Should a guy run after a girl. Is it worth chasing a girl? You offer your heart to someone who doesn't deserve it

A pretty girl herself runs after a man and in every possible way seeks his attention? Agree, not the most standard situation. We are used to a young man initiating a relationship and making his way to a girl's heart through icy indifference.

However, not everyone likes this alignment: you run after her, remind you of yourself, invite you on dates ... And what is the result? Constant rejection and disappointment.

No wonder so many men keep asking the same question: how do you get a girl to chase after you? Not every man and not every woman will succeed, but it's still worth a try. Do you agree?

Before talking about specific approaches, let's look at what qualities and features attract girls.

  1. Do not show excessive interest in a relationship with a girl. Remember how Pushkin noted that a woman can be liked through indifference? Having become accustomed to male attention, the girl will subconsciously begin to seek that “insensitive chump” over there. However, one should not demonstrate only indifference, because without affection and love, relationships will come to naught. Such half-heartedness only fuels the attraction of a woman. That is, the guy needs to be open to feelings, but show his detachment.
  2. Find an interesting or unusual hobby. Women like those representatives of the stronger sex who have a real male hobby. It is important to show that you are a goal-oriented person. These hobbies can be:
    • hunting or fishing is really a male occupation, but it is more suitable for older men;
    • skiing - in addition to the fact that it forms a good figure, you can meet many attractive and active girls on the ski slopes;
    • photography - practice, master the settings, angles, programs like photoshop, and your photos on social networks will encourage girls to contact you;
  3. Don't be jealous. Jealous - show your own vulnerability and affection. That is, the girl feels her superiority over you. It's no secret that one of the manipulative ways that girls often use is to cause jealousy. For example, a woman says that other men are interested in her, or specifically puts on mini-skirts and dresses with a deep neckline. Even if you don't like it, don't comment, just point out that she looks great.
  4. Do not call or write without a special reason. Contact the girl only on business. Having created the image of a busy person, you need to support him in every possible way. When you call, do not ask standard questions, immediately after a short "hello" get down to business. Also, if you're wondering how to make a proud girl suffer, try not contacting her for a few days.

The tips are quite simple, however, there are certain features in their implementation in practice. You can’t drastically change your behavior - yesterday’s romantic suddenly becomes a burnt cynic. Probably, unfamiliar young ladies will not notice a dirty trick, but the girl you like may well “cut through the chip”. Change gradually and without much fanaticism!

If every now and then the question arises in your head, how to force your ex girlfriend run after you, listen to the recommendations of psychologists. And they do not advise showing the proud woman that you are ready to move mountains for her. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates a good attitude.

Most girls don't need a slave. We have already said that an equal partner is selected in beautiful heads, and even better - to find that very “real” man who will dominate, confidently lead, thereby forcing himself to be respected.

Create an illusion (if this has not yet been observed in reality) of your popularity with the opposite sex - for example, it can be a large number of pretty girls on a page in social network. Here the human subconscious works: since it is popular, it means that it has many positive qualities. Your task is to arouse her interest.

In addition, psychologists warn that it is impossible to find a relationship in which both partners are on an equal footing. One dominates and the other usually lets you dominate. If you are chasing a woman, she is in charge, and vice versa. It is extremely difficult to change such “roles”, the only way is to destroy the relationship and glue them together again, but on your terms.

Still thinking about how to make a girl run after you after a breakup? Become the boss in your relationship by changing the rules of the game. The new principles are as follows:

  • do not be jealous and do not be interested in the past of the girl;
  • find yourself some occupation that is not related to the young lady;
  • do not write or call her just like that;
  • engage in self-development.

Of course, it all depends on the situation, the personality of the girl and your personality. I want women to run after you, go ahead! But if you are a supporter of the traditional development of relationships, let the lovely young ladies feel their own exclusivity. However, this does not mean that you do not need to constantly work on yourself. Girls love versatile guys.

In this article we will consider the situation when a woman runs after a man. We will also try to convince women that this is not necessary.

Unfortunately, the form of unrequited love is much more common than mutual. Many women are ready to literally do anything for the man of their dreams to reciprocate. Unrequitedly in love with the fair sex, they are easily manipulated and persuaded, while often becoming victims of marriage swindlers and gigolos, because they believe that they can win a man with exemplary behavior, gifts, financial security and other benefits.

Today we will analyze: is it worth running after the object of sympathy, in what cases is it worth fighting for love, and are there any chances to build a relationship if the partner does not have feelings for you.

Is it worth chasing a man?

Many women are ready for any sacrifices and concessions for the sake of mutual feelings. Often, the fair sex is no longer guided by common sense, neglecting personal interests and principles. However, there are several arguments in favor of why you should not rush into all serious and run after a man. Among the main ones, psychologists distinguish the following:

  • Men love difficulties: to conquer the fair sex, conquer her and prove their devotion. It helps them to reveal their personal potential and increase their self-esteem.
  • Women who are ready to give in to their principles and interests will not be able to become support and support for a partner, because they cause mistrust, because one day they will be able to betray their lover just like personal priorities
  • The obsession of the fair sex kills any desire to take the initiative and offer help.
  • The lack of personal space and self-interest pushes the partner in search of new sensations, and often other lovers
  • The availability of a woman does not motivate her partner to develop and achieve spiritual and financial enrichment
  • A man's realization that the fair sex depends on him morally pushes him to various manipulations in relation to her.

It is also necessary to remember that relationships are the work of two partners. After all, no matter how hard a woman tries to keep her beloved, in the absence of common interests, a common outlook on life and similar values, the couple will not be able to find harmony in the future. Therefore, the fair sex should motivate men for all-round development, as well as build relationships on equal terms, not succumbing to emotions and personal insults.

What's wrong with a woman running after a man?

Many women prefer to seek reciprocity from men on their own. This fact is explained by several factors:

  • A similar pattern of relationships was traced in her close circle.
  • Lack of a positive image of a man in life
  • Uncertainty in one's own beauty and charm
  • Prolonged absence of any close contact with the opposite sex
  • Confidence that financial security is more important than mutual respect and moral support
  • Fear of loneliness and childlessness
  • Exaggerated ideas about men
  • Excessive demands on your partner
  • Lack of sexuality and femininity

In order to stop building relationships with a person who does not show reciprocity towards you, it is important to find the reason that pushes you to a similar form of love and psychological dependence on a partner.

The following methods are suitable for this:

  • Psychoanalysis
  • Professional psychological consultation
  • Dance lessons
  • meditation

Dancing and yoga, like any other type of physical activity, will help to reveal female potential: develop flexibility and plasticity, as well as teach you to control your passion, emotions and improve body skills that raise self-esteem and sexuality.

Well, now we list the consequences of a woman running after a man:

  • The representative of the stronger sex loses interest in the partner
  • There is no proper distribution of responsibilities in relationships
  • Gender role reversal contributes to the manifestation of such qualities and behavior in men that are characteristic of women.
  • Relationships lack understanding and respect for each other
  • A partner whose feelings do not have a mutual emotional response feels inferior and may become depressed or acquire a psychological disorder.
  • A woman experiences her own inadequacy
  • The fair sex acquires complexes and self-doubt
  • At a time when a woman is trying to attract the attention of one man, she does not notice worthy partners next to her.

Why doesn't a real woman run after a man, and why don't men like to be chased?

Many ladies are surprised why some of the fair sex never try to please men, but they do not experience a shortage of fans, while others try in every possible way to attract attention, but for some reason they are bypassed.

In order to understand what is the difference between such opposite behaviors, it is necessary to note the general and various factors of behavior. Among the main ones are the following:

  • A confident woman doesn't need outside encouragement.
  • A strong lady has priorities, interests and work. Therefore, he always knows what to do with his free time without girlfriends and a man.
  • A real woman takes care of her external beauty, health and education. She regularly expands her knowledge in various subjects, looks after her figure and uses cosmetics.
  • A strong personality does not depend financially, morally or psychologically on his partner. She has a profession, skills and experience, so the material condition of her lover does not play a major role
  • A real woman knows how to build relationships. She accepts a man without trying to change him
  • A self-confident lady will not tolerate a gigolo, a gamer, a cheater, or another man who does not match her mental development. 'Cause she knows she deserves only the best
  • A real representative of the fair sex is not shy about her age, weight and shortcomings, but at the same time, she knows how to emphasize her advantages.

The psychology of women who are used to seeking the love of a man has several common characteristics:

  • Weak ladies are not very self-confident and do their best to hide their shortcomings, creating the image of an ideal hostess, employee and woman.
  • The fair sex did not have healthy full-fledged relationships
  • Women are accustomed to prove their devotion and loyalty by deeds. Therefore, they win the object of sympathy with the help of gifts, food and various surprises.
  • Weak ladies are envious, often gossips. They rarely manage to build relationships with strong personalities.
  • Insecure women have many complexes and doubt their attractiveness

In order to determine why men do not like it when a woman shows persistent signs of attention, it is important to consider the situation from the point of view of representatives of a strong part of humanity. Psychologists identify the following factors:

  • A man stops feeling like a "hunter"
  • Loss of motivation to win the object of sympathy
  • A man does not need to look for a way to get closer to his partner with the help of flowers and gifts, because he knows that she is ready for anything without them.
  • The representative of the stronger sex is given a greater choice of women, because using his own beauty and charm, he can conquer any woman without any effort.
  • A man does not need to spend time going through all the stages of a relationship, so sexual intercourse can happen at no cost.

Of course, there are a considerable number of representatives of the stronger sex who are obviously looking for weaker partners. This is due to a number of complexes and psychological problems that are typical for such men. However, such relationships cannot be called healthy and fulfilling, because most of the people who are in them are not happy.

Why after a breakup you don’t need to run after a man: psychology

Breaking up with a partner is not easy for most women. Especially if the relationship lasted long time. However, don't try to get your ex back. Psychologists also agree that experienced relationships should be forgotten without trying to renew them. The following arguments support this opinion:

  • There will be no more harmony and respect in relationships. Our consciousness is arranged in such a way that it constantly returns us to past memories and emotions, so it is physically impossible to forget insults and misunderstandings.
  • You must understand the reason for the breakup and analyze your behavior in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
  • Parting for women can be a new life stage. You need to take care of your appearance and inner beauty, as well as spend as little time as possible alone with thoughts about the former.
  • If your young man betrayed you once, then he will gladly disappoint you again.

  • You are not in love with your current partner, but with the image that you remember from the first stages of your relationship with him. However, people can change under the influence of many factors, so it is impossible to return the person you fell in love with.
  • Rekindling a relationship with an ex will not solve the problems that caused you to break contact with him earlier.
  • You may miss out on a real chance to build a personal life with another partner while you are carried away by the past.
  • If a man really needs you, he will take the initiative himself: he will meet, call, write a message, send a gift by delivery service, etc. Regardless of his financial situation and other factors

If you can't forget former partner, you should not give signs of attention first. Give the man a chance to rehabilitate himself and take the initiative on his own. It is this act that will help you realize the likelihood of further development of your story, and also show the true attitude towards you.

Never run after a man, let him run after you: tips for girls and women, fall in love with yourself for life and keep a guy, a man

Understanding human relationships and feelings is sometimes beyond the power of even highly qualified psychologists. After all, each person means by the phrase “ideal partner” a list of those qualities that may be unacceptable for others. However, in the case of unrequited love, you should not give up. You always need to fight for your right to happiness, while not succumbing to humiliation and psychological pressure from the object of sympathy or society.

The best way to get a guy's attention is to get him back to showing an interest in your personality. And to achieve this goal, you must be guided by the following tips:

  • Get interesting. Try to figure out what your object of sympathy is into. After all, common interests will help start a conversation, and will also interest both in long-term communication.
  • Do not put pressure on a man and show your interest in every possible way. Let him take the first step
  • Try to appear in the same places where your chosen one is most often. However, remember, you must remain steadfast in any situation. Therefore, if he regularly visits a bar, remain a lady even in such an institution.
  • Respond to messages in a neutral way, and do not make long pauses in your responses. He must see that you value his attention and are interested in communication.

  • Agree to go on a date. No need to reject his proposals, because the man will think that you just do not feel sympathy for him
  • Awaken passion in him. Send a photo or message that is provocative, but don't overdo it. Not many members of the stronger sex like vulgar women, but piquancy and eroticism will not leave anyone indifferent
  • Be independent. Do not ask men for money and help. He must see that there is no infantilism in you, and you are a holistic, formed personality.
  • Let the man control the situation. He can make his own decisions and take actions. Support his initiative and do not criticize
  • Accept your object of sympathy, his family, profession and hobbies without reproaches and moralizing. Nobody is perfect, but a man should feel calm and confident that he is loved. It is this factor that motivates the representatives of the stronger sex to take care of women and give feelings and emotions with additional impact.

How to stop running after a guy, a man, but get him interested: tips from the book by Rashid Kirranov

Rashid Kirranov is a renowned relationship psychologist. His book "The Psychology of Men" reveals the secrets that will help women not only better understand the opposite sex, but also build harmonious long-term relationships. Some of the fundamental foundations of his book are:

  • Men are not 24/7 earners. In moments of despair, they also deserve attention, care and affection, like the fair sex.
  • In order to build strong relationships, it is necessary to discuss conflicts, disputes and claims.
  • Do not give gifts and support financially
  • There is no need to be afraid to take the first step, but it is important to keep your distance and not impose your feelings
  • Don't let a man live in your territory

  • A woman needs to be sincere and clearly articulate her wants and needs.
  • Do not agree to close contact if you are not familiar enough, and also if the partner does not show respect for you
  • Stand up for your point of view and don't let yourself be manipulated

Unrequited feelings sometimes lead to mutual sympathy, love and marriage. However, do not forget about the purpose of a woman and her own priorities. After spending years trying to win the object of sympathy, the realization may suddenly come that the ideal man is very close, who does not need exploits and sacrifices for the sake of love.

Video: How to stop being afraid to be alone and not run after men?

Modern upbringing from childhood hammers false programs into the head of boys.

One of these programs can be called unfounded statements that you need to “run after the girl you like”. Since childhood, boys have been told that girls need to be pursued, they need to be looked after and give flowers. But how are things really?

position of the weak.
Unfortunately, even our grandparents have already forgotten about the correct behavior with girls. Modern propaganda, which is clearly not conducted to strengthen the institution of the family, destroys intersexual relations. So, what does the average guy do when he gets rejected by a girl? Begins to "achieve" her. The girl doesn't really need it. But she is not against his "courtship", because it raises her self-esteem. A young man works two jobs, limits his interests, saves on everything that can be saved. And all in order to buy a gift for your beloved, take her to a restaurant or help her solve her financial issues. For such a man, this woman is a deity, while for her this "henpecked" is just a consumable.

No, not all women think so. Moreover, not everyone accepts courtship when a young man is not attractive to them. By and large, excluding some dishonorable girls, who in our society are no more than 10-15%, the man himself is to blame for such a situation. In relation to the girl, he takes the position of “weak”, the position of the needy. But women love independent men. Fans amuse the self-esteem of the fair sex, but the male attractiveness of trying to "achieve" the location of a woman is completely killed. The result is a situation that is very incomprehensible at first glance: the more a young man runs after his beloved, the farther she is from him. There is nothing incomprehensible here. When he "runs" after her, the girl ceases to see a man in this boyfriend.

The position of a strong man.
So, do you need to humiliate the beautiful half of humanity, wipe your feet on them and beat them regularly? Unfortunately, sometimes it really works. But such relationships usually do not end with something good. Usually, such relationships, where the girl is not put in anything, end in parting at the initiative of a woman whose rational component has finally prevailed over the instinctive one.

Less often - everything ends in court. And who behaves like this? Angry all over the world, alcoholics and losers take out their anger on a woman. The position of a strong man does involve caring and some courtship of a girl. But they should not develop into "running". If a man is pleasant to a woman, she will accept his courtship and reciprocate. Otherwise, you should not humiliate yourself, trying to "achieve" an impregnable girl. You need to remain independent and turn your attention to another woman. And there, you look, and this girl will change her mind.

We think that the following information will be extremely useful for you, because, what to hide, every man would like a crowd of girls to run after him. You will say that for this you need to have in the garage, and you will be right, but only in part - money can attract any girl, but not a good one. Actually, our strategy works on all friends at once. Try to check - and immediately you will be convinced of this.

Be a little harder than others

When you are a deeper, thinner and more complex guy than most, girls immediately start looking in your direction. Girlfriends do not like simpletons, or they pay attention to them at the last moment, although, perhaps, it is the simpletons who are the best husbands and fathers, but female nature does not understand this - she needs it to be “interesting”. So you have to be "interesting" for them, otherwise you will cause boredom, and instead of interested looks - a fit of yawning.

Be charming

Charm is one of the most effective tools in your arsenal, but you must use it skillfully. On the one hand, you can forever remain in the girl's head. On the other hand, if this quality is not developed in you, then you will leave behind only bad impressions. That's why .

Be physically irresistible

You must understand this, because you yourself choose a girl, as a rule, solely on physical parameters. So the girls also choose you according to the same physical parameters. If the face did not come out, then train the body - let your muscles be embossed, your stomach - with six pack abs, and not with fat folds. Don't forget about hygiene, especially oral hygiene. Wear clean clothes, define your style. These are common truths, you know.

No need to be available 24 hours a day

Make sure you can devote your time to this or that girl, but never follow the lead of a friend if she wants to spend all 24 hours a day with you - this is a trick. You will bore her quickly if you run to her every time, like a faithful puppy, when she asks. The simplest rule: do not cancel your business for the sake of meeting a girl if it is not very important.

Become a friend of your friends

Weird moment, right? But it works. If a girl sees that you are valued in one or another friendly company, then she immediately begins to sympathize with you, because she thinks that everything is fine with you, and you are not a psychopath. It would be nice to also make friends with her friends, but that's up to you.

Stimulate her...intellectually

Don't be afraid to show your smart side, but do it in a way that the girl doesn't think you're a know-it-all. You can, for example, show interest in an interesting problem that the girl also knows something about, to show her opinion and understanding of this problem.

Do not bomb from trifles

If you get irritated or upset too often, then, whatever the reason, you will be shunned by women. Girlfriends love steadfast guys who calmly endure the hardships of life. Only then will you earn their attention. So slow down with those kinds of emotions.

Don't bother her

Try not to bother her at all. There is no need for this absurd flurry of text messages that a maniac rewards his unfortunate victims with. No need to constantly dial her number, ask about her affairs, well-being. You don't have to be pushy.

Be emotionally available

Yes, it is difficult to balance between personal life and come to the aid of a girl every time there is a real need for this. In general, if a friend needs to talk to someone, cry to someone, ask someone for advice, then this “someone” should be you. This will let her know that you can show care when it makes sense.

No need for desperation

Again, girlfriends don't like guys who go crazy, get desperate because they can't get along. Defining such a man is very simple. He is too zealous, continues to write messages, even if no one answers him, or without an invitation comes to work with a girl to give a bouquet of flowers that no one needs - this is despair.

Earn Trust

If you are open with a girl, then she will be able to trust you with her feelings. And trust, in turn, paves the way for closer relationships. Here the logic is simple. You can sleep with girls without any trust, but if you want to be directly run after you, then you must be irreplaceable. If you are not trusted, then it is easy to replace you. If they trust, then it is ten times more difficult.


Everyone wants love - both girls and boys. Another thing is that not every young person is able to admit how he lacks a real feeling and simple human warmth. In addition to this, it is also generally accepted that it is the guy who should take the initiative in relationships and achieve. Are there any secrets to not chasing girls, and they would run after you?
One of the absolutely working methods in order to interest a girl is to surprise her. Show her how different you are from all the young people she knows. For example, if she asks you a question, answer it differently than she expects to hear. You can comment on what she says or does - this will surely not leave her indifferent and make her start to analyze why you are behaving this way. In this case, the girl will initiate communication.

Please note that there are two main reasons why girls enter into a relationship with a young man. Such an alliance can be based on courtship - then the girl seems to be inferior to the guy who has been her for some time. In simple terms, the girl seems to be running away from you, which naturally spurs you on and makes you pursue her. Another version of the relationship is one that is based on the girl's attraction to young man. In this case, she is already more interested in the young man and is forced, as it were, to pursue him.
Attraction is more likely to arise for a strong and brutal male than for a sweet and kind young man. Become the dominant partner, strong and confident, and then the girls will already compete with each other in order to attract your attention.

Never apologize if you said or did something she doesn't like. Most women consciously or unconsciously use a lot of manipulative techniques, and one of the most common is to make a man feel guilty. At the same time, the girl may not be offended at all, in fact, but only pretend to be such in order to observe how the guy will behave in this situation. If you do not respond to such provocations, then she will become more respectful of you, as a result of this, her attraction to you will only increase.

“Beware of those who make you feel guilty, for they crave power over you,” said one of the greats. A young man who wants to be attractive to girls must always remember her and not succumb to the manipulation of the fairer sex.

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When the relationship of two people becomes less passionate or reaches a dead end, guys begin to pay attention to other girls. To prevent this from happening, you can make your lover run after you again.

How to get a guy's attention back

If you want a young man, whose feelings have cooled down a bit, to start chasing after you again, first of all, you need to leave him alone. As strange as it sounds, it really works. Do not demand meetings from him, do not bother with messages and calls. Devote all your free time to self-improvement. Engage in improving your appearance, find yourself an interesting activity. With such actions, you can make it clear to your beloved what his life will be like if you are not around. Over time, he will understand how much you have done for him, will begin to miss you and will himself take the initiative to renew your former warm relationship.

Show your significant other that other members of the stronger sex also like you. Flirt with someone in the presence of a guy, make him jealous. He needs to see that men are paying attention to you. If your boyfriend is really afraid of losing you, he will definitely start chasing you again.

Perhaps, since the beginning of your relationship, you have started your appearance a little, for example, gained a couple of extra pounds or began to allow yourself complete absence make-up, being next to her young man. Fix this urgently. Go on a diet, start eating right, go in for sports, get carried away outdoor activities, surprise your boyfriend with beautiful make-up, a new hairstyle or outfits that emphasize the dignity of your body. He should look at you again with eyes full of admiration.

What else can you do to get a guy to start chasing you?

An effective way to return the guy's passion is to play "Further-Closer". It consists in the constant heating of emotions in a relationship. Today you must surround your beloved with attention, warmth and care, tell him how much you need him, and tomorrow cancel your meeting and stop answering his calls. The next day, behave again as if nothing terrible had happened. This behavior will create some intrigue between you and rekindle the interest of your soulmate.