How to play monopoly with bank cards. Detailed rules for playing monopoly.

Monopoly game rules


The description and rules of the game are written for the classic version of Monopoly. If you do not know the rules of the game, or do not remember well, we advise you to start with the classic version for convenience and ease of understanding. Other versions of the game are played according to the same rules, but the names of the playing fields and cards may be different from those described in the rules.

Brief description of the game

Monopoly is a classic game where you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, the participants put their chips on the “Forward” field, then move them around the playing field, depending on the number of points rolled on the dice.

If you find yourself on a Real Estate Plot that is not yet owned by anyone, then you can buy this Real Estate from the Bank. If you choose not to buy it, it may be auctioned off to another player with the highest bid for it. Players who own Real Estate may charge rent to players who enter their Lot. When building Houses and Hotels, the rent increases significantly, so you should build as much as possible. more Plots.

If you need money, you can mortgage your Property.

During the game, you should always follow the instructions written on the cards "Community Treasury" and "Chance". But do not relax - in some cases you can be sent to Prison.


Be the only non-bankrupt player.

Beginning of the game

The chips of all players line up on the “Forward” field, after which, in turn, each player makes his move.

Game progress

When it's your turn, roll the dice. Your chip will move forward on the board in a clockwise direction. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are in, you will have to:

    buy land for construction or other real estate

    pay rent if you are in real estate owned by other players

    pay taxes

    draw a card of "Chances" or "Public Treasury"

    be in jail

    relax in the "Free Parking"

    receive a salary of $200,000

Same number on both dice

If you rolled the dice and both rolled the same number of points (double), your token will move as normal and you will act according to the requirements of the field you are on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. In the event that you have the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to jail.

Passing the field "Forward"

Whenever you stop or pass the "Forward" field, moving clockwise, the Bank pays you a salary of 200,000. This amount can be received twice in the same move if, for example, you landed on the "Chance" or " Public treasury" immediately after the "Forward" field and pulled out a card with the inscription "Move to the field forward."

Buying a property

If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (that is, a building lot not occupied by any player), you will have the first buyer right to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the Bank money in the amount indicated on the playing field. In exchange, you will receive ownership of this property (the playing field will be colored in the color of your chip).

If you choose not to buy a Property, it will immediately be put up for auction. In this case, it is acquired by the player who offers the highest price for it. A player who refuses to purchase Real Estate does not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the Property, then it remains free.

Property ownership

Owning a property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay on the field that indicates it. It is very profitable to own real estate of the entire color group - in other words, to own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any Real Estate lot of that color.

Stop on someone else's property

If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be charged rent for that stop. The amount of real estate rent may vary depending on the houses and hotels built on the field of this real estate. If all Properties of the same color group are owned by the same player, the rent charged to you for stopping at any lot in that group is doubled, provided that there are no buildings on the lots in the group. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double the rent. If Homes and Hotels have been built on the Real Estate plots, the rent from these plots is increased. No rent will be charged for stopping at the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility company field

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if it hasn't already been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of other real estate, in this case you will have to pay the amount indicated in this field to the Bank.

If you decide not to buy this Property, the Utility is put up for auction and sold to the player with the highest bid for it. You cannot participate in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the Utility Company, then it remains free.

If this Utility is already purchased by another player, they may charge you rent. The rent of such an enterprise will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice (you roll the dice again to determine the amount of the rent). If the player owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled.

Stop at the station

If you are the first to stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. If you do not want to purchase the Station, it goes to auction and is sold to the player who offered the highest amount for it. You cannot participate in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the Station, then it remains free.

If the Station already has an owner, the one who finds himself on it must pay the rent. This fee depends on the number of stations the player owns the station where you are staying. The more stations the owner has, the higher the fee.

Stop at the "Chance" and "Public Treasury" field

Stopping on such a field means that you get one of the cards of the corresponding group. These cards may require you to:

    moved your chip

    paid money, such as taxes

    got money

    went to prison

    released from jail for free

You must immediately follow the instructions written on the card. If you pick up a card that says "get out of jail free," you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a bargain price.

Note: The card may say that you must move the chip to another field. If you cross the Forward field clockwise while moving, you will receive $200,000. If you are sent to Prison, then you do not cross the "Forward" field.

Stop at the tax field

If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the bank.

Free parking

If you stop on such a field, then just rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties.


You are sent to Jail if:

    You landed on the "Go to Jail" field, or

    You took a "Chance" or "Public Treasury" card that says "Go to Jail", or

    You rolled the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to the Prison. If you go to Jail on a card, you will not be paid the $200,000 salary, no matter where you were before.

To get out of the Prison you need:

    pay a $50,000 fine and continue playing, or

    buy a "Break Out of Jail for Free" card from another player and use it to get out of prison, or

    use the card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping three of your turns, but each time it is your turn to roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice on one of these moves, you can get out of prison and go through the number of fields that fell on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in Prison, you must exit it and pay $50,000 before you can move your token to the number of spaces rolled on the dice.

While in Prison, you have the right to collect rent on your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not sent to the Prison, but simply stopped on the Prison space during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you "just visited" it. On your next turn, you can move on as normal.


Once you have collected all the Properties of the same color group, you can buy Houses to put them on any of the lots you have. This increases the rent you can charge to tenants staying at your Property. You may purchase houses during your turn before rolling the die. The value of the house varies depending on the line to which the property color groups belong. In one turn, you can build no more than one house on the fields belonging to the same color group.

The maximum number of houses on one lot is four.

Also, if necessary, you can sell houses back to the bank. The cost of the house in this case will be the same for which you purchased it.

You cannot build houses if at least one lot of the given color group is mortgaged.


Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on the lot where you want to build a hotel. Hotels are bought in the same way as houses, at the same price. When the hotel is erected, four houses from this site are returned to the bank. Only one hotel can be built on each lot.

Property For Sale

You can sell undeveloped lots, train stations, and utilities to any player by entering into a private deal with them, for an amount agreed between you. If there are houses or hotels on the plots you are selling, then you cannot sell such real estate. First you need to sell the bank houses and hotels located on all sites of this color group, and only after that offer a deal to another player.

In the transaction, both sides of the exchange can be offered as Real Estate plots, as well as money, and cards for release from prison. Exchange combinations can be very diverse at the discretion of the players. If the player is not interested in the proposed deal, he can refuse it.

Neither houses nor hotels can be sold to other players. They can only be sold to the bank. Making deals with other players is possible only in the first stage of your turn, i.e. before you roll the dice.

If necessary, in order for you to receive money, hotels can be replaced by houses again. To do this, you need to sell the hotel to the bank and get four houses in return, plus the cost of the hotel itself.


If you don't have any money left, but debts may arise, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate or selling houses or hotels. In order to mortgage real estate, you must first sell all the houses and hotels built on the plots of the mortgaged color group. With a pledge, you receive from the bank an amount equal to half the cost of the mortgaged plot. If you want to redeem the mortgaged Property later on, you will have to pay the bank the full value of the Property plus 10% on top.

If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No player has the right to redeem it instead of you from the bank.

The mortgaged Property cannot be rented, although you may still be charged rent for other Properties of the same color group.

You may not sell mortgaged Property to other players.

The opportunity to build on the plots of the house appears only after the purchase of all, without exception, plots of the same color group.


If you owe the bank or other players more money than you can get from your gaming assets, you are declared bankrupt and you are out of the game.

If you owe the bank, the bank gets all your money and all your real estate. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. Also, release cards from prison are returned to the bank.

If you go bankrupt due to debts to another player, all your property goes to the bank. The property returned to the bank goes on free sale. And the Bank pays your debtor the amount of the debt.

You can also become bankrupt if you do not have time to complete any game action in the allotted time.

Game Notes

Money can be given in the form of a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate.

No player may borrow money from another player or lend money to another player.


The last player remaining in the game is the winner.

RULES of Monopoly Shortened Game

If you know a little Monopoly game rules, now you can play it faster with Quick Game Rules! In this game, the rules are exactly the same as in Classic Monopoly, but there are three differences:

    AT initial stage game The banker shuffles the cards for the right of ownership. Then the player to the left of the Banker removes the deck, after which the players are dealt twice one card each for the right of Ownership. If the Banker is also an ordinary player, then he deals cards for the right of Ownership to himself. Players must immediately pay the Bank the stated price for both Ownership cards received. The game then continues according to the standard rules.

    In the shortened game, you only have to build three Houses (instead of four) on each Color Group Plot before you can buy a Hotel. The rent remains the same as in the standard game. When you sell a Hotel, the proceeds are half of the original price, i.e. one House less than in the regular game.

    End of the game Monopoly. The first player to go bankrupt is out of the game, just like in a standard game. When the second player goes bankrupt, the game ends. A player who has become bankrupt transfers to his creditor (the Bank or another player) everything he owns, including buildings and other property. Then each of the remaining participants in the game summarizes the following:

    Cash on hand.

    Player Owned Lots, Utilities and Railroads

    Stations at the price indicated on the playing field.

    Mortgaged property in the amount of half the price indicated on the playing field.

    Homes valued at purchase price.

    Hotels valued at purchase price, including the value of the three Homes for which the Hotel was exchanged.

The richest player wins!

Time limit game.

Before starting this version of the game, you need to agree on the end time of the game. The richest player at the end of the game wins. Before the start of the game, you need to shuffle the deck of cards for the right of Ownership and remove it. The Banker then deals two cards to each player, one card at a time. Participants immediately deposit the value of the Property issued to them into the Bank and the game continues according to the standard rules. regulations m.

Be the only non-bankrupt player.


Game Board, 28 Title Deed cards, 16 Public Treasury cards, 16 Chance cards, 8 deluxe gold chips, Bank Cashier, 1 set of Monopoly special money, 32 wooden Houses, 12 wooden Hotels and 2 dice, one Monopoly game rules.


    Place Houses, Hotels, Title deeds and money (at face value) in separate sectors of the playing field. There is a diagram on the field showing the correct placement of all game elements.

    Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them and place reverse side up to the appropriate area of ​​the game board.

    Separate the Community Treasure cards, shuffle them, and place them back on the appropriate space on the game board.

    Each of the players chooses a playing chip and places it on the “GO” field.

    Banker and Banker: One of the players is chosen as the Banker. If more than five players participate in the game, the Banker may, at his discretion, limit himself to only this role in the game. The banker gives each of the players 1,500 thousand rubles in the following banknotes:

    Two banknotes of 500 thousand rubles

    Four banknotes of 100 thousand rubles

    One banknote of 50 thousand rubles

    One banknote of 20 thousand rubles

    Two banknotes of 10 thousand rubles

    One banknote of 5 thousand rubles

    Five banknotes of 1 thousand rubles

In addition to money, the Bank also holds Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels cards until they are purchased by the players. The Bank also pays salaries and bonuses, makes loans secured by Real Estate and collects all taxes, fines, repayable loans and interest thereon. During the auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer. A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue the required amount of money in the form of IOUs written on a plain piece of paper. 6. Players roll both dice. The player with the most points starts the game. The player to his left goes next, and so on.

When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your pawn forward on the board in the direction of the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are in, you will have to:

    buy land for construction or other real estate,

    pay rent if you happen to be on property owned by others

    pay taxes

    draw an Odds or Community Treasure card

    be in jail

    relax in the free parking

    receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both dice

If you rolled the dice and both rolled the same number of points (double), move your token and act according to the requirements of the field you are on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you have the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to jail.

Passing the field "GO"

Whenever you stop or pass through the "GO" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. You can get this amount twice in the same move, if, for example, you landed on the Chance or Public Treasury field immediately after the "GO" field and pulled out a card that says "GO" to the "GO" field.


If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (i.e. a Building Lot for which none of the other players have a Title Deed), you will have the first buyer's right to purchase it. If you decide to buy a Real Estate, pay the Bank money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Title deed for this Property, which you must place face up in front of you. If you choose not to buy a Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting at whatever price anyone else is willing to pay. Even if you refuse to buy the Property at the original price, you can take part in the auction.


Ownership of a Property entitles you to collect rent from any tenants who stay on the space that indicates it. It is very profitable to own all the Properties of one color group - in other words, to own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any piece of Real Estate of that color.


If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is shown in the Title Deed for this Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If all Properties in the same color group are owned by the same player, the rent charged to you for stopping at any undeveloped property in that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one piece of Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double the rent. If Homes and Hotels have been built on the Property lots, the rent increases as described in the Title Deed for that Property. No rent will be charged for stopping at the mortgaged Property.


If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if it hasn't already been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Property has already been purchased by another player, he may require you to pay rent according to the number of points that rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this field. If the other player owns only one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice. If he owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you landed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Community Treasury card you drew, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. If you choose not to buy the Property, the Banker puts the Utility up for auction and sells it to the highest bidder. You can also take part in the auction.


If you are the first to stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this Vokzap. If you do not wish, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to purchase at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Station already has an owner, the one who finds himself on it must pay the amount indicated in the Deed of Ownership. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Stations owned by the player who owns the Station where you are staying.


Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require you to:

    moved your chip

    paid money, such as taxes

    got money

    went to prison

    released from jail for free

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you have taken a card that says "Free from Jail Free", you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a bargain price.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your chip to another field. If in the process of moving you pass through the "GO" field, you will receive 200 thousand rubles. If you are sent to the Prison, you do not go through the "GO" field.


If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.


If you stop on such a field, simply rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on your Property, etc.).

You will be sent to Jail if:

    You stop at the “Go to Jail” field, or

    You took a Chance or Public Treasury card that says "Go to Jail immediately" or

    You rolled the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to the Prison. If you find yourself in a Prison, a salary of 200 thousand rubles is not paid, no matter where you are before. To get out of the Jail, you need:

    pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue the game when it is your turn, or

    buy a "Free Out of Jail Free" card from another player at a mutually agreed price and use it to get out, or

    use the Get Out of Jail Free card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping three of your next turns, but each time when your turn comes, roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice in one of these moves, you can leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that will fall on cubes.

After you have missed three moves while in the Prison, you must exit it and pay 50 thousand rubles before you can move your chip by the number of spaces rolled on the dice. While in JAIL, you have the right to collect rent on your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not “sent to Jail”, but simply stopped on the “Jail” space during the game, you do not pay a penalty, since you “Just visited” it. On your next turn, you can move on as usual.

After you have collected all the Real Estate lots of the same color group, you can buy Houses to put them on any of the lots you have. This will increase the rent you can charge from tenants staying at your Property. The value of the House is indicated on the relevant Title deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build your lots evenly: you cannot build a second House on any lot of the same color group until you have built one House on each from the plots of this color group, the third until two have been built on each, and so on. The maximum number of houses on one lot is four. You also need to sell houses evenly. You can buy or sell houses at any time, and as much as you see fit and as long as your financial situation allows. You cannot build houses if at least one lot of the given color group is mortgaged. If you own all Properties of the same color group and only built Homes on one of the two plots, you may still receive double the rent from a player staying on any of the undeveloped Properties of that color group, as indicated on the cards.

Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of a fully owned color group. Hotels are purchased in the same way as Houses, but they cost four houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated on the Title deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each lot.

Lack of buildings

If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other participants returns their houses to him. Likewise, if you are selling Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless there are any extra Houses in the Bank. If the Bank has a limited number of Houses or Hotels left and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker auctions the buildings to the highest bidder. At the same time, for the initial price, he takes the one indicated on the relevant Document for the right of Ownership.

Property For Sale

You may sell undeveloped Lots, Train Stations and Utilities to any player by entering into a private deal with them for an amount agreed between you. If there are any buildings on any of the Plots of the same color group, Plots of that color cannot be sold. If you want to sell any plot of a color group that you own, you must first sell to the Bank all the buildings that stand on the plots of this color group. Homes should be sold evenly, just as they were bought (see “Houses” above). Neither Houses nor Hotels can be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at half the price stated in the relevant Title Deed. Buildings can be sold at any time. When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the Hotel plus half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time. If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced by Homes again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and get four Houses in return, plus half the cost of the Hotel itself. The Mortgaged Property can only be sold to other players, not to the Bank.

If you have no money left, but you need to pay your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell the Bank all the buildings located on this Real Estate Plot. In order to mortgage the Property, turn the Title Deed corresponding to the Property face down and collect from the Bank the amount of collateral indicated on the back of the card. If you then want to repay your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay this amount plus 10 percent on top. If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player has the right to buy it instead of you from the Bank. The mortgaged Property cannot be rented, although you may still be charged rent for other Properties of the same color group. You can sell the mortgaged Property to other players at a price agreed with them. The Buyer may then decide to pay off the debt secured by this Property by paying the Bank the appropriate amount of the collateral plus 10 per cent. He may also pay only 10 percent and leave the property as a security deposit. In this case, upon the final removal of the collateral encumbrance, another 10 percent will have to be paid to the Bank. The opportunity to buy Houses at the regular price appears only after the purchase of all, without exception, Plots of the same color group.


If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can get from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and you are out of the game. If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The banker then auctions off each of the Properties to the highest bidder. You must place the Free From Jail cards on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you are bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Homes and Hotels are sold to the Bank at half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds and Get Out of Jail Free cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Real Estate, you must also transfer it to the creditor, and he must immediately pay 10 percent on it to the Bank, and then decide whether to immediately buy it or leave it mortgaged.

Game Notes

If you owe more rent than the amount of cash you have, you may pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (ie undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, the lender, seeking an additional building opportunity or wishing to prevent another player from establishing his control over a certain group of Lots, may agree to accept any Property (even if it is mortgaged) at a price much higher than indicated on the corresponding card. The obligation to collect rent for the Property lies with its owner. Money can be given in the form of a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate. Neither player may borrow money from another or lend money to another player.


The last player remaining in the game is the winner.


Set yourself up to win from the very beginning. Act decisively, do not immerse yourself in lengthy reflections. At the same time, try to calculate the scenarios several steps ahead.

Scandinavian auction - a type of auction in which not only is there a rollback in the last seconds in case of a higher bid, but also the amount you bid is deducted from your account every time you bid, regardless of whether you won the lot or not.
In this case, it is recommended to track a product for which there is little interest or choose the time of day when there are the fewest players.


In no case do not set a price higher than the one you have determined for yourself - this way you will make money not for yourself, but for the organizers of the auction.

Useful advice

Try not to show interest in the product with the last bet, and since you have already shown it, keep it to the limit that you set for yourself.

1.Place houses, hotels, title deeds and money (at face value) in separate sectors of the playing field.
There is a diagram on the field showing the correct placement of all game elements.

2. Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them, and place them face up on the appropriate areas of the game board.

3. Separate the Community Treasury cards, shuffle them, and place them face up on the appropriate spaces on the game board.

4. Each of the players chooses a playing chip and places it on the “GO” field.

5. Banker and Bank

One of the players is chosen by the Banker. If there are more than 5 players in the game. The banker may, at his discretion, limit himself to only this role in the game.
The banker gives each of the players 1,500 thousand rubles in the following coupons:

  • Two banknotes of 10 thousand rubles
  • Four banknotes of 100 thousand rubles
  • One banknote of 20 thousand rubles
  • One banknote of 50 thousand rubles
  • Two banknotes of 500 thousand rubles
  • One banknote of 5 thousand rubles
  • Five banknotes of 1 thousand rubles
In addition to money, the Bank also holds Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels cards until they are purchased by the players. The bank also pays salaries and bonuses, gives loans secured by real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest on them. During the auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer.

A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can lend out as much money as it needs in the form of IOUs written on a plain piece of paper.

6. Players roll both dice. The player with the most points starts the game. The player to his left will be next, then the next, and so on.


When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your pawn forward on the board in the direction of the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are in, you will have to:

Buy Building Plots or other Real Estate
- pay rent if you find yourself in a Property owned by others
- pay taxes
- draw a card of chances or public treasury
- end up in jail
- relax in the free parking lot
- receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both dice

If you rolled the dice and both came up with the same number of points, move your token and act according to the square you are on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you roll the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to Jail.

Passing the field "GO"

Whenever you stop or pass through the "GO" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. You can get this amount twice in the same turn, if, for example, you land on the Chances or Public Treasury field, immediately after the “Forward” field and draw a card that says “Go to the “GO” field.

If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (i.e., a Building Lot for which none of the other players have a Title Deed), you will have the first choice to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Title Deed to the Property, which you must place face up in front of you. If you choose not to buy this Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting at whatever price one of the players is willing to pay. Even though you have refused to purchase the Property at the original price, you can participate in the auction.

Property Ownership.

Owning a Property will give you the right to collect rent from any "tenants" who land on the space that indicates it. It is very profitable to own all the Properties of one color group - in other words, to own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any Property of that color.

Stop on someone else's property.

If you stop at a Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be charged rent for that stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is shown in the Title Deed for the Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If all Properties of the same color group are owned by the same player, the rent charged to you for stopping at any undeveloped property of that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double the rent. If Homes and Hotels have been built on the Property lots, the rent will increase as shown on the Title Deed for that Property. No rent will be charged for stopping at the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility company field.

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if it hasn't already been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Property has already been purchased by another player, he may charge you a rent according to the number of points rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this space. If the other player only owns one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice. If he owns both Utilities, you must pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you landed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chances or Community Treasury card you drew, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. If you choose not to buy the Property, the Banker puts the Utility up for auction and sells it to the highest bidder. You can also take part in the auction.

Stop at the Station.

If you are the first to stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. Otherwise, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to buy it at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Station already has an owner when you enter it, you must pay the amount shown on the Title deed. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Stations owned by the player who owns the Station where you are staying.

Stop at the "Chances" and "Public Treasury" fields.

Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require you to:

Moved your chip;
- paid money - for example taxes;
- received money;
- went to prison;
- Released from Prison free of charge.

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you take a card that says "Free from Jail Free", you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a mutually agreed price.

Note: The card may say that you must move your pawn to another space. If in the process of moving you pass through the "GO" field, you will receive 200 thousand rubles. If you are sent to Jail, you do not go through the GO field.

Stop at the Tax field.

If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.

Free parking.

If you land on such a space, simply rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on the Property you own, etc.).


You will be sent to Jail if:
- you stop on the "Go to Prison" field, or
- you have taken an Odds or Public Treasury tile that says "Go to Jail", or
- You rolled the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one move.

Your turn ends when you are sent to the Prison. If you end up in Prison, you cannot receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles, no matter where you are on the playing field.

To get out of the Jail, you need to:

Pay a fine of 50,000 rubles and continue playing when it is your turn, or buy a Free From Jail Free card from another player at a mutually agreed price and use it to get out, or
- use the "Get out of prison for free" card if you already have one, or
- stay here, skipping your next three turns, but every time it's your turn to roll the dice in one of these moves, you will get the same number of points, you can leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that will fall on the dice.

After you have missed three moves while in Prison, you must get out and pay 50,000 rubles before you can move your chip the number of spaces shown on the dice.

While in the Prison, you may collect rent on your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not "sent to Jail" but simply stopped on the "Jail" space during the game, you do not pay any penalty since you "Just went in for a while" into it. On your next move, you can move.


When you have all the Real Estate lots in the same color group, you can buy Houses to place them on any of the lots you have. This will increase the rent you can charge to tenants staying at your Property. The value of the home is shown on the relevant Title deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build your lots evenly: you cannot build a second house on any lot of the same color group until you have built one House on each from the lots of that color group, the third until two have been built on each, and so on: the maximum number of Houses on one lot is four. You also need to sell Houses evenly. You can buy or sell Homes at any time, for as long as you see fit and as long as your financial situation allows. You cannot build Houses, but you can still receive double the rent from any player who stays on any of the unbuilt lots in your color group's Real Estate.


Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of your fully owned color group. Hotels can be bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four Houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated on the Title deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each lot.

Lack of buildings.

If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other players returns their Houses to him. Likewise, if you are selling Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless there are any extra Houses in the Bank.

If the Bank has a limited number of Houses or Hotels left, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker auctions the buildings to the highest bidder, taking the one indicated on the relevant Title deed.

Property For Sale.

You may sell undeveloped Lots, Train Stations, and Utilities to any player by entering into a private deal with them for an amount agreed between you. However, you cannot sell a Plot to another player if any other Plot of the same color group has any buildings on it. If you want to sell a Plot in a color group you own, you must first sell to the Bank all the buildings on the Plots in that color group. Houses should be sold evenly, just as they were bought. (see paragraph "Houses" above).

Houses and Hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at half the price stated in the relevant Title Deed. Buildings can be sold at any time.

When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time.

If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced by Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and get four Houses in return, plus half the cost of the Hotel itself.

The Mortgaged Property can only be sold to other players, not to the Bank.


If you have no money left, but need to pay off your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank any buildings located on this section of the Property. To mortgage a Property, turn the Title deed to it face down and collect from the bank the amount of collateral indicated on the back of the card. If you then want to pay off your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay him this amount plus 10% on top.

If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player can get it by paying the deposit amount to the Bank.

The mortgaged Property cannot be rented, although you may still be charged rent for other Properties of the same color group.

You can sell the mortgaged Property to other players at a price agreed with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt secured by this property by paying the appropriate amount of the security plus 10% to the Bank. He can also pay only 10% and leave the property as a deposit. In this case, upon the final removal of the collateral encumbrance, another 10% will have to be paid to the Bank.

When none of the Plots in the same color group is no longer mortgaged, the owner of one can start repurchasing Houses at full price.


If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can get from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and you are out of the game.

If you owe the Bank, the Bank gets all your money and Title Deeds. The Banker then auctions each of the Properties to the highest bidder.

You must place the Free From Jail cards on the bottom of the appropriate pile.

If you become bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Homes and Hotels are sold to the Bank at half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds and Get Out of Jail Free cards that you have. If you have any mortgaged Property, you must also transfer it to this player, he must immediately pay 10% on it to the Bank, and then decide whether he should immediately buy it for full value or leave it as a pledge.

Game notes.

If you owe more rent than the amount of cash you have, you may pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (ie, undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, the lender may agree to accept any Property (even if it is mortgaged) at a price much higher than indicated on it, in an effort to obtain additional Building Lot or prevent another player from gaining control of this Property.

If you own any Property, you are responsible for collecting rent.

Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the Bank and only on the security of Real Estate.

Neither player may borrow money from another or lend money to another player.


The last player remaining in the game is the winner.

"Monopoly"board game in the genre of economic strategy for two or more people. It gained great popularity in the 20th century in many countries of the world, including the USSR. The goal of the game is to rationally use the starting capital to achieve bankruptcy of other players. In fact, "Monopoly" is a playing field consisting of squares that pass in a circle, all players take turns. Squares are divided into assets (enterprise, valuable thing) and events. When it is the turn of the player to move, then by rolling the die, he determines how many steps he must take on the playing field during this move (each step corresponds to one point on the die and one square on the playing field).

Rules of the game

If you already know the rules of the game, you can skip this section and go directly to the features of the game on our website.

Rules of the game simple: players take turns throwing cubes and make the corresponding number of moves on the playing field (if the dice the same numbers, the player gets the right to one more turn). Standing on the field with a firm, the player can purchase it, if the firm is free; and if the firm is owned by another player, then the player must pay for visiting this field, rent according to the price list established by the rules (the rental amount is indicated on the label of the field). When visiting an event field, the player is instructed to follow the event that has fallen to him (For example, get money, pay a fine, or go to jail).

In the game, all firms belong to different industries(for example, Perfume, Airlines or Smartphones), there can be from two to four firms in one industry. On the playing field, firms in the same industry are usually located side by side and have a label of the same color. A player who owns all the firms in the same industry becomes monopoly, which gives him the right to invest his money in the construction of branches, which increases the cost of hitting the enemy on the field. Thus, in order to win, each player must try to acquire not just fields, but fields of one industry in order to be able to develop.

The player can exchange your fields to those of other players, while, of course, the recipient of the offer can refuse your deal. Remember, a good deal increases your chance of victory.

The player may be in prison, for example, hitting the "Police" field or throwing three doubles in a row. You can get out of prison either by paying money or by throwing a double (three attempts are given for this option).

Features of our game

Our version of the game differs slightly, in small details, from the traditional tabletop version of the game. Somewhere we added something new, somewhere we fixed the imperfection of the desktop version.

Rental tax

The longest game of Monopoly lasted 1,680 hours(70 days or 10 weeks). This happens if the players have approximately equal strengths (the number of monopolies and money), and the luck of the die does not warp in anyone's favor.

This situation is impossible for us due to rental tax.

Usually, when passing the "Start" field, the player receives 2.000k. But starting from the 46th minute of the game, money will be given out for passing the "Start" field will not. Thus, the flow of money into the economy of the game will be limited.

However, from 61 minutes the rules are tightened - the owner of the field will receive only 50% of the rent paid to him. This rule begins to reduce the amount of money in the economy, forcing players with weak (or no) monopolies into bankruptcy. From the 76th minute of the game, the rental tax will be 75%, from the 91st minute - 90%, and from the 106th minute the tax will be 99%. This tax will also reduce payments on Chance margins.

As with any turn-based online game, we have timers. Allotted for dice roll 90 seconds, to pay a fine or rent as well 90 seconds, to reflect on the proposed treaty - 30 seconds.

Please note that mortgage transactions, redemption, construction or sale of a branch do not restart timer. 90 seconds is enough for everything (we checked).

Restrictions in contracts

The difference between the offered assets and those requested cannot exceed 50 percent(in any direction). This is to make it harder for colluding players to help each other against other players.