Safu admissions office. Arkhangelsk Scholarship Guide: How Much Does a Safu Student Get?

Today in the Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M.V. Lomonosov started the admission campaign - 2016. The admissions committee opened its doors in Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Koryazhma and Naryan-Mar. The university is waiting for school graduates, bachelors and specialists who want to enter the master's program, future graduate students.

There are three main arguments in favor of entering NArFU. First, the university is federal, which provides great opportunities for those who study and work at the university, including participation in a number of programs and projects that are not available at other universities.

Second argument. NArFU - Arctic University. It is this specificity that makes it unique not only in Russia, but also abroad. We can say that such a specific focus of the university is the main plus, the “trick” of NArFU. The Arctic has become a priority region for the state, the future of Russia is connected with it.

The third argument is that today NArFU has wide educational opportunities, it is a university for everyone. It invites those who are just finishing school and those who already have a professional education. For everyone there is an interesting direction of training (engineering, technical, natural sciences, humanitarian, pedagogical). University students have the opportunity to get involved in scientific and innovative projects: to become a member of the Arctic Floating University, to receive basic knowledge in business and open your own business and so on. The structure of NArFU includes the Institute of Shipbuilding and Marine Arctic Technology (Sevmashvtuz), after which graduates are guaranteed employment at defense industry enterprises (Sevmash, the Zvyozdochka ship repair center, etc.). Also, the main partners of NArFU are forest enterprises - for example, the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill - and oil - "Rosneft - Arkhangelsknefteprodukt", "Naryanmarneftegaz", "Gazprom Dobycha Shelf" - industries, and others.

For incoming excellent students, the scholarship program "Freshman 5.0" is provided. For students who are passionate about science, there is a supercomputer, there is an opportunity to study robotics, space and nanotechnologies. NArFU has a Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment, thanks to which a student can study research work. Students studying at the university can receive an additional diploma by studying at a foreign partner university of NArFU. For example, to become a bachelor of circumpolar sciences.

Applicants are waiting for a rich extracurricular life. The university has developed a volunteer movement, a movement of student teams, sports clubs and sections, and a creative center where students can engage in theater and choreographic art, music, and so on. Nonresident students are provided with a hostel for the entire period of study.

For those interested in continuing their studies, the university can offer numerous additional education programs.

NArFU acts as a platform for holding many important events of the all-Russian and international level. A recent example is the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Arctic is a national megaproject: staffing and scientific support".

In 2016, the university has 3520 state-funded places for applicants (this is 208 more than in 2015). There are 2791 places in the head university in Arkhangelsk, 670 places in Severodvinsk, 59 places in the Koryazhma branch. 2009 places are waiting for future bachelors. NArFU continues to develop applied bachelor's programs.

By the way, studying according to these programs, students have more opportunities for internships, in direct interaction with employers, in developing specific projects for enterprises in the learning process and, as a result, will be more in demand in the labor market.

NArFU is recruiting for targeted admission, which can be called a mutually beneficial relationship for three parties: the applicant, the organization and the university. The advantages for the applicant are admission through a separate competition, training on a budgetary basis, a guaranteed place for internship, assistance and support to the organization during training, and, which is very important in our time, employment after graduation.

We emphasize once again that NArFU implements the Freshman 5.0 program, under which applicants who have shown good results in passing the exam, and those who entered the university for full-time study, during the first year they will receive a higher scholarship (in the 2015/16 academic year, the scholarship amounted to 14 thousand rubles per month).

School graduates of this year and graduates of general education educational institutions previous years, they enter only according to the results of the Unified State Examination, with the exception of the direction " Physical Culture”, suggesting an additional internal test. Persons with vocational education can apply both on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination, and on the basis of the results of internal entrance examinations conducted by the university itself. Admission to the colleges of NArFU is carried out according to the competition of certificates.

From the beginning of the academic year until the first session, first-year students, foreign students enrolled under the RF quota, and graduate students are paid a scholarship. Scholarships are also paid to state-funded students who passed the session with good and excellent marks, and who do not have academic debts. The amount of the scholarship is determined by the scholarship committee every month. IA REGNUM together with the press service of the Northern Arctic Federal University named after Lomonosov presents a guide to scholarships that can be paid to students of the Arkhangelsk region.

Thus, the amount of payments to undergraduate students of the head university in Arkhangelsk is now 4,240 rubles - for excellent students, 3,630 rubles - for those who receive grades "4" and "5", 3,025 rubles - for students with fours. Undergraduates receive 5805 rubles for excellent studies, 4360 rubles for fours and fives, 3630 for a session passed only for fours. Foreign students are paid 3025 rubles.

Students of the branch of NArFU in Koryazhma apply for the same amounts.

Postgraduate students of the head university, including foreigners, monthly replenish their personal budget by 7,265 rubles, and graduate students of priority areas of training by 17,430 rubles.

Excellence students in the undergraduate programs of the branch in Severodvinsk receive a scholarship in the amount of 4945 rubles. 4,240 rubles brings a credit card with fours and fives, studying for one fours is encouraged by 3,530 rubles. Master's students are charged 5930 rubles, 5085 rubles, 4240 rubles for studying for fives, fives and fours, fours, respectively.

8475 rubles - a scholarship for a graduate student studying in the city of shipbuilders. PhD students in priority areas are encouraged by regular payments of 20,335 rubles.

students Technical College in Severodvinsk and the Institute of Shipbuilding and Marine Arctic Technology (Sevmashvtuz), studying under the programs of secondary vocational education, can count on 1780 rubles for excellent studies, 1540 - for studying for fours and fives, 1285 - for fours.

Students at the Technological College of Emperor Peter I are credited to the card every month from 1100 to 1540 rubles, depending on the student's grades.

Also, Arkhangelsk students on academic leave, maternity leave and parental leave (up to his third birthday) continue to receive social scholarships.

The size of the social scholarship for students of Arkhangelsk and Koryazhma is 3025 rubles, the increased social scholarship for bachelors and specialists of the 1st and 2nd courses is 6450 rubles, in order to receive it, you need to study without triples. For students of the Severodvinsk branch, the social scholarship will be 3530 rubles and 6450 - increased scholarships for bachelors and specialists of 1 and 2 courses.

Residents of Severodvinsk studying under secondary vocational education programs at the Technical College and the Institute of Shipbuilding and Marine Arctic Technology receive 1,285 rubles of social scholarship.

Students of the Technological College of Emperor Peter I receive support in the amount of 1,100 rubles.

“In addition, a student can receive presidential and gubernatorial scholarships,” the NArFU press service notes. - The amount of the President's scholarship is 2640 rubles. For students studying ways to modernize the economy of the Russian Federation - 11,900 rubles. Postgraduate students can apply for 5,400 rubles and 23,800 rubles if they receive education in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the country's economy.

The government encourages students with a scholarship in the amount of 1728 rubles, graduate students - in the amount of 4320 rubles. Students who improve their knowledge in the field of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy can count on a reward of 8,500 rubles, graduate students - 17,000 rubles.

A state-funded student from the second year of full-time education who receives grades “excellent” or “excellent” and “good”, publishes scientific work and participating in conferences and competitions. The size of the scholarship of the Governor of the Arkhangelsk region: 7800 rubles per semester.

It is noteworthy that students from Novodvinsk can apply for a special scholarship, the amount of which is established by a decree of the head of the municipality "city of Novodvinsk". You can also apply to scholarship program some banks, the scholarship program of Potanin, Sobchak, Tumanov, Solzhenitsyn, Likhachev. The size of nominal scholarships starts from 1500 rubles.

Tomorrow, in the life of the Northern (Arctic) University named after M.V. Lomonosov, as well as in the life of other universities in our country, one of the main stages of the "Admission Campaign-2017" is coming to an end - the enrollment of applicants for full-time and part-time forms of study in bachelor's and specialty. For admission to these forms of study, the university was allocated 1705 places. 3472 applicants applied for admission.

According to the NArFU Admissions Committee, from the beginning of the admissions campaign until the evening of July 25, more than 6,400 applicants applied to the university wishing to study under the SVE, bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate programs.

More than 160 applications were received from foreign citizens (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan). This figure will grow, as will the geography of applicants, because the acceptance of documents from foreign applicants within the framework of the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation continues until the end of September.

In accordance with the admission rules, the enrollment of applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs takes place in two stages: at the first stage, applicants who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are enrolled. At this stage, 80% of the competitive places are filled. It ended on August 3rd.

Applicants out of 50 showed a desire to study at NArFU Russian subjects, among the leaders in terms of the number of applicants are the Vologda region - 136, the NAO - 100, the Komi Republic - 53, the Murmansk region - 46, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 10, the Republic of Karelia - 8, the Krasnodar Territory - 8.

In 2017, the university was allocated 3618 state-funded places for admission to all levels of education, of which the largest number was for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs (2245). 811 places were allocated for master's programs, 480 places for the specialty of secondary vocational education and 82 places for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.

On July 29, in the hall of the Academic Council of NArFU, a meeting of the admissions committee was held, the main issue of which was enrollment in undergraduate and specialist programs within the quota of special right and the quota of targeted admission. Applicants entering the university within the framework of the special right quota and the target admission quota were presented for enrollment by the responsible secretary of the NArFU Admissions Committee Vyacheslav Parshin. He noted that for the first time, enrollment to target places is carried out separately within the framework of a detailed quota for customers and a general target admission quota. In total, 310 applicants were enrolled on July 29.

In accordance with the admission rules, enrollment of applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs takes place in two stages: at the first stage, applicants who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are enrolled. At this stage, 80% of the competitive places are filled. It ended on August 3rd.

As of August 3, 1448 people were enrolled in bachelor's and specialist's programs in full-time and part-time forms for the main competition places and for places within the special and target quota at NArFU. 1,138 applicants were submitted for admission to the main competitive places, of which 1,008 people enter the head university in Arkhangelsk, 100 people - to the Severodvinsk branch, 30 - to the branch in Koryazhma.

Among those who submitted documents, the maximum USE scores in Russian (100 points) have 29 people, and in 2016 there were only six hundred points.

For many parents and applicants, this is a rather exciting stage: will yesterday's schoolchildren enter the university or will a few points not be enough for enrollment? In any case, it is necessary to remain calm and restraint. Even if it was not possible to enroll in a full-time state-funded place, then until August 12 it is possible to apply for part-time education (also for a state-funded place). The university also continues to accept applications for the specialty of secondary vocational education in full-time and part-time forms of education until August 15 inclusive.

If you failed to enroll in a budget place, then there is an opportunity to apply for commercial training. Documents are accepted until August 26 for applicants for full-time and part-time education and until October 20 ⸺ for part-time education.

“In the 2017-2018 academic year, the cost of tuition on a contract basis will change, and for a full-time bachelor's degree will be from 117 to 130 thousand rubles per academic year. In the direction of "Information systems and technologies" training will cost 130,340 rubles, and for the direction "Economics", "Psychological and pedagogical education" - 116,870 rubles, which is significantly lower than in other federal universities. For example, in the Baltic Federal University for similar directions the cost will be 150,000, 106,000 and 126,800 rubles, respectively, in Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University - 144,600 and 159,000 rubles.

The change in the cost for first-year students in the 2017-2018 academic year compared to the 2016-2017 academic year is due to an increase in the size of the basic standard costs and the mandatory application of all adjustment factors established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The cost of educational services in the second and subsequent courses increases only within the inflation rate, this is provided for by the education agreement.

Every year, the federal university allocates budget places for training in various areas of training. In the event that the applicant did not pass the competitive selection for admission on a budgetary basis, the university provides an opportunity to receive education on a commercial basis. When paying for tuition, an applicant can use maternity capital, get an educational loan from a bank or use the payment by installments provided by NArFU,” said Vyacheslav Parshin, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee.

For many parents and applicants, this is a rather exciting stage: will yesterday's schoolchildren enter the university or will a few points not be enough for enrollment? In any case, you must remain calm and restraint. Even if it was not possible to enroll in a state-funded place of full-time education, then until August 12 there is an opportunity to apply for a correspondence form (also for a state-funded place). The university also continues to accept applications for the specialty of secondary vocational education in full-time and part-time forms of education until August 15 inclusive.

We remind you that until August 12 (inclusive) the acceptance of documents for studying at state-funded places in the areas of full-time master's studies and until August 23 - for part-time studies continues.

Tomorrow, in the life of the Northern (Arctic) University named after M.V. Lomonosov, as well as in the life of other universities in our country, one of the main stages of the "Admission Campaign-2017" is coming to an end - the enrollment of applicants for full-time and part-time forms of study in bachelor's and specialty. For admission to these forms of study, the university was allocated 1705 places. 3472 applicants applied for admission.

According to the NArFU Admissions Committee, from the beginning of the admissions campaign until the evening of July 25, more than 6,400 applicants applied to the university wishing to study under the SVE, bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate programs.

More than 160 applications were received from foreign citizens (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan). This figure will grow, as will the geography of applicants, because the acceptance of documents from foreign applicants within the framework of the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation continues until the end of September.

In accordance with the admission rules, the enrollment of applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs takes place in two stages: at the first stage, applicants who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are enrolled. At this stage, 80% of the competitive places are filled. It ended on August 3rd.

The desire to study at NArFU was shown by applicants from 50 Russian regions, among the leaders in the number of applicants are Vologda Oblast - 136, NAO - 100, Komi Republic - 53, Murmansk Oblast - 46, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast - 10, Republic of Karelia - 8, Krasnodar edge - 8.

In 2017, the university was allocated 3618 state-funded places for admission to all levels of education, of which the largest number was for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs (2245). 811 places were allocated for master's programs, 480 places for the specialty of secondary vocational education and 82 places for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.

On July 29, in the hall of the Academic Council of NArFU, a meeting of the admissions committee was held, the main issue of which was enrollment in undergraduate and specialist programs within the quota of special right and the quota of targeted admission. Applicants entering the university within the framework of the special right quota and the target admission quota were presented for enrollment by the responsible secretary of the NArFU Admissions Committee Vyacheslav Parshin. He noted that for the first time, enrollment to target places is carried out separately within the framework of a detailed quota for customers and a general target admission quota. In total, 310 applicants were enrolled on July 29.

In accordance with the admission rules, enrollment of applicants for undergraduate and specialist programs takes place in two stages: at the first stage, applicants who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are enrolled. At this stage, 80% of the competitive places are filled. It ended on August 3rd.

As of August 3, 1448 people were enrolled in bachelor's and specialist's programs in full-time and part-time forms for the main competition places and for places within the special and target quota at NArFU. 1,138 applicants were submitted for admission to the main competitive places, of which 1,008 people enter the head university in Arkhangelsk, 100 people - to the Severodvinsk branch, 30 - to the branch in Koryazhma.

Among those who submitted documents, 29 people have the maximum USE scores in the Russian language (100 points), and in 2016 there were only six hundred points.

For many parents and applicants, this is a rather exciting stage: will yesterday's schoolchildren enter the university or will a few points not be enough for enrollment? In any case, it is necessary to remain calm and restraint. Even if it was not possible to enroll in a full-time state-funded place, then until August 12 it is possible to apply for part-time education (also for a state-funded place). The university also continues to accept applications for the specialty of secondary vocational education in full-time and part-time forms of education until August 15 inclusive.

If you failed to enroll in a budget place, then there is an opportunity to apply for commercial training. Documents are accepted until August 26 for applicants for full-time and part-time education and until October 20 ⸺ for part-time education.

“In the 2017-2018 academic year, the cost of tuition on a contract basis will change, and for a full-time bachelor's degree will be from 117 to 130 thousand rubles per academic year. In the direction of "Information systems and technologies" training will cost 130,340 rubles, and for the direction "Economics", "Psychological and pedagogical education" - 116,870 rubles, which is significantly lower than in other federal universities. For example, in the Baltic Federal University for similar directions the cost will be 150,000, 106,000 and 126,800 rubles, respectively, in Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University - 144,600 and 159,000 rubles.

The change in the cost for first-year students in the 2017-2018 academic year compared to the 2016-2017 academic year is due to an increase in the size of the basic standard costs and the mandatory application of all adjustment factors established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The cost of educational services in the second and subsequent courses increases only within the inflation rate, this is provided for by the education agreement.

Every year, the federal university allocates budget places for training in various areas of training. In the event that the applicant did not pass the competitive selection for admission on a budgetary basis, the university provides an opportunity to receive education on a commercial basis. When paying for tuition, an applicant can use maternity capital, get an educational loan from a bank or use the payment by installments provided by NArFU,” said Vyacheslav Parshin, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee.

For many parents and applicants, this is a rather exciting stage: will yesterday's schoolchildren enter the university or will a few points not be enough for enrollment? In any case, you must remain calm and restraint. Even if it was not possible to enroll in a state-funded place of full-time education, then until August 12 there is an opportunity to apply for a correspondence form (also for a state-funded place). The university also continues to accept applications for the specialty of secondary vocational education in full-time and part-time forms of education until August 15 inclusive.

We remind you that until August 12 (inclusive) the acceptance of documents for studying at state-funded places in the areas of full-time master's studies and until August 23 - for part-time studies continues.

NArFU includes two colleges - the Technological College of Emperor Peter I and the Technical College of the NArFU branch in Severodvinsk. Colleges are an important part of the university, where students receive education in technical, mathematical and natural sciences.

What are the areas of training in colleges?

In 2017, 480 state-funded places were allocated for applicants for secondary vocational education programs.

At the Technical College of the NArFU branch in Severodvinsk, you can get an education in the following areas: "Construction and operation of buildings and structures", "Engineering technology", "Welding production", "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", "Shipbuilding", "Installation and maintenance ship machinery and mechanisms”, “Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation”

At the Technological College of Emperor Peter I, students are admitted to the specialties: "Construction and operation of roads and airfields", "Programming in computer systems", "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment", "Organization of transportation and transport management", "Technical maintenance and repair of road transport”, “Technical operation of handling, construction, road machinery and equipment”, “Forestry and forestry”.

How long to study?

On the basis of 9 classes, training will take 3 years 10 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months. On the correspondence department students study for 3 years 10 months.

What documents need to be submitted to the admissions office?

  • Identification document;
  • Education document;
  • 4 photos 3×4 cm.
  • medical certificate(upon admission to the specialty "Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment" of the Technical College of the NArFU branch in Severodvinsk).
  • How does it work selection committee?

    Acceptance of documents from applicants for full-time education to places financed from the federal budget is carried out from June 20 to August 15, 2017, and if there are free places - until November 25, 2017. On the paid form training - until August 31, 2017.

    Acceptance of documents for correspondence courses for places financed from the federal budget is carried out from June 20 to August 15, 2017, and if there are free places - until November 25, 2017; for a paid form of education - until October 20, 2017

    The address of the selection committee: the Northern Dvina embankment, 17, bldg. 2. The admission committee is located in the courtyard of the main building of NArFU, behind the exhibition center.

    This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
    below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!