What is los in biology. Local sewerage systems "los"

In fact, without special local treatment facilities in the country, modern house cannot be considered a home. This issue is especially relevant for those who equip the sewerage system on their own, acquire VOCs themselves.

What it is?

Local stormwater treatment plants in a country house or cottage are systems responsible for the treatment of sewerage. When sewer cleaning is completed, the waters are discharged into the environment. It can be a ditch or a river, soil. At its core, each local treatment plant acts as:

  1. Household facilities for the purification of sewerage elements, water. Purifies exclusively waste water, which is used in the household.
  2. Biological-mechanical structure for cleaning sewage elements. This means that the principles of operation are based on biological and mechanical methods.
  3. Gravity facility for cleaning sewers. Fluid movement is self-flowing. But sometimes pumps are still used, they are installed separately.
  4. An individual facility for cleaning sewerage elements in a cottage. Works only where it was built.

In turn, wastewater itself can be divided into gray and black ones with domestic sewage effluents for industrial enterprises. For bathing and washing, local sewage water is used, which belongs to the gray sewer drains. Black is water from toilets.

Of the total amount of black water with sewerage - about 30 percent. But such wastewater is characterized large quantity bacteria, 90% nitrogen, 50% phosphorus. It is these waters with sewerage that require thorough cleaning and disinfection. It is impossible to direct local storm and drainage sewer waters to such local treatment facilities for domestic wastewater. Otherwise, the local station will not work.

VOC types

Local treatment facilities for industrial enterprises have their own qualifications.

  1. They provide 95-98 percent cleansing. Formally, it is believed that this group includes most of the models on the market, regardless of price.
  2. Sewerage septic tanks with modification for purification, at a separate price. Concrete, plastic or metal. Single container.
  3. Local sewerage septic tanks. Simple wells made of reinforced concrete. Sometimes crushed stone or broken brick is added to the last section. Purify water by 50-60 percent.

Local stormwater treatment plants like septic tanks have been known to everyone for a very long time. Solid pollution Wastewater sewers are simply settled in this tank. In its composition, local wastewater facilities have several sections responsible for wastewater treatment. This is better than nothing, but such VOCs have not provided complete wastewater treatment from any inclusions for a long time. The most affordable prices.

Manufacturers are trying to change the shape of the septic tank to clean the sewer, to bring it to perfection. For example, add a third or fourth section. But even after that, sanitary standards for water are not fully observed.

There are also local treatment facilities for deep cleaning. VOCs must ensure the process is 98 percent. Such requirements are considered quite stringent, not every structure of this type is able to fully comply with them. More than 100 years ago, a biological treatment method was invented. This is a classic treatment scheme in a wastewater sewage station, under the action of which, aerobic conditions are replaced by anaerobic ones. In general, the simpler the principle of operation, the better. Well, if water moves by gravity between compartments, the price of VOCs does not depend on this.

Operating principle

Cleaning in local treatment facilities takes place in two stages. At the first stage, sewage treatment is carried out in advance. The second is the final cleaning of sewerage.

For preliminary purification of sewage effluents, a special tank is placed inside the local storm water treatment plant. It is called a sump or septic tank. Particles contained in wastewater settle to its bottom. They form sludge in sewerage stations.

Then there is a slow process of fermentation in the structure. At this time, some impurities completely dissolve in the liquid, while the other part accumulates at the bottom, turns into minerals. In a septic tank, a film forms on the surface. The process should take at least three days to achieve maximum efficiency.

The size of the septic tank in local stations is selected depending on how much wastewater must pass through it at this stage.

A VOC septic tank for wastewater is needed in order to separate the water into two parts: soluble and insoluble. Organic decay dissolves anaerobic bacteria. Sewerage drains are clarified and settled.

After this stage, wastewater is already 65 percent cleared.

The post-treatment of wastewater takes place in different containers, unlike the previous stage. But each such capacity is created for performance of specific requirements. They create optimal conditions for the aerobic bacteria to complete the wastewater treatment. The wastewater treatment process is more complete if the basic substance is in contact with oxygen for a long enough time.

There are various local facilities for post-treatment wastewater for the biological neutralization of wastewater: an absorbing well and a biological filter, a sand filter, and ground drainage.

The principle of operation of VOC stations is based on the ability of the soil itself to cleanse itself. Small portions of contaminants are distributed over the filter surface. There, aerobic bacteria begin to interact with them. The mechanical and biological treatment of sewage effluents is again taking place, but there is no longer oxygen starvation. At the output, the degree of sewage treatment in VOC reaches 95 percent.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about septic tanks in stations, they have the following advantages:

  • Energy independence;
  • Affordable price;
  • Ease of maintenance of VOCs for industrial wastewater;
  • Reliability.
  • VOC price for sewage from industrial enterprises

Energy independence is a relative value for a station. Transporting waste to a septic tank in a facility may require the installation of additional equipment in the form of pumps. Without this, forced aeration in the biofilter will become impossible.

Septic tanks also have their drawbacks, despite the price. This is the need for soil post-treatment, a small degree of VOC water purification. Large areas must be used, even if natural filtration occurs in the soil. Several layers of sand and gravel are poured there. The filtered water is discharged into ravines and ditches.

Because of this, the local sewage treatment plant becomes more expensive. Especially if you need to build wells and pumps. The cleaning properties of the filtering layers of the soil decrease with time. It is required to transfer the equipment to new territories.

Compared to septic tanks, local treatment facilities for deep biological water treatment have the following advantages.

  1. Small building sizes. They are easy to place near the house.
  2. There are no water filtration fields in the building. This means that the soil is not polluted.
  3. The degree of treatment of wastewater VOCs is up to 99 percent.

But such methods of sewage treatment have their drawbacks, not only the price. They are more expensive than conventional septic tanks, volatile. Cleaning the sewerage of the aeration tank reservoir is required with less frequency, it is necessary to do this 3-5 times a month.

Buildings for summer cottages and cottages

Portable and autonomous local treatment facilities are produced on the modern market, which are used not only by specific families, but also by entire villages, sanatoriums, and so on. Stations for the treatment of sewage effluents have different characteristics, performance and volumes. These are popular aerotanks for sewage treatment from well-known manufacturers Poplar, Bioksi, Lokos, UNILOS, Topas and others.

Manufacture and installation are carried out in a vertical position. Autonomous sewerage is serviced by an aeration tank for sewerage treatment no worse than in urban areas.

Work and production, design and installation, the price of stations, take into account the conditions prevailing in the city. The main difference is the minimum size of the main devices, cameras.

In portable VOCs, the biomaterial is responsible for the treatment of sewage. Separately, oil products and sand are captured. The percentage of sewage treatment from aerotanks is quite high - 98.

Installation and maintenance of sewage treatment plants do not cause difficulties. The cases are made of high-strength plastic, so you can forget about problems with corrosion. Especially important for summer cottages and cottages is the absence of unpleasant odors and excessive noise in the building.

There are only a few working points that deserve special attention when choosing aeration tanks for sewage treatment.

  1. Control devices and special water timers are an element of a local treatment plant that allows you to regularly audit not only the extent to which water is purified in VOCs, but also all internal devices.
  2. For more than a decade, aeration-type devices with membranes in their composition can serve. During these ten years, uninterrupted high-quality sewage treatment will be carried out.
  3. The degree of purification of sewage effluents is increased by switching valves.
  4. Airlift is a special device for wastewater treatment plants. In its presence, the biomass is not completely destroyed. And it is not pumped, it only remains in the settling chamber. This allows the use of activated sludge in the structure without any restrictions. There is no need to add any additional preparations to clean sewerage.
  5. The water treatment plant turns on itself, automatically, when a certain amount of sewage, water gets inside. This allows you to regulate the work, save on costs.
  6. Excess sludge masses of water are removed from the structure due to the aerobic stabilizer. This has a positive effect on the operation of the entire system.
  7. Possibility to freely use sludge as a fertilizer.
  8. No need to use a sewer truck to service VOCs. Mining and processing of sludge does not harm environment.
  9. There is also no need to purchase additional equipment to ensure stable, reliable operation of household stations.
  10. In such a sewer, water is not allowed to drain aggressive substances, poisons and chemicals.
  11. Washing the filters of the washing vacuum cleaner into facilities, water is unacceptable.
  12. It is necessary to limit the discharge of fibrous waste into the domestic sewer.
  13. Avoid penetration into the sewer of substances that do not dissolve.
  14. Manganese, hydrochloric or acidic, chlorine cleaning agents are recommended to be used as infrequently as possible.
  15. . It is better to give preference to biological compounds in aeration tanks for the treatment of sewage and water.

Local treatment facilities for domestic wastewater

A deep biological scheme for the treatment of VOCs of domestic sewage in this case is considered the best option. This means that it is recommended to give preference to collapsible modular structures, or modular-block complexes.

  • With this purification of domestic sewage, water passes through many stages. Special containers with aeration are responsible for most of the workflow. The optimal level of aerobicity is carried out automatically.
  • Then biological disinfection is carried out. Purified water can be used for other technical purposes, it is stored in the local treatment facilities storm drains.
  • There is no need to build silt pads in order for such stations to work. Aerotanks with bacteria for cleaning are designed for the growth of sludge in small quantities.

VOC for industrial plants

Water conditions vary from place to place, in the private sector it is not the same as in the territory of industrial treatment plants. The difference is how hard and active the water reagents are, the aggressiveness of these components.

The composition of sewage effluents and the degree of pollution are also different, as is the maintenance of urban aerotanks with bacteria.

Cleaning of industrial sewage effluents in professional city stations with bacteria is ensured by the operation of several lines.

  1. Biopond, where industrial wastewater undergoes post-treatment.
  2. UV disinfection line
  3. City aerotank-greenhouse with bacteria for industrial treatment of sewerage, water. Contains activated sludge, eichornia inside.
  4. Physical and chemical processing takes place in parallel on three active lines.

City local treatment facilities with bacteria are used in various fields of activity.

  • in glass factories;
  • Inside electroplating shops;
  • At the facilities of the energy industry;
  • At car washes for maintenance, industrial cleaning;
  • in breweries;
  • fish canning factories;
  • At the best city poultry farms;
  • At the best city factories for the production vegetable oils, oil mills;
  • At meatpacking plants.

In the storage tank, industrial wastewater is immediately. The first water purification is carried out in drum filters. This is how garbage with a large fraction is destroyed.

After the battery tank, the contents fall into special sedimentation tanks. Oxidation and flotation take place there. As a result, flakes or lumps are formed from the water, they settle at the bottom of the treatment plant. Further, everything ends up in the biofilter of the structure. Water continues to be purified in greenhouses, aerotanks, activated sludge is used there. The last stage of post-treatment in household aerotanks is carried out at the expense of a biopond, its industrial installation is carried out separately.

A separate workshop and a separate facility is responsible for each stage of sewage and water treatment. This is very convenient for those who control the entire working process of the treatment plant. Drains of household sewerage are also disinfected by treatment with UV rays. All types of sewage water from the structure are processed in approximately the same way.

Storm water treatment plant

It is not so easy to treat industrial effluents, water and domestic sewage treatment storm sewers. Only at first glance, the composition of such water seems not very heavy, concentrated. But the cost of the issue can be high.

But in this case, the composition contains many impurities, including those of natural origin. There are also chemical inclusions if water has passed through the corresponding surfaces on its way.

Even ordinary rainwater, due to its composition, can destroy the floors of household treatment aeration tanks with bacteria. In any case, if the water stagnates in one place.

Local treatment facilities for storm sewers are different high rates by productivity. They are characterized by the highest degree of household water purification - up to 98 percent. Almost every manufacturer adheres to regulatory documentation in its work, which determines the rules for installation and water treatment.

The presence of sand traps, oil traps for industrial purification of water with bacteria are mandatory conditions, as is the cost. VOCs, first of all, should purify low-containing and abrasive substances, sand and oil products. In sedimentation facilities, sediment is formed from both solid and fine water particles. Sedimentation and decontamination are the last steps in which UV rays are often used in urban aerotanks to treat wastewater.

Local treatment facilities with bacteria will be useful not only to residents of the private sector, but also to those who work in other areas:

  1. The territory of the complexes where tourists rest.
  2. City's best business centers.
  3. Entertainment facilities.
  4. Parking lots, car parks.
  5. Factory territories, industrial enterprises.
  6. The city's best car washes for cleaning.

Storm industrial sewage in a cottage consists of several main elements:

  • Control well. It collects samples of purified water.
  • Sorbent storm filter for maintenance of aerotanks, for water treatment
  • Storm oil-petrol separator, aeration tank oil catcher, for water
  • Storm household sand trap.
  • Distribution well for domestic cleaning of storm drains.

These can be separate facilities for water, or the city's local wastewater treatment plant includes several elements located inside one.

Local sewage treatment facilities

In order to get rid of insoluble suspended particles, solid storm drains, it is necessary to install:

  1. Septic tanks for industrial water treatment with bacteria
  2. Settling filters for sewage treatment plants
  3. Membranes for aerotanks
  4. Grease traps for industrial aerotanks
  5. Sand traps.
  6. Grids, sieves for water purification in industrial VOCs

Small fractions of storm industrial wastewater are screened out in sieves, and large fractions - in grates. The size of the gaps in the latter is rarely less than 16 millimeters. Mechanical cleaning of storm drains allows you to get rid of more than 70 percent of inclusions.

The most common type of urban local sewage treatment plant is a cesspool. But its merit is only in the simple installation of the structure. But such structures fill up quickly, have restrictions on finding a location.

Buying aeration treatment facilities is the most promising solution. Both mechanical and biological processes of water purification take place in their tanks.


Self-contained urban stormwater treatment plants are more affordable than building urban systems with bacteria to purify water. Such buildings are ordered from construction companies individually, and are not sold ready-made, at their own price. But in a wide range with different prices, there are varieties of VOCs for water purification in domestic conditions.

Each local stormwater treatment plant has its own purpose and features. Some are able to serve only one or two houses, and some aerotanks - entire villages and other types of settlements. The work of water purification is based on the same scheme in all cases on bacteria, the installation is also the same. You can watch the video on our website.

Name of VOC Production material Maximum number of people served Length Width Height price, rub.
Tver-0.75P Polypropylene 3 2250 850 1670 69900
Tver-1P Polypropylene 5 2500 1100 1670 87900
Tver-2P Polypropylene 10 4000 1300 1670 131900
Tver-3P Polypropylene 15 4000 1600 1670 151900
Tver-6P Polypropylene 22-30 4000 1600 1670 299800
Tver-16 Steel 50-80 8700 D=1900 1000 619300
Tver-100 Steel 300-500 1160 D=2400 2000 3086000
Tver-180 Steel 600-900 1040 D=2400 2000 5390000
Tver-300 Steel 1000-1500 1160 D=2400 6000 8790000
Tver-500 Steel 2000-2500 8300 D=2400 5000 14396000

To make the right choice of urban aerotanks for stormwater treatment, the following data must be indicated in the application:

  1. Is there a place in the country where it is possible to carry out the installation of household VOCs, a field for water filtration?
  2. Is there a power supply for the VOC?
  3. What type of soil is where the VOC will work?
  4. How deep does the soil freeze? Videos from our site will help you figure it out.
  5. Where and how is groundwater located?
  6. mode of residence. This is important for water purification in the country.
  7. The number of residents.
  8. The composition and quantity of domestic wastewater for maintenance, treatment of VOCs.

And these are only the most important details of VOC aerotanks, on which the price depends. You do not need to obtain an additional decision to install a facility. But a mandatory requirement is the availability of certificates from Rospotrebnadzor. The same applies to the availability of manuals for industrial installation, operation.

The capacity is selected depending on how much sewage enters for purification. For urban treatment aeration tanks, it ranges from 1 to 10 cubic meters. The operation of Topas brand appliances and pumps often requires electricity with suitable characteristics and appropriate maintenance. If there is no electricity, it will start working like a regular Topas septic tank. The largest biological water treatment plants can last up to 50 years. The service life of components with proper installation cleans sewage, water - a maximum of 7 years.

In modern models of urban industrial aerotanks, the effectiveness of activated sludge in water purification in the country is increased due to periodic pumping. The acidity of effluents and water sometimes changes due to limestone deposits. Disinfectants make the process in facilities more efficient.

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Wastewater treatment technologies do not stand still. For a long time, professional equipment for high degree wastewater treatment plants are local treatment facilities. Let's figure out what environmental requirements they present for such equipment how local treatment facilities work for industrial enterprises and for residential buildings, how the equipment is arranged, how it is operated.

Local sewage treatment plants (they are abbreviated as VOCs) are equipment that allows you to completely clean any drains - from domestic and storm to industrial. Work is carried out only with liquid waste that has a certain amount of solid contaminants.

A strict definition is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation under the number 167 of 12.02.1999. It is this regulatory document that is primarily guided by specialists selling and servicing VOCs.

To simplify the term, VOC is just an autonomous sewer. She works separately from the city cleaning system. Usually these are several treatment plants at once. Their quantity and composition depend on what exactly is planned to be cleaned.

The main task of the VOC is to treat liquid waste to such an extent that the result meets all local environmental requirements. Local stormwater treatment plants perform the same task, only they purify the collected atmospheric water.

Varieties of VOCs

By appointment, VOCs are of two types:

  • Household purposes pass through themselves the waste that was created by the population.
  • Industrial and industrial processes wastewater from industrial enterprises.

Large industrial VOCs are volatile, require a separate power supply, as well as special maintenance. The simplest household devices are easy to use and do not require special skills.

VOCs can be plants or whole cascades of plants - for the treatment of runoff from a large building or complex. There are also smaller ones:

  • Biofilters are devices designed to remove biological contaminants.
  • Aerotanks. These are open containers in which the liquid is cleaned only after settling. Suitable for atmospheric water treatment.
  • Septic tanks. This is equipment that consists of a single container divided into compartments. Cleaning devices are located inside the chambers. The advantages of a septic tank are easy and simple installation, it tolerates temperature changes well. The septic tank is not able to provide 100% cleaning, so additional filtration is required.

As part of the city sewer systems, biofilters, aerotanks and septic tanks are also installed, but they have a slightly different structure.

Principle of operation

VOCs provide comprehensive water treatment:

  • mechanical line.
  • Bio-filtrates.
  • Chemical reagents.
  • Additional processing.

As a rule, the first stage is mechanical cleaning, which ensures the removal of solid insoluble substances. In large VOCs, special sand traps are designed for this, in small installations - filters that separate large particles. The next step is to remove oil contaminants using oil traps or a filter.

Then the biological treatment begins. Biological filters use the property of certain bacteria to purify water. They decompose the incoming liquid into silt and clean water. The sludge is deposited, and the clear liquid enters the next stage of processing. After the treatment begins with special chemical compounds - it allows you to remove the smallest contaminants. Then the water is purified from the reagents. Post-treatment is carried out using sorbents applied to the filters. They allow you to improve the quality of water and achieve a high percentage of purification.

A full cycle of all stages provides water purification by 95-100%.

Buildings for giving

VOC for a private house is an effective and simple solution to the problem of wastewater treatment. The simplest installation is usually enough to serve the whole family. A larger VOC can handle the effluents of an entire settlement. It is worth choosing an autonomous VOC depending on the needs.

The most popular VOCs are septic tanks. They are also called deep biological sewage treatment plants. Modern models are suitable for installation on any type of soil. The percentage of cleaning is not worse than that of urban systems.

The only negative is the need to strictly follow the operating instructions. If you violate the terms and conditions of use, the equipment quickly fails. As a rule, maintenance, repair and installation are carried out by the same company.

Working with effluents from industrial facilities is more difficult - the thing is that the liquid is more aggressive and contains more active chemical compounds that can affect the state of VOCs. The second difference is a greater degree of contamination, which requires longer processing.

As a rule, industrial systems consist of several processing lines:

  • Physico-chemical - several lines working simultaneously.
  • A large aeration tank with active ingredients for better purification (activated sludge is often used).
  • Ultraviolet disinfection equipment.
  • Post-treatment is carried out in a pond with biological filtrates.

Such a VOC device allows you to reliably clean even the most polluted drains. Each stage takes place on equipment installed in a separate building or hangar. This is convenient for personnel who control the cleaning process. Almost all VOCs of modern industrial complexes operate according to this scheme. This is required by current environmental legislation.

VOC of storm drains

Sewer storm drains at first glance may seem cleaner than water from industrial facilities or after domestic use. Despite the external cleanliness, chemical composition storm runoff indicates a variety of natural impurities, as well as highly active compounds that enter the water due to human activities. This is due to the fact that water travels a long way before it enters the purification system. It passes through polluted land and, often, near highways, saturated with sand and oil products.

Therefore, stormwater treatment plants must have high productivity along with good equipment for high-quality treatment. The main difference between stormwater treatment facilities is the large number of large sand traps and oil traps. They are required for cleaning from the main contaminants - oil and sand. It is in storm waters that these components are the most.

In addition, an important function of stormwater VOCs is the collection of melt and rainwater. If water stagnates, it can destroy coatings and wash away buildings. Therefore, the installations are located in such a way as to ensure rapid drainage of the main service area.

Design, production, sale and installation of local treatment facilities

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Since 2002, Flotenk has been designing, manufacturing, installing, commissioning and subsequent maintenance of integrated automated systems for the treatment of natural and waste water in order to ensure water quality that meets all the required regulatory criteria.

In particular, we produce local treatment facilities to perform the following functional tasks:

  • Rainwater treatment
  • Cleaning of household wastewater
  • Treatment facilities for car washes

Local treatment facilities

Rainwater treatment

It is made on the basis of special containers made of fiberglass characterized by strength, durability, environmental friendliness, ease of installation and maintenance at a minimum cost.

The cleaning process includes several main technological steps:

  1. Water enters the storage tank and is slowly passed through the desander in order to settle large solids.
  2. The sedimentation of suspended fine particles and the passage of water through the oil and petrol separator to eliminate emulsified oil products are carried out.
  3. Deep post-treatment through a layer of sorption loading.
  4. Bacteriological UV disinfection.
  5. Fully purified water enters the well for control sampling, and then into the sewer network.

Purification of domestic wastewater

Deep mechanical and biological treatment of wastewater in household infrastructure (residential and administrative buildings, cottage villages, separately located production facilities and agricultural enterprises in the absence of a central sewage system, etc.) is carried out using a system developed by our specialists, which allows processing the flow with a daily intensity of 25 and more cubic meters. Liquid containers are made of stainless steel, fiberglass, and other anti-corrosion materials. At the same time, this equipment can be made both in a mobile ground and in a stationary underground version.

FloTenk-BioDrafts complexes provide cleaning quality in accordance with SanPin 2 standards. one . 5 . 980 - 00 (reservoirs for drinking, household and recreational water use), as well as in accordance with the standards established for reservoirs of fish farms.

The Flotenk brand, produced in surface and underground versions, can be used at enterprises of a wide industrial and industrial spectrum (extraction and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, mining and processing plants, metallurgy, agriculture, textile, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, and other areas of production activity). ). Application is possible both in offline mode and as part of local treatment systems. The equipment is completed depending on the specific tasks for wastewater treatment and the requirements for them, therefore, at the design stage of the installation, the terms of reference are agreed with the Customer. The degree of purification must comply with the set technical conditions established by the enterprise for the treatment facilities being developed. In all cases, cleaning parameters are developed by specialists at the Flotenk JSC plant individually, taking into account not only the requirements, but also the economic feasibility criteria regulated by the customer.

Cleaning equipment for car washes FloTenk-Auto

For wastewater treatment at car washes, Flotenk has developed. The use of this equipment makes it possible to implement the reverse-return principle of water use, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption of clean water from a central water supply system, a well or a reservoir by more than 70%. Equipment of various capacities is produced, which makes it possible to optimize energy consumption when used in small private car washes and large car washes of ATP, car service enterprises, and industrial facilities.

Water treatment devices for restaurants, hotels, food industries

At public catering enterprises, a significant problem is the pollution of sewage with fatty deposits, often leading to a complete blockage of the drainage system. This phenomenon can be eliminated mechanically by the cleaning devices developed by Flotenk JSC -. The principle of operation of these structures is that fat particles, upon contact with the outside air, solidify on the surface of the water in the form of a dense fatty film, which is retained by a system of partitions and hydraulic seals. The process of surfacing of fat is based on the difference in densities of water and fat inclusions. Most of the suspended particles that are typical for industrial sewage systems of public catering establishments also float to the surface and linger, or precipitate. The throughput of the FloTenk-OJ industrial grease trap is 50 mg of trapped fat per 1 liter of water, and, in agreement with the customer, the cleaning intensity can be increased.

Water purification systems for private households and cottage settlements

It is carried out in order to prevent the release of polluted effluents into the ground, rivers or water bodies, which is fraught with environmental damage and the risk of epidemic situations. That is why the specialists of Flotenk JSC pay special attention to solving this problem. The enterprise produces a number of devices in the form of separate modules designed to provide phased water purification. different ways(mechanical, chemical, sorption, bactericidal, etc.). The modules are integrated into single integrated systems, the composition and throughput of which depend on the specific operating conditions and in each case is determined individually, taking into account the wishes of the customer. The company's website presents a variety of options for creating such complexes.

Conveniences have long become an integral part of modern life for every family. But they cannot exist without communications, where everyone usually goes domestic waste. For wastewater treatment there are local treatment facilities (VOC) wastewater, which we will discuss in more detail in this article.

Volatile and non-volatile VOCs

Local treatment facilities (VOCs) are special facilities and units that are used to treat wastewater before being discharged into the communications system. According to the mode of action, there are two types of VOCs:

  • volatile;
  • non-volatile.

Local sewage treatment facilities are designed to biologically filter wastewater. In the first case, the so-called aerotanks are used - tanks with a rectangular cross section, through which runoff mixed with activated sludge passes and where the water mass is actually cleaned.

Cleaning of polluted drains is carried out by special bacteria that are in an oxygen environment. During this process, oxygen is enriched, pumped by a powerful compressor.

What do local wastewater treatment plants look like?

Volatile VOCs provide a higher level of wastewater treatment than non-volatile ones, in which filtration goes through the following stages:

  • preliminary water treatment takes place in a septic tank;
  • additional filtration takes place on special filtration fields and gravel filters.

In addition to differences in design and technical specifications When choosing a local sewage treatment plant, it is also necessary to take into account the availability of permits from specialized organizations. So, if your house is located on the territory of Moscow or the Moscow region, it is advisable to choose local treatment facilities recommended by Mosvodokanal.

The principle of operation of LOS

The principle of operation of most VOCs is based on stepwise wastewater treatment.

1.Mechanical cleaning

In the conditions of a metropolis, the first stage is mechanical filtration, during which heavy poorly soluble fractions are caught and settled mechanically. If the VOC cleans the effluents of the "stormwater" or industrial sewage, the first stage will be the purification of effluents from fractions of various garbage.

After the fractions of garbage (polyethylene, sand, etc.) are collected in baskets, they are moved to the bucket, from where they are delivered to processing plants for shredding garbage. After passing through this technological process, during which heavy particles settle at the bottom of the sand traps, the sand is further cleaned (stones are removed). The resulting material is used in construction. Purified water flows into another compartment, where it is purified from oil products and oils.

At this stage, separators and fat traps are included in the work. Since fats are lighter than water, they float to the surface and are delivered to special tanks with the help of air currents, where they are collected and covered with a crust, after which they are removed mechanically.

2.Biological treatment

The next step is the biological treatment of "effluents". The liquid, purified from heavy fractions and particles, interacts with special bacteria that process "drainage" into sludge and water. Microorganisms begin to act in the absence of precipitated or floating fractions.

3. Physical and chemical cleaning

At the next stage, water enters the facilities, where it undergoes physical and chemical treatment. The principle of operation of such LOS is simple. "Effluent" is actively treated with chemical compounds that attract the smallest fractions of any origin that are contained in the water. Thus, the water masses undergo additional filtration and pass into the next element of the local treatment plant for a complete cleaning cycle.

4.Additional cleaning

The final stage is post-treatment of wastewater. At this stage, the remaining microorganisms and reagents are removed from the wastewater by passing through sorption filters.

At this stage, water fully complies with all hygienic parameters and can be used in various areas, except for food industry enterprises.

Classification of VOCs by functional purpose

Different requirements may be imposed on cleaning systems, which depend on the specifics of the objects they serve. According to their functional purpose, the following VOCs are distinguished:

  • VOC for storm sewers.

Devices of this group are produced on the basis of special fiberglass containers. They are reliable, resistant to mechanical damage and have a long service life. In addition, they are easy to install.

  • For cleaning domestic wastewater.

VOCs of this group are designed for high-quality and deep treatment of wastewater from social infrastructure facilities. The equipment is made of steel and other non-corrosive materials. Local treatment facilities can be both stationary and underground.

  • For the treatment of wastewater from industrial enterprises.

The main difference from other groups of VOCs is the use of harder sludge and chemicals.

  • Special wastewater treatment systems for car washes.

The use of equipment helps to reduce the cost of water and electricity, implementing a reverse-return mechanism of use.

  • Water purification devices for infrastructure facilities (cafes, hotels, etc.).

Often, social infrastructure facilities throw “drainage” with a high concentration of fats into the sewer, which such units do an excellent job of.

  • VOC for cleaning household "drainage".

The main task is to prevent the release of polluted wastewater into water bodies, which is fraught with environmental problems and the growth of various diseases.

Each of the LOS groups is designed to work in a specific environment. This is due to the specifics of the activity of each particular object. Thus, VOCs operating in large industrial production must have certain properties and technical characteristics.

Where to buy a local treatment plant?

Local treatment facilities are a mandatory attribute of both industrial and domestic facilities. There are many companies on the market that sell and install quality VOCs.

The cost of local treatment facilities directly depends on the future "scope of work", the complexity of installation and the list of tasks performed. Also prerequisite is that the supplier has certificates and necessary documents for products. This may increase the cost a little, but since wastewater treatment is a very serious issue, it is better not to save on this. Remember, saving on a quality cleaning system once, you can get big financial costs in the future!

When choosing VOCs, remember: wastewater treatment in a private house is a guarantee of environmental safety!

Sewage treatment facilities are necessary for the rational disposal of waste, domestic and storm water. If these structures do not function properly, significant harm can be done to the environment. That is why the work of sewer systems is regulated and controlled at the legislative level.

The principle of operation of the sewer structure

The sewerage system can include a variety of devices. But, despite this, waste treatment is carried out according to a certain algorithm.

First stage

At the first stage, wastewater is cleaned mechanically. Detention of large contaminants, which are of mineral and organic origin, is carried out by gratings and a sieve. With the help of sand traps, smaller particles are filtered - broken glass, sand and slag. The membrane device performs a more thorough cleaning. Suspended solids are separated in the sump. In this way mineral impurities are removed.

Second phase

In the next step, biological agents are used for cleaning. Organic compounds decompose under the influence of especially active bacteria. The liquid is passed through a biofilter. As a result, silt and gaseous compounds are formed.

Third stage

At the final stage of wastewater disinfection, additional chemical compounds are used. The resulting liquid can already be used for technical purposes.

Types of sewer systems

Sewage treatment facilities are designed before the start of construction work. It is important to choose the right sewer structure that can solve the tasks of waste disposal and have a sufficient level of performance. Today, wastewater treatment can be done using the following devices:

  • local treatment devices;
  • individual autonomous structures;
  • block systems and modules.

Local cleaning systems

Local treatment facilities are such structures with the help of which waste is cleaned and collected at objects of various sizes. They can have a household or industrial purpose and are the basis.

In classical treatment devices, the speed of movement of effluents decreases with distance from the place of discharge. There is a gradual settling of solid particles at the bottom. Removal of other impurities is carried out by post-treatment systems. For classical treatment facilities, sufficiently large tanks are required in which waste is settled. Such a requirement is difficult to implement in individual buildings.

With the help of local treatment systems, wastewater is collected and treated in private houses or small villages where there is no central sewerage system. Consider the most common local constructions.

The use of septic tanks

Septic tanks are often used to equip an autonomous sewer system in country houses. They usually look like plastic containers. Plastic has the necessary performance characteristics:

  • it weighs little - tanks are easy to transport and install;
  • the material withstands the impact of an aggressive environment;
  • does not rust;
  • has sufficient strength.

Each tank contains a different number of sections that perform specific functions. Some act as a sump, while others treat wastewater with the help of biologically active microorganisms. The third is used for filtering.

Septic tanks are widely used in the construction of private treatment facilities. They are convenient to operate. They have a long service life. The device of the sewer system can be completely autonomous. In order to increase the level of wastewater treatment, the design is equipped with additional elements - fields that carry out filtration and aeration.

The simplest and most effective septic tank


These purification devices are an integral part of large sewerage facilities that process wastewater from industrial enterprises. They look like huge reservoirs. Water and activated sludge are mixed in the tanks. Oxygen is used to speed up the reaction. Sometimes aerotanks are used in the construction of autonomous sewage systems in a private house. In this case, they are small. Usually they are mounted in septic tanks. Aerotanks may include special traps. They remove grease and oil products from drains.

Use of biological filters

When constructing sewage systems, biological filters are also used. Most often they are used as built-in structures. Biofilters are part of local treatment facilities. In these devices, wastewater is treated with the help of special bacteria. Microorganisms contribute to the accelerated decomposition of sewage. At the outlet, a liquid is formed that will not harm the environment and can merge into the soil.

Storm sewer systems

In local treatment facilities, harmful impurities, inorganic and organic waste are removed from wastewater. In the future, the purified liquid is used to irrigate the fields. But in order to collect, transport and clean thawed and rain water, storm sewer treatment facilities are also used. Ordinary sewer structures do not cope with this task.

Rainwater treatment plants must ensure the safety of the foundation, pavement and lawns surrounding the main structure.

They include pipes, gutters and storm water inlets. Through them, excess water is transported to a common collector.

The system is placed below the freezing level of the soil. The design contains filters to retain sand and other small particles. Cleaned fluid must enter the collector.

More fine purification of sewage rainwater is carried out with the help of additional devices: a sorption unit and a filter for removing oil products. At the final stage, purified water descends into reservoirs or is used for watering the garden. It should be borne in mind that in this sewer system it is necessary to periodically replace the filtration elements.

Autonomous sewer facilities

The design of autonomous systems for sewage is very similar to the design of local treatment facilities. But they also have their own distinctive features. This class of sewer systems includes septic tanks and wastewater collection tanks, in which wastewater is accumulated at the initial stage, and only then they are filtered.

Application of block and modular structures

Block and modular sewer facilities carry out deep wastewater treatment. They are more commonly used in industrial and manufacturing areas. With the help of such devices, the following tasks are solved:

  • a high level of wastewater treatment is provided;
  • the content of silt in the purified liquid is reduced;
  • the environment is protected from exposure to harmful substances;
  • the possibility of reusing water.

Such systems have increased performance. They can be used to serve entire areas. Used in wide temperature ranges.

The choice of sewer design

To choose the right cleaning system, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • total daily fluid intake;
  • preferred type of sewer structure;
  • mode of use of the sewer structure;
  • the location of the object.

Some devices can work offline. Others require electricity or other forms of energy to function. Certain systems cannot be used in close proximity to groundwater.

When arranging the treatment system, one should be guided by existing sanitary standards. If it is necessary to use a sewage truck to remove waste, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of free access to the waste storage site.

Features of the design work

When designing sewage treatment plants, it is necessary to foresee the occurrence of various situations that may subsequently affect the performance of the system. It is also necessary to take into account the existing legal framework.

Its basis is the security functions to protect the natural environment. The cleaning system must be located in a sanitary protected area. During the design process, attention should be paid to the following indicators:

  • dimensions and volume of the sewer structure;
  • optimal type of device;
  • location of groundwater;
  • the level of soil freezing;
  • system performance;
  • the cleaning method used;
  • optimization of the installation of a sewer device.

So that subsequently there is no conflict with the sanitary permitting services, a number of documents must be prepared before the construction of the sewerage system:

  • an agreement on the right of ownership or lease of a land plot;
  • layout of the place where the treatment plant is supposed to be placed;
  • compliance with existing sanitary standards;
  • technical conditions for the use of water resources;
  • data on the volume of consumed and utilized water;
  • the general scheme of the project;
  • description of the system of filtration and utilization of sewage.

The permission of the sanitary epidemiological station must be present. It should be remembered that in case of violation of sanitary standards for the placement of an object, the owner may be held administratively liable.

Video: Wastewater treatment plant