Fortune telling on coffee grounds: Mouse (Mouse) - The meaning of the symbol. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: Bat - Interpretation of the sign Fortune telling on coffee meaning bat

In fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the most interesting thing is to decipher the symbols. How many interpretations of the same picture are there depending on the question, appearance or place in the cup! It can be difficult to parse a message from fate. But with the development of the Internet, it is very difficult to make a mistake if you carefully read all the interpretations. In this article we have collected for you possible options of what a bat in a cup means.

General interpretation

The bat symbol when divining on coffee grounds is an indicator that

you are more active after sunset and things fall apart at other times of the day.

Whether it's work, study or just spending time with family and friends. Perhaps you are already living on such an “inverted” schedule or it is expected in the near future.

If the animal has wings folded, then you will have to stay awake for unpleasant reasons: illness, forced work that does not suit you at all, or a blockage in your studies. If the wings are open, then the reasons for being awake will be pleasant: a favorite thing, falling in love with stormy nights, or fun walks with friends.

In addition to the above, you can find another meaning of the symbol - depression due to loneliness. It is necessary to look inside yourself and understand whether this loneliness is positive or negative.

You can also find a value in addition to this, which indicates the urgent need to be careful on all fronts. There are people who want to harm, and they are in the immediate environment.

The number of bats seen in a cup affects the overall interpretation:

  • One signifies a long life.
  • Two are unexpected kind words and/or a gift from a friend.
  • Five mice linked together - great luck and a long, rich and peaceful life.


On coffee grounds, the meaning of the symbol depends, among other things, on where exactly it is located:

  • The upper part - the resulting low mood or depression will pass fairly quickly.
  • Middle - the mood is below the baseboard now, but you are in the process of recovery.
  • Lower (bottom) - the beginning of something new: friendship, relationships, interests, work, etc.

work area

If a question is asked about work issues, then the value on the coffee grounds of the mouse will be

not the most pleasant - these are problems at the place of work.

Perhaps they will arise because of people who are nearby and are constantly looking for ways to do more harm: they lie to the authorities about you, sabotage common projects, etc. Do not argue or quarrel with them, as this is a waste of time.

Seeing such a sign, it can also be interpreted as a business trip.

Most likely, a working trip will not bring the desired results, but there is no need to be upset about this, because there will still be chances to realize oneself.

Love and relationships

What does a bat mean in matters of love? This is the appearance of a friend that you have already forgotten about. You will learn a lot of information from him, which will not necessarily be good and useful for you. Perhaps it will be someone's secret.

And it can also be a person who was once passionately in love with you, but in the end was rejected. This acquaintance still experiences feelings, which, however, have grown into a tender friendship with elements of nostalgia. You should not refuse such friendship, as it will bring mutual benefits. In the case when a bat appears in a coffee cup on the wall closer to the rim, then the acquaintance will not be intimate, the general benefit will relate to domestic or social affairs.

If you saw the image at the very bottom, then this speaks of betrayal and deceit.

There is a person or a group of people who are plotting evil towards you. Now it is very important to look closely at those to whom you tell personal information. If you already have suspicions about who it is, then immediately interrupt the acquaintance. It won't just lead to big problems. Even if you have to end relationships with several people, then do not be sad. Good friends will come into life later, but for now, one faithful comrade will be enough.

In fortune-telling on coffee grounds, a bat is a sign of activity at night. Walking with friends, work or insomnia - expects you in the near future.
Well, if you saw a mouse with outstretched wings, then this speaks of a happy and healthy life.

Coffee grounds with a bat symbolize problems at work. There are people around who do not wish you well. They are constantly looking for ways to ruin your life and try to put you in a bad light in front of the authorities. Therefore, if you feel that someone is really up to something wrong with you, then do not enter into disputes with this person. They will only aggravate the situation and therefore it will be more difficult to get out. It is better to calmly react and continue to do your job, then you have a better chance of success.

Also, this silhouette speaks of a working trip to another city.

Perhaps the business trip will be unsuccessful, as the partners will not agree to sign the deal. But this is not a reason to be upset, next time everything will definitely work out.

If a sign appeared in the thick at the edge of the cup, then hard work awaits you. It will be difficult to cope with a huge number of cases throughout the day, so often you will have to stay up late or take work home. This will not be a long process, so be strong, after that a good reward will await you for all your hard work.

Love and relationships

It's not easy to say what a bat in the thick of a relationship means. Most likely, an old acquaintance will appear again in life. The meeting will be long, and you will learn a lot of things that you might not even want to know before. It is possible that this secret stranger will be a admirer from the past, whom you once rudely refused. But his feelings remained the same, and now he is determined to be your friend. Do not refuse communication, it will be pleasant and useful for both parties.

If the drawing is visible on the rim of the cup, then the stranger will be a good helper and will often be next to you in difficult life situations.

The image of a bat in the thick at the very bottom of the cup symbolizes lies and betrayal. One of your friends is up to something wrong against you, so you need to be careful and not tell everyone in a row what is happening in your life. Be careful and don't let false friends get close. After all, one reliable friend is better than a hundred of those who will betray at any moment.

When winter frosty days come, each of us tries to look into the near and distant future. From St. Andrew's Day (December 13) and right up to Holy Baptism (January 19) lasts a period that the Slavs call Christmas time. Our ancient ancestors believed that the predictions of fate at this time are as true as possible. Therefore, many mysterious rituals were performed. For example, fortune-telling on coffee grounds. The interpretation of the drawings and symbols at the bottom of the cup not only opened the veil over future events, but also often became a fun and exciting activity.

Basic Rules

If you decide to tell fortunes in this way, you should stock up on natural coffee of two varieties: fine and coarse grinding. Pour one large spoon of the first type and two of the second with hot boiling water. At the same time, the cup from which you will drink a fragrant drink should be white, without patterns.

When you treat yourself to delicious coffee, there will be thick at the bottom of the dishes. Then take a cup with your left hand and focus, mentally ask a question that interests you. At the same time, scroll the container three times around its axis clockwise. After that, with a sharp movement of the hand, turn the cup over on the saucer, count to seven, lift it and find out what happened. Carefully inspect the container, do not forget to inspect the plate. The thick, which was on the saucer, speaks of past events, the remaining in the cup - of the future.

Be as objective as possible when looking at the resulting symbols and drawings. It is better, of course, if close people help you: they will say that they see from the side and with a fresh look will determine the figures left after fortune-telling on coffee grounds. It is better to interpret the drawings from left to right, then vice versa. Then consider the bottom of the cup and the symbols that have formed in the direction from its edges to the center.

Cats and mice

The contours of these two domestic animals are often seen at the bottom of the cup by the person conducting the ritual. Usually, such drawings do not bode well if you notice them while fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the cat is a symbol of cunning, poverty and dirt. If it is closer to the top of the cup, this means that you have enemies who dominate you and lead you into a dead corner. Therefore, you need to carefully analyze the actions of people from your environment and stop such connections. Do not get involved in major disputes, do not argue and do not provoke scandals. If the cat is located at the bottom of the dishes, expect a serious quarrel with relatives. If an animal is next to a tree, there will be theft or imprisonment, with a person or person - find new opponents at work.

The mouse is also a bad sign. First of all, the animal warns of the losses that close people can inflict on you. Watch carefully for other figures when you arrange fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the mouse is next to the circle - carefully monitor your jewelry and valuables that you may lose; if it is near a triangle, you can return the missing thing or restore the spoiled one; an animal conveniently located in the middle of the dishes - material difficulties and financial losses.

As for bats, they are more favorable to those who conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a bat is a sign of friendship and longevity. Often her outlines promise a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will help in life, become an ally. Also, the animal can warn about false comrades, conspiracies, intrigues and gossip emanating from them.

Other animals

First of all, let's talk about the dog, horse and pig. These animals are more likely than others to contact with a person, help him in hard work and even feed him. The dog is a friend. If you saw it in the remnants of coffee, higher powers warn of events related to your comrades. For example, if the animal is in the middle of a cup, you will make friends with an influential person. He will offer you a profitable interesting business, which will invariably lead to success and prosperity. The dog is at the bottom of the dishes - friends will solve your problems, an animal surrounded by clouds - there is a traitor among loved ones, near the outlines of the face - do not neglect the advice, they are quite practical and useful. A frightened animal with disheveled hair is a meeting with comrades of childhood and adolescence.

If you decide to conduct fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of the picture of the pig that you got will be negative. This animal is a symbol of lack of freedom, dependence on circumstances and other people. If the pig is at the top of the dishes - you feed and support the freeloader, below - you yourself live at someone else's expense. The road running next to the animal means the spread of unfair rumors about you. Be careful, someone is trying to tarnish your reputation.

But the horse seen in the coffee mass promises good luck. If it is at the bottom of the tank, a secure old age awaits you, in the middle - wealth and a successful union. The bull obtained during fortune-telling means happiness, the hare - indecision and cowardice, the goat - travel and adventure, the cow - acquaintance with a pleasant person of the opposite sex, the fox - loss, the bear - danger, and the deer - intelligence.

Overseas guests

They are also often obtained during divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the elephant is a sign of abundance and power. You are an important person, respected and in power. If an animal has a raised trunk - luxury and money will fall on your head unexpectedly, but will certainly be the result of your diligence and hard work. Usually, the result obtained during the ritual often depends on how correctly and competently divination was carried out on coffee grounds. The interpretation of "elephant" is unambiguous: invariably means only prosperity and success.

But the interpretation of the lion varies depending on its location and posture. This animal is usually interpreted as a symbol of dignity, arrogance and pride. If he is evil, with an open mouth and a raised tail, love torments and experiences await you; dark animal - meeting with influential authorities; with stripes on the head and body - connections with the underworld, scrapes, disputes; near another animal - danger, the collapse of a dream.

Camel - very good sign. It means kindness, a cheerful and prosperous life. An animal located in the middle of a cup promises the favor of fortune, next to a tree - wealth, near the heart - dreaminess and naivety, in the company of clouds - a decent fortune. If there are stars around the camel, this means a quick and safe replenishment of the family. The kid will be smart and successful. If you saw a tiger in coffee, fate asks you to think about your emotions. Learn to control and manage them.

Amphibians and insects

If during the ceremony on the dishes you notice the figure of something terrible and poisonous, such as a scorpion or a spider, do not be alarmed. This does not always promise an unhappy future. True, the statement does not apply to the snake, the outlines of which speak exclusively of trouble. Be on the lookout if a figurine of this animal appears when you are doing divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the snake is the personification of insincerity and lies, treacherous relationships and intrigues. The reptile at the top of the cup predicts the gloating of enemies from the pain inflicted on you, in the center - expect victory over a long-standing enemy. If the viper is torn apart, you should carefully consider your health in order to avoid lingering ailments.

The frog is a sign of mutual love, good news and success. The lizard is also a good omen that promises surprise and great things. Scorpio is always an enemy waiting for you around the corner, as well as monetary losses and unsuccessful connections. The turtle makes it clear that the caution you took was not superfluous. You managed to avoid problems, so keep up the good work. As for the crocodile, it promises a successful business, sensitivity and excessive sentimentality.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of signs is an entertaining pastime, the mood is especially lifted when the outlines of insects appear, because they always bring happiness. A bee promises profitable cooperation, a fly - countless treasures, an ant - successful business deals, a butterfly - fresh impressions and joy from communication, a spider - an unexpected gift.


A sign of a positive and good future is a rooster. It is often obtained from those people who often perform the fortune-telling ritual on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the rooster embodies a family idyll, harmony, complete harmony. Often this is new news. If a feathered one sits on a hill, you will soon enter into a marriage union; stands near the road - expect a loss from an influential person; surrounded by trees - help from a stranger. If the rooster's beak is open, this is a sign of good news. A bird turned upside down promises a change in your position for the better.

A duckling has always been considered a good symbol. He also signaled the defenselessness and vulnerability of the person who received his image during divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a duck in the middle of a cup - take care of your soulmate, his or her heart may break from your actions; next to a person - you have a reliable friend; near another bird - beware of unwanted neighborhood.

Our ancestors also considered the images of a dove and a swan to be good signs. The first promised fidelity and stability in relations, the second - unexpected financial receipts, confidence in the future. As for the swan, they also paid attention to the color of the graceful bird. If it is too dark - avoid nervous breakdowns, light - get a good position in society. Two birds intertwined with their necks mean great unbreakable love.

The crow has always been the epitome of trouble and confusion. The chicken foreshadowed stupidity and material damage. The eagle promised unexpected news, and the owl - death or serious illness.

fantasy creatures

Any ritual is always shrouded in mysticism: soaking up this mysterious and slightly fabulous atmosphere, we often imagine unrealistic images for ourselves, we see dragons, mermaids, elves. Of course, this also happens during fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the dragon is a symbol of unexpected circumstances, new meetings that can change your life. It can also portend anxiety and doubt, especially in financial matters. It is better to abandon the complicated commercial scams. Pay attention to every little thing in order to correctly conduct the ritual of divination on coffee grounds (interpretation). The dragon is a mythical creature, so its location on the dishes affects the essence of the prediction. Sometimes he promises parting with his beloved. In other cases, it promises the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of a dream.

Instead, the image of a mermaid should be a red traffic light for you. You should immediately stop, think, rethink the situation if you saw it, making fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: mermaid - instability and uncertainty, the danger of seduction, temptation and deceit. Be careful in love and business affairs, trust only yourself and finally take off your rose-colored glasses.

It is interesting that often a fortuneteller sees only the tail, without the torso and head. In this case, the symbol is called a fish, and it has a completely different meaning. The main thing is to distinguish it from a mermaid: therefore, look carefully when doing fortune-telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: fish - complete well-being. If it is at the top of the cup - expect important events, below - earn authority and respect in society. The meaning of the symbol changes very much if the number of characters changes, so correctly decipher fortune-telling on coffee grounds - interpretation. A fish, for example, if it is not alone, but is in a school, is a good sign. You will get one chance in a thousand to make huge profits and improve your well-being.


A cozy house, a funny key, an ominous coffin... Their outlines can also often be seen on the walls of dishes during the rite of divination on coffee grounds. Interpretation:

  • The key is that your dreams will come true soon, you will get everything in order to finally achieve your goal. The symbol also prophesies career advancement, a creative upsurge. Perhaps you will even write a brilliant work.
  • The ring is a sign of engagement or even marriage. If it is cracked or broken, beware of quarrels with your soul mate. Such disagreements at this stage of the relationship will provoke a breakup.
  • Wheel - get ready to discover unseen countries. Entertaining adventures and intricate routes are ahead of you. It's time to leave your familiar place and plunge headlong into travel.
  • The house, on the contrary, suggests that you need to settle down, take hold of your head. It is a symbol of stability and constancy, coziness and comfort. Put things in order in your relationships, start a family and then all problems will be solved by themselves.
  • Hammer - you need to urgently make a decision.
  • Dagger - unexpected losses. You trust people too much.
  • Angel - wait for consolation. You have good news ahead of you, peace and tranquility.
  • Coffin - illness, mental suffering, trouble.
  • Door - you are on the right track. Don't be afraid to make decisions and move forward.

There are a lot of things in our life. To interpret what happened to you, it is worth looking through a special book, which describes in detail each thing and its meaning.


Carrying out fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of symbols is best done in a small company, where everyone, in their own way, creatively deciphers the resulting outlines on the cup. Yes, and together with friends, this process is much more fun: first, a pleasant ceremony of savoring coffee, then laughter, noise and uproar during the analysis of pictures. At the same time, people often drop out different elements. environment, which also have their own meanings.

So, clover is a sign that soon your complicated life will stabilize. The black bar will be left far behind, and you will be able to enjoy success. Lonely people will definitely get acquainted with the betrothed. If only clover leaves have formed on the dishes - expect complete impeccable happiness, a flower - popularity and fame will overtake you.

The bush says that you have a dream, an idea, a goal. But the plan is not destined to come true, so do not waste your energy and money in vain. If there are thorns on the bush - you will be deluded for a long time, flowers - you will lose everything on the way to your dream. Bare branches - experiences, loss, suffering. Perhaps you realize that best years gone irrevocably.

Willow - a warning of separation, defeat, fall. For men, the sign promises trouble and difficulties, problems with the law. Willow branch - to life problems that will cleanse your soul. If the tree is near the river - pay attention to your health, take care of yourself.

Oak always signifies a winner. You will be the first, despite the intrigues behind your back. They say you walked over corpses. Let be! After all, you became a leader, and that was the goal. True, during this competition I had a chance to lose valuable qualities of character, to forget about what humanity, flexibility, kindness are. You have become impenetrable to all feelings, even to love and friendship. Oak is a warning: remember that strength and determination are good only in those situations that do not affect the interests of people close to you.

Other figures

People who have not yet found their mate always dream of seeing a heart at the bottom of the cup. After all, it promises the beginning of a romantic relationship, which may develop into serious feelings. Believe that it will be so. Just for starters, take the simplest step towards love: do fortune-telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of symbols. The heart that forms on the wall of the dish during the ritual will tell you that you have already found your soul mate. You just don't notice her, you perceive her as a friend. Take a close look at your surroundings and eliminate this error. If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you will very quickly find your chosen one. Don't give up on your dreams.

A star means liberation from painful people, events, deeds. Finally, you will breathe deeply, throw off the yoke, take a break from the current difficult situation. A big star is a sign of great happiness, a six-pointed one is a hint that it's time to go on vacation or at least take a day off.

The cross is a sign of bad events when it is dark, and a herald of a family idyll, if it is light. The arc - a warning about a traitor, an envious person, a square - promises stability and a smooth flow of affairs. If you see numbers, consider all possible combinations of them. Most likely, they add up to a date that will be a turning point in your life.

Line: broken line - to travel, straight line - to good events. If two curves intersect - you will find instability, the collapse of plans, the loss of a loved one. If you saw a dotted line, difficulties and troubles will fall on your head. You may become seriously ill.

The circle is a sign of good relations with employees, family members. You are a wonderful conversationalist, sensitive and flexible. You know how to listen, and people appreciate it in you. You find mutual language with almost everyone.

So that you do not fall out of this, remember: when conducting a ritual of divination on coffee grounds, we perceive the interpretation of the symbols formed as a prediction of very close events. But sometimes the signs are a warning of the distant future. Therefore, if the ceremony promised you wealth, but you still didn’t hit the big jackpot, take your time. Know that everything will come true, the main thing is to believe and really want it.

On the coffee grounds, the meaning of the mouse reminds the fortuneteller that sometimes in life you need to take a break and rest from the hustle and bustle. Organize yourself a few days in nature or take a full vacation. Relaxation is a way to regain strength and get back to work.

In fortune-telling on coffee grounds, a mouse in a working context has only a negative meaning. If the picture is mostly depicted on the bottom of the cup, then this indicates that you made the wrong choice in the past. This applies to a large extent to a business partner. Although at first he seemed reliable, now the nature of his actions has completely changed and can lead to disastrous consequences.

The mouse will tell you that there is a lot of useless fuss in the work, because you can solve it much easier and faster. Such an unproductive format will also affect the money issue - there will definitely be losses, and quite large ones. To reach the previous level, it is necessary to revise this partnership, either change the conditions, or completely abandon it.

The mouse, which appeared in the thick of the middle of the cup, symbolizes the lack of opportunities for making independent decisions.

Someone is constantly trying to fool you and doesn't want you to succeed. This person is trying to take your place, so be careful and reasonable. Including this location of the silhouette also speaks of financial losses - unexpected expenses will devastate savings, and you will have to start saving again.

It is worth evaluating which figures in the thick are next to this animal. If you see a circle nearby, then this is a warning about the possible loss of valuables, such as jewelry or a wallet. Keep an eye on them in the near future.

Love and relationships

On coffee grounds, the meaning of the mouse has a positive color for friendships. A stranger will appear in life, who will soon become a friend for sure. Don't be afraid to trust and just enjoy the conversation. Friendship will be long and will bring only joy.

Coffee grounds with a mouse are also associated with negative events in a love context, especially if you are a girl and are in a relationship.

Take a closer look at the environment of your soul mate, if a rival has appeared there who wants to interfere with your happiness. Most likely, this is one of the new acquaintances, and you have something to fear - she is beautiful, cunning and always gets her way, no matter who is around.

It is also worth paying attention to communication with relatives. Do not let them sit on your neck and dictate their own rules, especially if they are trying to lure you out of as much as possible. more money. Calmly tell them about it, without starting scandals.