Registered in LCD. When and how should I register for pregnancy? General urine analysis

The period of bearing a child is not only a joyful and exciting time. This is also a period of great responsibility on the part of the expectant mother for the health of her offspring. Whether the baby is born strong depends largely on the woman, but there is usually no reason to worry: during the entire period of gestation, the mother is under medical supervision and can count on the help of professionals if she suddenly needs it. All the way last day pregnancy, the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the child is monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist. But for this, a woman needs to register for pregnancy.

How long does it take to register for pregnancy?

All obstetricians and gynecologists are advised to register for pregnancy as early as possible. There are 3 main reasons for this:

  1. The main organs and systems of the baby are formed in the first weeks of pregnancy. This period is very risky for the fetus, the expectant mother should not take any medicines, but the need for certain vitamin preparations increases sharply, which the doctor will certainly prescribe to her. That is why it is important to become under the supervision of a doctor and receive all the necessary recommendations from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  2. The immune system of a woman with the onset of pregnancy inevitably weakens, as a result of which chronic processes can worsen and acute diseases develop. Any ailments of the expectant mother carry a potential risk to the fetus;
  3. When registering before the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman officially working in Russia will receive an additional cash payment - a lump-sum allowance (in the amount of half of the officially established minimum salary). That is, in timely registration there is also a financial benefit, which is also important.

Usually, pregnant women are registered during the first visit to the gynecologist. This happens on average at 7-11 weeks of gestation, shortly after the woman finds out about her new position.

Early registration increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and successful delivery. But still, gynecologists do not recommend registering before 7-8 weeks: spontaneous miscarriages often occur at such short periods (natural selection is carried out - in the event of the development of some pathologies in the fetus). However, in most women, pregnancy is not confirmed earlier. And therefore, in practice, it is possible to register in this way - closer to 12 weeks.

Where to go and where to look for a doctor?

Where to register for pregnancy?

You have the right to choose the clinic and the doctor who will be observed during the entire period of pregnancy. This right is regulated by federal law. Russian Federation dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation".

Traditionally, a newly-made pregnant woman went to the district gynecologist: he examined her, opened her medical record and gave directions for tests and examinations. Today, this practice is still quite popular, but there are other possibilities.

You can register not only at the place of registration, but also at the place of actual residence: in this case, you will need to write an application addressed to the head physician of the hospital or the head of the clinic, indicating this address and the number of the compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition, the expectant mother herself chooses whether she wants to be observed in a free district / city clinic (antenatal clinic) or will go to a private gynecologist for a fee. You can also register at the medical center at the maternity hospital.

If you decide to register in a different clinic where you were previously observed, then you should take an extract from the gynecologist there (so as not to lose sight of important information). When choosing a commercial medical center, be sure to find out if they issue exchange cards and sick / maternity leave.

Do not rush to make a decision: think carefully. What matters is the experience and reputation of the doctor, the financial capabilities of your family, the proximity / remoteness of the clinic from your home and other important points. Ask your friends and acquaintances about good gynecologists, consult your husband, think it over carefully, collect the documents necessary for registration - and go to the doctor.

Registration for pregnancy: preparation

To register with a women's clinic (city clinic), you will need to present your personal passport and medical insurance policy number. A medical insurance policy is mandatory, because without it, a woman does not have the right to medical support, but can only count on emergency medical care.

Previously, it was also necessary to show a residence permit in the city in which the woman lives and wants to register. But in 2010, by the relevant order, this document was deleted from the list of mandatory for registration.

The gynecologist will certainly examine you on the chair, so immediately buy and take with you a gynecological examination kit and disposable medical gloves (if they are not included in the kit).

Take a notebook and a pen with you, and think about what you want to ask your doctor beforehand. Be sure to ask him and the midwife for a phone number and permission to call them in an emergency.

Be prepared to fill in the history of your illnesses and even the illnesses of your relatives. When registering, a medical exchange card is entered, where a number of different data will be entered: your weight, height, age, pressure, pulse, test results, features of the course of pregnancy at different times throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. With this card you will enter the maternity hospital.

The doctor will also ask for the following information to be entered in the medical record:

  • pregnancies in the past: were there, in what quantity, when, how long did they last, how did they proceed, how did they end, were there any complications during and after childbirth;
  • other children: is there, how many, who, with what weight were born, the characteristics of their health;
  • Your health: cases of rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes and other infectious viral diseases, including STDs, chronic diseases, gynecological problems, endocrine disorders, mental disorders, bad habits and impact on your body, etc.;
  • menstrual cycle: regularity, duration, accompanying symptoms, other features, whether you use any contraceptives;
  • husband: age, bad habits, blood type and Rh factor, heredity;
  • relatives: are there any genetic problems in the family, systemic disorders, do relatives suffer from certain diseases ( diabetes, tuberculosis, hypertension), whether there have been cases of cancer.

The gynecologist will certainly examine you on the chair, assess the condition of the vagina and its walls, the cervix, the width of the pelvis and immediately take the necessary smears for research. Also, during the examination, he will confirm the fact of your pregnancy and will even be able to presumably determine the duration of the pregnancy. You will receive more information based on the results of studies that all pregnant women undergo when registering. At the first consultation of a newly-made pregnant woman, they measure the pulse and pressure, listen to the heartbeat and the state of the lungs, examine the thyroid gland, evaluate the color of the eye sclera and skin, and the condition of the mammary glands.

Finally, the doctor will coordinate with the pregnant woman the schedule of visits and give her the necessary recommendations.

I'm pregnant - what's next?

So, the pregnancy was confirmed as a result of a gynecological examination - what's next?

First of all, you will have to pass a series of tests and undergo a series of studies:

  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • urine culture;
  • general blood test (from a finger);
  • biochemical blood test (from a vein);
  • blood type and Rh factor analysis;
  • blood test for RW;
  • blood test for HIV and syphilis;
  • blood test for antibodies to hepatitis B and C viruses;
  • blood sugar test;
  • blood clotting test (coagulogram);
  • smear from the vagina on the flora;
  • vaginal swab for TORCH infection;
  • examination by a therapist;
  • examination by an endocrinologist;
  • examination by an otolaryngologist;
  • consultation of an ophthalmologist;
  • dentist consultation;
  • ECG (electrocardiography);

Mandatory research in state institutions should be free of charge. Other tests may be needed on an individual basis.

7-12 days after registration, you must return to the doctor with all the results and conclusions of narrow specialists. If any medical correction is needed, the doctor will prescribe a consultation with specialists or prescribe drugs that are safe in this period. But some of them he will almost certainly recommend you take immediately during your first visit to him. This is mainly folic acid, an iodine preparation, possibly calcium and some kind of multivitamin.

You will need to come to the gynecologist for an examination and a survey with a regularity of 1 time per month, if the pregnancy proceeds normally, to the therapist and dentist - 1 time per trimester. After 36-37 weeks, the gynecologist will need to be shown every 7-10 days until you give birth.

As you can see, pregnancy monitoring is structured in such a way that the mother feels confident about the well-being of the unborn baby. If the slightest violations or deviations occur, the doctor will immediately notice this and correct it. The main thing is not to miss planned visits to him and take all the tests in a timely manner.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

When to register during pregnancywhere to apply for this and what documents to take with me? Let's talk about this, as well as about situations when it is necessary to register for pregnancy as early as possible, although this possibility exists for a woman throughout the pregnancy.

Why register for pregnancy?

The main reason for registering for pregnancy is, of course, concern for the health of the mother and child. As soon as a pregnant woman comes to the antenatal clinic for the first time, she is given an exchange card, in which the doctor writes down the anamnesis and fixes the current state of the pregnant woman, prescribes tests and examinations. From that moment on, doctors take care of the health of the future mother and baby.

Of course, if necessary, medical assistance to a pregnant woman will be provided even if she is not registered with the antenatal clinic, since doctors are obliged to provide emergency medical assistance, even if the patient does not have a compulsory medical insurance policy. But the reason for visiting the antenatal clinic is not only the desire to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnant women are entitled to privileges guaranteed by labor legislation. For a woman in position, if there are medical indications, the employer is obliged to provide easier working conditions, for example, to reduce output. It is also impossible to involve her in overtime work, send her on business trips, she is forbidden to work on weekends and holidays.

Important! Full guarantees for working pregnant women are listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in articles 93, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259, 260, 261.

Dismissal of a pregnant woman is allowed in limited cases. To obtain guaranteed working conditions, a pregnant woman must submit a certificate from the medical institution in which she is registered for pregnancy at the place of work.

When to register for pregnancy?

Thus, a woman, deciding when to register for pregnancy, evaluates a number of circumstances that have developed in her life. In the absence of serious diseases, good health and comfortable working conditions, it is quite possible to wait a little while going to the consultation.

Don't know your rights?

Doctors, for a number of reasons, advise women, in the absence of complaints, to contact a consultation for a period of 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. But in any case, according to doctors, it is best to register before 12 weeks of pregnancy, because it is from 11-12 weeks that important examinations are prescribed that will help the expectant mother be confident in the health of her baby.

However, the registration period is not limited by the minimum bar, so it is quite possible that a pregnant woman is registered at 5-6 weeks. It is worth thinking about going to a consultation earlier if a pregnant woman has health indications, complaints about her health or working conditions at the workplace pose a threat to the smooth course of pregnancy.

The maximum term is also not limited. Only working mothers need to be registered before the maternity leave, since it is the medical institution that issues the sick leave for its registration.

When deciding when to register for pregnancy, it is also worth considering that with early registration, a woman is entitled to a small lump sum payment, which is indexed every year. Also, according to the birth certificate, pregnant women are given free vitamins and preparations of iodine and calcium.

Where can I go to register for pregnancy?

Before registering for pregnancy, it is necessary to clarify the list of organizations in the locality that can conduct a woman's pregnancy. These may be:

  • women's consultations;
  • maternity hospital;
  • non-state medical institutions.

In antenatal clinics, observation will be free of charge, and it is not necessary to contact the medical organization to which the pregnant woman belongs by registration or place of stay. The legislation on health insurance does not restrict women in this choice, and it is possible to register even in another area, if necessary.

Download certificate form

Observation of a pregnant woman at a maternity hospital or in a private medical center is also possible, but in the latter case, observation will be paid. With the appropriate license (specializing in obstetrics and gynecology), a private institution can even issue an exchange card and issue a birth certificate.

Important! If a non-state medical institution does not have a license that allows registering a woman for pregnancy and issuing a birth certificate, it is necessary to simultaneously register in a antenatal clinic.

After you have chosen an institution suitable for pregnancy, you need to go there, having your passport, medical insurance policy, insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with you. A pregnant woman can choose the doctor she wants to see or go to a local doctor.

You have learned that you will become a mother. Rejoice with all your heart, because there is, perhaps, nothing more beautiful than this news in the world. But at the same time, try not to forget about many important issues, including financial, which are associated with the onset of this period. If you find yourself in an “interesting position”, you are eligible for several benefits in 2018. Further, each of them will be described in sufficient detail to remove most of the questions that inevitably arise in many ladies.

Benefit for registered in early pregnancy

It is worthwhile in a timely manner, without delay, to contact a medical institution - a consultation or medical Center licensed and authorized to conduct pregnancy for the purpose of registration, which will make you eligible for the very first of the benefits.

Help from the state can be obtained already at the earliest stage of pregnancy. By registering with the antenatal clinic during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you are entitled to receive lump sum. Its size in 2018 is 628 rubles. 47 kop.

More information about this type of payment can be found on the Early Benefits page.

In order to receive the allowance, the following conditions must be met:

For those who work, study full-time on a free or paid basis, or are in military service, the allowance is paid at the place of work, service and training.

For those who had to resign due to:

  • The onset of a disease that makes it difficult to work or makes it impossible to stay in a certain area (due to unsuitable climatic and other conditions, about which there is a document drawn up in full form in a medical institution);
  • The illness of a family member who needs care, or the presence of a disability of the 1st group (in both cases, a document issued by a medical institution is needed);
  • The need to move outside your locality to your place of residence or new job spouse.

Benefit payments are made By last place work if the onset of maternity leave refers to the period within a month after the dismissal.

For those who are fired for the following reasons:

  • There was a liquidation of the company or enterprise where the woman worked;
  • Suspension of work as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Suspension of the work of lawyers, private notaries and those who, by occupation, are obliged to undergo the state registration procedure.

Payment of benefits is carried out by district employment services at the place of residence if the woman received the official status of unemployed no later than one year after the onset of the above circumstances.

Documents for applying for benefits

It is necessary to collect the following documents for receiving benefits for those registered in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Passport or other proof of identity;
  • A certificate from the medical institution in which the woman was registered in the first 12 weeks;
  • Application for the need to assign benefits in the prescribed form;
  • Certificate from the employment service on obtaining the status of unemployed;
  • A certified extract from the work book;
  • Letter from the district office social protection at the place of residence of the pregnant woman with information that they did not pay benefits.


  • For payments made through the FSS, copies are required along with the originals. All necessary documents can be sent to the regional office of the FSS by mail.
  • To receive benefits at the place of work, it is required to provide a certificate from a medical institution on registration, as well as an application.
  • When leaving for the place of work or residence of the spouse, it is required to provide a certificate from his work and a marriage certificate.
  • When leaving the place of residence for medical reasons, you must provide a certificate from a medical institution.
  • When caring for a sick relative or disabled person of the 1st group, you must provide medical certificate about the patient's condition and documents proving your relationship.

The procedure for applying for a lump-sum allowance, or where to bring documents?

Documents for receiving benefits are provided after the 12th week from the date of pregnancy. Having prepared everything you need, you must bring a package of documents to work, at the place of study or to the territorial department of the FSS.

It won't take long for a decision to be made. Payment is made within 10 days from the date of submission of the necessary documents.

Accrual and payment of maternity

The procedure for calculating benefits before January 1, 2013 was different. Before this period, the calculation was made depending on the average salary that a woman received during one year. Now the estimated period is 2 years prior to pregnancy. Now let's take a step-by-step look at how maternity pay is calculated using the example of 2017. Read more about the accrual and amount of payments on the page maternity leave.

An example of calculating maternity leave

An employee of Gastronom LLC Petrova P.P. brought to the accounting department "sick leave", confirming maternity leave. The sick leave period is 140 calendar days (from January 9 to May 25, 2017 inclusive). The insurance experience of an employee Petrova P.P. over six months. Previously, Petrova was not on "children's" holidays.

  • The billing period will be from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 (731 calendar days)
  • During this period, Petrova P.P. wages in total RUB 710,000, including: for 2015 - 380,000 rubles; for 2016 - 330,000 rubles.

Earnings of Petrova P.P. for 2015 and 2016 did not exceed the limit values ​​( RUB 670,000 and 718,000 rubles. respectively). Therefore, when calculating benefits, all these payments will be taken into account in their entirety.

In 2016, from November 15 to December 5 (21 calendar days) Petrova P.P. received temporary disability benefits. This means that the duration of the billing period will be (731 - 21) = 710 calendar days.

Average daily earnings are:

RUB 710,000 / 710 days = 1000 rubles/day

What documents are required to receive maternity benefits?

  • Sick leave, issued by the medical institution in which the woman was registered, it is provided upon the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (28th - with multiple pregnancy);
  • If there were several places of work for the last period, the maternity leave is paid to the place of the last of them, a certificate is required stating that the payment was not made elsewhere;
  • Upon dismissal as a result of the liquidation of the company, maternity payments are made by the social security department, subject to registration with the employment service and a certificate of this (the benefit in this case will be 628.47 rubles per month);
  • If the employer cannot pay the benefit, it is paid by the insurance company, whose name you can see on the CHI policy.

Calculation of maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs

Calculation of benefits for individual entrepreneurs occurs in the case of payment of insurance premiums for Last year before the onset of maternity leave (M&R). The amount of the benefit is tied to the minimum wage.

For the payment of maternity IP, you must provide:

  • Application of an individual entrepreneur to the FSS of the Russian Federation with a request to assign an allowance for BiR;
  • Sick leave.

If the labor activity of an individual entrepreneur is carried out simultaneously under an employment contract, while contributions to the FSS were paid for two years, the pregnancy benefit will be received both at the FSS department and from the employer who concluded this agreement.

What benefits can the unemployed receive?

Maternity payments to the unemployed are not made, except in cases where the dismissal is the result of the liquidation of the company (enterprise), or if the woman is studying full-time educational institution senior, middle and primary level (the allowance in this case will be equal to the scholarship and will be paid by the educational institution itself).

The unemployed do not receive payments in connection with registration for early term pregnancy. Although different regions may have their own payments. For example, in Moscow, when registering (for a period of up to 20 weeks), a woman registered in Moscow receives a lump sum payment, which is also valid for unemployed people.

Benefits after the birth of a child

What happiness. Everything happened, and you are a happy mother. Once again, a great reason to rejoice. And during this period, you can also count on receiving various benefits.

Lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child from February 1, 2018 - 16,759.09 rubles. When several children are born, the allowance is received for each separately. Unfortunately, the birth of a stillborn child is not ruled out, in which case payments are not made. This allowance can be received not only by mom, but also by dad or any person replacing parents.

If you are eligible for benefits, you must collect the following documents:

  • A certificate from the place of work that the lump-sum allowance was not paid to the other parent, as well as a certificate from the employment center on the status of the unemployed from the unemployed parent;
  • Certificate from the registry office;
  • Child's birth certificate.

If both parents are unemployed, the payment of a one-time allowance at the birth of a child is carried out at the district department of social protection after the presentation of documents:

  • Certificates from the registry office;
  • Birth certificates of the child;
  • Employment books, in which there are records of dismissal, for those who have not worked before, presentation of a diploma or certificate.

Monthly benefits for child care up to 1.5 years

The amount of payments of the monthly allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years old is 40% of the average salary for the previous two years. The person who takes direct care of the child is entitled to the benefit, and this can be any member of the family.

The minimum amount of monthly payments for the care of the first child from February 1, 2018 is 3142.33 rubles. - non-working and 3788.33 rubles. - working, for the second and subsequent child - 6284.65 rubles. The maximum allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old in 2018 is 24,536.55 rubles.

Documents required to receive benefits

  • Application for grant;
  • A copy of the child's birth certificate (if there is another child, a copy of his birth certificate is also required);
  • Certificate from the place of work on the non-use of maternity leave by the second parent and the monthly allowance for child care;
  • A copy of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

These documents are provided to the employer.

When receiving benefits through the social security authorities, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Application for the grant;
  • Birth certificate of the child, if there are other children - birth certificates and theirs too;
  • Certificate from the employment center on non-receipt of unemployment benefits by an unemployed parent;
  • Certificate from the place of work of the second working parent that he did not receive benefits;
  • Employment book, in which there is a record of dismissal;
  • A copy of the order on granting leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years (for those dismissed during the leave from liquidated enterprises).

Just as in the case of maternity payments, regions may have their own payments in addition to a certain federal law size.

An example of calculating leave to care for a child up to 3 years

Since May 25, 2017 Petrova P.P. takes a leave to care for a child up to 3 years, for the period of which a monthly allowance will be paid until the age of 1.5 years.

The billing period will be the same as in the above example - from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, 710 calendar days(the period of temporary disability at the end of 2016 is not taken into account).

Earnings for 2 calendar years - RUB 710,000

Thus, the monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old will be:

RUB 710,000 / 710 days x 30.4 days x 40% = 12,160 rubles.

Pregnancy is an important event in the life of every woman, and any expectant mother strives to ensure that this time passes for her and the child developing in her womb in the best possible way. The successful course of pregnancy largely depends on qualified medical supervision, so the first thing a woman who learns about her new situation should do is to register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic. Let's talk about how, when and why you need to register and what is needed for this.

When should a pregnant woman register with a gynecologist?

One of the first questions that worries women who have barely found out about their pregnancy is when exactly you need to go to the antenatal clinic in order to be registered for pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend becoming under the supervision of a doctor already in the first trimester, or rather, before the start of the 12th week. This will avoid complications during childbearing, notice and prevent the threat of miscarriage in time and, if necessary, correct the course of pregnancy.

The desire of a pregnant woman to contact a gynecologist as early as possible is quite understandable, but it should be borne in mind that doctors rarely register future women in labor before 7-8 weeks.

They explain this by the fact that the period from 1 to 6 weeks is the time when the risk of spontaneous abortion is still too high. To the objections of the future mother that she wants to keep the pregnancy, the doctors answer: if the pregnancy is interrupted in the very first weeks, this indicates the non-viability of the embryo or the presence of serious deviations in it, so we can say that “natural selection” is acting here, as no matter how sad it may sound for a woman. It would not make sense to keep such a pregnancy.

However, it is still possible to go to a antenatal clinic in the early stages to confirm or deny the onset of pregnancy. During the examination, the gynecologist cannot always notice that the woman is in position, so it is likely that he will send her for an ultrasound examination or for an analysis that determines the level of hCG.

In order to correctly determine the period at which it is already possible to register for pregnancy, one must start not from the expected date of conception, but from the first day of the last menstruation. In medicine, this is called the obstetric period, and this is the method of calculation that gynecologists use to determine how many weeks a woman is pregnant. Having calculated the obstetric period, the gynecologist determines the expected date of birth and the time of maternity leave.

Can I register after 12 weeks?

About why you need to register before 12 weeks, it has already been said a little above. Many pregnant women are interested in whether it is possible to come to the gynecologist later. Theoretically, a woman can get up under the supervision of a doctor even after 12 weeks, but then she must understand what consequences this may have for her and her child. The first important analyzes and studies are carried out already in the 1st trimester, so gynecologists strongly advise: it is better not to miss the recommended registration period.

Women who have come under the supervision of a gynecologist at an early antenatal clinic are encouraged by the state with a small payment, which will be issued along with maternity.

Another important reason not to delay registration is the birth certificate. This is a document that provides a woman with free medical care throughout pregnancy, during childbirth and some time after them. It is handed out at the antenatal clinic when the expectant mother goes to maternity leave, that is, at 28 or 30 weeks - depending on whether she expects one or more children. A prerequisite to obtain a document is the fact of observation of pregnancy for at least 12 weeks, and it is obligatory with one specialist. Therefore, even if a woman did not register early, she should appear at the gynecologist no later than 18 weeks (for multiple pregnancy - no later than 16), otherwise she may be legally denied a certificate, and then she will have to pay for childbirth .

How are pregnant women registered?

Back in the early 2000s, a pregnant woman was required to register for pregnancy exclusively at the place of registration. But in 2006, a decree was issued that regulated the issuance of a birth certificate. This document was created in order to improve the quality of medical care in antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and children's clinics, based on the material interest of medical personnel.

At the same time, thanks to the birth certificate, any woman in our country received the right to independently choose in which women's clinic she would be observed during pregnancy and in which maternity hospital she would like to give birth.

Thus, today, the expectant mother, having collected all the necessary documents, can choose for herself in which medical institution it will be better and more convenient for her to be observed during pregnancy, and has the right to register in almost any antenatal clinic - public or private, at the place of residence , registration or in any other area of ​​​​the settlement. If necessary, you can do this even in another city. It should be borne in mind that not all private clinics are accredited to issue a birth certificate, so it is imperative to clarify this point before signing up for pregnancy monitoring with a particular private gynecologist.

Registering at the place of registration is usually not difficult, especially if it is a women's consultation, in which a woman has already been observed before. You will need the following documents to be placed under medical supervision:

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • pension insurance certificate.

When registering a future mother, the doctor starts 2 cards - an individual card for a pregnant woman and an exchange card. The first is kept in the gynecologist's office until the very birth, the second is handed over to the patient. These are the most important documents for a pregnant woman and her gynecologist. The exchange card is especially valuable. It will include all information related to the health of the mother, the course and outcome of pregnancy, and some data about the newborn. A woman must have an exchange card at any scheduled and unscheduled appointment, including with specialized specialists, and be sure to keep it with her during admission to the maternity hospital.

In order to register outside the place of residence or registration, you must collect all the same documents, make a copy of them and attach to the application. An application addressed to the head of the consultation will contain a request to be attached to this clinic to monitor the course of pregnancy. In addition, you must have a copy of the temporary registration certificate or a copy of the lease agreement with you. As practice shows, the latest documents in clinics are not always required, but in order to avoid unnecessary fuss, it is best to take care of this in advance.

Examination of a pregnant woman at registration

To register for pregnancy, a woman will not only have to collect the necessary documents, but also undergo a series of examinations. First of all, it will be an examination by a gynecologist, with whom she plans to be observed.

When the expectant mother is registered and her individual and exchange card is filled out, the following information is required:

  • date of the last menstruation (to calculate the obstetric period);
  • data on the health of the mother: what diseases and operations she underwent, whether there were more pregnancies and childbirth, whether she has bad habits;
  • data on the weight and size of the pelvis of the pregnant woman;
  • normal blood pressure.

The doctor can conduct an examination on a gynecological chair and take a smear for microflora analysis. At the same appointment, the gynecologist will explain what tests the expectant mother will have to undergo in the near future. A pregnant woman also needs to visit narrow specialists - a therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor.

For up to 30 weeks, a pregnant woman will need to be shown to a gynecologist at least once a month, after that - once every 2 weeks. A period of 36 weeks or more involves a visit to the doctor every week until delivery.

It is not worth neglecting visits to the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, neither at the very beginning, nor for more later dates: on how responsibly the expectant mother and her doctor treat their health and development of the child, the successful delivery and the birth of a healthy and strong baby largely depend. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality medical care and register on time.