Russian folk outdoor games. M

In the Museum of Russian Fun under the open sky, created specifically for the revival of the Russian folk game, local historians have collected games that Vyatka peasants played a century or more ago. We bring to your attention some of them:


Malechina-kalechina is an old folk game. The game consists in placing the stick vertically on the tip of one or two fingers of the hand (you cannot support the stick with the other hand) and, turning to the little one, pronounce the rhyme in recitative:

how many hours till evening?
One two Three..."

They count as long as they manage to keep the stick from falling. When the stick sways, it is picked up with the second hand, preventing it from falling. The winner is determined by the value of the number to which he counted.


In Rus', "Babki" were widespread already in the 6th-8th centuries. and were my favorite game. Grandmas are taken for the game - specially processed bones of the joints of the legs of cows, pigs, sheep. The Russians have the greatest respect for cow pasterns: they are larger and can be hit from a great distance. Each player should have their own bat and 3-10 money. The largest and heaviest headstock is taken as a bit (its inner cavity is often filled with lead or tin). Grandma games themselves are divided into countless types. Here is an example of one of them. Players bet out of the blue on a nest on a cue ball. Then they determine the conditional distance - horses. To whom to start the game first - to beat and to whom after, they draw lots about that. Players, standing on the line, beat with cue balls according to seniority. If the grandmas that are at stake are knocked down, then they are considered their winnings. When they have all struck, then each goes over to his cue ball and beats from the place where his cue ball lies; whoever lies further, he first starts and beats, and the rest finish the game according to the distance of their cue balls.


Rope - an old wedding game, amuses married and family people at conspiracies, at gatherings and young girls, alone, without men. But this has happened before; now all wedding conspirators amuse themselves with a rope indiscriminately. The matchmaker brings a rope into the room, the ends of which the matchmaker or boyfriend are tied in one knot. Players grab this rope with both hands, forming a circle around it. In the middle of the circle becomes a matchmaker or matchmaker for the beginning. Going around everyone, the matchmaker - to whom he says a red word, to whom he sings a saying or envies a fairy tale, trying to express in it the characters of the conspirators. Her words, although sometimes quite offensive, are answered with praise, a smile and good youth. Circular - this is the name of the matchmaker, standing in the middle of the players - among the stories, notices: someone is looking around, and, after watching, immediately beats him on the arm. The blunderer stands in a circle, with general laughter, and starts his tales. Sometimes, instead of fables, the players sing wedding songs.


Fun based on Russian folk tale"Turnip". All players stand one after another, clasping the previous one around the waist. The first player grabs a small tree trunk or post. "Grandfather" begins to pull the last player, trying to tear him away from the rest. There is another version of the game: Players sit opposite each other, resting their feet on the opponent's legs. Hands hold on to a stick. On command, they begin, without getting up, to pull each other towards themselves. The one who pulls the opponent wins.

Fun "Cherry"

This game is intended for young boys and girls of marriageable age. Everyone becomes shoulder to shoulder in two lines opposite each other at arm's length (or a little closer). Participants put their hands in front of them at a level just above the waist with palms up or clasp their hands in a lock for a stronger connection. It turns out a corridor. Volunteer (cherry), runs up and jumps like a fish on his hands at the beginning of the corridor. The task is to throw a cherry to the end of the corridor. Cherry should stretch his arms forward and keep his legs together. The corridor should crouch a little and at the same time as shouting "Eeeh-x" toss the cherry up and forward along the corridor. The main thing here is to scatter more and fly higher and further away, and after that the hands of the comrades will bring the player to the girl who needs to be kissed. After rolling over the waves from your hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be very sensual. The main thing in the game is to slow down in time, otherwise you will fly past the desired addressee.


Old Russian fun. Burners were played by girls and single young men. A guy was always chosen as the driver, and he could only catch a girl, so the game made it possible to get acquainted, communicate, choose a bride. “Single guys and girls are installed in pairs in a long row, and one of the fellows, who gets to burn by lot, stands in front of everyone and says:

- "I'm burning, I'm burning a stump!"

- "What are you burning for?" a girl's voice asks.

- "I want a red maiden."

- "Which?"

- "You, young!"

At these words, one couple scatters in different directions, trying to get back together with each other and grab their hands; and who was on fire - he rushes to catch his girlfriend. If he manages to catch the girl before she meets her mate, they stand in a row, and the one who remains alone takes his place. If he fails to catch, then he continues to chase other couples, who, after the same questions and answers, run in turn. A.N. Afanasiev


Not a single holiday in the old days was complete for young people without this game. Here you have a fight for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the chosen hand. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely significant. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. This is how the “stream” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, it is especially fun to play with music.


Head over heels were one of the most common games in Ancient Rus'. Already in the X century. Kubar had such a perfect form that it almost did not change to this day. The simplest kubari were carved with an ax and a knife from a wooden cylinder by squeezing its lower end to the shape of a cone. An obligatory accessory for head over heels games is a whip (rope on a short stick) or just a rope, with which head over heels spin up to a fast and steady rotation. Kubar starts in different ways. Sometimes it is untwisted between the palms, and more often a rope is wound head over heels and pulled with force at its end. This gives the head over heels a rotational movement, which can then be maintained by whipping head over heels with a whip or string. Kubar at the same time does not fall, but only slightly bounces “as if alive” and begins to rotate even faster, moving gradually in a certain direction. Skilled players compete by driving head over heels in an agreed direction, often winding, maneuvering between various obstacles or overcoming an obstacle.


Chizhik is a children's game, it amuses children successfully and saddens by accidental beatings. The eldest of the children outlines on the ground with chalk or a sharp stick a square - a “cage”, in its middle he sets a stone, on which he puts a stick - a “chizhik”. Everyone takes turns approaching the “cage” with another long stick and hitting the “chizhik”, which flies up from the blow. Then other players beat the "chizhik" on the fly, trying to drive him back into the "cage". The game continues until then, until one of the players with a broken face appears and, with a cry, begins to search for the culprit. But since the beatings are soon forgotten by the children, the Chizhik game will soon resume.


The players stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - “dawn” walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn".


The boys love to bully, push, even fight - in a word, cock. But real boyish fights were not carried out somehow, but according to the rules. For the game, a small circle was drawn, and two players stood in its center. The rules were strict - the guys had their hands behind their backs, you couldn’t stand on two legs, just jump on one leg. The guys could push with their shoulders, chest, back, but not with their heads and not with their hands. If you managed to push your opponent so that he stepped on the ground with his second foot or jumped out of the circle, you won.

Slaps in the face

Good old fun for guys. Two fellows sit on a bench opposite each other, cross-legged under the bench, and inflict “slaps” on each other. A narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to deliver strong blows with a tense arm. Once one of the guys tried to hit harder, and even with his fist, which was against the rules, but he got worse - he became a victim of his own outstanding inertia and a narrow bench and flew to the ground.

Bag fight

Two good fellows get up or sit down on a log, take a bag in their hands and, on command, begin to beat the opponent with a bag, trying to throw him off the log to the ground. For complexity, you can keep one hand tightly pressed to the lower back, and act with the other hand. Here greater value acquires the ability to move, feel the movement of the enemy, use his inertia.

Pole riding

This folk winter fun was once widespread in the provinces of Russia. On the slope of a mountain or mound, two even, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed under a slope parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. Two smooth rails are obtained, along which you can slide down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly poured with water so that they freeze solid and become slippery. Whoever wants to ride on the poles picks up a partner of similar height and weight. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands by the shoulders or waist. However, the methods can be very different, if only to resist the rapid slide down. The coordination of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, courage allow some to ride in the most remote and comic poses.


For this fun, you need a rope 2-3 meters long. The rope is held by two, or you can tie one of the ends to a tree. The rope is not twisted, but only swayed above the ground at different heights - from 10 centimeters and above. Guys and girls one by one (or in pairs) scatter and jump over a swinging rope or start jumping different ways: with closed legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn when jumping, etc. Jump until they make mistakes. The one who makes a mistake replaces one of the rope swingers. A mistake is considered not only an unsuccessful jump, but also any touching of the rope.


Spillikins are small straws (or sticks - wooden, reed, bone or from any other, even artificial material) 10 centimeters long, and in number from sixty to one hundred. The beam is thrown on the table, or any flat surface, so that the spillikins lie in a chaotic disorder one on top of the other and side by side. The playing participants of the fun strictly alternately remove them one at a time - as it is more convenient: with their fingers or with a special wire hook mounted on a stick. Whoever just moves the neighboring spillikin, immediately passes the hook to the next player. This continues until the entire pile is completely disassembled. The winner is the participant who has accumulated the largest number of flawlessly taken spillikins. Heads are attached to some spillikins, calling them: king, general, colonel, etc .; you can also give the sticks the appearance of a spear, knife, saw, spade, etc. For such special spillikins, more points are awarded.


The driving player is called a "blind man".

Blindfolded is blindfolded (usually with a scarf or handkerchief). They untwist it and then ask:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- At the pot.

- What's in the pot?

“Catch the mice, not us.

After that, the players scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Blind Man's Buff should catch any other player and identify him. If successful, the one caught becomes a blind man's buffoon. Players can run, freeze in one place, “tease” the driver in order to attract his attention and, perhaps, thus save the player to whom the driver or “blind man’s blind man” came too close.


This is an old Russian game. The players stand in a circle. Two people go to the middle - one with a bell or a bell, and the other is blindfolded. Everyone else sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called:

Digi digi digi dong

Guess where the call is coming from!

After these words, the blindfolded player must, by the sound of the bell, catch the participant dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes the leader, and the second player becomes in the general circle.

Golden Gate

In this game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise them up. Get the "gate". The rest stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate. And the "gates" at this time pronounce:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

After these words, the “gates” abruptly lower their hands, and those players who were caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all players become "gates".

Swan geese

Having chosen two or one wolf, depending on the number of players, they choose the leader, the one that starts the game. All the rest become geese. The leader stands at one end of the site, the geese at the other, and the wolves hide to the side. The leader paces, glances, and, noticing the wolves, runs to his place, claps his hands and shouts:

Geese-swans, go home!

- Run, fly home, there are wolves behind the mountain!

What do wolves need?

- Pinch gray geese and gnaw bones!

After these words, the geese should have time to run to the leader before the wolves grab them. The captured geese are out of the game, and the remaining players repeat the game again until the wolves have caught all the geese.

Easter egg rolling

Egg rolling is a competitive game, its goal is to get the eggs of other players. A track (also called a skating rink or tray) is installed on a flat area, which is a chute made of cardboard or wood, at the end of which painted eggs are laid out, as well as toys and other trinkets. The track can be inclined, and its shape varies. Sometimes they do without a special track, while eggs are rolled on the floor or on the grass. Each player rolls their egg along the path. If it hits any of the items, that item is won. If the egg does not touch any object, it is left on the site, and it can go to another player as a prize.


Elephant is an old Russian game, which is especially loved by boys, as the game brings out the strongest and most enduring. The players are divided into two equal in strength and in the number of team members. One of the teams is an elephant, the other jumps on it. The strongest and strongest player stands in front facing the wall, leaning against it, bending over and lowering his head. The next participant grabs him by the belt and hides his head, followed by the third, fourth, and so on. They must hold tightly to each other, depicting an elephant. The members of the other team take turns running up and jumping on the back of the elephant so as to mount as far forward as possible, leaving room for the next. The task of the players is to stay on the elephant with the whole team and not fall off for 10 seconds. After that, the team members switch roles.

Kiss, girl, well done

The game will require many participants - girls and boys. The players stand in a circle, and one becomes in the center. Then everyone starts moving: the circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center in the other. The player in the center spins with their eyes closed and their arm outstretched in front of them. Everyone sings:

Matryoshka walked along the path,

Lost two earrings

Two earrings, two rings,

Kiss, girl, well done.

With the last words, everyone stops. The player pointed to by the leader's hand goes to the center. Players stand with their backs to each other and turn their heads to the left or right at the expense of "three"; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!


First, all players stand in a circle facing the center. The driver moves away from the players, who, in turn, choose the "ringleader". The ringleader shows all the other players different moves, and the players repeat these movements, keeping up with the ringleader. The driver must guess who is the "ringleader". If after 20 seconds he does not succeed, the driver is out of the game, and the players choose a new driver for themselves.


Everyone is sitting on a bench. The leader is chosen. He has a ring or other small object between his palms. The rest keep their hands closed. The driver with the ring goes around everyone and, as it were, puts a ring on them. But to whom he put it, only the one who got the ring knows. Others must observe and guess who has this item. When the driver says: “ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the one who has it should jump out, and the rest, if you guessed it, detain him. If he managed to jump out, he starts driving, if not, the one who delayed him drives. Moreover, you can only hold it with your elbows, since the palms remain closed.

Denisenko Anna Viktorovna
Job title: physical education instructor
Educational institution: MDOU child development center - kindergarten№45 "Spikelet"
Locality: City district of Podolsk, city of Podolsk
Material name: Synopsis of sports and musical leisure
Subject:"How they used to play"
Publication date: 02.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of sports and musical leisure for children

on the topic: "How they played in the old days"


to attach

to the Russians




folk songs.


create a joyful, cheerful mood in children;

to develop in children an interest in playing Russian folk games at home and on the street;

teach to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity, muscle strength;

develop a friendly relationship with each other.

Preliminary work:

individual work with children on learning counting rhymes;






illustrations, albums, dishes, toys;

conversations with children about Russian folk traditions;

Material and equipment:

elements of Russian folk clothing for children (to create a positive

emotional state)

products of Russian folk crafts;

"time machine" is built from soft modules, in the center is a gymnastic

a bench, in a conspicuous place a dial with an arrow;

attributes required for games;

music Center;

musical repertoire.

Location: gym

Lesson progress

(A Russian folk melody sounds. Children and teachers enter the hall)




to play

folk games of our great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers. Folk

games have been preserved and have come down to our days, absorbing the best national traditions.

All folk games are characterized by the love of a Russian person for fun and daring. Games

This is our childhood, they were passed down from generation to generation. Guys, let me

I will check if you know Russian folk games. I'm doing riddles now.

I can't see anything, not even my own nose.

I have a bandage on my face, there is such a game,

It is called…

Children's answer: Blind Man's Buff


I've been sitting in the grass for a long time, I don't go out for anything.

Let them look, if not laziness, at least a minute, at least all day ...

Children answer: Hide and Seek!


Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Stay at the bottom

Look at the field

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing…

Reply from children and parents: Burners!

Leading: Well, here we are with you and remembered folk games.

Instructor: What do you think it is in the corner of our hall? (listen to all

This is a train of time and on it today we will travel to the past in order to

find out what games our mothers and fathers, grandparents, great-grandmothers and

great-grandfathers. And, of course, we will play them. (The instructor invites the children to take

seats on the train of time. He picks up the steering wheel, puts on his cap, and drives. Lights go out and here

or turns on)

Leading: You and I found ourselves in the 19th century, when the first children's

gardens where your great-great-grandmothers may have been raised.

Mobile game "Bunnies"






Game progress: one hunter is selected from all players by a counting rhyme.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, white comes up

Whoever reaches a month will go and catch hares!

All the rest depict hares, trying to jump on two legs. Hunter's task



an important condition, the hunter does not have the right to catch a hare if it is on

"tree". The tree is

any plank or stump. As soon as you manage to peel





duty is to catch hares.

Instructor: what a great game we played! And now we'll take the train of time and

fast forward to the time of our grandmothers, when our country was called the USSR, children wore

red ties and they were called "pioneers". The action is repeated.

Mobile game "Bunnies".

Middle group "Mishutki"

Mobile Russian game "Bunnies".

Senior group "Cranes"

Sedentary game "Hello, grandfather Mazay"

Purpose: development of speed of thinking, dexterity.

Game progress: "Mazay" is chosen by the counting room.

"Tili - Teli," the birds sang.

Soared, flew to the forest.

The birds began to make nests.

Who does not Viet, to drive.

The driver turns to face the children. The instructor shows the children the movement.

Children say the words “Hello, grandfather Mazay, get out of the box! where we were we weren't

let’s say, and what we did, we’ll show!”, and then they show the movements. If "Mazay" guesses,

the children scatter, and "Mazay" catches them. Whom he caught - that "Mazay".

Leading: oh how we played! Quick, guys, run to the time machine. We

Let's go back to your parents' childhood. The action is repeated.

sedentary game

"Hello, grandfather Mazai."

Middle group "Mishutki"

sedentary game

"Hello, grandfather Mazai."

Senior group "Cranes".

Purpose: to promote the development of will, purposefulness

Game progress: a cockerel is chosen by a counting rhyme.

The cuckoo walked past the net, and behind it were small children,

Cuckoos are asked to drink. Come out - you lead!

He sits down inside the circle. Children sing (in the meantime, the instructor puts in his hands

one of the participants in the game a bean seed):

You little blue rooster, you have excellent hearing.

You won't let me sleep!

The cockerel cries: Ku-ka-re-ku!! The one with the bean seed raises his hand

and shouts: “I am here!”, then the cockerel and the one who shouted run around the children in a circle and

return to the center. Who came running later, he will be the cockerel.




get on the time train and try to go there. (The lights go out. Sounds are heard

Russian folk song. The light turns on. Appears

boy and girl in Russian

folk costume. The boy plays the harmonica (balalaika).

Boy: Hello, we have come to you from the future.

Girl: Unfortunately you can't get there. We want to tell you about

that we also play Russian folk games.

Children together: Thank you for not forgetting them!

Boy: And now I want to play a Russian folk game with you, which

played on Pokrov. In folk tradition, this day marked the meeting of autumn and winter. Bound

with the beginning of evening girl gatherings and the autumn wedding season.

Mobile game "You are a little blue rooster"

Middle group "Mishutki"

mobile game

"You are a blue rooster"

Senior group "Cranes"

Mobile game "You are a little blue rooster"

Senior group "Cranes"

The game "Dawn-lightning"

develop agility in running, the ability to act on a signal.

The playing participants squat in one circle.

The driver (“dawn-dawn”) walks outside the circle and hides the “keys” behind his back -

a small handkerchief tied in a knot.

The “dawn-dawn” walks around and, together with everyone, says:

Zarya-Zaryanitsa - red maiden

Dropped the keys across the sky

I saw the month, the sun stole it!

The driver tries to quietly put the "keys" behind one of the players.

Players are strictly forbidden to look back and turn their heads.

The participant to whom the “keys” were planted immediately quickly runs after the driver and beats

with his handkerchief, saying: "Don't lose your keys, don't lose your keys!"

The driver who is caught sits in a general circle in his place, and the “stained” one now

becomes "dawn".

According to the terms of the game, if the participant to whom the “keys” were planted, this is not at all

will react


"keys" and begins to lightly whip the onlooker, saying at the same time: "Do not hide the keys, do not

hide the keys!

Leading: It's time for the kids from the future to go home. Their parents are waiting there.

Get in the time machine, we'll send you back (Lights out, kids disappear)

Instructor: Our time travel has also come to an end. We are now

We know that children have always played and will always play folk games. They are forever

live in the memory of the Russian people and are passed down from generation to generation.


Participants sit in a circle. From hand to hand they pass the bell and say that they

I liked that I remembered what they would play at home.

Senior group "Cranes"

Russian folk game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa".

Preparatory group "Luchiki"


1. Litvinova M. F. Russian folk outdoor games / Ed. L. V., 2011.

2. Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games, Enlightenment, 2015

3. Matusik A.I. Raising children in the game: A guide for the teacher. / Comp. A.K. Bondarenko,

A.I. Matusik. - 2nd ed. revised and additional - M.: Education, 2013.

In the 21st century, children have quietly disappeared from the courtyards of big cities - now they play computer games or have a well-mannered time in specially organized children's clubs. Together with the children, the culture of yard games and yard socialization (with all its features) disappeared. And if kids can still be found on the playgrounds under the supervision of relatives, then schoolchildren are almost completely invisible. "" looks around the empty spring yards and remembers the disappeared games, which in many ways made us the adults we have become.

rubber bands

How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is an elastic band. The ideal number of players is 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different heights: from the level of the ankles (the "first" ones jump) to the level of the neck (the "sixth" ones jump). Jumping through an elastic band stretched at the level of the thigh had the mysterious name "pozhepe". As soon as the jumper makes a mistake, another participant takes her place, and the girl who made a mistake puts on an elastic band. If there are four players, the pairs change places when both players from the same pair alternately make mistakes.

What develops: vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. It teaches you how to train, win, lose with dignity, jump above everyone else and be friends with girls, even if at the moment they are rivals.


How to play. Crayons, an asphalt pad and a pebble (or puck) are required. You draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can even jump alone. The main thing is to hit the cage with a stone, jump to it on one or two legs and return back the same way. The luckiest player is the one who manages to go all the way from one to ten. The number of players in the "classics" can be any.

What develops: dexterity, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers, if the players are just kids.


How to play. The participants of this old Russian-folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. , and we came to you ... "The dialogue ends with the words:" Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever. The one who is chosen as the bride must then scatter and break through the enemy's chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team, if not, he remains on the other. The next round is started by the losing team. The goal of the game is to get as many members as possible in a team.

What develops: the ability to be in a team and win in a one-on-one situation.

You go quieter, you will continue - stop

How to play. The task of the driver is to stand with his back to the participants at the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: “You go quieter, you will go further - stop.” While the driver is talking (and he can do it at any pace), the participants try to run as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made a random move is out of the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver.

What develops: coordination, the ability to run fast and respond to changing circumstances.


How to play. Participants run away from the driver (this game is a kind of tag). The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he taunts. The salted one spreads his hands, and any other participant can run up, touch him and “rescue him”. The task of the driver is not to stray far from the greasy and not to let anyone take a step towards him. Summer option sorcerers - run around with "sprinklers" and pour water on each other from leaky bottles. Usually five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very cheerful.

What develops: the ability to run fast, think fast and enjoy life with might and main.

The sea is worried

How to play. The host turns away from the players and says a rhyme:
The sea is worried
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze in place!
As he speaks, the participants move chaotically in any order, imitating wave movements with their hands. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure could not be guessed becomes the leader himself.

What develops: imagination, spontaneity and artistry.

Cossack robbers

How to play. Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". They agree on what territory they play. It can be a yard, an entrance, a street, several yards. "Robbers" guess a secret word. "Cossacks" step aside so as not to see the "robbers". The "robbers" run away, marking the direction of their movement with arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, curbs, trees, etc.). They begin to run in a group, and then they scatter in all directions, trying to confuse the "Cossacks" with arrows. The task of the "Cossacks" is to find the "robbers" by the arrows. The “Cossack” brings each “robber” to the “prison” and guards him, trying to find out the secret word, for example, by using nettle torture. "Cossacks" win as soon as they learn the secret word or find all the "robbers".

What develops: the basic skills of scouts, the ability to navigate the terrain and not give up "their own".

12 sticks

How to play. The game is reminiscent of the classic hide and seek. 12 small sticks are placed on the “lever” (for example, on a plank and a stone placed under it) so that, stepping on the lever, you can scatter the sticks. The driver's task is to collect the sticks, put them on the lever, say a rhyme with his eyes closed and go in search of the hidden players. As soon as the driver discovers the player, he runs to the "lever" and breaks the sticks, naming the name of the one found. The player becomes the leader. If the found one manages to get ahead of the driver and run to the sticks first, the driver does not change.

What develops: the ability to competently hide and quickly run when necessary.


How to play."Dodgers" - two players - stand on both sides of the site. The rest of the players are in the center. The task of the "bouncers" is to throw the ball to each other and hit any of the "central" players. The task of the players is to dodge the flying ball. The one who is hit is out of the game. Other participants can "save" the eliminated player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you will also fly out). When there is one member left in the team of "central" players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If he manages to do this, all the retired return to their original places.

What develops: the ability to dodge fast-flying objects, think about your neighbor and endure pain.

I know 5 names

How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: “I know one girl’s name”, hits the ball with one hand on the ground and calls the name. Then he continues with different variations: “I know one name of the boy”, “I know one color”, “I know one animal”, “I know one city”. When all combinations are used, the player says the same counting rhymes, only at the expense of two: “I know two names of the girl” - and then in a circle. The game continues until ten. If, while hitting the ball, the player did not have time to name or hit the ball, the turn passes to another participant. When the ball, having passed through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play from the phrase on which he made a mistake. The winner is the one who first gets to ten in this speech.

What develops: multitasking, erudition, the ability to correct your mistakes and move on.


How to play. All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time calls some object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, it rejects. The task of the driver is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain “apple-melon-carrot-potato” unexpectedly say: “iron”. If the player makes a mistake and “eats” the “inedible”, then he becomes the leader himself. The faster the driver throws the ball and names the objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.

What develops: sense of humor, the ability to listen carefully and respond quickly.


How to play. Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, in turn, they try to get with a knife into the outlined territory of the enemy and thus win back as much land as possible from him. The knife can be thrown, including from the shoulder, with a coup, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game of "knives" under different names: "land", "cities", "benches", "grandparents", "tanchiki", "boats", "football", " sea ​​battle". The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand and even a wooden bench.

What develops: ability to handle edged weapons, attentiveness and caution.


How to play. Players sit in a row and fold their palms like a boat. The driver holds a small object in his fist or folded palms, such as a coin, a button, a ring. He goes around each player in turn, putting his “boat” into his “boat” and saying a counting rhyme: “I wear, I wear a ring and I will give it to someone.” The task of the driver is to quietly put the “ring” into one of the players and say “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!” After that, the player who got the item jumps up and tries to run away. The task of the remaining participants is to detain the evader.

What develops: the ability to follow the manipulations of others, to act quickly and decisively.

Are you going to the ball?

How to play. The leader pronounces a rhyme:
Yes and no don't say
don't call black and white
Are you going to the ball?

How to play. Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and informs his "gardener"-driver and other players. The driver says a rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ...” And he calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the driver and the player. The player says the name of one flower from those that are in the team. The participant whose name was spoken must respond. The dialogue continues. The one who made a mistake: for example, did not respond to his name, mixed up the name of the flowers, - gives a phantom (any thing of his). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: “What should this player do?” The "gardener" assigns a task (jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player "works out" the phantom and takes his thing.

What develops: memory, attention, courage and willingness to answer for their actions.

kitty meow

How to play. The driver and one of the players stand in front of the rest of the participants: the driver - with his face, the player - with his back. The driver points to one of the participants and asks: “Kiss?” If the player with his back answers “throw”, the driver continues to choose. As soon as the player says "meow", the driver asks him: "What color?" The player chooses a color and turns to face the rest of the participants. Depending on the chosen color, the player and the participant from the team complete the task. The player has no right to refuse the task. White is the scariest color. Two should retire in the entrance. What they do there - history is always silent. Green - three questions, to which the player can only answer "yes". Usually tricky questions like: “Do you love him?” Red - a kiss on the lips. Pink - the same, but on the cheek. Yellow - three questions in private. When choosing an orange color, you need to walk under the arm, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss the hand. Violet - to commit a bad deed. For example, stepping on your foot, pulling your hair, or taking away jewelry.

What develops: the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, manage their impulses and find socially acceptable forms for their desires.

In the old days, our ancestors whiled away the long winter evenings at home, in the family circle. In peasant huts they had fun with outdoor games in "Thorns", "Bear" or "Tergach". Noble people, on the other hand, complained about board games, such as cards, chess

Children preferred to play trousers: with a hook on a fishing line, one toy was pulled out of a pile so as not to hurt the rest. The youth played "Smoking room": they passed a burning torch around in a circle, saying “Alive, alive Smoking room, thin legs, short soul.” The loser was the one in whose hands the torch went out.

Many people still remember "Ring" The players sit on the bench. A leader is chosen who will have a ring. All players fold their palms in a “boat”. The host holds a ring or any other small object (button, pebble) in folded palms. Passing his hands between the palms of each player, the host imperceptibly puts a ring in someone's hands. Then he steps aside a little and says: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!” After these words, the task of the player with the ring is to quickly stand up, and the other participants - to keep him on the bench. Managed to jump - became the leader. No - the leader remains the same.

Also, don't forget "The sea is worried". According to the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair is in contact with the back of the other. Each player must remember well his chair, where he sits. After everyone is seated, the chosen leader shouts: "The sea is rough!" All the players jump up and run around the chairs. The host seizes the moment when everyone ran far away from the chair, and unexpectedly for the players shouts: “The sea has calmed down!”. After that, you need to take your place, and since the leader has taken one of the chairs, there is turmoil between the players and everyone tries to grab the place that came across. The player left without a seat becomes the leader.

How about you "Pebbles"? The game is played with five pebbles for two minutes. Caught stones are removed from the game. The game ends after six rounds. On the sixth round, all five pebbles are taken into the palm, thrown up and picked up by the back of the hand, then four pebbles are shaken off. The last pebble is tossed up, and during the flight the remaining four are picked up from the table. At the end of the sixth round, the participant is awarded five points. If six rounds are completed without errors within the time allowed, five points are awarded. By the way, the game is played with only one hand. Changing hands is not allowed.

And how many street games were there! For example, a game that old-timers remember with pleasure is called "Master and Apprentice".

Three holes are dug in the ground in a straight line, two steps apart. The player moves away from the pits for 40 steps and throws a pebble into the first pit. If he hits, he throws in the second, then in the third, then in the reverse order. If you hit all the holes, you are a “master”, if only there or back you are an “apprentice”, and if you stumble on one of the first holes, then you are a “student”.

And you rarely see children playing tag, trap, burners. Yes, and modern children no longer know such words. However, it is important to remember that our grandparents didn’t really have toys, and those that were were most often home-made, but the games were one more interesting, and although now various and easily accessible online flash games dominate, it’s too early to celebrate - it’s time will show.

To start the game, the so-called "barkers" were used. Many people remember from childhood "Tai-tai, fly in ...". Of course, there are a huge number of such "barkers", especially since they were created by the children themselves, they were not limited by any rules.

The essence of the game lovichki (as a variant of "salochki") is that the leader (who is appointed or selected) catches up with one of the participants in the game. Nowadays, children often call such a game "catch-up". However, there are several complicated versions of this game. The first is that the leader runs after other players, holding on to that part of the body (or place) for which he was caught by the previous player. Another option: the player touched by the “catch” stops, spreading his arms to the sides, other players, touching him, can “disenchant” him. The task of the presenter is to “bewitch” all the participants.

Very popular and loved in Rus' was the game burners. Most likely, the game got its name from the fact that in the old days the players were surrounded by lights. For the game, the participants become pairs, one "burner". The driver becomes his back to the couples, uttering phrases in poetic form(various options), but the last words must be "the last (first, second, fifth, and so on) run pair." On the last words, the couple that was named should run around the tree (or some other object, this is agreed immediately) and stand first in the column. The driver must get ahead of one of the pair and take his place. Whoever is left without a place becomes the new driver.

Remembering the old Russian games, you can not miss "towns". The task of the players is to knock out figures (towns) built in a row with a bat (usually using a wooden one). This game can be both team and single. Several attempts are given to knock out. The player or team that was most eliminated large quantity pieces with the fewest attempts are considered the winners. The important thing is the distance that the player moves to knock out the pieces, the number of towns.

Lapta- one of the favorite games of our grandmothers, which, unfortunately, has already begun to be forgotten. So the game requires a field 50-60 meters long. 10 meters from the end of the field, lines are drawn on both sides. Behind one line there will be a "home", and behind the other - "con". The players are divided into parts. The first team is called "beating", the second "driving". The “hitting” team is placed behind the “home” line, the “driving” team is on the field. The player of the “hitting” team with a bast shoe (wooden bat) must hit the ball and run to the “kona” line and back, while the “driving” team catches the ball and tries to hit it. If he managed to run, the players of his team play further in the “house”, no, they change places with rivals. However, at the moment the “leading” team runs over the “home” line, the players of the opposing team can “tarnish” any player who gapes on the field, then the teams change places again. So on the field there is a constant struggle for the possession of "home". The team of the player who has not “stained” himself gets a point. The team that earns the most points wins.

"football", which later the British who stole it will be renamed football!

it was this game that was captured by the German artist Christian Geisler, who worked in Russia in 1790-1798.

There you are "Seine".

The game takes place on a limited area, the limits of which cannot be crossed by any of the players. Two or three players join hands to form a net. Their task is to catch as many floating fish as possible, i.e. the rest of the players. The task of the fish is not to get caught in the net. If the fish is in a seine, then it joins the drivers and becomes part of the seine itself. The game continues until the player who turned out to be the most agile fish is determined. Details: Fish have no right to break the seine; disengage the hands of the drivers

Fishing rod. The players form a circle. The driver, standing in the center, rotates the rope with a bag of sand tied at the end - a fishing rod. The players jump over the rope as it passes under their feet, trying not to hit it. The one who touches the rope becomes the leader. Details: The rotation of the rope should be done no higher than the level of the knees.

At the turn of the 18th century and the 19th century, they also played gambling "Pristenok"

The participants in this gambling game alternately hit the wall with the edge of the coin so that it falls to the ground as close as possible to the opponents' coins. If you can reach the neighboring coin with your fingers, then you can pick up the coin.

Or more compact in the inventory "Grandma"

Played "Svayka"

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Presentation on the topic: Forgotten old Russian games (no items)

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Burners Come out, you burn! The game can also be started simply at the signal of the driver. And the essence of it is this. The players, holding hands, become pairs at the back of the head to each other. Ahead of the column is the driver. As soon as the sentence is said or another command of the driver is heard, the last pair separates their hands and runs forward: one on the left, the other on right side columns. The task is to dodge the driver and have time to hold hands. If the driver manages to catch one of the players, he, together with the caught one, becomes the first pair of the column, and the one left without a pair goes to drive. If the players manage to outwit the driver and join hands, then they go to the head of the column. The driver starts all over again. There are also double burners. In this case, two columns already stand one against the other at a distance of up to 30 steps. There are also two drivers. On a signal or a counting rhyme, the last pairs from each column are separated and run to the opposite column. Unlike simple burners, here you need to pair up with a player from the opposite column. The task of the drivers is still the same - to tarnish the fleeing, to prevent them from holding hands.

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Zhmurki "Zhmurki" is an old game that is played by all nations. It has many varieties. It is played by children of all ages. The number of participants is usually from 4 to 25 people. In all varieties, the essence is the same: the driver with his eyes closed - "blind man's blind man" - must catch other players and guess who he caught. All players move in a circle in any direction until the driver gives the command "Stop!". Then everyone stops, and the leader extends his hand forward. The one from the players to whom it is directed should take it. The driver asks him to give a voice, that is, to say something. The player calls the name of the driver or makes any sound by changing the voice. If the driver guesses who voted, he changes place and role with him. If he doesn’t guess correctly, he continues to drive. A variety of “Yasha and Masha”. The players, holding hands, form a circle. Two chosen (by lot) stand in the middle of the circle. One of them is "Yasha", the other is "Masha". They are blindfolded and turn around themselves several times. Then "Yasha" starts looking for "Masha". To this end, he asks: "Masha, where are you?" "Masha", running in a circle, answers: "I'm here!" (or rings a bell) - and quickly runs away from this place so as not to get caught. If “Yasha” catches (assaults) “Masha”, they change roles or new leaders are selected.

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Fifteen The number of participants up to 10 people scatter around the site, and the driver catches up with them to stain (stain) within the specified boundaries. The salted person becomes the driver. Additional rules can be added to the game. Here are some of them. All players, except for the tag, have a ribbon behind their belt. Fifteen, catching up with the runaway, pulls out the tape from him, then the runaway raises his hand and says: “I am Fifteen!” The player can escape from Fifteen if he joins hands with another friend, stands on one leg, assumes the “swallow” position, etc. If Fifteen is chasing someone, and another player has crossed his path, then he must chase after that who blocked his path. The driver, chasing the fleeing, must hold on with one hand to the place of his body on which he was touched. The players move along the site, jumping over the rope. Fifteen catches up with them, jumping on one leg. On the site, 1-2 circles with a diameter of 2 steps are outlined - “houses” where those who run away can escape from persecution. However, it is impossible to stay in such a house for more than 5 seconds.

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Hide and Seek Play 3-10 people. The chosen driver stands in the agreed place with his eyes closed, leaning against a tree or other object. This place is called "kona". The driver loudly counts up to 20-30 (by agreement) or says a counting rhyme. Meanwhile, the rest are hiding in different places. Having finished the count, the driver opens his eyes and begins to look for the guys. Seeing someone, calls him by name and runs to the horse. The one found runs there, trying to overtake the driver and touch the object at which he was standing. If he does this before the driver, then he is not considered caught and remains at the horse while the driver is looking for others. When everyone is found, the first player who fails to run to the horse before the driver becomes the driver. Sometimes a wand is placed on the horse. Then everyone who ran earlier to the horse should knock on the object with a wand and say: "Wand, help me out!" After these words, he is considered rescued. Those hiding may not wait until the driver finds them, and at a convenient moment run to the horse. Therefore, the driver needs to keep an eye on this as well. We can also agree on the following rule: if the last player manages to run to the horse before the driver, he shouts, hitting with a wand: "Wand, save us all!" After these words, everyone is considered rescued and the former player drives again.

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Empty Space This is a game of running around a bend, the players form a circle. A driver is selected who runs in a circle (from the outside), touches one of the players, and then runs to reverse side. Called to the competition rushes in the opposite direction. Having met, the players greet each other by shaking hands. Continuing to run, they strive to take a free place in the circle. Whoever comes running second continues to drive. As a result, the player who, after 5-8 minutes of the game, does not play the role of a driver, wins, that is, he takes the first place. You can divide the players into two circles (for example, boys and girls) and play them yourself.

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Gates It can be played by boys and girls of all ages and anywhere. And the number of participants is not limited, as long as there are at least twelve of you. You don’t need to count. First, select two guys who are stronger and taller, who will pose as a “gate”. They step aside and secretly agree on who will be called, for example, "cornflower" and "chamomile" or "pine" and "tree", "day" or "night", "apple" or "pear", " sun" or "moon". But the main thing is that the names should be beautiful and pleasant to the ear. We must also agree on which of them will be "heaven" and who will be "hell". Well, while this tongue twister is going on, the rest of the guys become one after the other in single file and each puts his hands on the shoulders of the one standing in front of him. At the same time, try to stand approximately in height so that the little one does not have to put his hands on the shoulders of the big one. So, the youngest will be the first in the chain. He is called the "womb" because he will lead everyone else. And if all the guys are about the same height, then the girls are in front, and the boys are behind. Why so, you will understand from the further description of the game. Then you need to make a “gate”. Those two become face to face at a distance of a step and join hands. The game begins, but the gate is still locked. How to unlock them? That's how.

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Gate The uterus brings the chain to the gate and asks them to open, they raise their hands, opening the gate. Hands must be raised higher and, of course, without disengaging them. The uterus passes through the gate first and leads the whole string. The gate honestly let everyone through, but when the last one passes, they lower their hands so that he is between their hands. The string goes forward, and the caught “gate” is slowly asked: “To the maple or to the birch?” It is also necessary to answer quietly so that they will not be heard in the chain. After the choice is made, the caught one is told who the tree is, they are released from the ring of hands, and he stands behind the “maple” or “birch”. It is very nice when you guess and get to the one you wanted to! And the chain at this time, without stopping, makes a circle, and the uterus, seeing that the one caught has already fallen into place, again leads everyone to the gate. The same words are spoken, and the last one of the string is diminished. So the chain goes through the gate, each time becoming shorter and shorter. But on the other hand, on one side and on the other side of the gate, the guys are all added. Finally, the uterus alone approaches the gate and, having chosen a tree for itself, goes to the right or left ... Here the “gate” announces which of them was heaven and which was hell. Well, and, accordingly, which of the players fell into the angels, and who into the devils. Next comes the most fun part of the game. Since devils and angels cannot stand each other, a struggle must take place between them. And the struggle is this: who will outweigh whom (in our opinion - “dragging”). For this, the “gates” draw a line between themselves on the ground and firmly hold hands. And all the other inhabitants of heaven and hell cling to their leaders, each embracing the one standing in front of him by the waist. As soon as they got up, the “gates” command: “Come on!” And the dragging begins. It is necessary to drag oneself until one party pulls all the others over the line. And when all the devils go to heaven or all the angels are dragged to hell, the game ends

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Wolves and sheep The most suitable place for the game is a clearing with bushes or the edge of a forest so that the wolf can move away from the sheep and hide unnoticed in the bushes or behind a tree. At the beginning of the game, the wolf is determined using a rhyme. And all those who went out before him are called sheep. The sheep turn away, and the wolf goes to hide. As soon as the wolf hides, he should shout: "It's time!" After that, the sheep carefully go to look for him. That sheep, which first notices the wolf, shouts in fear: “Wolf!”, And all the sheep rush in all directions, away from the wolf. Well, the wolf needs to catch some gaping sheep. If he succeeds, the captured sheep becomes a wolf, and the wolf turns into a sheep, and the game starts over. And if the wolf ran and ran, and didn’t catch anyone, he would have to go hide again and try to catch the sheep. Sometimes in the game it may happen that the wolf is unlucky all the time and does not manage to catch anyone. Then, after two failures, the wolf is considered a loser and it must be changed - again count and choose a new wolf. And in general, try to ensure that all the players have been "in a wolf's clothing."

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Cats and mice This old Russian game was so famous that even its name became part of the proverb “Play cat and mouse”, which means: to cheat with each other, to pretend to give in, to be cunning. When ten boys and girls gather, you can already start game of cat and mouse. First things first, let's choose the main characters of our game - a cat and a mouse. For this, let's count. When the last two remain, they are counted among themselves, and the one who leaves will be a mouse, and the one who remains will be a cat. All the players who have left earlier become in a circle, at a distance of about a step from each other, and join hands, forming a gate between them . Usually these gates are closed, that is, the hands of the players are lowered. The mouse gets inside the circle, and the cat stays outside. Now the cat should catch the mouse. But before catching it, it must somehow penetrate the circle. And this is not at all easy, because the task of the players forming the circle is to protect the mouse from the cat. Therefore, the cat walks, plaintively meowing, around the circle, looking for where to slip inside. In this case, the cat is allowed to break through the chain of players, dive under clasped hands or even jump over them. When the cat gets inside the circle, it rushes to the mouse, but... it's already gone! The players, in the place where the mouse had just been, managed to open the gate for it, that is, they raised their hands, released the mouse out and immediately lowered their hands again. The gate was closed in front of the cat.

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Cats and mice Now the cat has to catch the mouse outside, that is, again to overcome the friendly chain of players. And when the cat jumps out of the circle, the players closest to the mouse again raise their hands, letting it in. It would seem that with such rules convenient for the mouse, this running around can continue indefinitely, and it is impossible for the cat to catch the mouse. But in the game this happens very rarely, and, in the end, the cat still overtakes the mouse. How does she manage to do this? Just like a real cat, this requires cunning, dexterity and speed. Well, for example, what is the best way to overcome the chain of players? First, try to break through the chain unexpectedly so that the players do not even suspect that you are going to break through here. Then they won't hold onto their hands particularly tightly. Secondly, you can use this trick: quickly bend down, pretending that you want to dive under your arms here, and when the players lower their arms or even crouch, instantly jump over their lowered arms. You can sharply bend down and straighten up several times, forcing the players to lower and then raise their hands until they are completely confused. And at some time, just indicating the movement up (in this case, they will immediately raise their hands), slip under the hands. Sometimes, noticing a wide gap between the players (which means that their hands are stretched quite high), you can dive inside the circle on the run, on the move, like a fish. At the same time, the cat must remember that if in some place she did not succeed in breaking through the circle by force on the first attempt, then she is obliged to move away and try her luck in another place. If it doesn't work there, move on. It is best for a cat not to return to the place of failure, but to look for weaker points.

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Loaf Loaf can be played by children of different ages and even adults with kids. First, they put someone in the middle, and usually they start with the smallest one, and even better - who has a birthday today. Everyone else stands around and holds hands. Then they go in a round dance in a circle and sing: “How we baked a loaf on Sasha’s name day ...” (you need to name the person who is standing in the middle). After that, they stop and sing: “Here is such a height!” On the word “such”, everyone, continuing to hold hands, raise them as high as possible and even stand on tiptoe. Then they sing: “This is such a lowland!” - Lower your arms and squat down. Then everyone stands up and sings again: “This is such a wide one!”, expanding the circle as much as possible, but without disengaging the hands. Then with the words: “This is such a dinner!” - everyone lowers their hands and goes to Sasha until the circle is completely squeezed. And finally, again expanding the circle to its original width, you need to sing: “Loaf, loaf, whom you love - choose!” Sasha approaches the one he loves, bowing, takes his hand and leads him to the middle. And he takes his place in the circle. The round dance, together with Sasha, begins to sing a song again and walk around Katya, This can be repeated many times. There is only one rule here. Katya should choose someone else. In general, you should not choose one more than twice in the entire game. And the game ends after all the guys have been "birthdays". It is best to drive a loaf on the street, and even in cold weather, since there is no need to run and jump and the little coats will not interfere with us.

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Cossacks - robbers The players are divided into two teams. By lot, one team is the robbers, the second is the Cossacks. They are distinguished by armbands, ribbons or any badges. The task of the Cossacks is to track down the robbers, the task of the robbers is to hide safely. The robbers scatter to hide, and the Cossacks choose a place for the "dungeon", where they will then bring the captured robbers. Its borders must be marked with something, for example, with sticks or stones. The Cossacks disperse in search of robbers, they must not only be found or seen, but must also be caught up and tarnished. As soon as the first of the robbers was caught, the Cossack who caught him takes the prisoner to the "dungeon". He leads him, taking him by the hand or by the sleeve, and the captive robber must walk quietly - he has no right to break out. But if the Cossack for some reason unclenched his hand, the robber can run away. So, gradually, the captured robbers are brought into the "dungeon", leaving them under the protection of one of the Cossacks. The main rule of the game is that the robbers can help out their comrades in trouble. If, for example, someone is being taken to a "dungeon", then any robber can run up and tarnish the Cossack - then the Cossack is obliged to release the prisoner, and both robbers run away to hide again. But the Cossack, if he is quick, can manage to be the first to tarnish the robber who tried to rescue his comrade. If he can, he is already leading two prisoners. The robbers can free their comrades even from the "dungeon". The fastest of the robbers may not hide, but simply stay away from the Cossacks. Such runners can even help out comrades.

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The third extra All players stand in twos, at the back of each other's head, in a circle, facing the center. Behind the circle are two drivers: one runs away, the other catches up. The escaping, escaping from persecution, stands in front of any pair. The player standing in a pair behind runs away, and the one who is catching up rushes after him. If the driver taunted the runaway, then the runaway will be the driver.

slide number 17

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Geese - swans For the game you need four - six gymnastic benches and two - four gymnastic mats. A line is drawn on one side of the hall. It separates the goose coop, where all the players become, except for two who step aside. These are wolves. Four benches are placed in the middle of the hall, forming a corridor (a road between the mountains), and mats are placed at the other end of the hall. This is a mountain. Behind it is the lair of wolves. The leader says: “Geese-swans, in the field!” The geese walk along the mountain road in the field (the place between the mats and the bench), where they walk. Then the leader says: "Geese-swans, go home, the wolf is behind the distant mountain!" The geese first run to the ends of the benches, run along the mountain road (between the benches), and then scatter in different directions, trying to get into the goose house faster. Wolves run out from behind the distant mountain and catch up with the geese. The rest stop. The wolves chase the geese to the goose house, then return to the lair. Those caught are counted and returned to their flock of geese. New wolves are selected - and the game is repeated. Players who have never been caught and wolves who have managed to catch more geese are noted. The rules allow catching geese only after the words “beyond the far mountain” and chasing only to the goose house. You can't jump over the benches.

slide number 18

Description of the slide:

Leapfrog The very name of Leapfrog is Tatar, and this game passed to us from the Tatars ... ”- says one old book. This means that leapfrog has existed in Rus' for more than five centuries! Will many of today's games survive that long? In simple terms, leapfrog is jumping over each other. Who jumped over the "goat" at school, it will not be difficult for him to play leapfrog. But there are some features and even rules. Only boys can play leapfrog, and not younger than thirteen. Girls are not allowed under any circumstances. This is not a girl's game. Best Places for the game - a flat area overgrown with low grass, or a sandy shore, or a simple earthen road that is rarely driven on. On the floor or on asphalt, try not to jump, especially when there are beginners among you. In order to play leapfrog, you need at least two people: who jumps and over whom the "goat" jumps. Then they will switch places. So we jump until we get tired or we jump to some obstacle or turn in the road. The rule here is the same: whoever failed to safely jump over any of the goats replaces him, and the goat goes back and starts jumping.

slide number 19

Description of the slide:

Leapfrog When all of you have already learned to jump well, then it will be possible for the goats to become closer to each other, seven or eight steps, or even six. But this will be more difficult. Just jumped over the goat, and in front of you is the next one ... It will take a faster reaction while jumping. The players are divided into two halves ... Half ... stands against the wall, and one of the players rests his head against the wall; behind him becomes another, in the same position as the first, except that he keeps his head under the arm of the first, to protect it from bruising during the game; after him becomes the third in the same way, and then all the others. Those who make up the other half jump one by one on those who stoop down and sit on horseback, holding on to nothing and no one. The last one to jump up, claps his hands three times and shouts: "Leapfrog - yard!" If none of the jumpers fall and then none of the jumpers fall either, then they continue to jump and jump until someone misses. Here much depends on the dexterity to jump up and down, and therefore the first half is tormented by the second. Whoever misses one of them, then the game is lost and the first half starts to ride them in the same way as the second. This game is sometimes taken to extremes: “from jumping up and jumping off, they put their back and sides on, from which they cannot unbend them for a long time.” Leapfrog develops strength in the legs and arms, dexterity, a sense of balance and coordination of movements, eye, courage and self-confidence. Very useful game!

slide number 20

Description of the slide:

Snake Everyone becomes one after another, and each gives one hand, for example, the right one, to the front, and the left to the back player. But you need to stand up the same way, so that everyone is facing the same direction. A long line of guys is formed. Ahead, in the head of the snake, whoever wants to become, but he must be one of those who are stronger, since he will have to drag the whole snake after him. You need to hold on tighter. The leader asks: "Ready?" - "Ready!" - answer him. "Well, hold on!" - says the leader and begins to run forward, at first quietly, and then faster and faster, dragging the snake along with him. On the run, he wraps it in one direction or the other, then runs in a zigzag, in general, twists the snake as he wants. It can even run in circles or turn sharply back. And if the leader shouts to the last one to stop, and he himself runs up to him and walks away from him in expanding circles, then the whole snake will curl into a ball, and when the movement reaches the last one and he reaches for the snake, it will unwind by itself. Making all sorts of intricate figures and interlacing with a snake, the leader must not forget that in the end he will have to unwind it. If he so entangles the snake that he cannot unravel it, he will have to give way to another player, and the game starts over. In this case, the leader is placed at the very end of the snake as a punishment. And if the leader just gets tired and stops the snake himself, he must also be changed.

slide number 21

Description of the slide:

Snake It often happens that someone in a snake will fall on a sharp turn, but will not disengage. The one who ran in front of him should immediately let go of his hand so that the fallen one does not drag along the ground. Of course, the fallen one is out of the game. To prevent this from happening, the players must be frisky and keep up with the leader. The leader is not a locomotive, it is difficult for him to drag everyone. And the risk of breaking away is not so great if you do not stretch the arm of the player running in front of you too much. When the leader gets tired and feels that there are strong players left in the snake and he cannot disengage them, he stops and ends the game. And one of the remaining players in the snake becomes the new leader. Everyone else clings to it, and the game starts again. The goal of other players is directly opposite to the goal of the leader and is to stay in the snake until the end of the game. The safest place for the snake is in her head, closer to the leader, because the tail usually comes off . But if at the end of the snake there is a strong player who holds on tight, then he may not come off. Then the snake will break in other places, the players will drop out of the game, and the latter will keep getting closer to the leader and will even be able to play to the end. And the last remark. When there are too many people who want to run and have fun, well, for example, more than twenty people, then the leader will have to drive too long to shorten the snake at least by half. After all, for this he needs to manage to break the snake at least ten times. There will not be enough strength here! In this case, I advise you to discuss the condition in advance that the entire detached tail is eliminated from the game each time. It can be even more fun. By the way, in the last century in the North of Russia, this game was called differently: “Confusion”. Isn't it a very apt name?

slide number 22

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slide number 23

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Conclusions Be sure to listen to the head of the game: he is the main referee here. Obey the team captain; he is the oldest in the game. Having won, do not be arrogant (after all, you can play even better). Don't laugh at the losers. Remember: in the game you are opponents, outside the game you are comrades. Lost - do not be discouraged! Thank the winner for science; try to get the upper hand at the next meeting. In the game, do not get angry at the one who accidentally pushed or stepped on the foot. Take care of the accessories for games; make sure they are always in good condition and beautiful. Both winners and losers should be satisfied with the judge!