If you dream of war. Why dream of a war in a dream book

War is always associated with pain, suffering and death, so such a dream awakens fear and anxiety in us. We are afraid that in real life some kind of threat awaits us, which we must confront. For the interpretation of sleep to be correct, pay attention to your emotions and what is currently happening in your life. This will greatly facilitate your interpretation, even if at first glance the meaning seems crazy to you.

As a rule, a dream about war does not bode well, but the exact interpretation depends on many different details. It is important whether you saw the war in a dream while participating in it, or whether you were an observer. Perhaps you watched the battle go, or saw the end of the war.

Why does a man dream of war?

Seeing a war in a dream:

  1. To a quarrel
  2. To intrigues from ill-wishers
  3. Difficulties at work that cannot be avoided
  4. Troublesome deeds
  5. Health problems

Remembering the details of sleep, you can predict the outcome of the case. For example:

  • If a man was slain in a war, he will fail in business.
  • If he dreamed that he hid or hid, the difficulties in life would subside, but only temporarily.
  • If he emerged from the battle as a winner, the troubles will soon go away, life will get better.
A man dreams of war - to quarrels at home, at work

If you have ever been in combat, then it is likely that dreams are a kind of regression of experienced stress. Soldiers often have dreams about the war. All your subconscious experiences and descriptions that you have no time to think about in everyday life are brought here. This is also due to the fact that men force themselves to stand firm, not to show it when they are scared, but our fears do not just disappear if they are suppressed. They find their way out in a dream.

If you have never taken part in hostilities and have not served in the army, then most likely we are talking about situations that you perceive as vital. For example, you are afraid to make a serious business decision or you are ready to start a divorce.

The war seen in a dream - to the deterioration of affairs, unrest and chaos at home and in relations with relatives.

For a young girl to see that her chosen one is going to war means that she will hear unflattering reviews about his character.

To imagine that you are going on the attack in a war means that in reality you can turn up a very profitable and feasible job.

To be in a war and watch the course of hostilities - in reality, beware of insidious friends.

Hear on the radio or watch on TV everything related to the war - in reality you will suffer from major events that will somehow affect you personally.

If you dream of victory in the war and general rejoicing about this, then in reality there should be a revival of the dead business, and harmony and complete mutual understanding will reign at home.

Losing a war means persecution, natural disasters, humiliation and insults.

Seeing troops leaving for the front, general excitement, confusion and chaos - to worries, troubles, sadness, and for the sick or the elderly - new sores.

Interpretation of dreams from

Let's find out why a war is dreaming in a dream for a man with his participation, and also what such a dream means for a woman, especially if with the Germans. We will also find out what it means if a girl has such a dream (with my participation).

The war seen in a dream causes mainly fear and anxiety. The meaning of dreams about war is different and depends on the context. For example, the war is lost, or you dream about victory, you can run from the war or from the bombing - these are the most common dream topics. What exactly do they mean?

A dream about war is usually one of those dreams that we would like to forget about as soon as possible. But should we always be afraid of him?

War is always associated with pain, suffering and death, so such a dream awakens fear and anxiety in us. We are afraid that in real life some kind of threat awaits us, which we must confront. For the interpretation of sleep to be correct, pay attention to your emotions and what is currently happening in your life. This will greatly facilitate your interpretation, even if at first glance the meaning seems crazy to you.

As a rule, a dream about war does not bode well, but the exact interpretation depends on many different details. It is important whether you saw the war in a dream while participating in it, or whether you were an observer. Perhaps you watched the battle go, or saw the end of the war.

🌼 War in a man's dream

If you have ever been in combat, then it is likely that dreams are a kind of regression of experienced stress. Soldiers often have dreams about the war. All your subconscious experiences and descriptions that you have no time to think about in everyday life are brought here. This is also due to the fact that men force themselves to stand firm, not to show it when they are scared, but our fears do not just disappear if they are suppressed. They find their way out in a dream.

If you have never taken part in hostilities and have not served in the army, then most likely we are talking about situations that you perceive as vital. For example, you are afraid to make a serious business decision or you are ready to start a divorce.

Preparing for war is a good sign. This suggests that you put a lot of effort into the work done and now you can expect a decent reward.

🌼 War in the dreams of girls and women

War for a woman is a long-term stress. Perhaps you are already very exhausted at work, or you have been swallowed up by household chores, and you just can’t relax. It is possible that we are talking about something more serious - about a discord in personal life.

The details of sleep are very important here. If you yourself took part in the war and everything ended well, then an important matter will be resolved. If you dream of a bombing, then you can meet a married man, which means that the relationship will not be so smooth.

🌼 If you are an observer

If you dreamed that you saw a war, but did not take part in it, you can expect small difficult moments in your life. Upcoming events will be a source of concern for you. Problems can concern not only you, but also someone from your loved ones. The most important thing in this situation is to find the strength and courage to resist what fate has prepared and not give up, despite possible setbacks.

🌼 If you participate

In the case when you dream that you are going to war or are already taking part in it, especially with the Germans, this means that you spend a lot of time on current affairs, although they are not worth it. It is possible that your efforts will go down the drain, and the plans that you have just outlined for yourself will fail.

A dream may be an indication that at this moment in your life you refrain from making important decisions, or, for example, do not invest all your savings in a dubious enterprise, although it seems very profitable to you.

🌼 If the dream war is won

If you had a dream that you won the war, you can count on well-being both in the personal and professional spheres. A number of great successes await you, which will bring joy, satisfaction, as well as recognition among your surroundings. Your work will be appreciated. Perhaps you are waiting for a promotion or a big hike.

Such a dream may indicate a favorable time in material affairs. It is possible that it is time to direct your energy to increasing your wealth and business development. You just need to make sure that in the pursuit of money you do not lose other important values, for example, taking care of your own health or relationships with loved ones.

🌼 If the war is lost

None of us likes to lose, so when this happens in a dream, we feel disappointed and apprehensive. In the case when you see in a dream how you are losing a war, expect small and temporary troubles. They may relate to various aspects of your life. The dream book often interprets such a dream as a harbinger of bad news that could affect someone close to you.

A lost war in a dream is a symbol of defeat and material loss. Sometimes such a dream can be attributed to the mental or emotional area. In this case, this can be interpreted as a feeling of inner emptiness, burnout and dissatisfaction with one's life. Such a dream can be something of a signal to add a little variety to your everyday life. It could be a job change, a new hobby, or a long journey—anything that will help you spread your wings and enjoy life again.

🌼 If you are fleeing the war

An escape dream appears in our lives when we feel some kind of discomfort or fear. Escape in this case for us is a chance to free ourselves from what we most fear. It is possible that unpleasant events have appeared in your life, conflicts that you want to forget about as soon as possible, and the subconscious mind is working out suppressed anxiety in this way.

Think about what has been bothering you lately. Has something happened that negatively affected our lives and from which you would like to get away as soon as possible? These can be, for example, crises at work, relationship problems or serious health problems. It is also possible that you are afraid to make some important decision and are trying at all costs to postpone it for a while.

Now you know what the war is about in a dream for a man (with his participation) and for a woman and a girl - with the Germans or in any other hostilities. What dream did you have?

Terrible events are associated with the war, therefore, from the dreams in which fighting nothing good can be expected. As any dream book says, war in most cases is a warning of some kind of trouble.

Why does a man dream of war?

For the representatives of the stronger sex, dreams about war often serve as an indication that something is wrong in life and an adjustment needs to be made.

  1. Saying goodbye to your beloved before going to the front promises unexpected joys that will happen in the near future.
  2. It is worth figuring out why the war is dreaming of a man on whom he died, so this is a harbinger of sad events. The dream interpretation indicates possible dangers on the road, so be careful.
  3. A young guy dreams of war to failures in his personal life, and married man a dream portends conflicts with a spouse.
  4. A positive interpretation has a dream in which the bombing of his native city took place, as this plot portends outdoor recreation.
  5. I dreamed of military maneuvers, which means that we should expect changes that may affect different aspects of life.

Why does a woman dream of war?

Dreams about military operations can also torment the fair sex, and their interpretation can be found in many dream books:

  1. If a girl had to escort her lover to war, this is a signal that she should doubt the sincerity of her partner.
  2. There is also information about why the war is dreaming of a girl in which she took an active part, so in most cases this is a harbinger of material problems.
  3. Night vision, where the war was lost, portends the emergence of health problems.
  4. Seeing a war in a dream from the outside means you should be on the alert, since every rash decision can lead to a drop in reputation.

Why dream of a declaration of war?

For the correct interpretation of dreams, it is necessary to take into account the existing plot details and compare the existing meanings with real life events.

  1. Night vision, in which the dreamer heard the news of the outbreak of hostilities and survived at the same time, personifies self-doubt.
  2. Seeing a war in a dream and hearing an announcement on the radio or television about the introduction of troops is a harbinger of the onset of difficult times. It may also mean that at work there will be serious talk with the authorities.
  3. A dream in which a message was heard about the outbreak of war in another country is a good sign, indicating that it will be possible to cope with problems alone or they will bypass them altogether.

Why dream of preparing for war?

Other interpretations have dreams in which preparations for hostilities took place:

  1. Watching the army gather and go to war is a warning that serious changes will occur in the lives of many people.
  2. Another meaning of what war means in a dream indicates that preparations for hostilities promise a lot of trouble.
  3. Night vision, where you had to watch the preparations for war, warns of the risk of physical or psychological violence.

Why dream that a war has begun?

There are several explanations in the dream books of what a dream in which hostilities unfold can portend:

  1. The dream book of war, that is, the beginning of hostilities, is interpreted as a warning about the precarious situation in society. He gives a recommendation that you need to throw all your strength in order to rectify the situation. It may also be an indication of the preparation of a trap by enemies.
  2. Hearing that the war has begun in your hometown means that loved ones are proud of the dreamer.
  3. It is worth figuring out what the beginning of a war between states is dreaming of, so in most cases this is a signal of the occurrence of material problems. The dream interpretation recommends setting aside money in advance for your own safety.
  4. Night vision, in which the dreamer decided to become a volunteer during the start of the war, warns of serious health problems, so it is necessary to respond even to minor ailments.

Why dream of participating in the war?

Dreams associated with military operations often dream of anxiety, but for a more accurate interpretation, consider the details of the plot:

  1. A dream about a war, in which the dreamer was a participant and planes flew over his head, portends a business trip, accompanied by trouble.
  2. Getting bombed in a war is a signal of a serious one related to relatives. If you managed to survive, then the troubles will pass without consequences.
  3. Night vision, in which it was necessary to participate in battle and defend against enemy attacks, indicates that soon you will have to defend your own point of view, intentionally going into conflict with the environment.
  4. The dream book describes - a war, during which one had to get physically injured in battle, promises trouble or illness.
  5. The dream in which you had to participate in the war, and it ended in victory, promises success in the business and personal spheres.

Why dream of hiding from the war?

A dream in which you managed to hide from hostilities is a good sign that predicts an opportunity to avoid difficulties. Please note that this will only be a temporary lull and after some time problems may resume. There are other interpretations of why the war in which you had to hide is dreaming:

  1. Often dreams with such a plot mean that thanks to your own cunning, various troubles can be avoided.
  2. Night vision, where you had to hide from enemies because of fear, portends an unpleasant conversation with your superiors.
  3. A dream in which one had to hide in order to unexpectedly attack the enemy is a good sign indicating the possibility of defeating the opponent.
  4. Which means, if you dream of a war, during which the enemies nevertheless found the dreamer's shelter, it means that troubles will arise at work in a team, but they will help to unlock the potential and reach great heights.

Why dream of a nuclear war?

It is difficult to imagine something worse than a nuclear war, and a similar plot in a dream portends serious life problems. The dream book indicates that the dreamer has accumulated a lot of anger in his soul and you need to discard the negative in order to change your life. There are other interpretations of why a nuclear war was dreamed of:

  1. Watching an atomic explosion in your dream is a harbinger of numerous changes in life. Some dream books specify that the changes will relate more to personal life.
  2. If in a dream a message about the beginning was only heard nuclear war which means that bad news regarding relatives will soon arrive.
  3. I dreamed of a war during which a nuclear explosion occurred - this is the personification of the accumulated negativity. It is recommended to relax and change in order to improve your life.
  4. A night vision in which one had to observe the consequences of a nuclear explosion indicates problems in the family. It can also be a warning about the illness of a loved one.

Why dream of the Great Patriotic War?

If in a dream you had to see the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War, this is a warning that you will have to defend your own interests in the near future. A dream in which it was possible to defeat the Germans means that the conflict will be resolved successfully. In the dream books you can find other interpretations of what the war with the Germans is dreaming of:

  1. The night vision, in which the Nazis appeared, serves as an indication that you need to pay attention to your family, because relatives need support and protection.
  2. Take part in the Great Patriotic war in a dream - this is a prediction that the dreamer and relatives will have to face various troubles.
  3. The dream book indicates - the war in which the Germans kill the dreamer portends that the plans for the future are under great threat.
  4. Seeing Germans in helmets preparing for an attack is a signal that it's time to take a break from work and devote time to a hobby.

Why dream of a civil war?

Watch in a dream how it begins Civil War This means that in the near future the country will be calm and possible changes in the political arena will not affect the well-being of people. There is another option, which means if you dream of a war (civil) - this is the personification of an internal conflict. The dream book recommends that the dreamer stop to understand himself and prioritize correctly. A night vision in which a civil war took place, and shots were heard all around, portends a difficult one, and dishonest methods will be used in conflicts.

Hiding in war is not as scary a symbol as it might seem. War symbolizes financial problems, quarrels, unpleasant conversations, but hiding from military operations is a sign that these troubles can be avoided. Be sure to remember everything that you see in a dream, this will help the dream books to give more accurate explanations of what this dream is about.

As Gustav Miller explains

Miller's dream book, explaining what war may dream of, speaks of the difficulties of a family or working nature. But hiding from battles in a war is a symbol of the fact that through cunning and tricks you will be able to avoid the lion's share of difficulties. Even such dreams can prophesy a desire to bring "to clean water" a person whose actions revolt you.

Reasons for hiding

If you dreamed that you were hiding from something in a war, remember what exactly prompted you to take such actions, and the dream books will explain why this is a dream. So:

  • to hide from bombing - to attempts to avoid attacks and threats;
  • hide from enemies in a dream because of fear - an unpleasant conversation with the boss awaits you;
  • hide in ambush to catch the enemy by surprise - wait for victory over rivals;
  • i dreamed that you were hiding someone - in reality you would help someone cope with difficulties.

"Lair" of the enemy: Lack of self-confidence

Why dream of shelter in an ambush, Nostradamus's dream book suggests. Such plots mean your desire to get a victory in any way, even not quite honest.

But, the Gypsy interpreter assures that hiding in the war in the camp of the enemy in order to attack him first means your concern about your own capabilities. It's time to cast aside doubts and start acting!

Cowards have no place among heroes, or the Work will open from the other side

To dream of yourself hiding in a war because of your own cowardice is a sign that you need to gather your thoughts and take up your mind, otherwise production problems will “fall upon you”, the Lunar Dream Book advises.

Do you see in a dream that the enemies still found you and pulled you out of hiding? The interpretation of sleep from the Eastern Dream Book will surprise you: an unexpected trouble in the team will reveal hidden potential in you, and you will be able to achieve even what you never dreamed of. The main thing is not to miss the moment, the interpreter suggests.

Helping Others: From Selflessness to Curiosity

Do you dream that you are hiding someone in a shelter? Ask what such a plot is dreaming of. Here, for example, the interpreter of dreams of the seer Vanga, assures that this may be a desire to reveal someone's secret or find out the details of a “dark” story in which the person you hide in a dream is involved.

The Spring Dream Book is more optimistic. His interpretation says: to hide in a war not by oneself, but to shelter weaker and infirm comrades from the enemy, as well as the elderly and children, is a symbol of disinterestedness and the desire to help people. Perhaps, if you dig deeper, excessive vanity speaks in you, but this does not prevent you from doing good deeds and good deeds.