Theon - the meaning and origin of the name. Theon - the magic of influencing the fate of the owner of the name Theon's name as abbreviated

Many parents try to distinguish their child from their peers with an unusual name. It is very good when an unusual and sonorous name is successfully combined with a patronymic and surname, otherwise such originality can give the child a lot of not very pleasant experiences.

Fortunately, Theon's name, which in last years is gaining popularity in Russia, goes well with most Russian surnames and patronymics. The origin of this name has Greek roots and is inextricably linked with the spread of Christianity.

At first, Theon was only a male name, but then he also had a paired female version. The original word for the name of a person, translated into Russian, means "divine wisdom." There are other similar translations of the same word (theonos) - this is “the thought of God” or “divine understanding”.

The second version of the translation of also Greek words, from which the origin of the name may come, is “epiphany” (from the fusion of theos and fanes). Some name scholars translate the word "Teona" as "divine." However, no matter how the translation sounds, it becomes clear that the girl named Theon is perceived as a divine gift, a symbol of divine providence, a special gift for her parents and the whole family.

There is a popular, but, unfortunately, erroneous version about the origin of the name Theon. She says that the name has Georgian roots, and is based on the fact that in this country it is very popular to call girls that way. However, the name still came to Georgia from Greece and, having taken root on local soil, received recognition and popularity there.

In addition, with a slightly different pronunciation - Theon (or Fiona) - the Greek name, with the spread of Christian doctrine, penetrated into other countries. It was in this sound that it turned out to be very popular in Catholic countries. There, girls and women, called Theons (Feons), are much more common than in modern Russia.

Today, judging by the parent forums on the Internet, more and more mothers in Russia are thinking about naming their daughters Theons. What should they know before making this decision?

  • What factors influence the formation of a girl's character?
  • How will a person change as they grow up?
  • How will the fate of Theona develop?

"Independent Arbitration"

As a child, a girl named Theona has a calm and balanced character, she is rather soft in communication, friendly and complaisant. Her sociability, friendliness and ability to find compromises in complex issues from an early age give her significant authority in the eyes of not only her peers, but also adults. Moreover, Tea can calm down any, even the most noisy dispute, without resorting to forceful methods, only through persuasion and kind words.

Thanks to these qualities, peers often turn to the owner of this name with a request to act as an arbiter in a particular children's conflict. And she honorably fulfills the role entrusted to her. Theon always has many friends and acquaintances, loneliness is not her path, it is in communication that she shows all her best qualities.

At the same time, Thea always intuitively feels with whom it is worth communicating, and with whom not. Mentally unscrupulous people who do not shy away from lies, hypocrisy and selfishness, she simply does not allow into her own social circle. But even for such unpleasant personalities it is difficult to arrange a quarrel with young Thea - she can simply turn around and leave the person she does not want to talk to. But the girl is always glad to honest, decent and courageous peers in her environment.

What the parents of a girl named Theona should pay special attention to is to help their daughter develop such qualities as perseverance and the ability to move towards her goal. Nature, as a rule, does not endow Thea with these talents, and therefore it is important to develop them yourself. After all, without these qualities at school, and in further education, she may have a hard time.

Theona has another trait that she will have to work on in her childhood with the help of her parents. She is often interested in everything at once, and, naturally, she does not have enough time or energy for everything.

The elders need to teach the girl to prioritize, determine what is most important to her at the moment, and achieve this. The joy of achieving the result will confirm the usefulness of this skill for Theona, and in the future she herself will resort to it more and more often.

Extreme and stability

If in childhood, parents helped young Thea develop these qualities, then in adulthood she becomes just a model of reliability. Her character, as she grows older, becomes more strict and orderly, the ability to determine important tasks at this stage forms a clear course of action. All this gives Theon even more authority in the eyes of others.

The properties of a person who will not let you down are especially pronounced in a woman named Theona in professional field. Thea's natural instinct helps her choose and even shape those life circumstances in which her abilities can be fully revealed. As a rule, these abilities lie mainly in the field of creativity (suffice it to recall the singers Teona Kontridze from Georgia and the Russian Teona Dolnikova).

When Thea reaches a certain life and social status, she tries to maintain her reputation, and the ability to dress stylishly can help her in part. Style in appearance and the ability to present oneself are very important abilities for Theona if she is realized in public professions. When she looks “comme il faut”, she feels “at ease” and works with full dedication.

According to numerologists who have analyzed the numerical code of Theon's name, the abilities of a woman who has that name can be revealed not only in the field of creativity, but also in the natural science and technical fields. Thea is able to analyze problems and independently find ways to solve them, which is important in the exact fields of knowledge. In addition, the meaning of the number "4" of this name leads to the fact that Theona strives to constantly improve herself, increase her level of knowledge.

In this scenario, Theona's success will be the higher, the more global goals and high standards she sets for herself. Lack of ambition can be bad for both financial condition, and on the psyche of women. If she wants something “unattainable”, according to others, this gives her strength and magically creates opportunities for success.

An extreme situation, when all physical, psychological and intellectual strength is needed, is the best opportunity for Theona to show herself in all her glory and conquer that shining peak that many can only dream of. At the same time, Tea is quite conservative in everyday life, she loves stability and order. Especially important to her is constancy in friendly feelings.

Family life as freedom

One of the features of a woman is that the name Theon gives her some special craving for freedom in all its manifestations. Thea simply cannot live within limits, she constantly needs to break patterns and break stereotypes. If she is engaged in creativity or scientific research, this is very useful property which will only help her to achieve success.

Despite her love for everyday stability, if there is a need to choose between her and the ability to decide her own fate, a woman named Theona will no doubt choose the second option. The desire for new experiences that can bring variety to life is not just Thea's “weakness”, it is her lifestyle. You can never say about her that she is "mired in everyday life" or "overgrown with moss."

Even the most difficult circumstances do not become an obstacle for the owner of the name Theon. True, the constant craving for something new, for events that change like pictures in a kaleidoscope, can take Theon far from the line behind which she is hiding. For a long time, Tea does not seek to establish a serious and long-term relationship, limiting herself to short-term novels.

When Theon finally decides to create her own family, she chooses her future spouse, rather, not as an object of tender feelings, but as a person who is capable of a long-term partnership. For her, it is of great importance that the spouse will not encroach on her freedom and independence, will not insist that she leave her career for the sake of housekeeping. If this happens, then Theona can break off the relationship, no matter how affectionately she previously treated her partner.

A family union can be happy if Theona's husband has the wisdom to grant his wife such freedom - or her well-developed illusion. “Illusion” here is not at all an extra word, because, despite the outwardly “rebellious” character, it is important for Theona to benefit her family and friends and make them happy.
Author: Olga Inozemtseva

It is believed that the name is of Georgian origin, but in fact it has Greek roots. It comes from the male Theon. A little later, the female name Theon appeared. The meaning is to be found in the Greek word theonos, which means "the thought of God." There is another version, if you follow it, then the name comes from the union of the words theos and fanes. They are translated as "god" and "appearance". There is a third option, and it is interpreted as a "goddess".

Name Numerology

The number of the name is four. Women with the name Theon have a technical mindset. Many of them are scientists.

The number 4 is a symbol of stability, but the parents of the little owner of the name should know that she needs to be oriented towards high goals. The modesty of a girl named Theon plays a huge role in her life. Despite the fact that the four brings stability, it can lead to poverty for an unpretentious person. Develop self-confidence in the girl, tell how important it is to go to victory. Otherwise, the trouble-free Theona may remain in the shadow of her successful friends, whom she once helped.

If parents manage to develop ambition in a girl, then thanks to hard work, assertiveness and consistency in actions, she will be able to achieve heights in her career. Theon has a great sense of humor and a rich imagination.

The meaning of the name spelled

Every letter in the name matters. When choosing a name for your daughter, consider how you will affectionately call the girl. The owners of the name, as a rule, are called Teshas at home. Consider the meaning of each letter of the name.

T - creative streak, emotionality,

O - inborn optimism, spiritual sphere, religiosity.

N - diligence.

A is selfishness.


We have analyzed the meaning of the name Theon. The nature of the owner is the next paragraph of the article. All Theons are reliable friends. With them, as they say, it’s not scary to go into reconnaissance. You can always rely on women with this name. Their main features: conscientiousness, stability, reliability. Their motto in friendship is: "An old friend is better than two new ones."

Theons are suitable for any technical specialties. Also among them there are excellent lawyers, economists and doctors.

A woman bearing the name of Theon will be a wonderful wife and mistress. Its meaning imposes on it religiosity, spirituality. Girls bearing this name do not squander money, cook well, and love to receive guests. Wonderful mothers, their children are brought up in the best traditions and are always well-groomed.

Theona will have a strong marriage with Boris, Yuri, Nikita, Igor, Konstantin. Relations with Vadim, Victor, Alexander will get worse.

AT church calendar Theon's name is missing. The priest Theon of Thessalonica, whose memory is honored on April 17, is the patron of the owner of the name.

The name indicates measuredness and lack of fuss. Decency, honesty and hard work - that's what will help you achieve success in life and become brighter. However, do not go too much into work and into yourself - troubles are likely in your personal life. Teona, try not to restrain your emotionality, allow yourself weakness and do not show too much ambition in your personal life if you do not want to face failure. It is better to direct your energy to work and to an active channel - only in this case you will be truly happy. Beware of envy and learn to present yourself beautifully for success in love.


  • Purposefulness;
  • Patience;
  • The integrity of nature;
  • persistence;
  • The ability to lead.


  • Lack of pity;
  • slowness;
  • Envy;
  • Irritability;
  • Pettiness.

The main features of the character of the name Theon

The presented diagram indicates the main meanings of the name Theon, which form the character and psychotype of the personality of the bearer of this name.

Periods of vital activity named after Theon

This graph shows the age intervals characteristic of the periods of vital activity of the owner of the name Theon. In different intervals, activity can be either greater or less.

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters of Theon's name

T - Creative individuals, inventive and endowed with original thinking. Madly in love. Tired of monotony, diligent, despite health problems.

E - The tendency to stubbornness, independence often causes loneliness for people with such a letter in their name. At the same time, they are not at all closed, but on the contrary, they are excessively sociable to the point of obsession. This is how their inner desire for self-expression manifests itself. But behind such openness and sociability, a deep and correct feeling of the nature of things and a rare stubbornness to achieve one's personal goal are often hidden.

O - The most mysterious letter "O" indicates spirituality, great isolation. People whose name contains this letter have wonderful intuition, the ability to understand feelings and notice what is hidden behind masks and covers.

N - "The real Lucifer." A critical attitude to absolutely everything that happens around prevails. Picky. Selfish and selfish, although they care about their health. Honest, hardworking.

A - Starting point, corresponding to the purposefulness of the individual and his activity. Demanding on oneself, spiritual and physical growth are characteristic of those whose name begins with this letter, this is a sign of leaders and punchy, active people.

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Theon's name sounds mysterious, unusually beautiful and very rare among female names. But what does this name mean and what are its main features, not everyone knows. Although any person needs to know the origin and meaning of his name. After all, the name that a person has is his destiny.

Name origin

Ancient people believed that any word has power and energy. The same can be said about the name. After all, the name has a magical and fateful effect on a person. Therefore, many people, before giving a name to their child, are thoroughly interested in its meaning.

Theon's name is of Greek origin and translates as "divine wisdom." Originally, in Ancient Greece, it had masculine meaning, later it was renamed as female.

In Russia, the name Theon is not very popular, and you rarely meet a woman or girl with that name, but this name is very consonant with the Russian surname. This is a very common name in Georgia, which is why almost every girl is called Theon there.

The meaning and characteristics of the name

A girl named Theona can rightfully be considered a reliable person. She is responsible and aspiring, therefore she always knows what to do in a given situation. And if she needs to make a decision here and now, then you can safely turn to her.

Usually, even little Theona is popular and respected among other guys. And when she gets older, then the personal characteristics of her character, under certain circumstances, acquire a clear trend.

A woman with this name has spirituality and divine charm. She is sensitive and sincere. It is thanks to these qualities that she attracts the attention of men and is often in the center of male attention. Theona is very outgoing and always has loyal fans who appreciate her for who she is. After all, she is beautiful and like the whole deity.

Theon is honest, therefore she does not want and does not know how to lie. She is incapable of low deeds. She would rather help out a person in trouble than remain inactive. Theon is distinguished by her responsiveness and kind heart. She will always lend a helping hand to those who really need it. Therefore, it is difficult to meet at least one Theon, who is not appreciated and respected in the team. It is open and non-conflict, therefore it attracts people to itself. She is not interested in intrigues and gossip, she prefers not to take part in this.


Usually Theona is a successful woman, hardworking and executive. Often her profession is associated with creativity. She can become an excellent journalist or a talented artist. And also, she will be able to master the profession of an actress, writer, architect and designer. In any of these professions, she will be successful.

A family

Even if Theona prefers noisy companies, she still loves her cozy home more. She is a loving and tender wife who is ready to do anything for her husband and children. Usually Theona marries for love and appreciates her husband very much. And if for the sake of the family, she has to lose her career, then she, without even hesitation, will make a decision in favor of the family, neglecting her personal interests.