Obama is gone, which means he is not the Antichrist. Signs Over Obama

Barack Obama will go down in history not only as America's first black president. But also as a dictator, a satanist and a libertine. Don't believe? So you are not yet familiar with the many conspiracy theories surrounding the reign of the 44th President of the United States. Get to know! This is at least interesting. Well, what here seems to be true is up to you.

Obama Worships Satan

Obama's speech, delivered on Election Night 2008, has received over 5 million views on YouTube, more than any other speech by any American politician, it seems. And all because attentive people noticed: when Obama uttered with feeling the slogan of his company “Yes, we can!” (in English "Yes we can"), it was just an imitation. In fact, he was saying, “Thank you, Satan!” (“Thank you Satan”). And although these phrases in English are somewhat consonant, no one caught this consonance, except for one meticulous Internet user, who had to scroll the recording backwards to do this. Apparently, cut off 5 million who listened to Obama's speech on his advice, someone also heard something similar - at least there is no other way to explain why this theory has not been forgotten in 8 years.

Obama was about to cancel the election

As prominent Republican politician Ben Carson stated, as early as 2016, Obama was seriously considering the scenario of abolishing the presidential election, himself as a dictator for life and announcements. But not directly, but through cunning manipulations. As Carson said, Obama's activities "could have led to civil unrest, which in turn would have led to the cancellation of elections, the imposition of martial law and the deprivation of Americans of most, if not all, constitutional rights." True, it should be mentioned here that Carson is not just a politician, but also a former Republican presidential candidate, so during the election campaign his speeches have little weight.

Obama's wife is a man

Yes, yes, Barack Obama, who for so long and convincingly pretended to be an exemplary family man, is in fact a secret pervert! And his wife is a man! The American comedian and stand-up comedian Jan Rivers was the first to joke on this subject three or four years ago. And two years ago, Rivers died suddenly - thereby adding fuel to the fire. Now, it seems, all US conspiracy theorists are sure that Michelle Obama is a man, and Rivers was killed on Obama's orders so that no one would solve his secrets. Proponents of this theory look through the photographs by the thousands, looking for those in which Michelle allegedly shows traitorous sexual characteristics - and send them over the network. Here, look at these finds a little higher. And how, convincingly?

Obama threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton

Incidentally, Obama had no right to be president at all! Because, as everyone knows, only a Native American can apply for this post, and Barack Obama was born in Kenya and secretly forged his documents. However, more on that ahead. In the meantime, we are talking about the bloodthirstiness of the outgoing president. So, as it turns out, Bill and Hillary Clinton were the first to know that Obama was not American by birth. But Obama found out that they were going to release this information - and through his agents he threatened the Clintons that he would kill their daughter Chelsea if they revealed his secret. Judging by the fact that Chelsea is alive, the Clintons were silent as fish. Despite the lack of evidence, this theory still enjoys some popularity - however, only in the circles of Internet politicians.

It is believed that the Antichrist has already come. Signs of the Antichrist in the face of Barack Hussein Obama:

4. Obama was conceived two months before the wedding.
He was born on August 4, 1961. His parents signed on February 2, 1961. I mean, he's a bastard conceived in sin.

5. Obama's wife, Michelle Obama is Jewish.
Michelle Obama's cousin is a rabbi in Chicago
Rabbi Capers Funnye is one of the most famous black rabbis on the south side of Chicago. His mother and father Michelle Obama are siblings.
Caper Fanny

6. Obama came to the inauguration in a car

7. At the inauguration, Obama was the only one wearing black gloves. It is said about the Antichrist that he will be married to the kingdom in gloves to hide his claws.

8. Obama is a member of the Masonic Council for international relations(one of the most important divisions of the World Government) and the secret society "Press Society" (Harvard. An analogue of Yale "Skull and Bones")

9. "The man of destruction will not be revealed until the one who now holds back is taken away" or in other words - katechon.
We remember the departure of the Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II. Who else if not he was holding back? Obama's inauguration took place during a brief period when Russia was left without a Patriarch.

10. Obama fully supports abortion and gay marriage.
According to some reports, he is familiar with drugs and Sodomy sin.
Larry Sinclair claims Obama is a drug addict and pederast

11. "The beast that was and is not, is the eighth..." (Rev. 17:8, 11)

12. Jewish theologians believe that Moshiach (antichrist) has already appeared.
Decree signed in the synagogue of Rabbi Yosef Karo (compiler of the Shulchan Aruch) in 2009

13. On the day of the inauguration, a lot of people watched a UFO over the Washington Memorial, where the ceremony was held. This was recorded by video cameras:
And the broadcast itself was accompanied by a technical glitch in the sound, reminiscent of howling demons.

15. The day after his election, November 5, the Illinois state lottery, where Obama was a senator, announced the winning number 6-6-6.

16. The name Barack Hussein Obama has 18 letters. It's 6+6+6

17. In Chicago, where O. lived, there is a zip code of 60606.

18. If you listen to the song "Yes We Can" in reverse, you will hear Thank You Satan. This is the anthem.

19. The real name of O. Sasha's daughter is Natasha. On the contrary it is Ah Satan

20. Apocalypse from Elijah (http://www.biblicalstudies.ru/Lib/OTApok/AIlii.html) where it is said that one of the signs of the Antichrist will be a white gray spot on his head.
And here, on the official website of Obama in Russia, a gray spot is clearly visible in the third photo from above! http://www.barackobama.ru/foto/

21. The Bible says that the end of the world will be preceded by "abomination and desolation". Abomination (disgust) sounds like the Obama nation.

22. Vanga predicted that a "black man" would come.

23. Obama is the 44th President. 4 - in Chinese culture - an unfortunate number, consonant with the word "death".
The 44th President of the United States is the last one to be predicted.
According to the curses and prophecies of the American Indians of the 19th century, the last president of the United States will be the 44th in a row.

24. The name of Obama's wife, Michelle is spelled in English as Miss Hell Miss Hell(e)

25. The Bible says that the Antichrist will come as a man of peace. O. was born in the Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean (pacific translates as "quiet", "peaceful").

26. On the site http://www.barackobama.ru/
in his biography, Barack Obama says that if he had not become president, he would have become an architect (of the universe?!)
Barack Obama is also the author of two books: in 1995, he published his memoir Dreams from My Father (Satan?!)

27. Blessing Obama at the inauguration of the female priest and bugger priest God rejected COMPLETELY.

Americans are being prepared for the coming of the Antichrist.
Weekly World News published an article by Vincenzo Sardi, who goes to great lengths to convince his readers that there is nothing to fear from the Antichrist, since under him the standard of living of Americans will rise significantly. In doing so, he refers to Atlanta biblical scholar Jon Hornsworth, who asserts that "the Antichrist will be such a politician who will unite mankind and put an end to all international conflicts."

“I think it will be a figure of Julius Caesar,” says Hornsworth, “a strong but just leader who will bring peace and stability to most of the globe. to create new jobs and improve the standard of living of Americans."

Hornsworth pays special attention to the "sign of the Beast" - the seal, without which, according to the Revelation of John the Theologian, in the last times no one will be able to buy or sell anything. Hornsworth believes that we are talking about implantable microcircuits, which, in his opinion, will make life much easier for people. “With these chips, you can withdraw money from a bank account, make purchases in stores and carry out other financial transactions without using cash,” he says. “Imagine how convenient it will be. The chips will also serve as an ideal identity and no one will ever again be able to impersonate another person.This technology will also be used at checkpoints, which will help finally defeat world terrorism."

Basically everything Hornsworth says is true. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said: "My kingdom is not of this world." And the kingdom of Antichrist, as His complete antipode in everything, will be precisely from this world. It is precisely for this that global armed conflicts are being ignited now, so that the Antichrist can stop them. That is why they are destroyed. national economies so that the Antichrist can save mankind from poverty and hunger. It is precisely for this that terrible diseases are bred in military laboratories so that the Antichrist can cure them. And this is completely understandable. Because how else will people accept "the man of sin and the son of perdition" and worship him, if they are not first brought to absolute despair?

So Hornsworth is right in his predictions. That's just an assessment of future events, he gives, to put it mildly, strange. Because, as it is said, "...what good is it for a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?" (Mark 8:36).

And one more important point, which Hornsworth is silent about. All the benefits that, as he quite rightly believes, the Antichrist will give to mankind, exhausted beyond measure by the time of his arrival, exactly correspond to what the Jews expect from their Moshiach, who should establish peace and prosperity on earth for all mankind. . Except, of course, for those who do not want to buy worldly goods at the cost of renouncing Christ.

ANTICHRIST, a spirit who thought to stand up against his Creator and was cast out of heaven for this. Just as a slave, embittered and mad in pride, rises up against his master, so the devil, embodied in Antichrist, has become against all the Laws of God. He, according to the providence of God, was given a temporary opportunity to prove to God that he was allegedly right.

In the spiritual concept, the Antichrist, as Satan incarnate, is absolute evil. In the real, it is special person. St. John of Damascus (7th century) points out: “It is not the devil himself who will become the Antichrist, but a man will be born from fornication and will take upon himself all the actions of Satan. For God, foreseeing the future corruption of his will, will allow the devil to dwell in him. Having been born of a harlot, he will be brought up in secret, unexpectedly for everyone, he will appear and reign” (Book 4, ch. 27).

The appearance of the Antichrist is connected with Judaism. As the Gospel says, the Jews will accept the Antichrist with great joy, they will believe in him as in the Messiah promised by the Prophets. That is why Christ, the Messiah rejected by the Jews, said: “I have come in the name of my Father, and you do not accept me; but if another comes in his name, you will receive him” (John 5:43).

By origin, the Antichrist will be an uncircumcised Jew, first he will appear to the Jews, and then he will attract other nations. According to the writing of St. Andrew of Caesarea, the Antichrist will be born from the Jewish tribe of Dan, which is therefore not numbered among the other twelve tribes.

Ap. Paul points out: when the Restrainer is taken from the midst, “then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the manifestation of His coming, the one whose coming, according to the working of Satan, will be with all power, and signs and lying wonders, and with every unrighteous deceiving those who are perishing because they did not receive the love of the truth for their salvation. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe a lie, so that they may all be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess. 2:8-12).

According to St. Hippolytus of Rome, who lived in the I-II centuries, “the Antichrist will at first be meek, quiet, amiable, poor-loving, people will see in him, in his deeds a lot of virtue and will put him king over themselves, They will argue: “Where can we find among us a more good and righteous person? The Jews will think that their kingdom is being restored. After that, the Antichrist will reveal his true face (“he will be exalted in heart”) and will become openly cruel, unmerciful and godless. Antichrist will become a king, will demand worship from all (the world king) and will mark with his seal those who submit, and he will torture and kill the disobedient.”

Antichrist will be a stubborn opponent of Christ. St. John Chrysostom notes: “When he comes, (then) he will not command anything correct, but everything is lawful - criminal and lawless” (Word 4).

The Antichrist will accept everything Jewish. Himself uncircumcised, he will command everyone to be circumcised and keep the Sabbath.
O. Platonov

Question history:
Antichrist - the concept of Antichrist arose in the early days of Christianity, as the concept of a person sent by the devil, who should appear shortly before the second coming of Christ to earth and concentrate all the evil that exists on earth to fight against the Christian Church. In the end, this messenger of Satan will be defeated by the newly appeared Christ on earth. The idea of ​​the Antichrist arose not on Jewish, but on Christian soil, but its prototypes were also in the Old Testament church, for example, in the person of the impious Antiochus Epiphanes, king of the fourth Syrian-Macedonian dynasty, who sought to persuade the Jews to paganism and set up the "abomination of desolation" (Dan. IX:27; XI:31; compare Matt. XXIV:15).

The prediction about him is seen in the prophecy about Gog and Magog (Ezek., XXXVIII, 2; XXXIX, 1; cf. "The Revelation of John" XX, 8). According to the teachings of the Apostle Paul, this will be a man of sin, but will pretend to be Christ, for God himself (2 Thess. II, 3 et seq.). As a result of the bloody persecution of Christians in Rome during the reign of Nero, Christians got used to looking at the Roman Empire, in which even the Jews saw the fourth world kingdom, about which Daniel spoke, as the concentration of all forces hostile to Christ, and in Nero they saw the personification of the Antichrist.

A legend preserved until the 5th century tells that Nero did not die and will again come to fight against the kingdom of the Messiah. Starting from the 13th century, it was customary to see the Antichrist in the person of the pope and the Roman hierarchy in the parties and sects that had broken away from the pope. This is already noticeable during the time of the Hohenstaufen, Louis of Bavaria, Ockham, Wyclef, the Czech reformer Janov and others. The view of the pope as the Antichrist was symbolically transferred to the teachings of the Lutherans. Since the 15th century, the Greco-Eastern Church has considered the Saracen-Turkish domination of Mohammed as the Antichrist, and in 1213 even Pope Innocent III. The advent of the Antichrist was expected in 1000, at the beginning of the Crusades, with the appearance of the plague or black death, famine and other disasters in the XIV century.

The Antichrist was then seen in Napoleon I in 1805, and in 1848 and 1849 he was seen in the personalities of the then revolutionary leaders. Finally, the animal number 666 was timed to coincide with Napoleon III. Even Roger Bacon (who died in 1294), recently Bengel and Genstenberg, who found the number 1836, were erased, like modern Irvingians, to calculate on the basis of the Apocalypse the exact time of the coming of the Atichrist.

Among the Jews of later times, there is also an idea of ​​the Antichrist, designated under the name of Armillius (that is, the destroyer of peoples), as a monstrous giant, red, bald, 12 feet. height and 12 feet. thickness.
Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary. St. Petersburg, 1880

AT different time Nero, Ivan the Terrible, Rasputin, Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Gorbachev were proclaimed the Antichrist… The latest candidate for this role is Barack Obama. There are many interesting articles on the subject on the Internet. I offer you a brief translation of the signs of the Antichrist in the personality of Barack Obama. The information is collected mainly from English-language sources.

1. He is the 1st black president of the USA.

2. He literally took off from the bottom to the post of leader of the most powerful country - the United States.

3. Obama's limousine has the nickname "The Beast" (The Beast) - like the Beast of the biblical book of the Apocalypse of John the Divine. In March 2013, while Barack Obama was visiting Israel, his Beast limousine broke down in the middle of the road.

4. The day after Obama was elected president, November 5, 2008, the Illinois state lottery, where Obama was a senator, announced the winning numbers 6-6-6 and 7-7-7-9. 666 - the number of the Beast and 777 - the number of divine judgment (7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls of the biblical book of Revelations) and 9 - completion.

5. November 11, 2008 (11-11) The US Secret Service assigned Obama the call sign "RENEGADE" (RENEGADE, i.e. apostate, revolutionary - see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

6. In the Gospel of Luke, Christ says "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18). "Barak O Bama" is translated from Hebrew as "Lightning from the Heights."

7. The promoted slogan "Obama Nation" sounds like the word "Abomination" (Abomination / Disgust in the Bible).

8. He is loved by flies - in several public appearances, flies landed on him, he nailed one right during an interview. Many consider this a sign pointing to Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Beelzebub or Beelzebub (from Hebrew בעל זבוב‎ - Baal Zebub, “Lord of the Flies”) in Christian ideas is one of the evil spirits, the assistant of the devil (quite often identified with him along with Lucifer). Also the name of one of the personifications of the ancient West Semitic deity Baal.

9. Daniel 7:25 "He will set out to change times and laws." Obama on the US Constitution: “The original Constitution is an imperfect document that reflects a number of deep flaws in American culture, the colonial culture that was emerging at that time ... I think we can say that the Constitution reflects a huge blind spot in this culture and its creators were also subject to this blindness. .. It also reflects the fundamental flaws of this country that continue to this day.”

10. Daniel 8:25 "...proclaiming peace, he will destroy many." The Bible says that the Antichrist will come as a man of peace. On October 9, 2009, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, noting in his acceptance speech that: "the tools of war play a role in maintaining peace." He came as a "peacemaker", but unleashed many wars and upheavals, and also threw the world into chaos and poverty.

11. Two researchers of Gematria (Jewish numerology of the secret meaning of the Bible) in 2008 came to the conclusion that the full name of Barack Hussein Obama in Hebrew corresponds to the Gematic number 501, which means "The evil of our days" (the evil of our days). They see Obama as a direct descendant of Ishmael, who is destined to curse the Jewish people and the world at the End Times.

12. There are many more proofs and similarities, including: the fact that Vanga predicted that a black man would come. At the inauguration ceremony, Obama was wearing black gloves (it is said about the Antichrist that he will be crowned with gloves to hide his claws). Obama did not kiss the Bible; at the moment of the oath, he stumbled.

When I was about to write an article about how many, even too many, consider Barack Obama to be the Antichrist, it turned out that such an article had already been written:

It remains to add a few points. Many people, not only in America but throughout the world, have dreams in which Obama shows them his true face. These are people of different races, different ages, people who are not interested in politics, but in all these dreams there is a message: Barack Obama is not who he claims to be, this is the Antirchist. Among these people are many priests.

It is known from the Bible that the Antichrist will be born from a harlot. The link to the evidence of this fact does not work in the article above, but the video below contains photos showing the prodigal lifestyle that his mother led. It is known that Obama's mother had several marriages, and Barack himself was born a few months before one of the marriages. It is likely that Obama was conceived in fornication, and it is not yet known who his true father is. His mother was Jewish.

Dreams From My Real Father: The Intimate Ann Dunham - Frank Marshall D

In this video (on English language) people share their dreams that Obama appeared to them in the form of a beast:

The Indian chief talks about his dream about Obama:

President Obama Morphing Into Beast Dreams & Confirmations

It is worth noting that after five years in office, Obama is going to visit Israel on March 20, 2013. According to the Jewish calendar, this will be Nisan 9, 5773. It was on this day that Jesus entered Jerusalem a week before his resurrection. By the way, March 20 is also World Frog Day this year. The Israeli Knesset commented on Obama's arrival that they are "craving for his arrival, craving to hear his voice."

Video of Obama's speech being played back, Obama is heard saying, "Serve satan."

Backwards Obama speech proves he is antichrist

And in this video, during a public speech, Barack Obama absolutely openly defiles biblical teachings, presenting them as false, which cannot be followed in government, and also explains why the Bible cannot be preached in schools, in other words, ridiculing the Holy Scriptures. It is worth noting that the lad Vyacheslav said that when the Anti-Christ reigns, he will say that everything that is written in the Bible is wrong. He will create laws that will make sin all-accessible and free. Barack Obama created laws allowing same-sex marriages. Barak himself admitted that he had a same-sex relationship while taking cocaine.

The Book of Revelation speaks of several beasts. Practitioners of Falun Dafa, a spiritual practice based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which has been brutally persecuted in China for almost 14 years, see that one of the manifestations of the evil dragon is former Communist Party leader Jiang Zeming, who set up Gestapo-style office 610 for brutal persecution of Falun Gong followers.

You can read more about this here:

Revelations from the Bible Book of Revelation

Prophecies - Finding Answers

It is known that forced chipping came from America. Whether Barack Obama is the Antichrist, I personally cannot answer. But I know what god's people stand on the side of God, do not accept any seals, antichrist documents, and do not depart from their faith, regardless of what circumstances are happening outside.

The lad Vyacheslav said that the Antichrist would declare himself God. There will be such hypnosis that people will see this leader as their god: Muslims will see Allah, Buddhists will see Buddha, Christians will see Christ, and so on.

Our time is perceived by many as the time of the arrival of the Antichrist. Naturally, many ask the question - who is the Antichrist? So far, everything indicates that the Antichrist is Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin is the Tsar opposing him, also foretold by prophecies.

Here I will try to list the bad omens associated with Barack Obama point by point. The Gospel of Luke says, "I saw Satan sleeping like lightning from heaven." So "lightning from the sky" in Hebrew can be translated as "barrack o bama." That is, Jesus may have said "I saw Satan as Barack Obama", and the rest remembered as "lightning from the sky."

1. He is left-handed. For some it means nothing. But I myself am left-handed and I know that this is an unkind sign.

2. Significant error in the text of the presidential oath, because of which the oath had to be repeated (nonsense!). He did not kiss the Bible, and at the moment of the oath he stumbled.

3. Obama's mother is a Jewess of easy virtue (harlot) from the tribe of Dan.

4. Obama was conceived two months before the wedding. I mean, he's a bastard conceived in sin.

5. Obama's wife, Michelle Obama, is Jewish. Michelle Obama's cousin is a rabbi in Chicago.

6. Obama came to the inauguration in a BEAST car.

7. At the inauguration, Obama was the only one wearing black gloves. It is said about the Antichrist that he will be married to the kingdom in gloves to hide his claws.

8. Obama is a member of the Masonic Council on Foreign Relations (one of the most important divisions of the World Government) and the secret society "The Society of the Press" (Harvard. An analogue of the Yale "Skull and Bones")

9. “The man of destruction will not be revealed until the one who now holds back is taken away,” or in other words, the katechon. We remember the departure of the Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II. Who else if not he was holding back? Obama's inauguration took place during a brief period when Russia was left without a Patriarch.

10. Obama fully supports abortion and gay marriage. According to some reports, he is familiar with drugs and Sodomy sin. Larry Sinclair claims that Obama is a drug addict and a homosexual.

12. Jewish theologians believe that Moshiach (antichrist) has already appeared.

13. On the day of the inauguration, a lot of people watched a UFO over the Washington Memorial, where the ceremony was held, This was recorded by video cameras. And the broadcast itself was accompanied by a technical glitch in the sound, reminiscent of howling demons.

15. The day after his election, November 5, the Illinois state lottery, where Obama was a senator, announced the winning number 6-6-6.

16. The name Barack Hussein Obama has 18 letters. It's 6+6+6

17. In Chicago, where O. lived, there is a zip code of 60606.

18. If you listen to the song "Yes We Can" in reverse, you will hear Thank You Satan. This is the Obama anthem.

19. The real name of Obama's daughter Sasha is Natasha. On the contrary it is Ah Satan

20. Apocalypse from Elijah where it is said that one of the signs of the Antichrist will be a white gray spot on his head. On the official website of Obama in Russia, a gray spot is clearly visible in the third photo from the top!

22. Vanga predicted that a "black man" would come.

23. Obama is the 44th President. 4 - in Chinese culture - an unfortunate number, consonant with the word "death". The 44th President of the United States is the last one to be predicted. According to the curses and prophecies of the American Indians of the 19th century, the last president of the United States will be the 44th in a row.

24. The name of Obama's wife, Michelle is spelled in English as Miss Hell Miss Hell(e)

25. The Bible says that the Antichrist will come as a man of peace. O. was born in the Pacific Ocean - Pacific Ocean.

26. In his autobiography, Barack Obama says that if he had not become president, he would have become an architect (of the universe?!). Barack Obama is also the author of two books: in 1995, he published his memoir Dreams from My Father (Satan?!)

27. Blessing Obama at the inauguration of the female priest and bugger priest God rejected COMPLETELY.

28. The book describing Obama's plan "Change for america a progressive blueprint for the 44th president" has exactly 666 pages. Here is a link that confirms that there are exactly 666 pages of Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th President.

29. The Nobel Peace Prize went to US President Barack Obama. I will quote from the site of Peter Tsyukalo. Although he is a Protestant pastor living in the United States, he highlighted the trend correctly. Yes, and he cited good reasons from the visionary book of Vladimir Solovyov “A BRIEF TALE OF THE ANTICHRIST”.

“In March 2007, while preaching to an audience of the pope and leaders of the Roman Curia, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi of Bologna said that the coming Antichrist would be a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist. In his sermon, Biffy relied on famous work Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov "A short story about the Antichrist. For me, these remarks are enough to consider handing over to Obama Nobel Prize Peace is a sign of the Antichrist."

30. Phone B.O. which is listed on his personal facebook page contains the sequence of numbers "666". He had this number when he was a senator.

P.S. And I remembered how cleverly Obama caught a fly during an interview. It's suspicious dexterity. Especially for such a suffocation ...

However, if Barack Obama is the Antichrist, then according to the prophecies in Russia at that time there should be a Tsar whom the Antichrist himself will fear, and it turns out that this Tsar is Putin.

Here are some prophecies about the Antichrist and the Orthodox Tsar:

“You ask me about the near future and about the coming end times. I do not speak about this from myself, but what was revealed to me by the elders. The coming of the Antichrist is approaching and is already very close. The time that separates us from its coming can be measured in years, at most in decades. But before his arrival, Russia must be reborn, albeit for a short time. And the king there will be chosen by the Lord Himself. And he will be a man of ardent faith, deep mind and iron will.

“Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will make up a mighty kingdom.
The Tsar Orthodox God's Anointed One will feed him. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia.”

“Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. And all the others
countries, except for Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of Antichrist and
will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures. Russia, repent
glorify, rejoicing, God and sing to Him “Hallelujah!”