Planting time for cucumbers: when is it time to plant. How to get ready-made cucumbers in May? When to soak cucumbers in May

Planting cucumbers can be done in greenhouses, hotbeds or in open ground in seedlings and seedless method.

Depending on the planting conditions, cucumbers can be planted from late April to early June.

  • end of April - beginning of May - in greenhouses;
  • middle - end of May - planting cucumber seeds in open ground;
  • end of May - beginning of June - planting seedlings of cucumbers in open ground and greenhouses.

When to plant cucumbers in May? What conditions affect the choice of a specific date for planting cucumbers?

First of all, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for the current year.

Since the night luminary affects all life on our planet, depending on the phase in which it is located, astrologers distinguish the most favorable and unfavorable days for sowing and planting seedlings of cucumbers.

Auspicious days for planting cucumbers in May 2019 according to the lunar calendar are as follows:

  • 05/06 - 05/08 - the growing moon in Gemini.
  • 09.05 - 10.05 - the growing Moon in Cancer.
  • 11.05 - the growing moon in Leo.
  • 12.05 - 14.05 - the growing moon in Virgo.
  • 15.05 - 18.05 - the growing moon in Libra.

The most unfavorable days for planting cucumbers in May are the dates of the full moon and new moon, on which it is not recommended to carry out any work related to seeds and seedlings at all.

  • 05.05 - New Moon.
  • 19.05 - Full moon.

When familiarizing yourself with the recommendations of the Lunar calendar, you need to understand that you cannot do without them alone, you must also take into account the weather conditions in the region where the garden plot is located. The main ones are the temperature of the earth and air.

Firstly, the soil should not only thaw, but also warm up well by the time of planting.

The air temperature when planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse should be at least 12 degrees at night and 15 degrees during the day inside it.

And already when the temperature rises to 20 degrees, you can start airing the plantings by opening the windows in the greenhouse.

For the normal development of seedlings of cucumbers in open ground, the temperature during the day should be at least 18 degrees Celsius.

At the end of May, return frosts are often observed, which can kill seedlings growing in unprotected ground. Therefore, very often, after planting, cucumbers are covered with a film, creating greenhouse conditions.

When the air temperature normalizes, they can be removed, but, for example, in the zones of the Urals and Siberia, cucumbers are simply opened for a day for ventilation, and in the evening they are again covered with protective material.

And now you have finally chosen a planting day for cucumbers in May, what to do next?

Planting cucumbers in open ground

The first step is to prepare the soil for planting. Usually this operation is performed in the fall.

Planting pits are dug in the open ground and filled with humus and compost to prepare warm pillow beds.

Rotted manure and compost are also introduced into the greenhouse ridges, and in the spring they only add mineral fertilizers, loosen and level.

Planting patterns in open ground and in greenhouse conditions are different, so they should be considered separately.

Planting cucumbers in open ground in May is carried out on beds in one, two lines, nests or on pillow beds.

  1. In the case of a single-line planting, cucumbers are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, and a passage of at least a meter is made between the ridges.
  2. With a two-line planting, a passage of 1 m is left between the ridges, the distance between adjacent seedlings is 40 cm, and the row spacing is half a meter.
  3. The nest planting method is usually used when sowing seeds, preparing 10x10 cm holes and placing 6-7 seeds in them. Then the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest and strongest in the amount of 4-5 pieces. In this case, the distance between adjacent holes is about 70 cm.
  4. When planting cucumbers on a warm cushion bed, which usually measures 50x50, about 4-5 seedlings or seeds are placed.

The optimal planting pattern in a greenhouse is a two-line one, observing the distance between adjacent seedlings of 35-40 cm and 50 cm between rows. In this case, the passages between the beds are usually at least 80 cm.

If there is a lot of planting material, then seedlings and seeds can be planted in a checkerboard pattern, which will significantly improve lighting conditions.

Sowing seeds is carried out to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, and when planting seedlings, it is recommended to plant cucumbers without deepening the root collar. It is best to plant seedlings by transshipment, without shaking off the earthen ball from the roots.

Care and protection from diseases and pests

Care for seedlings and seedlings of cucumbers is simple and implies:

  • timely and regular watering, on which the yield and taste of cucumbers directly depend. In this case, the water should be warm (warmed up in the sun) and supplied by drip irrigation or from a bucket. Watering cucumbers from a hose is highly undesirable;
  • top dressing, the first of which is desirable two weeks after planting seedlings or emergence, for this you can use organic and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen;
  • loosening and weeding;
  • tying, which concerns the vertical cultivation of cucumbers on a trellis;
  • ventilation of the greenhouse or greenhouse. Too high humidity and high temperature provoke the occurrence of various diseases and pests on cucumbers.

Protection of cucumbers from diseases and pests

Most often, pests of cucumbers affect greenhouse plantings, and the most insatiable of them are spider mites, melon aphids and whiteflies, which are very difficult to get rid of.

If the seedlings are still young, and the harvest is still far away, it is better to use special chemicals to control pests of cucumbers.

Diseases of cucumbers often occur due to non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology by the gardener himself.

For fungal diseases (various types of rot and powdery mildew), natural and commercial fungicides are used, and when cucumbers are infected with infectious diseases (such as mosaics), it is recommended to remove diseased plants.

Each month has its own rules for planting vegetables in order to get a good and high-quality harvest. Cultivation of cucumbers can be based on the greenhouse method, as well as location in open ground.

As for sowing cucumbers in open ground in May, it is carried out in warm weather, a sufficient amount of organic matter in the soil, at a normal level of moisture, lighting.

Growing cucumbers can consist of such planting methods as pre-growing seeds for seedlings and further transplanting the grown seedlings already in open ground, or the planned planting of cucumber seeds directly into the soil mixture without prior germination. It is the latter method that is used when sowing cucumbers in May. If you still want to germinate the seeds for a start, then you need to do this a few months earlier in order to have time to transplant the seedlings into the ground by the end of May.

May is the best month for open planting, because the topsoil is already warming up, and the seeds, as you know, are located in it, the moisture level is normal - it doesn’t rain so often, the temperature does not jump sharply, it is impossible to establish a further outcome crops.

The ideal period for growing cucumbers in May would be the following dates: two days - from May 10 to 11, and the period from May 17 to 22. It is during these periods that you need to have time to deepen and moisten the seeds already in the open field, and then start caring for them using the right technology so that they sprout.

Sowing in May involves some secrets: you need to plant several varieties at once, but not in one hole, but side by side, so that the seedlings are more provided with a reliable basis for germination - you increase the chances if you grow several options at once.

In advance, you need to loosen the soil mixture, form beds, perhaps immediately place the pegs, for which we will then cling to the curly stalk of cucumbers, divide into sectors so that it is more convenient for you to work with the soil later (watering, fertilizer, etc.).

Fertilize the open ground well with organic fertilizers before planting the seeds and work the soil several times by digging it up. The very last layer should be a layer of clean earth without fertilizers, and then make indentations for the seeds.

After you have distributed a few seeds into the holes, cover them with soil, water them, give the seeds the opportunity to absorb water and all the nutrients from the soil mixture, and then proceed to the normal care parameters. At first, until the seeds germinate and the stems sprout, it will be difficult to assess the quality of development and how well the process has progressed, but do not despair and wait, watering and feeding the cucumbers for the first time after a month interval from the moment the seeds are placed in the soil mixture. As soon as the sprouted stems appear, wait for a few leaves to appear (usually from 4 to 6) and pinch them, which will ensure the active growth of dormant buds and the rapid development of fruits even on those parts of the stem that themselves did not want to develop, but under started with your pressure.

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How to plant cucumbers in the ground with seeds?

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Cucumbers self-pollinated for open ground

Thanks to their excellent taste and relative ease of cultivation, cucumbers have become regular regulars in every garden (they are even grown!). Despite the fact that this culture is very unpretentious, not every gardener manages to grow cucumbers with a reckless method. The reasons for such failure, as a rule, lie in the improper conduct or lack of seed preparation, as well as in the direct planting procedure, or incorrect subsequent care of the seedlings. However, you can succeed in this business without any problems if you follow quite simple rules!

To learn how to properly plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds, read further in this article, in which you will find tips, recommendations and step-by-step instructions for sowing cucumbers.

When to plant cucumbers with seeds in open ground: optimal sowing dates

Since this pumpkin culture belongs to the number of fairly heat-loving plants, it is recommended to plant cucumber seeds in open ground only when the soil will warm up to +12 degrees, and the ambient temperature will be consistently above +14 degrees.

There is no point in sowing earlier, as the seeds will sit in the ground for a long time and not germinate. As a result, they may not rise at all, but simply rot in a humid and cold environment.

But don't put it off too much, because the optimum temperature for the growth of cucumbers is +14..+30 degrees, and if the peak of their development coincides with the July heat, they simply stop growing and begin to dry out.

Obviously, in the greenhouse the soil warms up faster, so you can plant cucumbers earlier (1-2 weeks).

Depending on region and climate

Due to the fact that the climate in different parts of the country is very different, there are no uniform sowing dates. It is necessary to choose the time for planting cucumbers in open ground, based on the climatic features of each individual region, namely, on the weather conditions of the current season.

Terms of sowing cucumbers in open ground in the North-West (Leningrad region), as a rule, are shifted 1-2 weeks ahead of those near Moscow.

In the Urals and Siberia- in the second half of May - early June.

By the way! In regions with short summers, cucumbers are often grown.

But in the South of Russia cucumbers can be sown in open ground in the second half of April.

We repeat! The main condition when choosing a landing date cucumbers in open ground is the ambient temperature, which should not fall below + 14-..15 degrees, and the soil temperature, which should warm up to 12 degrees. Otherwise, the seeds will not sprout.

Advice! Varieties of cucumbers are divided into early ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. To feast on crispy cucumbers continuously, it is better to sow immediately different planting material. Thanks to this “little trick”, the plants alternately bear fruit, which allows you to enjoy cucumbers throughout the season.

Specific dates for planting seeds of cucumbers of the selected variety (or F1 hybrid) can often be found on the back of the package.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

The lunar calendar can help you choose specific dates for planting cucumbers in open ground.

Everyone has long known the fact that the moon affects not only the waters of the oceans, but also the juices inside plants. So, the most favorable period when you can sow cucumbers falls on the growing moon.

According to the lunar calendar, in 2019, the following dates are considered favorable days when you can plant cucumbers in open ground:

  • in April - 6-9, 11-13, 20, 21, 24-26, 29-30;
  • in May - 3, 4, 8-10, 17-18, 21-23, 26-28, 31;
  • in June - 5, 6, 13-15, 18-20.

The bad days are:

  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for a Summer Resident".

How to choose a good variety of cucumbers

Plant several varieties of cucumbers at once - 3-4 pieces, and preferably 5-6. After all, it is difficult to guess what the conditions of the current year will be, so varietal diversity will increase your chances of getting more stable crops. In addition, different varieties in different years, depending on weather conditions, have their own advantages, since some are better adapted to moisture deficiency, the second are more cold-resistant, and the third are resistant to certain diseases.

If you plant only one or 2 varieties, then it is quite difficult to guarantee a stable crop.

The following detailed review articles about the most popular and best varieties of cucumbers:

How to plant cucumber seeds in open ground

In order for the planting of cucumbers to be successful, it is not enough just to buy seeds and sow them in the first available free hour: you need to carefully prepare not only the seeds, but also the soil (beds), and also follow a number of rules for direct sowing seeds in open ground.

So let's figure out how to plant cucumber seeds correctly.

Seed preparation

As a rule, most gardeners sow this crop with dry seeds, because. cucumbers are doing great.

By the way! Cucumber seeds remain viable for 5-6 years, but it is better to sow already 3-4 years old (if you.

However, in order to be completely sure of their germination, if desired, pre-sowing treatment of cucumber seeds can be carried out.

So, even before the preparation of cucumber seeds, they need to be calibrated. Large, even seeds with a light shade are suitable for planting ( without any dark spots).

Important! On sale you can find coated or glazed seeds that do not require any preparation, they must be sown exclusively in a dry form, because. they are already pre-treated by the manufacturer.

Certainly much more popular. disinfection seed dark pink (1%) solution of potassium permanganate.

Worth knowing! Potassium permanganate is a very weak and ineffective disinfectant. Where is the best place to prepare the solution? brilliant green(take 1 ml of 1% pharmacy solution and dissolve in 100 ml of water) or disinfect in chlorhexidine(take 0.05% pharmacy solution). If you are a supporter of organic farming, then your choice is garlic infusion(2-3 crushed cloves pour 100 ml of water and let it brew for a day) or 50% aloe juice(to get 100 ml of solution - take 50 ml of juice and 50 ml of water). Etching time - 30 minutes. After that, be sure to rinse the seeds under clean (filtered, bottled) water.

In general, many rightly consider them to be the most effective way of pre-sowing seed preparation. soaking and sprouting.

Before direct germination, they can be disinfected.

To do this, you need to wrap the cucumber seeds in a damp cloth (or gauze), then put the bundle on a saucer or other container, which should be wrapped in a plastic bag and put away in a warm place where the air temperature is about + 22-26 degrees (optimally + 24-28 degrees ). Under such conditions, the seeds will germinate within 24-48 hours.

In regions with a harsh climate, it is even recommended to carry out hardening cucumber seeds. To do this, the seeds (you can even sprouted) need to be wrapped in a cloth, soaked and placed in refrigerator (not freezer) for 4-5 days, and then planted in the ground.

Video: how to prepare cucumber seeds for planting in open ground

Site selection: crop rotation and bed preparation rules

The choice of a place for growing cucumbers should be approached with all seriousness, because this culture is very warm and light-loving, which means that even a slight drop in temperature and shading will necessarily negatively affect its yield (although there are relatively shade-tolerant ones, as well as cold-resistant ones, you just need to choose the appropriate hardy variety or hybrid).

Then it is better to plant: good and bad predecessors

A place for cucumbers should be selected in accordance with the rules of crop rotation. So, it is advisable to plant cucumbers after the following crops:

  • tomatoes and peppers;
  • onion and garlic;
  • cabbage.

You can also do mixed plantings of cucumbers with tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, radishes, corn, legumes and green crops.

Note! But after pumpkin and melon crops (pumpkins, zucchini, squash, melons, watermelons), cucumbers cannot be planted, since they have common diseases. The same goes for re-planting cucumbers in the garden where they have already grown.

Soil preparation and beds for planting cucumbers.

The basis for obtaining rich yields of cucumbers is high soil fertility. Naturally, it should be light and loose, as well as neutral in acidity.

Of course, ideally, a bed for planting cucumbers (and other crops) should be prepared in the fall, but if you haven’t done this, then it’s okay - you can dig and apply the necessary fertilizers in the spring, at least a month or 2 weeks before planting seeds.

Alternatively, you can apply organic matter or mineral fertilizers directly to the planting holes, making them 25-30 cm deep (per shovel bayonet). Then mix everything thoroughly with garden soil and sow at the recommended depth (1.5-3 cm).

In addition, humus or compost (approximately 5-8 kg per 1 sq. Meter) can be decomposed in a thin layer on the area allocated for sowing Zelentsy, wood ash (100-200 grams per 1 sq. M.), And then deep (on shovel bayonet - 25-30 cm) dig everything.

By the way! Cucumbers love manure.

The applied organic fertilizers will make the soil looser, as well as saturate it with the nutrients necessary for the active growth and fruiting of the crop.

If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then the whole complex of macroelements should be added for digging, for example, you can use one nitroammophoska (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - all 16% each) or take all the elements separately - urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate (according to instructions).

Note! In autumn, it is recommended to apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers (they take a long time to absorb and dissolve), and in spring - nitrogen fertilizers (act quickly).

Worth knowing! No matter how you prepare the garden for planting cucumbers, you will in any case you have to feed them during the growing season, and do it quite often - during the entire period of fruiting.

Important! Do not initially apply an excess amount of fertilizer to the soil, because. exceeding their norm can simply destroy your plant (its roots).

How to plant and grow cucumbers

All gardeners plant cucumbers on their plot in accordance with their capabilities. However, there are several rather original and quite effective ways to grow cucumbers.

In barrels

Perhaps this is the most original way of planting cucumbers, which has a fairly simple technology for preparing the barrel itself, sowing seeds, as well as further care and harvesting.

in bags

In general, this method is similar to the previous one, except that now dense plastic bags or sugar (or flour) bags are used as landing containers. However, in this case, you will have to make supports and tie whips on them, as well as monitor watering, in other words, get pretty seriously confused.

By the way! It is possible in the same way.

However, his (of this method) efficiency is questionable.

Growing methods depending on the methods (methods) of the garter

There is a huge variety of ways to garter cucumbers.

Of course, the most popular and effective of them is on the trellis, but there are also much more original ones.

Landing on black agrofibre (spunbond)

Alternatively, you can grow cucumbers on black agrofibre.

What needs to be done?

Lay agrofibre, make cuts at the required distance (according to the recommended pattern) and plant seeds.

Or you can do the opposite, that is, first sow the seeds, wait for the shoots, and only then cover the bed with spunbond.

Planting cucumbers under a black film reduces the temperature of the soil by 2-4 degrees, so in the summer heat such cucumbers feel better.

On a warm bed

Since there is always a risk of returning spring frosts in the temperate zone, it is most reliable to plant cucumbers on warm (high) beds.

And already on a warm bed, you can (grow) cucumbers in any way that is most suitable (convenient) for you.

Direct fit

Step-by-step instructions for planting cucumber seeds in open ground:

  • Make planting holes or even rows (beards).

The planting depth of cucumber seeds is 1.5-2 cm (maximum 3 cm if you have very loose and sandy soil).

  • Lightly shed holes and grooves with water.
  • Arrange dry seeds in grooves at a distance of 5-10 cm (if you are sowing seeds that have already germinated or are 100% sure of their germination, then you can immediately sow according to the recommended planting pattern for this variety or hybrid, when, as a rule, per 1 sq. meter place no more than 4-5 plants: 20-40 cm by 60-100 cm).

It is better to put 2-3 seeds in one hole at once, in order to subsequently remove the weaker ones.

  • Sprinkle the holes with earth or level the grooves.

Advice! To protect your seeds from ants, after you put the seeds in the holes or grooves, you can sprinkle tobacco dust or mustard cake on top of them (because you say mulch the seeds), and only then cover them with earth.

By the way! Tobacco dust is also a prevention against nematodes.

  • Perform light watering again.

Video: the easiest planting of cucumbers in open ground

Video: planting cucumber seeds on high beds

Shelter after landing

To create high humidity, which cucumbers love so much, after sowing, the bed is covered with polyethylene (and even better with white spunbond).

Some gardeners mount over plantings mini greenhouse on arcs.

Cucumbers covered in this way, due to high humidity, will quickly germinate and will not suffer from return spring frosts.

And as soon as the seedlings germinate and shoots appear, the film will need to be removed promptly.

In the case of a mini-greenhouse, it will need to be periodically opened (ventilated), gradually increasing the time the plants stay outdoors.

In the future, when the flowering period begins, it is recommended to completely remove the shelter (greenhouse) or open it from the end sides so that bees can fly inside (if you grow bee-pollinated varieties).

Video: planting cucumber seeds in a greenhouse for an early harvest

How to care for cucumbers after planting in open ground: growing rules

After the emergence of seedlings, after waiting for some time, they should be thinned out, leaving the strongest plants.

Thinning should be carried out in accordance with the selected growing scheme (as a rule, it is given on the seed packaging).

To get a rich harvest of delicious greens, in the future you need to fully care for cucumbers.

What exactly needs to be done? What is included in the list of basic agricultural practices for the care of cucumbers in the open field?

In short, for successful cultivation of cucumbers, you need to regularly water and feed, Necessarily tie up, mulch or periodically loosen, and pinch, pinch and shape. And, of course, quickly fight possible diseases effectively resist pests. At the same time, it is important to do everything in a timely manner and with high quality.

By the way! Do not forget to regularly harvest ripe greens, as untimely harvesting will inhibit the growth of new cucumbers.

Video: how to grow cucumbers in the open field


As a rule, it is not necessary to moisten the soil under the shelter before the start of active seed germination, since the covering material prevents moisture from evaporating. But it is still necessary to control the condition of the soil, since the slightest drying out can cause the death of hatched seeds.

In the future, it is very important to carry out competent and timely watering of cucumbers.

In short, the basic rules for watering cucumbers are:

  • water only with warm water (above +18 degrees), and preferably settled (or rain);
  • do not fall on the leaves - this provokes the development of diseases;
  • shed deeply - surface watering disrupts the harmonious development of the root system;
  • water and / or early in the morning and / or late in the evening (at sunset).

Advice! More information about the features of watering cucumbers you can find!

top dressing

Cucumbers are able to bear fruit for a sufficiently long period of time, which means that they (bushes) must be regularly provided with good nutrition throughout the entire period of their growth and especially fruiting.

Moreover, cucumbers require so much nutrition that even if you initially put in the soil, in your opinion, a sufficient amount of useful macro- and microelements, this will still not be enough.

We repeat! It is also wrong to make initially excessively “fatty” soil: cucumbers should be fed gradually - in the course of growth.

Now on sale there are a lot of ready-made special fertilizers such as "Agricola" for cucumbers, zucchini, squash.

However, for feeding cucumbers, you can cook perfectly.


So that all plants have enough sunlight, as well as to reduce the risk of fungal diseases in cucumbers, which occurs due to cramped growing conditions (including bushes for this, and also, in order to simplify planting care, cucumbers are tied to horizontal or vertical trellises .

By the appearance of cucumbers (namely by leaves) can be determined what is the plant missing?, as well as what and how best to feed it:

  • If cucumber leaves yellow at the edges(in the center they remain green), i.e. you see a characteristic yellow border (marginal chlorosis), and, as a rule, it (the border) first forms on the old lower leaves, then all this indicates a clear lack of potassium.

  • iron deficiency causes the appearance interveinal chlorosis on young leaves(the plate itself turns yellow, and the veins remain dark green), while the older leaves, on the contrary, remain green.

In each of the above cases, it is necessary to promptly feed cucumbers with a liquid solution of micro or macro elements. For example, dolomite flour contains both calcium and magnesium, so you can perform a liquid root dressing with this solution, and it is advisable to add 100 grams of 9% vinegar to it (for better absorption and conversion of the fertilizer into a chelated form).

In addition to the fact that the color of the cucumber leaves themselves changes, indicating a lack of nutrition, trouble may be happening and with the fruits of cucumbers themselves:

  • So the cucumbers can start.
  • And in addition begin.

Diseases and pests

Like all plants, cucumbers are subject to a number of diseases and pest attacks.


Cucumbers can infect the following diseases: powdery mildew, downy mildew (downy mildew), olive blotch (cladosporiosis), gray rot, root rot.

Gray rot

Advice! It is easier to prevent any diseases than to fight them later, therefore, for example, when planting and in further care, it is advisable to periodically shed the wells with a solution of Fitosporin or Trichodermin in order to protect cucumbers from root rot.


Which main pest of cucumbers? That's right, this aphid.

Therefore, every gardener should know.

In addition, cucumbers have other pests - the same whitefly, (aphid carriers).

Thus, we can say that as such there are no special secrets of planting cucumbers in open ground, but there are some nuances and rules that need to be taken into account. In addition, planting is only half the battle or even a quarter of the battle. To get a rich harvest, you need to properly care for and grow. Good luck!

Video: growing cucumbers in the open field - planting and care

In contact with

Every year we increasingly hide our cucumbers under the film. They are more comfortable there. Growing cucumbers in the country in greenhouse conditions is a good thing, and if there is no such possibility, even a small greenhouse can be installed.

I used to buy seeds and grow cucumber seedlings at home. But it was troublesome, lately they seem to have appeared, but then disappeared tiny. Whatever she did to save them.

Last year I decided for myself, enough experiments, I will sow cucumber seeds in open ground in May - June in an old-fashioned way, but with modern technologies. About what happened, and I will tell.

Planting cucumbers in open ground. Experience

Before planting cucumbers, it is necessary to carry out several important activities.

Location selection

The plot for cucumbers chose sunny and calm. I grew peas there. Just the most beautiful predecessor along with tomatoes, onions and early potatoes. You can plant seeds, as it turned out, and in the field there was melons, melons or zucchini, only 2-3 years ago.

Contrary to all scientific speeches, in order not to dig the earth, in the fall she raised the entire area on a shovel bayonet. The blocks did not break, the soil froze well during the winter. All plant residues were selected.

If the soil is acidic, it needs to be limed. Which she did.

The spring was good and already in April the blocks were well broken, and I easily leveled the ground with a rake. The site is good, clean.

Soil preparation

Before sowing the seeds in mid-May, on the 5th, she introduced the composition per square meter into the soil:

  • humus (1 bucket);
  • complex mineral fertilizer (2 tablespoons);
  • wood ash (1 cup).

I know that my dacha neighbors use BIUD (organic fertilizer) instead of humus.

After fertilizing, I dug up again and spilled it with a solution of potassium permanganate, preheating the water (it took 6 liters per 1 sq. M).

In order for the earth to warm up and the fertilizer to dissolve well, I covered my bed with a film.

If the soil is heavy or waterlogged, it is recommended to grow cucumbers from seeds on ridges with a embedment depth of 1.5–2 centimeters.

Seed preparation

To prepare the seeds, it is enough to soak them for one hour in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Yes, they are disinfected. Then I rinse under running water. I will definitely let it grow. And recently I started using the Epin biogrowth stimulator for 12-15 hours.

Sowing seeds

As soon as the soil temperature warms up to 18-23 degrees, it's time to plant cucumber seeds in open ground.

The weather is quite unstable even in May, therefore, I sow cucumber seeds at the end of May, when there is no threat of freezing the soil.

I prepare grooves (3-4 cm deep), spill them with water and spread the seeds after 10-15 centimeters. I fall asleep with well-kneaded earth without lumps.

Cotyledon leaves appeared, thinning out the planting. I leave 20–25 cm between seedlings. I note that I use scissors and do not pull out weak plants - I cut them off. The roots of neighboring cucumbers are not damaged.

Subsequent thinning - the end of June with 3-4 true leaves.

Crop care

I take care of the crops, as I should:

  • regularly remove weeds;
  • I water;
  • I feed;
  • I fight pests of cucumbers and their diseases.

Before flowering, I carry out hilling to increase the root mass and increase fruitfulness.

I water only with warm water in the early morning, or when it gets dark. The frequency of watering depending on soil moisture (in 2-4 days).

When the fruits begin to ripen, I increase the watering.

In no case do not allow drought on the soil or waterlogging. From this, the leaves turn yellow, and the fruits become bitter.

If it is not possible to regularly water cucumber plantings, then it is advisable to mulch the soil, for example, with peat. And when the nights get chilly in August, cover your green pets with non-woven fabric.

top dressing

I carry out root dressing every ten days. I use:

  • mullein diluted with water (1:5);
  • superphosphate (per 10 liters of water - 30–40 g).

Proper care of cucumbers always gives excellent results. Cucumber plantings are healthy and prolific.


I do not allow the fruits to grow large, otherwise new ovaries will be rare. Therefore, I harvest almost every day from morning until the midday hot sun.

And yet, you need to pick cucumbers correctly. Without touching the whip with my hands, I only press on the stem with my thumb, holding it with my index finger.

Naturally, if I see a sick cucumber, I don’t leave it.

So, planting cucumber seeds in open ground in May-June, I want to say that the yield pleased me and now I will grow my pimply fragrant vegetables only in this way.

If it suits you, write. Sincerely, Lyudmila Ostrovskaya.

My question to the wise gardeners: how do you deal with mosaic on cucumbers?


Each summer resident and gardener plants cucumbers on his plot. But not everyone knows the exact timing of planting this vegetable, and often because of this the result is deplorable - the harvest is small or not at all. Cucumber is a vegetable that is very demanding on sowing and temperature conditions. If the planting dates are correctly chosen and proper care is organized, then cucumbers can bear fruit perfectly, regardless of the planting site - a greenhouse or open ground.

Why is it important to know the optimal planting time for this plant?

  1. Favorable plants for planting can be skipped, which will greatly affect the health of seedlings, since young cucumbers overexposed in cups will take root for a long time and get very sick.
  2. If you plant a crop early in unheated soil, you can lose not only the crop, but also the seedlings themselves - they will simply die.

Experienced gardeners consider the optimal time for planting a crop to a permanent place from May to June, when a stable air temperature of +18 degrees is established outside.

As you can see, the time interval is quite large, but there is a more accurate time. 2-3 weeks after sowing, seedlings are planted, for example:

  • If you plan to grow cucumbers indoors, but the greenhouse is unheated, then the seeds are sown at the end of March at the beginning of April.
  • Heated greenhouse, seeds can be sown in February-March.
  • It is planned to plant in open ground - the sowing date is the end of April, the beginning of May.

But to finally decide on the timing, only experience and weather conditions in the region will help.

Have you tried growing cucumbers in the winter season?


In what month are cucumbers planted

There are certain factors on which the planting time directly depends:

  • climatic And geographical conditions: northern regions - dates are shifted to a later time, southern regions, on the contrary.
  • Cucumber variety. If the weather conditions are unfavorable, then it is better to choose hybrids that are resistant to temperature extremes, since now there is a large selection of cold-resistant and shade-tolerant varieties on the seed market.
  • Moon phases. Many gardeners try to comply with the dates indicated in the lunar sowing calendar, sowing seeds on a growing moon, and replanting on a waning one.

To summarize - depending on the climatic conditions and the method of growing cucumbers, the time frame for sowing seeds can stretch from the end of January to the end of May.

Planting cucumbers in July

Some gardeners prefer to plant early varieties of cucumbers with a short growing season in heated greenhouses:

  1. It turns out that the first crop of cucumbers ripens by the end of May, the beginning of June.
  2. Early ripe cucumbers bear fruit on average a little more than a month, and by the beginning of July, it will be possible to remove the old lashes, prepare the soil and plant a new batch of young seedlings in the greenhouse.
  3. If you plant cucumbers in July, then until the frost you will have fresh, healthy, fragrant fruits on your table. The same planting scheme is used by farms that grow cucumbers for commercial purposes.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for over 30 years

When growing cucumbers in open ground, it is not recommended to plant a plant in July, it simply does not have time to go through the entire growing season, and at the stage of abundant fruit formation, frosts can completely destroy the crop.

Planting cucumbers in January

Usually in January, seeds are sown by those gardeners who have a winter greenhouse in their arsenal. This planting allows you to get a crop of cucumbers in early April. But it should be borne in mind that for a good result, for seedlings of cucumbers, you need to provide good lighting and temperature conditions.

In addition, seeds are planted this month, if you plan to grow cucumbers on the windowsill, it is advisable to choose bushy, shade-tolerant hybrids with moderate climbing.

Planting cucumbers in spring

Spring planting of cucumbers is considered the most optimal. Let's analyze the detailed technology of how to grow strong seedlings:

  • Soaking planting material. Seeds are wrapped in gauze and dipped in water at room temperature. It is important that the water only wets the seeds, and does not completely cover them.
  • Seed hardening. To do this, place the planting material in the refrigerator for 2 days, directly in a damp cloth. It is worth constantly monitoring the seeds - they should not germinate in the refrigerator.
  • Sowing. It is better to plant the seeds in separate peat or disposable cups, so you skip the picking stage, which will favorably affect the growth of the plant. The soil for sowing seeds must be nutritious and balanced. Once the seeds are placed in the soil, all that remains is to provide watering.

Until the seeds germinate, they will need the following care:

  • install cups with planting material in a special tray;
  • put the tray with cups in a warm place with an air temperature of +25 degrees and cover with a film or glass on top;
  • as soon as the first sprouts appear, the covering material is removed and the seedlings are transferred to a light windowsill. The temperature is lowered to +18;
  • watering is carried out once a week.

After 3-4 weeks, the seedlings will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

Favorable days for planting cucumbers

As a rule, every gardener knows well when seeds are planted for seedlings in his region. But do not ignore folk signs in the implementation of this process. Auspicious days for cucumbers are:

  • In the south of Russia, the sowing of seeds begins at the end of March, and already in May the plants are transferred to the ground.
  • Moscow and the region - they start planting seedlings from May (in greenhouses) until June (in open ground).
  • In the Urals, seedlings are transplanted into unprotected soil no earlier than June 10, respectively, seeds for seedlings are sown in the middle or end of May.
  • Leningrad region - cucumbers can be planted under the film after May 20, and in open ground on June 10, but under adverse weather conditions, these dates are postponed by about 7 days.

Many summer residents, when sowing seeds and planting seedlings, are guided by the lunar calendar. The moon plays a huge role in our lives and this should not be ignored when working on a personal plot, for example, our grandmothers did not touch the earth if:

  • the period of the new moon or full moon has come;
  • the transition of the moon from one zodiac sign to another;
  • moon in Leo or Aquarius;
  • eclipse in the sky.

But there are other signs regarding planting cucumbers:

  1. May 27, good, clear weather - the summer is expected to be warm and rich in cucumber harvest.
  2. On this day, cloudy weather - rainy summer.
  3. On June 1, rain, then the whole month will be drought, this is important when growing cucumbers.
  4. June 2 is an ideal day for planting cucumbers in the northern regions.
  5. According to the national calendar, the last date for sowing cucumbers is June 5th.

These signs can be taken into account or not, everyone decides for himself, but our ancestors have been collecting this information for centuries, today it is folk wisdom.


You can also watch a video where a gardener with great experience will tell you how to determine the timing of sowing cucumber seeds.

To determine favorable days for planting cucumbers, you need to look at the weather forecast for spring in advance, whether frosts are expected or not, use the advice of experienced gardeners. If everything is done correctly and the cucumbers are planted with love, then the harvest can be excellent - this is not a sign, but a personal observation.