Tip of the day for the new year. Useful New Year Tricks

It's no secret that this is the New Year, although it is a very beloved holiday, expected by many, but it is very costly. In order not to end up with an empty pocket in January, it is better to take action now, write down all expenses in advance, including the budget for the festive table. This will help to immediately adjust the menu and cut costs. We will learn to manage the family budget in a crisis correctly. give some tips on how to save money for the New Year. After all, it has been proven that in the pre-New Year's fever, we buy much more than we need.

It is better to think over and prepare New Year's presents in advance. Leaving this matter last days year, you risk spending a lot. To save the family budget, approach the issue creatively: knit cozy warm socks for your husband, and for your grandchildren or children - a symbol of the coming year. Or give the children a holiday with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, in the role of which you or your guests can act yourself if you come creatively to celebrate the New Year in the family circle.

A list of products will help you save money for the New Year, so start thinking about them for the holiday table in advance. All canned food green pea with corn, olives) and frozen foods (crab sticks), alcohol, chocolate and sweets, mayonnaise - you need to buy now. Because in the last week of the outgoing year, prices will skyrocket.

Go shopping with a shopping list - it's not embarrassing at all. This is the property of thrifty people, and they are usually the wealthiest. The list will help you not to forget anything important and not to buy too much. Make it a rule to even walk with a list - it will keep you from rash purchases when your eyes start to run wide.

Take advantage of the discount hours that are available in large stores and supermarkets. So on weekdays in the morning there are usually discounts for pensioners. This will save the budget by 10%.

Tip 2: Replace expensive products with cheaper ones

Any housewife wants to pamper her beloved family with an abundance of delicious and inexpensive dishes. In a crisis, it is also possible to do this if you find more budgetary analogues of expensive components of New Year's snacks and dishes.

Red and white wine. Instead of red wine, you can put a fruit drink from berries (cranberries, lingonberries) on the table.

White wine can be substituted chicken broth. In this way, you will maintain a sober mind and benefit your health.

Seafood. Instead of red caviar, you can put cod caviar on the New Year's table, and replace frozen shrimp with crab sticks.

Red meat. Cold can be successfully cooked from chicken or rooster, it will turn out not only more tender than from pork with beef, but also more budgetary.

Confectionery tricks. Instead of melted chocolate on cakes and pastries, use cocoa powder diluted in vegetable oil(one bar of chocolate equals 3 tablespoons of cocoa and one tablespoon of butter).

You can successfully replace fresh lemon with citric acid in baking.

Vegetables and fruits. Expensive fruits like pineapple can be replaced with canned pineapple rings. Tomatoes - tomato paste. Celery stalks - white cabbage.

Every woman wants to look like a prom queen on New Year's Eve. And for this it is not necessary to buy expensive red outfits in the year of the Fire Rooster. Shake up your wardrobe. It will certainly have a classic black dress that can be easily turned into a festive one, complemented by golden accessories.

Combine clothes that seem incongruous to you, and you will assemble a chic outfit from your own things. And if something is missing, you can borrow from your friends.

And you can read tips on how to look your best before the New Year, avoiding spending money and time on trips to a beautician. You can see how to make a beautiful, stylish, festive hairstyle for yourself for the New Year's Eve.

In order to celebrate the main holiday of the country, it is not necessary to spend money on buying live spruce, you can use the coniferous green plant available in the house for these purposes. So a mini Christmas tree on New Year's Eve can be: cypress, tangle, rosemary tree, small indoor spruce. Tips on how to turn a small indoor plant in the main decoration of the interior of the room, you can read.

If you do not have such a green friend in the house, then you can make a beautiful little Christmas tree for the New Year's table with your own hands from improvised means. You can see several master classes on making such a New Year's decoration.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with friends in the country or relatives in the country, then it will not cost you anything to decorate the room with ordinary pine cones. You can see ideas for the festive decoration of the space of the room with compositions of spruce and pine cones.

You can decorate the New Year's table colorfully with the help of tinsel, Christmas decorations, rain, spruce twigs, and then you won't have to bear the cost of decorating the New Year's feast!

It's not just about the December bills. It would be wise to contact your housing office and ask for a receipt for January. Yes, some indicators, for example, for electricity, water (if you pay for it by meters), will be averaged, but it’s better to pay “on average” before the New Year than to look for funds after the holidays.

Tip 6. Consider the cost of repaying a loan

If you pay off a loan, and even more so several, it is better to make the January payment in December. But don't deposit all the money in one payment, some banks may consider it just an early repayment, and then in January you still have to pay. Pay your dues for December and find out from what date in December you can make your payment for January. Be sure to emphasize that it is important for you that the money is accepted by the bank as a January installment, and not as an early repayment.

In order not to be stranded in January, family budget experts advise to postpone a third of the salary received before the holidays. Do you think this is unrealistic? There will be nothing to set the festive table and buy all sorts of necessary things? If you follow the previous advice, your main expenses will fall on the November salary, and what you receive before the New Year can be divided. Try it and you will see that January will no longer be so penniless.

These simple rules will help you spend money from the family budget with benefit and arrangement, and save on preparing for the New Year. If you follow them, then you will not have to “tighten your belt” after the holidays, you will be able to live with dignity until the next paycheck.

I suggest watching a video on how you can make New Year's gifts for your friends and relatives with your own hands and decorate a room for the holiday.

Friends, have you made gifts for friends and loved ones with your own hands for the holiday? Are you in a hurry to please them this New Year as well? Have you already chosen your outfit for the upcoming New Year's ball? Thought out a festive hairstyle and make-up? Now there is still time to slowly prepare for the New Year.

Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

Life during the year is determined not by a single night from December 31 to January 1, but by the first 12 days. That is, you will spend the first month of the year exactly as you met on January 1st. February is like January 2nd, March is like January 3rd, and so on. If we follow this logic, then it is clear why the first month passes for most Russians under the sign of a hangover. Doctors say: 5 glasses of vodka reduce the risk of a bad New Year's Eve by half...

If only these five glasses will be with the same drink. Since the first commandment - “know the measure” - does not apply to the New Year, try to adhere to at least the second: “do not mix”. Narcologists have long come to the conclusion: alcoholic drinks they don't want to be friends with each other. And it’s too early to rejoice if they didn’t ask to go outside directly on New Year’s Eve. The next morning, your head may hurt wildly. By the way, in this way harmless-looking beer can also show its deceit. Experts do not advise mixing not only dark and light varieties of intoxicating drink, but also varieties of one of them.


Remember: there is no means in the world to bring a person back to normal overnight. You will have to wait for sobering up: 0.1 grams of alcohol per hour per 1 kg of weight is excreted from the body. It is useless to turn off the water: “naked” water can lead to an even greater salt imbalance. Mineral water can be poured into an organism suffering from a lack of potassium, sodium and general intoxication. Help balance acidity and tea with lemon and honey. You have to be careful with coffee. By stimulating the brain, caffeine can give side effect hands will start shaking. And kefir will save you from the “revolution” in your stomach. If you are able to eat, sour cabbage soup will do. Acid-acid remedies fight acidification of the blood, which means that you can “pull” cabbage or cucumber pickle.


On New Year's Eve, not only cucumbers are consumed inside. For some reason, it is on this holiday that the glory of the three fat men haunts the Russians. But gluttony is fraught with consequences ...

1. Do not starve on December 31! Many are afraid to kill their appetite and do not approach food all day. Nutritionists say: in order not to burst for festive table, you need to live the last day of the year as if nothing had happened - usually eating. And “leaving room in the stomach” will help abstinence from food from 19 to 23 hours.

2. Down with cuts! Sausage, already present on the everyday table, has no place on the festive one. Eat a better piece of natural meat. It's more useful.

3. Refrain from garlic and onions! And not at all because of their pungent smell: they greatly stimulate the appetite.

4. More “silo”! Move a plate of fresh fruits and vegetables closer. Thanks to these products, you will not reach for a sandwich once again.


It is difficult to remain “spotless” in the midst of festive fun: either a glass will be thrown at you, or some other disgrace will be reflected in your clothes. Here is a list of the most common stains and how to deal with them with improvised means:

Candle wax: scrape off the largest pieces of clothing, place the fabric between two sheets of loose paper (paper towels) and iron the construction with a hot iron. Changing towels, repeat several times. Then wash the fabric in cool water.

Chewing gum: put a piece of ice on it and hold it for a few minutes. The chewing gum will freeze and come off easily.

Red wine: Sprinkle the stained cloth immediately with salt. Then remove the dirty salt and pour more, then wash the product in hot water. For knitwear: rub the stain with soap and rinse immediately with water.

Chocolate: wash the stain with water and treat with a mixture of glycerin and egg yolk. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Fresh stains are easily washed off with plain water. Old - a mixture of ammonia solution in half with glycerin and then - water. You can also use boiling soapy or very salty water.

Beer: wipe the contaminated area with warm ammonia, then wash the cloth with warm soapy water.

Vegetable and animal fats: starch, chalk, or talc can be used to remove stains from light fabrics. Sprinkle them on the fabric on both sides, cover with clean white paper and press down with a load. The next day, carefully knock out and clean. Cotton fabric is cleaned with ammonia, and then ironed through a blotter. For knitwear and wool, use starch: they need to cover the stain for several hours.

Coffee, tea, cocoa: use a cotton swab to lubricate the stain with glycerin and wash off with a mild detergent solution. Then wash the area with a cotton swab moistened with water at room temperature. Cocoa stains can only be removed with water. And fresh dirt from coffee, cocoa and chocolate can be sprinkled with table salt or a gruel of salt and glycerin, and then in the wash.

The dog loves fun and public places, so noisy companies and gatherings in cafes and nightclubs will come in handy. Even if you are going to celebrate only with family and friends, take care of the entertainment program. This night should be really fun.


Clothing and symbol of the New Year 2019

Clothing must be chosen in advance. The most preferable outfits will be red, orange, yellow, as this is the year of the yellow pig.

We also strongly recommend that a souvenir in the form of a dog be present on your table, or on the sofa where you sit. And he must be treated with respect, as he should become a member of your family this night. Then the dog will do everything to bring good luck to the house.

At midnight, stroke the symbol of this year so that she will be favorable to you;

Festive table

The festive table should be varied, but not in excess. Fruit and vegetable cuts will be most preferable. As well as fish and seafood dishes. Meat may also be present, but preferably lean varieties. Everyone knows that a dog loves meat most of all, but he also likes fruits. Therefore, fruits should decorate the New Year's table.

Napkins also need to be red and, preferably, from natural raw materials - cotton or linen. Do not forget to decorate salads and other goodies in the form of a dog, rooster, Santa Claus, etc.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2019

The element of this year is earth. Therefore, the New Year's table should be filled with a variety of colors. Colorful vases with flowers are welcome.

It is advisable to follow all these tips, but the most important thing is to carry happiness and joy, and the belief that everything will be fine next year in yourself, in your heart. After all, our thoughts are material. First of all, you need to love yourself and believe that each of us is a unique person and deserves a lot.

A lot of everything that we so want to have, we simply do not allow ourselves to have it because of the thought that we are not worthy of it. Therefore, believe that everything will work out for you and come true! Also wish all the best from a pure heart to your family and friends. After all, how much we give - so much we get, maybe even more.

Happy New Year everyone!!! May this year be truly successful and prosperous for you. Lonely let them find their soul mates, married / married let them only strengthen their love!

“He who knows how to give, he knows how to live,” the French say. We all love to receive gifts, but choosing and giving them is no less a pleasure.

A gift is a kind of password. With him, you seem to be saying to a person: “I appreciate your friendship, care, love. I am grateful to you for being in my life, and my gift is just a modest (or not so) way to tell you about it. Bought or handmade, funny or serious, simple or sophisticated and expensive - gifts are different ...

"Wise" gifts

Wisdom first. Before you give someone a gift, ask yourself: “Am I giving the person something that I like, or that HE would like to receive?” In a word, you should not rely only on your taste - consider the taste and desires of the person to whom you give. For example, my daughter said she wants the Ninja Turtles figurines. Personally, I was going to buy her a soft toy, a doll, felt-tip pens. But if she wants these turtles and will be happy to get them - is it difficult for me to fulfill this small desire?

How can you find out about a person's desires? The shortest way is to ask in the forehead (the opportunity to make a surprise is lost, but for many this is not important). You can turn to his relatives or friends, they will certainly give good advice. In addition, use your personal observations, take an interest in what a person is fond of, collects and select a gift based on this information. Conclusion: the gift must be desired.

wisdom second. If you, when choosing New Year's gifts, calculate the costs, and not the winnings, then you do not know how to give gifts. Their main value is not in the money invested, but in its uniqueness and uniqueness. New Year is the most magical holiday! It is important not only to observe the ritual of giving, but to awaken true joy, delight in a person, surprise him, excite him, cheer him up. Even an ordinary thing can be served under such a “sauce” that it will become an exclusive. Conclusion: the gift must be original.

Wisdom the third. It doesn't matter who you are going to surprise: mom, colleague, friend. Regardless of the value and size, the gift should bear the imprint of your warm attitude towards the person (I do not mean the mandatory gifting program, for example, twenty teachers). To surprise means to win. A real gift is that thing that a person simply cannot buy for himself. It should be special, emphasize the uniqueness of the person to whom it is intended. Conclusion: the gift must be "real".

Naturally, if your gift, for example, is not very original or you could not find out what exactly the person wants, this does not mean that it is bad, because you give with all your heart. And now a few tips on the topic "What to give?"

Exclusive CD . Music is a great gift, but don't rush to the nearest store. Create your own CD with your personal selection of songs. I have already made a similar present to my mother several times, having previously found out what songs she likes. For example, we are driving in a car, the radio is playing, and she says: “I like this song.” You can also create a collection of films on DVD - for example, with the participation of Vin Diesel, Jennifer Lopez, etc. Do not forget about the design: come up with a beautiful cover (beautiful or funny picture, collage, text with New Year greetings).

gift basket . Buy a basket and “stuff” it with a bunch of thematic goodies. For example, a sweet tooth - a few boxes of tea, coffee, chocolates, unusual cookies, a cup. A basket with cosmetics (not decorative) is a great idea for a mother-in-law, mother, boss. Fold there the foam and bath salt, a set of oils, a silk dressing gown, a soft towel.

Candles. Now there is a huge selection of beautiful candles of different colors, shapes and sizes, aromatic and not. For a loved one, you can choose a candle in a champagne or martini glass with hearts, stars at the bottom. After the candle burns out, the glasses can be washed and used for their intended purpose. Candles in the form of a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a pig will suit any person (except for small children) - both beautiful and useful.

Drawing on clothes . If you know how to sew and embroider, buy a plain T-shirt, T-shirt, cap and make the pattern applique or embroidery. If needlework is not your forte, just bring a T-shirt and the desired pattern (collage, photograph, funny picture) on a disk to the photo department of a large store, and you will have a print on your clothes (cup, mouse pad) in a few days. Many companies offer such services.

original puzzle . The same photography company will help you make an unusual gift for a loved one. Bring, for example, a photo of your family, and in a few days you will have a real big puzzle of many pieces. If there is not enough money or time for this, take a large photo yourself, cut it into squares and put it in a box. Present a puzzle to your parents, and gather everything together at the family New Year's Eve celebration. Then you can either take it apart again, or glue it and place it in a frame, like a picture.

Sky in diamonds. Buy a set of phosphorescent stars in the dark and unnoticed by loved one stick on the ceiling above the bed. You can lay out several well-known constellations, add planets (they are also for sale). Just imagine what a surprise it will be! The lights go out - and the stars light up!

Cake to order. Order an exclusive sweet of an unusual shape: for a football fan in the form of a ball, for a beautiful fashionista in the form of lipstick, for a child in the form of a hare or Santa Claus. Pack it in an original way and present it to the chiming clock and the sparkle of sparklers.

Romantic "chip" . Buy a picture of the place in the city where you first kissed or met (or just take a picture of the area, even if it's your friend's apartment).
Present a soft toy, and attach a postcard to it with the words "You can hug me when ... (your name) is not around." Very dramatic!

Frame for your general photo (or better with it), a cake or cookies you baked, a postcard made by yourself - all this will be a wonderful gift for your loved one.

Idea for a poor student . Don't have any money for a gift? Take an ordinary box, cover it with bright paper, tie it with a ribbon and sign: “Kiss box. Every time you open it, you will receive my kisses and hugs.

For the one who has everything. How to please a boss or a rich friend? Such people usually have everything except time for themselves. Issue for such a person a gift "certificate" (your own hand-made and prepaid ticket) for procedures in a beauty salon, a subscription to a sauna or a dance school.

Source http://www.promoroz.ru

Before dealing with all the intricacies of organizing the New Year, it is worth understanding who we are trying to please. The year of the White Metal Rat will replace the power of the yellow earthen Pig. Unlike the peaceful and harmless Pig, the Rat has a capricious and difficult character.

The Rat is by nature pragmatic and looks at things soberly. She is smart, quickly adapts to new conditions, although she prefers not to leave her comfort zone. Sometimes she is characterized by some aggression, but friendly enough.

Symbol of 2020 - White Metal Rat

According to the eastern calendar, a 12-year circular cycle begins. This means that the meeting of the New Year should be held on a grand scale, while all the requirements of the symbol of the year must be met.

To appease the wayward Rat, celebrate the New Year according to its rules:

    The feeling of a holiday should be everywhere. The capricious Rat does not like mediocrity and dullness, but also does not like clutter. Mice, although they pull all the valuables into their minks, do not tolerate frank rubbish and unnecessary things.
    DIY Christmas decorations. Practical Rat will appreciate your work. Let it be snowflakes made of paper or figurines of mice cut out of cardboard, but with an unusual author's approach.
    Add light and fire to the interior. Garlands, candles, sparklers will create a festive atmosphere in just a matter of seconds. Opt for white and silver.
    Make a cozy house for a rodent. Buy or make some mistress of the year figurines. Place them near the house and on the shelves of the interior. Using stencils, draw images of mice on the windows.
    Decorate your home with a living forest beauty. If you still have an artificial Christmas tree, you can use it. At the same time, she should not shine with all the colors of the rainbow; the practical Rat will not tolerate variegation. Everything should look elegant and in the same style.

What color to celebrate the New Year 2020

Next year the element of metal will reign. The color of the year is white and silver. Therefore, in the design of the New Year's atmosphere, bet on white and metallic shades. To some, this gamut will seem boring, but do not rush to draw conclusions. Milky, ivory, ivory, ash, antique white, gray and silver - all these shades will attract the attention of the Rat. It is in these colors that you need to meet the next 2020.

On the one hand, the Rat likes comfort and coziness, on the other hand, she loves everything luxurious and expensive. Therefore, a festive outfit should be elegant and made in the same style. This rule also applies to interior design.

What clothes to celebrate the New Year 2020

When all the preparations are left behind, the main question arises: what to wear for the New Year? The answer is simple: women must look chic and sophisticated, but by no means defiant or cheap.

Clothing should be comfortable, not hinder movement, emphasize the strengths of the figure and diplomatically hide the weaknesses. Open shoulders, small cutouts, decollete - be sure to use something from the arsenal of real seductresses. But remember - the practical Rat will not tolerate excessive frankness, everything should be in moderation.

Many people think that the Rat is an unattractive animal, but this can be argued. Despite the fact that the expression “rat tail” is negative, you can’t do without a beautiful hairstyle and makeup. So do not delay the organization of the holiday, so that you have time to put yourself in order and have a good rest.

Read more about creating a New Year's image

New Year's Manicure Ideas

If the fun about the main holiday of the year will be held with friends, you only need to think about the outfit and gifts in advance. But if the New Year's Eve is planned at your home, you will have to make a lot of efforts. After all, it depends on you - the hostess of the house - how you will celebrate the New Year.

Despite the fact that the Rat, although it pulls all the valuables into its mink, it also loves to take a walk. Therefore, the choice of a place to celebrate the New Year 2020 does not matter. You can celebrate both with a cheerful company and with your family. The main thing is not to spend the holiday alone. Indeed, by nature, the Rat is a sociable creature, and appreciates good fun very much.

Interior design rules

In interior design, give practical simple things. Decorating the house, you should bring peace and tranquility to it. But the holiday should be held in fun, sedate sitting at the table will quickly lead the perky Rat to despair. If you are going to celebrate the New Year at home, you will be interested to know about:

DIY crafts for the New Year

Do I need to think over the scenario of the New Year

The scenario of the New Year's meeting must be thought out in advance. The wayward character of the Rat will not tolerate mediocrity, she loves surprises. So it would be quite appropriate to organize a theme party, warning the guests in advance about what outfits and props will be required.

If this option is too difficult for you, you can organize a small quest, original surprise contests, humorous duels.

On the Internet, you can find ready-made scenarios for holding a New Year's party, based on the number of guests and their age. The main thing is not to be bored all night in front of the TV, otherwise the whole of 2020 will be so boring.

Unusual traditions and customs for the New Year

The tradition of annually calculating the patron animal of the coming year came to us from China. According to the Chinese calendar, 2020 comes into legal right only on January 25, 2020., so on this day it is worth gathering for a festive dinner with the whole family, preparing delicious dishes.

AT different countries the arrival of the next year is associated with many unusual signs. For example, in Cyprus, in the last seconds of the outgoing year, they turn off the light to turn it on in the New Year as a symbol of happiness, good luck and peace.

In Japan, there is a sign that you need to meet fire signs on your doorstep with money in your pockets. If they see the shine of the coins, they will add more, and otherwise they may consider such a gesture as disrespectful to themselves and leave the house forever.

Mexicans believe that while the chimes are striking, you need to make 12 wishes and eat the same number of grapes. If you have time, then in the new year all wishes will come true!

Now for the best part - gifts.

Residents of every country in the world have their own unique preferences in choosing gifts. In the UK, the New Year is considered one of the most expensive, as it is considered bad manners to give all sorts of little things here. Men get expensive leather goods, women get branded perfumes or jewelry. The French consider perfume an intimate gift: only the husband can buy them for his wife. In India, it is not customary to pamper children with expensive gifts: most often, under the supervision of their parents, they choose sweets, flowers and small gifts from a common pile lying on a tray by touch.

The tradition of giving small souvenirs and postcards depicting the symbol of the year came to us from Japan. There, such gizmos are considered more important than any other presents.

Have you already chosen gifts for your family and friends? We have prepared for you an interesting article on choosing New Year's gifts.

What to give for the New Year?

That's basically everything you need to know about preparing for the New Year 2020.

And on New Year's Eve, forget about any rules, barriers and restrictions - have fun, laugh, dance. Believe in luck to accompany you all next year.