Wish for graduation a couple of lines. Best congratulations to graduates from teachers, parents, classmates

Today you have a significant day, a solemn and touching event - a school graduation party. This is a holiday of the best time in a person's life - a holiday of youth. From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your graduation from high school and the beginning of your adult life. Behind - the courtyard of the native school, in front - the unexplored roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. This force is valiant enthusiasm and self-confidence. You are destined to live in a time of great change, when education, intellect, creativity and talent have become decisive. I believe that love for your native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, creative work will make your life happy, glorifying your native city and Russia to the whole world.
I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities, on the chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Learn, work, create and dare.
May your fate be generous with goodness and joy!

Dear graduates! From today, a new world opens before you, completely different, not like the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don't forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

I sincerely congratulate you on the completion school course learning.
Graduation is a special holiday, because this event happens only once in a person's life.
The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with the treasures of your native language and humanistic values, pointed to the high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.
Graduation ball is only the first step on the way to adulthood, then there is a profession. I wish you that the chosen future profession really became a favorite thing, inspired and brought real pleasure.
I wish you to determine for yourself the highest life and professional heights, and that each of you say: I have reached the highest plans.
Going on a long and unexplored journey, take with you the blessing of your parents and teachers - eternal, like your native land, parting words that will give you faith in tomorrow, hope for own forces, purposefulness and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future. Not only your future depends on this choice, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects for Russia.

Expensive _____________!
Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood will go through a flowering garden, that the carriage of life will easily and happily carry you along life's roads, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby. Good luck and prosperity!

Dear students, dear graduates!
I heartily congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end of the school year. For many students, this is the successful overcoming of the next milestone in school life, the transition to the next class, and for almost 12 thousand graduates, today is especially joyful and memorable. After all, they say goodbye to school and go to an independent adult life.
I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, realization of ideas and creative plans!
Let the knowledge gained at school will certainly become a guarantee of significant achievements, help you reach the maximum heights in your future activities!
God bless you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!
Good luck in everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful - graduation day. You will no longer cross the threshold as a student, so don't forget your favorite teachers!

Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed by both you and your parents. Not only other people's children grow up quickly, but also their own. It seems like only yesterday we took you to the first class with a bouquet of flowers, and suddenly - graduation party. Throughout all these years, we helped you as best we could and experienced failures together, rejoiced at successes. So let there be a reliable shoulder next to each of you, able to help in difficult times. Take care of your friends and do not forget your loved ones, then luck will definitely smile at you in life!

My beloved son! Today is the first graduation in your life! So let the atmosphere of this holiday never leave you! Always walk boldly in your own way life path and luck will always be there!

Dear Parents!
Your kids have grown up! Only you know how many difficulties and sleepless nights are behind! Graduates feel wings behind their backs, they want to reach the heights, where they will be adults, successful, free ... And it is not known what will come true and what is an illusion. And parents know how quickly reality wants to clip those wings, they guess how many battles children will have to participate in, if not to win, then at least not to let themselves be destroyed. And it is the parents who are always ready to help, support in extreme situations. Such is the parental share - to be close to the child while we live! I want to wish you all true parental happiness!

Today I would like to congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear people - our parents. You have been with us throughout all these school years, giving us your affection and care. Therefore, first of all, we congratulate all of you, dear parents, on this wonderful day.

Thinking about how to congratulate the teachers present at the graduation party, remember that, together with the heroes of the occasion, they went through a difficult path from their admission to school to graduation from it, that they have behind them the chores of organizing, conducting and preparing for passing the exam, excitement for their students and that this evening is for them, first of all big celebration where they would like to finally relax and have fun. And therefore, in addition to solemn speeches and touching words of gratitude, it would be nice to arrange an unusual congratulation for them.

We offer comic and original congratulations to teachers at graduation that will please them and entertain guests

1. Competition with congratulations for teachers "Friendly cartoon"

This competition for teachers is organized by alumni. Its meaning is to remember in advance about each teacher present at the holiday, something characteristic only for him. These can be: a recognizable manner of speaking or gesturing, frequently used phrases or sayings, of which you need to come up with a small reprise for each. At the same time, direct allusions to subjects or names of teachers should be avoided. Then, at the celebration, invite teachers to the center of the hall and show prepared reprises or sketches.

Teachers receive prizes when they find out which reprise is dedicated to him (her). It would be nice to make prizes for this prom contest also in the theme, for example, friendly cartoons ordered in advance from professional artists or funny cartoons edited using Photoshop.

2. Original congratulations on the graduation party "Feel our love!"

For this congratulations, you need to prepare in advance for each teacher large hearts cut out of thick paper, making many cuts in them (in different directions). The dimensions of the slots should be such that small hearts can be inserted into them (about two centimeters)

Before the beginning of the evening, large hearts (each signed with the name of the teacher) are fixed on one of the walls, a large number of small hearts and felt-tip pens should be placed nearby. To announce to graduates that during the holiday they can write words of gratitude, wishes and wishes on small hearts. good words favorite teachers, and insert into them in nominal big hearts. At the end of the evening, teachers will gladly take "their" hearts home to read and remember.

3, Comic number for teachers "Scientific lecture on the feat of a teacher"

To demonstrate, prepare a poster with an applique image of a man, in which all parts of the body can be separated from each other, and attached to the poster with Velcro.
Lektor is out

Lecturer: After many years of observation of homo sapiens of the “teachers” subspecies, scientists analyzed them and published generalized conclusions.

Turns out:

Almost all educators tear their hair out from time to time. ("Lecturer" tears off the little man's hair);

They work tirelessly and in the absence of results, they lower them (removes hands from the picture);

And if everything went well, they can lose their heads (removes head);

Coming home after work they stretch their legs (removes legs);

Many tear their backs (removes the body)

And what is left after all this? (lecturer addresses audience) That's right - the heart! And with this heart, every day, coming to work, (referring to teachers) you are ready again and again: stretch your legs, tear your backs, pull yourself together, style your hair and raise your head high towards a new day and every child!

Toast: To your big heart, dear teachers!

4. Comic presentation of teachers "We all come from childhood"

To organize this, you will need their childhood photos and a stand or screen on which they will be displayed.

Leading: Perhaps, dear graduates, as well as their parents, you will be very surprised, but once upon a time, the teachers present here were also little girls and boys.

2. And who is this? That's right, this is a girl (name), who traveled the whole world in her fantasies and dreams. The girl knew that she would never get lost on any journey, because she knew everything about all countries and continents and decided that she would give this knowledge and this wonderful world to children (geography teacher).

3. What is this girl thinking about and what is her name? Yes, this is an algebra and geometry teacher (name) And here you can see that she counted everyone and always, first to 10, then to 100, and then until half past 12, until she fell asleep at all. And she is simply sure that her favorite mathematics is the best gymnastics for the mind, and since she would like there to be as many smart children in the world as possible, she decided to do this gymnastics with schoolchildren.

4. What is the name of this baby? That's right, this is a girl (name), she was always interested in unusual words, so she was sure that the boys in the yard are terribly smart and know foreign languages She had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. And she really wanted to understand everyone around and teach this to others. And especially the boys in the yard, because as it turned out, those unusual words were not at all foreign, but rather strange (foreign language teacher)

5. And this little boy, whom does he remind you of? Of course, this (name), his passion for archaeological excavations began with the fact that he dug up doll dishes in his sandbox, and his mother told him a mysterious story about the fact that ancient settlers from the country of Dolls left her. This story shocked him so much that (name) realized that listening and telling stories and unraveling the mysteries of the past and captivating others with this is the most interesting thing in life (teacher of history).

(Similar comments are made up for all teachers present).

5. Original gift - "Diary of recognition"

For this congratulations to teachers it is necessary to buy new progress diaries - according to the number of teachers present at the evening. The organizer of the idea at the evening, recalling how the students were afraid to get a remark in the diary, “take revenge” on the teachers, and distributes clean diaries to the teachers with a request to fill out the first page themselves. Then everyone: parents and graduates, will leave their “remarks” in them: kind words and wishes - teachers receive completed diaries as a gift, as a keepsake of graduation.

6. Comic surprise for the class teacher "Last noodles".

We so often read and motivate ourselves with the thoughts and quotes of famous people, but how long do they stay in our memory? good quotes - these are always strong and wise words that inspire, educate and motivate us to action.

Today we have collected some of the most inspirational quotes and funny wishes for you in one article. Graduation party wishes or graduation album wishes, like a little cheat sheet, will now always be at your fingertips.


Phrases for graduation album

  • The biggest student lie: "List of used literature" =)
  • Study on Saturdays and whispers: "Forgive me completely ..."
  • Comrade students! Please put your jeeps tighter, otherwise the teachers have nowhere to put their bikes!
  • Laughter prolongs life. We laughed together for 5 years!
  • 4 years of study - the age of Friendship!
  • Ambition is when you go to the exam, you think that you know 2, and when they put 4 - you wonder why not five ???
  • For the sake of offset, the student will do anything - even to study.
  • Learning is light, not learning is a pleasant twilight.
  • There will be no exam - all tickets are sold!
  • 1st course: that's it, they'll kick you out. They'll kick you out.. 2nd year: maybe they won't kick you out? No, they'll kick me out... 3rd-1st year: well, they won't kick me out now... 4th year: let them just try to kick me out!
  • From session to session, students live happily.
  • As soon as you sit down to study, they will surely wake you up ...
  • A student is an objectively existing reality, floating on the surface of the ocean of knowledge and twice a year diving into the depths for a scholarship.
  • The porridge in the student's head on the exam miraculously turns into noodles on the teacher's ears.

Graduation Album Quotes

    "Be the change you want to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi

    “Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery. Albert Einstein

    "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right either way" Henry Ford

    "The greatest glory in life is not not to fall, but to get up every time we fall" Nelson Mandella

    "All our dreams can come true - only if we have the courage to follow them" Walt Disney

    “We are what we constantly do. Perfection, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

    “If you want to have what you never had, start doing what you have never done” Richard Bach

    “There are only two ways to live your life. The first is as if there are no miracles. The second - as if everything in the world is a miracle " Albert Einstein

    "It's never too late to be who you want to be" George Eliot

    "If you can think of something, you can do it" Walt Disney

    “Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly as much time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.” Jackson Brown

    “It’s even nice to get sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday” A. P. Chekhov

    "He who flaunts erudition or learning has neither" Ernest Hemingway

    « Best years your life - when you decide that your problems belong to you. You don't blame them on the mother, the environment or the president. You realize that you are in control of your own destiny.” Albert Ellis

    “The right to be stupid is one of the guarantees of the free development of the individual” Mark Twain

    "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" Friedrich Nietzsche

    “Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world” Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    “The goal of life is the search for perfection, and the task of each of us is to bring its manifestation in ourselves as close as possible” Richard David Bach.

    "I have always tried to turn every failure into an opportunity" D.D. rockefeller

    “Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely” Henry Ford

    “Whoever wants is looking for a way. Who does not want - is looking for a reason " Socrates

    “Remember: you - those who can do something, and not talk, are few. Much less than you think. Don't waste your time" Pavel Durov

    "Leaders are not born or made by anyone - they make themselves" Stephen Covey

    "The best way to predict the future is to create it" Peter F. Drucker

    “Life is a journey. For some, this is the way to the bakery and back, for others, it’s a round-the-world trip. ” Konstantin Khabensky

Funny graduation wishes

There is no place for the weak in life
Only the strong are lucky in fate.
You are made of tough dough.
So good luck with everything!

I wish you health, a cheerful walk,
More herring, port wine and vodka,
And life and youth in a hot heart,
And I wish you a sultry chick in addition.

I wish immodest profit,
Huge Swiss bank account
Outside the city a large cottage,
Good health in addition,
Big victories in amorous affairs,
Canary Islands and the Azure Coast,
Success in all kinds of life,
And most importantly - reliable friends!

I want to wish everything to be fine
In the wallet an excellent amount of cash
Great colleagues at great jobs
At "five" take a break from work on Saturday
Different questions, great solutions
Have a great relationship with your family,
Excellent health, and in personal life
Let everything be just perfect for you!

Zebra and rainbow are similar
Zebra striped, rainbow too
Let life be a striped zebra
But not 2-color, but multi-colored
Let there be a lot Green colour,
Green - hope and warm summer
Yellow let the bright sun shine
Red love life illuminates
Blue will rise above the fuss
He will be a true and good dream
I wish you such a colorful
Happiness, health, love, longevity!

Let everything be fine in life!
Gracefully! Sweet! Gently! Passionately! Brilliantly! Bright! Fantastic!
Handsomely! Fashionable and practical!
Carelessly! Delicious! Appetizing!
Extraordinary! Colorful!
Good luck! Just! Flawless! And with pleasure, of course!

I want to live a lifetime
Be friends with large sums
Be healthy like a hundred bulls
So that there is enough strength for love
In short, to flourish
And don't forget about friends!

I want only what is especially important:
Larger and larger bills in the wallet
Better health, more luck
And don't forget real friends!

The strength of male and female attention,
Business to develop to the scale of the universe,
Cold beer in a warm cup,
One more time about female attention...
Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
Less in life to meet frostbitten,
A cool wheelbarrow and green light,
(For beer, I forgot, a lot of salty)
Soak our enemies all in the toilet,
So that, accordingly, world peace!

I want it to be thick in my pocket,
Bananas and cabbage bloomed
And smile with all your mouth
Your smile suits you so well!

Health, happiness, money, sidekick,
We wish! So that the soul is full!
And remember, you can't argue with that
What the sidekicks want.

Friendship! Live, bloom and smell
Fall in love, burn and "go the fool"!
But there are two requests: do not wither away from viruses
And if you can, don't forget us!

Make your life a real journey!

All in your hands)

Every year, hundreds of graduates leave the walls of their native schools to the sounds of a waltz. An adult, independent, mysterious, now adult life begins. All celebrations were preceded by long years of study, serious preparation for passing exams. Solemn events are held in all cities, in every village.

Holiday scenarios are being prepared, poems and songs are written, the halls are decorated with balloons and flowers. By tradition, the official presentation of state certificates, letters of thanks, awards and medals for educational and sporting achievements takes place first. And finally, the solemn sounds of the last, farewell, school waltz sound. Young people dressed in strict suits invite girls in lush ball gowns to dance. Classmates get into pairs and dance in a circle in front of their parents, friends, loved ones, who have become their own teachers over the years. After that, some people ride boats until dawn, others celebrate in cafes with jokes and practical jokes. Of course, years later, each class will still come together to remember the carefree school years, look at the photo, and, of course, remember that magical school ball.


Beautiful girl, something to be proud of ...
Today - especially. You are a graduate.
And now you're entering a new life
Like the day you came to first grade!

Everything is alien, and new, and scary, of course,
But don't be shy, even though your childhood is over.
A lot of good lies ahead
I wish you - boldly go!

Let there be a beautiful and fabulous life,
Do not be afraid of obstacles, you smile at them.
May the future distance be blue.
Believe me, fate will smile at you!

Today is your graduation.
And a lot of roads before you
And a lot of things ahead.
You boldly go through life!

You choose the right path
Taught something - do not forget
Bring your ideas to life.
Good luck ahead!

Congratulations on graduation! The hard way has been passed, but the most interesting is ahead! I wish you success in your adult life. Let every door you want to knock on open. Make your dreams come true and feel happiness every second!

May this day be remembered for a long time -
And the first ball, and the first graduation,
All the petty hurts and anxieties
Already left somewhere behind.

And ahead - sunrises and sunsets,
And there are a lot of plans and projects ...
Childhood is already leaving without a return.
Another life is coming - meet it!

School days flew by like a moment -
Here is your adult draft.
Hidden in a drawer is an old diary,
Finished school, you're a graduate.

Waiting for you to change ahead
Boldly go up the stairs of life
Believe in yourself, live without fear,
Graduation is only the beginning of the journey.

Today is your adult holiday -
Today is the best graduation ever!
All congratulations for you!
Take them from us, love!

Go boldly through life
Let flowers bloom for you
And every day let him give only
Good luck, happiness and prestige!

Today is not an easy day
Long awaited graduation
And feelings mixed in the heart,
Joy and a little sadness.

But today celebrate boldly
And go meet the dawn
The world is huge, limitless
Open for yourself!


The last bell rang
Leaving childhood behind.
Today you are older
Today is school graduation.

On your life path
Let there be no worries, changes.
I want to find myself
Not giving much in return.

Make the first step easy
On the road called life.
Let the changing winds blow
Hold on to your dream.

Fun, joy and success
You don't give it to anyone.
Increase love and laughter.
You can. I believe. Dare!

Passed exams. You have received your certificates.
Dressed up so that you can't take your eyes off!
May your life be bright and rich.
Good luck and happy travels.

That good, reasonable and eternal,
What have you already gained?
Keep in yourself. Be human
And do not stray from the right path.

Fulfill your dreams,
Do good, rejoice, and let
A fair wind will inflate the sails,
And your life path will be easy.

Recently in 1st grade
Mom and dad saw you off
And now for the last time
You folded your school books.

We wish you that this start
Was inspirational and successful
Getting up from school desks
You walked confidently, slowly.

Let everyone find their berth
He will master the work to his liking,
Let everything be done, get
Successfully build your life!
BB-code to insert into the forum:

School bells rang
Behind exams, anxiety.
matured graduates
They will go far along the path of life.

Have fun guys, good luck!
May everything come true for everyone as it should:
And in studies, so as not to somehow,
And at work - a friendly team.

Happiness guiding star
May it always light the way
And luck is calling
And the dream of happiness inspires!

School time has rang -
Attention, the doors are closing.
Let now another kid
Rolling along the railing of the stairs.

And scratch, sniffing, on the desks again,
But you are no longer other children
A simple example is the one where "love"
Invariably written in the answer ...

With the end of school! Let for you -
Adult, brave, smart and beautiful -
The path-road is spreading now
A life with bright prospects.

And career, and great love,
And high wages!
Dear, good luck to you crazy,
Be very happy guys!

Today is graduation day!
I wish you guys happiness
Well, not a single sadness.
Live interesting and rich.

And plans to carry out.
And you have nothing to be afraid of.
Don't lose patience in life
Achieve beautiful heights!

Farewell hour - a reason for sadness,
But it's a sin for you to be sad today:
The school is waving after you,
And sends you all to life.

On graduation day you have fun
After all, all paths are now for you.
The roads in life are all open,
So good luck! And good time!

School years are behind us now
But of course you don't stand still.
A new life is ahead of you
There are many difficulties along the way.

Always remember the school with warmth,
Whatever one may say, this is your second home.
Although there are many roads ahead,
Stand on your own, crossing the threshold.

Today we part
We are with you, friends.
Left behind
Dashing days of study.

Let it be bright ahead
The star is always burning
We wish everyone
Find your way.

Wish in life
Succeed and win
Don't be afraid of mistakes
Misses do not know.

Anywhere and everywhere
To remain human
Always in trouble
Help another.

Years at school flew by
You have grown up so fast!
Here is graduation:
A big holiday for all of you!

I wish you guys
In the life of happiness, kindness, fret!
Feel free to move forward
Never lose heart!

To achieve goals
Don't give up on failure!
Believe your dreams will come true
After all, you deserve it!

What beautiful our guys -
At least take them to the podium right away.
Handsome boys, models - girls ...
Are we all worried about what lies ahead?

But, knowing them since childhood, we are sure we know -
Everything will turn out nicely, they will be able to.
We release them and release them into life,
We believe that people will be worthy!

Today you are no longer children,
Ready for life you are big.
Your day has come today bright -
Your most important graduation.

May he give a lot
Smiles, happiness and kindness.
May luck help you.
Walk noisily until the morning.

May your memory this holiday
Forever tenderly keep.
Live bright, prosper
You are in a world of happiness and love.

School will be in the past
Say goodbye to her now.
Do you remember your school years?
You will visit many times.

Let the big world open
Hundreds of roads are ahead of you.
Choose your only path
Here is the tricky question.

May good luck be with you
May success be with you
So that difficult tasks
Could crack like a nut.