic tropical plants, you need to create high air humidity and regularly feed them with fertilizers

The most popular house plants that came to us from the tropics:

  • Decorative flowering and deciduous- pteris, Zucharis grandiflora, Philodendron Sello, adiantums, Tectaria hemlock, Alocasia largeroot, Strelitzia reginas, anthuriums, begonias, Dieffenbachias, dracaenas, calatheas, cryptanthus, white-veined arrowroot and many others.
  • Ampelous plants, vines- Weilbach's echmea, climbing anthurium, beautiful hoya, billbergia, beautiful brovallia, jasmine sambac, vriesia, pellionia, golden-leaved heteropteris, columnaea, rhipsalis, attractive monstera, bigionia, green pellea, thunbergia, syngonium, tender pilea.
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The climatic regions of the subtropics are divided into the following zones:

  • Mediterranean (also called dry subtropics). Summers are sunny, dry and hot, winters are warm and rainy. Includes the western coasts of the continents, the southern coast of Crimea and the Mediterranean, California, southwestern Australia and central Chile.
  • Monsoon (humid subtropics)- with hot but rainy summers, dry and relatively cold winters. This climate is characteristic of southern Japan and New Zealand, the west of the Australian continent and North America, the island of Madagascar, and the southeastern territories of Africa.

Plants, whose homeland is dry subtropics, love good lighting, but do not have protective mechanisms against intense ultraviolet radiation, therefore, when grown indoors, they need additional shading

Most of them have a pronounced period of winter dormancy, when the flower needs cooler air temperatures. In summer, the comfort temperature is 20–22 ℃, in winter - 8–10 ℃.

Here are some of the many names of indoor plants native to the dry subtropical zone:

  • Deciduous and ornamental flowering - many begonias, large-tufted pineapple, variegated rheo, beautiful browallia, Jacobinia Fields, white zephyranthes, oleanders, orange clivia.
  • Ampelous flowers and vines- nephrolepis, asparagus, bougainvillea glabra, blue passionflower, pelargonium thyroid, cape guinea, Thompson's clerodendron, rhombolifolia, plectranthus, chlorophytum crested, ficus montana, tradescantia, aechmea (striped and cupped).
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A characteristic feature of the flora of humid subtropics is large and soft, hairless, shiny leaf plates, the surface of which is capable of absorbing moisture. Their emergence is associated with the need to look for alternative ways to obtain nutrients in subtropical rain forests.

Indoor plants that came from this climate zone:

  • Flowering and deciduous- aspidistra, aspleniums, phanerophlebia crescents, ophiopogon japonica.
  • Lianas and ampelous forms- saxifraga, Japanese lygodium, almost the entire amaryllis family, tiny ficus, lady's hair, Japanese honeysuckle, Siebold's sedum, trachelosiermum jasminoides, Antarctic cissus.
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Deserts have extremely low soil and ambient air humidity, and sparse precipitation falls unevenly. Therefore, desert flora has not only adapted to consume a minimum of moisture, but also to store it for future use. Since there are no trees that provide shade in the desert, herbaceous plants have adapted to the scorching sun. The leaf blades are either modified into spines, like those of cacti, or become leathery, covered with a protective layer of wax or fat, like those of succulents. The dormant period in herbaceous desert plants is pronounced. Accustomed to poor soils, they do not require additional feeding when grown at home.

Since desert conditions vary across continents, it is important to know where the flower comes from. American deserts are not as hot as African deserts. In winter, the temperature drops to 13–18 ℃, but many species can withstand short-term cooling to 7–8 ℃. In summer, the average value does not exceed 35 ℃.

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Plants from dry regions:

  • From American deserts- retracted agave, Morgan sedum, oblique nolina, ficus-indica and white-haired prickly pears, zebra-shaped tradescantia, Peruvian cereus, numerous agaves, yucca glorious.
  • From African deserts- thick adenium, globular spurge, tree crassula, various haworthias, Kalanchoe becharis, Marlota aloe, Otton cape, rooting ragwort.

Knowing where an exotic plant comes from and what the natural conditions of its growth are, you can assess your capabilities before purchasing: whether it will be possible to provide the flower with comfortable conditions. Subsequently, such knowledge will help in caring for the plant, taking into account the characteristics of growth and development.

There is probably no person interested in floriculture who does not know anything about begonia. In Russia, this southern guest has long been firmly established on window sills, thanks to the unpretentiousness, beauty of flowers, and the variety of their shapes and shades. But not everyone knows where is the birthplace of this plant.

Due to its diversity, it has become a decoration not only for houses and apartments; it feels very comfortable in summer cottages, gardens and parks, and has become widespread in many countries around the world.

Back during the War of 1812 in Russia they began to call it “Napoleon’s ear”, since the leaves of the plant are shaped like frostbitten ears.

A resident of the tropical forests of South America, Asia and Africa, begonia represented by more than 900 species. The plant can be decorative deciduous, decorative flowering or shrubby.

Where does the indoor flower come from and how did it come to us in Russia? This species was first described by the French priest Ch. Plushier, who discovered a new plant during his trip to Haiti.

The governor of the island at that time was Michel Begon, it is to him that the flower owes its name- this is the origin of the name of the plant.

In which countries and places is it popular?

Due to its high decorative value, the brought new product quickly gained popularity among flower growers in Europe.

Begonia was first grown in greenhouses. Then, thanks to the efforts of breeders who managed to obtain varieties that feel comfortable in a far from tropical climate, the flower moved from greenhouses and from window sills to gardens and parks, over the years not only not losing its popularity, but also significantly strengthening it.

Now begonia is widespread in the countries of Asia, Europe, Africa and America, that is, it gives its beauty to the inhabitants of almost all continents.

It has become popular among flower growers in many countries and decorates not only the interiors of houses and apartments.

Begonia is an excellent decoration for parks and a favorite of landscape designers who appreciate its exceptional decorative properties.

The owner of the Flower Shop will tell you about begonias:

Legends about the origin of indoor begonia

There is a very beautiful legend about this amazing flower. The Atzalca Indians, inhabitants of South America, have long worshiped the Tamaya plant. It was considered sacred to the tribe.

Once a year, the goddess of Heaven descended to Earth and the plant became a young woman of amazing beauty. The golden-haired beauty was a symbol of the union between Heaven and Earth.

After the discovery of America by Columbus, life for the Indians turned into a nightmare. The last hope for them was the help of the golden-haired goddess. The Aborigines believed that she was able to return them to their former happy life.

With the help of ritual dances and songs, the Indians managed to summon the goddess, but the beauty was captured by the Spaniards and locked on a ship sailing to Europe.

During the entire journey, they tried to seduce the goddess more than once, promising rich gifts in exchange for favor, and when, having arrived in Spain, they opened the cabin door, instead of a girl, they found only a long dried stem without flowers or leaves.

Frightened by what they had done, the head of the conquistadors vowed to return the sacred flower to his homeland. He placed “Tamaya” in a crystal urn, but did not have time to return it to America because he died.

Several centuries later, an urn with a flower and a written story of a conquistador was accidentally found French botanist who managed to return a dried stem to his homeland.

The grateful Indians tried to revive the Goddess of the Sky and after 3 days of a complex ritual they managed to see her again. But only for a moment.

With the first rays of the sun, the stem turned into a golden-haired beauty, which immediately disappeared, and the plant was revived to life, covered with flowers and leaves. Tamaya has returned home.

Magic and astrology

According to popular belief, this resident of the tropics brings happiness and prosperity to the home. Helps its owner avoid financial problems and find a soul mate.

However, it should be remembered that diseases of these flowers can portend troubles for household members. Therefore, not only the condition of your green pet, but also the excellent condition of all family members depends on it.

You should not take these flowers from a person who does not treat you very well. You can get a lot of negativity with them.

Southern Belle Absorbs Negative Human Emotions, removes unpleasant thoughts, eliminates uncertainty and harmonizes relationships. She can return former passion to partners who have been married for many years.

According to astrologers, the flower is protected by the Sun, but in addition, Venus has a huge influence on it.

That is why he is able to give a fading relationship a second life and help those who are already desperate and resigned to loneliness find love.

Some people are afraid to keep begonia at home due to the fact that it bloomed at the wrong time, it foreshadows the death of one of the family members.

This superstition spread only in Russia. In other countries, she is credited with exclusively positive qualities.

Useful properties of the flower

Whether or not to believe in such capabilities of the green handsome man is a personal matter for everyone, but, in addition to magical abilities, it also has medicinal properties:

  • the ability to quickly heal wounds;
  • is an excellent antiseptic;
  • has antiallergenic and antispasmodic effects;
  • good pain reliever.

Besides, perfectly cleans the air of dust and neutralizes harmful radiation. It has a beneficial effect on people susceptible to colds and respiratory diseases.

Tip: place a pot with these flowers near your computer; it will get rid of harmful radiation just as well as a cactus. In addition, begonia leaves absorb dust, purifying the air.

Begonia flowers, which have a whole range of shades, have color therapeutic effects.

Orange tones help relieve depression and improve your mood. Yellow ones can relieve fatigue from the eyes, red ones activate life processes.

Energy and symbolism

Even a small plant has extremely positive energy. With its appearance in the house, the aura of the home changes, becoming more positive.

Begonia can improve the financial condition of its owners. You just need to tell the flower about your problems and ask for help. In gratitude for your care and concern, begonia will definitely increase cash flow in the house.

According to the now fashionable Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, it is also a symbol of wealth, family happiness, peace and well-being. In Asia, red begonia flowers decorate the bride's head; they serve as a guarantee of the undying passion of the future union.

Tip: when cooling your relationship, place a begonia with red flowers in the marital bedroom. Soon you will feel the return of your former ardent feelings.

It is the abundance of species that has made begonia so popular. It can satisfy both a lover of beautifully flowering plants and a person who prefers to see plants with leaves of exotic colors in his home.

Will help decorate and make your dacha plot unique. For many centuries, it has been pleasing people with its beauty and giving a good mood.

Any plant is a living organism capable of thanking its owner with a beautiful appearance and lush flowering in response to love and care. Give love to your pets and it will definitely come back to you!

Smalchenko Svetlana, Fomina Alina.

Work about indoor plants and their historical homeland.



Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 1


Work performed by: Svetlana Smalchenko


Head: geography teacher

Lobachevskaya Svetlana Borisovna.

New Urengoy

year 2012

Topic: Geography of my indoor plants.

Target: determine the geographical location of indoor plants; what medicinal properties do they have?


1) study the literature about indoor plants, their diversity and medicinal properties, their origin;

2) obtain interesting facts about indoor plants, comprehend them, and draw conclusions;

3) establish the relationship between environmental values, human relationships with the environment;

Problem: Determine the geographical origin of indoor plants.

Hypothesis: Perhaps the bulk of plants used in indoor gardening come from the tropics and subtropics.


1.1. Our indoor plants.

2.1. Origin of indoor plants.

2.2. Plants of South and Central America.

2.3.Diversity of plants in Asia.

2.4. Africa is the birthplace of indoor plants.

3.1. Home green pharmacy.

4.1. The role of indoor plants in our life.

5.1. Practical part.


Our indoor plants.

Plants are generously scattered on the ground,

Like the stars in the sky

But the stars are far away

And the plants are at my feet.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau expressed his love for indoor plants.

Having settled in our house, “green tenants” promote sound absorption, humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen and cleanse it of harmful impurities. They also play an important sanitary and hygienic role: plants purify the air from carbon dioxide, dust and other harmful substances. According to the US Space Research Center (80s) and the University of Cologne (1995), the air in urban homes and offices contains more than two hundred different toxic substances. The presence of vapors of formaldehyde, acetone, methanol, benzene, trichlorethylene - all this is the result of civilization. Therefore, people who spend a long time indoors are increasingly experiencing a feeling of nausea, allergies, and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Doctors called these symptoms Building syndrome, or closed room syndrome. Scientists suggest fighting this disease with the help of indoor plants, since many of them adsorb harmful gases. For example, the indoor plant spathiphyllum is capable of absorbing acetone up to 19 mg per hour, nephrolepis and ficus absorb formaldehyde, 20 and 10 mg per hour, respectively. Research is currently underway to select types of indoor plants that have bactericidal and protistocidal properties that can cause the death of bacteria and single-celled organisms. Phytoncidal properties have been identified in more than 40 species of greenhouse plants. Special nutrients released by plants increase performance, normalize sleep, and increase a person’s adaptive abilities. But most importantly, with their beauty and perfection of their forms, their magical aroma and richness of colors, plants give us incomparable joy. “Green friends” bring harmony and tranquility into our lives; next to them we feel a surge of energy and at the same time relax.

2.1.Origin of indoor plants.

The world of indoor plants is fascinating and surprising. Thousands of indoor plants grow in our homes. And where can we meet them in the wild on our planet?

Having studied the literature, we can conclude from the total number:

  1. 600 species (19%) - tropics of South America (begonia, monstera, cyclamen).
  2. 590 species (19%) came from South Africa (aloe, calla, chlorophytum).
  3. 430 species (13%) - from Central America, Mexico, West India (Echeveria).
  4. 425 species (13%) - from Tropical Asia, India, Indochina (begania, coleus, orycus, caugonovay).
  5. 310 species (10%) - Mediterranean (pomegranate, palm, oleander).
  6. 182 species (6%) - Subtropics of South America (fuchsia, korean tree, drolcenae).
  7. 400 species (3%) - East Asian countries (azalea, camellia).
  8. 99 species (3%) - Australia and New Zealand (cordilina, hoya).
  9. 72 species (2%) - Central Asia (figs).
  10. 41 species (1%) - Canary Islands (Canarian hazel).

Monstera: Homeland - tropical forests of South and Central America. Monstera is one of the magnificent vines that grow indoors. This magnificent evergreen plant has taken root well in our homes and offices. You can place the monstera in a light or semi-dark place and even in the shade. It is very important to maintain high air humidity: for this, the plant needs to be sprayed with water more often. In summer, water abundantly; in winter, reduce moisture. For irrigation, use warm, settled, lime-free water.

The next houseplant is Saintpaulia or Uzumbara violet. Homeland: Africa. An extremely popular houseplant. This miniature, delicate creation of nature captivates with its abundant, long-lasting flowering. Color range: from snow-white, all shades of pink to dark crimson, from blue to dark blue and purple. The leaves also have different shapes and colors (from light to dark green). More than 100 years ago, this plant was discovered by the botanist Saint-Paul-Hillers in the Uzumbara Mountains of Africa. It is a fairly unpretentious plant to care for. Water very sparingly. Do not allow water to get into the middle of the rosette, leaves or flowers. Water for irrigation must be at room temperature and settled. Easily propagated by leaf cuttings, preferably in spring or summer.

Gloxinia. Homeland - Brazil. In the first half of the 19th century, a very beautiful herbaceous plant with original bell-shaped flowers - Sinningia - came to Europe from Brazil. Gloxinia is one of the most spectacular flowering indoor crops. The botanical name of the genus Gloxinia was given due to the shape of the flower. Large luxurious flowers (gramophone) captivate with their wide range of colors: pink, red, purple. The leaves are green, large, velvety, oval. Gloxinia is a tuberous plant. In autumn, all the leaves gradually dry out and fall off, and the roots die. A period of rest begins. In winter, the tubers are sprinkled with dry sand, not watered and kept in a cool, dark room. Gloxinia lives more than 10 years. The larger the tuber, the more abundant the subsequent flowering.

Coalition . Homeland: Mexico. Flowering depending on the species. The coalition is elegant. Its leaves are velvety to the touch due to their short pubescence. The leaf blade has regular alternating light and dark green stripes. Leaves 3-6 cm long are located on the shoot in two rows. Care requirements - direct sunlight, bright diffused light, regular watering, spraying, fertilizing, rejuvenation.

Hibiscus chinensis (Chinese rose). Homeland: Southeast Asia. In the Hawaiian Islands, hibiscus is called “the flower of beautiful women.” Local girls very often decorate themselves with bright Chinese rose flowers. The Chinese rose is one of the most beloved and widespread indoor plants. It is a shrub or tree 2-3 m high. The leaves are dark green and shiny. The flowers are large, five-petaled. The color spectrum is extensive: from white and yellow, deep pink to dark red. The flower stays on the stem for only one day, but new buds open to replace it. The Chinese rose is very unpretentious to living conditions. In spring and summer, abundant watering is required. In winter, watering is reduced.

Cyperus. Homeland: tropics and subtropics. Cyperus is a perennial marsh plant with long thin triangular stems, on top of which sit graceful long herbaceous leaves of light green color, reminiscent of a fountain. It first came to Europe in the 19th century. Thanks to this look, it quickly gained popularity. In ancient times, the plant played a huge role. Boats were built from the stems of Cyperus, baskets were woven, sandals were made from the bark, and the rhizomes were eaten both raw and fried: they are nutritious and aromatic, and taste like almonds. This is an unpretentious plant, but requires constant soil moisture.

Having studied the geography of the origin of indoor plants, we came to a conclusion. That the geography of their distribution is very diverse. For indoor plants to grow in homes, it is necessary to create the conditions that exist in their homeland. For example, if the plant is from Africa, then most of them should be placed on windows facing south, southwest, as they love direct sunlight. And they only need to be watered once a week. And plants of equatorial latitudes are moisture-loving and shade-tolerant, so they need to be placed on windows on the northern and eastern sides.

Home green pharmacy.

Many plants are considered mascots against various diseases and can really affect our well-being and mood while in the room. But the main factor in the influence of the plant world on humans, as has now been established, is electromagnetic radiation. Every cell of living matter is a source of electromagnetic radiation. The human body is genetically programmed to constantly receive frequency “messages” from various plants. And since residents of many large cities, alas, do not breathe ozone, it begins to rebel. And this is expressed by the production of hormones, the increased concentration of which leads to a bad mood. It turns out that the more time we spend within four walls, the more often we are overcome by the blues. It is clear that neither a book nor a TV is capable of sending those same electromagnetic signals. Only the plants themselves can do this. It’s not without reason that doctors recommend that we spend more time outside the city and walk in the forest. But the rhythm of modern life is so intense that there is not enough time to implement their advice. It turns out that the situation is hopeless? Not at all. Previously, people knew nothing about biofields or hormones. But there were flowers in every city house.

Our ancestors intuitively felt that indoor flowers and plants are necessary for a person to maintain his health. Geranium is one of the most common indoor plants. Its bright red flowers literally radiate vital energy and strength, which will help you in case of poor health. Therefore, during illness, keep geranium in your room.

Blooming cyclamen will help you get rid of nightmares and insomnia.

Houseplants are not only excellent psychotherapists, but also ecologists, creating a favorable microclimate in our apartments. It is no secret that air humidity in rooms with central heating is much lower than normal. It is only 20-30% - like in a desert or semi-desert. And here a unique plant can come to the rescue, capable of turning the desert into an oasis. This is Cyperus. It evaporates used moisture up to 80%. And Cyperus's brothers - Dieffenbachia, anthuriums, philodendrons, monsteras - are simply a godsend for our apartments! They improve water-gas exchange in the room. Monsters are also famous for their ability to cry. Before a rain, in a room with dry air, a heavily watered plant begins to secrete droplets of water at the tips of its leaves. Finally, many indoor plants also have phytoncidal, that is, bactericidal properties. The “enemies” of bacteria include chlorophytum, myrtle, rosemary, citrus fruits, and modest aglonema. In the room where they grow, the number of microbes in the air is reduced several times! Moreover, aglonema even kills streptococcal infections. Asparagus absorbs heavy metal particles. There is no need to tell how bad a person feels in a stuffy room. Moreover, the point here is not a lack of oxygen as such, but a very small amount of negative ions included in its composition. They quickly “evaporate” while working in the TV or computer room. Improve the ionic composition of the air with the help of environmental plants - for example, cereus or codiaum.

People strive to have plants in their homes, not only for the beauty and comfort of the room, but also for medicinal properties.

Indoor plants can be divided into groups:

1) Indoor plants that stimulate the immune system:

  1. aloe;
  2. dwarf pomegranate;
  3. codeum (croton);

But I will introduce you to a houseplant from this group -"Aloe" . Homeland of the plant: South Africa, Madagascar. Aloe juice has a disinfecting effect. If you apply a cut leaf of a plant to the wounded surface, it will help heal the wound faster. Properties of aloe – cleansing, homeopathic, nourishing, immune-modulating. Aloe is popular among amateur gardeners not so much because of its decorative qualities, but because of the well-known medicinal properties of the juice. This plant is also called agave due to the fact that it grows very slowly and rarely blooms in indoor conditions.

2) Indoor plants that calm the nervous system:

  1. geranium;
  2. azalea;
  3. agave;

I'll stick with geranium . More than 300 species of geranium are known, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and in mountainous areas of tropical regions. This plant pleases not only people with its beautiful inflorescences, but also with medicinal properties. Usually an infusion is made from the leaves and flowers of geranium. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of plant material and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Then close tightly, wrap and leave for 9 - 10 hours. Then filter and drink 2 tablespoons every 3 hours. This decoction also removes toxins from the body and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Geranium leaves and flowers are also used for arthritis, rheumatism, and bone fractures.

3) Indoor plants that normalize the respiratory system:

  1. begonia;
  2. fern;
  3. palm;
  4. ivy;
  5. tradescantia;

4) Indoor plants that strengthen the musculoskeletal system:

  1. ficus;
  2. yucca;
  3. Crassula;

Homeland of ficus : Asia, West Africa. Ficus - home pharmacy. In case of joint disease, you need to take 1 ficus leaf, chop it and pour 100 mm of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. In the evening, rub your joints and wrap them in a warm scarf.

5) Indoor plants that prevent ear, throat, nose

  1. Golden mustache;
  2. violet;
  3. Kalanchoe;
  4. agave;

A pharmacy on your window is always relevant. For various diseases, you can use your indoor plants. They will help you like an ambulance: relieve pain, cure diseases, or you can carry out prevention.

Practical part.

We conducted a survey with students at our school. 123 people, aged 9-11 years, took part in it. The following questions were proposed:

  1. Do you have indoor plants in your home?
  2. Why do you grow indoor plants in your home?
  3. Who takes care of indoor plants at home?
  4. Do you know where their homeland is?
  5. Would you like to attend a houseplant study group at school?

As a result of the survey, it was revealed that 100% of students have indoor plants in their homes. To the question “Why do you grow indoor plants in the house?” - 93% of the guys believe that they are necessary to equip the room with oxygen, 5% - to create a cozy environment, 2% - create a collection of indoor plants. 92% of houseplants are taken care of by parents in the family, 8% of children together with their parents. To the question “Do you know where their homeland is?” - 10% of the guys know the homeland of only some plants, 90% are completely insignificant. 83% of students are very willing to attend a class on studying and caring for indoor plants at school, while 17% of students are not interested in indoor plants.

These plants are our friends!

It’s simply impossible to live in a room without them,

With them we can breathe better and easier,

Life is even more interesting for us with them!


1) Grunwald V. “Popular indoor plants” - Moscow publishing house “Onyx” 2006.

2) Gubanov I.A., Tikhonova V.L. “Ornamental growing useful plants” - (documentary film).

3) Semyonova A. “Indoor plants: friends and enemies” - Nevsky Prospekt publishing house, 1999.

4) Encyclopedia “All indoor plants of the world” - St. Petersburg publishing house, 2007.

5) Miller M. “The best indoor plants” - Credo Publishing House, Moscow 2008.

6) Babin B.N. “Indoor plants” - publishing house “Mirinda”, 2000.

Spathiphyllum often called the female flower, because according to legend it brings happiness. In appearance, it differs from other flowers in the absence of a stem. It also attracts attention by the way it blooms, since first a stem appears, which resembles a leaf, and then an oblong-shaped flower blooms. Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving plant, as its homeland is in South America and East Asia. At the moment, there are about 45 species of spathiphyllum, which grow in tropical rainforests.

Watering and lighting for spathiphyllum at home

The flower of female happiness feels best when the air temperature is at least 18 degrees. The optimal room temperature is about 22 degrees. Year-round watering is an important condition for normal plant growth. In winter, you can slightly reduce watering to prevent the plant from freezing. It is advisable to water with settled water, which has stood for about 12 hours and has become room temperature. Since the flower loves high humidity, it is recommended to additionally spray the leaves.

All flowers love light, but spathiphyllum feels good in different conditions. The fact that the plant does not have enough light can be judged by the appearance of the leaves. Small or slightly elongated leaves are the first sign of a lack of light.

In order for indoor plants to bloom beautifully and please the eye, you need not only to water them on time, but also to feed them periodically. Once a week, you can apply a special fertilizer for spathiphyllums to the soil or use universal formulations. It only costs a couple of times a month to fertilize.

Watch the video: Description of spathiphyllum (female happiness) and care for it

A slightly grown flower needs to be replanted. It is best to do this once a year. To do this, take a larger container and use turf and leaf soil. Spathiphyllum will like soil with charcoal. If you properly care for this flower, it will bloom for several months a year. You need to pluck dried leaves and trim faded flowers in a timely manner so that your plant is always fresh and beautiful.

Try to protect the flower from direct sunlight, protect it from cold and excessive dryness of the soil. Spathiphyllum will look beautiful in modern interiors if you create optimal living conditions for it and remember that its homeland is the humid tropics, and not arid places.

There are green home friends in every home. Among them there are trees, shrubs and each of them has a unique shape and unusual colors.

From the homeland of indoor plants, the rules for their successful breeding come to us.

House plants: properties, usefulness and harm

Many years of practice and experience confirm the sanitary, aesthetic and hygienic role of most indoor plants. They help clean the air from carbon dioxide. It is usually 23 times more abundant indoors than outdoors.

Thanks to flowers, the air is enriched with oxygen. The leaves of indoor plants evaporate moisture, humidifying the air and reducing its temperature.

Natural green color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and psyche. People's mood and performance improves.

Particularly valuable are plants that secrete essential oils and phytoncides that have the ability to kill pathogens. About 50 species of such indoor plants are currently known. Doctors together with chemists and botanists study their properties.

There are also “doctors” among them (for example, aloe and Kalanchoe, and geranium).

You should not grow poisonous plants at home, and if you have them, handle them with caution. These include milkweed, oleander, alocasia and acalypha. If you like such indoor plants and look good, it is advisable to place them in a place inaccessible to children, and be careful when in contact with them.


According to their decorative properties, they are usually divided into 3 large groups. The plants of the first two are decorative-leaved and decorative-flowering indoor plants that do not lose their attractiveness throughout the year. The third group is ornamental flowering plants that attract attention only during flowering periods.

In addition to all this, among the plants grown at home, there are separate groups: palm trees, orchids, bromeliads, cacti and succulents, ferns, bulbous plants, and also fruit-bearing plants.

Caring for indoor plants: rules

  1. Roots need not only water, but also air. Overmoistening of the soil leads to death or disease.
  2. In winter and late autumn, the air in rooms, mainly with central heating, is dry. You need to learn how to properly maintain its humidity.
  3. Almost all indoor plants require a certain period of rest. At this time, they should be watered less often and fed a little less. You also need to ensure a lower air temperature than during the period of active growth.
  4. A couple of years after planting, most plants lose their attractiveness. In this case, it is enough to simply transplant the flower into a larger pot.
  5. When caring for plants, the following tools are needed: a watering can with a narrow long spout, a sprayer, an old fork and spoon, pruning shears, a soft sponge. Good soil, pots, supports, pallets, liquid fertilizers in bottles - this is all that is needed for proper care of flowers.
  6. If the plant is flooded for a long time, it may die. Same with pests. If a couple of scale insects or any other insects appear, it is not difficult to fight them. And when they cover the entire plant, they cannot be defeated. This means that you should promptly recognize any future troubles for the plant and take the necessary measures to successfully combat them.
  7. When choosing flowers to grow indoors, be sure to take into account the conditions provided for them. Eat