George Michael's former partner Fadi Fawaz broke the silence.

For almost two months, investigators have been trying to find out the cause of George Michael's death and are not allowed to give his body to the ground. Meanwhile, the singer's relatives are preparing for the funeral and, in the light of new circumstances, they do not want to see Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz at the funeral.

Hunting for money

Those close to George Michael, who died suddenly on December 25, have always disliked his beloved Fadi Fawaz, believing that he was with the singer solely for the sake of fame and money. Now, when the multi-million dollar fortune of a musician who has no direct heirs is at stake, the celebrity's relatives, seeing a competitor in Fadi, are trying in every possible way to protect themselves from possible claims from his side.

Persona non grata

If the blood relatives of George Michael do not openly express their negative attitude towards the stylist, but simply boycott him, then Andros Georgiou (the childhood friend of the deceased star) will continue to give interviews. The other day, he said that the singer's relatives consider Fafaz to be a gigolo and are not going to invite him to Michael's funeral, especially after they learned that he did not immediately help George.

belated call

It was Fadi who found the lifeless musician, but earlier the police had no complaints against him. After the man's testimony, investigators called him innocent of George's death. Everything can change...

As the journalists found out, it follows from the materials of the case that the confused Fawaz did not immediately call the rescue service. For an hour, the man tried to bring his boyfriend to his senses on his own, and only realizing that he was powerless, he called the doctors. Speaking to the ambulance operator, the stylist said:

"Yes. I've been trying to revive him for the last hour. It's impossible. He's gone, he's blue, he's dead."

Former partner of George Michael Fadi Fawaz took to his Twitter page after a report was released on March 7 that the famous musician died of natural causes. Oxfordshire Senior Coroner Darren Salter has confirmed that George Michael, 53, who was found dead at his home in Oxfordshire on December 25, 2016, has died of heart and liver disease. This announcement put an end to persistent tabloid gossip that the singer may have died as a result of a drug overdose.

After the tragic death of singer Fadi Fawaz, who first met Michael in 2009 after the latter's split with American art dealer Kenny Goss, found himself in the crossfire of the press. Numerous tabloids tirelessly delved into the couple's private life in the hope of discovering at least something criminal.

In spite of complete absence any facts pointing to Fawaz's misbehavior, The Sun published an article in which he demanded that the 43-year-old hairdresser answer questions such as "Who exactly got the drugs?" and "Why do George's friends accuse you of sucking juices out of him like a leech?"

After the coroner's report was released on March 7, Fawaz posted on his Twitter page a short and concise response to all those who demanded an explanation about where he was and what he did on the night of Michael's death. F**K YOU.

Fawaz later posted a black-and-white photo of himself and Michael with the caption, "Now everyone knows the truth."

According to the coroner's report, George Michael died of dilated cardiomyopathy and myocardial inflammation, as well as fatty liver. The causes of death were found to be natural and no further investigation is required. (Dilated cardiomyopathy is a lesion of the heart muscle, characterized by a pronounced increase in the cavities of the heart and a decrease in the contractility of the ventricles. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, as a result of which its main functions are impaired: excitability, conductivity and contractility. Fatty infiltration of the liver is a disease in which the liver cells there is an accumulation of fat, which leads to an increase in liver failure.The causes of these diseases are very different - infections, alcohol abuse, congenital predisposition, etc.)

It is known that in recent years the musician had various health problems, and in 2011 he was hospitalized with pneumonia, which forced him to postpone a series of concerts.

George Michael (real name - Yorgos Kyriakos Panayiotu) was born in London on June 25, 1963 and began his musical career in the 1980s as part of the duo wham! Over the entire period of Michael's creative activity, about 100 million copies of his records have been sold. He has seven singles, which became the first in the UK and eight - led BillboardHot 100 in the USA. George Michael is one of the UK's most commercially successful pop musicians.

As you know, the body of George Michael, who died suddenly at the end of December, has not yet been interred: the police have not yet established the cause of death of the musician. In the meantime, the star's relatives are already planning a funeral, which is likely to be attended by more than one hundred people. But there is a person that Michael's family does not want to see there - his boyfriend, a stylist.

Recall that Michael met Fawaz for the last five years, and it was Fawaz who discovered the lifeless musician in his bed and called an ambulance. The police interrogated the stylist as part of the investigation, but did not admit any guilt to him. However, just the other day, a recording of Fadi's phone call to the rescue service on that Christmas morning on January 25 was leaked to the press. From the conversation it becomes clear that Fawaz spent an hour trying to bring his friend to his senses. And before that, I had been waiting for his awakening for 4 hours. After this sensational leak, journalists, fans, and relatives of the pop star began to speculate that 53-year-old George Michael could have been saved if his lover had acted more quickly. And why he did not raise a panic earlier is a big question.

But not only this revolts relatives and the late Michael. The other day, a childhood friend of the late singer, Andros Georgiou (the same one who previously suggested that the singer died from), told The Sun newspaper that all his relatives are extremely hostile to the satellite recent years George Michael. “They know who he really is: everyone thinks Fadi is a gigolo, a money hunter. Nobody is going to invite him to the funeral, because George was going to break up with him after Christmas, ”Georgiou told the publication. “Fadi, in general, has not been close to him lately. No one has spoken to him since what happened, and he doesn't seem to care at all. It makes me sick."

Most likely, the reason for the contention is the multi-million dollar fortune that the owner of two Grammy awards left behind. After all, George Michael has no direct heirs, and among the applicants are his godchildren, sisters Melanie and Yoda and ten-year-old daughter Jerry Halliwell Bluebell (George and the ex-soloist of the Spice Girls were close friends).